confidence unit 3 b


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Post on 11-Nov-2015




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coaching on cnfidence


  • To discuss how confidence can take your English skills to the next level and to learn techniques to appear to be and actually be more confident

  • Forensic artist draws how women see themselves

  • After watching the video, discuss the following questions.What do you think the purpose of the project was?Do you think the creators succeeded in their mission? Can you relate to the women in this video?How do you rate your English skills?

  • Self reflectionPositiveConstructiveWhat are 5 things you like about yourself? What are 5 things you like about your current English skills/level?

    Write them on a piece of paper. You do not have to share them if you do not wish.

    What are 5 things you do not like about yourself? Write them on a piece of paper. What are 5 things you do not like about your current English skills/level?

    Write them on a piece of paper. You do not have to share them if you do not wish.

  • Self reflectionThink about what you listed as things you didnt like about yourself or your English skills.

    What are some things you can do to improve in those areas?How can you change the way you view yourself and/or your skills?

  • Avoid Misunderstandings at Work Communicating with ConfidenceMisunderstandings in the workplace are often the result of poor self-confidence. Confidence shows up first in your presence. In-other-words, your posture, the way you move, the way you stand and your energy. What does all of this have to do with avoiding misunderstandings? The non-verbal message sent by slouchy shoulders, an unbalanced stance and a voice that lacks conviction can easily negate even the clearest verbal message and that causes misunderstandings. Communicate like you mean it.

  • If you have time Consider the young manager who is not quite sure of herself as she attempts to give direction to her assistant. The request might be as simple as completing a report needed for a meeting. Her words might be clear but her assistant might read her lack of confidence in her demeanor to meanif you have time to get it done.

  • Conversation in your headIf youre thinking this never happens, think again. The dog whisperer, Cesare Milan, tells dog owners that the conversation they are having in their in heads positive or negative translates to the energy a dog understands. The same thing occurs with humans, and no one knows this better than children. The mother who attempts to stop her child from an unwanted behavior by sweetly saying no honey in a voice that says I dont really mean it hardly gets the response she would like.Communicating with confidence wont eliminate all misunderstandings but it will help. What do you think?

  • Follow the instructions to practice varying your tone.

  • Read the following poem out loud. Try to convey an angry tone.Dear Mom, You said you'd always be there But you're nowhere to be found I can't believe you left me I feel so low beneath the ground There's nothing I can do now I trusted you ..........

  • Read the following poem out loud. Try to convey an angry tone.Standing in self-hatred, drowning in my tears. Looking back on my life, what I've been through the past 18 years. Living in my brother's shadow, everything I do & say, wishing ..........

  • Read the following poem out loud. Try to convey a sad tone.

  • Read the following poem out loud. Try to convey amusement.They do it without realizing, They dont really have a clue, Reading between the lines, Is something they just cant do. When there is an argument, They think they're always right, No matter what we say or do, They didnt start the fight. They blame it on our hormones, And never take the rap, If they call us moody, Then they get a slap.

  • Read the following poem out loud. Try to convey despair.

  • Youre probably asking yourself Why is my coach making me do this?

    If you dont feel confident internally, fake it!

  • AchievementsMake a list of your achievements At workRegarding your English skills

  • Confidence building tipsfrom Psychology TodayMake three lists: one of your strengths, one of your achievements, and one of the things that you admire about yourself. Try to get others to help you with these lists. Keep the lists in a safe place and read through them regularly.Think positively about yourself. Remind yourself that, despite your problems, you are a unique, special, andvaluable person, and that you deserve to feel good about yourself. Identify and challenge any negative thoughts that you may have about yourself, such as I am a loser or I never do anything right, or No one really likes me.Set yourself a challenge that you can realistically achieve, and then go for it!