concourse issue four

CONCOURSE M A G A Z I N E Issue Four !!(!. !./ ,$+/+#-,$!-. /$+-*. /$! !* %. *%#$ ’!!(!%)*&-+ "*3 2(’ +" /$! */!-2! (0. !!(! !2. +(%/%’ */!-/%*)!*/. 0.% %() !1%!2. !.0(/. (!. )!. 044(!. !) !!(! !+* */!-1%!2 * .+ )0$ )+-!

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Concourse Issue Four


Page 1: Concourse Issue Four





Keele’s best photographersHAWthorns - the end is nigh!keele-imanjaro - fancy a walk?

BEST of the Interweb Plus: Keele News, Politik, KUSU Entertainments, Music & Film Reviews, AU ResultsTables , Games & Puzzles, Team Keele.... 30 Second Interview and so much more!

Page 2: Concourse Issue Four

Any views expressed are not necessarily the views of

Keele University or Keele University Students’ Union.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without

the explicit permission of the editor

Produced anProduced andd Edited by Nick Heath Edited by Nick Heath

Vice President Vice President

Communication & DemocracyCommunication & Democracy

Cover Photo -Cover Photo - Seyi SolarinSeyi Solarin



[email protected]




[email protected]


It’s cold, dark and I’m prettysure that your students loansare looking depressingly pitifulcompared to their once formerglory (if they have arrived atall.) But it could be worse, youcould have your exams and es-says looming over your heads....

oh wait... you do.

OK, I admit it, this issue isn’t being read at thebest of times. On a lighter note, in the not toodistant future you will be shipped back to theparentals under the promises of free food, stock-ings and all the other goodies Christmas bringswith it, but that is still a few weeks away.

So to try and lift the mood, I’ve packed thisissue of Concourse with some of the best photog-raphy Keele has to offer, if a picture is worth athousand words, than this issue is going to over-take Websters Dictionary.

So grab a coffee (whisky optional,) find a seat,and take in the glory that is Keele’s number onesource of news and entertainment.

Hope you enjoy this issue of Concourse!

Nick Heath - Chief Editor


08 ...............................Societies News

12 ...FOCUS - Photograhpy @ Keele

18 .......................................Film Review

19 ..................................Music Reviews

News04 ....Hawthorns - The End is Nigh

06 ..........................IAU, VE & Jobshop

Entertainment10 ..................Whats on @ the Union

20 .......................Found on Facebook

21 .........................Games and Puzzles


24 ................................REsult Tables

24 ........................A View From the AU

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Union CommitteeUC is the executive body for KUSU, made up of

elected officers, it is here to help students with theirday to day probelms, whilst instigating change whichthey have been manadated to do by the students body.If you have any problems don’t hesitate to get in touchwith any of the officers

AU President - Sonia [email protected]

Entertainments Officer - Allie Coombs

[email protected]

Mature Students’ OfficerKate Lawrence

[email protected]

Campus Affairs OfficerLauren Proctor

[email protected]

Disabled Students’ OfficerCharli Bailey

[email protected]

Off Campus Affairs OfficerMorgan-Ross Inwood

[email protected]

Environmental OfficerDan Hougham

[email protected]

International Students’ OfficerAmanda Gross

[email protected]

Post Graduates’ OfficerKunal Khanderia

[email protected]

Male Gender OfficerDavid Igo

[email protected]

Female Gender OfficerHolly Brown

[email protected]

LGBT OfficerJack Thistlewood

[email protected]

Racial Diversity OfficerLeona Russell

[email protected]

Constitutional Affairs SecretaryCarrie Martin

[email protected]

Chair of Student CouncilHannah Gascoigne

[email protected]

Health Faculty RepresentativeAdina Josephs

[email protected]

Hums & Social Science RepresentativeLaurence Mallows

[email protected]

Natural Science RepresentativeKelly Ross

CAC General SecretaryRobert Griffiths

[email protected]

Non Portfolio OfficerAdam Palmer

[email protected]

Hospital Campus Affairs OfficerRichard Bowman

[email protected]

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NEWSHawthorns...The End Is Nigh!

After hearing rumours for the last few years, its has nowbeen made official that Hawthorns Hall is to be torn downand sold off, the story broke in The Sentinel last week,with comments from both local councillors and UniversitySecretary and Registrar, Simon Morris.

While the students are yet to be officially informed, itis understood that this is the start of a five year plan forthe area. It is expected that almost 200 properties will re-place the ageing blocks, with extra accommodation beingbuilt across the other halls of residence to compensate forthe loss of rooms. It is unclear what the fate of TemplarBar or the Select and Save shop are going to be, but with-out the support from Keele students, it seems likely thatthese will also have to go.

There has always been a conflict of interest betweenHawthorns students and Keele Village residents, with lo-cals complaining about ‘drunken students yelling andbrawling’ on their way home from the Union and hallsbars; not forgetting to mention the minor vandalism thatinevitably follows (traffic signs and plant pots seem to beprized possessions for snakebite fuelled academics.) Sowith demolition seeming inevitable, surely this will be a

joyous time for the locals,but the impact of losing allthose students will haveconsequences on busroutes and security patrolscurrently provided or sub-sidized by the University,suggesting that there willnot necessarily be univer-sal support of this develop-ment from the locals.

651students currently live in Hawthorns

With most of the blocks dating back to the 1960’s it is gettingharder and harder to keep the blocks up to current studentsexpectations, ‘Hawthorns is an issue, because of the difficultyin refurbishing it... we have decided to replace rather thanrefurbish’ said Mr Morris. From the Students Union point ofview, it is good to see that the University is finally investing inbetter accommodation for the student body, with fees nowtopping out at an eye watering £3,225 plus an extra £2,800 foraccommodation.... we deserve a little better than what Keeleis currently offering. Lets just hope that the future plans fornew accommodation by the University will take in to accountthe student bodies point of view as well as the accountants.

Do you have an opinion on this story? If so send an email to theeditor. [email protected]

Stressed? Anxious? Worried?

Join us to practice using relaxation techniquesto manage work & exam stress, and anxiety. Wewill cover breathing exercises, muscular relax-

ation and guided visualisations / meditations

25th November2nd December9th December

2.30 - 4pm

You may attend any or all of the sessions. Numbers are limited so please pre-book by phone: 01782 733950or email: [email protected] WMB014

Walter Moberly Building

Center for Learning and Student Support

National Blood Service Breaks Recordsin KUSU Blood Drive

Two weeks ago Keele University Students Union hosted the Na-tional Blood Service in the Ballroom for two days, with around200 students and staff giving up their time, and half a litre ofsomething a lot more valuable. Around 75% of the people whodonated where returning, which means almost 50 people gaveblood for the first time, a record according to the organisers.The Ballroom normally renowned for bad dancing and cheesymusic was full to the brim with anxiety and nerves from the firsttimers, but the worries soon quickly disappeared when the offerof free tea and biscuits came to the table (who said studentswhere fickle!) Interviewing a few of the brave first timers,I askedwhat it was like, and most importantly did it hurt? ‘No! I was re-ally scared at first but once the needle went in my arm, it wasalright..’ while another student (who looked a little faint at thetime) commented, ‘Didn’t hurt. but I miss it... do you think Icould have it back?’

The nurses present said that Keele always hada good turnout and they will be sure to return.Asking for some essential advice about givingblood for future events, they were quick tohighlight, ‘make sure you have breakfast, alsomaybe wait till the afternoon if you went outlast night’ Or in other words, lets not get thepeople on the operating table drunk becausethey where fortunate to get a Keele studentsblood.

The National Blood Service will be returning to Keele next May

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Issue Four


Buses Between Keele University and University

Hospital (Clinical Education Centre)

Buses operate Monday to Friday during University term time

from September 2009

Buses leave KUSU bus stop :08:26, 12:11, 13:11, 17:16

Student Fairs Available Only £1.10 each way

Buses leave University Hospital 08:25, 08:50, 12:30, 13:30, 17:15

D&G Bus 01782 332337

“A problem shared is a problem halved”Society has a habit of making us feel like we should be able to deal with

everything ourselves, that it’s a sign of weakness to seek help. No matterhow big or small, Nightline values each individual and respects the autonomyof all. We believe that reality is subjective. If it matters to you, if it’s af-fecting you - it’s important.

How does talking help? - Say it out loud

Be heard: Feeling that someone has heard you and cares can sometimesbe enough. You are free to talk about anything, for as long as you like, tosomeone that wants to listen to you, that knows how to effectively listen toyou and that cares about what you’re going through.

Be free: Just saying your thoughts or worries out loud can help liberateyou from them. You can offload, unburden yourself or reveal your secretswithout fear of criticism, judgement, come-back or having to see that personagain.


Get perspective: By talking over the issues in your life you can see ifthere’s any value to your thought process. Have you ever found yourself say-ing “it sounds silly when you say it”?

Be understood: You’ll get undivided attention with a fellow student whomay have an understanding of the issues you’re going through, and who cansupport you emotionally, as well as providing access to advice services thatmay be helpful to you.

Identify: It’s your journey of discovery. You have an objective safe spacewhere the person helping you on that journey is not directing you accordingto their own bias. You get as much time and space as you need to see clearlyand identify what you’re feeling, what’s bothering you, why you act a certainway or do certain things.

Feel in control: If you’re experiencing high emotions, you may feel over-whelmed and out of your depth. It’s really important at this time to discussthose emotions with someone to make sense of what you’re feeling, to makeyou feel safe and in control again and to stop you acting on an impulse youmay later regret.

Decide a way forward

Reflect & take charge: You can now reflect onyour situation, discover what you need to dis-cover for yourself and identify your options. Youcan then work out a plan for yourself. Nightlineis there to listen, but we’ll never have the an-swers – we don’t know you and so we cannot andwill not ever tell you what you should do. Wecan be there to support you, but ultimately youhave to get there yourself; -inspire yourself, andmake decisions for yourself, so that you are readyfor any actions you take – as it’s you that has tomanage that change and action. Someone elsetelling you what to do often won’t work if youhaven’t yet understood why you need to do it.

Ask yourself: Is something bothering you? Areyou upset, stressed, angry or lonely? Do you findyourself apologising for talking about your prob-lems? Do you feel like you’re burdening friendsand relatives? Do you find yourself isolated, notable to make friends or ‘putting on an act’? Havethings changed or has something unexpected ortraumatic happened?

Yes? CALL US! Taking your call 9pm - 3am everynight of the week. External : (01782) 733999

Internal : 34999

Keele lead in Student Scramble

Mark Holtz and his Yearbook team have made sure thatKeele keeps its lead in the Carphone Warehouses’ StudentScramble on Facebook, after being creative with humanbodies, and cramming Keelites in to phoneboxes, the nextstage has been to ‘re-create a classic photo’.... So theywent for ‘Lunch Atop A Skyscraper’...

The New York Sky Line had never been so interesting


Buses leave KUSU bus stop08:26, 12:11, 13:11, 17:16

Buses leave University Hospital 08:25, 08:50, 12:30, 13:30, 17:15

Page 6: Concourse Issue Four

The IAU is a ‘Free, Impartial, Non JudgementalIndependent Advice Unit’ found on the topfloor of the Students’ Union. It is here tohelp all Keele students with any problemsyou may have or at least point you in theright direction.

Here are a few things which the IAU havebeen focusing on over the past few weeks.

The Swine that is Swine Flu

With winter colds and Swine Flu and general illness around,now is a good time to plan ahead when it comes to help withhealth costs. People on a low income are able to apply for helpwith health costs NHS prescriptions, NHS dental treatment,NHS wigs and fabric supports, sight tests, glasses and contactlenses or travel to receive NHS treatment if referred by a doc-tor (GP or hospital doctor) or dentist. You might not have topay for these, or you may get help towards the cost. You canclaim now, you don’t have to wait until you need treatment.

Collect a HC1 form from the IAU, your GP/dentist.

Swine flu guidance:’s Swine Flu info is at

If Swine Flu has affected your travel plans your travel insur-ance will need confirmation that you have contacted the Na-tional Pandemic Flu Service 0800 1 513 100 and you will needthe unique ID number they give you.

Credit Card Crunch

The problem with credit cards is that they aren’t good ifyou don’t have a monthly income to pay off the balance.

Most students have irregular income whichdoesn’t tie in with the monthly paymentsneeded to prevent penalty charges fornon-payment and interest. If you havetaken out a credit card and are now notable to repay the outstanding amount, or

if you need help with budgeting, contact the Unit for an ap-pointment and see what help we can provide.

The benefit of the change in the rules regarding Child Benefit(!)

Local authorities have received guidance about the disre-gard of Child Benefit as income with Housing Benefit andCouncil Tax Benefit. If you are claiming benefits and are con-fused about the changes taking place from 2nd Novembercontact the Unit.

Looking for Work? Check out the Jobshop

FREE, professional and friendly service to help Keele stu-dents find part-time work during term-time and part or fulltime work during the vacations.

- Administers applications for work within theStudents’ Union- Specialist advice and guidance on:Employ-ment Advice e.g. National Minimum Wage, In-come Tax, National Insurance, Holiday pay,Working time directive, etc - Prevention of Illegal working, identity checking and helpfor non-uk students - Creation and maintenance of links between Keele Univer-sity and the local community - As members of NASES ‘Vacation Link’ scheme – studentscoming back to the Staffordshire area during university va-cations can use the Jobshop to find vacation work and wecan help Keele students looking for vacation work in theirhome town!

Benefits of part-time work:- Improve transferable skills e.g. confidence, responsibility,motivation, organisational etc- Gain work placement skills e.g. teamwork, communication,problem solving etc Enhances CV’s / application forms and interview techniques- Financial support

Last chance to apply to take part in

University Overseas Challenge- Thailand 2010 -

VE @ Keele is working in partnership with the charity VESL,to offer an exciting volunteer opportunity for Keele studentsto take part in an exciting programme to teach English in ruralprimary & secondary schools in Northern Thailand in the sum-mer 2010. Costs will be in the region of £692 & will includeinsurance, visa, in-country travel, accommodation, food, VE@ Keele & VESL support.

Volunteers must fund flights* &vaccinations, no experience neces-sary as appropriate training will beprovided, but you must be commit-ted, flexible, resourceful & enthusi-astic. If you think you have the rightskills, attitude and motivation to volunteer for Overseas Chal-lenge 2010, contact Becky at: [email protected] an application pack

The closing date for applications is:  4pm on Wednesday 25thNovember 2009.

University Overseas Challenge 2– Thailand 2010 is sustain-able, benefits host communities and offers Keele students acultural exchange experience.

* You must cover the cost of your return flights, which VESLcan arrange on your behalf

Find Us OnTop Floor, Students’ Union

Tel: 01782 7 34800Email: [email protected]

Open 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday06

Page 7: Concourse Issue Four


Issue Four

UNDEMOCRATIC! .....Or just plain sensible?

Matthew Davies - Political Editor

Freedom of speech is a right that I’m sure most of us at

Keele cherish and would not like to be withdrawn from us.However the question I want to ask in this article is: shouldwe have freedom of speech without question, or shouldthere be a limit to freedom of speech?

The Students’ Union currently has a ‘no platform policy’which bans those with extreme political views, both leftand right, from speaking at UGMs and Student Councils andfrom setting up political groups on campus. The ‘no plat-form policy’ is a hotly debated issue not just at Keele, butat every Students’ Union in every university around thecountry. Is the ‘no platform policy’ undemocratic andagainst a key value I’m sure most of us hold? Or is it just‘plain sensible’ not to let extreme political views be heardin Keele University Students’ Union?

This leads to a bigger debate nationally about whether ornot we should debate with those whom we do not agree with,especially those we considerto hold extreme views.Nowhere has this issue re-ceived more attention thanduring the recent decision ofthe BBC to ask the leader ofthe British National Party,Nick Griffin, onto QuestionTime. Was this right considering the BNP won a substantialamount of votes at the European Elections in June, or is itbetter to deny the BNP any media coverage at all? Does it domore harm to allow the BNP to gain the ‘oxygen of publicity’or does it do more harm not to let them have a voice at alland therefore leave people unsure of what they stand for andof what their policies are?

These are big questions and all the more key as the run-upto the General Election approaches where the BNP will hopeto win a substantial amount of votes in Stoke, where they al-ready have their second largest proportion of councillors.Each person will have their own different individual view onthe matter, however KUSU also needs to provide a cohesivestance on the matter, whether to keep the ‘no platform pol-icy’ or to re-debate it at the next UGM (which I’ve heard isquite likely) and get the opinion of the latest crop of stu-dents’ on the matter.

The next UGM is on Thursday 10th December in the Ball-room


To a packed committee room at the House of Commonslast week, to address the latest student rally.

The government has now appointed former BP boss LordBrowne to chair a review of university and student fi-nance, expected to report in autumn next year. And theNUS lobby provided an immediate platform to show thestrength of feeling against any increase in fees.

With getting towards half of school and college leaversgoing into higher education, the reality is that none of themain parties – Labour, Conservative or the Liberal Democ-rats - backs funding out of general taxation alone.

The question over contributions remains, as ever, howto design a system that’s fair and doesn’t deter peoplethrough fear of debt. Personally, when I led opposition tohigher (and variable) fees years ago, I favoured a so-called‘graduate tax’.

That means people contribute according to earnings. Itwould be progressive, not a flat amount. It wouldn’t pe-nalise people out of employment nor women, especially,taking time out to have children.

That’s the position of the NUS today. The danger is, thoughthrough the lobbying of Vice Chancellors, interested inleague table rankings – that we get a ‘quick fix’, focussingon fees alone.

What we need is what the review’s terms actually state –a look at the system in the round, for everyone’s benefit,not just a few institutions driving it from the top down.

That’s why all students mustmake their voices heard. Ipledged last week to breakmy party’s whip again if itopted to lift the cap on fees.After the next election thereare going to be lots of ambi-tious, new MPs, jostling toclimb the greasy ladder. I’mglad, therefore, that the NUSis asking all candidates to setout their stall before, so stu-dents know where they stand.

Musings from our MPPaul Farrelly MP for Newcaslte under Lyme

Page 8: Concourse Issue Four


All you movers and shakers outthere listen up!

Beka Andrews

Want to learn a new dance style, brush up on your technique orjust have a bit of fun? Then Keele Dance Society is the place for you!

We are a friendly, open to everyone society who love to dance and per-form and meet new people. Want to showcase that talent of yours? With

us you can, in our annual charity dance show! Every year around March wehost a dancing spectacular, showing off a range of dancing styles and abilities

to friends and family all in the name of charity.

Want to meet new people and have some great nights out? Come out with us onone of our amazing socials! It might be dancing the

night away at the union or beating one of thecommittee at bowling or joining us in our other

love, eating, with a meal in Newcastle! Our socialsecs are great at organising a range of fun stuff for

us to get to know each other better when not at dance.

Upcoming socials include: Locked Up – a prisoner themed bar crawlon 25th November, Toga Night – a fancy dress night in the union on 4th December anda Christmas Meal on 15th December. Keele Dance Society is always looking for newmembers and is open to everyone so whether you’ve never danced in your life or youconsider yourself a Step Up worthy opponent come on down to our classes:

For more information join our Facebook group: Keele Dance Society 09/10 or email us at: [email protected]

Keele University Foosball Society Presents

The Keele Open

Table Football Tournament28th - 29th November 2009

The Ballroom, Keele University Students’ Union

Only £10 Entry for new Players

All Experience Levels Welcome - Compete with players rangingfrom beginner to world championship standard, gain your own

official UK ranking.

Women’s Society

We are a new and thriving society, that welcomes new faces, ideas and thoughts! Wemeet approximately every 2-3 weeks where we discuss issues that affect real women,while being in an enjoyable and fun environment.

We are aiming to implement a lot of different things in the next few weeks but weneed some people to help! We are only as good as our members!

Why come along? Well, we promote equality between men and women and are ‘prowoman’. With there being a 35.2% pay gap in part time employment and where 3 millionwomen in Britain are affected by sexual violence, we need like minded women to helpour cause – don’t let feminism sound like a dirty word.

For More Info Contact: [email protected] Us On Facebook “Keele Women’s Society”

Next Meeting: 9th December 2009, 5:30pm at Lindsay Bar


Mondays: 7-9 HipHop, 9-10 - Advanced Hip


Thursdays: 6-6.30 - Warm up, 6.30-7.30 - Modern

7.30-8.15- Ballet, 8.15-9 – Tap

All classes are held in theBallroom

Page 9: Concourse Issue Four

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Page 10: Concourse Issue Four

Well folks term is flying by and it will only be a few more weeks until we say goodbyeto you all and 2009 to boot. Before we say goodbye we’ve got some ace events to chaseaway those winter & essay blues.

We know how you love a Headphone Disco and we know money is tight so on the27th Nov the 3D HD will be part of the entertainments for Get Funked....lovely!

The last Massive Monday of term on the 14th Dec is set to be a big one we’ve got aRoller last chance to get those primarni legwarmers out!

OOoo I almost missed out the Winter Wonderland Xmasparty with our very special guest Radio 1’s Scot Mills, wehope you show him lots of Keele love and then he can go onto let his listeners know exactly where the best university inthe land is...KEELE! We’ve also got a giant white chocolatefountain, santas grotto, a bucking reindeer and some won-derful Christmas decor, which knowing you guys will beadourning your blocks and rooms after the dolove your SU decor souvenirs!!

Pssst.....secret info!! There is an invitation only party hap-pening in Sams Bar on the 5th Dec brought to you by the Se-cret Record Club. Check out the facebook group ‘AClockWonk Orange’ and see if you can bag yourself an invite.

Jayne x x x

Page 11: Concourse Issue Four

Are you in thesephoto’s?

If so you’re on the Guest Listfor our new

Wednesday Night Project -just go up to the ents office to

get your name down!

Make the Union, YOUR UNION!

Here in the Entertainments Office we strive to give you the best nights out we can,and we always welcome your opinions on how you think we can make your Union bet-ter. Not only do we have the weekly entertainments meetings, but we also have avariety of Facebook groups that you can leave your feedback on, and the office dooris always open.

In order to provide you with what you want we need your opinions. We would liketo know what you have liked so far, and what you would change about the nights wehave. Also, what is it that turns you off coming out to the union particularly on aMonday, Wednesday and Friday? How can we make these nights better for you? Themore feedback you give, the more information we have to work with.

Basically, your feedback = new ideas = a better night out for all!

I will set up a discussion on the KUSU ENTERTAINMENTS Facebook group where youcan leave your answers.

Don’t forget the Entertainments meetings are held every Friday at 3pm in K2!

Muchos Love,Allie xxx

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@ Keele


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b Watts


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Paranormal Activity

I was going to see Fantastic Mr. Fox but unfortu-nately it was not running anymore. Instead I decidedto watch a film I had not heard of before. It was rec-ommend to me by various Keele students and obviouslyyour opinion is worth pure gold to me.

I’m not too fond on horror films for obvious reasons. Ivalue a good nights sleep. However after I’m able to watchthe “The Ring” all by myself, I thought I will give it a go.Also, I had my friend next to me, who offered his arm in caseof emergency (I recommended that to everyone).

Paranormal Activity by Oren Peli is the story of Katie (KatieFeatherston) and Micah (Micah Sloat), a pretty normal couplein their twenties. They live in a nice, suburban house some-where in the States. However since her early childhood Katiefeels that she has been haunted by some kind of dark crea-ture appearing at night. Micah's decision to get into contactvia video cam soon proves to be not the greatest idea. Thecamera shows what is happening while the couple is asleepand it seems that it is not only Micah who is looking for somecontact....

Obviously I cannot give away much of the content, thatwould naturally spoil the concept of a horror film. Neverthe-less this film is excellent and fulfills everything a well madehorror film needs. Also it is refreshing that this film does not

I managed to see two feature films for this issue and I 'mglad that I saw at least one good film. 2012 by Roland Em-merich (Independence Day) is complete and utter shite. Ba-sically, you can waste three precious hours of your life togo and see this movie. I do enjoy a good world end scenariofrom time to time. However this film is going over the edgeand also tries to send a pseudo moral lesson. Nothing workshere and the acting is particularly bad. You get the failedauthor and family father (John Cusack) who tries to savehis family and surprisingly succeeds. You get the BlackAmerican president (Danny Glover), who stays with his fel-low citizens instead of saving his bum by flying off with AirForce One. You get the heroic scientist (Chiwetel Ejiofor),who knew it all and still cannot do anything about it. Youget the Chinese, Russian and Indian sidekicks with heavy ac-

cents. Yeah, yeah, it is all there in good old America.

FilmFrederike Dammé - Film Editor


need expen-sive special ef-fects and four hour longmake-up. The budget was only15,000 dollars, which is cheap. The films lives from its am-ateur cinematography and down to earth acting, which inmy eyes, perfectly fits the bill, if you want to be trulyscared. I can tell you now, that you will be if you let your-self get into the story.

This film has been compared to “Blair Witch Project”and “Open Water “ but even though there might be simi-larities in terms of cinematography I personally think Para-normal Activity is much better. The actors do a great joband create an atmosphere without screaming or heavybreathing every two seconds. All in all and (as you probablyhave noticed), I think it is a great film and the only do onething, and that absolutely recommend it!

Did You


The director of Paranormal Activity got theidea for the movie from a personal experi-ence. Late at night he was sleeping and a boxof detergent fell off the shelf. The box waspushed too far back for it to just tilt and fall

This film was obviously extremely expensive, one thinkabout all these special effects but the lesson we learn isagain, money does not mean taste. It is a shame that goodactors such as John Cusack or Thandie Newton, who playsthe presidents daughter, waste their talent on a film likethis. If you are a special effects fan, you might even seesomething positive. However the message I want to sendto you is: Don' t watch this movie, not even on DVD. Thankyou!


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Issue FourMUSICviewsRe-


Andy Johnson - Music Editor

London Calling – Thirty Years On

December 14th 2009 sees the 30th anniversary of the re-lease of one of rock's all time classic albums – London Calling,the legendary third album by punk icons The Clash. Given theproximity of this occasion, celebrated among others by Radio1's Zane Lowe, now seems like a good time to look back onthis hugely significant record. Few albums have covered asmuch stylistic ground as successfully as London Calling did,and the fact that The Clash achieved that whilst also chal-lenging what audiences could expect from a punk band, andyou have on your hands not only a a hugely entertaining setof songs but a historical milestone that genuinely changedmusic.

Before 1979, The Clashwere, in genre terms atleast, just another punkband, one of many in an erawhen punk was a huge (ifshort-lived) cultural phenom-enon in the UK. They'd ex-pertly covered a reggae songon their 1977 self-titleddebut album, but generally

the band were just like their contemporaries – reliant ondriving, three-chord riffs, pounding drums and politicallyrics. On London Calling though, they massively broadenedtheir horizons in a way that would drop the jaws of justabout everyone except the Beatles. Through styles likepunk, rock, reggae, ska, 50's rockabilly and soul the bandexplored themes like nuclear meltdown (“London Calling”),drugs (“Hateful”, “Koka Kola”), consumerism and anxiety(“Lost in the Supermarket”) and unusually for The Clash,love (“Train in Vain”).

The effects were both immediate and long-term. Rightaway, the record became an overwhelming critical and com-mercial success. The Clash became a versatile, wide-rangingrock band, escaping the punk pigeonhole. When punk en-tered a crisis and then a rapid death in the UK in the 1980s,The Clash proved to have more longevity than their peers,helped by their willingness to experiment on London Calling.What's most impressive about the record, though, is the factthat its relevance continues into today, still looked backupon as one of the very best albums of the 70s. What's per-plexing though, is how the title track is so often mis-used –amusingly, Scouting For Girls covered it to celebrate thesuccess of London's olympic bid, apparently oblivious to thefact that the song is partly about the end of the world...but given what a fun record London Calling is, I'm sure JoeStrummer would have appreciated the irony.

“New Fang” - Heard anything by Them Crooked Vul-tures yet? Consisting of Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, Nir-vana), John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) and Josh Homme(Queens of the Stone Age) the trio are among the mosttalked about bands to emerge this year – so much so,their members' pedigree helped sell out their tour be-fore they'd released any songs. “New Fang” is theband's first proper single and a real southern rock stomper – sounding morelike Homme's previous work than anyone else's, with its angular guitar boogieand Grohl's thunderous drum performance. The shape of good things to come,as far as the just-released self-titled album is concerned.

“My Love Is Better” - This single came out back in the middle of Octo-ber, but it deserves a mention nonetheless. Norwegian singer Annie's brandof electropop is just that bit slicker and more intelligent than just aboutanyone else's at the moment, and the fourth singlefrom her new second record, Don't Stop, is as goodan example as any. “My Love Is Better” combinesAnnie's smooth Scandinavian vocals with a percolat-ing guitar riff and some enjoyably thumping beats.More wry than venomous, this song of romantic one-upmanship gets its tone exactly right and squeezesout every drop of fun the concept allows – wellworth checking out.

The oddly-titled GorillaManor is the debut albumfrom Local Natives, whoaren't local at all but in-stead hail from Los Ange-les, although they didplay the Sugarmill inearly October. Having seen them live there,I can say with confidence that they were myfavourite band on this year's NME Radar Tour.The trouble with this record of glassy, vocalharmony-laden set of songs though, is that it'sjust desperately samey. By having too manysoundalike songs, this otherwise enjoyableand occasionally great pop rock album fails tocapture the band's soaring live sound. Merelyaverage.


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Found something on Facebook andwant to share it with the rest ofKeele? Email the photo [email protected] or upload it

to the Concourse Facebook group; if chosenyou could WIN free entry For you and amate on a night of your choice!20



For Lauren

Page 21: Concourse Issue Four

a m a z i n g s u p e r p o w e r s . c o m

KUSU CroSSwordAcross





9.­ Four­ legged­ officer­ of­ the

































GameS &


1 2 3 4


6 7


9 10

11 12 13 14

15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25

26 27



Purhaps This Was

A Poor Investment

6 1 2 5 4

3 6 7 9

9 3


6 7 5 3 1 2 8


3 7

5 1 4 6

4 7 6 5 2


Men’s urine is less acidic than womens...I’m sure your glad that you know that....

Mainland China spans across 5 timezones, yet all across the whole countryyou will never have to change yourwatch... its the same all over.

The name ‘Viking’ comes from a languagecalled ‘Old Norse’ and means ‘a pirateraid’.

An estimated global audience of more

N I K I P E D I A You’re­source­of­random­knowledge


than 4 billion people are expected to watch the opening ceremonyof the London Olympic Games on 27 July 2012.

You’re not allowed to play tennis in the streets of Cambridge bylaw.

The peregrine falcon can reach over 320kph in a dive, making itthe fast animal in the world....

Page 22: Concourse Issue Four

thirty SeCond interviewConCoUrSe aSKed: who do yoU want to win

Hannah Hiles

Cara & Dale

Kim Ahrens

Jenny Hunt

Josh Kyriacout

Emily & Dan

Olly Murs! FTW! He’s a bitdifferent, I can see himgoing a long way. Also I cansense he is authetic

I think Olly should win, heis easilly the best singer,can dance well... also FITAS! Reminds me of RobbieWilliams...

Stacey Solomon, She hasto be the best singer,seems to have a nice per-sonality.. also she is theonly girl left... so we haveto give her our support!

Jedward!!! They have im-proved the most, gone frompretty bad to almost good!Also seem like fun guys...

I like the one with thepurist tone of voice, quitecute, and a bit of style....its got to be Joe McElderry

Piss Off, I can’t stand X-Factor! Its ruining individu-ality of music, crapcontest, money spinningidea! Load of Crap!

Best of the Interweb

22 - While the spelling might annoy you, the Americans did get

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Page 23: Concourse Issue Four


Continued from page 24....With all members currently flyingthe flag high and proud for Keele you could say I’m a very happyAU president!

Away from the buzz off Wednesday fixtures we have beenbusy organising Varsity. For those of you who are newbies thisis when we play the scum from Staffs Uni in various games inone day. This year Varsity is on our turf and I can only think ofone thing...BRINGING THAT TROPHY HOME!!! The banter has al-ready started between the two AU committees even betweensome of the teams. Mens Lacrosse giving Staffs a taster bysmashing them in a friendly at the start of the year. Varsity thisyear will be bigger and better! Of course it all depends onwhether their AU Pres can manage to get teams out seeing ashe has already admitted to not knowing what and who most histeams are!!

Bring on Varsity!

I’m currently writing this the week before the AU Christmasball..I’m gonna guess it will be a fun and civil evening with nomishaps or anyone throwing up on their dinner from too muchwine! We will see, one thing is for sure it will definately be anight that won't be forgotton. Not only do we hold a greatsporting tradition here at Keele we also know how to party hardwhich I’m sure you have all experienced bought the t-shirt andnow paid for the keyring.

On a final note would just like to say well done to all themembers of the AU for working hard and promoting the nameof Keele on a regional and National stage. You’re all stars..butthe season isn't over yet guys so keep at it!!

If you haven't joined a sports team and would like to it'snever too late so what you waiting for?! Pop down to the AUoffice in the Leisure Centre and we will point you in the rightdirection.

But for now take proud..Team:Keele


Sam Ward

A team of 9 from Keele Mountaineering Club, plus 1 volca-nologist are facing the challenging Rongai route of Kiliman-jaro in June 2010. The extinct volcano rises dramaticallyabove the plains of East Africa displaying an impressivesnow-capped summit. At over 19,000ft high, it is a toughascent and the team will need to be in good physical condi-tion.

Although the trek seems so far away the clock is tickingand each member has to work on their personal fitness aswell as find time for fundraising activities. Half of themoney raised will be split between the Mountain Rescue andthe Air Ambulance Service, with the other half going to helpfund the cost.

Both of these charities receive no government funding andso rely purely on donations and we feel that these are wor-thy causes which do not receive enough attention both fi-nancially and in the media. Please help us assist thesecharities by supporting us in our fundraising activities, whichincludes a live band night in K2 on Sunday 6th December.


‘The Bigger the Bounce the morethe Bed Shakes’

Last year Keele Trampolining Club won the most improvedclub at the AU presentation ball, thanks to an amazing com-mittee and the members. This year we hope to carry on andmake our club even stronger. Last weekend we representedKeele at a competition atLoughborough University.

We set off at 6.45 andtook eleven competitorsalong in various cate-gories. We all successfullycompeted, by all complet-ing our routines and stay-ing on the trampoline(unlike last year). Everyone did so well! We are still awaitingthe results but it looks like we were on track for at least onemedal!

We all tried very hard, had a fantastic day, and are very proudof all that took part, and of course ended the day in true stylewith a huge Chinese take away

Page 24: Concourse Issue Four


Team Played Won Drew Lost Position in League

Badmington Mens 1st 4 0 2 2 6th of 6

Badmington Mens 2nd 4 1 1 2 5th of 9

Badmington Womens 1st 4 4 0 0 1st of 6

Basketball Mens 1st 4 0 0 4 6th of 6

Basketball Womens 1st 1 1 0 0 1st of 4

Fencing Mens 1st 3 3 0 0 1st of 5

Fencing Womens 1st 3 0 0 0 5th of 5

Football Mens 1st 4 4 0 0 1st of 6

Football Mens 2nd 3 1 1 1 3rd of 6

Football Mens 3rd 3 0 0 3 6th of 6

Football Mens 4th 4 2 2 0 1st of 8

Football Womens 1st 4 0 0 4 6th of 6

Golf Mens 1st 1 0 0 1 7th of 7

Golf Womens 1st 1 0 0 1 7th of 7

Hockey Mens 1st 4 2 0 2 4th of 6

Hockey Mens 2nd 1 1 0 0 7th of 8

Hockey Womens 1st 4 1 0 3 5th of 6

Hockey Womens 2nd 3 2 0 1 2nd of 8

Lacrosse Mens 1st 3 1 0 2 4th of 5

Lacrosse Womens 1st 3 1 0 2 6th of 10

Netball 1st 4 0 0 4 6th of 6

Netball 2nd 3 0 0 3 6th of 6

Netball 3rd 3 2 0 1 2nd of 5

Rugby Mens 1st 4 1 0 3 8th of 8

Rugby Mens 2nd 4 1 0 3 7th of 9

Rugby Womens 1st 2 0 1 1 6th of 11

Squash Mens 1st 4 3 0 1 3rd of 10

Squash Womens 1st 4 0 0 4 6th of 6

Tennis Mens 1st 3 1 0 2 5th of 8

Vollyball Mens 1st 2 1 0 1 4th of 7

Vollyball Womens 1st 1 0 0 1 3rd of 5

BUCS Results & League Positions - As of Monday 16th November

A View from the AUSonia Douz - AU President

It's been pretty busy over here in the Athletic Union! So farthis semester we have signed up nearly 1,200 students andthis is increasing everyday.Which is a lot more compared tolast year! It seems all the typical stereotypes of studentsbeing lazy aren't so true, with many of you continuing withsports or taking up a sport for the first time.

Our start within BUCS (university sports leagues) has beenimpressive! We have definately made our presence felt! Witha fair few wins under our belts and many more to come it'slooking good for Team:Keele. With so many teams to name Icould be here forever but currently leading the way is theMens Fencing team destroying their league. The Mens Foot-ball first team are not only smashing their BUCS fixtures buthave now become a threat within the Staffordshire CountyLeague.

Continued on Page 23