constrictive oesophagitis: oesophagolysis by anterolateral thoracotomy in supine position

Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1989-90; 6:109-115 Clinical Quiz 5 GR, aged 39, was hospitalised on December 12, 1988, with progressive dysphagia of 6 months duration. He had symptoms of duodenal ulcer from 1974. Vagotomy was done in 1974. Gastrojejunostomy was performed in 1988 to relieve gastric stasis. Routine examination of urine and blood revealed no abnormality. Oesophagogram is shown in Fig. 1. Flexible fibreoptic endoscope could not be passed beyond 28 cm. There was smooth narrowing with no mucosal lesion. Fig.10esophagogram reveals narrowing in two locations (arrows)

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Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1989-90; 6:109-115

Clinical Quiz 5

GR, aged 39, was hospitalised on December 12, 1988, with progressive dysphagia of 6 months duration. He had symptoms of duodenal ulcer from 1974. Vagotomy was done in 1974. Gastrojejunostomy was performed in 1988 to relieve gastric stasis. Routine examination of urine and blood revealed no abnormality. Oesophagogram is shown in Fig. 1. Flexible fibreoptic endoscope could not be passed beyond 28 cm. There was smooth narrowing with no mucosal lesion.

Fig .10esophagogram reveals narrowing in two locations (arrows)