connecting abap webdynpro with portal iview

Below are the steps for displaying an ABAP We bDynpro as an iView with your SAP portal. Before following these steps you need to have created a Basic Web Dynpro, which will only take about !ins as it does not need to do anything, all the one linked to here does is display the te"t #$elloworld#. Step 1 - Portal login %og into your SAP &SS ' (SS portal and select the content ad!inistration tab. See your basis' configuration tea! if you do not have access to this tab Step 2 – Create a new iView? Within the content ad!in tab drill down on the #Portal content# node of the tree structure to the logical folder location for your new iView. ).e. if the iview is related to the $* area the location !ay be si!ilar to the following. +nce you have found the relevant iView folder right click on it and select ew-iVi ew. Step 3 – iView source type Select #iView te!plate - create an iView fro! an e"isting iView te!plate# and press the ne"t button

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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Page 1: Connecting ABAP Webdynpro With Portal IView

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Below are the steps for displaying an ABAP WebDynpro as an iView with your SAP portal.

Before following these steps you need to have created a Basic Web Dynpro, which will only take about

!ins as it does not need to do anything, all the one linked to here does is display the te"t #$elloworld#.

Step 1 - Portal login 

%og into your SAP &SS ' (SS portal and select the content ad!inistration tab. See your basis'

configuration tea! if you do not have access to this tab

Step 2 – Create a new iView? 

Within the content ad!in tab drill down on the #Portal content# node of the tree structure to the logical

folder location for your new iView. ).e. if the iview is related to the $* area the location !ay be si!ilar to

the following. +nce you have found the relevant iView folder right click on it and select ew-iView.

Step 3 – iView source type 

Select #iView te!plate - create an iView fro! an e"isting iView te!plate# and press the ne"t button

Page 2: Connecting ABAP Webdynpro With Portal IView

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Step 4 - iView template 

+n the ne"t screen select #SAP Web Dynpro iView# as the te!plate and press the ne"t button

Step 5 - iView Name and ! 

/ive the new iView a na!e and )D and press the ne"t button

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Step " - iView we# dynpro $or %&%P 

ow select the Web dynpro for ABAP option and press the ne"t button.

Step ' - we# dynpro and system details 

ow input the web dynpro details and the syste! it is created on. Please note this is the na!e of the

actual application created within the web dynpro co!ponent, which !ay or !ay not be different. Press

the ne"t button

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Step ( - re)iew iView details 

0ou should now get a screen showing the i!portant infor!ation you have 1ust entered regarding your new

iView. Press the finish button and your done, your iView has been created.

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Step * - +est your new iView 

0our iView should now appear in the portal content folder you created it in. 2o view or edit its details

double click on it, 2o test right click on it and select #Preview#.

Step 1, 

2he preview should have opened up an internet e"plorer window containing you web dynpro3