constitution act, 1867

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  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867



    30 & 31 Victoria, c. 3 !.".#

    $n $ct %or the !nion o% ana'a, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic, an' the o)ernment

    thereo% an' %or urposes connecte' therewith

    29th March 1867#

    22$*the ro)inces o% ana'a, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic ha)e expresse'

    their 4esire to 5e %e'erall6 unite' into 7ne 4ominion un'er the rown o% the !nite'

    "ing'om o% reat +ritain an' 8relan', with a onstitution similar in rinciple to that o%

    the !nite' "ing'om:

    $n' whereas such a !nion woul' con'uce to the el%are o% the ro)inces an'

    promote the 8nterests o% the +ritish 2mpire:

    $n' whereas on the 2sta5lishment o% the !nion 56 $uthorit6 o% arliament it is

    expe'ient, not onl6 that the onstitution o% the 9egislati)e $uthorit6 in the 4ominion 5epro)i'e' %or, 5ut also that the (ature o% the 2xecuti)e o)ernment therein 5e 'eclare':

    $n' whereas it is expe'ient that ro)ision 5e ma'e %or the e)entual $'mission into

    the !nion o% other arts o% +ritish (orth $merica: 1#

    8. 2988($;

    arginal note:*hort title

    1.This $ct ma6 5e cite' as the Constitution Act, 1867.

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    4.!nless it is otherwise expresse' or implie', the (ame ana'a shall 5e taen to

    mean ana'a as constitute' un'er this $ct. A#

    arginal note:Four ro)inces

    5.ana'a shall 5e 'i)i'e' into Four ro)inces, name' 7ntario, =ue5ec, (o)a *cotia,

    an' (ew +runswic. B#

    arginal note:ro)inces o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec

    6.The arts o% the ro)ince o% ana'a as it exists at the passing o% this $ct# which

    %ormerl6 constitute' respecti)el6 the ro)inces o% !pper ana'a an' 9ower ana'a shall

    5e 'eeme' to 5e se)ere', an' shall %orm Two separate ro)inces. The art which

    %ormerl6 constitute' the ro)ince o% !pper ana'a shall constitute the ro)ince o%7ntario an' the art which %ormerl6 constitute' the ro)ince o% 9ower ana'a shall

    constitute the ro)ince o% =ue5ec.

    arginal note:ro)inces o% (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic

    7.The ro)inces o% (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic shall ha)e the same 9imits as at

    the passing o% this $ct.

    arginal note:4ecennial ensus

    8.8n the general ensus o% the opulation o% ana'a which is here56 re@uire' to 5etaen in the ;ear 7ne thousan' eight hun're' an' se)ent6-one, an' in e)er6 Tenth ;ear

    therea%ter, the respecti)e opulations o% the Four ro)inces shall 5e 'istinguishe'.

    888. 2C2!T8V2 72

    arginal note:4eclaration o% 2xecuti)e ower in the =ueen

    9.The 2xecuti)e o)ernment an' $uthorit6 o% an' o)er ana'a is here56 'eclare' to

    continue an' 5e )este' in the =ueen.

    arginal note:$pplication o% ro)isions re%erring to o)ernor eneral

    10.The ro)isions o% this $ct re%erring to the o)ernor eneral exten' an' appl6 to

    the o)ernor eneral %or the Time 5eing o% ana'a, or other the hie% 2xecuti)e 7%%icer

    or $'ministrator %or the Time 5eing carr6ing on the o)ernment o% ana'a on 5ehal% an'

    in the (ame o% the =ueen, 56 whate)er Title he is 'esignate'.

    arginal note:onstitution o% ri)6 ouncil %or ana'a

    11.There shall 5e a ouncil to ai' an' a')ise in the o)ernment o% ana'a, to 5e

    st6le' the =ueen>s ri)6 ouncil %or ana'a an' the ersons who are to 5e em5ers o%that ouncil shall 5e %rom Time to Time chosen an' summone' 56 the o)ernor eneral

    an' sworn in as ri)6 ouncillors, an' em5ers thereo% ma6 5e %rom Time to Time

    remo)e' 56 the o)ernor eneral.
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    arginal note:$ll owers un'er $cts to 5e exercise' 56 o)ernor eneral with $')ice o% ri)6 ouncil,

    or alone

    12.$ll owers, $uthorities, an' Functions which un'er an6 $ct o% the arliament o%reat +ritain, or o% the arliament o% the !nite' "ing'om o% reat +ritain an' 8relan', or

    o% the 9egislature o% !pper ana'a, 9ower ana'a, ana'a, (o)a *cotia, or (ew

    +runswic, are at the !nion )este' in or exercisea5le 56 the respecti)e o)ernors or9ieutenant o)ernors o% those ro)inces, with the $')ice, or with the $')ice an'

    onsent, o% the respecti)e 2xecuti)e ouncils thereo%, or in conjunction with those

    ouncils, or with an6 (um5er o% em5ers thereo%, or 56 those o)ernors or 9ieutenanto)ernors in'i)i'uall6, shall, as %ar as the same continue in existence an' capa5le o%

    5eing exercise' a%ter the !nion in relation to the o)ernment o% ana'a, 5e )este' in an'

    exercisea5le 56 the o)ernor eneral, with the $')ice or with the $')ice an' onsent o%

    or in conjunction with the =ueen>s ri)6 ouncil %or ana'a, or an6 em5ers thereo%, or56 the o)ernor eneral in'i)i'uall6, as the ase re@uires, su5ject ne)ertheless except

    with respect to such as exist un'er $cts o% the arliament o% reat +ritain or o% the

    arliament o% the !nite' "ing'om o% reat +ritain an' 8relan'# to 5e a5olishe' or altere'

    56 the arliament o% ana'a.D#

    arginal note:$pplication o% ro)isions re%erring to o)ernor eneral in ouncil

    13.The ro)isions o% this $ct re%erring to the o)ernor eneral in ouncil shall 5econstrue' as re%erring to the o)ernor eneral acting 56 an' with the $')ice o% the

    =ueen>s ri)6 ouncil %or ana'a.

    arginal note:ower to er ajest6 to authoriEe o)ernor eneral to appoint 4eputies

    14.8t shall 5e law%ul %or the =ueen, i% er ajest6 thins %it, to authoriEe theo)ernor eneral %rom Time to Time to appoint an6 erson or an6 ersons jointl6 or

    se)erall6 to 5e his 4eput6 or 4eputies within an6 art or arts o% ana'a, an' in thatapacit6 to exercise 'uring the leasure o% the o)ernor eneral such o% the owers,$uthorities, an' Functions o% the o)ernor eneral as the o)ernor eneral 'eems it

    necessar6 or expe'ient to assign to him or them, su5ject to an6 9imitations or 4irections

    expresse' or gi)en 56 the =ueen 5ut the $ppointment o% such a 4eput6 or 4eputies shall

    not a%%ect the 2xercise 56 the o)ernor eneral himsel% o% an6 ower, $uthorit6, orFunction.

    arginal note:omman' o% $rme' Forces to continue to 5e )este' in the =ueen

    15.The omman'-in-hie% o% the 9an' an' (a)al ilitia, an' o% all (a)al an'ilitar6 Forces, o% an' in ana'a, is here56 'eclare' to continue an' 5e )este' in the


    arginal note:*eat o% o)ernment o% ana'a

    16.!ntil the =ueen otherwise 'irects, the *eat o% o)ernment o% ana'a shall 5e7ttawa.

    8V. 928*9$T8V2 72
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    arginal note:onstitution o% arliament o% ana'a

    17.There shall 5e 7ne arliament %or ana'a, consisting o% the =ueen, an !pper

    ouse st6le' the *enate, an' the ouse o% ommons.

    arginal note:ri)ileges, etc., o% ouses

    18.The pri)ileges, immunities, an' powers to 5e hel', enjo6e', an' exercise' 56 the

    *enate an' 56 the ouse o% ommons, an' 56 the mem5ers thereo% respecti)el6, shall 5esuch as are %rom time to time 'e%ine' 56 $ct o% the arliament o% ana'a, 5ut so that an6

    $ct o% the arliament o% ana'a 'e%ining such pri)ileges, immunities, an' powers shall

    not con%er an6 pri)ileges, immunities, or powers excee'ing those at the passing o% such$ct hel', enjo6e', an' exercise' 56 the ommons ouse o% arliament o% the !nite'

    "ing'om o% reat +ritain an' 8relan', an' 56 the mem5ers thereo%. #

    arginal note:First *ession o% the arliament o% ana'a

    19.The arliament o% ana'a shall 5e calle' together not later than *ix onths a%ter

    the !nion. G#

    20.epeale'. 10#


    arginal note:(um5er o% *enators

    21.The *enate shall, su5ject to the ro)isions o% this $ct, consist o% 7ne un're'

    an' %i)e em5ers, who shall 5e st6le' *enators. 11#

    arginal note:epresentation o% ro)inces in *enate

    22.8n relation to the onstitution o% the *enate ana'a shall 5e 'eeme' to consist o%Four 4i)isions:



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    which Four 4i)isions shall su5ject to the ro)isions o% this $ct# 5e e@uall6 represente'

    in the *enate as %ollows: 7ntario 56 twent6-%our senators =ue5ec 56 twent6-%our

    senators the aritime ro)inces an' rince 2'war' 8slan' 56 twent6-%our senators, tenthereo% representing (o)a *cotia, ten thereo% representing (ew +runswic, an' %our

    thereo% representing rince 2'war' 8slan' the estern ro)inces 56 twent6-%our

    senators, six thereo% representing anito5a, six thereo% representing +ritish olum5ia,six thereo% representing *asatchewan, an' six thereo% representing $l5erta

    (ew%oun'lan' shall 5e entitle' to 5e represente' in the *enate 56 six mem5ers the

    ;uon Territor6, the (orthwest Territories an' (una)ut shall 5e entitle' to 5e represente'in the *enate 56 one mem5er each.

    8n the ase o% =ue5ec each o% the Twent6-%our *enators representing that ro)ince

    shall 5e appointe' %or 7ne o% the Twent6-%our 2lectoral 4i)isions o% 9ower ana'a

    speci%ie' in *che'ule $. to hapter 7ne o% the onsoli'ate' *tatutes o% ana'a.1

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    e shall 5e resi'ent in the ro)ince %or which he is appointe'


    8n the ase o% =ue5ec he shall ha)e his eal ropert6 =uali%ication in the 2lectoral

    4i)ision %or which he is appointe', or shall 5e resi'ent in that 4i)ision. 13#

    arginal note:*ummons o% *enator

    24.The o)ernor eneral shall %rom Time to Time, in the =ueen>s (ame, 56

    8nstrument un'er the reat *eal o% ana'a, summon @uali%ie' ersons to the *enate an',su5ject to the ro)isions o% this $ct, e)er6 erson so summone' shall 5ecome an' 5e a

    em5er o% the *enate an' a *enator.

    25.epeale'. 1?#

    arginal note:$''ition o% *enators in certain cases

    26.8% at an6 Time on the ecommen'ation o% the o)ernor eneral the =ueen thins%it to 'irect that Four or 2ight em5ers 5e a''e' to the *enate, the o)ernor eneral

    ma6 56 *ummons to Four or 2ight @uali%ie' ersons as the ase ma6 5e#, representing

    e@uall6 the Four 4i)isions o% ana'a, a'' to the *enate accor'ingl6. 1A#

    arginal note:e'uction o% *enate to normal (um5er

    27.8n case o% such $''ition 5eing at an6 Time ma'e, the o)ernor eneral shall not

    summon an6 erson to the *enate, except on a %urther lie 4irection 56 the =ueen on thelie ecommen'ation, to represent one o% the Four 4i)isions until such 4i)ision is

    represente' 56 Twent6-%our *enators an' no more. 1B#

    arginal note:aximum (um5er o% *enators

    28.The (um5er o% *enators shall not at an6 Time excee' 7ne un're' an' thirteen.1D#

    arginal note:Tenure o% lace in *enate

    29.1# *u5ject to su5section

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    arginal note:4is@uali%ication o% *enators

    31.The lace o% a *enator shall 5ecome )acant in an6 o% the %ollowing ases:


    8% %or Two consecuti)e *essions o% the arliament he %ails to gi)e his $tten'ance in the*enate

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    35.!ntil the arliament o% ana'a otherwise pro)i'es, the resence o% at least

    Fi%teen *enators, inclu'ing the *peaer, shall 5e necessar6 to constitute a eeting o% the

    *enate %or the 2xercise o% its owers.

    arginal note:Voting in *enate

    36.=uestions arising in the *enate shall 5e 'eci'e' 56 a ajorit6 o% Voices, an' the*peaer shall in all ases ha)e a Vote, an' when the Voices are e@ual the 4ecision shall5e 'eeme' to 5e in the (egati)e.


    arginal note:onstitution o% ouse o% ommons in ana'a

    37.The ouse o% ommons shall, su5ject to the ro)isions o% this $ct, consist o%

    three hun're' an' eight mem5ers o% whom one hun're' an' six shall 5e electe' %or

    7ntario, se)ent6-%i)e %or =ue5ec, ele)en %or (o)a *cotia, ten %or (ew +runswic,%ourteen %or anito5a, thirt6-six %or +ritish olum5ia, %our %or rince 2'war' 8slan',

    twent6-eight %or $l5erta, %ourteen %or *asatchewan, se)en %or (ew%oun'lan', one %orthe ;uon Territor6, one %or the (orthwest Territories an' one %or (una)ut.s (ame, 56

    8nstrument un'er the reat *eal o% ana'a, summon an' call together the ouse o%


    arginal note:*enators not to sit in ouse o% ommons

    39.$ *enator shall not 5e capa5le o% 5eing electe' or o% sitting or )oting as a em5er

    o% the ouse o% ommons.

    arginal note:2lectoral 'istricts o% the %our ro)inces

    40.!ntil the arliament o% ana'a otherwise pro)i'es, 7ntario, =ue5ec, (o)a

    *cotia, an' (ew +runswic shall, %or the urposes o% the 2lection o% em5ers to ser)e in

    the ouse o% ommons, 5e 'i)i'e' into 2lectoral 4istricts as %ollows:

    1. 7(T$87

    7ntario shall 5e 'i)i'e' into the ounties, i'ings o% ounties, ities, arts o% ities,

    an' Towns enumerate' in the First *che'ule to this $ct, each whereo% shall 5e an

    2lectoral 4istrict, each such 4istrict as num5ere' in that *che'ule 5eing entitle' to return7ne em5er.

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    onsoli'ate' *tatutes %or 9ower ana'a, an' the $ct o% the ro)ince o% ana'a o% the

    Twent6-thir' ;ear o% the =ueen, hapter 7ne, or an6 other $ct amen'ing the same in

    %orce at the !nion, so that each such 2lectoral 4i)ision shall 5e %or the urposes o% this$ct an 2lectoral 4istrict entitle' to return 7ne em5er.

    3. (7V$*7T8$

    2ach o% the 2ighteen ounties o% (o)a *cotia shall 5e an 2lectoral 4istrict. The

    ount6 o% ali%ax shall 5e entitle' to return Two em5ers, an' each o% the otherounties 7ne em5er.

    ?. (2+!(*8"

    2ach o% the Fourteen ounties into which (ew +runswic is 'i)i'e', inclu'ing the

    it6 an' ount6 o% *t. Hohn, shall 5e an 2lectoral 4istrict. The it6 o% *t. Hohn shall also5e a separate 2lectoral 4istrict. 2ach o% those Fi%teen 2lectoral 4istricts shall 5e entitle'

    to return 7ne em5er.

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    45.8n case o% a Vacanc6 happening in the 7%%ice o% *peaer 56 4eath, esignation, or

    otherwise, the ouse o% ommons shall with all practica5le *pee' procee' to elect

    another o% its em5ers to 5e *peaer.

    arginal note:*peaer to presi'e

    46.The *peaer shall presi'e at all eetings o% the ouse o% ommons.

    arginal note:ro)ision in case o% $5sence o% *peaer

    47.!ntil the arliament o% ana'a otherwise pro)i'es, in case o% the $5sence %or an6

    eason o% the *peaer %rom the hair o% the ouse o% ommons %or a erio' o% Fort6-

    eight consecuti)e ours, the ouse ma6 elect another o% its em5ers to act as *peaer,

    an' the em5er so electe' shall 'uring the ontinuance o% such $5sence o% the *peaerha)e an' execute all the owers, ri)ileges, an' 4uties o% *peaer.

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    8% the num5er o% mem5ers assigne' to a pro)ince 56 the application o% rule 1 an'

    section A1$ is less than the total num5er assigne' to that pro)ince on the 'ate o% the

    coming into %orce o% the Constitution Act, 1985 (Representation), there shall 5e a''e' tothe num5er o% mem5ers so assigne' such num5er o% mem5ers as will result in the

    pro)ince ha)ing the same num5er o% mem5ers as were assigne' on that 'ate.


    $%ter the application o% rules 1 an' < an' section A1$, there shall, in respect o% eachpro)ince that meets the con'ition set out in rule ?, 5e a''e', i% necessar6, a num5er o%

    mem5ers such that, on the completion o% the rea'justment, the num5er o5taine' 56

    'i)i'ing the num5er o% mem5ers assigne' to that pro)ince 56 the total num5er o%mem5ers assigne' to all the pro)inces is as close as possi5le to, without 5eing 5elow, the

    num5er o5taine' 56 'i)i'ing the population o% that pro)ince 56 the total population o% all

    the pro)inces.


    ule 3 applies to a pro)ince i%, on the completion o% the prece'ing rea'justment, thenum5er o5taine' 56 'i)i'ing the num5er o% mem5ers assigne' to that pro)ince 56 the

    total num5er o% mem5ers assigne' to all the pro)inces was e@ual to or greater than the

    num5er o5taine' 56 'i)i'ing the population o% that pro)ince 56 the total population o% allthe pro)inces, the population o% each pro)ince 5eing its population as at Hul6 1 o% the 6ear

    o% the 'ecennial census that prece'e' that rea'justment accor'ing to the estimates

    prepare' %or the purpose o% that rea'justment.


    !nless the context in'icates otherwise, in these rules, the population o% a pro)ince is the

    estimate o% its population as at Hul6 1 o% the 6ear o% the most recent 'ecennial census.


    8n these rules, Jelectoral @uotientK means


    111,1BB, in relation to the rea'justment %ollowing the completion o% the

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    the 6ear o% the prece'ing 'ecennial census accor'ing to the estimates prepare' %or the

    purpose o% the prece'ing rea'justment, an' roun'ing up an6 %ractional remain'er o% that

    multiplication to one.

    arginal note:opulation estimates

    1.1# For the purpose o% the rules in su5section 1#, there is re@uire' to 5e prepare' anestimate o% the population o% ana'a an' o% each pro)ince as at Hul6 1,

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867

    13/42 a +ill passe' 56 the ouses o% the arliament is presente' to the o)ernor

    eneral %or the =ueen>s $ssent, he shall 'eclare, accor'ing to his 4iscretion, 5ut su5ject

    to the ro)isions o% this $ct an' to er ajest6>s 8nstructions, either that he assentsthereto in the =ueen>s (ame, or that he withhol's the =ueen>s $ssent, or that he reser)es

    the +ill %or the *igni%ication o% the =ueen>s leasure.

    arginal note:4isallowance 56 7r'er in ouncil o% $ct assente' to 56 o)ernor eneral the o)ernor eneral assents to a +ill in the =ueen>s (ame, he shall 56

    the %irst con)enient 7pportunit6 sen' an authentic op6 o% the $ct to 7ne o% er

    ajest6>s rincipal *ecretaries o% *tate, an' i% the =ueen in ouncil within Two ;ears

    a%ter eceipt thereo% 56 the *ecretar6 o% *tate thins %it to 'isallow the $ct, such4isallowance with a erti%icate o% the *ecretar6 o% *tate o% the 4a6 on which the $ct

    was recei)e' 56 him# 5eing signi%ie' 56 the o)ernor eneral, 56 *peech or essage to

    each o% the ouses o% the arliament or 56 roclamation, shall annul the $ct %rom an'a%ter the 4a6 o% such *igni%ication.

    arginal note:*igni%ication o% =ueen>s leasure on +ill reser)e'

    57.$ +ill reser)e' %or the *igni%ication o% the =ueen>s leasure shall not ha)e an6Force unless an' until, within Two ;ears %rom the 4a6 on which it was presente' to the

    o)ernor eneral %or the =ueen>s $ssent, the o)ernor eneral signi%ies, 56 *peech or

    essage to each o% the ouses o% the arliament or 56 roclamation, that it has recei)e'

    the $ssent o% the =ueen in ouncil.

    $n 2ntr6 o% e)er6 such *peech, essage, or roclamation shall 5e ma'e in the

    Hournal o% each ouse, an' a 4uplicate thereo% 'ul6 atteste' shall 5e 'eli)ere' to the

    proper 7%%icer to 5e ept among the ecor's o% ana'a.

    V. 7V8(8$9 7(*T8T!T87(*


    arginal note:$ppointment o% 9ieutenant o)ernors o% ro)inces

    58.For each ro)ince there shall 5e an 7%%icer, st6le' the 9ieutenant o)ernor,appointe' 56 the o)ernor eneral in ouncil 56 8nstrument un'er the reat *eal o%


    arginal note:Tenure o% 7%%ice o% 9ieutenant o)ernor

    59.$ 9ieutenant o)ernor shall hol' 7%%ice 'uring the leasure o% the o)ernoreneral 5ut an6 9ieutenant o)ernor appointe' a%ter the ommencement o% the First

    *ession o% the arliament o% ana'a shall not 5e remo)ea5le within Fi)e ;ears %rom his

    $ppointment, except %or ause assigne', which shall 5e communicate' to him in ritingwithin 7ne onth a%ter the 7r'er %or his emo)al is ma'e, an' shall 5e communicate'

    56 essage to the *enate an' to the ouse o% ommons within 7ne ee therea%ter i%

    the arliament is then sitting, an' i% not then within 7ne ee a%ter the ommencemento% the next *ession o% the arliament.

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    arginal note:*alaries o% 9ieutenant o)ernors

    60.The *alaries o% the 9ieutenant o)ernors shall 5e %ixe' an' pro)i'e' 56 the

    arliament o% ana'a. 30#

    arginal note:7aths, etc., o% 9ieutenant o)ernor

    61.2)er6 9ieutenant o)ernor shall, 5e%ore assuming the 4uties o% his 7%%ice, mae

    an' su5scri5e 5e%ore the o)ernor eneral or some erson authoriEe' 56 him 7aths o%$llegiance an' 7%%ice similar to those taen 56 the o)ernor eneral.

    arginal note:$pplication o% ro)isions re%erring to 9ieutenant o)ernor

    62.The ro)isions o% this $ct re%erring to the 9ieutenant o)ernor exten' an' appl6

    to the 9ieutenant o)ernor %or the Time 5eing o% each ro)ince, or other the hie%2xecuti)e 7%%icer or $'ministrator %or the Time 5eing carr6ing on the o)ernment o% the

    ro)ince, 56 whate)er Title he is 'esignate'.

    arginal note:$ppointment o% 2xecuti)e 7%%icers %or 7ntario an' =ue5ec

    63.The 2xecuti)e ouncil o% 7ntario an' o% =ue5ec shall 5e compose' o% such

    ersons as the 9ieutenant o)ernor %rom Time to Time thins %it, an' in the %irst instance

    o% the %ollowing 7%%icers, namel6, I the $ttorne6 eneral, the *ecretar6 an' egistrar o%the ro)ince, the Treasurer o% the ro)ince, the ommissioner o% rown 9an's, an' the

    ommissioner o% $griculture an' u5lic ors, with in =ue5ec the *peaer o% the

    9egislati)e ouncil an' the *olicitor eneral.31#

    arginal note:2xecuti)e o)ernment o% (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic

    64.The onstitution o% the 2xecuti)e $uthorit6 in each o% the ro)inces o% (o)a

    *cotia an' (ew +runswic shall, su5ject to the ro)isions o% this $ct, continue as itexists at the !nion until altere' un'er the $uthorit6 o% this $ct. 3

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    an' 8relan',# to 5e a5olishe' or altere' 56 the respecti)e 9egislatures o% 7ntario an'

    =ue5ec. 33#

    arginal note:$pplication o% ro)isions re%erring to 9ieutenant o)ernor in ouncil

    66.The ro)isions o% this $ct re%erring to the 9ieutenant o)ernor in ouncil shall

    5e construe' as re%erring to the 9ieutenant o)ernor o% the ro)ince acting 56 an' withthe $')ice o% the 2xecuti)e ouncil thereo%.

    arginal note:$'ministration in $5sence, etc., o% 9ieutenant o)ernor

    67.The o)ernor eneral in ouncil ma6 %rom Time to Time appoint an

    $'ministrator to execute the 7%%ice an' Functions o% 9ieutenant o)ernor 'uring his

    $5sence, 8llness, or other 8na5ilit6.

    arginal note:*eats o% ro)incial o)ernments

    68.!nless an' until the 2xecuti)e o)ernment o% an6 ro)ince otherwise 'irects

    with respect to that ro)ince, the *eats o% o)ernment o% the ro)inces shall 5e as%ollows, namel6, I o% 7ntario, the it6 o% Toronto o% =ue5ec, the it6 o% =ue5ec o%

    (o)a *cotia, the it6 o% ali%ax an' o% (ew +runswic, the it6 o% Fre'ericton.


    1. Ontario

    arginal note:9egislature %or 7ntario

    69.There shall 5e a 9egislature %or 7ntario consisting o% the 9ieutenant o)ernor an'o% 7ne ouse, st6le' the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% 7ntario.

    arginal note:2lectoral 'istricts

    70.The 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% 7ntario shall 5e compose' o% 2ight6-two em5ers,to 5e electe' to represent the 2ight6-two 2lectoral 4istricts set %orth in the First *che'ule

    to this $ct. 3?#

    2. Quebec

    arginal note:9egislature %or =ue5ec

    71.There shall 5e a 9egislature %or =ue5ec consisting o% the 9ieutenant o)ernor an'

    o% Two ouses, st6le' the 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec an' the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6

    o% =ue5ec. 3A#

    arginal note:onstitution o% 9egislati)e ouncil

    72.The 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec shall 5e compose' o% Twent6-%our em5ers,

    to 5e appointe' 56 the 9ieutenant o)ernor, in the =ueen>s (ame, 56 8nstrument un'erthe reat *eal o% =ue5ec, one 5eing appointe' to represent each o% the Twent6-%our

    2lectoral 4i)isions o% 9ower ana'a in this $ct re%erre' to, an' each hol'ing 7%%ice %or
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    the Term o% his 9i%e, unless the 9egislature o% =ue5ec otherwise pro)i'es un'er the

    ro)isions o% this $ct.

    arginal note:=uali%ication o% 9egislati)e ouncillors

    73.The =uali%ications o% the 9egislati)e ouncillors o% =ue5ec shall 5e the same as

    those o% the *enators %or =ue5ec.

    arginal note:esignation, 4is@uali%ication, etc.

    74.The lace o% a 9egislati)e ouncillor o% =ue5ec shall 5ecome )acant in the

    ases, utatis utan!is, in which the lace o% *enator 5ecomes )acant.

    arginal note:Vacancies

    75.hen a Vacanc6 happens in the 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec 56 esignation,4eath, or otherwise, the 9ieutenant o)ernor, in the =ueen>s (ame, 56 8nstrument un'er

    the reat *eal o% =ue5ec, shall appoint a %it an' @uali%ie' erson to %ill the Vacanc6.

    arginal note:=uestions as to Vacancies, etc.

    76.8% an6 =uestion arises respecting the =uali%ication o% a 9egislati)e ouncillor o%=ue5ec, or a Vacanc6 in the 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec, the same shall 5e hear' an'

    'etermine' 56 the 9egislati)e ouncil.

    arginal note:*peaer o% 9egislati)e ouncil

    77.The 9ieutenant o)ernor ma6 %rom Time to Time, 56 8nstrument un'er the reat

    *eal o% =ue5ec, appoint a em5er o% the 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec to 5e *peaer

    thereo%, an' ma6 remo)e him an' appoint another in his *tea'.

    arginal note:=uorum o% 9egislati)e ouncil

    78.!ntil the 9egislature o% =ue5ec otherwise pro)i'es, the resence o% at least Ten

    em5ers o% the 9egislati)e ouncil, inclu'ing the *peaer, shall 5e necessar6 to

    constitute a eeting %or the 2xercise o% its owers.

    arginal note:Voting in 9egislati)e ouncil

    79.=uestions arising in the 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec shall 5e 'eci'e' 56 a

    ajorit6 o% Voices, an' the *peaer shall in all ases ha)e a Vote, an' when the Voicesare e@ual the 4ecision shall 5e 'eeme' to 5e in the (egati)e.

    arginal note:onstitution o% 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% =ue5ec

    80.The 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% =ue5ec shall 5e compose' o% *ixt6-%i)e em5ers,

    to 5e electe' to represent the *ixt6-%i)e 2lectoral 4i)isions or 4istricts o% 9ower ana'ain this $ct re%erre' to, su5ject to $lteration thereo% 56 the 9egislature o% =ue5ec:

    ro)i'e' that it shall not 5e law%ul to present to the 9ieutenant o)ernor o% =ue5ec %or

    $ssent an6 +ill %or altering the 9imits o% an6 o% the 2lectoral 4i)isions or 4istrictsmentione' in the *econ' *che'ule to this $ct, unless the *econ' an' Thir' ea'ings o%

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    such +ill ha)e 5een passe' in the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 with the oncurrence o% the

    ajorit6 o% the em5ers representing all those 2lectoral 4i)isions or 4istricts, an' the

    $ssent shall not 5e gi)en to such +ill unless an $''ress has 5een presente' 56 the9egislati)e $ssem5l6 to the 9ieutenant o)ernor stating that it has 5een so passe'. 3B#

    ". Ontario an! Quebec

    81.epeale'. 3D#

    arginal note:*ummoning o% 9egislati)e $ssem5lies

    82.The 9ieutenant o)ernor o% 7ntario an' o% =ue5ec shall %rom Time to Time, in

    the =ueen>s (ame, 56 8nstrument un'er the reat *eal o% the ro)ince, summon an' calltogether the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% the ro)ince.

    arginal note:estriction on election o% ol'ers o% o%%ices

    83.!ntil the 9egislature o% 7ntario or o% =ue5ec otherwise pro)i'es, a erson

    accepting or hol'ing in 7ntario or in =ue5ec an6 7%%ice, ommission, or 2mplo6ment,permanent or temporar6, at the (omination o% the 9ieutenant o)ernor, to which an

    annual *alar6, or an6 Fee, $llowance, 2molument, or ro%it o% an6 "in' or $mount

    whate)er %rom the ro)ince is attache', shall not 5e eligi5le as a em5er o% the9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% the respecti)e ro)ince, nor shall he sit or )ote as such 5ut

    nothing in this *ection shall mae ineligi5le an6 erson 5eing a em5er o% the 2xecuti)e

    ouncil o% the respecti)e ro)ince, or hol'ing an6 o% the %ollowing 7%%ices, that is to sa6,the 7%%ices o% $ttorne6 eneral, *ecretar6 an' egistrar o% the ro)ince, Treasurer o% the

    ro)ince, ommissioner o% rown 9an's, an' ommissioner o% $griculture an' u5lic

    ors, an' in =ue5ec *olicitor eneral, or shall 'is@uali%6 him to sit or )ote in theouse %or which he is electe', pro)i'e' he is electe' while hol'ing such 7%%ice. 3#

    arginal note:ontinuance o% existing 2lection 9aws

    84.!ntil the legislatures o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec respecti)el6 otherwise pro)i'e, all

    9aws which at the !nion are in %orce in those ro)inces respecti)el6, relati)e to the%ollowing atters, or an6 o% them, namel6, I the =uali%ications an' 4is@uali%ications o%

    ersons to 5e electe' or to sit or )ote as em5ers o% the $ssem5l6 o% ana'a, the

    =uali%ications or 4is@uali%ications o% Voters, the 7aths to 5e taen 56 Voters, theeturning 7%%icers, their owers an' 4uties, the rocee'ings at 2lections, the erio's

    'uring which such 2lections ma6 5e continue', an' the Trial o% contro)erte' 2lections

    an' the rocee'ings inci'ent thereto, the )acating o% the *eats o% em5ers an' theissuing an' execution o% new rits in case o% *eats )acate' otherwise than 56

    4issolution, I shall respecti)el6 appl6 to 2lections o% em5ers to ser)e in therespecti)e 9egislati)e $ssem5lies o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec.

    ro)i'e' that, until the 9egislature o% 7ntario otherwise pro)i'es, at an6 2lection %ora em5er o% the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% 7ntario %or the 4istrict o% $lgoma, in a''ition

    to ersons @uali%ie' 56 the 9aw o% the ro)ince o% ana'a to )ote, e)er6 ale +ritish

    *u5ject, age' Twent6-one ;ears or upwar's, 5eing a ousehol'er, shall ha)e a Vote.3G#
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    arginal note:4uration o% 9egislati)e $ssem5lies

    85.2)er6 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% 7ntario an' e)er6 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o%

    =ue5ec shall continue %or Four ;ears %rom the 4a6 o% the eturn o% the rits %orchoosing the same su5ject ne)ertheless to either the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% 7ntario or

    the 9egislati)e $ssem5l6 o% =ue5ec 5eing sooner 'issol)e' 56 the 9ieutenant o)ernor

    o% the ro)ince#, an' no longer. ?0#

    arginal note:;earl6 *ession o% 9egislature

    86.There shall 5e a *ession o% the 9egislature o% 7ntario an' o% that o% =ue5ec once

    at least in e)er6 ;ear, so that Twel)e onths shall not inter)ene 5etween the last *ittingo% the 9egislature in each ro)ince in one *ession an' its %irst *itting in the next *ession.


    arginal note:*peaer, =uorum, etc.

    87.The %ollowing ro)isions o% this $ct respecting the ouse o% ommons o% ana'a

    shall exten' an' appl6 to the 9egislati)e $ssem5lies o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec, that is tosa6, I the ro)isions relating to the 2lection o% a *peaer originall6 an' on Vacancies,

    the 4uties o% the *peaer, the $5sence o% the *peaer, the =uorum, an' the o'e o%)oting, as i% those ro)isions were here re-enacte' an' ma'e applica5le in Terms to each

    such 9egislati)e $ssem5l6.

    #. $o%a &cotia an! $e' runs'ic

    arginal note:onstitutions o% 9egislatures o% (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic

    88.The onstitution o% the 9egislature o% each o% the ro)inces o% (o)a *cotia an'

    (ew +runswic shall, su5ject to the ro)isions o% this $ct, continue as it exists at the

    !nion until altere' un'er the $uthorit6 o% this $ct.?

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    arginal note:9egislati)e $uthorit6 o% arliament o% ana'a

    91.8t shall 5e law%ul %or the =ueen, 56 an' with the $')ice an' onsent o% the *enate

    an' ouse o% ommons, to mae 9aws %or the eace, 7r'er, an' goo' o)ernment o%

    ana'a, in relation to all atters not coming within the lasses o% *u5jects 56 this $ctassigne' exclusi)el6 to the 9egislatures o% the ro)inces an' %or greater ertaint6, 5utnot so as to restrict the eneralit6 o% the %oregoing Terms o% this *ection, it is here56

    'eclare' that notwithstan'ing an6thing in this $ct# the exclusi)e 9egislati)e $uthorit6 o%

    the arliament o% ana'a exten's to all atters coming within the lasses o% *u5jectsnext hereina%ter enumerate' that is to sa6,


    epeale'. ??#


    The u5lic 4e5t an' ropert6.?A#

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    ilitia, ilitar6 an' (a)al *er)ice, an' 4e%ence.


    The %ixing o% an' pro)i'ing %or the *alaries an' $llowances o% i)il an' other 7%%icers o%

    the o)ernment o% ana'a.


    +eacons, +uo6s, 9ighthouses, an' *a5le 8slan'.


    (a)igation an' *hipping.


    =uarantine an' the 2sta5lishment an' aintenance o% arine ospitals.


  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    +ills o% 2xchange an' romissor6 (otes.



  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    *uch lasses o% *u5jects as are expressl6 excepte' in the 2numeration o% the lasses o%

    *u5jects 56 this $ct assigne' exclusi)el6 to the 9egislatures o% the ro)inces.

    $n' an6 atter coming within an6 o% the lasses o% *u5jects enumerate' in this*ection shall not 5e 'eeme' to come within the lass o% atters o% a local or pri)ate

    (ature comprise' in the 2numeration o% the lasses o% *u5jects 56 this $ct assigne'exclusi)el6 to the 9egislatures o% the ro)inces. ?D#


    arginal note:*u5jects o% exclusi)e ro)incial 9egislation

    92.8n each ro)ince the 9egislature ma6 exclusi)el6 mae 9aws in relation to

    atters coming within the lasses o% *u5jects next hereina%ter enumerate' that is to sa6,


    epeale'. ?#

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867



    unicipal 8nstitutions in the ro)ince.


    *hop, *aloon, Ta)ern, $uctioneer, an' other 9icences in or'er to the raising o% a e)enue

    %or ro)incial, 9ocal, or unicipal urposes.


    9ocal ors an' !n'ertaings other than such as are o% the %ollowing lasses:


    9ines o% *team or other *hips, ailwa6s, anals, Telegraphs, an' other ors an'

    !n'ertaings connecting the ro)ince with an6 other or others o% the ro)inces, orexten'ing 5e6on' the 9imits o% the ro)ince:


    9ines o% *team *hips 5etween the ro)ince an' an6 +ritish or Foreign ountr6:


    *uch ors as, although wholl6 situate within the ro)ince, are 5e%ore or a%ter their2xecution 'eclare' 56 the arliament o% ana'a to 5e %or the general $')antage o%

    ana'a or %or the $')antage o% Two or more o% the ro)inces.


    The 8ncorporation o% ompanies with ro)incial 75jects.


  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867



    The 8mposition o% unishment 56 Fine, enalt6, or 8mprisonment %or en%orcing an6 9aw

    o% the ro)ince ma'e in relation to an6 atter coming within an6 o% the lasses o%*u5jects enumerate' in this *ection.


    enerall6 all atters o% a merel6 local or pri)ate (ature in the ro)ince.

    (7(-2(2$+92($T!$92*7!2*, F72*T;2*7!2*$(4292T8$9


    arginal note:9aws respecting non-renewa5le natural resources, %orestr6 resources an' electrical energ6

    92A.1# 8n each pro)ince, the legislature ma6 exclusi)el6 mae laws in relation


    a# exploration %or non-renewa5le natural resources in the pro)ince

    b# 'e)elopment, conser)ation an' management o% non-renewa5le natural

    resources an' %orestr6 resources in the pro)ince, inclu'ing laws in relation to the rateo% primar6 pro'uction there%rom an'

    c# 'e)elopment, conser)ation an' management o% sites an' %acilities in

    the pro)ince %or the generation an' pro'uction o% electrical energ6.

    arginal note:2xport %rom pro)inces o% resources

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    b# sites an' %acilities in the pro)ince %or the generation o% electrical

    energ6 an' the pro'uction there%rom,

    whether or not such pro'uction is exporte' in whole or in part %rom the pro)ince, 5ut such

    laws ma6 not authoriEe or pro)i'e %or taxation that 'i%%erentiates 5etween pro'uction

    exporte' to another part o% ana'a an' pro'uction not exporte' %rom the pro)ince.

    Jrimar6 pro'uctionK

    A# The expression Jprimar6 pro'uctionK has the meaning assigne' 56 the *ixth


    arginal note:2xisting powers or rights

    B# (othing in su5sections 1# to A# 'erogates %rom an6 powers or rights that a

    legislature or go)ernment o% a pro)ince ha' imme'iatel6 5e%ore the coming into %orce o%

    this section. ?G#


    arginal note:9egislation respecting 2'ucation

    93.8n an' %or each ro)ince the 9egislature ma6 exclusi)el6 mae 9aws in relationto 2'ucation, su5ject an' accor'ing to the %ollowing ro)isions:


    (othing in an6 such 9aw shall preju'iciall6 a%%ect an6 ight or ri)ilege with respect to

    4enominational *chools which an6 lass o% ersons ha)e 56 9aw in the ro)ince at the


    s oman

    atholic *u5jects shall 5e an' the same are here56 exten'e' to the 4issentient *chools o%

    the =ueen>s rotestant an' oman atholic *u5jects in =ue5ec


    here in an6 ro)ince a *6stem o% *eparate or 4issentient *chools exists 56 9aw at the

    !nion or is therea%ter esta5lishe' 56 the 9egislature o% the ro)ince, an $ppeal shall lie

    to the o)ernor eneral in ouncil %rom an6 $ct or 4ecision o% an6 ro)incial $uthorit6

    a%%ecting an6 ight or ri)ilege o% the rotestant or oman atholic inorit6 o% the=ueen>s *u5jects in relation to 2'ucation

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    8n case an6 such ro)incial 9aw as %rom Time to Time seems to the o)ernor eneral in

    ouncil re@uisite %or the 'ue 2xecution o% the ro)isions o% this *ection is not ma'e, or

    in case an6 4ecision o% the o)ernor eneral in ouncil on an6 $ppeal un'er this*ection is not 'ul6 execute' 56 the proper ro)incial $uthorit6 in that +ehal%, then an' in

    e)er6 such ase, an' as %ar onl6 as the ircumstances o% each ase re@uire, the

    arliament o% ana'a ma6 mae reme'ial 9aws %or the 'ue 2xecution o% the ro)isionso% this *ection an' o% an6 4ecision o% the o)ernor eneral in ouncil un'er this

    *ection. A0#

    arginal note:=ue5ec

    93A.aragraphs 1# to ?# o% section G3 'o not appl6 to =ue5ec. A1#

    !(8F78T;7F9$*8(7(T$87, (7V$*7T8$, $(4(2+!(*8"

    arginal note:9egislation %or !ni%ormit6 o% 9aws in Three ro)inces

    94.(otwithstan'ing an6thing in this $ct, the arliament o% ana'a ma6 mae

    ro)ision %or the !ni%ormit6 o% all or an6 o% the 9aws relati)e to ropert6 an' i)ilights in 7ntario, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic, an' o% the roce'ure o% all or an6

    o% the ourts in those Three ro)inces, an' %rom an' a%ter the passing o% an6 $ct in that+ehal% the ower o% the arliament o% ana'a to mae 9aws in relation to an6 atter

    comprise' in an6 such $ct shall, notwithstan'ing an6thing in this $ct, 5e unrestricte'

    5ut an6 $ct o% the arliament o% ana'a maing ro)ision %or such !ni%ormit6 shall notha)e e%%ect in an6 ro)ince unless an' until it is a'opte' an' enacte' as 9aw 56 the

    9egislature thereo%.


    arginal note:9egislation respecting ol' age pensions an' supplementar6 5ene%its

    94A.The arliament o% ana'a ma6 mae laws in relation to ol' age pensions an'

    supplementar6 5ene%its, inclu'ing sur)i)ors> an' 'isa5ilit6 5ene%its irrespecti)e o% age,

    5ut no such law shall a%%ect the operation o% an6 law present or %uture o% a pro)inciallegislature in relation to an6 such matter.A

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    arginal note:$ppointment o% Hu'ges

    96.The o)ernor eneral shall appoint the Hu'ges o% the *uperior, 4istrict, an'

    ount6 ourts in each ro)ince, except those o% the ourts o% ro5ate in (o)a *cotia an'(ew +runswic.

    arginal note:*election o% Hu'ges in 7ntario, etc.

    97.!ntil the 9aws relati)e to ropert6 an' i)il ights in 7ntario, (o)a *cotia, an'(ew +runswic, an' the roce'ure o% the ourts in those ro)inces, are ma'e uni%orm,

    the Hu'ges o% the ourts o% those ro)inces appointe' 56 the o)ernor eneral shall 5e

    selecte' %rom the respecti)e +ars o% those ro)inces.

    arginal note:*election o% Hu'ges in =ue5ec

    98.The Hu'ges o% the ourts o% =ue5ec shall 5e selecte' %rom the +ar o% that


    arginal note:Tenure o% o%%ice o% Hu'ges

    99.1# *u5ject to su5section

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    102.$ll 4uties an' e)enues o)er which the respecti)e 9egislatures o% ana'a,

    (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic 5e%ore an' at the !nion ha' an' ha)e ower o%

    $ppropriation, except such ortions thereo% as are 56 this $ct reser)e' to the respecti)e9egislatures o% the ro)inces, or are raise' 56 them in accor'ance with the special

    owers con%erre' on them 56 this $ct, shall %orm 7ne onsoli'ate' e)enue Fun', to 5e

    appropriate' %or the u5lic *er)ice o% ana'a in the anner an' su5ject to the harges inthis $ct pro)i'e'.

    arginal note:2xpenses o% ollection, etc.

    103.The onsoli'ate' e)enue Fun' o% ana'a shall 5e permanentl6 charge' with

    the osts, harges, an' 2xpenses inci'ent to the ollection, anagement, an' eceiptthereo%, an' the same shall %orm the First harge thereon, su5ject to 5e re)iewe' an'

    au'ite' in such anner as shall 5e or'ere' 56 the o)ernor eneral in ouncil until the

    arliament otherwise pro)i'es.

    arginal note:8nterest o% ro)incial u5lic 4e5ts

    104.The annual 8nterest o% the u5lic 4e5ts o% the se)eral ro)inces o% ana'a, (o)a

    *cotia, an' (ew +runswic at the !nion shall %orm the *econ' harge on theonsoli'ate' e)enue Fun' o% ana'a.

    arginal note:*alar6 o% o)ernor eneral

    105.!nless altere' 56 the arliament o% ana'a, the *alar6 o% the o)ernor eneral

    shall 5e Ten thousan' oun's *terling one6 o% the !nite' "ing'om o% reat +ritainan' 8relan', pa6a5le out o% the onsoli'ate' e)enue Fun' o% ana'a, an' the same shall

    %orm the Thir' harge thereon. AB#

    arginal note:$ppropriation %rom Time to Time

    106.*u5ject to the se)eral a6ments 56 this $ct charge' on the onsoli'ate'

    e)enue Fun' o% ana'a, the same shall 5e appropriate' 56 the arliament o% ana'a %or

    the u5lic *er)ice.

    arginal note:Trans%er o% *tocs, etc.

    107.$ll *tocs, ash, +aner>s +alances, an' *ecurities %or one6 5elonging to

    each ro)ince at the Time o% the !nion, except as in this $ct mentione', shall 5e the

    ropert6 o% ana'a, an' shall 5e taen in e'uction o% the $mount o% the respecti)e4e5ts o% the ro)inces at the !nion.

    arginal note:Trans%er o% ropert6 in *che'ule

    108.The u5lic ors an' ropert6 o% each ro)ince, enumerate' in the Thir'

    *che'ule to this $ct, shall 5e the ropert6 o% ana'a.

    arginal note:ropert6 in 9an's, ines, etc.
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    109.$ll 9an's, ines, inerals, an' o6alties 5elonging to the se)eral ro)inces o%

    ana'a, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic at the !nion, an' all *ums then 'ue or

    pa6a5le %or such 9an's, ines, inerals, or o6alties, shall 5elong to the se)eralro)inces o% 7ntario, =ue5ec, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic in which the same are

    situate or arise, su5ject to an6 Trusts existing in respect thereo%, an' to an6 8nterest other

    than that o% the ro)ince in the same.AD#

    arginal note:$ssets connecte' with ro)incial 4e5ts

    110.$ll $ssets connecte' with such ortions o% the u5lic 4e5t o% each ro)ince as

    are assume' 56 that ro)ince shall 5elong to that ro)ince.

    arginal note:ana'a to 5e lia5le %or ro)incial 4e5ts

    111.ana'a shall 5e lia5le %or the 4e5ts an' 9ia5ilities o% each ro)ince existing at

    the !nion.

    arginal note:4e5ts o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec

    112.7ntario an' =ue5ec conjointl6 shall 5e lia5le to ana'a %or the $mount i% an6#

    56 which the 4e5t o% the ro)ince o% ana'a excee's at the !nion *ixt6-two million %i)e

    hun're' thousan' 4ollars, an' shall 5e charge' with 8nterest at the ate o% Fi)e per

    entum per $nnum thereon.

    arginal note:$ssets o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec

    113.The $ssets enumerate' in the Fourth *che'ule to this $ct 5elonging at the !nion

    to the ro)ince o% ana'a shall 5e the ropert6 o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec conjointl6.

    arginal note:4e5t o% (o)a *cotia

    114.(o)a *cotia shall 5e lia5le to ana'a %or the $mount i% an6# 56 which its u5lic

    4e5t excee's at the !nion 2ight million 4ollars, an' shall 5e charge' with 8nterest at the

    ate o% Fi)e per entum per $nnum thereon. A#

    arginal note:4e5t o% (ew +runswic

    115.(ew +runswic shall 5e lia5le to ana'a %or the $mount i% an6# 56 which its

    u5lic 4e5t excee's at the !nion *e)en million 4ollars, an' shall 5e charge' with8nterest at the ate o% Fi)e per entum per $nnum thereon.

    arginal note:a6ment o% interest to (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic

    116.8n case the u5lic 4e5ts o% (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic 'o not at the !nion

    amount to 2ight million an' *e)en million 4ollars respecti)el6, the6 shall respecti)el6recei)e 56 hal%-6earl6 a6ments in a')ance %rom the o)ernment o% ana'a 8nterest at

    Fi)e per entum per $nnum on the 4i%%erence 5etween the actual $mounts o% their

    respecti)e 4e5ts an' such stipulate' $mounts.

    arginal note:ro)incial u5lic ropert6
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    117.The se)eral ro)inces shall retain all their respecti)e u5lic ropert6 not

    otherwise 'ispose' o% in this $ct, su5ject to the ight o% ana'a to assume an6 9an's or

    u5lic ropert6 re@uire' %or Forti%ications or %or the 4e%ence o% the ountr6.

    118.epeale'. AG#

    arginal note:Further rant to (ew +runswic

    119.(ew +runswic shall recei)e 56 hal%-6earl6 a6ments in a')ance %rom ana'a

    %or the erio' o% Ten ;ears %rom the !nion an a''itional $llowance o% *ixt6-threethousan' 4ollars per $nnum 5ut as long as the u5lic 4e5t o% that ro)ince remains

    un'er *e)en million 4ollars, a 4e'uction e@ual to the 8nterest at Fi)e per entum per

    $nnum on such 4e%icienc6 shall 5e ma'e %rom that $llowance o% *ixt6-three thousan'4ollars. B0#

    arginal note:Form o% a6ments

    120.$ll a6ments to 5e ma'e un'er this $ct, or in 'ischarge o% 9ia5ilities create'

    un'er an6 $ct o% the ro)inces o% ana'a, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswicrespecti)el6, an' assume' 56 ana'a, shall, until the arliament o% ana'a otherwise

    'irects, 5e ma'e in such Form an' anner as ma6 %rom Time to Time 5e or'ere' 56 the

    o)ernor eneral in ouncil.

    arginal note:ana'ian anu%actures, etc.

    121.$ll $rticles o% the rowth, ro'uce, or anu%acture o% an6 one o% the ro)inces

    shall, %rom an' a%ter the !nion, 5e a'mitte' %ree into each o% the other ro)inces.

    arginal note:ontinuance o% ustoms an' 2xcise 9aws

    122.The ustoms an' 2xcise 9aws o% each ro)ince shall, su5ject to the ro)isionso% this $ct, continue in %orce until altere' 56 the arliament o% ana'a.B1#

    arginal note:2xportation an' 8mportation as 5etween Two ro)inces ustoms 4uties are, at the !nion, le)ia5le on an6 oo's, ares, or

    erchan'ises in an6 Two ro)inces, those oo's, ares, an' erchan'ises ma6, %rom

    an' a%ter the !nion, 5e importe' %rom one o% those ro)inces into the other o% them on

    roo% o% a6ment o% the ustoms 4ut6 le)ia5le thereon in the ro)ince o% 2xportation,an' on a6ment o% such %urther $mount i% an6# o% ustoms 4ut6 as is le)ia5le thereon

    in the ro)ince o% 8mportation. B

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    arginal note:2xemption o% u5lic 9an's, etc.

    125.(o 9an's or ropert6 5elonging to ana'a or an6 ro)ince shall 5e lia5le to


    arginal note:ro)incial onsoli'ate' e)enue Fun'

    126.*uch ortions o% the 4uties an' e)enues o)er which the respecti)e 9egislatures

    o% ana'a, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic ha' 5e%ore the !nion ower o%$ppropriation as are 56 this $ct reser)e' to the respecti)e o)ernments or 9egislatures

    o% the ro)inces, an' all 4uties an' e)enues raise' 56 them in accor'ance with the

    special owers con%erre' upon them 56 this $ct, shall in each ro)ince %orm 7neonsoli'ate' e)enue Fun' to 5e appropriate' %or the u5lic *er)ice o% the ro)ince.

    8C. 8*299$(27!* 7V8*87(*


    127.epeale'. B?#

    arginal note:7ath o% $llegiance, etc.

    128.2)er6 em5er o% the *enate or ouse o% ommons o% ana'a shall 5e%ore

    taing his *eat therein tae an' su5scri5e 5e%ore the o)ernor eneral or some ersonauthoriEe' 56 him, an' e)er6 em5er o% a 9egislati)e ouncil or 9egislati)e $ssem5l6

    o% an6 ro)ince shall 5e%ore taing his *eat therein tae an' su5scri5e 5e%ore the

    9ieutenant o)ernor o% the ro)ince or some erson authoriEe' 56 him, the 7ath o%$llegiance containe' in the Fi%th *che'ule to this $ct an' e)er6 em5er o% the *enate

    o% ana'a an' e)er6 em5er o% the 9egislati)e ouncil o% =ue5ec shall also, 5e%ore

    taing his *eat therein, tae an' su5scri5e 5e%ore the o)ernor eneral, or some erson

    authoriEe' 56 him, the 4eclaration o% =uali%ication containe' in the same *che'ule.

    arginal note:ontinuance o% existing 9aws, ourts, 7%%icers, etc.

    129.2xcept as otherwise pro)i'e' 56 this $ct, all 9aws in %orce in ana'a, (o)a

    *cotia, or (ew +runswic at the !nion, an' all ourts o% i)il an' riminal Huris'iction,an' all legal ommissions, owers, an' $uthorities, an' all 7%%icers, Hu'icial,

    $'ministrati)e, an' inisterial, existing therein at the !nion, shall continue in 7ntario,

    =ue5ec, (o)a *cotia, an' (ew +runswic respecti)el6, as i% the !nion ha' not 5eenma'e su5ject ne)ertheless except with respect to such as are enacte' 56 or exist un'er

    $cts o% the arliament o% reat +ritain or o% the arliament o% the !nite' "ing'om o%

    reat +ritain an' 8relan',# to 5e repeale', a5olishe', or altere' 56 the arliament o%ana'a, or 56 the 9egislature o% the respecti)e ro)ince, accor'ing to the $uthorit6 o%

    the arliament or o% that 9egislature un'er this $ct. BA#

    arginal note:Trans%er o% 7%%icers to ana'a

    130.!ntil the arliament o% ana'a otherwise pro)i'es, all 7%%icers o% the se)eralro)inces ha)ing 4uties to 'ischarge in relation to atters other than those coming

    within the lasses o% *u5jects 56 this $ct assigne' exclusi)el6 to the 9egislatures o% the
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    ro)inces shall 5e 7%%icers o% ana'a, an' shall continue to 'ischarge the 4uties o% their

    respecti)e 7%%ices un'er the same 9ia5ilities, esponsi5ilities, an' enalties as i% the

    !nion ha' not 5een ma'e. BB#

    arginal note:$ppointment o% new 7%%icers

    131.!ntil the arliament o% ana'a otherwise pro)i'es, the o)ernor eneral inouncil ma6 %rom Time to Time appoint such 7%%icers as the o)ernor eneral inouncil 'eems necessar6 or proper %or the e%%ectual 2xecution o% this $ct.

    arginal note:Treat6 75ligations

    132.The arliament an' o)ernment o% ana'a shall ha)e all owers necessar6 or

    proper %or per%orming the 75ligations o% ana'a or o% an6 ro)ince thereo%, as art o% the+ritish 2mpire, towar's Foreign ountries, arising un'er Treaties 5etween the 2mpire

    an' such Foreign ountries.

    arginal note:!se o% 2nglish an' French 9anguages

    133.2ither the 2nglish or the French 9anguage ma6 5e use' 56 an6 erson in the

    4e5ates o% the ouses o% the arliament o% ana'a an' o% the ouses o% the 9egislature

    o% =ue5ec an' 5oth those 9anguages shall 5e use' in the respecti)e ecor's an'

    Hournals o% those ouses an' either o% those 9anguages ma6 5e use' 56 an6 erson or inan6 lea'ing or rocess in or issuing %rom an6 ourt o% ana'a esta5lishe' un'er this

    $ct, an' in or %rom all or an6 o% the ourts o% =ue5ec.

    The $cts o% the arliament o% ana'a an' o% the 9egislature o% =ue5ec shall 5eprinte' an' pu5lishe' in 5oth those 9anguages. BD#


    arginal note:$ppointment o% 2xecuti)e 7%%icers %or 7ntario an' =ue5ec

    134.!ntil the 9egislature o% 7ntario or o% =ue5ec otherwise pro)i'es, the 9ieutenanto)ernors o% 7ntario an' =ue5ec ma6 each appoint un'er the reat *eal o% the ro)ince

    the %ollowing 7%%icers, to hol' 7%%ice 'uring leasure, that is to sa6, I the $ttorne6

    eneral, the *ecretar6 an' egistrar o% the ro)ince, the Treasurer o% the ro)ince, theommissioner o% rown 9an's, an' the ommissioner o% $griculture an' u5lic ors,

    an' in the ase o% =ue5ec the *olicitor eneral, an' ma6, 56 7r'er o% the 9ieutenant

    o)ernor in ouncil, %rom Time to Time prescri5e the 4uties o% those 7%%icers, an' o%

    the se)eral 4epartments o)er which the6 shall presi'e or to which the6 shall 5elong, an'o% the 7%%icers an' lers thereo%, an' ma6 also appoint other an' a''itional 7%%icers to

    hol' 7%%ice 'uring leasure, an' ma6 %rom Time to Time prescri5e the 4uties o% those

    7%%icers, an' o% the se)eral 4epartments o)er which the6 shall presi'e or to which the6shall 5elong, an' o% the 7%%icers an' lers thereo%. B#

    arginal note:owers, 4uties, etc. o% 2xecuti)e 7%%icers
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    135.!ntil the 9egislature o% 7ntario or =ue5ec otherwise pro)i'es, all ights,

    owers, 4uties, Functions, esponsi5ilities, or $uthorities at the passing o% this $ct

    )este' in or impose' on the $ttorne6 eneral, *olicitor eneral, *ecretar6 an' egistraro% the ro)ince o% ana'a, inister o% Finance, ommissioner o% rown 9an's,

    ommissioner o% u5lic ors, an' inister o% $griculture an' ecei)er eneral, 56

    an6 9aw, *tatute, or 7r'inance o% !pper ana'a, 9ower ana'a, or ana'a, an' notrepugnant to this $ct, shall 5e )este' in or impose' on an6 7%%icer to 5e appointe' 56 the

    9ieutenant o)ernor %or the 4ischarge o% the same or an6 o% them an' the

    ommissioner o% $griculture an' u5lic ors shall per%orm the 4uties an' Functions o%the 7%%ice o% inister o% $griculture at the passing o% this $ct impose' 56 the 9aw o% the

    ro)ince o% ana'a, as well as those o% the ommissioner o% u5lic ors. BG#

    arginal note:reat *eals

    136.!ntil altere' 56 the 9ieutenant o)ernor in ouncil, the reat *eals o% 7ntarioan' =ue5ec respecti)el6 shall 5e the same, or o% the same 4esign, as those use' in the

    ro)inces o% !pper ana'a an' 9ower ana'a respecti)el6 5e%ore their !nion as the

    ro)ince o% ana'a.

    arginal note:onstruction o% temporar6 $cts

    137.The wor's Jan' %rom thence to the 2n' o% the then next ensuing *ession o% the

    9egislature,K or or's to the same 2%%ect, use' in an6 temporar6 $ct o% the ro)ince o%

    ana'a not expire' 5e%ore the !nion, shall 5e construe' to exten' an' appl6 to the next*ession o% the arliament o% ana'a i% the *u5ject atter o% the $ct is within the owers

    o% the same as 'e%ine' 56 this $ct, or to the next *essions o% the 9egislatures o% 7ntario

    an' =ue5ec respecti)el6 i% the *u5ject atter o% the $ct is within the owers o% the sameas 'e%ine' 56 this $ct.

    arginal note:$s to 2rrors in (ames

    138.From an' a%ter the !nion the !se o% the or's J!pper ana'aK instea' o%J7ntario,K or J9ower ana'aK instea' o% J=ue5ec,K in an6 4ee', rit, rocess,

    lea'ing, 4ocument, atter, or Thing shall not in)ali'ate the same.

    arginal note:$s to issue o% roclamations 5e%ore !nion, to commence a%ter !nion

    139.$n6 roclamation un'er the reat *eal o% the ro)ince o% ana'a issue' 5e%orethe !nion to tae e%%ect at a Time which is su5se@uent to the !nion, whether relating to

    that ro)ince, or to !pper ana'a, or to 9ower ana'a, an' the se)eral atters an'

    Things therein proclaime', shall 5e an' continue o% lie Force an' 2%%ect as i% the !nionha' not 5een ma'e. D0#

    arginal note:$s to issue o% roclamations a%ter !nion

    140.$n6 roclamation which is authoriEe' 56 an6 $ct o% the 9egislature o% the

    ro)ince o% ana'a to 5e issue' un'er the reat *eal o% the ro)ince o% ana'a, whetherrelating to that ro)ince, or to !pper ana'a, or to 9ower ana'a, an' which is not

    issue' 5e%ore the !nion, ma6 5e issue' 56 the 9ieutenant o)ernor o% 7ntario or o%
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    =ue5ec, as its *u5ject atter re@uires, un'er the reat *eal thereo% an' %rom an' a%ter

    the 8ssue o% such roclamation the same an' the se)eral atters an' Things therein

    proclaime' shall 5e an' continue o% the lie Force an' 2%%ect in 7ntario or =ue5ec as i%the !nion ha' not 5een ma'e. D1#

    arginal note:enitentiar6

    141.The enitentiar6 o% the ro)ince o% ana'a shall, until the arliament o% ana'aotherwise pro)i'es, 5e an' continue the enitentiar6 o% 7ntario an' o% =ue5ec. Ds ostonoura5le ri)6 ouncil, on $''resses %rom the ouses o% the arliament o% ana'a,

    an' %rom the ouses o% the respecti)e 9egislatures o% the olonies or ro)inces o%

    (ew%oun'lan', rince 2'war' 8slan', an' +ritish olum5ia, to a'mit those olonies orro)inces, or an6 o% them, into the !nion, an' on $''ress %rom the ouses o% the

    arliament o% ana'a to a'mit upert>s 9an' an' the (orth-western Territor6, or either
  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    o% them, into the !nion, on such Terms an' on'itions in each ase as are in the

    $''resses expresse' an' as the =ueen thins %it to appro)e, su5ject to the ro)isions o%

    this $ct an' the ro)isions o% an6 7r'er in ouncil in that +ehal% shall ha)e e%%ect as i%the6 ha' 5een enacte' 56 the arliament o% the !nite' "ing'om o% reat +ritain an'

    8relan'. DB#

    arginal note:$s to epresentation o% (ew%oun'lan' an' rince 2'war' 8slan' in *enate

    147.8n case o% the $'mission o% (ew%oun'lan' an' rince 2'war' 8slan', or either

    o% them, each shall 5e entitle' to a epresentation in the *enate o% ana'a o% Four

    em5ers, an' notwithstan'ing an6thing in this $ct# in case o% the $'mission o%

    (ew%oun'lan' the normal (um5er o% *enators shall 5e *e)ent6-six an' their maximum(um5er shall 5e 2ight6-two 5ut rince 2'war' 8slan' when a'mitte' shall 5e 'eeme' to

    5e comprise' in the thir' o% the Three 4i)isions into which ana'a is, in relation to the

    onstitution o% the *enate, 'i)i'e' 56 this $ct, an' accor'ingl6, a%ter the $'mission o%rince 2'war' 8slan', whether (ew%oun'lan' is a'mitte' or not, the epresentation o%

    (o)a *cotia an' (ew +runswic in the *enate shall, as Vacancies occur, 5e re'uce' %rom

    Twel)e to Ten em5ers respecti)el6, an' the epresentation o% each o% those ro)incesshall not 5e increase' at an6 Time 5e6on' Ten, except un'er the ro)isions o% this $ct %or

    the $ppointment o% Three or *ix a''itional *enators un'er the 4irection o% the =ueen.


    T2 F8*T *24!92 D#

    292T7$9 48*T8T* 7F 7(T$87

    $. 2C8*T8(292T7$948V8*87(*.


    1. rescott.

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    1A. 2ast i'ing o% (orthum5erlan'.

    1B. est i'ing o% (orthum5erlan' excepting there%rom the Township o% *outh

    onaghan#. 1D. 2ast i'ing o% 4urham.

    1. est i'ing o% 4urham.

    1G. (orth i'ing o% 7ntario.

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    ?B. The *outh i'ing o% +ruce to consist o% the Townships o% "incar'ine

    inclu'ing the Village o% "incar'ine#, reenoc, +rant, uron, "inloss, ulross, an'


    The ount6 o% !7(, 'i)i'e' into Two i'ings, to 5e calle' respecti)el6 the (orth

    an' *outh i'ings:

    ?D. The (orth i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% $sh%iel', awanosh,

    Turn5err6, owic, orris, re6, ol5orne, ullett, inclu'ing the Village o% linton,

    an' c"illop. ?. The *outh i'ing to consist o% the Town o% o'erich an' the Townships o%

    o'erich, Tucersmith, *tanle6, a6, !s5orne, an' *tephen.

    The ount6 o% 84492*2C, 'i)i'e' into three i'ings, to 5e calle' respecti)el6 the(orth, est, an' 2ast i'ings:

    ?G. The (orth i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% cilli)ra6 an' +i''ulphtaen %rom the ount6 o% uron#, an' illiams 2ast, illiams est, $'elai'e, an'

    9o5o. A0. The est i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% 4elaware, arra'oc,

    etcal%e, osa an' 2%ri', an' the Village o% *trathro6.

    LThe 2ast i'ing to consist o% the Townships now em5race' therein, an' 5e

    5oun'e' as it is at present.M

    A1. The ount6 o% 9$+T7(to consist o% the Townships o% +osan@uet, arwic,

    l6mpton, *arnia, oore, 2nnisillen, an' +rooe, an' the Town o% *arnia.


  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    AB. The (orth i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% allace, 2lma, 9ogan,

    2llice, ornington, an' (orth 2asthope, an' the Town o% *trat%or'. AD. The *outh i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% +lanchar', 4ownie, *outh

    2asthope, Fullarton, i55ert, an' the Villages o% itchell an' *te. ar6s.

    The ount6 o% 2998(T7('i)i'e' into Three i'ings to 5e calle' respecti)el6(orth, *outh an' entre i'ings:

    A. The (orth i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% $maranth, $rthur, 9uther,

    into, ar65orough, eel, an' the Village o% ount Forest.

    AG. The entre i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% ara%raxa, 2rin, 2ramosa,

    (ichol, an' ilington, an' the Villages o% Fergus an' 2lora.

    B0. The *outh i'ing to consist o% the Town o% uelph, an' the Townships o%

    uelph an' uslinch.

    The ount6 o% (7F79", 'i)i'e' into Two i'ings, to 5e calle' respecti)el6 the

    *outh an' (orth i'ings:

    B1. The *outh i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% harlotte)ille, oughton,

    alsingham, an' oo'house, an' with the ore thereo%. B

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    D0. The (orth i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% (ottawasaga, *unni'ale,

    Vespra, Flos, 7ro, e'onte, 7rillia an' atche'ash, Tin6 an' Ta6, +alala)a an'

    o5inson, an' the Towns o% +arrie an' ollingwoo'.

    The ount6 o% V8T78$, 'i)i'e' into Two i'ings, to 5e calle' respecti)el6 the

    *outh an' (orth i'ings:

    D1. The *outh i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% 7ps, ariposa, 2mil6,

    Verulam, an' the Town o% 9in'sa6. D

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    The ount6 o% 2(F2, 'i)i'e' into Two i'ings, to 5e calle' respecti)el6 the

    *outh an' (orth i'ings:

    1. The *outh i'ing to consist o% the Townships o% c(a5, +agot, +lith%iel',

    +rougham, orton, $'maston, rattan, atawatchan, ri%%ith, 96n'och, aglan,

    a'cli%%e, +ru'enell, *e5astopol, an' the Villages o% $rnprior an' en%rew.

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    D. ilitar6 oa's.

    . ustom ouses, ost 7%%ices, an' all other u5lic +uil'ings, except such as the

    o)ernment o% ana'a appropriate %or the !se o% the ro)incial 9egislatures an'o)ernments.

    G. ropert6 trans%erre' 56 the 8mperial o)ernment, an' nown as 7r'nance

    ropert6. 10. $rmouries, 4rill *he's, ilitar6 lothing, an' unitions o% ar, an' 9an's

    set apart %or general u5lic urposes.

    T2 F7!T *24!92

    $**2T* T7 +2 T2 72T; 7F 7(T$87 $(4 =!2+2 7(H78(T9;

    !pper ana'a +uil'ing Fun'.

    9unatic $s6lums.

    (ormal *chool.

    ourt ouses in $6lmer, ontreal, "amourasa, 9ower ana'a.

    9aw *ociet6, !pper ana'a. ontreal Turnpie Trust.

    !ni)ersit6 ermanent Fun'.

    o6al 8nstitution.

    onsoli'ate' unicipal 9oan Fun', !pper ana'a.

    onsoli'ate' unicipal 9oan Fun', 9ower ana'a.

    $gricultural *ociet6, !pper ana'a.

    9ower ana'a 9egislati)e rant.

    =ue5ec Fire 9oan.

    Temiscouata $')ance $ccount.

    =ue5ec Turnpie Trust.

    2'ucation I 2ast.

    +uil'ing an' Hur6 Fun', 9ower ana'a.

    unicipalities Fun'.

    9ower ana'a *uperior 2'ucation 8ncome Fun'.

    T2 F8FT *24!92

    7$T 7F $9928$(2

    8A..'o swear, That 8 will 5e %aith%ul an' 5ear true $llegiance to er ajest6 =ueen


    $ote. / *he $ae o the 0in- or Queen o the nite! 0in-!o o reat ritain an!

    3re4an! or the *ie bein- is to be substitute! ro *ie to *ie, 'ith proper *ers o

    Reerence thereto.

    429$$T87( 7F =!$98F8$T87(

  • 7/25/2019 Constitution Act, 1867


    8A..'o 'eclare an' testi%6, That 8 am 56 9aw 'ul6 @uali%ie' to 5e appointe' a

    em5er o% the *enate o% ana'a Lor as the Case a beM, an' that 8 am legall6 or

    e@uita5l6 seise' as o% Freehol' %or m6 own !se an' +ene%it o% 9an's or Tenements hel'in Free an' ommon *ocage Lorseise' or possesse' %or m6 own !se an' +ene%it o%

    9an's or Tenements hel' in Franc-alleu or in oture as the Case a be#,M in the

    ro)ince o% (o)a *cotia Lor as the Case a beM o% the Value o% Four thousan' 4ollarso)er an' a5o)e all ents, 4ues, 4e5ts, ortgages, harges, an' 8ncum5rances 'ue or

    pa6a5le out o% or charge' on or a%%ecting the same, an' that 8 ha)e not collusi)el6 or

    coloura5l6 o5taine' a Title to or 5ecome possesse' o% the sai' 9an's an' Tenements oran6 art thereo% %or the urpose o% ena5ling me to 5ecome a em5er o% the *enate o%

    ana'a Lor as the Case a beM, an' that m6 eal an' ersonal ropert6 are together

    worth Four thousan' 4ollars o)er an' a5o)e m6 4e5ts an' 9ia5ilities.

    T2 *8CT *24!92 DG#

    8$; 74!T87( F7 (7(-2(2$+92 ($T!$9 2*7!2*

    $(4 F72*T; 2*7!2*

    1. For the purposes o% section G