congregation b’nai moshe bulletin

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Page 1: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin

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Congregation B’nai Moshe

Volume 54, No. 5 March • April 2020 Adar • Nisan• Iyar 5780


Page 2: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin






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Secretary…………………………….........Anne Ro�man�

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(USPS 981-880) Published Bi-Monthly


Send Address Changes to:

B’nai Moshe Bulletin

6800 Drake Road

West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Periodical Postage

Paid at Royal Oak, MI 48068

May/June Bulletin Deadline

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Congrega�on B’nai Moshe�������������

Thoughts From Our President

by Mark S. Roth

What You Told Us

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completed it. Thank you to those who took the �me

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widely diverse representa�on of our membership to

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needed. All this informa�on will help us develop our

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Here are some interes�ng sta�s�cs we learned:

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most important ac�vi�es we provide.

• The warm and friendly interac�ons of our ����� �� ����� ��������

and a central part of our iden�ty internally and in the metropolitan Jewish


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lack of a religious school to a�ract young families.

• Whether or not we will have (or need) a cantor when Cantor Berris re�res

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(age, level of religious observance, level of Jewish knowledge, connec�on

to tradi�onal Jewish prac�ce and sense of inclusivity and welcoming

culture for people from diverse backgrounds and iden��es, etc.).

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tradi�onal and engaging in different ways than our current services are.

• Developing programming and recrui�ng geared to younger people and

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• Explore possible partnering with other Jewish community organiza�ons to

build a broader community and a�ract new members.

• Provide more educa�onal opportuni�es about contemporary topics and

Israel as well as religious topics. Have more visi�ng speakers. Have

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• Provide more purely social ac�vi�es both in and outside the synagogue.

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ges�ons and we are working hard to develop our strategic plan so we can im‐

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However, it is cri�cal to emphasize that these new iniaves will not

succeed without your acve parcipaon �� ��!

So, please support our efforts and a�end those synagogue programs and

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Page 3: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


A Word From Our Rabbi A Word From Our Executive

by Rabbi Shalom Kantor

Purim, Passover define Jews

Each spring, Jews celebrate two holidays central to

who we are as a people. Both Purim and Passover

are microcosms of the larger goals of Judaism.

Despite the many differences between the two

holidays, both not only represent a triumph of good

over evil, but point the way towards the final re-

demption of the Jewish people and salvation of the

world with the coming of the Messiah or Messianic


Purim (March 9-10) celebrates the hidden hand of G-d through the brav-

ery of Esther. There are a number of rabbinic commentaries that see the

entire book of Esther as a metaphor for the final battle that paves the way

for the coming of the Messiah. This is highlighted by the verse that has

been incorporated into the Havdallah liturgy recited before the blessings:

ליהוד�ים ה�ית�ה אור�ה ושמח�ה וששן ויק�ר�

The Jews enjoyed light and gladness, happiness and honor.

And then, after the blessings of Havdallah, we sing to Elijah The Prophet

who, our tradition teaches us, will be the forerunner of the coming of Messiah.

After the defeat of evil, there will be a rejoicing led by a shining LIGHT

paving the way to a perfected world filled with goodness and celebration. In

fact, there is one place in the Talmud that says that after the coming of the

Messiah, the only holidays celebrated will be Shabbat and Purim.

There are four mitzvoth that facilitate our celebration of the holiday and

recognize the power of standing up in the face of danger as a key to salvation:

• Megillah: Reading the story of Esther in the evening and the morning

from a scroll. As we read the Megillah, we are reminded of the

importance of standing up to tyranny and how each one of us can be

an agent of redemption.

• Mishloach Manot: Sending gifts of two types of food to at least two

different friends. You can take part in this with our Sisterhood but it is

also meritorious to make a few small gifts on Purim day, spreading

Purim cheer to those who might not otherwise receive such gifts.

• Matanot L’eviyonim: Giving money to the poor (beyond your regular

contributions). There is no joy greater or more rewarding than to

gladden the heart of the poor, orphans, widows and strangers. For by

doing so, we are following the example of The Divine.

• Seudah: Partaking of a festive meal on the day of Purim, which we

hope to do as a community in the future. The Purim Feast is especially

significant in that it elevates the soul as it provides pleasure to the body.

Each of these mitzvoth, in their own unique manner, encourage us to

see ourselves and even act as direct agents of personal and communal

transformation and salvation.

Exactly one month after Purim comes Passover (April 8-16), the foundational

holiday of our people, providing the ultimate model of the Jewish people

coming together as they journey from slavery and oppression to freedom

and redemption.

As part of the Seder, we open the door and sing to Elijah the Prophet.

The reality is that Elijah is not even mentioned in the traditional text of the

Haggadah, rather it is simply something that we are supposed to know –

Elijah will visit us on this special night. When re-telling the journey from

subjugation to redemption, we should be so immersed in the experience

that we don’t want to end the story when we open the door for Elijah. We

hope he comes in his fiery chariot to announce the coming of our final redemption.

Both Purim and Passover focus on how we, as the Jewish people, are to

continue the task of working towards that final redemption – paving the way

for the time, when Elijah The Prophet arrives, bringing news that we have

created a world filled with justice, love, and holiness and the time for our

redemption has arrived.

by Steven J. Fine, Executive Director

President’s Brunch in Its

9th Successful Year

March 29 is the 9th Annual

President’s Brunch, one of the largest

fundraisers of B’nai Moshe’s year. I

might add that it is one of the most fun

events of the year as well. One annual

attendee once told me that it is his favorite

event because “you get a good meal, there are no long

speeches and it doesn’t last too long.” How’s that for an


I have told this story before but perhaps you have not

heard it. Several years ago during Dan Sperling’s first

presidency, while I sat as one of his vice-presidents, the

Executive Committee was tasked with creating a fundraiser.

The Executive Committee and Board conceived and

approved an idea for a fundraiser. However, after further

evaluation we realized that the proposed fundraiser would

not meet our fundraising goal. So back to the drawing board

we went. One evening in December 2011, Lisa and Dan

Sperling, my wife Elyse and I conceived of the idea of the

President’s Brunch. In the spirit of true transparency, two

bottles of wine were consumed during that Saturday evening

brainstorming so you are welcome to draw your own conclusions.

We made the President’s Brunch black tie to make the

event feel and look special. The room is set up beautifully,

the tables dressed in beautiful cloth, the food delicious, and

the entertainment worthy of a big stage. Sure, no brunch is

worth $500 a plate regardless of how much lox you stack on

your bagel but over the past eight years no one has left the

brunch feeling that it wasn’t worth every penny.

The goal was to create a signature event and I think we

succeeded by all measures. So how about the fundraising

aspect? Over the first eight years, due to your attendance

and support, the President’s Brunch has brought in more

than $294,000 to B’nai Moshe! The goal has always been to

spend no more than 10% on the brunch itself, so B’nai

Moshe has netted $265,000 since its inception. I know I

speak for everyone involved when I say thank you and we

truly could not have done it without you.

If you have come to the President’s Brunch in the past

you know what a great event it is. If you have considered

coming, make this year’s event a reality. It is understood

that attending may not be in everyone’s financial capacity,

but you are invited to donate to the event to whatever level

you can, all the while knowing it goes towards keeping B’nai

Moshe a welcome home for the metro-Detroit community.

It has often been said that we should all live to be 120

(being the number of years of Moses’ life). In this coming

year B’nai Moshe will celebrate our 110th birthday. With

your help, your attendance and your generosity we will all be

here in 10 years, God-willing, to celebrate our beloved B’nai

Moshe turning 120. �

Page 4: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Synagogue News

Page 5: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Synagogue News

Being a Minyanaire is much more than just being counted in

daily services. Being a Minyanaire is being an integral part of

our community. It is a way of contributing to your fellow

Jews. A traditional way to have a regular chat with God. A

time to see old friends and make new ones. A way to know

that you really do count at B'nai Moshe.

Morning services begin at 7 a.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.

Sundays. Afternoon/evening services are held Sunday at

5 p.m. and Monday—Friday at 5 p.m. Once daylight

savings time begins on March 8 our Monday—Friday after-

noon/evening services will change to 6 p.m. Join us!

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on the Change Your Charity link and find “Congrega�on B’nai Moshe” and select

that op�on. You should receive an acknowledgement. Thank you so much.�

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Our most hear�elt thanks to those who pledged to the

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we did not reach our goal of 100% par�cipa�on we did

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Page 6: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin



Kiddush Fund Contributions

In Honor of:

Bonnie & Mark Kowalsky by Phyllis & Joel Kramer

Anne Rottman’s “sister” relationship/love for Lisa

Weiner by Susan Friedman

Joyce Sherman being selected an "Eight

Over Eighty" honoree by Paula Miller

In Memory of:

Beatrice Breitbart, Andrea Kaplan by Rita Kaplan

Catherine Feduruk by Anne & Michael Rottman

Marty Garfinkel by Anne & Michael Rottman

Eleanore Garfinkel by Anne & Michael Rottman

David Goldman by Paula & Norman Miller, Karen &

Debbie Safran

Renee Gunsberg, Donald Friedman by Larry Gunsberg

& Family

Larry L. Guttenberg by Saul and Felicia Kalbfeld

James Hersh by Melvin Hersh

Rochelle Iczkovitz by Judy and Arnie Goldman, Anne

& Michael Rottman

Joshua Litman by Sherri & Michael Litman

Emma Miller by Dolores & Harold Greenspan

Irene Wolf by Ada & Howard Yerman

Sue Zimmerman by Jack & Phyllis Light

Frances Zoldan Sisterhood

Memorial Fund

In Memory of:

Aaron Zoldan by Andrea Leopold & Brett Serkez, Phyllis

& David Scherman, Mimi Rishkind

Photos by Susan Brohman

Page 7: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Celebrations & Mazal Tovs


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We Love to Celebrate Birthday Shabbat!

Every month we honor everyone celebrating a birthday.

Celebrants receive a blessing from Rabbi Kantor and

Cantor Berris and get a yummy birthday treat.

Next Birthday Shabbatot:

March 21 and April 18

Let the office know if you will be celebrating a

special birthday with your CBM family.

March Birthdays

March Anniversaries







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April Birthdays

April Anniversaries

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Fill Tzedakah Canister to Make a Difference

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collec�ng coins again. And don’t forget about

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Page 8: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Synagogue News/ Passover


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Assembly’s Commi�ee on Jewish Law and Standards. For complete

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page or online. The only excep�on is bo�les of expensive alcohol,

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milk, ice cream, yogurt, cheeses and bu�er.

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100% orange juice, filleted fish, frozen fruit (with no addi�ves), pure

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Now is the �me to take inventory of your Pesach cooking and ea�ng

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should be heated at the highest se9ng for one hour. Use the broiler

se9ng, if available. Self8������� ���� ������ � �� ������ �

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kashered. A;er a thorough cleaning, a cup of water should be placed

in the oven and “cooked” un�l the water disappears.

�����������, a;er being thoroughly cleaned, including the trap, and

le; unused for 24 hours, may be kashered by running a full cycle with


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If you have ques ons, please contact Rabbi Kantor at ����������������� ������

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Prepara�on involves ������������������������� ����

Page 9: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Synagogue News/ Passover


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gra�tude for having been spared during the last plague.

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fast can be waived by a$ending a comple�on of a serious


fes�ve breakfast.�

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Rabbinic literature. Please join us for this fes�ve


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aside. A(er sunset, approximately 8:30 p.m., the family

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Moshe a�er the Siyyum in the morning.�

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release of ownership we would be forbidden from ea�ng such

chametz a�er Pesach. It is advisable to rid our homes of as

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“out of the way” loca�on. Please contact Rabbi Kantor no later

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Ma’ot Chim ������������������������������������������

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needs. Dona�ons to the B’nai Moshe Ma’ot Chi'm Fund will

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Mekhirat Chametz / Ma’ot Chi�m�


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I have enclosed $ _____ as a contribu�on to the B’nai Moshe

Ma’ot Chi'm Fund to help others pay for Passover food. �

Please make checks payable to B'nai Moshe Ma'ot Chi'm


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Page 10: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Synagogue News

Page 11: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Week of

March 7-13

11 – 17 ADAR

Jack Allweil

Linda Altman

Albert Aroesty

Esther Baker

Frances Benson

Morris Bloomberg

Michael Blumenstein

Harry Bodzin

Ezra Borovoy

Arthur Brassell-Haywood

Saralee Bross

Marcia Brown

Esther Brown

Charles Capp

Jerry Lloyd Chess

Samuel Dan

Eleanor Demak

Charlotte Dolinka

Morris Ephron

Nathan Farber

Stanley Feldman

Mary Feldman

Sandra Feldman

Paula Fisch

Bertha Fischer

Bertha Fischer

Joseph Freilich

William Fried

David Garfinkel

Joseph Gelbman

Ilona Goldman

Ben F. Goldman

Anna Goldman

Sidney Goldman

Charles Gorad

Zigmund Grey

Morris Gunsberg

Vojtech Haber

Sadie Herskovitz

Delores Iovan

Julius Isler

Sarah Jacobs

Philip Jaffe

Freida Kaminsky

Michael Kaplan

Anne Katzman

Diane Kauders

Celia Kaufman

Fany King

Chaskiel Kirzner

Judith Kirzner

Louis Klein

Rose Krause

Bertha Kreisman

Samuel Kroll

Samuel LaFond

Doris Laskin

Eva Lebowitz

Hyman Levenson

Theodore Levine

L. Leonard Maslowsky

Mae Mendlovits

Leo Millman

Harry Nedelman

Macey Plaine

Celia Radner

Walter Rosenberg

Esther Roth

Henry Roth

Agata Rubin

Nathan Sadik

Estelle Schiller

Regina Shargorodskaya

Irwin Sherman

Emery Simon

Theodore Stein

Isaac Strickstein

Milton Superstine

Joseph Ungar

Sharlene Ungar

Eugene Weiss

Lillian Weisz

Leo Wilner

Molly Wizel

Minnie Wizel

Week of

March 14-20

18 – 24 ADAR

Vivian Ablecop

Raymond Aroesty

Harry Averbuch

Ben Baker

Robert Berman

Sam Betman

Diane Betman

Helen Biegel

Isidore Bilander

David Bittker

Marget Bornstein

Bayla Bornstein

Paul Church

Esther Dengrove

Morris Direnfeld

Miriam Earles

Morris Feldman

Ignatz Frank

Julia Frank

Seymour Fried

Adel Friedman

Moshe Aharon


Helen Friedman

Pearl Friedman

Ruth Fuller

Rebecca Garber

Marilyn Garsoff

Robert Greenley

Meir Harrar

Phyllis Hoffman

Theresa Hollander

Samuel Horwitz

Sally Horwitz

Esther Karber

Robert Keller

David Klein

Joseph Klein

Fannie Komisar

Michla Kowalsky

Barbara Lampcov

Marjorie Langer

Solomon Laufer

Ronald Leach

Joseph Levin

Peter Levin

Ida London

Abraham I. Milgrom

Barrie Moore

Jacob Nagler

Jack Novominsky

Ignatz Palkovitz

Samuel Rabotnick

Ruth Raimi

David Rosenberg

Max Rosenfeld

Rose Rosman

Charles Ross

Allen E. Rossman

Yechiel Rubin

Joseph Sable

Morris Schlesinger

Irene Shelby

Rose Simon

Simon Singer

Debby Toba Somberg

Benjamin Louis Stulberg

Mildred Weiss

Jerome Wiener

Leon Williams

Helen Wolson

Leonard Wolson

Allen Zeitlin

Harold Zepelin

Isidor Zimmerman

Week of

March 21-27

25 ADAR – 2


Jacob Berkowitz

Sarah Brand

Molly Chess

Lena Cohen

Betty Jean Cowan

Eugene Curtis

Sarah Dolinka

Sally Efram

Eleanor Eisen

Sarah Eisenstadt

David Engler

Anton Feder

Pearl Feldman

Rose Finkelstein

Maurice Fried

Andrew Friedman

Erno Friedman

Samuel Garber

Hyman Garsoff

Sylvia Glantz

Ernest Goodfriend

Rose Grushky

Virginia Guntzler

Alan Jay Guttenberg

Susan Jacobs

Albert Jaffin

Samuel Jaulus

Gizella Jonas

Suzanne Katz

Louise Kellerman

Izrael Kirzner

Jack Klau

Frida Klein

Theodore Kohn

Nathan Lachman

Adolph Lichtman

Celia Lynder

Harold Mc Caulley

Artur Meisler

Henry Miller

Merry Myerowitz

Larry Nedelman

Millie New

Doris Novetsky

Soreh Paul

Annette Perrin

Louis Pollak

Leslie Rosenberg

Joseph Rosenthal

Emanuel Rosman

Hyman Ruben

Berry Rubin

Helen Schlesinger

Adolph Eddie Schwartz

John Sender

Martin Sharp

Bonnie Sherr

Clare Siegel

Eugene Simon

Bernard Sims

Ernest J. Stecker

Leo Ushomirsky

Ella Breyer Warsaw

Sadie Weberman

Irving Weintraub

Hyman Weintraub

Pauline Wiener

Irving Winstock

Helen Winstock

Lillian Wohl

Week of

March 28-April 3

3 – 9 NISAN

Sara Alperin

Braindel Berman

Joseph Berman

Betty Braun

Helen Cohn

Dorothy Dolinka

Rae Dorfman Weiss

Joel Barry Fields

Joseph Fisher

Edward Foon

Fay Freeman

David Fried

Victor Friedman

Bernard Friedman

Morris Greenbaum

Louis Greenfield

Irena Gross

Michael Gross

Shari Hammer

Alan Hurvitz

Helene Isenberg

Florence Keys

Rachel Klein

Gussie Marx

Allen Menuck

Celia Mevis

Paul Mosbach

Sylvia Novetsky

Ester Ralph

Melissa Reina

Milton Resnick

Sam Richter

Doris Fay Rosenbaum

Esther Rosenthal

Harry Rosman

Louis Rossen

Nathan Rubin

Donald Sachs

Leo Schinagel

Harry Solomon

Irving Stein

Rose Stibel

Moritz Weiss

George Weiss

William Weiss

Izsak Weisz

Hilda Winsen

Joseph Wohl

Week of

April 4-10

10 – 16 NISAN

Jacob Agranove

Oscar Bakalar

Hyman Baumhaft

Herman Bernstein

Jacobo Bijman

Leon Bloom

Bernard Bohm

Marvin Bookstein

Yehudah Boschan

Miriam Boschan

Geza Boschan

Ida Boschan

Gertrude Foster

Max Frank

Joel Frank

Louis Friedman

Rose Gelberman

Zolton Glantz

Tessie Grant

Martin Grant

Kathryn Greenberger

Belle Gunsberg

Allan Kaplan

Samuel Kaplan

Norman Keltz

Sidney Kotler

Bertha Kroll

Morris Laskin

Etta Lazar

Nathan Levenson

Samuel Licht

Helen Liebson

Max Litman

Julius Markus

Henry Martin

Maritza Merin

Regina Miller

Irving Novetsky

Diane Nueman

Ida Mary Orechkin

Emil Phillips

Philip Rebenstock

Marvin Rosen

Sidney Rosman

Ben Rubin

Benjamin Sachs

James Samburg

Morris Sharp

Bella Simon

Fannie Vosko

Charles Weckstein

Morris Weiser

Dr. Edward A. Weiss

Sidney Weiss

Eleanor Yanitz

Week of

April 11-17

17 – 23 NISAN

Morris Adelsberg

Sam "Mikeie" Baum

Nathan Bernstein

Gerson Berris

Fanny Brumer

Charles Canvasser

Esther Ellias

Hilda Fershtman

Fannie Fine

Anna Folb

Maurice Freedlander

Shirley Gluck

Lillian Goldman

Anna Gonte

Reva Greenspan

Alex Gross

Miriam Guetta

Andrew Gunsberg

Ceilia Haber

Michael Hitow

Evelyn Miriam Horne

Malka Jacubovitz

Freda Kagan

Dan Karo

Pauline Karo

Rose Katz

Bertha Keller

Susan Liebowitz

Regina Meisler

Martin Miller

Anne Mondrow

Frances Moskowitz

Sam Moss

Rose Neumann

Evelyn Plaine

Goldie Pollock

Max Rosner

Sanford Roth

Hilda Sable

Evelyn Shepherd

Sadie Sherr

Rose Shoskes

Anne Siegel

Julius Smith

Bernard Stein

Hannah Sterne

Samuel Stulberg

Terri Swartz

John Veljacic

Shirley Wagan

Sophie Wanetik

Joyce Weckstein

Harry Weinberger

Albert Weiss

Week of

April 18-24

24 – 30 NISAN

Rose Abrams

Calvin C. Adler

Lana Bobker

Eliezer Bobker

Doris Boschan

Nancy Cohn

Philip Cowitz

Anna Dolinka

Samuel Eichner

Jacob Feldman

Isreal Fertel

Neyman Goldman

Arnold Grant

Bernard Grossman

Harold Herman


Lenka Isacson

Arnold Melvin Katz

Benjamin Kaufman

Sol Kleinman

Abraham Kovitz

Freyda Kramer

Ben Lachman

Max Laventhal

Anne Leeman

Esther Light

Mina Martin

Barney Oshan

Gussie Phillips

Stanley Jack Pinter

Minnie Plaine

Doris Ann Rosenberg

Yetta Rosenzeig

Boris Shargorodsky

Toby Silverblatt

Sarah Smith

Daniel Staub

Eva Weiser

Week of

April 25-May 1

1 – 7 IYAR

David Adler

Fabian Bendel

Harvey Brody

Ben Cohen

Philip Davidson

Helen Edelheit

Phillip Ellias

Marvin Epstein

Joseph Farkas

Naftaly Feder

Andor Feldheim

Celia Feldman

Audrey Fishman

Norman Edgar Fixler

Hilda Freedman

Leonard Freedman

Rose Goldman

Harriett Goldman

David Goldsmith

Harriet Goodsite

Sigmund Gunsberg

Beverly Hersh

Meryl Hickey

Louis Horne

Leonard Horwitz

Harold Hurvitz

Arlene Kauffman

Tina Klein Siegal

Louis Koppy

Paul Landy

Fradel Laski

Wolf Laski

Isadore Leeman

Steve Lewkowicz

Louis Lichtman

Edward Markovitz

Abe Mevis

Otto Neidish

Regina Neumann

William New

Emmanuel Patchakos

Mignon Resnick

Margaret Riegler

Zvi Hershel Rosenfeld

Mary Ross

Ida Sarah Sabbota

Pauline Schiff

Charlotte T. Shalit

Sarah Smith

Joseph Stern

Rose Stern

Joseph Thirman

Boris Tobes

Marcia Weinbaum

Rubin Weiss

Milton Weisz

Samuel Yura

Jacob Zoldan


Page 12: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Tributes—We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Contributions

These contributions were received as January 31, 2020. Contributions made after January 31, 2020, will be acknowledged in the next Bulletin.

Acknowledgement cards are sent out immediately, even though they may not appear in the Bulletin until a later time.

Barbara & Ed Klarman Music Fund

In Memory of: Ben Kirsch by Judith Aaron

Robert Maxwell by Barbara Maxwell-Dubrinsky

Breakfast Fund

In Honor of: Avi Meltser’s Bar Mitzvah by

O. William Brown

Arnie Goldman on the 50


anniversary of his Bar

Mitzvah by Natie & Alan Reinstein; Debbie & Rich


Get Well to: Henry Averbuch by Adele & Alan Leven-

son; Natie & Alan Reinstein

In Memory of: Jon Sears by Natie & Alan Reinstein

Samuil Maslovich by Isaak Gross

Wilfred Richardson by Sue Spaniol, Cheryl

Rosenfeld & Judy Lipson

Frances Klinger by Joyce & Don Sherman

Anna Zucker Levin by Marvin Zucker

Eugene Eisenberg by The Eisenberg Family

Bernard Appelblatt by Lori & Bruce Epstein

Samuel Davidoff by Judy & Arnie Goldman

George Light by Jack Light

Leonard Wanetik by Ann Wanetik

Manfred Halberstadt by Marcel Halberstadt

Irving Dengrove by Ann Wanetik

Louis Levine by Patricia & Barry V Levine

Irene Petrinitz by Joyce & Don Sherman

Nehama Roffe by Avi Aharoni

Ruth Richardson by Sheryl & Shay Rosenfeld,

Judy & Mike Lipson & Sue & Ron Spaniol

Lloyd J. Paul by Dennis Paul, Sandor Paul and

Daniel Paul

Joel Frank by Judy & Arnie Goldman

Harry Adler by Nate Fine

Arnold Waxman by Joyce & Don Sherman

Harry Ceifetz by Cheryl Torf Ceifetz & David Ceifetz

Cantor Klein Chapel Fund

In Memory of: Irene Petrinitz by

Adele & Alan Levenson

Cantor Berris Discretionary Fund

Get Well to: Ann Wanetik by Gloria Bookstein

In Memory of: Frances Klinger by Gloria Bookstein

Chumash Bookplate

In Memory Of: Sandor Hoenig & Carl Siegel by

Fay & Leon Siegel

Congregational Fund

In Honor of: Alan Levenson’s 70


birthday by

Judy & Arnie Goldman

Sheryl & Shay Rosenfeld on the marriage of

daughter, Elizabeth, to Andrew Doyle by

Diane & Steve Budaj

Arnie Goldman on the 50


anniversary of his Bar

Mitzvah by Lori & Jim Issner; Beverly & Alan Yost

Marriage of Linda & Dennis Deutsch by

Elaine & Kerry Greenhut

Bernie Jonas on the birth of his 83



grandchild, Nechama Jonas by Rita & Arthur Weinfeld

Judith Aaron’s 80


birthday by Cathleen S. Zepelin

In Memory of: Allen Charnes by Florence Cohen;

Estelle Gladstone; David Goldis; Anne & Eugene

Greenstein; Alice Herman; Linda & Michael Shulman;

Fay & Leon Siegel; Gina Wolok & Cliff Walkon &

Family; Ada & Howard Yerman

Benjamin Mutnick by Robin & Paul Ehrmann

Yolette Jaffe by Elliott Baum; Sue & Larry Lankowsky

Frances Klinger by Susan Brohman; Marla & Mark

Cahn; Dilyse McAllister Kirsch & Jeff Kirsch;

Heather & Steven Sperling

Bell Storchan by Susan Brohman; Roz & Mike

Grand; Heather & Steven Sperling

Jerome Wolfson by Ilana Wolfson

Leslie “Les” Goldstein by Elliott Baum

Morris Mondrow by Linda & Steve Mondrow

Donald Scharg by Arlene Millman & Steve Gershman

Esther Kessler by Audrey & Mel Goldberg

Ilene Wolf by Elyse & Steven Fine; The Isser Family;

Amy & Jorge Lemus

Bernard Indenbaum by Debbie Hitsky

Joseph Goldberg by Melville Goldberg

Betsey Robin by Elyse & Steven Fine & Family

Irene Petrinitz by Elyse & Steven Fine; Debbie &

Alan Hitsky; Arlene Millman & Steve Gershman;

Marilynn Skulsky; Heather & Steven Sperling;

Cathleen S. Zepelin

Michael Berkowitz by

Dilyse McAllister-Kirsch & Jeffery Kirsch;

Heather & Steven Sperling

Markus Rohtbart by Elaine & Max Fertel;

Roberta & Dave Freedman

Edna Kraft & Allen Kraft by Marlene Kaufman

Dennis & Naomi Bahcall Music Fund

Get Well to: Joel Shayne by Lorraine Bolkosky

Henry Averbuch by Ruth & Joel Shayne;

Cathleen S. Zepelin

In Memory of: Allen Charnes by Cathleen S. Zepelin

Michael Berkowitz by Ruth & Joel Shayne

Doris & Dr. Lloyd J. Paul Health Care Memorial Fund

In Memory of: Hattie Lourie by The Lourie Family

Ida & David Schwartz High School Fund

In Memory of: Markus Rohtbart by Elaine & Harvey

Markowitz, Gail Kerwin & Emery Weiss

Irene Petrinitz by Elaine & Harvey Markowitz

Joe M. & Flora Fisher Continuity Fund

In Honor of: Dan Zelgson’s 90


birthday by

Julia & Rudy Keller

In Memory of: Allen Charnes by

Lorraine & Arnie Fisher

Martin & Sue Weiss Comfort and Healing Fund

In Memory of: Alex Goldstein by Shirley Salem

Oscar Salem by Ben Salem

Michelle & Jerome Seid Family Fund

In Memory of: Richard Seid by

Michelle & Jerome Seid

Nellie & Max Friedman Shabbat Dinner Fund

In Memory of: Marion Kerwin by Mel Friedman

Linda Mossman by Susan Friedman

Irene Petrinitz by Mel Friedman; Susan Friedman

Rabbi Kantor’s Discretionary Fund

Get Well to: Belle Ruben by Gloria Bookstein

In Memory of: Opie by Dilyse & Jeff Kirsch

Allen Charnes by Gloria Bookstein

Lillian Chernick by Allan Chernick

Andrea Kaplan by Diane & John Kaplan

Art Maniker by Edith Maniker

Jack Goren by Sue Kalisky

Jacob Wapner by Maxine Shoskes

Irene Petrinitz by Ruth Rosenfeld; Lynne Avadenka

& Marc Sussman; Marion & Bert Stein

Bettye Levy by June Rubenstein

Bernard Nathanson by Gregg Nathanson

Rabbi Pachter’s Discretionary Fund

In Honor of: Marriage of Linda & Dennis Deutsch by

Joyce & Don Sherman

Get Well to: Belle Ruben by Lucille & Marcel Halberstadt

Barry V Levine by Gloria Bookstein; Lucille &

Marcel Halberstadt

In Memory of: Mildred Bonovitz by

Stacie & Bruce Roth

Lillian Chernick by Allan Chernick

Laura Roth & Jerry Grodsky by Burton Roth

Martin Rosenfeld by Shelley & Don Rosenberg

Dolly Wolf by Dora, Michelle & Dan Goldstein

Gertrude Polsky by Sandra Sharp

Irene Petrinitz by Gloria Bookstein

Morris Novominsky by Marion Stein

Sheldon Harvey Grant by Barbara Grant

Ruth Rosenberg Albert Adult Ed. Fund

In Honor of: Arnie Goldman on the 50



of his Bar Mitzvah by Pat & Barry V Levine

Joyce Sherman on being named an ”8 over 80”

honoree by Pat & Barry V Levine

Get Well to: Henry Averbuch by Pat & Barry V Levine

Gloria Bookstein by Pat & Barry V Levine

Shalom Ralph Building Fund

In Honor of: The Bar Mitzvah of Ross Miller, great-

grandson of Frances & Emanuel Moskowitz by

Steve Shepherd

In Memory of: Allen Charnes by

Sandy & Earle Endelman

Arnold Waxman by Marion & Bert Stein

Sherry Wasserman Library Fund

In Memory of: Yolette Jaffe by Beverly & Tom Klimko;

Ann Wanetik

Frances Klinger by Ellen Kotler & Don Rubin

Allen Charnes by Ann Wanetik

Bell Storchan by Ann Wanetik

Irene Petrinitz by Lori Bolkosky; Susan Brohman;

Judy Pasternak; Sherry Wasserman

Marcus Rohtbart by Adele & Alan Levenson

Get Well to: Belle Ruben by Roz Garber

Joel Shayne by Sherry Wasserman

Sherwin Tukel LIFE Endowment Fund

In Honor of: Alan Levenson’s 70


birthday by

Page 13: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Tributes—We Gratefully Acknowledge Your Contributions

Six Million Martyrs Fund

In Memory of: Doris Friedman by

Susie, Mark, Samantha & Stephanie Iovan

Charlotte Grunbaum by

Susie, Mark, Samantha & Stephanie Iovan

Leslie “Les“ Goldstein by

Susie, Mark, Samantha & Stephanie Iovan

Aron Zoldan by

Susie, Mark, Samantha & Stephanie Iovan

Herbie Weberman by

Susie & Mark Iovan, Samantha & Stephanie

Irene Petrinitz by Dolores & Harold Greenspan;

Kay & Ira Harris; Esther & Bill Icikson; Susie, Mark,

Samantha & Stephanie Iovan; Marsha Raimi; Ruth

& Joel Shayne

Steve Lewkowicz Holocaust Memorial Fund

Get Well to: Frances Goldman by Lucille & Marcel


In Memory of: Marshall Madison by

Carol & Mark Lewkowicz

Beatrice Breshgold by Lucille & Marcel Halberstadt

Seymour & Sharlene Ungar Scholar-in-Residence

Endowment Fund

In Memory of: Frances Klinger by

Kathy & Henry Averbuch; Michele & Arthur Siegal

Ann, mother of Rebecca & Alan Krasne by

Michele & Arthur Siegal

David Moskow by Michele & Arthur Siegal

Ben Maslowsky, Marion Marlowsky & Marty

Maslowe by Debby Plotnick

Ilene Wolf by Michele & Arthur Siegal & Family

Irene Petrinitz by Michele & Arthur Siegal & Family

Yahrzeit Fund

In Memory of: Harry Feldman by Esther & Bill Icikson

Joyce Palmer by Robyn Palmer & Harry Robins

Lonnie Golenberg by Ed Golenberg

Gloria Taxon by Morse Taxon

Harry Weberman by Freya Weberman

Esther Kurtz by Lisa & Joe Konheim

Stanley Hitsky & Shirley Indenbaum by

Deborah & Alan Hitsky

William C. Shapiro by Adelyn Greenberg

Sidney Fuller by Caryn & Henry Hirsch


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Page 14: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin


Synagogue News

In Memoriam

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Mazal Tov To

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Photos by Lemus Photography

Page 15: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin

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Page 16: Congregation B’nai Moshe Bulletin

Congregation B’nai Moshe

6800 Drake Road

West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Tel: (248) 788-0600

Fax: (248) 788-0604


(USPS 981-880)

Royal Oak, MI
































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