constructing and using a company

Constructing and using a company intranet: 'it's a very cultural thing' TeesRep - Teesside's Research Repository Item type Article Authors Clarke, K. (Ken); Preece, D. (David) Citation Clarke, K. and Preece, D. (2005) 'Constructing and using a company intranet: it's a very cultural thing', New Technology Work and Employment, 20 (2), pp.150-165. DOI 10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00150.x Publisher Wiley-Blackwell Journal New Technology Work and Employment Rights Subject to restrictions, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing). For full details see [Accessed 3/12/09] Downloaded 6-Jun-2018 18:25:30 Link to item TeesRep - Teesside University's Research Repository -

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Constructing and using a company intranet: 'it's a very culturalthing'

TeesRep - Teesside'sResearch Repository

Item type Article

Authors Clarke, K. (Ken); Preece, D. (David)

Citation Clarke, K. and Preece, D. (2005) 'Constructing and using acompany intranet: it's a very cultural thing', NewTechnology Work and Employment, 20 (2), pp.150-165.

DOI 10.1111/j.1468-005X.2005.00150.x

Publisher Wiley-Blackwell

Journal New Technology Work and Employment

Rights Subject to restrictions, author can archive post-print (iefinal draft post-refereeing). For full details see [Accessed 3/12/09]

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This full text version, available on TeesRep, is the post-print (final version prior to publication) of:

Clarke, K. and Preece, D. (2005) 'Constructing and using a company intranet: it's a

very cultural thing', New Technology Work and Employment, 20 (2), pp.150-165.

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Published in New Technology, Work and Employment, 2005, Vol. 20, N0. 2, pp. 150-165.

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Organizational intranets are one form of a ‘new wave’ of information and communication

technologies. They provide a ‘testing ground’ for where certain theories of technology and

organizations meet with emerging ‘innovative’ practice. The paper is offered as a

contribution to this debate. It develops a theoretical framework, which is used to analyse data

drawn from a case study of the adoption, introduction and use of a company intranet. The

analysis and discussion focus on the competing representations of the intranet presented by

the staff involved.


Both academics and practitioners have been interested for some time in the nature, contribution and

implications of technology and technological change for organizational functioning and behaviour.

Recently much has changed in terms of the forms of technology which have become available to

and been developed by organizations, and in the resulting ways in which organizations are

configured and oriented (see Laurila and Preece, 2003 for a recent theoretical overview). Much of

the recent discussion and theorizing of emerging organizational forms is a response to the variety of

ways in which ICTs have been deployed within and across organizations (see, for example,

Castells, 2000; Barnatt, 1995; Fulk and DeSanctis, 1995).

A recent development at the level of technological and organizational practice has been the

adoption and introduction of intranets, with information dissemination and intra-organizational

communication being two of the most commonly espoused purposes for which they are deployed.

However, on the basis of data emerging from case studies being undertaken into intranet utilization

(including our own), it is clear that there is much more to the matter than this. In our own studies

reported here, interviewees offered a variety of interpretations of what the company intranet

actually was, let alone whether it could be said to be facilitating certain activities or outcomes for

the organization. The more people we interviewed, the more elusive this

technological/organizational configuration became, and the more indeterminate the organizational

„implications‟ and „consequences‟. A significant reason for this was the near collapse of the

technology into the organization, and vice-versa, in a complex set of interactions and iterations.

What we have here is simultaneous and interactive technological and organizational change, raising

a number of issues about the changing nature and experience of work and organizations.

The paper is a contribution to the ideas developed above about the conceptualization of

technology in its social and organizational setting, both by the actors themselves, and by

organization studies analysts. Initially, it briefly outlines and explores those perspectives that were

found to be the most helpful in analysing our primary data with respect to the adoption and

implementation of this technology. Drawing upon some of these perspectives and our interview and

other data, we then develop a theoretical framework which attempts to capture the key elements of

this technological-organizational configuration. Following a methodological note, we present and

analyse our case study findings. The final section is an overall discussion of our argument.

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An Intranet is essentially an intra-organizational IT network, akin to the world-wide-web. It is a

form of architectural technology, in that of itself it does not imply any specific uses. The latter are

created and located within the enabling structure of the intranet. Thus a wide variety of applications

are possible through an intranet platform (Newell et al, 2000; Newell et al, 2001). A common claim

is that an intranet can be configured to act as a conduit of within-organization communication,

enhancing collaboration and productivity (Wachter and Gupta, 1997). It does this by acting as a

publication medium, which can be readily accessed and searched. It can also act as a medium for

transactions across the organization via the page structure, providing enhanced access and ease of

use, and can act as a medium of discussion and record.

So intranet technology has both wide integrative and distributive potential, and lends itself to

extensive creative and interpretive flexibility as to its applications, uses, role, and thus to its

organizational impact. An intranet configuration is, as a result, specific to the particular

organization within which it is created, developed and used, and within a given organization

intranets are designed with quite different characteristics (Newell et al, 2000). An intranet is

frequently configured in such a way as to be shielded from the „outside world‟. Thus, particular

organization intranet configurations will be influenced by both the relevant social, economic and

political contexts and by the actions, orientations and concerns of the actors most directly and

locally involved (Damsgaard and Scheepers, 1999 and 2000). It follows that the nature of the

emergent configuration is likely to be open to contestation and interpretation, and may have many

unexpected and unintended consequences (Newell et al, 2000).

Intranet technology can be seen as a form of 'groupware', along with similar ICTs such as

Lotus Notes. As Ciborra (1996; 2000) has pointed out, the term groupware implies the distinct, but

linked, attributes of group as a social entity, and ware as the material artefact. Technology, it is

argued, has both a material form and is also a social construct, whereby its design, development,

creation and use is the outcome of human agency. This position has much in common with

Orlikowski‟s (1992, 1996), who draws upon structuration theory to address the complex

relationship between technology as an artefact, human agents (in, for example, their designer and

user roles) and the institutional contexts in which they are co-located and enacted. Correspondingly,

and in reflecting upon intranets specifically, Newell et al. (2000) have recently developed a model

which incorporates three linked layers of functionality and practice: (i) the „infrastructure‟, that is

the hardware and software; (ii) the „infostructure‟, that is the formal rules governing exchanges

between and sense- making by network actors; and (iii) the „infoculture‟, or beliefs, values, etc.,

which are often taken for granted.

In order to facilitate the understanding of intranet implementation we utilise the concept of a

socio-technical ensemble, „whose component parts and their composition are shot through with and

held together by social relations among people, as much as by more physical ties such as screws,

bolts or electrons' (McLaughlin et al, 1999:6). This position, of course, accepts the materiality of

technology, but also looks to its social design, construction, deployment and interpretation, often

exhibited by the „texts‟ attached to the technology. We use the ensemble concept to explore

intranets and their application, and the range of texts and meanings that came to be attached to

them, which can change over time in relation to the same people and vary across and within

different organizations (Hayes and Walsham, 2000a).

The main theoretical perspectives informing the conceptualization of the socio-technical

ensemble are social construction of technology (SCOT) and social shaping of technology (SST).

(For overviews see Preece et al, 2000; McLoughlin, 1999; and for an extended case study

application see McLaughlin (1999)). These approaches view technology as both artefact and social

construction (see, for example, Bijker, 1995; Bijker et al, 1987; MacKenzie and Wajcman, 1999).

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For those writers who take a more extreme relativist „technology as text and metaphor‟ position,

such as Grint and Woolgar (1997), the technological/social configuration is never stabilized and is

always open to different and new interpretations or texts.

Drawing upon the above perspectives, we developed an „intranet socio-technical ensemble‟

framework, which attempts to capture why, how and with what people and organizational

implications, this technology was introduced and implemented into our case study organization (see

Figure 1). Through the framework, we focus upon the forms into which the emerging socio-

technical configuration was shaped by organizational actors (and on what bases); the emerging

contests, uncertainties and ambiguities of utilization and deployment; and the texts and discourse

which were employed to represent the intranet, to explain, persuade and make sense of what was



The framework draws upon a number of strands in the literature and identifies some key linkages

between the various elements of the ensemble, ie: (i) configuration malleability; (ii) shapers and

makers; (iii) initial acceptability and usability; (iv) envisaging form and function; and (v)

boundaries. The „outcome‟ is some sedimentation of the intranet into the organization and its

everyday work. „The intranet at this stage corresponds to Heidegger's term “ready-at-hand”, in

which the technology disappears and becomes a natural “extension” of the users…‟ (Damsgaard

and Scheepers 2000: 142). The elements of our framework are:

Configuration malleability

Much of the SST literature utilises and builds on the notion of 'interpretive flexibility' (Pinch and

Bijker, 1987). Intranets, as argued earlier, are inherently flexible with respect to what they consist

of, how they might be used, etc, yet can be seen as constrained with regard to the possibilities for

their subsequent interpretation. These constraints may include perceptions of the hardware, whilst

others may be conveyed by the early texts which are attached to the technology at its introductory

phase. So our concern here is with how much opportunity there was, or was perceived to be, for

shaping and reshaping the configuration, and what were the main dimensions and constraints to that


Shapers and makers

The process of IT innovation is typically untidy, ambivalent, unpredictable and contested

(McLoughlin et al, 2000). Thus, the form(s) and exercise of power and control are central to the

evolving configuration of intranet implementation (Bansler et al, 2000; Hayes and Walsham,

2000b). What is more, as Thomas has observed „the choice of technology represents an opportunity

to affect not only the performance of work but also the status, influence, and self-concept of those

promoting change. That is, new technology may be far less attractive for what it does than for what

it says symbolically about its creators and proponents…‟ (1994: 6). So the intranet socio-technical

ensemble is socially created and shaped by the ideas, interests and objectives of, and interactions

between designers, technologists, engineers, managers, users and others actors. This social shaping

takes place both as the technology generically develops in inter-organizational contexts, and as it is

specifically configured within particular organizational contexts. This configuring process

continues as the technology is introduced, implemented and put into everyday use (McLaughlin et

al, 1999; Fleck, 1994). What is more, certain actors and groups may have more opportunities than

others to shape the technology-organization configuration during implementation and deployment

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(Blosch and Preece, 2000). Thus it is important to know who/whom has this opportunity, what their

aims are, what sources of influence they have, and what means they can and do deploy to shape the

configuration. So, who are the key „shapers and makers‟here, and what, if any, is the degree of

concordance of perspectives within and across the organization?

Initial acceptability and usability

In parallel with the issue of configuration malleability is the early stage of entry of an embryonic

configuration into the organization. This includes the process(es) of introduction, the actors

involved, and their objectives and concerns. We were particularly interested in the extent of the

initial acceptability of the configuration, along with the factors which influenced this, and were alert

to the discourse and texts by which this process was shaped and influenced.

A long- recognised factor in the success of technology implementation is the extent and

nature of the involvement of the user. Horton et al (2001) deploy a „Technology Acceptance Model‟

(based on the work of Davis, 1989) in analysing intranet implementation and usage. They argue that

perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use act as predictors of intranet take up, but that the

interrelationships are complex and the possibilities contingent. Thus their work reinforces the need

to contextualise intranet usage within particular organizations, and emphasises the requirement to

pay attention to the nature of that usage.

For us, usability involves more than simply ease of use. It also includes the level of basic

literacy possessed by users, how that is developed, and how confident people are in applying that

literacy to employing the technology. So key questions are how literate and confident were people

in the use of the technology, and how can variations in the levels of confidence and literacy be

accounted for?

Envisaging form and function

The configuration of the ensemble is influenced by the value (McLaughlin et al, 1999) that the

various organizational actors, both users and non-users, expect to gain from the technology, in that

they attempt to construct a configuration which will provide value to them and possibly others. A

key question here is „How is the utility of the configuration influenced and developed by

practitioners, that is both the direct designers and users, and the organization at large?‟ What form

does the configuration take, and what utility does it offer the organization and the people who have

access to it?


Damsgaard and Scheepers (2000), in developing a multi-stage model of intranet implementation,

argue that the initial introduction is a 'championing' process, but that later diffusion is dependent

upon subsequently-emerging „sponsors‟ (often acting as agents of other organizational interests)

'grabbing' the intranet technology from the „champions‟ to shape usage and diffusion. Without this,

a critical mass of usage is unlikely to emerge which is sufficient to sustain the intranet, thus it

„withers on the vine‟. Futhermore, Scheepers (2003) and Damsgaard and Scheepers (2000) argue

that the intranet needs to be prevented from consisting of a 'gigantic mess of information'- thus its

development must be controlled. This control takes the form of the imposition of an increasing

degree of standardisation and formality by management. Such a view sees management‟s role as

significant and legitimate in setting the boundaries within which the configuration can and should

develop. Some practitioners and other analysts, though, may see such an exercise of power as going

against the arguments for encouraging creativity, flexibility and local shaping. So are the ensemble

boundaries perceived as being open and transparent or subject to forms of control and restricted

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access? Thus, for example, is the intranet seen as a means of surveillance and control, and if so,

what is the response? We will return to these matters in the concluding discussion.



The company is a medium-sized „high-tech‟ organization-here called „Grangers‟- located on the

south coast of England, which designs, develops and manufactures specialist products and sells

consultancy and other services throughout the world. Grangers was born out of a management

buyout of the organization, which had been one of the previous (US) owner‟s UK manufacturing

plants, and was continuing to manufacture the same kind of product line at the times of our

interviews. It was also in the process of establishing sales and other operations outside the UK. We

are unable to provide more detail because of assurances we gave on anonymity and confidentiality.

Senior managers, and in particular the Business Services Director, saw a company intranet as

serving a number of purposes for the recently de-merged organization:

1 It would serve to emphasize and continually remind people (employees and other stakeholders)

that this was a new organization, quite separate in structural and cultural terms from the company

who had previously owned it. For example, whenever the initial computer screen came up after

switching the monitor on each morning, the new company‟s logo, with different colours, etc, would

come up, rather than the one of the previous owner. With regard to employees, this was, inter alia,

intended to signal to them that they were now working for an independent company, competing in

the market place with other such companies, and without the support of the infrastructure and

resources provided by the previous owner.

2 It would facilitate improved communication within the company and, in time (subject to later

enhancements) between the company and external stakeholders.

3 It would enable employees to obtain a better appreciation and understanding of what was going

on elsewhere in the organization, i.e. outside their immediate section/department, and thus facilitate

collaborative working/projects.

4 In part based upon 2 and 3 above, it would encourage reflection upon current working practices

and job/organization structure, which might lead to more effective and appropriate working


5 Certain data could be held on the intranet which would act as the „definitive‟ record (with only

specified people being able to amend/alter this data), and this would now be available for all to see

and draw upon as required.

The IS & Quality Manager, along with his staff, were given the responsibility by the Board of

designing the shell of the intranet, along with the initial screen and other features of the original

configuration; generating/obtaining and providing this infrastructure across the organization; rolling

out the implementation (including not just „hardware‟ aspects, but also social ones such as

communication about the intranet, training in its use, generating user interest and activity); acting as

a source of expertise and advise; and maintaining and developing the hardware and technical

infrastructure over time. During late 1997 the organization was restructured into a number of

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business units and the great majority of IS staff were allocated to the units, retaining just a small

central function of a handful of people.


The primary data was gathered via interviews, documentary analysis and participant observation.

In analysing the interviews through the application of our framework we focussed upon the

narratives, discourse and texts which were used, and, in particular, those which were attached to the

technology. The TTM perspective offers a route into this. Since the technology cannot speak for

itself, one is compelled to explore what the people say who speak for and against it, who these

people are, what their background is, etc. Amongst other things, this aids the understanding of how

certain actors, not least managers and IT specialists, attempt to legitimise technologically- induced

organizational change, and how other actors contest such change. Our guiding concern throughout

has been to attempt to provide an overview of the interconnected and overlapping comments and

observations made by interviewees through a framework which draws out the key organizational

and technological dimensions.

Two series of interviews were conducted, the first when the intranet first went live

throughout the organization between February and early July, 1997 and the second set around six

months later (in a number of instances we interviewed the same person on both occasions, thus

allowing us to refer back to the views and perceptions offered during the first interview). The forty

interviewees were taken from horizontal and vertical slices of the organization, and were seen

individually for between 30 minutes and two and a half hours, with the majority of interviews

lasting around an hour. The interviews were semi-structured, guided by a limited number of „areas

for exploration‟ (which were covered with all interviewees), with the interviewer always being

willing to let the discussion develop along lines chosen by the interviewee. Usually just one of the

authors conducted the interview, but on four occasions both authors were present. The great

majority of the interviews were, with the permission of the interviewee, tape-recorded, and

subsequently transcribed verbatim. The interview transcriptions were read, coded, discussed

between the authors, but also with one of the IS specialists in the company, re-read and re-coded by

the authors a number of times. We also had access to some company documentation relating to the

intranet, and undertook a limited amount of participant observation, that is observing and talking to

staff whilst they were using the intranet.

In the interview extracts below, following each quotation (or series of quotations from the

same interviewee) the interviewee‟s role is indicated, along with either a „1' or „2'. „1' indicates that

the interview was conducted during the first round, and „2' indicates a second round interview

between January and March, 1998. Thus, it can be seen whether the intranet was in the process of

adoption or had just been introduced at the time of the interview (1), or whether it had been in

existence for a minimum of six months at the time of the interview (2). July 1st, 1997 was

„Independence Day‟, when the switchover was made from the previous ICT platform, called the

„VM‟ or „PROFS‟ system. „M‟ = Manager, „D‟ =Director, „IS‟=Information Systems department.

Constructing, using and contesting the Granger’s intranet

Configuration malleability

Not surprisingly, given their brief, it was the IS function which took the lead during the adoption

stage and early introduction period in designing the architecture and configuring the intranet. This

architecture acted as a constraint on what could be made of the intranet; however, if a member of

staff wanted to use it for a particular application which was not currently possible within the given

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architecture, IS had to be consulted, and may or may not agree to the change. As the IS & Quality

manager somewhat graphically put it:

the building fabric is provided by IS, and what you do inside the house is pretty much up to

you- you can put your own carpets and curtains, but you are bounded by where the walls are.

If you want to knock down a wall you have to go outside and get permission, to make sure

you are not going to damage the walls so badly that your building crashes and brings down

the floor above or the floor below. (IS and Quality M. 2)

There was general acceptance that this „maintenance‟ function carried out by IS was necessary and

helpful, and the great majority of interviewees felt that there was some flexibility for users to

decide, within any given configuration, how they would use the intranet, as illustrated in the

following comment of the Business Planning manager: „I think in terms of the way people use

them, they will tend to evolve cultures of use in different areas‟. The intranet was seen as less

constraining than the old technology, providing more room for localized shaping. The following

comment is indicative (it also illustrates an awareness of the greater „public visibility‟ associated

with the intranet):

I don‟t find it as a constraint…in the past the system was very structured-„take it or leave it‟-

and you just worked with that. There was very little room for flexibility, and now there is a lot

of room for flexibility, and you have to think very carefully about what you are going to do.

(Finance M. 2).

The redistribution of most IS staff out to the newly-created business divisions (which took place

during the fourth quarter of 1997) was, according to the IS specialists, something which would have

been much more difficult to achieve with the previous IT platform and its associated expertise and

working practices:

One of the areas that got decentralized into the divisions was IS probably wouldn‟t have

done this last year with the systems we were on, as we had an army of VM [previous

platform] people whose strength was in the collective. They all knew the one system, so to try

and fragment them up would have been impossible. With the new technology we have been

able to take the desk top and give it to each of the divisions with an IS person, and we have

said „That individual there is to all intents and purposes your IS man.‟(IS and Quality M. 2)

So, the intranet ensemble was „malleable within constraints‟, and constraints might be removed.

Local shaping of the configuration was possible, and indeed was encouraged by senior management

and IS specialists. The redistribution of IS staff out to the new business units, whilst unconnected

with the intranet introduction and roll-out, acted in a serendipitous way to provide IS expertise

locally to users vis-à-vis the continuing shaping of the intranet ensemble. But how was the intranet

rolled out across the organization and what sort of related practices emerged?

Shapers and makers

As was noted above, one of the key senior management intranet objectives was for it to have a

demonstration effect for all the company‟s stakeholders: the company was now „on its own‟, and

quite separate from its previous owner. To the extent that there had been a „dependency culture‟ in

the organization, this would have to go, to be replaced by a spirit of entrepreneurialism and focus

upon winning new business. The IS & Quality manager was fully aware that:

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The person who wants to distinguish this, to create a new identity away from [the previous

owner] the Chief Executive of the company, and if he‟s the only one that says it looks and

feels different, that‟s good enough for me (IS & Quality M. 1).

The Board made the IS Director responsible for rolling the intranet out across the company. Whilst

the timescale set for full implementation (ie „switchover date of July 1st, 1997) was tight, most of

the people we interviewed thought this was necessary and justified:

I think the Director of IS and his group ...drove that very vigorously, with very tight

timetables to make it work, and bluntly didn‟t take any excuses along the way. It was going to

go in, you were going to be off the system by this date...And I think that was extremely

important because I think it could have been just... „Oh well, you can stay on it‟ (Finance and

Contracts M. 2).

The IS and Quality Manager and his team acted subtly and strategically in working to get some

early successes, which they knew would be spread through the organization‟s grapevine, and could

be used as illustrations of the benefits of the intranet:

I wanted some people onside, some small wins very quickly, and picked one or two. To be

honest, I have got this family [cousins] in this company- I said „Your organization are going

first, I want to be in this with you...‟ So we slowly got two or three of them on our side, and

we educated the secretaries to try and use it (IS & Quality M. 1).

IS also used people they had identified as likely enthusiasts and disciples for the new technology

(„representatives‟, as they called them) from the various business units to carry the message deeper

into the organization, and to act as sources of local expertise and two-way communication between

the users and themselves. The „user representatives‟ interpreted their role in a variety of ways, and

local (unit/departmental) contingencies meant that there was always the likelihood of different

intranet configurations emerging:

Some of them are obviously better than others and are selling it. I mean, there are a couple of

areas which I think in a year‟s time, if it goes the way that these business unit reps want it to

go, will knock our socks off. And there‟s a couple of areas where we are going to have to go

in and kick people, and they will do the basic minimum as grudgingly as possible. But that‟s

life. (Quality Management System (QMS) M. 1).

Where the business unit or departmental web pages were considered to be underdeveloped (both

absolutely and in relation to other web pages in the organization), this was made known to them by

the central IS department. A rather more subtle form of control (cultural) was also expected to come

into play:

There are a couple of areas who are not doing enough. When all the other areas have got

their‟s in, it‟s going to be blatantly obvious to anybody on the site who goes into it and finds a

blank page...that someone has failed (QMS M. 1).

IS had intended to take a lower profile following the implementation of the intranet and its roll- out,

and this did indeed happen as pockets of expertise built up around the organization, aided by the

user reps. Now the business units became the main shapers of the intranet, and practice across the

company came to vary even more markedly. This was welcomed by IS and senior management, as

they wanted and encouraged local initiatives and configuration. It was facilitated by, and in part a

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result of the organizational restructuring. The general view was that, in relation to the intranet

ensemble, „IS has become less and less strategic in its own right and more of a commodity‟, [As]

„You can generate complex networks almost on a commodity basis, the real driving seat now will

be because of the business units in taking the technology to where its‟ customers demand‟.(Test

Systems M. 2).

Whilst local configuration, and hence diversity and variety in terms of what was put up on the

intranet, was welcomed by senior management and the majority of staff we interviewed, some staff

were concerned about the loss of standardization, observing that it would be more difficult to

maintain consistent and predictable practices across the organization and to take a cross-company


There is the danger that they are going to go off on their own, do what‟s best for them, which

is obviously important, but maybe be less concerned about what is good for the company as a

whole, and I think perhaps the IS strategy, when it was all together in one central

organization, one of the merits was that it would look across the whole company (Network

Systems M. 2).

The „pull and push‟ between flexibility/creativity on the one hand and standardization/predictability

on the other, was a theme which recurred throughout both rounds of interviews.

Initial acceptability and usability

The initial acceptability of the intranet to employees appeared to be related to (i) whether it was

seen as a radical or incremental change, and (ii) its „usability‟ rating.

Some people saw and/or represented the intranet as a form of radical organizational change:

A little while back, when I presented what we are trying to do with the intranet, in the

auditorium, to the employees, I said it would be a cultural shock-wave that would go through

the company, and people looked at me a little surprised, [but] I think they are beginning to

realize now what was meant at the time. (Business Services D. 1)

…But other people saw it as a form of incremental change:

It‟s more evolution than revolution because we were already using something like that. For a

company who havn‟t had anything and then installed this, then I think you would find the

revolution-but not within this organization...with the intranet we can go about it a little bit

better perhaps...but it‟s a tool at the end of the day, that‟s all it is. (Procurement M. 2)

It clearly was seen by the people we interviewed as a socio-technical phenomenon, with the

emphasis being placed upon the socio. This is captured in the following extract, which also

(somewhat paradoxically perhaps) illustrates why staff rarely objected to the non-consultative mode

of introduction):

The management team in IS did a very good job in communicating the dates, the mechanisms,

what it entailed, and it was of a prescriptive nature- you know, „If you have got problems with

it, shut up‟, like it or lump it, which I think was the right attitude because it is a very cultural

thing, and if it had been deep consultation it wouldn‟t have worked. (Storage Systems M. 2)

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The IS & Quality Manager argued that, to the extent that staff had changed their working practices,

this was because they had seen the possibilities offered by the ensemble, and had then chosen to use


I can choose to work completely differently, and use this as a tool, but if I do work completely

differently, it won‟t come from the fact the tool exists, it will be somebody coming and

knocking on my door and saying „For God‟s sake, don‟t you realize you could be driving to

France?‟ I‟m a great believer in catastrophe theory type of models, and I think suddenly

somebody will do something a bit different, [then] everybody else will think „Oh, that‟s

good‟, and suddenly it will take off. (IS and Quality M. 2)

Employees‟ views about the usability of the intranet depended in part upon their previous

experience of computer technology, whether gained inside or outside this or other organizations.

And what was the nature and „sophistication‟ of the IT with which they were familiar? Did they

have previous experience of using computer technology in the home, such as for word processing,

computer games, internet access? In some cases this had come about through parents benefiting

from their children‟s more computer literate education and deeper familiarization with the


I have started to teach myself, and my two daughters have used them [the home pc] for

preparing documents, reports and so forth, and they needed to learn some of the new

packages, so I bought myself some of the idiots‟ guides, and I got the laptop and took it home,

and I would spend some time at the weekend and gradually start to teach myself.(Network

Services M. 1).

Whilst the majority of the staff we interviewed welcomed the intranet, and were prepared to put in

time and effort to develop „skills-in-use‟, there were some employees who had reservations:

There has certainly been a lot of friction about it, let‟s say unhappiness, in my group, which is

no secret to [the IS specialists]...they [ie the group] have been more vocal about their concerns

about the system, and feel it‟s being imposed, and will restrict or make difficult their job... it‟s

not going to improve on they can see some attractive aspects of the new system, but

have got some underlying concerns. (Network Services M. 1).

In this particular instance, then, the intranet was not seen by the group to be as functional for their

type of work as the technology it had replaced, and they attributed this primarily to the fact that they

had had no opportunity to (co)shape the emerging intranet socio-technical ensemble.

Envisaging form and function

As was noted earlier, senior managers wanted the intranet to act as a catalyst in encouraging staff to

reflect upon their jobs and the organization, triggering a search for new, more effective/efficient

ways of working:

Managers are trying to discover how they can think differently about their organization and

the way we do things...encouraging them to show interest in other issues elsewhere in the

organization. Yeh, we can encourage it by demonstrating the tools are there, you only have to

sort of one click, and you are into a different world of information. I don‟t think we are going

to force people to do that, but we can encourage (Manufacturing D. 1).

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How, then, was this socio-technical ensemble going to create value (McLaughlin et al, 1999) for the

organization? It was felt that staff would need to be more „proactive‟ in actively seeking out the

information they wanted, whilst the intranet was expected to improve the effectiveness of the

information-retrieval process:

Switch to the intranet means people will need to request information, right? So we are going

to use home pages...if an individual wants to know about something, they are going to have to

go out and seek it, it won‟t be sent to them as it was done before. (Manufacturing D. 1).

The Manufacturing Director was hopeful that this would happen and that the intranet would

encourage staff to take a wider, cross-organizational perspective and responsibility:

If the information is available, my experience is that people will look, people are anxious to

learn, the vast majority. To me, that‟s helpful because all that does is encourage people to

think differently, be aware of other parties in the organization, hopefully break down some of

the divides of „Oh well, it‟s their problem, not mine‟, a chance to see where people fit into

the overall process of the business, right? It can only help in that regard...whatever borders

there were or barriers between functions, it will actively break those down even further.

(Manufacturing D. 1).

By the time of our second round of interviews, for some people at least, the intranet ensemble had

become so immersed into everyday working life that there was a sense in which it was now not just

reflecting the organization, but was actually part and parcel of it:

We can store documents in the format that we write them, it‟s very accessible, it‟s much more

friendly to use, and it‟s more interlinked. We‟ve got the whole quality management system in

there now, whereas previously it was a quality management system by name only, now we

use it for documentation changes, for our organizational‟s now a real quality

management system (Procurement M. 2.).

The restructuring is trivial compared to what it would have been like before. You can literally

just drag and drop a few things around and you‟ve reflected the new organization. (IS and

Quality M. 2).

Whether, and if so, the extent to which, this orderly world of documents, files and electronic

linkages corresponded to what was occurring in other spheres of organizational practice, for

example manufacturing the product and attending to customers via non-electronic means, is another


The above extracts throw into sharp relief the question of whether, and if so in what way(s), users

regarded the intranet as a tool which could be used by people in the organization (for various

information capture, storage, dissemination, etc purposes), or as so fully embedded within the

organization that it was now in effect impossible to distinguish between it and the organization per



On a number of occasions during the interviews, especially with the „intranet enthusiasts‟, it was

difficult to see if, and if so where, people drew a boundary between the organization and this

technology; indeed, on occasions they came close to collapsing the one into the other. This is

-- 13 --

resonant of a „virtual organization‟ (Jackson, 1999; Castells, 2000; Davidow and Malone,1992;

Nohria and Eccles,1992; Fulk and DeSanctis,1995. See also Woolgar, 2002). The following extract

is illustrative:

What it will actually do, it‟s the first time that we will ever have the running of the company

so publicly available to the people in the company to understand what‟s going on, because

they will be able to get to it, if they want to get to information, and see what the company is

like and what the company does and how it is structured...its actually going to be there for

them for the first time ever...I mean, there‟s obviously going to be some things that they‟re

going to hide, I mean we are not going to have the finance things and the negotiations with

companies, that‟s never going to be up (QMS M. 1).

Notice also here the recognition that certain data and information won‟t be placed on the intranet by

senior management, despite, as we saw earlier, their and IS‟s encouragement to staff share

information across the organization. The Business Services Director was quite candid about the

equivocation here: „You can have open access to information...but if you choose not to put certain

information on there, you are not being open‟ (Business Services D. 2). The senior management

view was that whilst staff (including middle and junior management) should be encouraged to

experiment and explore, at the same time their intranet use should be monitored and controlled by

themselves (i.e. senior management), IS and the business unit reps to see what they were using the

intranet for and whether they were using it „appropriately‟:

We consciously decided we were going to allow people to learn, discover, explore in the short

term, then rely on management to start pulling in the reins and recognizing where all these

areas of potential lie within the system...understanding how to use it...and that‟s going to take

some time. We need to make sure that we nurture these people and we identify them quickly,

and that‟s why we are spending time educating the managers to recognize who the people are

who are pushing the boundaries...and those who are not logging on, not even turning on the

system and interacting with it...(Manufacturing D. 1).

There are a number of tensions here, not least whether senior management are taking a

„devolution/autonomy‟ or „control and surveillance with partial devolvement‟ route. On the basis of

the data we collected, it was the latter. Whilst senior management and IS were talking about and

advocating innovative usages of the intranet, they had a view as to what was „appropriate‟ and

hence what was „inappropriate‟ data/information, as indeed did the staff themselves:

We have continued down a path of relative anarchy in terms of applications that can be used

on the systems...I actually think we should have discipline and control over the way in which

we communicate...because „I am a computer literate person, I can create this amazing

document with flashing lights and different colours‟, and they may in fact spend more time

than they need to doing it (Test Systems M. 2).

There was some recognition on the behalf of senior management that it was difficult on occasions

to make an „appropriate/inappropriate‟ distinction. Given, though, that they had taken this route,

certain implications for employee perceptions of the intranet, and hence their orientations towards

it, followed. This ambivalence over surveillance and control was regarded by some staff as counter


IS in control of being able to turn off illegitimate use of the system if they wanted to, but I

don‟t think they will. I mean, you defeat the object to some extent...of an open access system,

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if you start trying to control it. So, apart from not having anything illegal or immoral or other

such literature on it, it becomes a shame if you start limiting people‟s ability (Business

Planning Officer, 1).

Whatever senior managers and IS staff said they were or were not doing with respect to intranet

surveillance, and whether or not they actually put any such edit into practice, some staff harboured

suspicions that surveillance was occurring, and this acted as a form of „electronic panopticon‟

(Sewell and Wilkinson, 1992) control over what they placed on the intranet:

My director might surf around the structure and ask simple questions, that you think „Oh God,

what‟s he found, what‟s he uncovered this time?‟ He can do that to his heart‟s content- yeh,

he‟s very good at it, ha ha, unfortunately. (Testers M. 2).

Staff were justified in being suspicious for (as with the old IT technology) IS did have a

surveillance capability:

We had the ability centrally [with the previous IT software] to get past people‟s passwords

and get into their own account, and it wasn‟t something that was widely discussed or

shared...and we have retained that ability. Probably it‟s a little stronger on the intranet...IS

centrally can actually tap into anybody‟s system, we have got the ability to understand what

software they have got loaded onto their PC, what applications they are running, and to

actually step into, you know, their environment and take a look round. So, there‟s a kind of

„Big Brother is watching you‟ from IS. (Business Services D. 1).

Notwithstanding the above, there is always the space for resistance and organizational misbehaviour

(Ackroyd and Thompson, 1999), in this instance if members of staff have the IT expertise

(remember that this is a „high-tech‟ computer company, where a number of staff across the

organization do have such expertise in depth) to evade such controls if they are so inclined:

I‟m told that you only need to be fractionally computer literate to step around it. And that‟s

the problem we have if it‟s the generation that have been brought up on these machines- they

just hack their way through and around a lot of this stuff. Why shouldn‟t they? (Test Systems

M. 2).

It is one thing to have this expertise, but another, of course, to chose to use it, and it seems

reasonable to assume that the inclination-and perhaps opportunity- of staff to do so will vary, both

across different staff and the same staff over time (Hayes and Walsham, 2000a). As the QMS

manager observed, at the end of the day, and given their wish to encourage and support

experimentation, there is little that senior management and IS can do here:

You can put down laws, but you still have got people in prison, you know, so you set down a

set of ground rules and people know that they are allowed to work to, and you punish the ones

that you catch. And if you do that publicly you might deter other people, but I don‟t think that

abuse is any more than you can stop people from taking home pens...It‟s something that you

live with and you hope you recruit the right people (QMS M. 1).

The latter part of the above interview extract takes us into the territory of „recruiting attitude‟

(Callaghan and Thompson, 2002) through the recruitment and selection of employees who are

anticipated to be able to both work innovatively with the technology whilst also being disinclined to

attempt to circumvent the controls. Whether this is feasible in practice is another matter, as is what,

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if anything (other than exhortation and/or a vicious circle of tightening surveillance and control)

senior management can do about the orientation of such current staff towards the intranet.


In an earlier section of the paper we characterised the intranet socio-technical ensemble as a

contested terrain (Edwards, 1979), and the case study provided a number of illustrations of this

phenomena. In this concluding discussion, we draw out and discuss three key contested arenas: (i)

change and its representations, (ii) form and usage, (iii) standardization vs. local shaping.

Change and its representation

Some people-the „shapers and makers‟ (such as IS specialists)-represented the intranet as a radical

innovation and as symbolic of 'how things have changed', and 'how they needed to change' from

when the company belonged to the previous owner ('Customers will no longer see those green

screens and think X‟ [the previous owner], as one interviewee put it). This was offered by managers

as the main legitimation for the 'top-down', imposition strategy of introduction, to tight time

schedules. At the same time, the intranet configuration was interpreted by others as an incremental

change, and as being suitable for some people/jobs and not for others (who obtained more

'functionality' from the old technology).

Many of the staff we interviewed could only make sense of this company intranet through

the evolving job and working practices which went hand-in-hand with its implementation (as one

person put it, 'It‟s a very cultural thing'). It was seen as having little meaning for some staff (for

example, those who had Taylorized, rule-bound jobs) as against others who were expected to be

innovative. But the latter was sometimes seen to be a function of whether people chose to be

innovative in their use of the technology, and this depended to some extent at least upon their

degree of technological literacy.

Perhaps perversely the response to intranet implementation was to revert (as compared to

the situation with the previous ICT) to non-ICT facilitated means of communication, for example

by using the telephone more. This may, of course, have been a short-term effect whilst people were

adapting. But it was viewed as a desirable state of affairs, even encouraged, by many managers in

so far as email traffic is reduced and people spend more time talking to each other in a face-to-face


Even after just a few months of implementation, for some of our interviewees there was a

sense in which the organization, or at least a substantial part of it, had been collapsed into the

intranet and vice versa, or at least this is how they represented the intranet to us. This was seen as

being especially useful for external and internal auditing purposes. Others had identified some

dangers here, such as the information on the web pages having not been 'validated' or being

'misinterpreted' by users.

There were indications that there may be self-serving purposes behind what people were

saying through their web pages („Look how entrepreneurial and up-to-date we are‟). Change was

being represented on the computer screen by some people, and not, for example, necessarily

manifested by job changes or the physical movement of staff. When many IS staff were

„decentralised‟ to the business units, they remained at their existing desks.

Form and usage

What is available on a company intranet has much to do with how it has been set up, who has set it

up, what their orientations and objectives are, and how its subsequent use has been configured. We

-- 16 --

saw in Grangers that the IS department played a leading role in its introduction and that there was

widespread acceptance that someone/some department had to design the basic 'shell' or 'engineering

system' (Clark et al, 1988) within which all users would have to work.

With respect to the emerging configuration, there was a conflict between the wish of a

number of people for some standard operating procedures and templates (for example, in order to

facilitate the auditing process) and the view of others (and sometimes the same people) that one of

the key benefits realizable was the encouragement of innovative activity (for example through

reflection upon how jobs were carried out). Thus, for example, the intranet was seen as encouraging

the sharing of data and information across the organization in so far as it was subsequently

configured to do so-access to certain information being restricted to particular people, and some

information simply not being placed on the intranet at all. A more general view was that the intranet

was the 'only way to go' with ICT: some customers were requiring that Grangers link up with them

electronically; some staff, especially the new graduate entrants, expected it.

The usability of the intranet for a number of people was related not only to their present job,

but also to their previous experience of this and other forms of ICT, both inside and outside the

organization. Their family context appeared to be especially influential in the latter case. Family

connections manifested themselves in other ways too, for example when the IS Manager devoted

some time at an early stage of introduction to demonstrating the benefits of the new system to

selected secretaries, one of whom was a relation; it was anticipated that the secretaries would

readily recognise how the intranet could be of benefit to them in their work, and hence „spread the

word‟. In a similar vein, the user representatives were to a large extent 'selected' by the IS staff, a

key criteria of selection being that they would be enthusiasts, and, along with the secretaries, would

'carry the message deep into the organization' (Pettigrew and Whipp, 1991).

Standardization vs local shaping

Having played a significant role in its selection and introduction, the central IS department came

over time to take a lower profile with respect to intranet implementation, as pockets of expertise

built up around the organization, and the business units-or at least some of them-came to be the

main 'drivers' and shapers of the intranet. This was facilitated by the subsequent restructuring of the

IS department, which resulted in the majority of IS specialists working directly for the business

units. At the latter level, it would appear that a key reason why people were using the intranet was

that they perceived that they ought to be seen to be doing so. Group and peer political influences

were at work here, both within the business units and more widely, for example across (and in

comparison with) other business units. Similarly, in their study of the use of Lotus Notes in a

medical products company, Hayes and Walsham (2000b) suspected that „young careerists‟ were

trying to draw attention to themselves through their use of the technology, whilst the „old

stages‟/non-careerists took much less trouble to input information/data. What was put up also

seemed to bear a relationship to who was known/suspected to be looking. At the same time, it is

important to note that some people recognized that having the facility to present information in this

way for all the organization to see did not mean that the company was in any sense more 'open': the

key questions were what information was put up (and, conversely, what was not put up), why was it

put up, and what was the quality of that information?

All the events and contests in the arenas are linked in some way, and at their centre lies the

centralization/standardization vs decentralization/local shaping issue. McLaughlin et al found

through their case study research that “...there is considerable pressure by management to ensure

that systems are „de-localised‟, that is, deployed in standardized ways, precisely because this is

where they see the value of MIS technologies lying” (1999, p.7). However, our data show that this

is not necessarily or always the case. Yes, there are pressures in this direction from some managers,

but with the kind of ICT under consideration here, other-and sometimes the same-managers also

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want to encourage innovatory activity within both managerial and non-managerial jobs. There is a

tension here. To illustrate, the Manufacturing Director informed us that Business Unit managers had

been 'encouraged' to monitor who in their unit was using the intranet and for what purposes,

including those who were using it innovatively. Senior management did not want the

intranet/internet to be 'abused', such as 'glossy pictures' being pulled down. Yet, at the same time,

there was a recognition that they might defeat a key objective of intranet introduction, that is

encouraging innovative behaviour, if they started to issue edicts about its use and took a high-

profile policing role. Nonetheless, whatever they and IS staff communicate about intranet

regulation, it appears that employees will always harbour suspicions about what is going on-and

rightly so! (IS, for example, do have a surveillance capability, which is used). That said, there are

some highly computer-literate people in this organization, who are probably able to circumvent

whatever controls and monitors are put in place- if they so choose.

At Grangers, then, the emerging intranet configuration represented different things to

different people, was used in different ways by different people (and the same people over time),

and was both shaped by and in turn used to shape a range of organizational and personal objectives

and intentions. Some people were willing and able to go along with this, if not always necessarily to

embrace this brave new world, whilst others did not have the opportunity to do so, or were not

convinced of the net benefits to be obtained either for themselves and/or the organization.


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