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I'm glad that you made your way to access this

short report, I promise it will give you an

advantage in building a strong relationship.

I am 100% sure that you will find this book


....Read every line!

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INTRODUCTION: This is such a big topic that I get asked about

constantly by women.

Have you ever seen or heard of a situation where a

woman who isn’t very beautiful or “seductive” But

yet, has men chasing her and constantly trying to hit

on her?

I am sure you have come across a woman like this,

who somehow effortlessly has men wildly attracted

to her.

Now...It is not rocket science, it is simple.

What is it that “those kind” of women are doing

that makes them so irresistible?

Well, in our training today.... I will take you through

some of the most common and universally

applicable things you can do to make yourself more

attractive to men and attract the man you want.

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According to research, men are attracted to certain

features over others and this is mostly due to a

subconscious and natural instincts.


Traits associated with procreation, sensuality, and

health are key players in the art of seduction.


Lets jump to our dictionary.

Here are the meanings I found there.

- Attraction means To pull toward without

touching....Just like a magnet.

- Attraction also means To arouse great attention.

Now, What I am about teaching you is somehow

dangerous....Because It work like magic.

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Follow these keys and you will simply attract any

man to yourself.....without stress.

Lets go!

You probably already know that guys are attracted

to a woman’s legs, bum, chest – you get it.

Physical stuff!

Maybe you’ve been lucky enough to have been told

at one time or another that guys actually look

beyond the surface, and are even attracted to

something beyond physical appearance.

From the non-surface things we’ve already

mentioned, there are also other items that make

you attractive to a man that you may have never

previously considered.

Seriously, guys love those attitudes when you

exhibit them.....And they can’t help but be drawn to

you! So instead of relying on your physical

appearance as the be-all and end-all of your self-


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Check out these 9 things about you that men are

attracted to!

Without further ado, we break down the things that

you can do to be more attractive to men*

But bear in mind that I will talk about only the

powerful keys.....Everything I will talk about in this

short report is proven.

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It’s a fact that guys are often drawn in by a woman’s

smile, because a smile symbolizes general

happiness and a comfortable ease in situations.

Even a nervous smile in high-pressure scenarios can

reel a guy in, because that sort of smile displays a

vulnerability that men find very appealing.

You just seem like a nice person when you smile,

and who doesn’t want to get to know that?

In order to really crank up the level of attractiveness

for this asset, studies have also shown that guys are

more interested in a healthy set of white teeth. 😁😁😁

Probably as a symbol of good health and good

hygiene, a set of pearly whites looks like a woman

takes care of herself and refuses to indulge in less

savoury habits, like smoking. Any variety of smiles –

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lopsided smiles, silly smiles, wide grins, or a quick

nervous smile – are proven to attract men, so don’t

be afraid if yours is a little crooked or doesn’t reach

Hollywood standards – he’ll love it anyway!

If you genuinely have fun and are happy, this

automatically makes you more attractive to men.

Men are attracted to happy women who can laugh

a lot and are happy. Don’t fake it; this comes off as

fake and won’t be attractive.

Don't frown again in your life.....It is depriving you

of something very important that you don't know.

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Keep your drama in check, even when you’re on

your period and you just want to bite people’s

heads off. Men are more attracted to women who

are able to demonstrate small acts of kindness and

consideration, such as being on time and being nice

to the waiter.

To them, you make an ideal mate, which heightens

the attraction.

According to a major study, one of the most

important qualities men look for in a mate is

kindness, so don’t get the idea in your head that

nice girls finish last or that guys don’t like good girls,

because science is here to prove you wrong!

Little gestures that show your affection or interest

rank big with him, especially because society is

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usually putting the onus on him to pull out all the

stops in the romance department.

At their core, pretty much everyone wants a nice,

kind person who won’t screw them around,

because duh!

Kindness is something most men are extremely

attracted to, as long as your nice nature doesn’t

turn you into a pushover.

Helping others, taking care of things, etc. all tap into

the nurturing element that makes him realize

you’re a truly decent person (and they also

probably kind of remind him of his mom, but that’s

not necessarily a bad thing, if kept in check).

Again, add Gentility to your kindness and Boom!

You will get him.

Add Gentility to your kindness and Boom! You will

get him.

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Maybe it’s because men often suck when it comes

to communicating their thoughts and feelings, but

guys are actually really into a woman who can

express herself and her ideas coherently.

A lady who can hold her own in a conversation,

incorporating with *humour,* and *intelligence* is

super attractive to a guy beyond the initial surface

encounter, because it lets him know that there’s

more than meets the eye – and he wants to know


In addition to the speaking part of a conversation,

men also like a woman who can be a good listener

and who shows real interest in what he’s saying.

She makes him feel heard and offers comments or

advice that applies to whatever he’s discussing

without coming across as condescending or as a

know-it-all. Hey, it’s something both parties want

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out of a relationship, so it makes sense that it would

be majorly attractive to the men in our lives!

Girly giggles or charming guffaws – both signify

happiness and lightheartedness, and that positivity

is undeniably attractive.

When a woman laughs, she appears more cheerful,

open, and secure in herself to throw back her head

and enjoy life.

They say that laughter is infectious, and so if a guy

catches you laughing, odds are he’ll at least crack a

smile in response.

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You can blame biology and evolution for this one,

but it’s simply a fact that a guy will be drawn to a

woman with curves.

Curves in all the right places tap into the part of his


That is all about going forth and multiplying,

because healthy curves are a symbol of fertility, so

he can’t help that the Cro-Mag part of his brain

starts drooling when he sees someone with a

Kardashian kind of figure.

We’re not skinny shaming over here, either, and so

it’s true that more svelte women can still draw the

guys in due to curves in other places.

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Think: the curve at the base of the spine, the slope

of a neck to a shoulder, and the rounder curves of

the shoulders themselves.

Simply put, men love curves of all types, as long as

the woman rocking them is healthy!

Men are moved by what they see.

Your curve must not be as big as Basin......But every

woman has a curves, though varies in size.

Please celebrate and Maintain your own curve.

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As women, we’re generally more attracted to men

who have deeper, lower-pitched voices, because we

perceive them to be more masculine and attractive.

Well, according to Psychology Today, the opposite is

true for men! For them, they perceive women with

higher voices to be younger, more feminine, and

even thinner!

However, there’s also something to be said for the

husky-voiced women of the world.

Since lower voices in women can be perceived as

more seductive and sexually aggressive.

To put it bluntly, a husky-voiced woman may not be

considered attractive sight unseen, but once that

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voice is attached to an attractive woman, that deep-

throated rumble becomes super sexy!

So even though you may not like how you sound on

recordings, just know that a lot of guys are into it!

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Studies have shown that long, full, shiny hair is most

attractive to men as it signifies health and fertility.

On average, men rate women with long hair as

more attractive than those with short hair, even if

they have the same facial features.

And that is why, I don't advise women to follow

men to barb their hair to a very low cut....It is not

sexy at all.


If you want to barb, it shouldn't be very low.

If you do want to experiment with longer hair,

consider trying clip-in hair extensions, which can be

purchased at salons and beauty supply shops. If

your hair is very short, you might try a wig instead.

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Flipping your hair, playing with a few strands,

winding it around your fingers, or tying it up in a

messy bun: all of those are moves that make a men

to go weak in the knees.

Again, long hair is something guys generally don’t

have, and so they’re more interested in it on a basic


But there is also a biological association of long,

luxurious hair with fertility, health, and youth. That

means his caveman senses go gaga when he sees

you toss your silky tresses over your shoulder!

But wait!

That doesn’t mean short haired girls have to feel

bad for going for a dramatic cut, because there are

definitely dudes that are into a more androgynous

look, or sometimes you’re just killing it because

you’re putting your stellar bone structure on display!

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Perfume is actually something that a lot of women

over do. Most men do not like very strong perfume.

You’re better off sticking with something very light

and being very conservative with how much you


Being clean is obviously important and goes without

saying in terms of smelling good; drenching yourself

in perfume is not.

One thing most men agree upon is that women’s

hair normally smells amazing from all the shampoo

products and stuff.

If you smell like a field of roses, no one can say no

to you. Consciously making efforts to smell good

will surely see to it that guys attracted have one

more reason to stay stuck to you.

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I conducted a personal question where I asked 35

men whether they will go to a date with a lady on

heels or a lady on flats. And 28 out of 35 answered

that they will rather choose heels to flat.

They prefer women on high heel to the ones in flat


It is psychological, and I can't say more.

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A Talented Lady

Talent is always sexy and makes you more

interesting. Learn a skill or build one that you

already have. The easiest route to go is to become a

great cook (very much a learned skill), but you could

also learn to draw or paint or play an instrument.

Also be passionate; Be a passionate lover but also

be passionate in how you live your life. When we're

with someone that's really enjoying their life and

pursues what they love, that inspires us to do the

same. This is why passion is so sexy! Pursue your

interests. If you've always wanted to do something,

do it. Once you find your dream man, I'm sure that

he will be very impressed.