construction of advert and digipack

Construction of My Digipack and Magazine Advert

Upload: joe-crinnion

Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Construction of advert and digipack

Construction of My Digipack and Magazine Advert

Page 2: Construction of advert and digipack

• I chose the image that I wanted to use and uploaded it into Photoshop. I cropped it to size and then adjusted the lighting levels. I then decided to put an overall colour change on the image. I made the colour a pale green to link in with the colour scheme on my digipack.

Page 3: Construction of advert and digipack

• From looking at real adverts I decided it would look best to feature the name of the band at the top. This is to grab peoples attention on who is advertising.

Page 4: Construction of advert and digipack

• I then added ‘The Debut Album’ as well as the date of which it would be released.Since I chose not to give the album a name and just have it as the band self titled, there was a gap to fill, so I decide that the words ‘The Debut Album’ would fill the gap perfectly and lets people know what is being advertised. I think the date set out like this gives a sharp effect on the advert. Nothing much is said, just what is important, the written content doesn’t over do it. I put a drop shadow on the writing to make it life off the page and stand out.

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• The finishing touches were then added to the magazine advert. The logo is there to let the audience know where it is sold, I noticed this on some magazine adverts that I looked at. I also noticed that the record label logo is on most magazine adverts so I included it. The Facebook page of the band and the website of the band are then given at the bottom which is also another convention of magazine adverts.

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• To start on my digipack I selected the two images I wanted to use for my front and back cover.

I fitted them to the size that they needed to be and edited the lighting effects on them to give both images a certain look and glow.

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• I then added the text that was going to feature. I typed out the title name and the songs on the album then fiddled about with fonts until I found one that would work well and one that would work well on my magazine advert also. I then put the written content in the places it suits being in best.

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• I was unsure on what would go in the gap where the CD is placed. So I decided to make it a blank colour square, the same colour as the text, this colour also matches the colour of the magazine advert image, this makes the colour scheme fit altogether tightly.

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• For my inside cover I thought that the best image to fit there would be the image of the bridge where my front cover is set, but an image of the bridge from a distance on the outside, which would make my brand identity more apparent. I put this image in and darkened some aspects and lightened the lights in the image. The image has a dark mysterious but vintage look.