construction linked to theories and storyboard

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Image result for horror background tumblrConstruction Linked to Theories and StoryboardImage result for horror background tumblr

The storyboard we created helped the construction of our trailer massively, as we referred back to it throughout. However, we did make slight changes to the shots which we thought should and shouldnt be used. Even though we shot all the scenes illustrated on the storyboard, we chose to take a few shots out and keep the ones that were easy to see, as lighting was an issue we had during filming. Therefore, we chose not to include the scenes which had less lighting and were hard to see. Also, in our final trailer, we added titles in between the shots, as from the research we carried out on real media texts, we analysed that the scenes cut to titles which were an enigma to the story. Hence, we decided to follow conventions and include this in our final trailer. Furthermore, we changed the order of the shots from the order on the storyboard, as we didnt want to show the trailer in a narrative order. Therefore, we put the scenes in a random order, so that the storyline of our trailer wasnt obvious. Overall, by making the decisions of what scenes to include and in what order to include them, the final result of our trailer was, in my opinion, really good as we used a variety of shots and scenes, yet didnt give much away to the audience.

Image result for horror background tumblrThe narrative for our trailer followed Todorovs Narrative Theory. In our trailer, we have shown an equilibrium when the girls move into the house. This is then followed by the disruption stage, where one of the girls gets possessed. The realisation phase in our trailer, is when the other realise that something is wrong as the monstrous feminine is behaving differently. We have also included scenes in which one of the girls is trying restore order by reading form the Bible, as she figures out that the monstrous feminine is possessed. However, in our trailer, we deliberately chose not to include the new equilibrium stage as that is the enigma of our story. We left this stage a mystery as that is what would intrigue the audience to find out what would happen next i.e. whether the final girl survives or not. Also, we followed conventions as real media texts dont tell everything that is going to happen, in the trailer. Therefore, we also did the same and let the audience use their imagination, as to what they think will happen next.

Todorovs Narrative Theory

Image result for horror background tumblrIn our trailer, we have shown scenes which consist of religious representations. For example, the scene where someone is holding a crucifix with blood all over it and also our film title, which has a cross next to it. We portrayed this to show the concept of no one being safe and giving the benefit of doubt that even religion may not be able to cure the evil. On the other hand, this could be perceived differently by our audience as they may feel that religion is being disrespected. However, this is not the case as we are trying to create an enigma as to whether or not religion will overrule evil. Furthermore, it may be decoded that we are representing women to be evil and pitied upon, however, our intention of having a female antagonist is to create fear and show women to as powerful as men.

Stuart Halls Encoding and Decoding

Image result for horror background tumblrWe chose to use this theory as inspiration, for the gender of our villain. From the research we conducted we noticed that the majority of antagonists in exorcism/paranormal movies were females, therefore, we chose to follow conventions. Another reason why it was suitable for us to have a female villain was because we could easily and quickly arrange for someone to play that character. For example, the person who we initially wanted to play that part wasnt able to film. However, due to the villain being a female, we could find someone else to do the part, without difficulty. Furthermore, in movies such as Carrie (1976), the monstrous feminine is the main character. Even though Carrie is the villain, the audience also feels pity towards her due to her being represented as a threat to everyone because of her sexuality. We have portrayed a similar concept in our trailer, as the monstrous feminine had been murdered by her husband and therefore, can be pitied upon.

Barbara Creeds Monstrous Feminine

Image result for carrie 1976Image result for horror background tumblrWe chose to include a final girl in our trailer as we wanted to follow conventions of real media texts. Whilst carrying out our research, we noticed that the majority of horror films included final girls, hence, we chose to do the same. According to Clover, the final girls characteristics are that she is unavailable or virginal, avoids the vices of the victims and sometimes has a unisex name. We took these characteristics into consideration, however, we portrayed these characteristics briefly, rather than explicitly in our trailer. The final girl on our trailer is shown to be religious, through the scene in which she is reading the Bible, which conforms to the characteristic of being unavailable or virginal. However, we chose to subvert from the characteristic of the final girl having a unisex name. This is because the audience research we previously carried out, regarding the names of the characters, we found that our target audience preferred us using the real names of the actors in the trailer. This was because the audience could relate to them more, as they would know them.

Clovers Final Girl

Image result for horror background tumblrOur trailer consisted of this theory mainly due to our villain being a female. According to Cohen, a moral panic is when the media amplifies an event to refer to its consequences to much wider social issues. In our trailer, we have tried to create a moral panic of women, as our antagonist is female. We have portrayed the idea of women being feared of, as in our trailer the gender of the possessed character is female. Another moral panic in our production work, may be of religion due to the repeated use of the crucifix in our trailer and on both our poster and magazine. This could be a moral panic as it could be perceived that religion is a powerful source, hence, it has the ability to control the supernatural and things which are beyond our imagination.

Cohens Moral Panic

Image result for horror background tumblrThis theory has been used throughout our trailer, in order to add suspense and intrigue our target audience. The biggest enigma we have is the name of our film, The Forbidden. Our film title acts as an enigma because it makes the audience ponder what is forbidden in the film. Initially, we chose to give our movie this name because in regards to our narrative, the monstrous feminine forbids anyone from living in that house and ends up killing them, as that was the monstrous feminines house where she had been murdered. However, the audience are unaware of this and only find this out after they would see the film. Another enigma in our trailer are the black and white stills we have included in the beginning. These images act as an enigma because the it intrigues the audience, as they would want to know what the pictures mean and who may have been murdered. Also, the titles we have included in our trailer raises questions about who she is and what her motives/ intentions are for her presence.

Roland Barthes Enigma Code Theory

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