constitution of the liberal party of canada in alberta

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  • 8/12/2019 Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta



    LPC-A Constitution

    As Amended on November 17, 2013

  • 8/12/2019 Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta




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    Table of Contents

    Preamble ........................................................................................................................................... 2

    ARTICLE 1 - INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................................ 3

    ARTICLE 2 - NAME, OBJECTS, POWERS, AND CHIEF OFFICE ................................................................ 4

    ARTICLE 3 - MEMBERSHIP .................................................................................................................. 5

    ARTICLE 4 - OFFICERS......................................................................................................................... 6

    ARTICLE 5 - GOVERNING COUNCIL ..................................................................................................... 9

    ARTICLE 6 - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ................................................................................................ 10

    ARTICLE 7 - COMMITTEES ................................................................................................................ 11

    ARTICLE 8 - GENERAL MEETINGS ..................................................................................................... 12

    ARTICLE 9 - COMMISSIONS AND AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS ......................................................... 14ARTICLE 10 - REGIONS AND REGIONAL CHAIRS ................................................................................ 15

    ARTICLE 11 - ELECTORAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATIONS ........................................................................... 16

    ARTICLE 12 - BYLAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................ 18

    ARTICLE 13 - APPEALS ...................................................................................................................... 18

    ARTICLE 14 - AMENDMENTS ............................................................................................................ 18

    SCHEDULE A - CONSTITUTION OF ELECTORAL DISTRICT ASSOCIATION .......................................... 20

    Preamble ..................................................................................................................................... 20

    ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 20

    ARTICLE 2 - NAME AND OBJECTS ................................................................................................ 21

    ARTICLE 3 - FINANCIAL MATTERS ............................................................................................... 22

    ARTICLE 4 - MEMBERSHIP .......................................................................................................... 22

    ARTICLE 5 - EXECUTIVE ............................................................................................................... 23

    ARTICLE 6 - DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE ............................................................................................. 24

    ARTICLE 7 - MEETINGS ............................................................................................................... 26

    ARTICLE 8 - SELECTION OF CANDIDATES ..................................................................................... 28

    ARTICLE 9 - APPEALS .................................................................................................................. 28

    ARTICLE 10 - AMENDMENT .......................................................................................................... 28

  • 8/12/2019 Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta




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    The Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta is committed to the view that the dignity of each individual

    person is the cardinal principle of democratic society and the primary purpose of all political

    organization and activity in such a society.

    The Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta is dedicated to the principles that have historically sustained

    the Party: individual freedom, responsibility and human dignity in the framework of a just society,

    and political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all persons.

    The Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta is bound by the Constitution of Canada, including the

    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and the Liberal Party of Canada Constitution, and is

    committed to the pursuit of equality of opportunity for all persons, to the enhancement of our

    unique and diverse cultural community, to the recognition that English and French are official

    languages of Canada, and to the preservation of the Canadian identity in a global society.

    In accordance with this philosophy, the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta subscribes to the

    fundamental rights and freedoms of persons under the rule of law and commits itself to the

    protection of these essential values and their constant adaption to the changing needs of modern

    Canadian and Alberta society.

    The Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta recognizes that human dignity in a democratic system

    requires that all citizens have access to full information concerning the policies and leadership of the

    Party; the opportunity to participate in open and public assessment of such means, and such

    modification of policies and leadership as they deem desirable to promote the political, economic,

    social, cultural and general well-being of Canadians.

    To realize this objective, the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta strives to provide a flexible and

    democratic structure whereby all Albertans can obtain such information, participate in such

    assessment and work for such reform through open communication, free dialogue and participatory

    action both electoral and non-electoral.

    The Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta is committed to the principle that fairness and equity will

    apply in all matters within the Party and with other political parties; to respect the dignity and worth

    of all people; to the free exchange of ideas among party members and among Canadians; to the full

    and equitable participation of all members; to respect the laws of Alberta and of Canada; and to

    fairness in electoral competition.

    This Constitution sets forth the institutions, systems and procedures by which the Liberal Party of

    Canada in Alberta, in cooperation with the Liberal Party of Canada, works to implement ideas on

    behalf of its members.

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    1.1 In this Constitution:(a) Constitution means the Constitution of the Party;(b) Chief Office means the administrative office of the Party established by Article


    (c) Commissions means the Commissions recognized in accordance with theConstitution;

    (d) Electoral District means the electoral district in respect of which an Electoral DistrictAssociation is certified under the Canada Elections Act;

    (e) Electoral District Association means an association certified by the Leader of theLiberal Party of Canada as an Electoral District Association under the Canada Elections


    (f) Governing Council means the Governing Council defined by Article 5;(g) Executive Committee means the Executive Committee defined by Article 6;(h) General Meeting means a Biennial General Meeting, Special General Meeting, or a

    Policy Conference of the Party;

    (i) Officers means the officers designated in Article 4;(j) Notice to be provided to a member, delegate or associate member shall:

    (i) be sent by(A) Pre-paid ordinary mail,(B) by facsimile, or(C) e-mail or other form of addressable electronic communication;

    (ii) be sent to the latest address, facsimile number, or electronic address for suchmember or delegate as shown in the records of the LPCA; and

    (iii)be deemed to have been provided(A) with respect to prepaid regular mail on the day such notice was postmarked,


    (B) with respect to a notice sent by facsimile or E-mail or other form of electroniccommunication on the day it was electronically dispatched.

    (k) Party means the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta;(l) Special Resolution means a resolution passed

    (i) by a majority of the delegates present and voting at a General Meeting if notice ofthe proposed resolution has been provided to each delegate at least 30 days prior to

    the date of the General Meeting; or

    (ii) by two thirds of the delegates present and voting at a General Meeting if notice ofthe proposed resolution has not been sent in accordance with paragraph (i)provided the proposed resolution is given, in writing, to the chair of the General

    Meeting at least 24 hours prior to the call to order of the General Meeting;

    (m)Special Resolution of the Governing Council means a resolution passed by two thirdsof the members present and voting at a meeting of the Governing Council provided that

    notice of the proposed resolution is provided to each member of the Governing Council

    14 days prior to the meeting,

    (n) Associate Member means associate member of an Electoral District Association asdefined in the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Interpretation of Constitution

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    1.2This Constitution shall govern the affairs of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta and shallbe interpreted in a large and liberal manner having regard to the purposes of the Party as set

    out in the preamble.


    1.3 In the event of a conflict between this Constitution and the Constitution of the Liberal Partyof Canada, the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada shall prevail.



    2.1The Party shall be known as the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta.Fundamental Purposes

    2.2The fundamental purposes of the Party shall be:(a) To participate in the public affairs of Canada by endorsing members of the Party as

    candidates for election to the Parliament of Canada and supporting their election;

    (b) To advocate and support liberal philosophies, principles and policies;(c) To promote membership in the Party;(d) To raise money to support the fundamental purposes of the Party;(e) To provide a forum for members of the Party to have their say and influence the policies

    and platform of the Party;

    (f) To ensure equitable representation of aboriginal peoples at all levels of the Party;(g) To seek to achieve a common ground of understanding among the people of different

    provinces and territories of Canada;

    (h) To organize the Party in all Electoral Districts of Alberta;(i) To provide assistance and leadership to Electoral District Associations established by this

    Constitution and to coordinate the efforts of all Federal Liberal organizations in the

    Province of Alberta.

    (j) To respect the principle of equal participation of men and women at all levels of thestructure and operations of the Party to the greatest extent possible.

    (k) To do all of those things calculated to further the above stated objects.Responsibilities

    2.3The Party is responsible for:(a) Electoral District Support and election readiness and policy development in Alberta, for

    representing Alberta to the Liberal Party of Canada, and for implementing national

    programs and initiatives in Alberta;

    (b) Developing on an annual basis, in concert with the members of the Party, a strategicplan for Alberta that proposes activities in the areas of membership recruitment, finance

    and fundraising, policy development, Electoral District Association compliance, Electoral

    District Association organization and election readiness;

    (c) Administration of party elections (including national leadership votes and leadershipendorsement ballots, candidate selection meetings, and delegate selection meetings);


    (d) Communicating regularly with its members and with the public in Alberta in connectionwith the affairs of the Party.


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    2.4To further its objects, the Party shall have the powers, generally, to do anything, which in itsopinion, will advance, encourage, foster, or develop the objects of the Party.

    Chief Office

    2.5The Chief Office of the Party shall be located at the City of Edmonton.Cheques

    2.6All cheques drawn on the funds of the Party shall be signed by the Treasurer and counter-signed by the President or such other persons as may be named by the Governing Council.

    Fiscal Year

    2.7The fiscal year of the Party shall be the calendar year.


    3Eligibility for Membership

    3.1Every member of the Liberal Party of Canada ordinarily resident in Alberta is a member ofthe Party. Any person who has attained the age of 14 years and who desires to support the

    Party and who wishes to be known as a Liberal shall be eligible for membership in the Party

    without discrimination based on race, nationality or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex,

    sexual orientation, age, or mental or physical disability.

    3.2A member of the Party has the right to receive newsletters, information, membershipservices, and notices of General Meetings and other activities from the Party and their

    Electoral District Association and the Electoral District Association of which they are an

    associate member.


    3.3Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, a member of the Party has the right to:(a) Attend, speak and vote at a general meeting of their Electoral District Association;(b) Be selected as a delegate or an alternate delegate to any convention or general meeting

    of the Liberal Party of Canada or the Party;

    (c) Be elected to any office of the Liberal Party of Canada or the Party;(d) Seek to be a candidate of the Liberal Party of Canada for election to the Parliament of


    (e) Subject to the relevant provisions of the constitution of their Electoral DistrictAssociation, be elected to any office in their Electoral District Association or any office of

    the Electoral District Association of which they are an associate member;

    (f) Vote on the Leadership Vote and on the Leadership Endorsement Vote;(g) Appeal to the Permanent Appeals Committee of the Liberal Party of Canada subject to

    the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada;

    (h) Appeal pursuant to the relevant provisions of this Constitution;(i) Communicate with, and to receive available services from the Party.

    Membership in Electoral District Association

    3.4A member of the Party is a member of the Electoral District Association in which themember ordinarily resides provided that a student attending a recognized educational

    institution in the Province of Alberta may elect to have a membership in the Electoral

    District Association in which the student resides while attending school, provided that the

    student may make only one such election in the calendar year.

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    3.5 In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada, amember may be an associate member of no more than one Electoral District Association in

    which the member does not reside.

    3.6No member may be a member of more than one Electoral District Association.



    4.1The Officers of the Party shall consist of the:(a) President;(b) Immediate Past President;(c) Vice-President;(d) Vice-President, Policy;(e) Secretary;(f) Treasurer;(g) Vice President, Communications;(h) Vice President, Membership; and(i) Vice President, Finance. (2013-11-17)

    Election of Officers

    4.2The Officers of the Party shall be members in good standing of the Party and shall be electedat the Biennial General Meeting. In the event that any Officer ceases to hold office, the

    Governing Council may appoint a person to hold such office until the next Biennial General

    Meeting of the Party.

    Continuation in Office

    4.3The Officers shall continue in office until a successor is elected or appointed in accordancewith this Constitution.

    Responsibilities and Powers of Executive of the Party

    4.4 (1) It is the responsibility of the Party Executive to(a) manage the affairs of the Party;

    (b) manage the finances of the Party;

    (c) promote the objectives of the Party;

    (d) make administrative decisions in accordance with this Constitution, the Bylaws and the

    policies of the Party and oversee their implementation;

    (e) develop plans and administrative policies for the Party and present them to the

    Governing Council for approval;

    (f) establish procedures for determining the sharing of revenues between the Party as a

    whole and the EDAs;

    (g) appoint

    (i) the Party Constitutional Adviser;

    (ii) the chairs of any convention, or ad hoc, committee;

    (iii) the Chief Electoral Officer and the Credentials Committee for the conventions of

    the Party;

    (iv) in consultation with the Convention Co-Chairs, the Convention Treasurer;

    (v) the General Legal Counsel (who must be a lawyer qualified to practise law in


    (vi) the Party Registrar of Bylaws;

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    (ix) representatives of the Party to the committees of the Liberal Party of Canada,

    and in doing so, the Party Executive must attempt to correct any imbalance in the

    representation of men and women among the appointments of the Party to those

    standing committees;

    (x) the cochairs and delegation secretary for the Alberta delegation at each

    national convention;

    (h) select

    (i) 15 of members of the Party Executive as delegates to each national convention;

    (ii) ten delegates, five of whom must be men and five of whom must be women, as

    additional delegates to each national convention;

    (i) consult with the Permanent Appeals Committee of the Liberal Party of Canada on

    the appointment of additional persons to conduct adjudications arising from

    candidate selection, leadership selection or delegate selection to any national

    convention and whenever consulted, the Party Executive must assert that only

    members of the Appeals Board may be so appointed;

    (j) at its first meeting in each year, establish the largest amount that may be paid out of the

    petty cash account maintained by the Vice President, Finance and the aggregate limit for

    cheques in respect of petty expenses during any on any one month;

    (k) establish the date and place of the next biennial general convention within 18 months of

    the conclusion of the last biennial general convention of the Party. (2013-11-17)

    (2) It is also the responsibility of the Party Executive to

    (a) ensure that there is an active EDA in each electoral district and that each EDA operates in

    accordance with this Constitution;

    (b) call a general meeting of an EDA to select delegates or a candidate if that EDA has failed

    to do so;

    (c) call a meeting of an EDA Executive to conduct the business of that EDA, if the EDA

    Executive has failed to do so;

    (d) call a general meeting of an EDA to dismiss that EDA Executive and elect a new EDA

    Executive, if that EDA Executive fails to perform its duties in accordance with this

    Constitution and the Bylaws of the Party or the bylaws of the EDA; and

    (e) whenever redistribution of electoral districts affects the boundaries of those districts, call

    a general meeting in each new electoral district to establish a new EDA and elect an EDA

    Executive. (2013-11-17)

    (3) The Party Executive may

    (a) reduce any time qualification established in this Constitution or the Bylaws during which

    a person must have been a member of the Party in good standing;

    (b) reduce the amount of notice required under this Constitution for any general meeting of

    an EDA (including candidate selection meetings and delegate selection meetings) or for any

    delegate selection meeting of a Commission;

    (c) extend the time before which an EDA or a Commission must hold one of its general

    meetings (including a delegate selection meeting). (2013-11-17)

    4.5 (1) By November 1 in each year, each member of the Party Executive is responsible tosubmit a preliminary budget for their office to the Vice President, Finance.

    (2) Each member of the Party Executive is responsible to attend each meeting of the

    Governing Council and to make an oral report if so requested.

    (3) Each Table Officer is responsible to deliver a written report to the biennial general

    convention of the Party. (2013-11-17)

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    4.6 (1) The Party Executive must meet at least nine times each calendar year.(2) The Party Executive may meet in person or by electronic means, but if they meet by

    electronic means, each member must be able to hear, and be heard by, each other member.

    (3) A meeting of the Party Executive may be called on 72 hours notice by

    (a) the Party President; or

    (b) any four members of the Party Executive.

    (4) A majority of the voting members of the Party Executive must be present before a

    meeting of the Executive can be called to order, or for it to continue.

    (5) A resolution approved in writing by all the voting members of the Party Executive will be

    as valid and effective as if it had been passed at a properly convened meeting of the Party

    Executive. (2013-11-17)

    Powers and Responsibilities

    4.7The Officers shall have the following powers and responsibilities in addition to those setforth elsewhere in this Constitution:

    (a) The role of the President shall include, but not be limited to:(i) being the chief executive officer of the Party;(ii) preparing the agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee and Governing


    (iii)presiding at meetings of the Party, the Governing Council, and Executive Committee;(iv)being an ex officio member of all committees and be given due notice of the

    meetings of such committees; and

    (v) in the event of a tie, have a casting vote at any Governing Council or ExecutiveCommittee meeting. (2013-11-17)

    (b) The role of the Vice-President shall include, but not be limited to:(i) assisting the President when requested to do so by the President;(ii) performing all the duties and powers of the President during absence or inability of

    the President to act;

    (iii)performing such other duties as are assigned by the President, Governing Council orExecutive Committee. (2013-11-17)

    (c) The Vice-President, Policy shall:(i) Chair the Standing Committee on Policy and Research;(ii) Encourage, facilitate and coordinate policy development in each EDA;(iii)Report policy resolutions to the Party Executive before the biennial policy

    conference of the Party;

    (iv)send a copy of each policy resolution to all members of the Governing Council and toevery registered delegate at least 21 days before the convention at which the

    resolution is to be considered;

    (v) record the results of all policy workshops, plenary sessions at the biennial policyconference of the Party, and special policy conferences; and

    (vi)advise all EDAs of every policy motion approved at convention within 55 days of thedate of the convention. (2013-11-17)

    (d) The Secretary shall ensure:(i) the maintenance of all non-financial records of the Party;(ii) the recording and preparation of minutes of all meetings of the Party, the Governing

    Council and Executive Committee;

    (iii)that official minutes are made available to all members of the Governing Council,which minutes will be considered official only if they are approved by the Party, the

    Governing Council, or the Executive Committee, as the case may be, and signed by

    the Secretary; and

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    (iv)that proper notice of all General, Special General, Governing Council, and ExecutiveCommittee meetings and Regional Conferences are sent in accordance with this


    (e) The Treasurer shall:(i) be the custodian of the financial records of the Party;(ii) oversee the preparation of the annual budget of the Party;(iii)receive and account for all monies belonging to the Party;(iv)under the direction of the Executive Committee, pay all debts properly incurred by

    the Party; and

    (v) submit a reviewed financial statement including the assets and liabilities of the Partyfor the preceding fiscal year to the Executive Committee by the 30th day of April in

    any calendar year; and

    (vi)submit a past budget and reviewed financial statement at a Biennial GeneralMeeting of the Party.

    (f) The role of Vice President, Communications shall, include but not be limited to:(i) preparing and distributing paper and digital communication to the membership, as

    determined by the executive;

    (ii) assembling, and distribute as required, all Table Officer and committee reportsbefore the biennial general convention of the Party; and

    (iii)chairing the Party Communications Committee, if any. (2013-11-17)(g) The role of Vice President, Membership shall include, but not be limited to:

    (i) keeping a register of all members of the Party;(ii) keeping a register of all EDA Executives;(iii)requiring current membership lists from the Commissions;(iv)with the Party Membership Committee, conducting drives for new members and for

    membership renewals; and

    (v) chairing the Party Membership Committee, if any. (2013-11-17)(h) The role of Vice President, Finance shall include, but not be limited to:

    (i) encouraging and organize Party and EDA fundraising activities; and(ii) chairing the Party Finance and Fundraising Committee. (2013-11-17)

    Additional Duties

    4.8The Governing Council may prescribe additional duties for the Officers and other officials ofthe Party.



    5.1Subject to a direction given at a General Meeting, the affairs and business of the Party shallbe managed and controlled by the Governing Council who may exercise all such powers as

    may be exercised or done by the Party which are not required to be done at a General

    Meeting, and in particular, shall set policy, and provide general direction and advice to the

    Executive Committee.

    Sharing of Revenues

    5.2Before March 31 of each year, as they deem appropriate, the Executive Committee shallsubmit a proposal for the sharing of revenues between the Party and the Electoral District

    Associations to the Governing Council for approval.

    Amendments to National Constitution

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    5.3The Governing Council may propose amendments to the Constitution of the Liberal Party ofCanada, and any such amendments shall be submitted to the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Voting Members

    5.4The voting members of the Governing Council shall consist of:(a) the Executive Committee;(b) the President of each Electoral District Association or a proxy appointed in writing by

    that President, which proxy shall be a member or an associate member of the Electoral

    District Association;

    (c) the Chair of each of the Standing Committees;(d) the Chief Financial Agent of the Federal Liberal Agency for Alberta.

    No Proxies

    5.5Except as provided in paragraphs 5.4(b) and 6.3(c), no proxies are permitted.Non-voting members

    5.6The Governing Council may appoint such non-voting members as may seem appropriate.Written Report

    5.7Any member of the Governing Council may file a written report which shall be included inthe minutes.


    5.8The Governing Council shall meet at least twice per calendar year and shall, unless theGoverning Council otherwise decides, hold its meetings at Calgary, Edmonton, or Red Deer.

    Call of Meeting

    5.9Meetings of the Governing Council shall be called upon the direction of the President orupon written request from a majority of the voting members of the Governing Council.


    5.10 Notice of the time and place of a meeting of the Governing Council shall be given bysending it to Governing Council members at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.


    5.11 A quorum of a meeting of the Governing Council shall be one-third of its votingmembers, at least two of whom shall be Officers and 6 shall be Electoral District Association




    6.1The Executive Committee shall, subject to the directions of a General Meeting and theGoverning Council, have charge of the administration of the affairs of the Party, and shall

    authorize any actions necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Party.

    Amendments to National Convention

    6.2The Executive Committee may propose amendments to the Constitution of the Liberal Partyof Canada, and any such amendments shall be submitted to the Liberal Party of Canada.

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    6.3The Executive Committee shall consist of the:(a) Officers of the Party;(b) Regional Chairs; and(c) Presidents of the Commissions, or a proxy appointed in writing by the President,

    which proxy shall be a member of that Commission;


    6.4A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be eight of its members.


    7Standing Committees

    7.1The following shall be the Standing Committees of the Party, namely:(a) Policy Development: shall organize policy initiatives under the leadership of the Vice-

    President Policy including a policy development process that ensures LPCA polices

    advance to the LPC and shall carry out other duties as established by the Executive

    Committee or Governing Council;

    (b) Communication: shall implement a communications strategy and shall carry out otherduties as established by the Executive Committee or Governing Council;

    (c) Membership Recruitment: shall establish attainable annual goals to increasemembership, develop and disseminate strategies and practices to achieve these goals

    and shall carry out other duties as established by the Executive Committee or Governing


    (d) Finance and Fundraising: shall support the Treasurer with the financial management ofthe LPCA, assist in fundraising and shall carry out other duties as established by the

    Executive Committee or Governing Council;

    (e) Election Readiness and Electoral District Support: shall assist Electoral DistrictsAssociations and Candidates with Elections Canada requirements, provide on-going

    Election Readiness support and carry out other duties as established by the Executive

    Committee or Governing Council ; and

    (f) Constitution and Legal Affairs: shall ensure that the constitutions and bylaws of the LPCAand the Electoral District Associations conform to the LPC Constitution and current

    electoral legislation, assist in matters of interpretation, prepare and review amendments

    to the LPCA Constitution and bylaws, prepare by-laws and carry out other duties as

    established by the Executive Committee and Governing Council.

    Appointment of Chairs

    7.2The Governing Council shall elect the chairs of the standing committees on ElectionReadiness and Electoral District Support and Constitution and Legal Affairs. (2013-11-17)

    Removal of Chairs

    7.3The Chair of a Standing Committee may be removed from office by a Special Resolution ofthe Governing Council.

    Strategic Plans

    7.4The Committees of Policy Development, Finance and Fundraising, Membership Recruitment,Electoral District Compliance, and Election Readiness and Electoral District Organization shall

    on an annual basis develop and submit a strategic plan to the Governing Council.

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    Members of Committee

    7.5The Chair of a Standing Committee may from time to time appoint one or more members asa member of that committee.


    7.6The Chair of each Standing Committee shall submit a report in writing to the GeneralMeeting, and to the Governing Council as required.

    Ad hoc Committees

    7.7The Executive Committee may constitute such other committees as may be required fromtime to time, and provide for the appointment of a chair and members of such committee.

    Additional Standing Committees may be established by Special Resolution

    7.8Committees established under this procedure will dissolve after one (1) calendar year unlessreconfirmed by Special Resolution of the Governing Council.

    7.9Acceptable reasons that a Standing Committee may be reconfirmed by demonstrating that itis doing any of the following, which include, but are not limited to:

    (a) On-going research;(b) Policy development;(c) Membership of more than five (5) members of the LPC-A; or(d) Community Outreach. (2013-11-17)


    7.10 A quorum of a Committee is a majority of its members.


    8Annual General Meeting

    8.1The Governing Council shall fix a time and a place for the holding of a Biennial GeneralMeeting of the Party not later than 27 months after the last preceding Biennial General


    Special General Meeting

    8.2The Governing Council may at any time call a Special General Meeting or Policy Conferenceof the Party at a time and place to be fixed by the Governing Council.

    Notice of Meeting

    8.3Notice of the time and place of a General Meeting shall be sent to each member not lessthan 60 days before the date of the meeting.

    Financial Report

    8.4The Treasurer shall present to each General Meeting:(a) all available reviewed financial statements for the years ending since the last General


    (b) a current financial report; and(c) if the Governing Council so directs, an audited Financial Statement for any of the years

    ending since the last General Meeting.

    Election of Officers

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    8.5The Officers shall be elected by secret preferential ballot. Until a candidate for an Officereceives a majority of the votes cast, the candidate receiving the least number of votes shall

    have that candidate's votes reallocated to the next preference shown on the ballot provided

    that should two or more candidates be tied with the least number of votes, both candidates

    shall have the votes cast for them reallocated. The person obtaining a majority of votes shall

    be declared the winner. In the event of a tie the Returning Officer shall cast the deciding


    Election of Regional Chairs

    8.6The Regional Chairs shall be elected by secret preferential ballot. Until a candidate for anOffice receives a majority of the votes cast, the candidate receiving the least number of

    votes shall have that candidate's votes reallocated to the next preference shown on the

    ballot provided that should two or more candidates be tied with the least number of votes,

    both candidates shall have the votes cast for them reallocated. The person obtaining a

    majority of votes shall be declared the winner. In the event of a tie the Returning Officer

    shall cast the deciding vote.

    (a) Each candidate for Regional Chair shall be a member in good standing of the Party andordinarily a resident in their respective region.

    (b) Only delegates from Electoral Districts within a particular Region are eligible to castvotes for candidates seeking the position of Regional Chair in that particular region.


    8.7The following shall be the delegates entitled to attend and vote at a General Meetingprovided that all delegates shall be members of the Party in good standing at the close of

    registration at a General Meeting:

    (a) Liberal Privy Councillors from Alberta;(b) Liberal Senators from Alberta;(c) Liberal members of the House of Commons from Alberta;(d) Former Liberal members of the House of Commons from Alberta;(e) If there is no Liberal member of the House of Commons for a constituency association,

    the nominated candidate for the next election;

    (f) If there is no Liberal member of the House of Commons for a constituency association,and no nominated candidate for the next election, then the defeated candidate from the

    last election;

    (g) voting members of the Governing Council;(h) Twenty members selected in each Constituency Association of which five shall be

    reserved for youth;

    (i) Twenty members of each Commission; and(j) Two members of each Commission Club as provided for in 9.3 (f).


    8.8Subject to article 8.11, any member may attend a General Meeting.Quorum

    8.9A quorum at a plenary session of General Meeting is fifty voting delegates.Order of Business

    8.10 Subject to any new business which may be approved by a General Meeting, theorder of business at a General Meeting shall be as prescribed by the Governing Council.

    Amendments to National Constitution

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    8.11 A General Meeting may propose amendments to the Constitution of the LiberalParty of Canada, and any such amendments shall be submitted by the Secretary of the LPCA

    to the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Rules and Fees

    8.12 The Governing Council may prescribe fees and make general bylaws and rules forthe conduct of General Meetings which shall be consistent with this Constitution.


    9Existing Commissions

    9.1The Alberta Aboriginal Liberal Commission, the Alberta Liberal Youth Commission, theAlberta Women's Liberal Commission and the Senior Liberals Commission are Commissions

    of the Party. (2006.04.09)

    Purpose of the Commissions

    9.2Each Commission is responsible to pursue actively the following purposes and activities:(a) to participate in public affairs by supporting members of the Party as candidates of the

    Party for election to the House of Commons;

    (b) to provide a forum for members of the Commission to have their say and influence thepolicies and platform of the Party and to encourage involvement in the policy

    development process of the Party;

    (c) to raise money to support the purposes and activities of the Commission.9.3Each Commission must have a constitution that is consistent with this Constitution and that:

    (a) incorporates the purposes set out in Subsection 34(2) and the principles set out in thePreamble and defines its purposes in a manner consistent with Section 2;

    (b) provides for the election of officers of the Commission at its biennial general meeting;(c) provides for an appeal procedure in respect of any action or decision of the Commission

    and any club of the Commission and any irregularities in connection with any meetings

    of the Commission or club of the Commission except where an appeal is within the

    jurisdiction of the Permanent Appeal Committee;

    (d) provides for the establishment and maintenance of proper financial records, minutes ofmeetings and correspondence;

    (e) provides for full financial disclosure in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples; and Commission Requirements

    (f) in the case of the Alberta Womens Liberal Commission, the Alberta AboriginalCommission, the Alberta Liberal Youth Commission and the Senior Liberals Commission,

    provides for the establishment of Commission clubs and requires that each club have a

    constitution that is consistent with this Constitution and the Constitution of its

    Commission and that:

    (g) incorporates the principles set out in the Preamble and defines its purposes in a mannerconsistent with Article 2.

    (h) provides that any member of the club has the right to receive newsletters, information,membership services, and notices of general meetings and other activities from the club;

    the right to attend, speak, and vote at a general meeting of the club and the right to be

    elected to any office in the association;

    (i) provides for the election of the chief executive officer of the club and the officerprimarily responsible for policy of the club by a vote of all members of the club;

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    (j) provides for an appeal procedure in respect of any action or decision of the club and anyirregularities in connection with any meetings of the club except where an appeal is

    within the jurisdiction of the Permanent Appeal Committee;

    (k) provides for the establishment and maintenance of proper financial records, minutes ofmeetings and correspondence;

    (l) provides for full financial disclosure in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples.

    Additional Commissions

    9.4Additional Commissions may be established in accordance with article 9.3 to provide for theequitable representation of other societal groups in the structure and operation of the Party

    and constituency associations.

    Amendment of Constitution

    9.5Any group desiring to be recognised as a Commission, or the Executive Committee on itsown initiative, shall submit a request to the Governing Council which shall consider the

    request. The request together with the recommendations of the Governing Council shall be

    submitted to the next General Meeting at which time the application may be approved and

    section 9.1 amended by an ordinary resolution. These Commissions shall have all the rights

    and privileges of a Commission under this Constitution except the Commission may be

    removed at a General Meeting by Special Resolution.

    Affiliated groups, clubs, etc.

    9.6Any group, club, or other organization desiring to be affiliated with the Party may submit arequest to the Governing Council which may approve such application and provide for its

    non-voting representation on the Board, and for its representation on committees

    established by the Governing Council.



    10.1 There shall be 6 regions being:(a) Calgary being made up of the Electoral Districts wholly or partly within the boundaries of

    the City of Calgary;

    (b) Edmonton being made up of the Electoral Districts wholly or partly within theboundaries of the City of Edmonton; (2006.04.09)

    (c) Central Alberta being made up of the Electoral Districts of Crowfoot, Red Deer, andWetaskiwin; (2006.04.09)

    (d) Northeast Alberta being made up of the Electoral Districts of Athabasca, Westlock-St.Paul, and Vegreville-Wainwright; (2006.04.09)

    (e) Northwest Alberta being made up of the Electoral Districts of Peace River, Wild Rose,and Yellowhead; (2006.04.09)

    (f) Southern Alberta being made up of the Electoral Districts of Lethbridge, Macleod, andMedicine Hat.

    Amendment of Constitution on Redistribution

    10.2 In the event of a redistribution, the Governing Council shall provide for the equitablemakeup of regions and may amend Article 10.1 by Special Resolution of the Governing

    Council so far as is possible in keeping with the geographical distribution set forth in Article


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    10.3 In the event of a vacancy in the office of a Regional Chair the Governing Council mayappoint a person to hold such office until the next Biennial General Meeting of the Party.


    10.4 The Regional Chairs shall perform the following duties:(a) attend and chair consultative regular meetings of Electoral District Presidents,

    representatives of Commissions and other affiliates in order to discuss directives

    emanating from the Liberal Party of Canada, Governing Council and Committee

    meetings and to confer on matters of policy and organizational nature, in general;

    (b) coordinate with Electoral District Associations the periodic visits of Cabinet Minister,Senators, Members of Parliament and Liberal Party of Canada officials to the region;

    hold and chair regional meetings as often as the Regional Chair, or the majority of

    Constituency Presidents, deem advisable and necessary;

    (c) ensure that dates for social and fund raising functions and other events to be held by thevarious Electoral District Associations are set up in such manner that conflicts are

    minimized and that the region collectively enjoys the maximum benefit to be derived

    from such functions or events;

    (d) assist Electoral District Association Presidents in organizational and constitutionalmatters and also in the selection of candidates if their assistance is requested;

    (e) attend Executive Committee and Governing Council meetings;(f) be responsible, under the direction of the President and the Election Readiness and

    Electoral District Support Chair, for instituting and directing the inaugural meetings of

    new Electoral District Associations resulting from redistribution and for the holding of

    meetings to elect officers in all Electoral Districts affected by redistribution; and

    (g) such other duties as may be prescribed by the Governing Council.


    11Electoral District Associations

    11.1 There shall be an Electoral District Association in each Electoral District for theelection of members to the House of Commons.


    11.2 Upon the coming into force of any scheme of redistribution, the affected ElectoralDistrict Associations shall have a constitution as set out in Schedule A to this Constitution

    as amended from time to time. (1999.11.07)

    Adoption of Schedule A

    11.3 Any Electoral District Association may by resolution of a majority of its membersresolve to adopt the constitution set out in Schedule A'1 to this Constitution as amended

    from time to time. (1999.11.07)

    Disallowance by Governing Council

    11.4 The Governing Council may by Special Resolution declare invalid any provision of anElectoral District Association constitution which, in its opinion, is inconsistent with this

    Constitution after providing the Electoral District Association with notice of the proposed

    Special Resolution and an opportunity to make a full answer and defence.

    Mandatory Provisions

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    11.5 Each Electoral District Association may amend its constitution in a manner notinconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada and this

    Constitution, and the Electoral District Association constitution shall:

    (a) Incorporate the purposes and principles as required by the Constitution of the LiberalParty of Canada, and define its purposes in a manner consistent with that constitution;

    (b) Provide for the holding of an Annual General Meeting for the election of officers in eachsuch Electoral District Association provided that in the event no Annual General Meeting

    is called within 15 months of the last Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee

    may call an Annual General Meeting at such time and place within the Electoral District

    as it may see fit upon receipt of the application of not less than 10 members of such

    Electoral District Association;

    (c) Provide for the election of a President and an officer primarily responsible for policy ofthe Electoral District Association by vote of all of its members;

    (d) Provide for an appeal procedure in respect of any action or decision of the ElectoralDistrict Association and any irregularities in connection with any meetings of the

    Electoral District Association except where an appeal is within the jurisdiction of the

    Permanent Appeals Committee of the Liberal Party of Canada;

    (e) Provide for the establishment and maintenance of proper financial records, minutes ofmeetings, and correspondence;

    (f) Rules for the conduct of meetings of such association and for the election of delegatesto a General Meeting including a requirement that notice of a General Meeting must be

    given to all members and associate members at least 14 days prior to the holding of a


    (g) Provide for the appointment of a financial agent and auditor for the purposes of theCanada Elections Act.

    (h) Provide for full financial disclosure in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples;

    (i) The filing with the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada, and theParty by the Electoral District Association of such financial returns as required by the

    Canada Elections Act.

    (j) A procedure for the amendment of such constitution, and to require that the Secretaryof such Electoral District Association to file within 30 days of any change, a copy of such

    constitution as amended with the Liberal Party of Canada and the Party.

    Powers of Governing Council on Redistribution

    11.6 After consultation with the affected Electoral District Associations, and subject toany agreement between the affected Electoral District Associations, the Governing Council

    shall have the authority to provide for the distribution of property between Electoral District

    Associations and for the continuance in office of the executive of the Electoral District

    Association upon the coming into force of a scheme of redistribution.

    No Electoral District Association

    11.7 Where an Electoral District Association has not elected Officers or Directors, or inthe event that an Electoral District Association is not operating, the Executive Committee

    may appoint such persons to carry on the affairs of the Electoral District Association.

    Elections Canada Act Compliance

    11.8 Where an Electoral District Association fails to comply with the requirements of theElections Canada Act the Executive Committee may deem the Electoral District Association

    non-operational for the purposes of Article 11.7.

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    12Rules, Regulations, and Bylaws

    12.1 The Governing Council may make bylaws, rules and regulations for the conduct ofthe business and work of the Party not inconsistent with this Constitution includingregulations providing for the conduct of business:

    (a) of the Governing Council or Executive Committee;(b) of any organ of the Party by telephone, email or other means of


    Abridgment or enlargement of Time

    12.2 In case of electoral urgency or other sufficient cause the Governing Council mayeither by Special Resolution abridge or enlarge a time period prescribed by this Constitution.

    An abridgment or enlargement may be made before or after the expiration of the time


    Additional Rules

    12.3 Subject to the bylaws, rules and regulations made by the Governing Council, anElectoral District Association, committee, or other organ of the Party may make bylaws,

    rules and regulations for the conduct of its business not inconsistent with this Constitution.

    Other cases

    12.4 In any cause not provided for, the most recent edition of Bourinots Rules of Ordershall prevail.



    13.1 Any member who claims to be aggrieved by a decision of a meeting of the GoverningCouncil, Executive Committee, an Electoral District Association, Commission, or group

    recognized by the Party may appeal to the Executive Committee. All such appeals shall be in

    writing and shall state the grounds of appeal and must be delivered to the Chief Office of the

    Party within forty-eight hours of the time at which the member receives notice of the




    The Executive Committee shall within 7 days appoint an Appeals Committeeconsisting of one or more members in good standing for the purpose of adjudicating on any

    appeal. No person who is or was a member of the body appealed from may be appointed to

    the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee, shall, after affording the parties an

    opportunity to be heard, rule on the appeal and communicate the results to the Executive

    Committee, the appellant, and the presiding officer of the organization. The ruling shall be

    final and binding upon all parties.


    14Amendment14.1 This Constitution may be amended by a Special Resolution.

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    Propose Amendments

    14.2 Amendments may only be proposed by:(a) the Chair of the Constitution and Legal Affairs Committee; or(b) a minimum of five members of the Party in good standing.

    14.3 Proposed amendments are to be submitted to the Chair of the Constitution andLegal Affairs Committee a minimum of 45 days prior to the General Meeting. Proposed

    amendments submitted to the Chair after that date but no later than 48 hours prior to the

    General Meeting, will be considered as Special Resolution in accordance with Article 1.1 (k)


    Effective Date

    14.4 All amendments shall be effective immediately following the close of the GeneralMeeting at which such amendments were passed unless the amendment provides


    Other Amendments

    14.5 In addition, this Constitution may be amended as provided in Articles 9.5 and 10.2without a Special Resolution.

    Typographical and Spelling Errors

    14.6 The Chair of the Standing Committee on Constitution and Legal Affairs may amendthis Constitution to correct typographical and spelling errors, and any such amendments

    come into force on the approval by Special Resolution of the Governing Council.

    Filing with National Office

    14.7 A copy of the amended Constitution shall be filed by the Secretary with the NationalOffice of the Liberal Party of Canada as soon as practical following such amendment.

    Posted on the Party Website

    14.8 A copy of the amended Constitution shall be posted on the public website of theParty.

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    Generic Electoral District Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta


    The Association is committed to the view that the dignity of each individual person is the cardinal

    principle of democratic society and the primary purpose of all political organization and activity in

    such a society.

    The Association is dedicated to the principles that have historically sustained the Liberal Party of

    Canada: individual freedom, responsibility and human dignity in the framework of a just society, and

    political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all persons.

    The Association is bound by the Constitution of Canada, including the Canadian Charter of Rights

    and Freedoms, and the Liberal Party of Canada Constitution and is committed to the pursuit of

    equality of opportunity for all persons, to the enhancement of our unique and diverse cultural

    community, to the recognition that English and French are official languages of Canada, and to the

    preservation of the Canadian identity in a global society.

    In accordance with this philosophy, the Association subscribes to the fundamental rights and

    freedoms of persons under the rule of law and commits itself to the protection of these essential

    values and their constant adaption to the changing needs of modern Canadian and Albertan


    The Association recognizes that human dignity in a democratic system requires that all citizens have

    access to full information concerning that policies and leadership of the Party; the opportunity to

    participate in open and public assessment of such means, and such modification of policies and

    leadership as they deem desirable to promote the political, economic, social, cultural and general

    well-being of Canadians.

    To realize this objective, the Association in Alberta strives to provide a flexible and democratic

    structure whereby all Albertans can obtain such information, participate in such assessment and

    work for such reform through open communication, free dialogue and participatory action both

    electoral and non-electoral.

    The Association is committed to the principle that fairness and equity will apply in all matters within

    the Party and with other political parties; to respect the dignity and worth of all people; to the free

    exchange of ideas among party members and among Canadians; to the full and equitable

    participation of all members; to respect the laws of Alberta and of Canada; and to fairness in

    electoral competition.

    This Constitution sets forth the institutions, systems and procedures by which the Association, in

    cooperation with the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta, works to

    implement ideas on behalf of its members.



    1.1 In this Constitution:(a) Association means the Federal Liberal Association;

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    (b) Capital Fund means the fund established under Article 3.6;(c) Executive means the Officers, Directors, and Standing Committee Chairs of the


    (d) Special Resolution means a resolution of two-thirds of the members of theAssociation present at a General Meeting of the Association.

    (e) Notice to be provided to a member, delegate or associate member shall:(i) be sent by

    (A) Pre-paid ordinary mail,(B) by facsimile, or(C) e-mail or other form of addressable electronic communication;

    (ii) be sent to the latest address, facsimile number, or electronic address for suchmember or delegate as shown in the records of the EDA; and

    (iii)be deemed to have been provided(A) with respect to prepaid regular mail on the day such notice was postmarked,


    (B) with respect to a notice sent by facsimile or E-mail or other form of electroniccommunication on the day it was electronically dispatched.

    (f) Associate Member means associate member of the Electoral Dis trictAssociation as defined in the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Multiple Offices

    1.2Any member or associate member may hold any number of offices of the Association.Conflicts

    1.3 In the event of a conflict between this Constitution and the Constitution of the Liberal Partyof Canada or the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta, the Constitution of the Liberal Party of

    Canada or the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta shall prevail.

    Interpretation of Constitution

    1.4This Constitution shall be interpreted in a large and liberal manner having regard to thepurposes of the Association.



    2.1The name of the Association shall be the Federal Liberal Association.Objects

    2.2The objects of the Association shall be:(a) to enunciate and promote principles and policies of the Liberal Party of Canada and the

    Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta;

    (b) to recognize the full membership and participation in its ranks of men, women andyouth and to ensure the principle of equality between men and women in the structure

    and operations of the Association;

    (c) to participate in the public affairs of Canada by endorsing members of the Party ascandidates for election to the House of Commons and supporting their election;

    (d) to promote membership in the Association;(e) to raise money in support of the fundamental purposes of the Party;(f) to provide a forum for members to have their say and influence the policies and

    platform of the Party;

    (g) to ensure equitable representation of aboriginal peoples at all levels of the party;

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    (h) to seek to achieve a common ground of understanding among the people of differentprovinces and territories of Canada;

    (i) to establish, maintain and carry on an effective organization in the Electoral District; and(j) to arrange and conduct such general and other meetings and other activities as the

    Association may from time to time deem necessary or appropriate.


    3Fiscal Year

    3.1The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year.Banking

    3.2Funds of the Association shall be deposited in the account(s) of the Association establishedwith a chartered bank, trust company, credit union or other depository approved by the

    Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta as determined from time to time by the Executive.


    3.3All cheques or sums withdrawn from the accounts of the Association shall be signed by atleast two (2) Table Officers of the Association who have been duly authorized to sign on

    behalf of the Association.

    Financial Agent

    3.4The Association shall in writing appoint a financial agent of the Association for the purposesof the Canada Elections Act.


    3.5The Association shall in writing appoint an auditor for the purposes of the Canada ElectionsAct


    3.6The Association shall establish and maintain proper financial records, minutes ofmeetings and correspondence.

    Annual Financial Statements

    3.7The Association shall annually cause to be prepared financial statements, returns and otherdocuments as required by the Canada Elections Act and shall provide to the Liberal Party of

    Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta, a copy of such financial statements,

    returns and documents.

    Capital Fund

    3.8The Executive may establish a Capital Fund to build a reserve of money for the Association.The Capital Fund shall be held separate from any other accounts the Association may

    establish for operations and Election Readiness. Subject to Article 3.7, the Capital Fund is to

    be held in trust in perpetuity, and only the interest from this account shall be made available

    for the operation of the Association.

    Termination of Capital Fund

    3.9The Association may by Special Resolution terminate the Capital Fund.ARTICLE 4 - MEMBERSHIP

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    4Membership and Associate Membership

    4.1Membership in the Association shall consist of all members of the Liberal Party of Canada inAlberta who ordinarily reside in the Electoral District provided that a student attending a

    recognized educational institution in the Province of Alberta may elect to have a

    membership in either the Electoral District Association in which the student resides while

    attending school, or in the Electoral District Association in which the member ordinarily

    resides when not attending school; and associate members.

    Membership in one EDA

    4.2No member may be a member of more than one Electoral District Association and anassociate member of more than one Electoral District Association.

    Honourary Members

    4.3Honourary non-voting membership in the Association may also be granted from time to timeby the Executive of the Association to such non-voting members as are not included in the




    5.1The Officers of the Association shall consist of the:(a) President;(b) Vice-President;(c) Vice-President, Policy;(d) Secretary;(e) Treasurer; and(f) Such other officers as may be elected at an Annual General Meeting.

    Standing Committees

    5.2There shall be 6 Standing Committees, namely:(a) Election Readiness and Organization;(b) Communications;(c) Membership Recruitment;(d) Policy Development;(e) Constitution and Legal Affairs; and(f) Finance and Fundraising

    the Chairs of which Standing Committees (other than the Standing Committee on Policy

    Development which shall be chaired by the Vice-President, Policy) shall be appointed by the

    Officers of the Association from among the members, directors and officers of the Association.

    Executive Committee

    5.3The Officers, the Immediate Past President of the Association, the Chairs of the StandingCommittees, together with the Liberal Member of Parliament for the Electoral District, or if

    there is no member, the Candidate nominated by the Association for the next federal

    election, shall constitute the Executive Committee.

    Honorary Members

    5.4All members of the Executive of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canadain Alberta shall be honorary non-voting members of the Executive Committee of the


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    5.5Up to 25 Directors may be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. Thenumber of Directors to be elected shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.

    Governing Council

    5.6The Executive Committee and the Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.Ex-Officio Members

    5.7The Presidents of each Provincial Liberal Association, each recognized Liberal Youth,Women's or Seniors club within the Electoral District, shall be ex-officio non-voting members

    of the Board of Directors.

    Additional Committees

    5.8The Executive Committee may appoint such ad hoc committees as required from time totime.

    Continuance in Office

    5.9Each Officer, Director, and Chair of a Standing Committee continues in office until asuccessor is elected or appointed in accordance with this Constitution.


    5.10 Each Officer, Director, and Chair of a Standing Committee may be removed for causeby a 2/3 majority of the Board of Directors.


    5.11 The Board of Directors may fill any vacancy, including a vacancy arising from thefailure to elect a full slate of Directors, among the Directors by election or appointment, and

    shall fill any vacancy among the Officers by election or appointment. (2006.04.09)

    Bylaws, Rules and Regulations

    5.12 The Board of Directors may make such bylaws, rules, regulations and given suchother directions for conduct of the activities of the Association not inconsistent with this




    6.1The President, or in the President's absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at all meetingsof the Association and itsExecutive, and shall be the representative of the Association to

    the Liberal Party of Canada. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President at a

    meeting, the members present shall elect their presiding officer. The President shall be the

    Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall ensure that the Association complies

    with the provisions of the Canada Elections Act.


    6.2The Secretary shall ensure that accurate records are maintained for all meetings,correspondence, and membership of the Association; and shall issue notices of meetings.


    6.3The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Association and shall receive, keep,and account for all monies and, under the direction of the Executive Committee, pay all

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    debts properly incurred by the Association. The Treasurer shall submit financial reports to

    each Annual Meeting and as requested by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall

    ensure that all required financial filings under the Canada Elections Act shall be made.

    Executive Committee

    6.4The Executive Committee shall have charge of the administration of the affairs of theAssociation, subject to direction received from the Board of Directors at Executive Meetings,

    and subject to direction received from the membership at any Annual General Meeting.

    Election Readiness

    6.5The Election Readiness and Organization Committee shall organize and initiate an electionreadiness plan and shall advise and seek the assistance of the Directors in the

    implementation of any Election Readiness plan.

    Communication Chair

    6.6The Communications Committee shall implement a communications strategy and shall carryout other duties as established by the Executive Committee. (2006.04.09)


    6.7The Policy Development Committee shall organize and initiate policy initiatives under theleadership of the Vice-President, Policy and shall carry out other duties as established by the

    Executive Committee.

    Constitution and Legal Affairs

    6.8The Constitution and Legal Affairs committee shall carry out such duties as established bythe Executive Committee.

    Finance and Fundraising

    6.9The Finance and Fundraising Committee shall raise funds for the Association and for ElectionReadiness and shall carry out other duties as established by the Executive Committee.


    6.10 The Membership Committee shall establish attainable annual goals to increasemembership, develop and disseminate strategies and practices to achieve these goals and

    shall carry out other duties as established by the Executive Committee or Board of Directors.

    Appointment of Committee Members

    6.11 The Chairs of the Standing Committees may appoint members of the Association toassist them in their duties and serve on their committees from time to time.


    6.12 The Directors shall organize and communicate with the membership in the ElectoralDistrict and assist in the election of a Liberal candidate. (2006.04.09)

    LPC and LPCA

    6.13 The Executive will act under the direction of the Liberal Party of Canada and theLiberal Party of Canada in Alberta, as required.

    Minimum Number of Meetings

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    6.14 The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times per calendar year. Meetingsshall be called by the Secretary, at the request of the President, or upon written request

    from a majority of the members of the Governing Council.

    Board of Directors Quorum

    6.15 A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be one-third of its voting members, at least2 of which must be Officers of the Association.



    7.1There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Association in each calendar year at suchdate and place as the Executive shall determine provided however, that in the event no

    Annual General Meeting is called within 15 months from the date of the last Annual General

    Meeting, the Executive Committee of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta shall have

    authority to call such a meeting at such time and place within the Electoral District as it may

    see fit on receipt of the application of not less than ten per cent of members of the

    Association. (2006.04.09)

    General Meeting

    7.2 In addition to Annual General Meetings the Executive may hold such other General Meetingsas they may consider appropriate.

    Notice of Meeting

    7.3Notice of an Annual General Meeting or a General Meeting shall be given to all membersand associate members of the Association at least Fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the

    holding of such meeting. Such Notice shall specify, in general, the items to be considered by

    the Meeting. (2006.04.09)


    7.4Each annual General Meeting of the association shall receive and consider reports presentedby the Officers, shall approve the Financial Statements provided by the Treasurer, and shall

    cause to be held an election of Officers and Directors and transact such other business as

    may properly come before the meeting.


    7.5A quorum for the annual General Meeting or General Meeting shall be the lesser of twelve(12) members in good standing or a majority of the membership of the Association.


    7.6The only persons eligible to vote at the Meeting shall be members of the Association whoare members at least Fourteen (14) days prior to the opening of the Meeting.


    7.7All voting shall be by show of hands, the result of which shall be determined by the Chair.Any member shall be entitled to challenge the determination of the Chair and demand the

    matter be re-voted by secret ballot. The Secretary, or in his or her absence, such person as

    the Executive shall appoint, shall act as the Returning Officer to supervise such secret ballot.

    In the event of a tie vote on any matter coming before the meeting, the chair shall have a

    casting vote.

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    7.8Procedure at meetings unless otherwise specified shall be in accordance with BourinotsRules of Order. If any question of practice or procedure arises during the course of the

    meeting, the Chair shall make a decision on the point raised. A member may appeal the

    chair's decision to the meeting, in which case, the questions shall be put to the meeting for a

    vote after debate, and the result of the vote shall be final and binding, subject to an appeal

    as provided by the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta.


    7.9(1) The term elective members or elective offices as used in this Article shall include:(a) the Officers of the Association as defined in Article 5.1; and(b) the Directors of the Association as defined in Article 5.5.(2) The Executive Committee at least one month prior to the holding of the Annual General

    Meeting shall appoint a chair of a Nominations Committee who shall identify candidates

    suitable and willing to fill each of the elective offices.

    (3) Every Candidate for elective office shall be a member of the Association.Procedure for Election

    7.10 Elections shall be conducted as follows:(a) The chair of the Nominations Committee shall present the entire slate of Candidates for

    elective officer, who shall be deemed to be moved, seconded and have provided their

    written consent to stand for election;

    (b) The election of each Officer shall be conducted separately, in priority to the election ofDirectors, and in the following order:

    (i) President;(ii) Vice-President;(iii)Vice-President, Policy;(iv)Secretary;(v) Treasurer.

    (c) With respect to each officer, there shall be a call for additional nominations from thefloor for the office to be filled. Each additional nominee must be present, or have

    provided their written consent to stand for election.

    (d) In the event of a further nomination or nominations, an election will be held withrespect to that office prior to proceeding to the election of the next Officer. In the

    absence of further nominations, the Officer shall be acclaimed.

    (e) A motion may then be made to reduce the number of Directors from the maximumprescribed by this Constitution. If no motion is made, the number of Directors to be

    elected shall be the maximum number.

    (f) The election of Directors shall follow and shall be conducted by way of a single secretballot vote. If the sum of Directors presented on the slate plus additional nominations

    from the floor is equal to or less than the number of Directors determined to be elected

    pursuant to Article 5.5, the Directors shall be acclaimed.

    Procedure for election of delegates

    7.11 Procedures for the election of delegates to general meetings or conventions calledby the Liberal Party in Canada or the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta shall be in

    accordance with rules and regulations as may be prescribed for such general meetings or


  • 8/12/2019 Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta





    8Procedure for Election of Candidates

    8.1The Association shall select candidates in accordance with the rules and regulations made byor prescribed by the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta.



    9.1 Any person who feels aggrieved by any decision of the Executive, the Officers, or theElectoral District Association shall be entitled to appeal such decision by filing with the Chief

    Office of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta within forty-eight (48) hours of becoming

    aware of such decision, a Notice of appeal. The provisions of the Constitution of the Liberal

    Party of Canada in Alberta shall apply to the appeal.

    Appeal to Permanent Appeals Committee9.2This Article does not apply where the person aggrieved has the right of appeal to the

    Permanent Appeals Committee of the Liberal Party of Canada.



    10.1 This Constitution may be repealed, replaced or amended by a Special Resolution at aGeneral Meeting duly called and to which notice has been provided of the proposed repeal,

    replacement or amendment and shall stipulate a date at which such repeal, replacement or

    amendment shall be effective.

    Disallowance by Executive Board

    10.2 The Governing Council of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta may by SpecialResolution declare invalid any provision of an Electoral District constitution which, in its

    opinion, is inconsistent with this Constitution or the rules of natural justice or fair play.

    Copies of Amendment

    10.3 Copies of this Constitution and any repeal, replacement or amendment thereofcertified by the President shall within Thirty (30) days of their effective date be filed with the

    National Office of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Chief Office of the Liberal Party of

    Canada in Alberta.