consultancy tender_document warangal 10 court building

TENDER DOCUMENT  PROPOSAL FOR ARCHITECTURAL A ND ENGINEERING CONSULT ANCY SERV ICES FOR THE PROJECT Development of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital and Medical College at Nellore in Nellore dist, Andhra Pradesh(India) (Plans to e prepared, for !""#!$" Teaching edded hospital at ne% site&) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE CONSULT ANT TO WHOM DOCUMENT ISSUED:  ________ ___ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Executing Agency: ANDHRA PRADESH MEDICAL SERVICES & INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (AN ENTERPRISE OF GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH) III Floor, D.M. & H.S. Ofce Ca!"#, S"l$a% a'ar, o$, H*+eraa+ - // /0. Phone : 24619123 24619!96: F"# : !4!$2461912! ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CONSULTANT 1 CHIEF ENGINEER  

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Development of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospitaland Medical College at Nellore in Nellore dist, Andhra


(Plans to e prepared, for !""#!$" Teaching edded hospitalat ne% site&)



DOCUMENT ISSUED: _________________________________________




III Floor, D.M. & H.S. Ofce Ca !"#, S"l$a% a'ar, o$ , H*+era a+ - // /0 .Phone : 24619123 24619!96: F"# : !4!$2461912!



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C'N *TANC+ T ND - D'C M NTDear irs,

u . APM IDC – /pression of Interest0cum -e1uest for Proposal for Architectural and ngineering Consultanc2 ervices for %or3 of Development of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital and Medical

College at Nellore in Nellore district, Andhra Pradesh(India) - Invitingsealed tenders from Architectural and Engineering consultants -Regarding.

* * *The Government of Andhra Pradesh proposes to set up Medical ollege along!ith Teaching "ospital in an area of #$ acers !ith an aim to cater needs of peoplein Andhra Pradesh. The college ma% admit &''(&)' students per %ear.

&. The consultants should have satisfactoril% completed have ) %ears e perience in rendering

Architectural + Engineering onsultanc% services re,uired for evelopment of Infrastructure

for Teaching "ospital and Medical ollege of &'' (&)' admissions !ho have annual turnover

of Rs.&.'' rore ertificate issued /% hartered Accountant0 in the same name and st%le

in an% one %ear during last ) financial %ears are here/% invited to su/mit technical and

financial proposals for Architectural + Engineering onsultanc% services re,uired for

evelopment of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital and Medical College at Nellore,

Andhra Pradesh .

4& C'P '5 6'-70 The purpose of this assignment is to o tain.

a0 Preparation of Master plan for the entire campus and conceptual dra!ings and

presentation of the same in 1 + 2 /ased on the M I norms for !"" #!$"


/0 Preperation of preliminar% Architectural dra!ings and designs for ne! onstruction

to the captioned su/3ect dul% 4eeping in vie! the follo!ing5


Na e o1 $2eDe!ar$ e%$

e+ #$re%3$2re4" re+ a# !erMCI %or # 1or5// a+ ## o%#

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5 Ge%eral Me+ c %e 58/ 99 :;

8 Pe+ a$r c# </ </ /; T & C2e#$ 8/ 58 =: S> % & STD 5/ 5/ /

P#*c2 a$r* 5/ / 5/< Ge%eral S"r3er* 58/ 9; :99 Or$2o!e+ c# </ :/ 8/= O!2$2al olo3* 8/ 8/ /0 ENT 8/ 5/ 5/5/ O #$e$r c# ;< 8/ 5<


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55 G*%ecolo3* 8: 8/ : To$al? // ;:8 5 =

c0 Preparation of construction dra!ings6 documents6 specifications6 7ill of

8uantities for all the facilities of the pro3ect. This !ill include preparation of

documents for civil6 structural6 foundation6 plum/ing6 Air-conditioning6 9anitar%6

9e!age6 drainage6 roads6 landscape6 internal !ater suppl% facilities6 po!er

distri/ution6 su/-station and Transformer6 essential Electrical items etc.6 and

complete internal + e ternal lighting6 :ire detection and :ire Alarm s%stem6

Acoustic and Pu/lic address s%stem6 entral ; %gen and nitrous o ide gas pipe

lines and 9ervices not specificall% mentioned here-in6 /ut re,uired for the proper

successful completion of the pro3ect in accordance !ith <ational standards. The

dra!ings6 documents6 specifications and 7ill of ,uantities must /e ade,uate for

the successful completion of the pro3ect.d0 eputing a senior ivil Engineer( Electrical Engineer( Architect to site as and

!hen ever necessar% for clarif%ing an% dou/ts arise during e ecution and to

ensure suppl% of construction dra!ings and documents at appropriate time as

per the time schedule of the programme. These personnel !ill assist the

APM9I in finali=ing the schedule and ensuring ,ualit% standards as per the

dra!ings and specifications.

e0 Attending various revie! meetings at site( office as re,uired /% APM9I ( <odal

;fficer.f0 >isits to the site as re,uired6 for ensuring timel% progress and ,ualit% issues.

g0 Inspection of various samples o/tained /% the contractor for the said pro3ect and

recomending the same for approval /% APM9I .

h0 7id document re,uired in the prescri/ed format for all the a/ove-proposed civil

!or4s including !ater suppl% and sanitar% and electrical !or4s.

i0 To ta4e up the responsi/ilit% of periodical inspection of !or4s at different stages

of construction and at least once in a month since the commencement of !or4.

A minimum num/er of 1' site visits re,uired after the commencement of theconstruction !or40

30 9u/mission of dra!ings(9tructural designs (Estimates !ith datas in soft cop% and

sufficient num/er of hard copies incorporating all changes !herever necessar%.

40 9u/mission of ?As /uilt dra!ings@ in soft and hard copies.

etailed schedule of services is enclosed as Anne ure-II.


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i0 This /uilding is going to /e read% for M I inspection for 1'&2 admissions. "ence onsultants are re,uested to 4eep it in mind !hile preparing the time schedulesand suppl% the dra!ings accordingl%. onsultants has to engage re,uired no of 9tructural engineers and Architects so as meet the re,uirement of time schedulefor sum/ission of designs and dra!ings. And designs should /e read% for all/loc4s /efore e ecution ie6 atleast /% <ov 1'&1.

2. The follo!ing documents are enclosed to ena/le the consultants to su/mit their


a0 Terms of reference T;R0 Anne ure-&0./0 9upplementar% information for consultants6 including a suggested format of

urriculum vitae Anne ure - III0 andc0 onditions of ontract Anne ure-I>0d0 :orm of contract for onsultants 9ervices under !hich the services !ill /e

performed Anne ure - >0.

B. In order to o/tain first hand information on the assignment and the local conditions6 it is

considered desira/le that a representative of their firm visit the office of the Managing

irector6 APM9I 6 2 rd floor6 M + "9 ampus 9ultan 7a=ar6 Coti6 "%dera/ad – )''

'$) /efore the proposal6 is su/mitted. The representative ma% meet the follo!ing


! hief Engineer6 APM9I 6 M+"9 ompound6 2rd floor. 9ultan 7a=aar6 Coti6"%dera/ad -)'' '$). Ph5 'B'-1BD&$&12 + ell 5 89":;:;""4

4 9uperintending Engineer6 APM9I 6 M+"9 ompound6 2rd floor. 9ultan7a=aar6 Coti6 "%dera/ad -)'' '$). Ph5 'B'-1BD&$&12 + ell 5 89":;:;!""

2 E ecutive Engineer6 <ellore6 APM9I ell 5 $D'2B2B&&1

B E ecutive Engineer esigns06 APM9I "ead ;ffice6 "%dera/ad6 ell 5$D'2B2B'1#

). The prospective consultant !ill have an opportunit% to o/tain clarification regarding the

scope of !or46 terms of reference6 contract conditions and an% other pertinent

information during visits to this office. The consultants intending to appl% should have

prefera/l% minimum e perience of having provided Architectural and Engineering

onsultanc% services for a Teaching "ospital attached !ith Medical ollege for strength

of minimum !""#!$" M.7.7.9 admissions during last ) %ears.

The outstation onsultants i.e. outside "%dera/ad0 should emplo% the personnel in

the Regional ;ffice located in "%dera/ad as stipulated in lause <o. .B.

$&! Cost of Tender Document.

The tender document for E pression of Interest E;I0 cum Re,uest for proposal REP0

ma% /e o/tained from the office of the Managing irector6 APM9I from :"0"904"!4


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directl% or0 /% Post on pa%ment in the shape of emand raft dra!n in favour of

Managing irector6 APM9I 6 "%dera/ad for -s&!!,4:"#0 (-upees leven thousand

t%o hundred and thirt2 onl2)& The corporation is not responsi/le for an% postal dela%.

Those !ho have do!nloaded tender document from !e/site should su/mit the for

Rs.&&612'(- !hile su/mission of tender.9&" u mission of proposals 5 The consultants is e pected to e amine the pro3ect in detail

and carr%out such studies as ma% /e re,uired to su/mit proposals for the concepts6

Architectural plans and various services of the pro3ect.

The proposals shall /e su/mitted in t!o parts vi=.6 Technical < 5inancial and should

follo! the form given in the F9upplementar% information for consultantsF.

D.&.& The Technical and :inancial proposals must /e su/mitted in t!o separate sealed

envelopes !ith respective mar4ing in /old letters0 follo!ing the formats(9chedules givenin the supplementar% information for onsultants. The first envelope mar4ed FTechnical

proposalF should include the description of the firm(organi=ation6 the firm general

e perience in the field of assignment6 the ,ualification and competenc% of the personnel

proposed for the assignment and the proposed !or4 plan methodolog% and approach in

response to suggested terms of reference. The second envelope mar4ed :inancial

Proposal must also /e sealed !ith sealing !a and should contain the detailed price

offer for the onsultanc% 9ervices.

7oth the sealed envelopes should again /e placed in a sealed cover6 !hich !ill /edeposited in the office tender /o /% the consultant in the office of the Managing

irector6 APM9I 6 M+"9 compound6 2rd floor6 9ultan 7a=ar6 Coti6 "%dera/ad-

)''&$) up to :&"" p&m& on !90"=04"!4

=& 'pening of proposal 5 The proposals & st envelope containing technical proposal onl%0

!ill /e opened /% the hief Engineer6 APM9I or his authori=ed representative in this

office at :&:" p&m& on !90"=04"!4 in the presence of such onsultants or their

authori=ed representative !ho ma% choose to /e present. It ma% please /e noted that

the 1nd envelope containing the detailed price offer !ill not /e opened until technical

evaluation has /een completed and the result approved /% the hief Engineer6


>& valuation 5 - A three stage procedure !ill /e adopted in evaluating the proposals

>i=.6 &0 Technical Evaluation6 10 9chematic 94etches and 20 Presentation. The technical


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proposals !ill /e evaluated using the follo!ing criteria.

.& The firm s general e perience in the field of the assignment dul% incorporating the

details of the cop% of registration of the firm0 depends on several Architectural and

consultanc% /uildings so far handled. - 1) Points

The proof of e isting staff should /e enclosed.

.1 The ade,uac% of the proposed !or4 plan and approach responding to the T;R

Terms of Reference0 - 1) Points.

.2 Ade,uac% for the pro3ect )' points0. 9uita/ilit% to perform the duties for this assignment6

the points for this item !ill /e a!arded /ased on the minimum e perience of having

provided Architectural and Engineering onsultanc% services in the last five %ears6 in

/uilding a Teaching "ospital attached !ith Medical ollege for strength of minimum of

!""# !$" M779 admissions as per M I norms.

.B The consultants should engage the follo!ing staff specificall% for this pro3ect !hen !or4

Is assigend to them and the% should /e stationed at "%dera/ad.

$. eciding A!ard of ontract5 - 8ualit% and competence of the consulting services !ill /e

onsidered for a!ard and it !ill /e as follo!s.

a0 Technical proposals scoring not less than #'H of the total points !ill onl% /e

considered for the ne t stage of evaluation. The price envelopes of others !ill not /e

opened. onsultants !ho have scored more than #'H mar4s in evaluation shall /e

re,uired to su/mit Master Plan and 9chematic s4etches including front elevation for

the proposed /uildings !ith in &) da%s from the date of intimation. 7efore su/mitting

the s4etches all the ,ualified onsultants !ill have to attend pre-/id meeting6 !hich

!ill /e conducted at APM9I 6 "%dera/ad for general understanding of the


l&No& Description of item

&a0 Team leader Arch or Engg.0

/0 Architects 2 persons !ith PG 8ualificationc0 9tructural Engineers B persons !ith P.G. 8ualificationsd0 ivil Engineers B persons !ith minimum Graduatione0 Electrical Engineer & person !ith minimum Graduationf0 And other re,uired supporting staff for other services

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proposals. An e pert committee !ill evaluate the s4etches. The onsultants should

present their proposals along !ith po!er point presentation in front of the committee

constituted for a!arding the !or4.

/0 An e pert committee after going through the presentation !ill select /est proposals

ran4ing from &st to 2rd among those !ho have given presentation and the% !ill /eas4ed to su/mit the models and the% !ill /e paid an amount of Rs. &.'' a4h for

models. This amount !ill /e ad3usted in the fee to /e paid to the a!arded consultant.

c) The financial proposals of &st ran4ed consultant !ill /e opened and invited for

negotiation. If the negotiations !ith this consultant are successful6 the a!ard !ill /e

made to that firm. If the negotiations fail6 the 1 nd ran4ed firm !ill /e invited for

negotiations and the process !ill /e repeated till an agreed contract is concluded.

However if the awarded firms fails to perform as per agreement, then the 2nd

ranked consultant will be asked to take up the same with same concept at themitually agreed fee for the balance work.

&'. The E pert ommittee ( hief Engineer6 APM9I ma% re3ect an% ( all of the proposals

received !ithout assigning an% reasons. :urther6 as ,ualit% is the principal selection

criterion6 the hief Engineer6 APM9I does not /ind himself in an% !a% to select the

firm offering the lo!est price.

&&. The consultants are re,uested to hold their proposal valid for &1' da%s from the date of

su/mission !ithout change in the personnel proposed for the assignment and their

proposed price. The orporation !ill ma4e its /est efforts to select a onsultant firm

!ithin this period.

&1. The cost of preparing proposals and visits to the office of this orporation for

negotiating a contract and visit to an% other places including site visits6 surve% etc.6 for

su/mission of proposals6 if an% is not reim/ursa/le as a direct cost of the assignment. If

an%/od% !ants to visit the site /efore su/mission of tender schedule( s4etch plans and

conducting surve% the consultants shall contact /ecutive ngineer, Nellore !hose

phone <o is $D'2B2B&&1 !ho !ill sho! the /oundaries of the land allotted for the


&2. The consultants !ill /e e pected to commence the !or4 !ith in ) da%s after a!ard of


&B The consultants are informed that an% manufacturing or construction firm !ith !hich the

consultants might /e associated !ith6 !ill not /e eligi/le to participate in the /idding for an%

goods or !or4s resulting from or associated !ith the pro3ect of !hich this consultingCONSULTANT & CHIEF ENGINEER

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assignment forms a part. The consultants shall give an underta4ing to this effect.

&). If the consultants consider that their firm does not have all the e pertise for the assignment

there is no o/3ection to their firm in associating !ith another firm to ena/le full range of e pertise

to /e presented. In case if the team leader happens to /e an architect6 he should produce proof of registration !ith ouncil of Architects and he must produce proof in having association !ith

structural engineer(firm or he should have emplo%ed structural engineer proof to /e furnished0

in his office. 9imilarl%6 if the team leader happens to /e a structural engineer6 he should hav e a

licenses as structural engineer proof to /e furnished0 and he must produce proof in having

association !ith an architect(firm head /% registered architect having registration !ith ouncil

of Architects. proof to /e furnished0 .

&B. ite visit.

It is desira/le that each consultant su/mits his E;I-cum-R:P after visiting the pro3ect

site and ascertaining themselves the location6 surroundings6 or an% other matter

considered relevant /% him.

&). Proposal Preparation Cost.The consultant shall /e responsi/le for all of the costs associated !ith the preparation of

his proposal and his participation in the /idding process.

The APM9I !ill not /e responsi/le for such costs6 regardless of the conduct or

outcome of the /idding process.

&D. :or technical evaluation for giving the points against ade,uac% of the pro3ect onl% main

firm s e perience shall /e considered.

&#. The remuneration6 !hich the consultants receive from the contract6 !ill /e su/3ect to

normal ta lia/ilit% in India. Cindl% contact the concerned ta authorities for further

information in this regard if re,uired.

& . Je !ould appreciate if the consultants inform us /% Tele (:a .

a0. Their ac4no!ledgement of this letter of invitationK and

/0. Jhether or not the consultants !ill /e su/mitting a proposal.

CHI 5 N?IN -Encl5&. Terms of reference Anne ure-I0.1. 9chedule of 9ervices Anne ure-II0.2. 9upplementar% information of consultants Anne ure-III0


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B. onditions of ontract Anne ure-I>0). onsultanc% 9ervices Anne ure->0

Anne ure - I

T -M '5 - 5 - NC

& @AC7?-' ND.0 The Andhra Pradesh Medical 9ervices + Infrastructure evelopment

orporation APM9I 06 a A.P. Govt. underta4ing6 has /een entrusted for e ecution of

the ivil !or4s of Proposal for Architectural and ngineering Consultanc2

ervices for the %or3 BDevelopment of Infrastructure for Teaching

Hospital and Medical College at Nellore in Nellore dist, Andhra

Pradesh(India)B This orporation intends to engage consultants for rendering

Architectural and Engineering services.

4 '@ CTI .0 The consultants are re,uired to prepare a Master plan for the entire

campus6 detailed plans6 estimates6 9tructural designs6 for all civil6 electrical6 !ater suppl%

and sanitar% arrangements and site development plans including interior design if

necessar% in an% part of the /uildings such as false ceiling6 !all cladding6 furniture6

location of A units and Internet connectivit% points6 closed circuit T.>6 7uilding

management s%stem !iring in respect of all proposed /uildings6 infrastructure for all

services li4e !ater6 drainage6 po!er6 ca/ling6 roads6 o %gen and <itrous o ide gas pipelines and mechanical e,uipment etc.6 and also to prepare /id documents.

: TA 7 T' @ CA--I D ' T0 /% the consultants are as under5

a) Preparation of s3etch plans. 0i0 The Proposed comple 6 consisting of various /uildings for Proposal for

Architectural and ngineering Consultanc2 ervices for the %or3 of

Development of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital and Medical

College at Nellore in Nellore dist, Andhra Pradesh(India) :or an%details contact the corporation for the re,uirements of Teaching "ospital. A set

of technical specifications for preparations of estimates !ill also /e made

availa/le for all general items. :or an% ne! item6 the consultant shall prepare

the detailed specification and ta4e approval of hief Engineer of APM9I .

ii0 Preparation of preliminar% architectural draft line s4etches !ithin the area

limitations prescri/ed and also prepares notes sufficient to e plain the


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consultants general understanding of the re,uirements furnished to them so as

to ensure economical and functional design concept.

iii0 To discuss the draft s4etches !ith the hief Engineer of the orporation and

modifications as suggested /% him6 if an%

) Preliminar2 dra%ings. 0i0 To prepare a detailed site plan and la%out. The detailed la%out plan shall include

all necessar% data relating to the e isting pu/lic utilit% services6 streets6

pavements ad3oining properties and /oundaries. The la%out plan also should

indicate location of all e isting /uildings6 proposed /uildings and the possi/le

future e tensions6 landscaping areas6 !ater /odies etc.

ii0 Jhile preparing the preliminar% architectural designs for the proposed

construction of /uildings and other related !or4s the consultants have to ta4e

into consideration the e isting facilities avila/le in the campus as per the M Inorms. The rief proEect report prepared for sanction of the proEect is

attached for refence %ith areas to e developed 2ear %ise& The preliminar%

architectural designs should indicate to the same scale6 the la%out of furniture

and la/ e,uipment proposed to /e placed in the la/s rooms ( !aiting areas of

various departments etc.

iii0 To participate in the discussions for clearing the preliminar% designs !here ever

modifications re,uired6 are to /e carried out. If necessar%6 the preliminar%

dra!ings shall /e presented in the ommittee !ill users group0 meetingconsisting of APM9I officials and users i.e. the irector of Medical

Education(9uperindent ;f "ospital representative from Govt.6 of A.P as the case

ma% /e. The onvener of the ommittee !ill record proceedings(minutes of

meeting conducted !ith onsultants either at the stage of planning or during the

construction and !ill /e supplied to the onsultants for necessar% action.

c) oil Investigation -eport.

The onsultants shall carr% out 9oil investigation /% engaging a reputed

Geo-Technical onsultants and !ater ,ualit% test immediatel% after approving thegeneral la%-out and preliminar% dra!ings. The re,uired num/er of trial pits should

/e as per I9 code ( <7 norms. A cop% of such investigation report shall /e

su/mitted to "ead office of APM9I and the concerned E ecutive Engineer6

APM9I at site. All the e penditure incurred for 9oil investigation shall /e the

part of onsultanc% services.


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d) 6or3ing dra%ings. 0i0 Architectural 6or3ing dra%ings. After o/taining clearance from the APM9I

for the preliminar% designs6 !or4 on preparation of detailed Architectural

dra!ings !ith elevations6 sections6 details of 3oiner%6 staircases6 railing and

standard amenities etc.6 and all the relevant details necessar% for e ecution of

!or4 should /e ta4en up.

ii0 tructural dra%ings. 0 Preparation of all structural dra!ings includes

su/mission of structural anal%sis and design using 9TAA Pro pac4age. A soft

cop% and hard cop% of the structural anal%sis and designs should /e furnished

!hile su/mitting the structural designs. Revision of foundation designs if an%

variation in soil strata is noticed during the e cavation.

iii0 lectrical la2outs 5 Preparation of electrical la%out sho!ing the entire distri/ution

s%stem including internal and e ternal electrification details6 designs of su/station

and generators etc. All Electrical dra!ings shall /e signed /% the 9enior

Electrical Engineer having minimum graduation in Electrical Engineering.

iv0 anitar2 and %ater uppl2 la2outs 5 9uppl% of la%out plans along !ith the

detailed calculations for the sanitar% and !ater suppl% lines !ith invert levels as

!ell as detailed dra!ings for e ecution of !or4. E ternal s%stem for !ater suppl%

and sanitar% arrangements6 designs of e ternal drainage and se!erage disposal

s%stems including se!erage treatment plant etc.6 if necessar%.

v0 Mechanical ervices 5 Preparation of schematic dra!ings for inviting tenders on

,uotations from various lift agencies and air conditioning firms including Citchen

gas line dra!ings and preparation of their estimates.

vi0 5ire 5ighting 5 Preparation of schematic proposals sho!ing provision to meet

re,uirements for fire fighting regulations.

vii0 Internal o %gen pipe line proposals.

viii) *and use Dra%ings 5 ra!ings sho!ing areas to /e landscaped6 !ater /odies6

/uildings etc.6 shall /e indicated.

i/) All interior design and dra!ings including furniture( e,uipment locations6 design

!all paneling and false ceiling etc.6 if necessar%6 are to /e provided.

All the re,uired details should /e sho!n in the site development plans ( and use



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e) stimates and tructural designs. 0i0 To prepare detailed estimates and specifications for all proposed constructions

including all internal and e ternal services such as !ater suppl%6 sanitar% and

electrical6 e ternal drainage6 se!erage and gar/age disposal s%stems. ata of

item rates should /e !or4ed out using common 99R of adopted in A.P. The

detailed estimate should /e realistic and should not var% either e cess(less0 /%

more than &'H over the approved ,uantities prepared /ased on !or4ing

dra!ings. ;ther!ise a penalt% L 1H on consultanc% fee !ill /e imposed on


ii0 Prepare detailed structural anal%sis6 designs using 9TAA Pro and structural

dra!ings follo!ing relevant I.9. codes Immediatel% after approving final

preliminar% architectural dra!ings6 the structural engineer of the firm shall

approach the designs !ing of APM9I and discuss various parameters to /e

adopted in the designs including location of e pansion 3oints grade of the

concrete6 loading6 t%pe of /ric4s to /e used6 cover to /e provided6 seismic =one6

reduction factors6 !ind loads and t%pe of foundation to /e provided etc.6 7ased

on this detailed discussion the structural engineer of the firm shall collect the

minutes of the meeting from APM9I and su/mit the designs and dra!ings

dul% signed /% the structural engineer and counter signature of the "ead of the

consultanc% firm accordingl%. If necessar% discussion at intermediate level also

shall /e ta4en up in case of an% parameter need to /e altered. Jhile

approaching the esigns !ing of orporation the 9tructural Engineer of the firm

shall come up !ith draft proposal of esign parameters proposed to /e adopted.

"o!ever6 the final responsi/ilit% on safet% of structure lies !ith the consultant.

Anal%sis and design calculation of all elements including hard cop% and soft cop%

of 9TAA Pro anal%sis should /e furnished and the signature of the consultant

and structural engineer must /e present on the fair copies of each and ever%

structural dra!ing !hich !ill /e issued for corporation. The "ead of the

consultant firm shall attest each and ever% structural dra!ing dul% affi ing

?G;; :;R ;<9TR TI;<@ !ith the ru//er stamp and necessar% signature.

iii0 The onsultants + structural engineer shall sign all the design documents and

detailed dra!ings and held responsi/le for an% lapses(mista4es in the designs

and detailed dra!ings. An% dra!ing !ithout design document report0 shall not

/e accepted.

iv0 The head of the firm shall counter sign all the design documents and detailed


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dra!ings dul% certif%ing for G;; :;R ;<9TR TI;<

v0 The corporation !ill /roadl% scrutini=e the designs and dra!ings furnished /% the

consultants and if an% modifications made in the dra!ings shall /e noted /% the

consultants and after modification or correction the final dra!ings shall /e

su/mitted.vi0 The approval of the dra!ings /% the organi=ation is purel% the epartmental

procedure and the epartment shall not hold responsi/le for the lapses(mista4es

and the consultants are totall% responsi/le for the same. "ence in case of an%

urgenc% the department shall have right to communicate the dra!ings directl% to

the e ecution !ithout scrutin%.

vii0 The consultants are held completel% responsi/le for the dra!ings issued for

construction. An% mista4es noticed during the e ecution the consultants !ill /e

held responsi/le and for clarif%ing these mista4es if an% site visits are to /e made

it shall /e at their o!n cost.

viii0 The structural engineer shall personall% attend all the ,ueries raised /% the

organi=ation and resu/mit the modified designs and dra!ings.

f) @id Documents. 0To prepare /id documents after o/taining standard form of /id documents from

the orporation. ;ne set of /id document comprising of conditions6 7.;.8.s and

dra!ings P : format0 in one set shall /e prepared and supplied as a part of the

contract and soft cop% of /id document shall /e su/mitted for uploading online e-


g) ite inspection 5 - onsultants shall inspect the !or4s periodicall% to appraise

themselves of proper interpretation of designs6 dra!ings and their

implementation. uring construction the consultants shall visit the sites

periodicall% at different stages of constructions and at least once in a month

during finishing stages. Minimum of 1' site visits6 after commencement of the

!or46 !ith prior intimation and confirmation from the concerned .Engineer in

charge should /e made. The site visits made /efore commencement of !or4 for

surve% or collecting an% field data shall /e at consultants cost6 these shall not /e

included in minimum site visits. The site visit report should /e furnished

immediatel% after the site visit to hief Engineer6 APM9I and to the concerned

E ecutive Engineer. The consultant shall furnish a site inspection certificate


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o/tained from the Engineer-in- harge at site6 to the hief Engineer. T.A. + .A.

or an% allo!ance !ill not /e paid to the minimum specified visits after

commencement of !or4 and also site visits made prior to commencement of

!or4 .

4) SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION OF TASKS:-) a%out plan # da%s from the date of a!ard of

consultanc%.ii0 Preliminar% plans5 # da%s from the date of approval of contour

plan.94etch plan if an% have to /e discussed6 it shall /e!ith in these # da%s

iii0 :inal Preliminar% esigns5 # da%s from the date of o/taining clearancefor the preliminar% dra!ings.

iv0 Jor4ing ra!ings5 # da%s from the date of approval of finalpreliminar% dra!ings.

v0 Estimates and &) da%s from the date of communicatingstructural dra!ings approvals of !or4ing dra!ings. The preparation

of estimates and structural designs should /esimultaneousl% ta4en up immediatel% after approvalof final Preliminar% dra!ings.

vi0 7id – ocuments # da%s from the date of communication of the . Approved estimates

:ailure to adhere to the a/ove stipulated period !ill /e treated as fundamental /reach of contract and contract !ill /e terminated as per relevant clauses of P9 to AP99.

$) DATA, - IC AND 5ACI*ITI T' @ P-' ID D @+ TH C*I NT.

The follo%ing information and details %ill e furnished 2 this Corporation&

i0 :or providing full information !ith respect to the re,uirements of the pro3ect.

ii0 :or ma4ing availa/le a complete and accurate surve% of the Pro3ect site6 giving

the grades and lines of streets6 pavements and ad3oining properties6 the rights6restriction6 easements6 /oundaries and contours of the Pro3ect site and full

information as to se!er6 !ater and electrical services.

iii0 :urnish AP99R6 codes of practice and other documents re,uired to /e follo!ed.

iv0 Pa% the fees of the consultants !ithin one month of su/mission of /ills.CONSULTANT 14 CHIEF ENGINEER

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Municipal Dra%ings. The consultant should furnish the dra!ings for su/mission and

Approval of Municipal authorities.:inall% the consultants should hand over all the

originals. "o!ever the% ma% hold one set of ammonia copies for their record.

As indicated supra in !a4e of the importance6 the comple is li4el% to /e inaugurated /%

>IPs. As such6 the consultants should give the dra!ings for inauguration Plans and 2-elevations6 necessar% colour dra!ings during the foundation stone la%ing ceremon% and

inaugurations also shall /e furnished.

=) C'MP' ITI'N '5 - I 6 C'MMITT I5 - F I- D AND - I 6P-'C D - T' M'NIT'- C'N *TANT 6'-7 .

A. The preliminar% designs evolved /% the onsultants !ill /e revie!ed /% thefollo!ing ;fficers5

&0 Managing irector6 APM9I

10 hief Engineer6 APM9I .

70 The progress of the consultants !ill /e monitored /% the revie! committee of the

follo!ing officers

&0 Managing irector6 APM9I .

10 hief Engineer6 APM9I .

> C'MP* TI'N P -I'D.The consultants have to su/mit a tentative schedule sho!ing the completion period for

concept6 designing6 tender6 construction periods. The time schedule shall /e finali=ed

mutuall% /ased on the a/ove tentative schedule.

8 TIM ? A-ANT < *IA@I*IT+ (*IF IDAT D DAMA? ).&0 If there are an% dela%s attri/uted to the consultants in the completion of !or4

/e%ond stipulated completion period6 i,uidated amages shall /e deducted an

amount of Rs. 1'6'''(- per each da% of dela%6 su/3ect to a ma imum of &'H of

fees paid for the !or4. ev%ing the ma imum amount of li,uidated damages !ill

/e treated as fundamental /reach of contract and the contract !ill /e terminated

under relevant clauses of P9 to AP99.6 and the consultants have to hand over all

the soft copies of the dra!ings to the corporation.

10 The APM9I ma%6 !ithout pre3udice to an% other method of recover%6 deduct

the amount of such damages from an% mone% due or !hich ma% /ecome due to

the onsultant. In the event for e tension of time /eing granted /% the APM9I


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( onsultant6 in !riting6 for completion of !or46 this penalt% clause !ill /e

applica/le after the e pir% of such e tension period.

20 All sums pa%a/le /% !a% of li,uidated damages6 shall /e considered as

reasona/le compensation to /e applied to the use of the APM9I !ithoutreference to the actual loss or damage sustained and !hether or not an%

damage has /een sustained.

!" TAT T'-+ C'MP*IANC .

&0 The onsultant !ill a/ide /% all statutor% re,uirements of Provident :und6 E9I6

Jor4men ompensation Act6 a/our icense6 9ales Ta 6 Income Ta 6 Mining

a!s etc.6

10 The onsultant shall indemnif% and legall% protect APM9I and ( or its

emplo%ees from all claims6 demands6 causes or action or suits arising out of

services provided /% the consultants under this agreement and the consultant

have to su/mit an indemnit% letter to this effect.

The APM9I reserves the right to cancel the a/ove contract and get it done /%

an% other agenc% if at an% stage it is felt that the !or4 is not done in accordance !ith the

specifications and progress schedule is li4el% to /e dela%ed for reasons solel%

attri/uta/le to the consultants and provided the pa%ment for the !or4 done till that stage

is made to the consultants6 for !hich no claim !ould /e entertained. :or the same

APM9I !ill give at least &) da%s !ritten notice to the consultants.


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Anne ure - II

CH D * '5 - IC


chematic Design Phase&. The onsultant shall consult !ith ommittee ( APM9I to ascertain the re,uirements

of the Pro3ect.

1. The onsultant shall in consultation !ith the other professional consultants prepare

schematic design studies of the Pro3ect and su/mit a recommendation for approval /%

the APM9I .

2. The onsultant shall prepare and su/mit a preliminar% cost estimate of the Pro3ect to the

APM9I for approvalK

B. The onsultants shall prepare such plans6 details specifications and an% other mattersas re,uired preparing /ill of ,uantitiesK

). After having o/tained the approval of the APM9I for the said schematic design and

preliminar% cost estimate the consultants shall prepare dra!ings and documents

necessar% for appl%ing to and assist in o/taining approval for the Pro3ect from the

relevant authoritiesK

D. The onsultant on the /asis of the approved schematic design shall prepare the design

development documents !hich consist of dra!ings sho!ing plans6 elevations and cross

sections and all other dra!ings necessar% for the implementation of the Pro3ect andserve to illustrate the si=e and character of the entire Pro3ect in its essentials6 for

approval of the APM9I .

Tender and 6or3ing Dra%ing Phase

#. pon receiving the approval of the APM9I for the design development documents the

consultants shall co-ordinate the !or4 to prepare !or4ing dra!ings and specifications

!hich !ill set forth6 descri/e and prescri/e in detail the !or4s to /e performed and

ena/le to prepare the /ill of ,uantities + competitive ,uotations6 for calling tenders.

. The onsultant shall prepare and su/mit the APM9I pre-tender estimates calculated

on the /asis of the said !or4ing dra!ings specifications and /ills of ,uantities for

approval6 prior to tender invitations for the construction of the Pro3ect.

$. onsultant shall ensure that all dra!ings ( designs are prepared in accordance !ith theCONSULTANT 1' CHIEF ENGINEER

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relevant /%-la!s of an% statutor% authorit%6 Indian Electricit% rules and Indian standard

specifications as amended up to date or as per sound engineering practice and shall /e

responsi/le to ensure the structural sta/ilit% and efficienc% ( ade,uac% of various other

services and utilities to /e designed /% consultant.

C'N T- CTI'N PHA .&'. The consultants shall ma4e periodical visits to the site to determine !hether the

construction !or4s are proceeding in accordance !ith the said final !or4ing dra!ings

and specifications and conditions stipulated in the contract documents and shall issue

necessar% and appropriate instructions to contractors. A !ritten record of such

meetings ( instructions shall /e maintained /% the consultants.

&& The main consultants shall perform all functions and duties re,uired to /e performed /%him in accordance !ith the agreement ( ;I for the Pro3ect.

'ccupation Permit # Certificate of tatutor2 Completion Phase

&1. The onsultant shall attend all interim and final inspection of the completed Pro3ect /%representatives of all relevant authorities.

&2 The onsultant shall assist !ith an% amendment plans re,uired /% the relevantauthorities and assist in o/taining the ;ccupation Permit and ertificate of 9tatutor%

ompletion relating to the Pro3ectK


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Anne/ure G III

PP* M NTA-+ IN5'-MATI'N 5'- C'N *TANT P-'P' A*

!& Proposals should include the follo%ing information

A& T CHNICA* P-'P' A*i0 A /rief description of the firm6 organi=ation and an outline of e perience on

assignments(pro3ects of similar nature e ecuted. The details to /e furnished are

mentioned in form :-1.

ii0 An% comments or suggestions of the consultant on the terms of Reference


iii0 A description of the manner in !hich the consultants !ould plan to e ecute the

!or4. Jor4 plan time schedule in :orm – :-2 and approach or methodolog%

proposed for carr%ing out the re,uired !or4.

iv0 The composition of the team of personnel !hich the consultants !ould propose

to provide and the tas4s !hich !ould /e assigned to each team mem/er in :orm


v0 urriculum vitae of the individual 4e% staff mem/ers to /e assigned to the !or4

and of the team leader !ho !ould /e responsi/le for supervision of the team.

The curriculum vitae should follo! the attached format :orm :-)0 dul2 signed

2 the concerned personnel&

vi0 The consultants comments6 if an%6 on the data6 services and facilities to /e

provided /% hief Engineer6 APM9I indicated in the terms of Reference

T;R 0.

@& 5INANCIA* P-'P' A* .

The financial proposals should include the follo!ing5

i0 9chedule of price /id in :orm <o. :-D !ith item !ise.ii0 Jor4 program and time schedule for 4e% personnel in :orm <o. :-#


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The aim of the negotiation is to reach an agreement on all points !ith the consultant and

initial a draft contract /% the conclusion of negotiations. <egotiations commence !ith a

discussion of consultants proposals6 the proposed !or4 plan6 staffing and an%

suggestions the consultants ma% have made to improve the terms of reference. Agreement !ill then /e reached on the final terms of reference6 the staffing and the /ar

chart6 !hich !ill indicate personal periods in the field and office6 man-months and

reporting schedule. Jhen these matters have /een agreed6 financial negotiations !ill

ta4e place.

:& - I 6 '5 MAN G M'NTH -AT .

hief Engineer6 APM9I is the custodian of Government funds and is e pected to

e ercise prudence in the e penditure of these funds. hief Engineer6 APM9I is6therefore6 concerned !ith the reasona/leness of a :irm s financial proposal and6 during

negotiations6 e perts to /e a/le to revie! data /ac4ing up a consultants man - months

rates. onsultants su/mitting proposals for contracts should /e prepared to support

such data and should accept that their proposed rates and other financial matters are

su/3ect to possi/le negotiations.


The (o)e o* +",(en- -o .e (")e /n 0on /)e "-/on o* -he o -o .e +e *o (e) ., -he0on 5 -"n- h" .e " *o o 7


Pe 0en-"8e o* P",(en- S-"-5

/ % o* -o-" *ee $ After su/mission of la%out plan and master planindicating the outlines of the e isting structures anddesign proposals including specifications.

// % o* -o-" *ee$ After su/mission of three sets of preliminar% dra!ings

sho!ing the la%outs of furniture and e,uipment in the

floor plans for each individual 7loc4s ( :loors

separatel% in & in &'' scale along !ith a site

development plan sho!ing the la%out of internal roads6

electrical6 !ater suppl%6 sanitar% and drainage lines etc.

!ith details sho!ing sections dul% sho!ing levels of

proposed /loc4s6 and su/mission of three sets of soil

Investigation reports.


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/// % o* -o-" *ee After approval of preliminar% dra!ings and after su/mission of all !or4ing dra!ings three sets !ith adetailed cross sections and elevations for all the/loc4s and site development plan !ith all detailssho!ing <G 6 :G 6 :: 6 Road levels and longitudinalsections of all Roads and drains !ith a detailed report

for approval.1; 1% o* -o-" *ee ;n su/mission of the detailed structural anal%sis6

designs and dra!ings for all the /loc4s 6 along !ith

!ater suppl% and sanitar% designs6 roads and e ternal

drainage !or4s !ith supporting calculations and design

reports.; 1% o* -o-" *ee$ ;n approval of the detailed structural anal%sis6

designs and dra!ings for all the /loc4s 6 along !ith

!ater suppl% and sanitar% designs6 roads and e ternal

drainage !or4s !ith supporting calculations and designreports and su/mission of &1 sets of approved

structural dra!ings dul% signed /% the hief 9tructural

Engineer and the onsultants.

;// % o* -o-" *ee$ ;n su/mission of detailed estimates for civil6 electrical

+ !ater suppl% + sanitar% arrangements Internal +

E ternal06 fire fighting6 road and e ternal drainage

!or4s and interiors if necessar%0 and other sitedevelopment !or4s.

;/// 1! o* -o-" *ee$ ;n approval of estimates and su/mission of 5ive sets

of detailed estimates for civil6 electrical + !ater suppl%

+ sanitar% arrangements Internal + E ternal06 fire

fighting6 interiors if necessar%0and other site

development !or4s along !ith data./; 1% o* -o-" *ee$ After approval of !or4ing dra!ings and after

su/mission of sufficient <o. of sets Prefera/l%minimum &1 nos0 of all approved final !or4ing

dra!ings !ith detailed cross sections and elevations

etc. including interiors design and dra!ings and site

development plans in & in &'' scale dul% signed /% the

hief Architect and onsultant.


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# 2% o* -o-" *ee After completion of !or4 in all respects and after

su/mission of final design report6 original tracings6

verification of num/er of visits along !ith 9oft cop% of

all approved Architectural and 9tructural dra!ings and

interior if ta4en up0 dra!ings and ?As /uilt dra!ings@.

N'T . &0 All pa%ments shall /e made on su/mission of pre-receipt /ills /% the consultants

in ,uadruplicate for respective stages dul% certified /% the concerned E ecutiveEngineers ( 9uperintending Engineers.

10 :inal design report shall consist a cop% of final approved Architectural dra!ingsincluding elevations reduced to A2 si=e including site plan and /rief !rite upa/out the total pro3ect including the design parameters of each /loc4.

20 The a/ove fee includes all the costs related to carr%ing out the services6 includingoverheads6 service ta and an% other ta es imposed on time to time /% thegovernment.

B0 :or an% repetitive plans )'H of fee of original plan !ill /e paid.)0 <o pa%ment !ill /e made for /rought out items li4e Transformer6 Generators6

ifts6 Acs etc.6

>)& - I 6 '5 - P'-T A revie! committee consisting of follo!ing officers of the APM9I !ill revie! all reports

of consultants Inception6 progress6 intermediate and draft final0 and suggest an%

modifications ( changes considered necessar% !ithin &' da%s of receipt.



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5'-M 50!


NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN6 2 rd :loor6 M+"9 ampus9ultan 7a=ar6 Coti"%dera/ad - )'' &$)6 A.P


/pression of Interest0cum -e1uest for Proposal for Architectural and

ngineering Consultanc2 ervices for %or3 of Development of

Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital and Medical College at Nellore in

Nellore dist, Andhra Pradesh(India) G -eg&


Je6 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN onstanc% firm(organi=ations here !ith enclose

technical + financial proposal for selection of m%(our firm has consultant for Development of

Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital and Medical College at Nellore in Nellore

dist, Andhra Pradesh(India)

Oours faithfull%6


:ull <ame


Authori=ed representative0

5'-M 504


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A I?NM NT '5 IMI*A- NAT - '5 6'-7 CC 5 **+ C'MP* T D

&. 7rief escription of the :irm(;rgani=ation

1. ;utline of e periences on assignments of similar nature.


<ame of Assignment

<ame of Pro3ect

;!ner or sponsoringauthorit%

ost of Assignment

ate of comencement

ate of completion


& 1 2 B ) D #

<ote 5 Please attach certificates from the emplo%er /% !a% of documentar% proof6 Issued /%the ;fficer of ran4 not /elo! the ran4 of 9uperintending Engineer or e,uivalent if thecertificate is issued /% a Govt. organi=ations0.


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5'-M 5 0 :

6'-7 P*AN TIM CH D *

A. :ield Investigation

a% !ise program9l.<o.


1nd 2 rd Bth ) th Dth # th th $ th &' th &&th &1th


7. ompilation and su/mission of reports

&. Inception Report

1. Interim 9tatus Report

2. raft final report

B :inal Report

7. A short note on the line of approach and methodolog% outlining various steps for performingthe stud%.

. omments or 9uggestions on ?Terms of Reference F.


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5'-M No& 50;

C'MP' ITI'N '5 TH T AM P - 'NN * AND TH TA 7, 6HICH 6' *D @A I?N D T' ACH T AM M M@ -&

&. Technical(Managerial 9taff


Name Position Tas3 Assignment







1. 9upporting 9taff


Name Position Tas3 Assignment




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5'-M 50$

?? T D 5'-MAT '5 C --IC *AM ITA5'- M M@ - '5 C'N *TANT T AM



1. Professional(Present esignation 5 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

2. Oears !ith :irm ( ;rgani=ation5 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN <ationalit% NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

B. Area of 9peciali=ation 5

). Proposed Position on Team5

D. Ce% ,ualifications 5

nder this heading6 give outline of staff mem/er s e perience and training most.pertinent to assigned !or4 on proposed team. escri/e degree of responsi/ilit% held /%staff mem/er on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations. se up tohalf-a-page.0

ducation .

nder this heading6 summari=e college(universit% and other speciali=ed education of

names of schools colleges6 etc.6 dates attended and degrees o/tained. se till to a

,uarter page.0


nder this heading6 list all positions held /% staff mem/er since graduation6 giving

dates6 names of emplo%ing organi=ation6 title of positions held and location of

assignments for e perience in last ten %ears also give t%pes of activities performed and

client references6 !here appropriated. se up to three ,uarters of a page.0


Indicate proficienc% in spea4ing6 reading and !riting of each language /% e cellent 6

good or. 6 poor .0

ignature of taff Mem er Date


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5'-M No& 5 0 9

CH D * '5 P-IC @ID&


Items Percentage in 5igures Percentage in 6ords

&. Architectural +Engineering onsultanc%services for the !or4 of

ost including charges for preparation ofMunicipal plans all site visits prior tocommencement of !or4 and 1' visitsafter commencement of !or4.

Development of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospitaland Medical Collegeat Nellore in Nelloredist, AndhraPradesh(India)

J'n estimated amount of e/ecuted

%or3 for %hich services are rendered&

ignature of Consultant

Authorised representative0

Note. !) 5or e/tra site visit if re1uired, over and a ove the stipulated 4" visits, anamount of -s&:,$""#0 per each visit %ill e paid for&

4) 5or less no& of site visits than the stipulated 4" visits, an amount of-s&=,"""#0 %ill e deducted for each no& of site visits&

:) The a ove 1uoted fee includes all ta/es overheads including serviceta/ and an2 other ta/es imposed on from time to time 2 the



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5'-M 5 0 =

6'-7 P-'?-AMM AND TIM CH D * 5'- 7 + P - 'NN *DA+

<ame Position & ) &) 1' 1) 2' 2) B' B) )' )) D' etc.

Total Reports ue Activities and uration
















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A& ? N -A*

!& Interpretation.&.& In interpreting these onditions of ontract6 singular also means plural6 male also

means female6 and vice-versa. "eadings have no significance. Jor4s have their normal

meaning under the language of the contract unless specificall% defined. The Engineers-in-charge !ill provide instructions clarif%ing ,ueries a/out the conditions of ontract.

4& Chief ngineerKs Decisions.1.& E cept !here other!ise specificall% stated6 the hief Engineer !ill decide the

contractual matters /et!een the epartment and the onsultant in the role representingthe epartment.

:& Delegation.2.& The hief Engineer ma% delegate an% of his duties and responsi/ilities to other officers

and ma% cancel an% delegation /% an official order issued.

;& Communications.B.& ommunications /et!een parties6 !hich are referred to in the conditions6 are effective

onl% !hen in !riting. A notice shall /e effective onl% !hen it is delivered in terms of Indian ontract Act0

$& 'ther Consultants.).& The onsultant shall cooperate and share the 9ite !ith other onsultants6 Pu/lic

authorities6 utilities6 and the epartment. The onsultant shall also provide facilities andservices for them as directed /% the hief Engineer.

9& Personnel.The onsultant shall emplo% the re,uired Ce% Personnel named in the 9chedule of Ce%Personnel to carr% out the functions stated in the 9chedule or other personnel approved/% the hief Engineer. The hief Engineer !ill approve an% proposed replacementof Ce% Personnel onl% if their ,ualifications6 a/ilities6 and relevant e perience aresu/stantiall% e,ual to or /etter than those of the personnel listed in the 9chedule.


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@& TIM 5'- C'MP* TI'N

=&" Program.

#.& The total period for completion of the assignment is as per schedule from the date of

entering into the agreement.

#.1 The attention of the onsultant is directed to the contract pa%ment at the time of

/eginning of the !or46 the rate of progress and the dates for the !hole !or4 and its

several parts milestones. Time is essence of the contract and the consultant has to

adhere to the program of !or4 furnished

>&" Dela2s and e/tension of time.<o claim for compensation on account of dela%s or hindrances to the assigned !or4

from an% cause !hatever shall lie6 e cept as hereafter defined. Reasona/le e tension

of time !ill /e allo!ed /% the hief Engineer or /% the office competent to sanction the

e tension6 for unavoida/le dela%s6 such as ma% result from causes6 !hich in the opinion

of the hief Engineer6 are undou/tedl% /e%ond the control of the onsultant. The hief

Engineer shall assess the period of dela% or hindrance caused /% an% !ritten

instructions issued /% him6 at t!ent% five per cent in e cess or the actual !or4ing period

so lost.

In the event of the hief Engineer failing to issue necessar% instructions and there/%

causing dela% and hindrance to the onsultant6 the latter shall have the right to claim anassessment of such dela% /% the hief Engineer !hose decision !ill /e final and

/inding. The onsultant shall lodge in !riting !ith the hief Engineer6 a statement of

claim for an% dela% or hindrance referred to a/ove6 !ithin # da%s from its

commencement6 other!ise no e tension of time !ill /e allo!ed.

Jhenever authorised alterations or additions made during the progress of the assigned

!or4 are of such a nature in the opinion of the hief Engineer as to 3ustif% an e tension

of time in conse,uence thereof6 such e tension !ill /e granted in !riting /% the hief

Engineer or other competent authorit% !hen ordering such alterations or additions.


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8&" uspension of %or3s 2 the Consultant.

$.& If the onsultant stops !or4 for &B da%s and the 9toppage has not /een authori=ed /%

the hief Engineer the ontract !ill /e terminated as per the relevant clauses of P9 to

AP99.$.1 If the onsultant has dela%ed the completion of !or4s the ontract !ill /e

terminated as per relevant clauses of P9 to AP99.

!"&" /tension of the Intended Completion Date.

&'.& The hief Engineer shall e tend or recommend for e tension6 in accordance !ith the

delegation of po!ers in force6 the Intended ompletion ate if a >ariation is issued

!hich ma4es it impossi/le for ompletion to /e achieved /% the Intended ompletion

ate.&'.1 The hief Engineer shall decide !hether and /% ho! much to e tend the Intended

ompletion ate !ithin # da%s of the onsultant as4ing the Engineer for a decision upon

the effect of a >ariation and su/mitting full supporting information. If the onsultant has

failed to give earl% !arning of a dela% or has failed to cooperate in dealing !ith a dela%6

the dela% /% this failure shall not /e considered in assessing the ne! Intended

ompletion ate.

!!&" Dela2s 'rdered 2 the Chief ngineer.&&.& The hief Engineer ma% instruct the onsultant to dela% the start or progress of an%

activit% !ithin the assigned !or4.

!4&"& arl2 6arning.&1.& The onsultant is to !arn the hief Engineer at the earliest opportunit% of

specific li4el% future events or circumstances that ma% adversel% affect the

E ecution of Jor4s.

&1.1 The onsultant shall co-operate !ith the hief Engineer in ma4ing and considering

proposals for ho! the effect of such an event or circumstance can /e avoided or

reduced /% an%one involved in the !or4 and in carr%ing out an% resulting instruction of

the hief Engineer.

!:&" Management Meetings.


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&2.& The hief Engineer ma% re,uire the onsultant to attend a management meeting. The

/usiness of a management meeting shall /e to revie! the program for remaining !or4

and to deal !ith matters raised in accordance !ith the earl% !arning procedure.


!;&" Termination.&B.& The orporation ma% terminate the ontract if the onsultant causes a fundamental

/reach of the ontract and contract !ill /e a!arded to the ne t lo!est !ith the same

scheme to avoid dela% and /alance pa%ment !ill /e stopped.

&B.1 :undamental /reaches of ontract include6 /ut shall not /e limited to the follo!ing.a0 The onsultant stops !or4 for # da%s and the stoppage has not /een authori=ed /%

the hief Engineer.

/0 The hief Engineer gives <otice that failure to correct a particular efect is a

fundamental /reach of ontract and the onsultant fails to correct it !ithin a

reasona/le period of time determined /% the hief EngineerK and

c0 The onsultant has dela%ed the completion of !or4s /% the num/er of da%s for

!hich the ma imum amount of li,uidated damages shall /e levied as defined.

d0 The onsultant does not adhere to the agreed program lause B of T;Rt0 and also

fails to ta4e satisfactor% remedial action as per agreements reached in the

management meetings lause &20 for a period of # da%s.

e0 The onsultant fails to carr% out the instructions of hief Engineer !ithin a

reasona/le time determined /% the hief Engineer.

:or the purpose of this paragraph5 ?corrupt practice@ means the offering6 giving6 receiving

or soliciting of an% thing of value to influence the action of a pu/lic official in the

procurement process or in contract e ecution. ?:raudulent practice@ means a

misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the e ecution

of a contract to the detriment to the Government and includes collusive practice among

the consultants prior to or after Tender su/mission0 designed to esta/lish Tender prices

at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Government of the /enefits of free

and open competition.

!$&" Pa2ment upon Termination.&).& If the ontract is terminated /ecause of a fundamental /reach of ontract /% the

onsultant6 the hief Engineer shall issue a certificate for the value of the !or4 done


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less advance pa%ments received upon the date of the issue of the certificate6 less other

recoveries due in terms of the ontract6 less ta es due to /e deducted at source as per

applica/le la! and the percentage to appl% to the value of the !or4 not completed

representing additional cost for completing the !or4s at the rate of 1' percent of /alance

!or4. Additional i,uidated amages shall not appl%. If the total amount due to theepartment e ceeds an% pa%ment due to the onsultant the difference shall /e a de/t

pa%a/le to the orporation deducta/le from other !or4s.

!9&" Propert2. All plans6 dra!ings6 original dra!ings6 specification6 designs6 reports and other

documents or soft!are su/mitted /% the onsultants in performance of the services6

shall /ecome and remain the propert% of the hief Engineer6 APM9I if the ontract is

terminated /ecause of onsultant s default.

!=&" 'ther Conditions

The consultants shall complete all the stages of !or4 and the necessar% approval

given /% the Institute according to the time schedule mutuall% agreed upon. The

!or4s through the stipulated period of contract !ill /e carried out !ith diligence6

time /eing the essence of the agreement.

In the event of failure on the part of the consultants to complete the !or4 to give

their approval and ( or ma4e pa%ments !ithin the time specified in the timeschedule or in the event of either of the parties committing a /reach of an% one or

more of the terms and conditions of the agreement6 the aggrieved part% shall /%

entitled to rescind this agreement !ithout pre3udice to its rights to claim damages

or remedies under the la!. The period of notice to /e given to rescind the

contract !ill /e &) da%s.

The consultants !ill advise the APM9I on the ,ualit% and general progress

of the !or46 as and !hen re,uired.

The consultants shall assume full responsi/ilit% for the designs and specifications

for items descri/ed in the scope of !or4. The APM9I !ill have full access to

the details of the calculations and the structural designs for purpose of scrutin%

for satisf%ing themselves as to their correctness. The structural engineers of the

consultants !ill render all possi/le help for the a/ove scrutin%.CONSULTANT 3% CHIEF ENGINEER

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The consultants shall suppl% to the APM9I free of cost t!elve sets of final

dra!ings at the stage of the agreement6 and re,uired sets of specifications and

particulars other than dra!ings. An% additional sets re,uired /% the APM9I

shall /e paid for on actual cost of reproduction /asis.

;n completion of the !or46 the onsultant !ill su/mit ten sets of dra!ings and

information6 clearl% indicating on dra!ings6 s4etches6 documents + contractors

shop dra!ings changes6 if an% made6 from consultants dra!ings6 /ased on !hich

e ecution has /een completed6 for all the /uildings and services6 sufficient for

preparation of Qas /uilt dra!ings . The consultants shall then su/mit the same as

t!elve sets of reproduction prints and soft cop% of dra!ings in Auto A soft!are.

The consultants shall not ma4e an% deviation6 alteration or omission from the

approved dra!ings6 involving financial implications !ithout prior consent of

the APM9I .

The consultants shall e ercise all reasona/le s4ill6 care and diligence in the

discharge of their duties and shall e ercise such general superintendence and

inspection in regard to such !or4s as ma% /e necessar% to ensure that !or4s are

/eing e ecuted in accordance !ith contract documents and shall endeavor toguard the interest of the APM9I against the defects and deficiencies in the

!or4 of the contractor. The consultants are here/% deemed and treated to /e

occup%ing positions of trust and confidence vis- -vis all items of !or4s

enumerated in these presents.

The consultants shall ma4e necessar% revisions as ma% /e re,uired /% the

APM9I in the dra!ings and other documents su/mitted /% them at the draft or

concept stage. An% su/se,uent revisions in the dra!ings and documents onceapproved re,uired to /e made /% the APM9I shall /e compensated as

additional services rendered /% the consultants.

<o change shall /e made in the approved dra!ings and specifications at site

/% the onsultant !ithout the approval of the APM9I .


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The dra!ings6 specifications and documents as instruments of service are the

propert% and cop% right of the Architects !hether the pro3ects for !hich the% are

made are e ecuted or not.

The APM9I shall have the li/ert% to postpone or not to e ecute an% !or4 andthe Architects shall not /e entitled to an% compensation for non-e ecution part of

the !or4 e cept the fees !hich are pa%a/le to the Architects upto the stage of

services then in progress.

The consultants shall perform their duties under this Agreement !ith due care6

s4ill and diligence6 the plans6 designs and specifications furnished /% them shall

conform to the statutor% provision !hich ma% /e applica/le6 and as far as

possi/le to the standards not lo!er than those laid do!n /% the Indian 9tandardsInstitution or !here no I9I standards e ist6 the standards laid do!n /% an% similar

/od% in or out of Indian and the% shall also /e efficient6 economic and sound in

ever% !a%. The consultants here/% guarantee the structural soundness of the

structures of !hich plans6 designs and specifications are prepared /% them.

In the event of the !hole or an% part of the !or4s /eing postponed6 cancelled or

a/andoned6 then the pa%ment to /e made to the consultants for services

performed in respect of that part of !or4s so postponed6 cancelled or a/andonedshall /e determined in accordance !ith mode of pa%ment or such other clauses

of this agreement as ma% /e accepta/le therein !ith such appropriate

ad3ustments as ma% /e necessar% having regard to the services performed prior

to the !or4s /eing postponed6 cancelled or a/andoned0. Pa%ments under this

clause shall /e calculated /ased on the preliminar% detailed estimated of the

value as per the stage of !or4 under as per mode of pa%ment the relevant part

of the !or4s had it /een completed at the time of its postponement6 cancellation

or a/andonment0. It at a later date6 the !or4 !hich has /een postponed6cancelled or a/andoned or an% part thereof is again proceeded !ith then

pa%ments alread% made under this clause shall ran4 solel% as ?on account@

pa%ments to!ards the total fees ultimatel% pa%a/le on such !or4s and calculated

on their actual cost6 provided further it is made clear that all disputes and

entitlements in the event of difference of opinion /et!een the consultants and the


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APM9I arising out of this clause6 the decision of the APM9I 6 shall /e

/inding on the parties.

The APM9I and the consultants each /inds themselves their partners6

successors6 e ecutors6 administrators and assigns to the other part% to thisagreement6 and to the partners6 successors6 administrators and assigns of such

other part% in respect of all covenants shall assign6 su/let or transfer their interest

in this agreement !ithout the !ritten consent of the other.


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u Eect. A&P&H&M&H&I&D&C 0 /pression of Interest cum -e1uest for proposal for Architectural and ngineering Consultanc2 services for the %or3 of Development of Infrastructure for TeachingHospital and Medical College at Nellore in Nellore dist, Andhra

Pradesh(India)** ** **

&0 9et out /elo! are the terms and conditions under !hich --------------------------------------

have agreed to carr% out for APM9I the a/ove mentioned assignment specified in

the attached Terms of reference.

10 :or administrative purposes The hief Engineer6 APM9I 0 has /een assigned to

administer the assignment and to provide the onsultant !ith all relevant information

needs to carr% out the assignment. The services !ill /e re,uired for /pression of

Interest cum -e1uest for proposal for Architectural and ngineering Consultanc2

services for the %or3 of Development of Infrastructure for Teaching Hospital

and Medical College at Nellore in Nellore dist, Andhra Pradesh(India) up to

completion of the civil !or4s from the date of concluding the agreement.

20 In case of e igencies6 The hief Engineer6 APM9I ma% find it necessar% to postpone

or cancel the assignment and ( or shorten or e tend its duration. "o!ever6 ever% effort

!ill /e made to give the consultants6 as earl% as possi/le6 notice of an% such changes in

the event of termination6 the onsultants shall /e paid for the services rendered for

carr%ing out the assignment to the date or termination. The firm /ased on the terms of pa%ment and the firm onsultants !ill provide the hief Engineer6 APM9I !ith an%

reports or parts there of6 or an% other information and documentation gathered under this

agreement prior to the date of termination.

B0 The services to /e performed6 the estimated time to /e spent6 and the reports to /e

su/mitted !ill /e in accordance !ith the T;R + 9upplementar% information for

consultants proposals. The onsultants agreed that in the event of a/normal dela% in

rendering services as per T;R the hief Engineer6 APM9I 6 "%dera/ad shall have

ever% right to terminate the onsultants or !ithdra! part of services and such !ithdra!nservices shall get it done departmentall% or /% entrusting to other onsultants depending

on necessit%.

)0 This agreement its meaning and interpretation and the relation /et!een the parties shall

/e governed /% the la!s of nion of India6 Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.

D0 The financial proposal shall include the cost of preparation of preliminar% dra!ings6 initial


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/// % o* -o-" *ee After approval of preliminar% dra!ings and after su/mission of all !or4ing dra!ings three sets !ith adetailed cross sections and elevations for all the/loc4s and site development plan !ith all detailssho!ing <G 6 :G 6 :: 6 Road levels and longitudinalsections of all Roads and drains !ith a detailed report

for approval.1; 1% o* -o-" *ee ;n su/mission of the detailed structural anal%sis6designs and dra!ings for all the /loc4s 6 along !ith!ater suppl% and sanitar% designs6 roads and e ternaldrainage !or4s !ith supporting calculations and designreports.

; 1% o* -o-" *ee$ ;n approval of the detailed structural anal%sis6designs and dra!ings for all the /loc4s 6 along !ith!ater suppl% and sanitar% designs6 roads and e ternaldrainage !or4s !ith supporting calculations and designreports and su/mission of &1 sets of approvedstructural dra!ings dul% signed /% the hief 9tructural

Engineer and the onsultants.

;// % o* -o-" *ee$ ;n su/mission of detailed estimates for civil6 electrical+ !ater suppl% + sanitar% arrangements Internal +E ternal06 fire fighting6 road and e ternal drainage!or4s and interiors if necessar%0 and other sitedevelopment !or4s.

;/// 1! o* -o-" *ee$ ;n approval of estimates and su/mission of 5ive setsof detailed estimates for civil6 electrical + !ater suppl%+ sanitar% arrangements Internal + E ternal06 firefighting6 interiors if necessar%0and other sitedevelopment !or4s along !ith data.

/; 1% o* -o-" *ee$ After approval of !or4ing dra!ings and after su/mission of sufficient <o. of sets Prefera/l%minimum &1 nos0 of all approved final !or4ingdra!ings !ith detailed cross sections and elevationsetc. including interiors design and dra!ings and sitedevelopment plans in & in &'' scale dul% signed /% the

hief Architect and onsultant.# 2% o* -o-" *ee After completion of !or4 in all respects and after

su/mission of final design report6 original tracings6verification of num/er of visits along !ith 9oft cop% of all approved Architectural and 9tructural dra!ings andinterior if ta4en up0 dra!ings and ?As /uilt dra!ings@.


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&. All pa%ments shall /e made on su/mission of pre-receipted /ills /% the onsultants in ,uadruplicate for respective stages.1. :inal design report shall consist a cop% of final approved Architectural dra!ings including elevation reduced to A' si=e including site plan and /rief !rite up a/out the total pro3ect.2. The a/ove fee includes all the costs related to carr%ing out the services6 including

overheads6 service ta and an% other ta es imposed on time to time /% the government.

B. The a/ove Intermediate pa%ments !ill /e made /% the hief Engineer of a sum e,ual to) percent of the value of !or4 as so certified and the /alance of &) percent !ill /e !ithheld and retained as a securit% for the due fulfillment of the contract. nder thecertificate to /e issued /% the E ecutive Engineer on the completion of the entire !or46the onsultant !ill receive final pa%ment of all the mone% due or pa%a/le to him under or /% virtue of the contract and a sum e,ual to &) percent of the total value of the !or4done provided6 if there is no recover% from or forfeiture to /e made under relevantclauses of P9 to AP99.

). The a/ove fee includes all the costs related to carr%ing out the services6 includingoverheads and applica/le ta es as per regulations from time to time and an% other ta esimposed on.

<o service ta shall /e paid and fee shall include all the ta es.

D. The consultant agrees to visit the site periodicall% at different stages of construction dul%intimating to the E ecutive Engineer6 concerned or on the re,uest of E ecutive Engineer concerned !herever necessar%. 9uch site visits shall /e minimum &' during thee ecution of !or4 The consultant shall furnish a site inspection certificate o/tained fromthe Engineer-in- charge at site immediatel% after visit along !ith inspection report to the

hief Engineer.

&'.' The onsultants !ill /e responsi/le for appropriate insurance coverage. In this regardthe firm onsultants shall maintain !or4ers compensation6 emplo%ment lia/ilit% insurance6for their staff on the assignment.

&&.' The onsultants indemnif% and hold harmless the hief Engineer6 APM9I against allclaims6 demands and ( or 3udgments of an% nature /rought against the hief Engineer6

APM9I arising out of the services /% onsultants under this agreement. The o/ligationunder this paragraph shall survive till the termination of this agreement.

&1.' The consultants agree that an% manufacturing or construction !ith !hich the% might /eassociated !ith !ill not /e eligi/le to participate in /idding for an% goods or !or4s resultingor associated !ith the pro3ect of !hich this consulting agreement forms a part.

&2.' All plans6 dra!ings6 original dra!ings6 specification6 designs6 reports and other documents or soft!are su/mitted /% the onsultants in performance of the services6 shall

/ecome and remain the propert% of the hief Engineer6 APM9I . The consultants ma%retain a cop% of such documents /ut shall not use them for purposes unrelated to thiscontract !ithout the prior !ritten approval of the hief Engineer6 APM9I i.eK All originaltracing shall /e furnished to the corporation after the !or4 is completed0.

&B.' The consultant underta4e to carr% out the assignment in accordance !ith the higheststandard of professional and ethical competence and integrit% having due regard to thenature and purpose of the assignment6 and to ensure that the staff assigned to perform theservices under this agreement6 !ill conduct themselves in a manner consistent here!ith.


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