conquistador and explorer

Francisco Pizarro Francisco Pizarro Conquistador and Conquistador and explorer explorer By: By: Kimberly Manyanga Kimberly Manyanga

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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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Where did Francisco Pizarro grow up? Francisco Pizarro grew up in Trujillo, Spain. His father, Gonzalo Pizarro, was a colonel in the Spanish army and his mother, Francisca, was a poor woman living in Trujillo. Francisco grew up with little education and never learned how to read or write. Growing up was tough for Francisco. He was raised by his grandparents because his parents never got married. He worked as a pig herder for many years.


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Francisco PizarroFrancisco Pizarro

Conquistador and explorerConquistador and explorer

By:By:Kimberly Manyanga Kimberly Manyanga

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Where did Francisco Pizarro grow up?Where did Francisco Pizarro grow up?

Francisco Pizarro grew up in Trujillo, Spain. His Francisco Pizarro grew up in Trujillo, Spain. His father, Gonzalo Pizarro, was a colonel in the Spanish father, Gonzalo Pizarro, was a colonel in the Spanish army and his mother, Francisca, was a poor woman army and his mother, Francisca, was a poor woman living in Trujillo. Francisco grew up with little living in Trujillo. Francisco grew up with little education and never learned how to read or write. education and never learned how to read or write.

Growing up was tough for Francisco. He was raised Growing up was tough for Francisco. He was raised by his grandparents because his parents never got by his grandparents because his parents never got married. He worked as a pig herder for many years. married. He worked as a pig herder for many years.

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Leaving for the new worldLeaving for the new world

Francisco was an ambitious man, however, he Francisco was an ambitious man, however, he wanted to improve a lot in his life. He heard wanted to improve a lot in his life. He heard stories of the riches of the New World and stories of the riches of the New World and wanted to travel there and find his own wanted to travel there and find his own fortune. He set sail for the New World and fortune. He set sail for the New World and lived on the island of Hispaniola for several lived on the island of Hispaniola for several years as a colonist. years as a colonist.

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Joining an expeditionJoining an expedition Pizarro eventually became friends with explorer Vasco Nunez Pizarro eventually became friends with explorer Vasco Nunez

de Balboa. In 1513, he joined Balboa on his expeditions. He de Balboa. In 1513, he joined Balboa on his expeditions. He was even a member of Balboa's famous expedition that was even a member of Balboa's famous expedition that crossed the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific Ocean. crossed the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific Ocean.

When Balboa was replaced as the local governor by Pedrarias When Balboa was replaced as the local governor by Pedrarias Davila, Pizarro became friends with Davila. When Davila and Davila, Pizarro became friends with Davila. When Davila and Balboa became enemies, Pizarro turned on Balboa and Balboa became enemies, Pizarro turned on Balboa and arrested him. Balboa was executed and Pizarro was rewarded arrested him. Balboa was executed and Pizarro was rewarded for his loyalty to the governor. for his loyalty to the governor.

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Expeditions to South AmericaExpeditions to South America Pizarro had heard rumors of a land in South America that was Pizarro had heard rumors of a land in South America that was

full of gold and other treasures. He wanted to explore the land. full of gold and other treasures. He wanted to explore the land. He made two initial expeditions into the land. He made two initial expeditions into the land.

The first expedition took place in 1524 and was a total failure. The first expedition took place in 1524 and was a total failure. Several of his men died and Pizarro had to turn back without Several of his men died and Pizarro had to turn back without discovering anything of value. discovering anything of value.

The second trip in 1526 went better as Pizarro reached the The second trip in 1526 went better as Pizarro reached the Tumbez people on the borders of the Inca Empire. He now Tumbez people on the borders of the Inca Empire. He now knew for sure that the gold he had heard tales of was more than knew for sure that the gold he had heard tales of was more than just rumors. However, he eventually had to turn back before just rumors. However, he eventually had to turn back before reaching the Inca. reaching the Inca.

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The fight to return to PeruThe fight to return to Peru

Pizarro now wanted to mount a third expedition. Pizarro now wanted to mount a third expedition. However, the local governor of Panama had lost However, the local governor of Panama had lost confidence in Pizarro and refused to let him go. Very confidence in Pizarro and refused to let him go. Very determined to mount another expedition, Pizarro determined to mount another expedition, Pizarro travelled back to Spain to get the support of the king. travelled back to Spain to get the support of the king. Pizarro eventually received the support from Emperor Pizarro eventually received the support from Emperor Charles V for a third expedition. He was also named Charles V for a third expedition. He was also named the governor of the territory. the governor of the territory.

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Conquering the IncaConquering the Inca

In 1532 Pizarro landed on the coast of South America. In 1532 Pizarro landed on the coast of South America. He established the first Spanish settlement in Peru called He established the first Spanish settlement in Peru called San Miguel de Piura. Meanwhile the Inca had just fought San Miguel de Piura. Meanwhile the Inca had just fought a civil war between two brothers, Atahualpa and Huascar. a civil war between two brothers, Atahualpa and Huascar. Their father the emperor had died and both wanted his Their father the emperor had died and both wanted his throne. Atahualpa won the war, but the country was throne. Atahualpa won the war, but the country was weakened from the internal battles. Many Inca were also weakened from the internal battles. Many Inca were also sick from diseases brought by the Spanish such as sick from diseases brought by the Spanish such as smallpox. smallpox.

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Killing the Incan emperorKilling the Incan emperor

Pizarro and his men set out to meet with Atahualpa. Pizarro and his men set out to meet with Atahualpa. Atahualpa felt he had nothing to worry about. Pizarro Atahualpa felt he had nothing to worry about. Pizarro only had a few hundred men while he had tens of only had a few hundred men while he had tens of thousands. However, Pizarro set a trap for Atahualpa thousands. However, Pizarro set a trap for Atahualpa and took him prisoner. He held him ransom for a and took him prisoner. He held him ransom for a room full of gold and silver. The Inca delivered the room full of gold and silver. The Inca delivered the gold and silver, but Pizarro executed Atahualpa gold and silver, but Pizarro executed Atahualpa anyway. anyway.

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Conquering CuzcoConquering Cuzco

Pizarro then marched to Cuzco and took over Pizarro then marched to Cuzco and took over the city in 1533. He looted the city of its the city in 1533. He looted the city of its treasure. In 1535 he established the city of treasure. In 1535 he established the city of Lima as the new capital of Peru. He would rule Lima as the new capital of Peru. He would rule as governor for the next ten years. as governor for the next ten years.

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Dispute and DeathDispute and Death

In 1538 Pizarro had a dispute with his long In 1538 Pizarro had a dispute with his long time expedition partner and fellow time expedition partner and fellow conquistador Diego Almagro. He had Almagro conquistador Diego Almagro. He had Almagro killed. However, on June 26, 1541 some of killed. However, on June 26, 1541 some of Almagro's supporters led by his son stormed Almagro's supporters led by his son stormed Pizarro's home in Lima and assassinated him. Pizarro's home in Lima and assassinated him.

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Map of Francisco Pizarro’s routeMap of Francisco Pizarro’s route

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WordsWords Isthmus-A narrow strip of land with sea on Isthmus-A narrow strip of land with sea on

either side, forming a link between two other either side, forming a link between two other areas of land.areas of land.

Colonist-A settler in or in habitant on a Colonist-A settler in or in habitant on a colony.colony.

Dispute-A disagreement.Dispute-A disagreement.

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