confidence intervals. types of estimates even when samples are taken using proper sampling...


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Page 1: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


Page 2: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Types of EstimatesEven when samples are taken

using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error.

Statistics are actually estimates of true population values (parameters)

Page 3: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Types of Estimates2 basic types

Point Estimate• A specific numerical value that estimates a parameter

• Ex: is a point estimate for . “The average salary for a school nurse is $32000.”


Page 4: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Types of Estimates

Interval Estimate• An entire range of values used to estimate a parameter

• Ex: “The average salary for a school nurse is between $29,000 - $35,000 a year.”

• or “ The average salary for a school nurse is $32,000 3000.”

Page 5: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Interval Estimates 3000 in last example is refered

to as the margin of error.

An advantage to interval estimates compared to point estimates is that there is a better chance that the actual parameter falls within that range.

Page 6: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

What is a Confidence Interval?An interval estimate of a parameter

obtained from a sample with a certain probability the estimate will contain the parameter.

For example: If the 95% confidence interval for the salary of nurses is between $29000 - $35000 then that means there is a 95% chance that the true mean lies within that range.

Page 7: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


Page 8: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

How is a confidence interval determined?Need 2 values:

1. The Maximum Error of Estimate (E)o The largest possible difference between

a point estimate and the actual parameter itself.

o Formula:

2. The sample mean:

/ 2E zn


Page 9: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Common Confidence Intervals ()Most problems will ask for the

90%, 95%, or 99% confidence interval.

Formula for a Confidence Interval:

/ 2 / 2z zxn n


Page 10: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Determining the z-scores:A 90% C.I. is comparable to the

middle 90% on the normal distribution



z = -1.64 z =1.64

Page 11: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Z-scores for common confidence intervals90% C.I. - z = 1.64

95% C.I. - z = 1.96

99% C.I. - z = 2.58

Page 12: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1:The president of a University

wishes to estimate the average age of students presently enrolled. From past studies, the standard deviation is known to be 2 years. A sample of 50 students is selected and the mean is 23.2 years. Find the 95% C.I. and the 99% C.I. of the population mean.

Page 13: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Part 1: = 95%

23.2x 1.96z 2 50n

2 223.2 1.96 23.2 1.96

50 50

/ 2 / 2z zxn n


22.65 23.75

Page 14: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Part 2: = 99%

23.2x 2.58z 2 50n

2 223.2 2.58 23.2 2.58

50 50

/ 2 / 2z zxn n


22.47 23.9

Page 15: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


Is it large enough???

Page 16: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Determining sample sizeSample size is the key element in

determining accuracy when comparing sample means to population means.

Example: If you want your sample mean to be within $1000 of your population mean then you must ensure to take a large enough sample.

Page 17: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

How large is large enough?Formula to determine sample


/ 2zn


Page 18: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1:A college president wants a

professor to estimate the average age of the students. The professor decides the estimate should be accurate within 1 year and 99% confident. From a previous study, the standard deviation is known to be 3 years. How large a sample is required?

Page 19: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1: solution

2.58z 3 1E


/ 2zn


22.58 3

59.9 601


Page 20: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


Page 21: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Requires the use of the T-Distribution

Comparison to the Normal Distribution:Similariti


1. Bell-Shaped

2. Symmetric About the mean

3.Mean, Median, Mode = 0 and located in the center of the distribution


1. Variance is > 1

2. Actually a family of curves rather than just

one curve

3. As n gets larger the t-distribution

approaches the normal


Page 22: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Degrees of Freedom•Changes the shape of the t-distribution•The # of values that are free to vary after a sample statistic has been computed. •Tells the researcher (or the student) which specific curve from the family to use. •The # of Degrees of Freedom is always equal to n - 1

Page 23: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Formula for Confidence Interval

Same basic format of other formula but using different chart!

/ 2 / 2

s st t



Page 24: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1:A recent study of 25 students

showed that they spent an average of $18.53 for gasoline per week. The standard deviation of the sample was $3. Find the 99% confidence interval of the true mean.

Page 25: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1: Solution

n = 25 D. of f. = 24t = 2.797

3s 18.53x

/ 2 / 2

s st t



3 32.797 2.797

2518.53 18.53


16.85 20.21

Page 26: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

When to use t or z?????Do you know

the population standard


yesUse the normal distribution (z-



Is n 30? yesUse the normal distribution (z-



Use t-distribution (t-


Page 27: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


Page 28: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example of a proportionIn a study, 200 people were

asked if they were satisfied with their job or profession. 162 said they were.

Point estimate for a sample proportion:



1 81% 19%q

Page 29: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Formula for Confidence Interval

Where ‘p’ represents the true proportion of people from the population

/ 2 / 2

p q p qp z p p z

n n

Page 30: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1:A survey of 80 recent fatal traffic

accidents showed that 46 were alcohol- related. Find the 95% confidence interval of the true proportion of people who die in alcohol-related accidents.

Page 31: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1: Solution

n = 80z = 1.96

.425q 46.575


.575 .425 .575 .425.575 1.96 .575 1.96

80 80p

.47 .68p

/ 2 / 2

p q p qp z p p z

n n

Page 32: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


Page 33: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics


If no approximation for p-hat is known, you should use .5


/ 2zn p q


Page 34: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1:An educator desires to estimate,

within .03 the true proportion of high school students who study at least 1 hour each school night. He wants to be 98% confident. How large a sample is necessary? (From a previous study it is known that 60% of 250 students did)

Page 35: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 1: Solution

.60p .40q .03E 2.33z


/ 2zn p q



2.33.60 .40 1448


Page 36: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 2:We wish to estimate the

proportion of students who own a cell phone. We want to be 95% confident and accurate within 5% of the true proportion. Find the minimum sample size necessary.

Page 37: CONFIDENCE INTERVALS. Types of Estimates Even when samples are taken using proper sampling techniques, there is still room for sampling error. Statistics

Example 2: Solution

.50p .50q .05E 1.96z


/ 2zn p q



1.96.50 .50 385
