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Connect 1

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Connect 1

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Välkommen till detta smakprov på Connect 1 Textbook. Här finns en innehållsförteckning och 'Quick Guide' följt av tre hela kapitel och två sidor ur frasbanken 'How to Say It'. Ett separat smakprov finns på Connect 1 Workbook, som ingår i elevpaketet. Glöm inte att även en fullt integrerad cd-rom ingår i varje elevpaket. För cirkulationsexemplar kontakta: [email protected] För vidare information kontakta: [email protected] [email protected]
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contents Innehållsförteckning

text vocabulary grammar listening – workbook

1 Helloandgoodbye 7 At a conference 8 Numbers 0–10 Am, is, are presens av vara Where are they from? Give me 10 Countries Manchester 12

2 Greetings 13 Good morning, Mr Baker 14 Titles (Mr, Mrs…) I, me, my pronomen Who is who? Excuse me! 15 Filling out forms Greenpeace conference form 17 Scotland 18

3 Howareyou? 19 Hi, Carlos! 20 Numbers 11–100 A book, an elephant obestämd artikel Listen and write Number chant 22 Common words A book, two books plural Listen and number 4 26letters 25 Can you read these letters? 26 The alphabet Can/can’t kan, kan inte What can Suzie do? The alphabet chant 28 What’s the country? Can you spell that? 29 English is a world language 30

5 Thefamily 31 The perfect family 32 Family words Have got/has got presens av ha Have you got? The Jackson family tree 34 My brother’s dog genitiv Meet Duncan MacDonald 36

6 Interests 37 Can I ask you a question? 38 Days of the week I like singing -ingform efter ‘like’ Which day is it? Days of the week chant 40 Are you…? frågor med vara Prestonwood Sports and Recreation Club 42 Bars of soap 44

7 Dailyroutines 45 Helen Monroe’s day 46 Time I play tennis, Jane plays football Listen and answer My day 48 Always, sometimes, never Life of a pop star 50 (Wh- frågor)

8 Betweentwoworlds 51 Between two worlds 52 Jobs I don’t play tennis, Jane doesn’t play… Listen and write or draw What do you know about Australia? 58 Do you….? 9 Tickets,please! 59 The ticket inspector 60 The great outdoors The ticket inspector – Listening The ticket inspector – Listening 62 How many rabbits? 64

text vocabulary grammar listening – workbook

10 Doyouunderstand? 65 The teacher 66 Signs Big – bigger adjektiv, komparativ Which sign is it? Coin trick 70

11 Partytime 71 Would you like to come Months of the year Would you like (to) …? I’d like (to) … Invitations to my party? 72 Months chant 74 1st – 31st On, at, in tidsprepositioner The birthday present 76 Happy birthday to you 76

12 Food!Gloriousfood!77 I’d like to book a table 78 Food and drink Do…? / Does….? do-omskrivning What do they have for breakfast? Interesting food facts 82 Restaurant phrases

13 Thelastphoto83 The last photo 84 Describing people Big – the biggest adjektiv, superlativ Buying clothes How to describe people 87 The blind date 90 Colours and clothes

14 It’sholidaytime! 91 At the travel agency 92 Writing postcards On, behind platsprepositioner Where are they going on holiday? Seasons chant 95 The seasons Where are they? One island – two countries 98

15 UsingtheInternet 99 Making Internet friends 100 Computer language Was, were preteritum av vara What do you use the Internet for? Internet blues 101 Preteritum regelbundna verb About the Internet 101 Canada is big 104

16 Thebigbagmistake105 The big bag mistake 106 Transport Preteritum oregelbundna verb Transport bingo I love London! 113 Apologizing Did..? Frågor i preteritum London sightseeing tour Free tickets for the game 114

17 Anewhouse 115 I’ve got a new house! 116 The house There is/are, there isn’t/aren’t Looking at a house Home, sweet home! 119 True or false? My house is on fire! 121

Howtosayit122 Phrases for oral practice Irregularverbs137 Usefulphrases139 Alphabeticalwordlist140

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Hello and goodbyequick guide to connect 1 1textbook Textbook är indelad i 17 kapitel. Texter, glosor och grammatik speglar kapitlets tema. Några kapitel baseras på avsnitt ur korta, engelska romaner som du sedan kanske väljer att läsa i sin helhet. Längst bak hittar du resurs-sidor med bl.a. How to say it som ger en bank av fraser att använda i olika kommunikativa situationer. Du kan också läsa och lyssna på alla texter på en dator med hjälp av cd-romen som du hittar på omslagets insida.

workbookI Workbook finns övningar till alla kapitel och du skriver direkt i häf-tet. Variationen av nyttiga och roliga övningar är stor och här hittar du minst en hörövning till varje kapitel. Ljudet till hörövningarna och facit till övningarna i Workbook finns på cd-romen.

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Welcome to Connect 1!

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nine eight

1hello and goodbyehello and goodbye1

At a conferenceAt a Greenpeace International conference in Manchester. It is the first night – a party.

riko Hello. I’m Riko. I’m from Japan. What’s your name? svetlana My name’s Svetlana. I’m from Russia. riko Nice to meet you, Svetlana.

emily Where are you from in Brazil, Luiz? luiz Rio de Janeiro. And you? emily I’m from Los Angeles.

carlos Hello. I’m Carlos. lotta Hi! My name is Lotta.carlos Where are you from, Lotta? lotta I’m from Sweden. And you? carlos I’m from Spain.


tomasz Khalid, this is my number in Poland. khalid Mobile number? tomasz No, my home number. khalid 058 9346215. Thank you, Tomasz.



carlos Bye, Lotta. lotta Bye, Carlos. See you tomorrow.


number nummerin iPoland Polenmobile number mobilnummer

home number hemnummerthank you tackAnd you? Och du?goodbye adjö/hej då

See you tomorrow. Vi ses i morgon.bye hej då

first förstanight kvällHello! Hej!I’m (= I am) Jag är… (här: Jag heter…)Hi! Hej!My name is… / My name’s (= name is) Jag heter...Where are you from? Var kommer du ifrån?What’s (= What is) your name? Vad heter du?Nice to meet you. Trevligt att träffas.This is… Det här är...

svetlana Hello, Duncan. This is Riko. duncan Hello, Riko. Nice to meet you. svetlana Duncan is from Scotland.


emily Goodbye, Luiz. See you tomorrow. luiz Yes, goodbye, Emily.


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hello and goodbye 11


hello and goodbye


Whereareyoufrom? Hello.I’mfrom…


0 1 2 3 zero/oh [@Ë] one two three

4 5 6 7 four five six seven

8 9 10 eight nine ten

give me

Give me zero, give me one,

Give me two, three, four.

Give me five, give me six.

Give me seven, give me more.

Give me eight, give me nine.

Give me ten, double ten!

No more numbers.

So let’s start again!pwj

Iraq IrakAustralia AustralienSpain SpanienBrazil BrasilienRussia RysslandEngland Englandthe USA USAScotland SkottlandSomalia SomaliaSweden SverigeChina Kina

numbers nummer, siffrorgive me ge migdouble dubblano more inga flerlet’s (= let us) start again låt oss börja omagain igen


the usa











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hello and goodbye


Greetings 2

city stadabout cirkapeople människorlive borthere därit den/dethas harfamous berömdateams lagand ochmodern moderncomputer datorwas built byggdeswas varmet träffadestarted startade;

grundadecar bilcompany företag

examples negative I’mnot from Sweden. Jag är inte från Sverige.Duncan isn’t from Manchester. Duncan är inte

från Manchester.Carlos and Miguel aren’t English. Carlos och

Miguel är inte engelsmän.

NOTE: Use short forms when you speak. OBS! Kortformerna används i talspråk.

examples positiveI’m from Sweden. Jag är från Sverige.He’s from Scotland. Han är från Skottland.We’re from Brazil. Vi är från Brasilien.

butThis is Duncan. Det här är Duncan.Manchester and London are cities.

Manchester och London är städer.

Manchester is a city in England.About 500,000 people live there.It has two famous football teams – Manchester United and Manchester City.The first modern computer was built in Manchester.Manchester was where Henry Rolls met Frank Royce and started the Rolls-Royce car company.


Am,is,are(presens av vara)

long form short form

I amyou are

I’m you’re

jag ärdu är

he isshe isit is


han är hon ärden/det är

we areyou arethey are


vi ärni ärde är

long form short form

I am notyou are not

I’m notyou aren't

jag är intedu är inte

he is notshe is notit is not

he isn’tshe isn’tit isn’t

han är intehon är inteden/det är inte

we are notyou are notthey are not

we aren’tyou aren’tthey aren’t

vi är inteni är intede är inte

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50 fifty-two

daily routines7

Between two worlds 8

Life of a pop starKandar is a famous pop star in Indonesia. He lives in a very big house in Jakarta. He has a maid called Sari and a driver called Andy. Every morning he gets up at about 10 o’clock and has breakfast with his wife, Nana and 5-year-old daughter, Dinda.

At 11.15 he goes to his studio in the garden and works on his new album for a couple of hours. He writes all his own songs. At about 2 o’clock, Sari, the maid, calls him to say, ‘Lunch is ready!’

After lunch, his driver, Andy sometimes drives him into Jakarta to buy clothes. His wife usually comes with him as she likes buying clothes, too. But Dinda doesn’t come with them. Sari, the maid looks after her.

In the evening, at about 7.30, the family have dinner together. Then Kandar relaxes in his TV room. He’s got a very big TV and likes watching MTV and football.

At midnight, he goes to bed. It’s been a long, hard day!

life livpop star popstjärnabig stormaid hembiträdedriver chaufförgets up går upphas breakfast äter frukost5-year-old femårigagarden trädgårdworks on arbetar medalbum skivaa couple of hours några timmarwrites skriverown egnasongs sångercalls ropar pålunch is ready lunchen är klarhim honombuy köpaclothes kläderlikes tycker omdoesn’t (= does not) come följer inte medthem demlooks after passarrelaxes kopplar avTV room TV rumgoes to bed går och lägger sighard jobbig

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52 53 fifty-three fifty-two

between two worlds 88

Between two worldsJoanna Jimbuku is a nurse. She lives and works in north Australia. Her boss is Bob Mills – a Flying Doctor. He and Joanna go everywhere in The Bluebird, Bob’s plane.

One morning in August, Joanna answers the phone.‘Hello,’ she says. ‘Doctor Mills’ office.’ Then… ‘A baby? Yes, I see.

And you’re in Woomara. OK – we can be there in half an hour.’Five minutes later, Joanna and Bob are in The Bluebird.

‘How old is this baby?’ asks Bob.‘Eighteen months,’ says Joanna.

After a moment Bob looks at her.‘Woomara’s near your home town, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, that’s right.’ Joanna smiles. ‘It’s a very small place.’She looks out of the window. ‘There it is,’ she says.

‘Can you see? Between those trees and the river.’Down on the ground, eight or nine people are waiting for the flying doctor. They take him and Joanna to a small house. The baby’s mother – Jane – is inside it.

Bob looks at the little girl for twenty minutes. Then he says, ‘I’m sorry, but Mary is very, very ill. It’s her heart.

She must go to a hospital in Sydney.’‘Sydney!’ says Jane.‘Yes.’ Bob puts his hand on the woman’s arm. ‘But it’s OK – you can go with her.’

Jane looks sad. ‘How? I’ve got six other children. I can’t leave them.’

between two worlds

between mellanworlds världarnurse sjuksköterskanorth norraFlying Doctor ‘Flygande läkare’

everywhere överalltplane flygplanAugust augustianswers svararoffice kontor

half an hour en halv- timmemonths månaderhome town hemstadisn’t it? eller hur?smiles ler

small litetplace ställelooks out of tittar ut genomwindow fönsterriver flod

ground marktake tarminutes minuterill sjukheart hjärtamust måste

hospital sjukhusputs läggersad ledsenleave lämna

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55 54 fifty-five fifty-four

between two worlds between two worlds 88

Joanna Jimbuku is a nurse in Australia.

She works with a Flying Doctor.

One day a baby is very ill. Joanna takes

the baby to Sydney. It’s her first visit

to a big city and she loves it. Does the

baby get better and does Joanna stay

in Sydney or go home?

A baby?We can be in Woomara in half an hour.

How old is this baby?

Eighteen months.

There it is! Between those trees and the river.

Mary is very, very ill. It’s her heart. She must go to a hospital in Sydney.

1 2

3 4

5 6

You can go with her. How? I’ve got six other children. I can’t leave them.

Whathappensnext? Betweentwoworlds–inpictures

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a firefighter

a cleaner

a nurse

8between two worldsbetween two worlds8

57 fifty-seven


What’s your job? Vad har du för jobb?journalist journalistcleaner städarebus driver busschaufförpolice officer polisdentist tandläkare

actor skådespelarearchitect arkitekthairdresser /hår/frisörsecretary sekreterarecar mechanic bilmekanikerpilot pilot

a or an with jobsYou always use a or an when you talk about a job.I’m a police officer. I’m an actor.never I’m police officer. I’m actor.

You use ‘a’ with jobs that start with a consonant (b, c, d, f, etc).You use ‘an’ with jobs that start with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or vowel sound.

Använd alltid a eller an i samband med jobb (yrken).I ama police officer. I’m an actor.aldrig I’m police officer. I’m actor.

Man använder ‘a’ framför jobb som börjar med konsonant (b, c, d, f, etc.).Man använder ’an’ framför jobb som börjar med vokal (a, e, i, o, u) eller vokalljud.

Idon’tplaytennis,Janedoesn’tplayfootball(presens nekande)

This is how you form the present tense of verbs (negative sentences)Så här bildas presens (nutid) av nekande satser.

I don’t like dogs. Jag tycker inte om hundar.You don’t walk to work. Du promenerar inte till jobbet.We don’t play football after school. Vi spelar inte fotboll efter skolan.You and your sister don’t live in London. Du och din syster bor inte I London.Jill and Brian don’t smoke. Jill och Brian röker inte.

BUTJack doesn’t work in a shop. Jack arbetar inte i en affär.Lotta doesn’t eat meat. Lotta äter inte kött. The cat doesn’t wake up early. Katten vaknar inte tidigt.


This is how you ask and answer questions using Doyou…?Så här frågar och svarar man genom att använda Do you...?


Do you like dogs? Tycker du om hundar?Do you playthe piano? Spelar du piano?Do you livein New York? Bor du i New York? Do you speakSpanish? Pratar du spanska?Do you driveto work? Kör du till arbetet?

And answer:

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Ja, det gör jag. / Nej, det gör jag inte.a pilot

a secretary

a police officer

a journalist

a shop assistant

a car mechanic

a hairdresser

an architect

a bus driver

a teacher

an actor

a dentist

NOTE! You always use doesn't after he, she or it!

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58 fifty-eight

8 between two worlds

Tickets, please!What do you know about Australia? 9

bigger störrethe Aborigines urbefolkningen, aboriginernahave lived har bottfor thousands of years i tusentals årdiscovered upptäcktebecame blevpart of del avthe British Empire det brittiska imperietnear the sea nära havetdifferent olikaanimals djurincluding inklusivekangaroos kängururkoala bears koalabjörnarcrocodiles krokodilercamels kamelersharks hajarof course naturligtvissheep fårsnakes ormarspiders spindlara long way långtif you ever go there om du någonsin reser dit600 million years old 600 miljoner år gammalbecause därför att

Only five countries in the world are bigger than Australia – Russia, Canada, the USA, China and Brazil. But only 20 million people live in Australia.

The Aborigines have lived in Australia for thousands of years. But in 1770, the Englishman, Captain James Cook ‘discovered’ it and Australia became part of the British Empire.

The main towns in Australia are near the sea – Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin. Canberra, the capital, is 150 km from the sea.

Australia has many different animals, including kangaroos, koala bears, crocodiles, camels, sharks and, of course, sheep. Australia also has many snakes and spiders!

It's a long way to Australia, but if you ever go there you must see Sydney Opera House and Uluru (Ayers Rock) which is 600 million years old. And if you go in the summer, take a hat, because the sun is very hot!

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90 ninety

the last photo13

14It’s holiday time!

blind date blind date, ‘blindträff’once upon a time there was det var en gångugly fultlived boddelonely ensamunhappy olyckliglonged for längtade efterput an advert satte in en annnonsgirlfriend flickvännervously nervöstalmost nästanletter brevlady damwrote skrevwarn varna

attractive attraktiv, tilldragandeall over över hela mighow about...? vad sägs om...?clock klockaa few days later några dagar senareopened öppnadepersonality personlighetmore important viktigarelooks utseendelook forward to ser fram emotsince eftersommeeting träff, mötewould you wear skulle du kunna ha på digrose rosrecognize känna igen

The blind dateOnce upon a time there was a very ugly monster. He lived in London but was very lonely and very unhappy. He longed for somebody to live with. So one day he put an advert in the newspaper for a girlfriend. He waited nervously for almost a week. Then, on the Friday, he got a letter from a lady from Wimbledon. The monster wrote back to her.

‘I must warn you that I’m not very attractive,’ he wrote. ‘In fact, I’ve got three heads and four arms and I’ve got green hair all over. But If you still want to meet me, then how about under the clock at Waterloo Station on Sunday at 1 p.m?’

A few days later, the monster got a letter from the lady. He opened it nervously. ‘I think personality is more important than looks,’ she wrote, ‘so I look forward to meeting you on Sunday. Since this is our first meeting, would you wear a red rose, so I can recognize you?’

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it's holiday time! 14it's holiday time!14

ninety-three 93 92 ninety-two

At the travel agencyMrs O’Gara wants to go somewhere on holiday in the summer. So she goes to a travel agency in Dublin.

travel agent Good morning. Can I help you? mrs o’gara Yes. I’d like to go on holiday in the summer – in July. Somewhere hot. travel agent Somewhere hot? mrs o’gara Yes, I love the sun! travel agent How about Thailand or… mrs o’gara Thailand? No, that’s too far. I don’t like flying. Have you got somewhere in Europe? travel agent In Europe? Well, we have a week in Turkey… mrs o’gara I want two weeks. travel agent Two weeks? I see. Well, how about Italy? We’ve got a two-week holiday in Venice... mrs o’gara Venice? All that dirty, smelly water! No, thank you! Have you got any holidays in Spain? travel agent In Spain? Let me see… Yes, we’ve got a two-week holiday in Magaluff in Majorca. And we’ve also got a two-week holiday in Madrid. mrs o’gara Madrid? No, I don’t like big cities. How much is the holiday in Majorca? travel agent How many people are going on holiday altogether? mrs o’gara Two people. Me and my sister, Margaret from Tipperary. travel agent Two people? That’s €400 per person. mrs o’gara Four hundred euros? That’s a bit expensive. What sort of hotel is it? travel agent It’s a 3-star hotel. It’s very nice and very clean. mrs o’gara Is it near the sea? travel agent Oh, yes. Very near. You have your own beach. mrs o’gara And that’s in July? travel agent Yes, that’s right. You leave on the first Saturday in July, on the third, from Dublin airport at 9.30 a.m. mrs o’gara Oh, that’s grand! Can I book that holiday then, please? travel agent Certainly. Now if I can just have your name and your address…

It’s holiday time! Det är semesterdags!travel agency resebyråsomewhere någonstanson holiday på semestertoo far för långt bortflying att flygaTurkey TurkietVenice Venedigsmelly illaluktande, stinkandeMajorca Mallorca

cities städerHow much is…? Hur mycket kostar…?are going ska åkaper person per persona bit en aningWhat sort of…? Vilken sorts…?sea havbeach strandThat’s grand! Det är jättebra! (irländskt uttryck)

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95 ninety-five

it's holiday time! 1414 it's holiday time!

94 ninety-four

The universal postcardHere is a postcard you can use when you’re on holiday and want to send to an English-speaking person. Fill in the missing words. Use your own words or the ones below.

universal postcard universalvykort (vykort för alla tillfällen)send skickaEnglish-speaking engelsktalandefill in fyll imissing words ord som fattasit will be kommer att bli

Wish you were here. Önskar du var här.The sun is shining. Solen skiner.It’s nice and sunny. Det är fint och soligt.It’s raining Det regnar.cloudy molnigtwonderful underbartfabulous toppen

awful hemsktterrible fruktansvärthorrible förfärligtdeckchair vilstolmountains berggoing sighseeing åka på sightseeinggoing shopping gå och handla

Dear (1) ___,

Well, here we are in (2)___. (3)___,

and we’re having a/an (4) ___ time.

I’m (5)___ ___ writing postcards,

drinking (6)___ and looking at (7)___.

Tomorrow we’re (8) ___. I’m sure it will

be (4)___. Wish you were here.

Love, (1)___ xx

Pamela Borrow

19 Hutchinson Avenue

Camps Bay

Cape Town

South Africa





the weatherThe sun is shining.It’s nice and sunny.It’s really hot.It’s raining.It’s a bit cloudy.It’s very cold.It’s snowing.




where you aresitting…in a caféin a barin a restaurantin my hotel roomin a trainin a deckchairlying…on the beachon my bed




looking at…the touriststhe seathe rainthe mountainsthe sheepchildren playing


plans tomorrowgoing to… (place)going sightseeinggoing shoppinggoing to a museumgoing sailing



autumn (BrE) fall (AmE)

spring vårautumn (BrE), fall (AmE) höstwinter vinterlambs lammare born födsplants växtergrow växasun solcomes out kommer framdown to ner tillleaves lövturn brown blir brunacolder kallareat last äntligen; till slutit’s snowing snöar dethas passed har gått

seasons chantSpring’s the time when lambs are born

and plants all start to grow.

Next, it’s summer, the sun comes out

and it’s down to the beach we go.

Then it’s autumn, the leaves turn brown,

it’s getting colder, at last.

Soon it’s snowing – winter’s here!

Another year has passed!



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96 97 ninety-seven ninety-six

it's holiday time! it's holiday time! 1414


on påflowers blommorvase vasshoe shop skoaffärinside i, inuticage burbus stop busshållplatsopposite mitt emotcar park bilparkering

7 The cat is lying infrontof the TV.

8 The keys are under the table.

9 The bridge is over the river.

10 The restaurant is nextto the bank.

11 We walked home through the park.

12 The lion is outside the cage.

is lying liggerin front of framförkeys nycklarover över, tvärs övernext to bredvidwalked gickthrough genomlion lejonoutside utanför













1 The dog is on the bed.

2 The flowers are in a vase.

3 The bank is between the shoe shop and the café.

4 The bird is inside the cage.

5 The bus stop is opposite the station.

6 The car park is behind the cinema.

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98 one

it's holiday time!14

15 Using the InternetOne island – two countriesIreland is that big, green island to the west of Britain, with friendly people, lots of music and lots of rain! When they say ‘Ireland’ people usually mean the Republic of Ireland, or Eire. But Ireland is really two countries – the Republic, which is the biggest part of the island, and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. Ireland also has two official languages – English and Gaelic, an old Celtic language, which everybody learns at school.

About 4 million people live in the Republic. Most of them are Catholics, most of them are friendly and most of them love music – you can hear that when they talk. And they have many famous people to talk about – musicians like U2, the Dubliners and Westlife; actors like Richard Harris (Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films) and Pierce Brosnan (James Bond); writers like Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, Elizabeth Bowen and Roddy Doyle… Ireland is a small country with lots of famous people!

Dublin, the capital, is a very young city and many people from other countries live there. Many Polish people live and work there and many young Swedish people, too. If you want to meet them, go to a pub. You can have a good chat, something to eat and a pint of Guinness! Slàinte!

island öto the west of väster omfriendly vänligarain regnThe Republic of Ireland, Eire republiken Irland, EireNorthern Ireland NordirlandThe United Kingdom Förenade kungariketGaelic gaeliska, iriskaCeltic keltiskteverybody allamost of them de flestaCatholics katolikermusicians musikerwriters författarePolish polskaif you want to om du villchat pratstundsomething någontingpint ung. 0,5 literGuinness en sorts mörkt öl Slàinte! Skål! på gaeliska, iriska

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122 123 a hundred and twenty-three a hundred and twenty-two

doctor läkarenurse sjuksköterska

that’s (= that is) det är/den ärnice trevligtinteresting intressantcool häftigt

son sonmother mamma, morfather pappa, far

tonight i kvällon Friday på fredagsoon snartTake care! Sköt om dig!

Work in pairs. Ask and answer like this. Arbeta i par. Fråga varandra så här.

Are you John Smith? Yes, that’s right. Carla Mendez? No, I’m not. I’m… Mrs Jones? Mr Beckham? married? single? a student? from France? from London? from Brazil?

1 Work in pairs. Ask each other questions like this. Arbeta i par. Fråga varandra så här.

How are you? Fine, thanks. How are you? All right, thanks. How are you?How’s your wife?(How is) your husband? your daughter? your son? your mother? your father? Peter? Carlos? the dog?

2 Work in pairs. Talk to each other like this. Arbeta i par. Prata med varandra så här.

See you later! Yes, OK. Bye! tomorrow. OK. Take care! tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon. tonight. on Saturday. on Friday. soon.




wife maka, fru, hustruhusband make, manneighbour granne

how to say it

1 Work in pairs. Talk about yourselves like this. Arbeta i par. Prata om er själva så här.

I’m (I am) Peter Brown. Hello. Nice to meet you. I’m… Lotta Mårtensson.

I’m a doctor. Are you? I’m… a student. a nurse. from Spain. from Los Angeles. from Japan.

A: I’m Peter Brown. B: Hello. Nice to meet you. I’m (Petros).

A: I’m a student. B: Are you? I’m a nurse.

2 Work in groups of three. Introduce each other like this. Arbeta i grupper om tre. Presentera varandra så här.

This is Carlos. Hello. Nice to meet Hello / Hi! Svetlana. you. I’m… Nice to meet you too. Mr Brown. Mrs Baker. my wife. my husband. my neighbour.

3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer like this. Arbeta i par. Fråga och svara så här.

Where are I’m from Manchester. That’s nice! you from? London. That’s interesting!

Las Vegas. That’s cool! Spain. China. Brazil.


fine, thanks.all right, thanks.