confirmed in the spirit catechist guide | english

Confirmed in the Spirit CATECHIST GUIDE

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Easy-to-use, the Catechist Guide is the perfect step-by-step companion for catechists, teachers, or youth ministers of every experience level. Confirmed in the Spirit uses teaching methods and a relatable, respectful approach that engages young people and meets them where they are in their spiritual lives.


Page 1: Confirmed in the Spirit Catechist Guide | English

Confirmed in the Spirit


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Prayer to the Holy Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV–1

Program Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OV–2

The Effective Catechist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–1

A Catechist’s Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–1

Techniques and Tools of Teaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–2

Sacred Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–4

Multicultural Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–5

Teaching Young People with Special Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–6

Understanding the Sacrament of Confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EC–9

CHAPTER 1 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a

Confirmed in the Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

CHAPTER 2 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13a

Confirmed in Discipleship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

CHAPTER 3 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25a

Confirmed in Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

CHAPTER 4 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37a

Confirmed in Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

CHAPTER 5 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49a

Confirmed in Holiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

CHAPTER 6 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61a

Confirmed in the Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

CHAPTER 7 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73a

Confirmed in Witness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

CHAPTER 8 Catechist Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85a

Confirmed in Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Catholic Beliefs and Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Optional Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–123a

Optional Chapter A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–123a

Optional Chapter B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–130a

Blackline Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–135

Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–145

Answer Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–153

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T–158

contentsConfirmed in the Spirit

Contents iii

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Knowing and Sharing Your FaithChapter Theme: Jesus sends his Spirit to help us.

Faith Focus: The Spirit sent by Jesus comes to us at Baptism and Confirmation and gives us the ability to live the Christian life.

Scripture in Chapter 1John 14:15–18 It is clear in this reading that Jesus is our first advocate, the one who exhorts us and comforts us. But since he must return to the Father, he sends us another one, the Holy Spirit. When teaching about the Holy Spirit, keep in mind that the names that we give him, like advocate, and the symbols used to express his reality are really ways of describing how he continues the work of Jesus after his Death and return to the Father. The mission of Jesus and the Holy Spirit is inseparable. Whenever God sends his Son, he always sends his Spirit.

Scripture for Further ReflectionNumbers 11:25John 14:16John 14:26Acts of the Apostles 1:8Romans 5:5Galatians 5:1

3-Minute RetreatBefore you prepare for this session, pause for a few moments to be still. Clear your mind of distractions and be aware of the loving presence of God.


Ezekiel 36:25–28

I will sprinkle clean water over you to make you clean; from all your

impurities . . . I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put

within you . . . you will be my people, and I will be your God.

ReflectingBefore the beginning of time, the Spirit of God, ruach, already hung over the void: “and the earth was without form or shape, with darkness over the abyss and a mighty wind sweeping over the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) The Creator’s handiwork reached its pinnacle in Adam. Ruach, God’s breath, quickened clay with human life. “[T]hen the LORD God formed the man out of the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7) From then on, God’s Spirit was active in the lives of God’s chosen ones.

God the Father sent the Holy Spirit to reveal to the world that Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus promised that he would send the Holy Spirit to his follow-ers. “. . . [W]hoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)

We receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism. Then in Confi rmation the Spirit is strengthened in us. He comes to strengthen in us the faith, hope, and love infused by Baptism. His presence enables us to follow Christ more closely.

Ideally the entire parish community seeks renewal in the Spirit each time candidates are confi rmed. It is an important time of rediscovery of Christ as Savior and the Holy Spirit as Sanctifi er through prayer and the Scriptures. It is a happy time of greater witness to Christ and more generous service to neighbor. Indeed, it is a time of metanoia, a time of conversion, when the entire faith community joins together and pleads:

Come, Holy Spirit, fi ll the hearts of your faithful.And kindle in them the fi re of your love.

QuestionsHow aware of the Spirit am I in my life?

What attitudes toward Confirmation do I want to cultivate in our candidates?

Speak to your heavenly Father, using these words or your own.

Spirit of Life, open the hearts of our candidates to your grace.


CHAPTER 1: Confirmed in the Spirit 1a

Confirmed in the Spirit



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Chapter ThemeJesus sends his Spirit to help us.

Faith FocusThe Spirit sent by Jesus comes to us at Baptism and Confi rmation and gives us the ability to live the Christian life.

Focusing on Chapter 1Young people preparing for Confi rmation seek to be sealed by the Spirit, who will strengthen and deepen their faith lives. The Spirit’s presence is evident throughout the Bible, fi lling those God calls to be his people. The Spirit continues to work in our lives today. Through his Spirit, Christ forms us as his body, the Church. He calls us to use the gifts we have received in service of him and his people and to love one another as he has loved us. The Spirit enables confi rmed Christians to live lives of faith and holiness.

As young people explore the meaning of their baptismal name or search for a new name for Confi rmation, they will read about the saints. Centuries of saints have fulfi lled their baptismal call, not only by living the faith, but by dying for the faith as well. Realizing their need for the Spirit, the saints were open to his inspiration, fi red by his love, and strengthened by his grace to love others. By our Baptism we share in the holiness of God and in Christ’s mission. We are called to share God’s love, which was poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

A Look at Church DocumentsCatechism of the Catholic Church The basic work of the Spirit is described in citations 683–686. Titles and sym-bols of the Spirit are presented in citations 691–701. The Spirit’s work in the Old and New Testaments is described in citations 703–710 and 727–730. The work of the Spirit in the life of the Church is described in citations 737–741.

National Directory for Catechesis #73 It is the Holy Spirit who sets the hearts of believers aflame. (298)

Catechesis in Our Time #72 “Catechesis, which is growth in faith and the maturing of Christian life towards its fullness, is consequently a work of the Holy Spirit, a work that He alone can initiate and sustain in the Church. . . . [Renewal in the Spirit] will be authentic and will have real fruitfulness in the Church, not so much according as it gives rise to extraordinary charisms, but according as it leads the greatest possible number of the faithful, as they travel their daily paths, to make a humble, patient and persevering effort to know the mystery of Christ better and better, and to bear witness to it.”

Dogmatic Constitution on the Church #7 “In that Body the life of Christ is poured into the believers who, through the sacraments, are united in a hidden and real way to Christ who suffered and was glorified. (6) Through Baptism we are formed in the likeness of Christ: ‘For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body.’ (1 Corinthians 12:13) In this sacred rite a oneness with Christ’s death and resurrection is both symbolized and brought about: ‘For we were buried with Him by means of Baptism into death,’ and if ‘we have been united with Him in the likeness of His death, we shall be so in the likeness of His resurrection also.’ (Romans 6:15) Really partaking of the body of the Lord in the breaking of the Eucharistic bread, we are taken up into communion with Him and with one another.”

Catholic Social TeachingChapter 1 provides an introduction to the seven themes.

The prayer in this chapter focuses on the Holy Spirit, the Advocate sent by God to guide us and renew us in Confi rmation.

prayer in chapter 1

All seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching are introduced and explained in this chapter.


The saint featured in this chapter is Saint John the Evangelist.


The ritual action from the Rite of Confi rmation featured in this chapter is the reading of God’s Word.



Confirmed in the Spirit


The Chapter at a Glance


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BEFORE THE SESSION • Set up the prayer space.

• Bookmark your Bible to John 14:15–18.

• Check rmation for more ideas and background information.

• Set up the CD player for any music you have selected.


Required • Young People’s Books

• Bibles

• My Confi rmation Journal

• CD player

• Art supplies

• Slips of paper and envelopes (page 2)

If Time Allows • Optional Chapter A (page 1)

• Resource DVD Called and Confi rmed Track 1 (page 1)

• Media player (page 1)

• PDF 1A: Test Your Catholic Knowledge (page 1)

• Several bottles of bubble solution and bubble wands (page 3)

• PDF 1B: Litany of the Holy Spirit (page 3)

• BLM 1: Getting to Know the Holy Spirit (page 7)

• 2 ½” x 8” strips of heavy construction paper (page 7)

• PDF 1C: Christian Service (page 9)

• PDF 1D: The Story of Paul (page 10)

FAITH FOCUSThe Spirit sent by Jesus comes to us at Baptism and Confi rmation and gives us the ability to live the Christian life.

OUTCOMES• Recognize Confi rmation as an opportunity to renew commitment to Jesus and

the Church.

• Describe Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit.

• Describe how the Holy Spirit is portrayed in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

• Express an understanding of how the Holy Spirit is at work in the world and in our lives.

• Identify images of the Holy Spirit.

• Tell how the Holy Spirit can enable us to help others in need.

• Describe our relationship with the Holy Spirit.

• Refl ect prayerfully on the Holy Spirit, the Advocate sent by God to guide us and renew us in Confi rmation.

• Defi ne Advocate, Christ, Church, grace, Messiah, and stewardship.



EngageConfi rmed in the Spirit (page 1) 10–15 minutes

ExploreThe Spirit Is with Us (page 2)The Spirit in the Old Testament (page 3)The Spirit in the New Testament (page 3)The Spirit in the World Today (page 3)Father, Son, and Spirit with Us (pages 4–5)Images of the Spirit (pages 6–7)A Confi rmed Commitment (page 8)Witness, Act, Pray (pages 8–9)

25–30 minutes

Refl ectPrayer to the Holy Spirit (page 10) 10–15 minutes

RespondSummary (page 11)Review (page 12)

10–15 minutes

Enriching the Faith ExperienceUse the activity ideas found at to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your group.

Young people may write in their My Confirmation Journal either during the session or at home. Be sure that young people complete pages ii–viii at the beginning of the Journal. Pages 1–10 of the Journal correspond to this chapter.

Encourage young people to discuss with their sponsors their insights, questions, and ideas related to this chapter as they use the Faith to Faith magazine in their conversations.

CHAPTER 1: Confirmed in the Spirit 1c

One-Day Session


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FAITH FOCUSThe Spirit sent by Jesus comes to us at Baptism and Confi rmation and gives us the ability to live the Christian life.



EngageConfi rmed in the Spirit (page 1) Optional Chapter A (page 1)

Resource DVD Track 1 (page 1)PDF 1A (page 1)

10–15 minutes

ExploreThe Spirit Is with Us (page 2)The Spirit in the Old Testament (page 3)The Spirit in the New Testament (page 3)The Spirit in the World Today (page 3)Father, Son, and Spirit with Us (pages 4–5)

Holy Spirit Revealed (page 2)Service in Scripture (page 2)The Breath of the Spirit (page 3)PDF 1B (page 3)Living in Harmony (page 4)Demonstrate the Main Idea (page 4)Good Samaritans (page 5)

40–50 minutes



ExploreImages of the Spirit (pages 6–7)A Confi rmed Commitment (page 8)Witness, Act, Pray (pages 8–9)

Something in Common (page 6)BLM 1 (page 7)Bible Bookmarks (page 7)Gospel Symbols (page 8)Celebrate the Light (page 8)PDF 1C (page 9)

30–40 minutes

Refl ectPrayer to the Holy Spirit (page 10) PDF 1D (page 10) 10–15 minutes

RespondSummary (page 11)Review (page 12)

K-W-L Chart (page 11) 10–15 minutes

FOR SCHOOLSRefer to the Director Guide (Step 2) to adapt this program for a school setting.

Enriching the Faith ExperienceUse the activity ideas found at

to enrich a lesson or to replace an activity with one that better meets the needs of your group.

Young people may write in their My Confirmation Journal either during

the session or at home. Pages 1–10 of the Journal correspond to this chapter.

Encourage young people to discuss with their sponsors their

insights, questions, and ideas related to this chapter as they use the Faith to Faith magazine in their conversations.



Two-Day Session

Page 7: Confirmed in the Spirit Catechist Guide | English


“Let us pray to our Father that he will pour out the Holy Spirit to strengthen his sons and daughters with his gifts . . .” – Rite of Confirmation

Have you ever felt all alone

in the world? Have you ever

faced a difficult situation

and didn’t know what to do?

Whom did you ask for help?

Confirmed in the


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PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______• Recognize Confirmation as an

opportunity to renew commit-ment to Jesus and the Church.

• Describe Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit.

• Describe how the Holy Spirit is portrayed in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

• Express an understanding of how the Holy Spirit is at work in the world and in our lives.

• Identify images of the Holy Spirit.

• Tell how the Holy Spirit can enable us to help others in need.

• Describe our relationship with the Holy Spirit.

• Reflect prayerfully on the Holy Spirit, the Advocate sent by God to guide us and renew us in Confirmation.

• Define Advocate, Christ, Church, grace, Messiah, and stewardship.

1 Set the StagePresent each young person with a copy of Confirmed in the Spirit. Have young people look through their books. Ask vol-unteers to tell the main topics of the book and discuss their meanings. (spirit, disciple-ship, faith) Invite young people to share their insights about the pictures.

2 Get StartedInvite volunteers to tell what they know about Confirmation. Write their ideas on the board. Then have young people open their books to page 1 and read aloud the chapter title. Lead them in a discussion of the chapter title and the questions. Explain that our parents want what is best for us. They chose to have us bap-tized because they want us to become disciples of Jesus. Ask: Who can help us become disciples? (parents, friends, cate-chists, teachers, priests, religious, parishioners, Holy Spirit) Conclude by saying: Just as we turn to people for help in difficult situations, Jesus’ disciples turned to him. After Jesus’ Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, his disciples had to face the future without him. In Jesus’ last talk with his disciples, he told them he would always be with them. Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit to help and guide them.

3 PrayIntroduce the prayer with the quote from the Rite of Confirmation on page 1. Then invite all young people to pray the Prayer to the Holy Spirit on page 108. Say: Part of the process for preparing for Confirmation is opening yourself to God in your hearts. Explain that the Holy Spirit comes to guide and help us as we journey through our lives as faith-filled people.

Optional Chapter AIf you haven’t already done so, you may wish to teach Optional Chapter A before Chapter 1. See page T-123a for more information.

Resource DVD Track 1If you haven’t already done so, have young people watch

Track 1: Marty’s Call from the Resource DVD Called and Confirmed.

PDF 1A: Test Your Catholic Knowledge

Go online to for PDF 1A.

Distribute photocopies of this PDF to assess young people’s current understanding of the Catholic faith.



CHAPTER 1: Confirmed in the Spirit 1


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The Spirit Is with Us“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans.”

John 14:15–18

Understanding ScriptureIn the passage above, Jesus is talking to his Apostles after the Last Supper. He is giving them some final words of comfort before his accusers come to arrest him. The Apostles are nervous, and they’re wondering what’s coming next. Jesus doesn’t deny that he is leaving.

The disciples are afraid of being left behind; they will be lost without Jesus. But Jesus tells them he is sending an Advocate to help them.

The term advocate comes from a Greek word that can mean “lawyer.” It can also mean “mediator,” “intercessor,” “comforter,” or “consoler.”

Jesus calls on the “Spirit of Truth” to be his friends’ advocate and remain

with them. Jesus offers us the same support. He tells us, “I will not leave you orphans.” (John 14:18)

Scripture and YouFacing the challenges of a new day can be scary. You may have to deal with a difficult situation at home or at school. You may be disturbed by the events you see unfolding in the world. With so many problems facing the world and yourself, you may wonder where God is.

You are just like the disciples listening to Jesus. They have been with him for almost three years, and now he is leaving them. They’re trying to make sense of what’s happening and are wondering what will come next.

Jesus assures the disciples that he won’t leave them orphans. He promises to send God the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity to be with them always. Jesus makes that same promise to you today.

What comes to mind when you hear Jesus promise not to leave you as an orphan? What problems or concerns can you ask the Holy Spirit to help you handle? Spend a few moments in prayer. Silently talk to God about anything you would like.



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Encourage young people to record their insights in their journals.

1 BeginTell young people about Jesus’ promise not to leave us as orphans. Then ask them to think of a promise that they can make during this time of preparation for Confirmation, such as turning in home-work on time, getting along with siblings, using respectful language, and doing volunteer work. Distribute slips of paper and envelopes. Have each young person write his or her promise on a slip of paper, seal it in an envelope, and write his or her name on the front. Collect envelopes to return to young people right before Confirmation to see if they kept their promises and to discuss their feelings about Confirmation.

The Spirit Is with Us Ask a volunteer to read aloud this Scripture passage. Remind young people that Jesus is speaking to his disciples on the night he will be arrested. Talk about Jesus’ promise and how impor-tant it is to keep promises. Explain how Jesus kept his promise.

2 ConnectRead aloud the first two paragraphs of Understanding Scripture. Ask: Imagine you are with Jesus. How would you feel after he said this? Discuss possible definitions of the word advocate. Then read aloud the next paragraph. Ask: How might the Holy Spirit be like a lawyer? What could he do for us in that role? (defend us; make sure we are treated justly) Say: The word advocate has a number of possible meanings. Which of these would you find most helpful for your life? Discuss. Then have a volunteer read aloud the rest of this section. Say: The Holy Spirit is always present in the world. He is here for us today, just as he was for the disciples 2,000 years ago.

Read aloud Scripture and You. Ask: How do you see Jesus keeping his promise to be with us always? (Answers will vary.)

Answer any questions young people might still have about these concepts.

3 CloseAsk young people to find a comfortable position to be silent and spend a few moments listening to God. Slowly read aloud Reflecting on God’s Word. When you have finished, allow time for reflection.

(Possible answers: we are called to do God’s will, to be poor and follow Jesus, to serve others, to be gener-ous, to love our enemies.) Invite a volunteer from each group to explain their answers. Encourage discussion.

Holy Spirit RevealedHave young people find three prayers or hymns to the Holy Spirit, and reflect on what they reveal about the Holy Spirit. Then ask them to write about their insights.

Service in ScriptureWrite the following Scripture cita-tions on the board.

Matthew 7:21–22; Mark 8:35–36;Mark 10:21; Mark 10:43–45;Luke 6:27–35

Assign each small group one Scripture passage, and have young people determine what the passages say about the mission of a Christian.

Spirit of Truth

Jesus brings to us a new life, one that draws us close to the Father in service to others. The Spirit remains with us to assure us that Jesus’ way is the only way we will discover our true relationship with God as our Father. It is a way that supports trust in God and authentic love for others through a willingness to be of service to the world.





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ART LINKThe Spirit in the Old Testament Many people think that God really isn’t involved in the world; he simply lets things happen. Some see God as a watchmaker who winds up the world and then steps aside and lets it tick away. The Bible tells a completely different story. It says that from the beginning of creation, the Spirit of God formed the earth and all its surroundings, and that God will always be with us.

In the Old Testament, the word for “spirit” is the Hebrew word ruah, which can be translated as “wind” or “breath.” God’s action in creation is described in the Book of Genesis: God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was a shapeless wasteland, and the heavens were covered with darkness. A mighty wind swept across the waters. (Genesis 1:1–2) God formed the first man out of the clay of the ground and breathed into him the Spirit of Life. (Genesis 2:7)

The Spirit of God is with his people throughout the Old Testament. With the help of God’s Spirit, Moses leads the Hebrew people out of Egypt to freedom. As the Hebrew community grows, God gives his Spirit to the community’s leaders. (Numbers 11:17,25)

The Spirit in the New Testament In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit comes to Mary as she answers the call to be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. (Luke 1:35) The Holy Spirit appears in the form of a dove at Jesus’ baptism. (Matthew 3:16–17) Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert to pray. (Luke 4:1–2) And Jesus reads from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah

that the Spirit is upon him as he begins his ministry. (Luke 4:16–21)

After Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension, the Holy Spirit comes on Pentecost. The Spirit fills the disciples with grace and gives them the courage to proclaim Jesus to the world. (Acts of the Apostles 2:1–4)

The Spirit in the World Today The gift of God that helps us live as he wants us to live is called grace. The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the grace we receive in Baptism. It seals, or confirms, this grace through the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.



Annunciation, He Qi, 2001.

CHAPTER 1: Confirmed in the Spir it 3

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PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______ART LINK Annunciation

This painting is by He Qi [Huh Chee]. Qi was born in China and is known internationally for his contemporary sacred art. Since 1983 Qi has been dedicated to making Chinese Christian art and hopes that his work makes Christianity easier for Chinese people to understand and embrace. Annunciation depicts the Holy Spirit appearing to Mary in the form of a dove as she answers the call to be the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. (Luke 1:35)


1 BeginAsk: What words or images come to mind when you think of the Holy Spirit? Invite volunteers to share their ideas. Have young people come to the board to write or draw their representations of the Holy Spirit and explain them. Say: The Holy Spirit changed Jesus’ disciples from being afraid of sharing Jesus’ teachings with others to being courageous wit-nesses of his life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. God’s Spirit was present in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible, and the Holy Spirit is with us today. The Spirit gives us the strength, courage, and grace to be disciples of Jesus.

2 ConnectThe Spirit in the Old Testament Direct young people to read silently the first paragraph of this section. Write the words inspiration and respiration on the board. Invite volunteers to define these words. After a few definitions are given, ask: What connection do you see between the two words? (Both have the word spirit in them. The first word refers to something that can’t be seen, like a spirit, and the second word has to do with breath-ing.) Have a volunteer read aloud the second paragraph. Say: Here you can see that breath, wind, and spirit are related. Direct young people to finish reading this section. Ask: What are some examples of God’s Spirit being with the people of the Old Testament? (Possible answers: leading the people of Israel out of Egypt, inspiring David as king, leading the prophets to speak for God.)

The Spirit in the New Testament Say: God’s Spirit is also clearly present in the New Testament. Let’s remind our-selves of some of the key moments when God was with his people. Ask volunteers to read aloud this section. Say: Time and time again, God reminds the people of the Bible that he is with them.

The Spirit in the World Today Have young people read silently this section. [Section continues on page 4.] Say: We’ve been talking about examples of God’s presence in the Bible. Through these Scripture stories, we are reminded not only that God has always been there for his people, but that he continues to

The Breath of the SpiritBring in bottles of bubble solution and bubble wands. Invite volun-teers to blow bubbles. Ask: What causes the bubbles to form once we have the soap and bubble wand? (our breath) Explain that while we cannot usually see our breath, we can see evidence of its effects. Discuss recognizing evi-dence of the Holy Spirit at work in the world and in our lives.

PDF 1B: Litany of the Holy Spirit

Go online to for PDF 1B.

Distribute photocopies of this PDF and lead young people in praying the litany.


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MY TURN The Spirit at Work

The Scripture stories of the Holy Spirit in action exemplify what God has done in the past, and they are also models of how God continues to work in our lives today. The stories help us recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. The Spirit helps us understand what God is calling us to do. The mission of the Holy Spirit and Jesus are inseparable. Whenever God sends his Son, he always sends his Spirit.

Father, Son, and Spirit with UsGod is not distant from us. He wants us to know how close he is to us. As Jesus said, we are not being left as orphans.

God is our Father, who created the universe from nothing in order to express his love for us. Jesus, God the Son, came to us as Savior and Redeemer to reunite us with God and to

restore the relationship we broke by our sin. Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. But it is the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit is God alive in the world. God the Holy Spirit helps us know we are loved and shows us how to love others.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help, defend, and comfort us. As the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit makes the saving work of Christ present and active in the Church. The Spirit gives us the grace to act for God and others as Jesus did. Using your talents and resources to help others and the world is called stewardship.

The Holy Spirit also helps us become part of a community, called the Church, or the Body of Christ. Christ fills the members of this community with the Holy Spirit and builds them, animates them, and sends them out to share the Good News with the world.

1. How do you see the Spirit at work in the world today?

Answers will vary.

2. What is an example of the Holy Spirit helping you in your life?

Answers will vary.

3. When have you felt God’s grace working through you or someone else?

Answers will vary.


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Encourage young people to record their insights in their journals.

be here for us today. God is constantly present in our lives, and his Holy Spirit works through us and everyone around us. The Spirit guides our lives and gives us the strength and courage we need to lead the life God wants us to live. Ask: How do the Scripture stories inspire you in your daily life? (Answers will vary.) You might share with young people a personal experience of a time you felt the Holy Spirit’s presence and what you felt called to do. Ask volunteers to share a story or personal observation of when they felt the presence of the Spirit.

Father, Son, and Spirit with Us Have young people read silently this section. Write the word Church with a capital C on the board. Ask: What is the Church? (the People of God throughout the world; the assembly of those called together to worship God) Say: Through the Holy Spirit, we come to know God, and with the Holy Spirit, we live and share God’s life. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, our com-munity of the Catholic Church is united, ready, and willing to proclaim the Good News and to show love as Jesus did. Ask: How do you see the Holy Spirit alive and working through the Church? (Answers will vary.)


The Spirit at Work Ask young people to work individually or in groups of two or three to complete this activity. Tell them not only to think about major world news stories but also to notice what is happen-ing in their neighborhoods, on the TV shows they watch, and in the music they listen to.

Living in HarmonyOrganize young people into two groups. Ask each group to prepare a short, one-minute public service announcement advertising their parish as a truly Catholic community in which everyone is welcome. Invite groups to share their announce-ments with the entire group.

Demonstrate the Main IdeaInvite small groups to develop a skit, present a debate, or create a mural that highlights the main idea of one of the following themes: Jesus did not leave us as orphans; we learn to act for others as Jesus did; the Spirit makes us members of the Church.




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MY TURN Called to Service

Spirit-Filled PeopleThe Spirit’s presence has helped Christians of every century to live like Jesus and to become saints. Read how Saint Frances Cabrini, whose feast day is November 13, felt the Holy Spirit at work in New York City in 1890.

“No!” The bishop sighed and looked at Mother Frances Cabrini. “No, you do not want the property across the river. There is no drinking water.”

“But Bishop,” pleaded Frances, never known to give up, “the children in the orphanage need fresh air and a place to run. They can’t do it in the crowded house on Fifty-Ninth Street.”

“Where will you get the money?” the bishop asked impatiently.

“God will take care. Have faith.”

The bishop gave in reluctantly. Frances and her sisters prayed to the Holy Spirit. They begged from butchers, bakers, rich friends, and merchants. Eventually they got the money, food, and clothing they needed. After the orphanage was moved to the newly purchased property, the land was surveyed and a well was found.

With the guidance of the Spirit, Frances Cabrini was able to help build nearly 70 institutions for those who were poor and suffering. She

crossed the ocean 30 times to help people in need, proving that nothing stops a Spirit-filled Catholic. Saints are ordinary Catholics. They rely on the Holy Spirit and follow wherever he leads them.

Your Christian NameAt your Baptism you were given your Christian name. You may have been named after a relative or a saint or some other person your parents thought would be a good role model for you. As you seal your Baptism in Confirmation, you can keep that name or choose the name of another saint or holy person to be your model of Christian life.

The Spirit gives you the strength to help your neighbors just as he did for Saint Frances Cabrini. Write how you could help a person or group in need.

Answers will vary.S


Saint Frances Cabrini.

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PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______Baptismal Name

With the revival of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), the Roman Catholic Church has developed a more complete understanding of the unity of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Because of this unity, it is appropriate for young people to be confirmed with their Baptismal name. This is also why it is appropriate to ask one of the baptismal sponsors to be the Confirmation sponsor. There are good reasons for picking a new name and a new spon-sor, but young people should be encouraged to consider the importance of their baptismal name and sponsors.


Invite young people to brainstorm a list of things they need to get through a typical day, such as food, water, clothing, transportation, shelter, love, and care. Explain that many people lack these basic necessities. Then say: Let’s read about someone who asked the Holy Spirit for help in serving others. Have young people read silently Spirit-Filled People. Discuss the story of Mother Cabrini and how she was able to help those less fortunate. Say: Service to others plays a major role in your preparation for Confirmation. Depending on the preparation program of your parish, point out to young people that they may be required to perform a minimum number of community-service hours before receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Say: As confirmands, you are called to be missionaries in society and throughout the world. Using your talents and resources to help others and the world is called stewardship. Say: Take a moment to think about people or orga-nizations in your community that need help and how your stewardship would benefit them.

Ask a young person to read aloud Your Christian Name. Then invite volunteers to share why their parents gave them their names. Say: Since Confirmation completes your Baptism, you can choose to be confirmed with the same name your parents gave you when you were baptized. Encourage young people to discuss with their parents whom they were named after. Say: Over the next few weeks, you will have time to consider being confirmed with your baptismal name or to choose the name of a saint whom you admire or wish to emulate. Invite volunteers to offer names they might be considering to take as their Confirmation name.


Called to Service Discuss with young people the types of groups or individuals that might need their assistance. Then have them complete the activity on the page. Invite young people to share their answers in small groups.

Good SamaritansThe Bible includes stories of people who helped others as Mother Cabrini did, such as the story of the Good Samaritan. [Luke 10:29–37] Organize young people into small groups and assign each group a different Bible story. Have young people role-play the story and then conduct interviews with characters from the parable.


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Rite We listen to the Scriptures, the inspired Word of God. They tell us about the Father’s love for us, who sent his own Son, Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, to save us.

MeaningEvery time you listen to Scripture, inspired by the Holy Spirit, God speaks to you.

Daily LifeThe Holy Spirit guides us and gives us strength throughout the day, inspiring all the good that we do.

Life of FaithStrengthened by the Holy Spirit, we are called to proclaim the Word of the Lord in word and action.

riteImages of the Spirit To help us understand the Holy Spirit, the Catechism of the Catholic Church presents a number of images of him. Reflecting on some of these images helps us think about the Holy Spirit in different ways and consider what he means to our lives.

WaterWater signifies regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit in Baptism, which is necessary for Salvation. In the Holy Spirit, we are baptized into new life in Christ and become children of God the Father. (Acts of the Apostles 11:16)


Anointing Anointing with oil has become so identified with the Holy Spirit that it is almost a synonym for the coming of the Spirit. Messiah is the Hebrew word for “anointed one.” Christ is from the Greek and also means “anointed one.” Jesus is the Messiah, the one uniquely “anointed” by the Spirit. It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit’s uniting us with Jesus, the Messiah, the Anointed One. (Acts of the Apostles 10:38; 1 John 2:20–27) Jesus pours out this same Spirit upon us, calling us to be more than we can ever hope to be through our efforts alone.


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Encourage young people to record their insights in their journals.

RITE Word of God

The Bible is the story of God’s promise to care for us, espe-cially through his Son, Jesus. The Scriptures were inspired by the Holy Spirit and written by many different authors. The Old Testament contains 46 books that tell stories about the Jewish people and their faith in God before Jesus was born. It fore-tells the coming of the Messiah. The New Testament contains 27 books that tell the story of Jesus’ life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension and the experiences of the early Christians. For Christians the most important books of the New Testament are the four Gospels.


Direct young people’s attention to the feature box. Ask: What is the Word of God? (Scripture; the Bible) When and where do you hear readings that proclaim the Word of God? (Accept reasonable answers.) Say: We have been talking about how the Holy Spirit is always with us and gives us the grace to be like Jesus. As a con-firmed Catholic, you are called to a life of stewardship and faith, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Ask: Think about what you do when you have good news to share. Do you write an e-mail to a friend, send a text message, or post it on a blog? How do you share your good news? (Accept reasonable answers.) Say: Saint John the Evangelist recorded the message of Jesus, in the Gospel of John. John was inspired by the Holy Spirit to spread the Good News of God’s love. A com-mon representation of the Holy Spirit is the dove. This image is taken from the Scriptures, which tell us that the Spirit descended like a dove on Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan River. Invite a volunteer to read aloud Rite and another volunteer to read aloud Meaning. Say: God speaks to us through the Scripture, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Have a volunteer read aloud Daily Life. Say: Every day is an opportunity to share the Good News of God. Have another volunteer read aloud Life of Faith. Say: Much like Saint John the Evangelist, we are called to proclaim the Word of God in words and actions.

Images of the Spirit Direct young people to read silently the first paragraph. Say: You have identified many ways in which the Spirit is present, or active, in your lives. We know that the Spirit is with us. In the Bible we read about the Spirit being present in different ways. The symbols examined in this section highlight some of the Spirit’s forms.

Invite volunteers to read aloud Water, Anointing, Fire, Dove, and Wind. [Section continues on page 7.] When you have finished reading this section, ask: What connections can you make between Confirmation and these symbols of the Spirit? Guide young people to the

RITE Something in CommonHave young people look up the following Scripture passages: Daniel 9:24, Psalm 2:2, and 1 Samuel 2:10. When they have finished, ask what the passages have in common. (They each contain the word anointed.) After young people have answered cor-rectly, ask: Who is the anointed or anointed one to which these passages refer? (the Messiah, Christ, Jesus, the Savior)




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MY TURN Your Image of the Spirit

1. Based on what you know about the Holy Spirit, which symbol of the Holy Spirit best relates to your life? Why?

Answers will vary.

2. What is another object, element, or animal that could be a symbol of the Holy Spirit? For you, what is the symbolism?

Answers will vary.

Fire Fire symbolizes the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist proclaimed that Jesus was the one who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire. We also remember the dramatic events of Pentecost in which tongues “as of fire” rested on the disciples. (Acts of the Apostles 2:3)

Dove Think of a dove, a gentle bird, flying to your hand and gently resting on it. In a similar way, the Holy Spirit rested on Jesus when he emerged from the waters of his baptism by John. He also gently rests on us and remains with us. (Matthew 3:16)

WindThe Holy Spirit is also represented by wind. We cannot see the wind, but we can feel it. Much like God, we can see how the wind affects everyone and everything it touches. The “strong driving wind” that appeared on Pentecost was reminiscent of the wind that

blew over the waters at the beginning of creation. (Genesis 1:2) The wind calls attention to the Holy Spirit breathing life into the Church. (Acts of the Apostles 2:2)



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following conclusions: Water is linked to Baptism, and Confirmation seals Baptism. Anointing is done at Confirmation and seals us with the Holy Spirit. Fire was present at Pentecost, after which the disciples proclaimed the Good News; we are called to do the same by our Confirmation. The dove symbolizes the Spirit’s presence with us as we live as confirmed Christians. The wind sym-bolizes the presence of the Holy Spirit. Just as the wind blows everywhere, we are called to spread the Good News everywhere.


Your Image of the Spirit Ask young people to complete the exercise to con-tinue their reflections on what the Holy Spirit might mean to them.

BLM 1: Getting to Know the Holy SpiritDistribute photocopies of this black-line master to help young people learn more about the Holy Spirit through Scripture.

Bible BookmarksHave young people make book-marks to use throughout the program. Distribute 2 ½” x 8” strips of heavy construction paper and markers. Ask young people to open their Bibles to one of the Gospels and choose a phrase or a passage that speaks to them. Invite them to

write the phrase on their bookmark and decorate it. When they have finished, ask volunteers to share their bookmarks and to explain why they chose that phrase or passage. Invite young people to memorize their phrase or passage and to use it for personal prayer.

Symbols of the Spirit

In addition to the symbols men-tioned on these pages, more symbols of the Holy Spirit appear in CCC 697–701. These symbols include a cloud and light, the seal, and the hand and finger.


Name Date



Getting to Know the Holy SpiritThe Apostles were fi lled with the Holy Spirit on the Feast of Pentecost. They went forth spreading the Good News and teaching others about the Holy Spirit.

Below are passages from Letters of the New Testament. Imagine that you received a message about the Holy Spirit from one of the leaders of the early Church. Look up each Scripture passage and write what it tells about the Spirit.

1. Romans 8:14

2. Romans 15:13

3. 1 Corinthians 2:10

4. 1 Corinthians 12:4

5. Galatians 5:22–23

6. 1 Thessalonians 1:6

7. 1 John 5:6–7






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Gospel Writer:Saint John the EvangelistSaint John the Evangelist had the experience of living with Jesus—walking at his side, watching him perform miracles, listening to his teaching, and receiving signs of Jesus’ love. John had the special privilege of being with Jesus at crucial times, and he heard Jesus’ promise to send the Holy Spirit. After Jesus had sent the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, John continued to respond to Jesus’ call through his writing and preaching.

John was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write his Gospel. The symbol for John as a Gospel writer is the eagle. Tradition holds that he is also the author of the three letters of John and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Each time John preached, he emphasized the same message: “Little children, love one another.” He said that this is the Lord’s Word, and if people followed this message, they would do enough. John was exiled to the isle of Patmos, where he later died. Saint John the Evangelist’s feast day is December 27.

A Confirmed Commitment You are preparing to receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, an opportunity to deepen your commitment to Jesus and his Church. The grace of the Holy Spirit unites us by faith and by our Baptism to the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ. In Confirmation the Holy Spirit brings us closer to Christ, brings us into a closer relationship with the Church, and helps us be a witness to our faith in what we say and do. You’ve heard the phrase “Practice what you preach.” Confirmation gives us the strength to live out and act on our beliefs.

The Spirit Helper No matter how uncertain you may feel and however many questions you might have, the Spirit is always ready to help you. In Confirmation he comes to you in a special way. This gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation will help you explore the many questions in your life and will help you live the life to which God calls you.

Consider the following questions. Choose one and write about it in your journal. Then write a short prayer to the Holy Spirit for guidance. Your journal will not be turned in and no one else will read it.

• How can I plan to be a better person?

• How can I make good choices?

• How do I prepare for the future when I don’t understand what’s happening today?


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Encourage young people to record their insights in their journals.

A Confirmed Commitment Have young people read silently the first paragraph of this section. Ask: What commitment are you making when you enter into receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation? (Possible answers: taking our faith more seriously; deciding to say yes to the baptismal promises made by our parents; deciding to serve others as Jesus asked his followers to do) Explain the Holy Spirit’s role in strengthening our bonds with the Church. Ask young people to read silently The Spirit Helper and to reflect on its meaning for their lives. Allow time for young people to reflect on the ques-tions in the shaded box and write in their journals.

3 CloseAsk young people if there are any con-cepts, terms, or ideas from the chapter that need clarification or review. Consult the intended outcomes for this chapter and, if necessary, review with young people the appropriate sections.

1 BeginWitness Have a volunteer read aloud this section. Ask young people to share what they know about John the Evangelist. Say: An evangelist is someone who proclaims God’s Word. Saint John the Evangelist was one of Jesus’ closest contemporaries. Throughout his life, John worked and preached alongside Jesus. After Jesus’ death, John carried on Jesus’ message in the Gospels. Ask: What is the symbol used for John the Evangelist? (an eagle) Ask: Is there a similar symbol for the Holy Spirit? What is it? (a dove) Say: An eagle soars higher than other birds, and John’s ideas are said to reach heights that the other Gospels do not. Explain how John’s message, “Little children, love one another,” echoes Jesus’ teachings that we should love our neighbor as ourselves. Ask: Why should we love one another? (because we are all created by God; we are all children of God; to be like Jesus is to show love to one another) Explain that John tells us that the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will teach us what we need to know. Say: Every time we pray, it is the Holy Spirit who teaches us the way.

Gospel SymbolsAsk young people to investigate the symbols of the other three Gospel writers. (Mark, lion; Matthew, man; Luke, ox) Then have young people choose a symbol for themselves and draw or write about it as they prepare for Confirmation and become evangelists.

WITNESS Celebrate the LightThe Gospel of John uses the theme of darkness and light. Have young people read John 1:1–18. Then invite them to write a prayer about their journey toward Confirmation, using this theme. Invite volunteers to share their finished prayers.




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Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching ThemesThrough the Gospels we learn that Jesus wants us to care for those in need. The social teachings of the Church call us to follow Jesus’ example. These teachings are about how to build a just society and live holy lives amid the challenges of the modern world. The bishops of the United States have defined seven areas of social concern for today’s Church:

Life and Dignity of the Human Person All human life is sacred, and all people must be respected and valued over material goods.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation Participation in family and community is central to our faith and a healthy society.

Rights and Responsibilities Every person has a right to life as well as a right to those things required for human decency.

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable We are called to pay special attention to the needs of those who are poor and vulnerable by defending and promoting their dignity and by meeting their immediate material needs.

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers The basic rights of workers must be respected. The economy is meant to serve people; work is not merely a way to make a living but an important way in which we participate in God’s creation.

Solidarity Since God is our Father, we are all brothers and sisters with the responsibility to care for one another.

Care for God’s Creation God is the creator of all people and all things. The responsibility to care for all that God has made is a requirement of our faith.

Call to PrayerSaint Augustine observed: “You have made us, O God, for yourself, and our hearts shall find no rest until they rest in you.” Does your heart rest in God? How do you see the Holy Spirit working in your life? How is the Holy Spirit calling you to use your gifts to help others?




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PDF Signoff: Production _______ Design _______ Editorial _______PRAY Living Breath of Our Prayer

Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help us and guide us. The Holy Spirit is present in our prayer, transforming human prayer into divine prayer. The Holy Spirit is the living breath of our prayer and is given to the Church. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the whole People of God, though living in diverse circumstances all over the world, persevere in the hope in which we have been saved.


2 ConnectAct Say: Catholic Social Teaching is the Gospel in action. Striving to make a more just world is an essential part of living the Gospel. The Catholic Social Teaching themes remind us to be followers of Jesus. We have opportunities every day to live in accordance with God’s Word.

Throughout your journey toward Confirmation, we will be exploring all areas of social concern as they relate to the faith topics in each chapter.

Have young people read silently the first paragraph of this section. Tell them that Catholic Social Teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about how to attain a quality of life that is just and how to live good and decent lives as God intends. Explain that the Church’s strong emphasis on social justice keeps us faithful to the Kingdom of God, which affirms that the world is good as created by God and helps us repair the damage caused by human sin. Then invite volunteers to read aloud the seven areas of social concern.

3 ClosePray Ask: Where in the Bible do we find the stories of Jesus? (in the Gospels) Say: Saint John the Evangelist wrote the fourth Gospel, detailing Jesus’ life and mission. The Gospels and other Scripture readings tell us how to live in accordance with Jesus’ mission. Saint Augustine wrote many sermons, letters, and books, which reflected the ever-deepening love he felt for God. Invite a volunteer to read aloud this section. Say: We will now take a few moments to reflect on what we have learned and to talk and listen to God.

Proceed to your prayer space. Play some reflective music. Guide young people through the prayer service on the next page.

ACT PDF 1C: Christian Service

Go online to for PDF 1C.

Distribute photocopies of this PDF that helps young people decide how they will serve their community.


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All: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Leader: Gathered as a community of believers, let us listen to God, speaking to us in his Word, today and always.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans.”

John 14:15–18

Leader: God sends us the Advocate to help guide us. The Holy Spirit is always present to help us in our faith. With faith-filled hearts, let us pray and reflect.

All: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.

Leader: Together we pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and grace.

All: O God, by the light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the hearts of your faithful. In the same Spirit, help us to know what is truly right and always to rejoice in your consolation. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Leader: In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Spirit is with us in a special way. The Spirit renews the face of the earth and renews us in Confirmation.

All: Loving God, you continue to nourish our souls. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith-filled hearts. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit


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1 Set the StageTell young people that they are going to celebrate a prayer service that will focus on the Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Encourage young people to refer to and pray this prayer often during their prepa-ration for Confirmation. Follow these tips to prepare to lead young people in prayer:• Be sure that young people review the

sections assigned to them.• Remind young people that this is their

prayer time. They should participate actively and with reverence.

• Set the Bible open to the Scripture passage to be used during the prayer service.

• Pause for a moment of silence before beginning the prayer service.

2 Pray• Celebrate the prayer service as indi-

cated, adapting it to your circumstances if needed.

• Lead by example, participating actively and with reverence.

• Gently indicate to the volunteers when it is their turn.

• Observe the periods of silence and help the group keep a prayerful pace.

• Allow time in between sections so that young people can reflect.

3 Close• Pause for a moment of silence before

concluding.• Thank volunteers and acknowledge

everyone for participating prayerfully.

Before Praying TogetherSee page EC-4 for further informa-tion on how to prepare for the prayer service.

This prayer service is also available for your reference


Teaching Others to PrayEmphasize that prayer helps us grow in our relationship with God and communicate with him about all aspects of our lives. Explain that prayer is an essential part of daily life that helps us grow closer to God. Encourage young people to be attentive to the words, images, or ideas of the prayer to help them concentrate and reflect.

PDF 1D: The Story of PaulGo online to for PDF 1D.

You may distribute copies of this PDF and use it to replace the prayer service on page 10 or at another time during preparation for Confirmation.




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Loving God,

help me in my

faith and guide

me in all that

I do. Nourish

my soul and

strengthen my

faith-filled heart.


Words to Know


grace Messiah stewardship FAITH SUMMARY

Sent by Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to us at Baptism and Confirmation. The Spirit gives us the ability to live a Christian life.


Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the Advocate whom Jesus sent to be with us always.

What does the Holy Spirit do?

The Holy Spirit helps us learn what Jesus means to us and gives us the grace to act as Jesus did.

How does the Holy Spirit give meaning to our lives?

The Holy Spirit helps us know we are loved and shows us how to love others.


Use your journal to enter more deeply into your preparation for Confirmation. Your journal will not be turned in and no one else will read it. Be sure to complete pages ii–viii at the beginning of your journal. Review your journal periodically to better appreciate and understand God’s grace at work in your life as you prepare for Confirmation.

Quietly spend time reflecting and recording on journal pages 1–10.


1. Consider your personal mission. Write what you feel called to do as a witness to Christ and his Church. What is your special service? Whom are you called to help? You might also draw a picture of yourself carrying out your mission.

2. The Old Testament word ruah can be translated as “wind” or “breath.” Just like our breath, the Spirit flows through us and through all parts of life. Reflect on times when you have felt this presence of the Spirit and name three times you have passed his love on to others.


Arrange with your sponsor to share your insights, questions, and ideas from this chapter and how they relate to your conversations from the Faith to Faith magazine.




CHAPTER 1: Confirmed in the Spir it 11

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1 BeginFaith Summary Read aloud this section. Ask: When does the Holy Spirit come to us? (at Baptism and Confirmation) Ask: Who sent us the Holy Spirit? (Jesus) Ask: What does the Spirit do for us? (The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to live Christian lives; The Holy Spirit helps us live as faithful Catholics.)

2 ConnectRemember Read aloud this section. Make sure everyone understands the main points of the chapter.

My Confirmation Journal Have young people read this section

silently. Encourage young people to write in My Confirmation Journal to enter more deeply into this chapter. Be sure that young people complete pages ii–viii at the beginning of their journals. The corre-sponding pages to this chapter are 1–10. Remind young people that their journals will not be turned in and no one else will read them.

Words to Know Read aloud the Words to Know and review the definitions. Remind young people that complete defi-nitions can be found in the Glossary on pages 115–118 and in the online Glossary. Ask for volunteers to use the Words to Know in sentences.

Reach Out Ask young people to choose one Reach Out item to complete. Check in with young people at the following session, and ask them to reflect privately on the outcomes.

With My Sponsor Encourage young people and their sponsors to

reflect on this chapter as they strengthen their relationship and grow in their faith using the Faith to Faith magazine.

3 PrayConclude the chapter by praying together this closing prayer. Encourage young people to use this prayer throughout the week.

K-W-L ChartHave young people make a K-W-L chart about the Holy Spirit. Direct them to make three columns on a sheet of paper and write the following headings at the top of each column: What I Know, What I Want to Know, and What I’ve Learned. Have them fill in the first two columns. Allow time to discuss what young people know and want to know about the Holy Spirit. Tell them to save their charts and fill in the last column after they have finished studying as a self-check.

GlossaryAn online Glossary can be found at www.loyolapress



KnowWant to Know Learned

CHAPTER 1: Confirmed in the Spirit 11


Additional resources are available at

Page 18: Confirmed in the Spirit Catechist Guide | English


Complete the sentences. If you answer them correctly, the boxed letters will spell confirmed.

1. The disciples of Jesus were filled with the

Spirit on P e







t .

2. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples

c o






to proclaim Jesus.

3. The Old Testament word for spirit can be

translated as “w

i n

d ” or “breath.”

4. Fire symbolizes the

t r











energy of the Spirit.

5. The Holy Spirit rested on Jesus like a dove

when Jesus emerged from the waters of

his b a






6. You receive an o u









of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament

of Confirmation.

7. For Confirmation you can choose the name

of a saint to be your m o





Christian life.

8. The Spirit s t










our bond with the Church in Confirmation.

9. The Holy Spirit is our A d






e ,

or defender.


Write a T for true or F for false for the following statements about this chapter. Edit each false answer to make it true.

T 1. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the

Spirit of Truth in the Gospel of John.

F 2. John the Baptist was the advocate

whom Jesus promised to send to help the Apostles. The Holy Spirit

T 3. Advocate can mean “mediator,”

“intercessor,” “comforter,” or “consoler.”

F 4. Jesus promised not to leave the

disciples as martyrs. orphans.

F 5. Messiah is the Hebrew word meaning

“Son of God.” “anointed one.”


Cross out the first letter and every other letter after. The remaining letters spell four words that tell what the Spirit is for you. List them.













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1 BeginYoung people can use the review activi-ties on this page to review and reinforce the key concepts of this chapter and to prepare for the Chapter 1 Assessment (on page T-145 of the Catechist Guide). You may choose to have young people answer the questions and then check their answers. Another option is to have young people verbally quiz one another.

2 ConnectConfirming the Facts Review the answers to this activity with the group when all young people have filled in the words.

The Spirit of Truth When all have finished, ask for volunteers to share their answers.

Confirmation Puzzler Allow adequate time for young people to complete the activity and then review the answers as a group.

3 CloseUse the following questions to check young people’s comprehension of the chapter: • What signs were there that young people had a positive attitude toward being confirmed?

• Do young people understand why they might choose a new Confirmation name and how they might do that?

• How well can young people identify signs of the Spirit’s presence in their lives?

Get Ready for Chapter 2Consult the catechist preparation pages to prepare for Chapter 2 and determine any materials you will need.

AssessmentAn additional assessment for this chapter can be

found in your book or for down-load at You may wish to have young people complete this assessment at home or in class independently or with a partner.




Page 19: Confirmed in the Spirit Catechist Guide | English

3441 N. Ashland AvenueChicago, Illinois 60657(800) 621-1008

ISBN-13: 978-0-8294-3683-9ISBN-10: 0-8294-3683-9

CoNfIrmed IN the SpIrIt is a comprehensive sacramental preparation program

that welcomes and nurtures young Catholics as they

grow in faith and, by the power of the holy Spirit,

embrace their roles as mature disciples of Jesus

Christ. developed by experts in the field of catechesis

and youth ministry, Confirmed in the Spirit was built

with flexibility in mind. this program can be used in

large groups, small groups, or one-on-one lessons.

the result: unparalleled experiences and support for

young Catholics and the adults who guide them.

Visit for additional Confirmation resources and activities.