consume, commit yourself

CONSUME, COMMIT YOURSELF Regain power through a new consumption culture

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Regain power through a new consumption culture


“We are moving from high waste to recycling and a circular economy; from worshipping the new to valuing high quality; from highly processed foods to fresh, gourmet

and organic foods; from suburbia to cities; from disposability to maintenance.”

* from the article:

Carlota Perez, professor at the London School of Economics during "London Technology Week"*


We are gradually realising that our choices influence the brands and the society in which we live. Quality, ethics, respect and collaboration are our new concerns.


In the era of a new paradox, responsible consumption has become a less binding commitment. It is primarily the accumulation of lots of small initiatives that enable us to evolve.


Chapter 1

Overexploitation, pressure on the environment, waste accumulation: in order to reverse these trends, alternative models are developed ("green" & "blue" economy, collaborative consumption, circular economy, etc.) to preserve the planet and reduce wastage of resources, whether these resources are human, cultural, material or energy related.

Reason No. 1


52% of people say they want to consume better, and this depends primarily on buying products that last longer (44%), purchase of products good for health (37%), purchase of more environment-friendly and quality products (36%)

OBSOCO 2012 See the case study:

"In the red economy [sic, including: industrial economy], we can never repay. Always seeking to make more money, we run after sales and try to cut into profit margins of producers. "

Gunter Pauli, founder of Ecover Company  in We Demain No. 3


We find the loopholes in system and doubt the traditional players increasingly. All our benchmarks are jostled at a time when numerous scandals (health, political, humanitarian, etc.) continue to disrupt our model. “

Reason No. 2


In 2004, 57% people trusted the companies in general - they are only 29% in 2014

ETHNICITY Report 2014

"There has never been so many questions about the functioning of our society and its boundaries, questioning the direction of

progress" Victor Ferreira, President and co-founder of Newmanity,

In "Sustainable Revolution" of Ethicity - Greenflex


Being successful in life is no longer synonymous with professional success and possessions. Today, we emphasise on "living well" by finding balance between health, work, hobbies, commitments and human relationships. “

Reason No. 3


The 3 main concerns of the French people are: -  welfare of my family and my loved ones: 50% -  health: 46% -  cost of living: 36%

"We do not want to be passive victims of over-consumption. By resisting ourselves from buying everything, 'responsible consumption' is encouraged, It becomes a topic of

attention again, one reconnects to the active part of oneself" Anne Gatecel, about DIY

For Femme Actuelle, No. 1550


ETHNICITY Report 2014


Chapter 2

BACK TO NATURE, IN CITY Amidst the crowded buildings and polluted streets, the city dwellers seek to make use of their space and bring nature close to home.

"LES COMPOSTEURS DU 107" One of the first urban garden projects in Paris was established in the 12th arrondissement. The Santerre garden started out with a collective composting to nurture the plants of balconies. It then went on to become a garden of 45 plots, as well as beehives, a chicken coop, a mini orchard and shelter for animals and insects.

BEEHIVES OF PARIS The beehives are multiplying in Paris. While many are educational apiaries, intended to train students in bee-keeping, any individual can create his own beehive, if a fairly large space is devoted to it and specialised training is followed. Today, there are more than 300 beehives in Paris!

GREEN ROOFS The green roofs, as part of biodiversity plan of the city of Paris, also enable a better insulation of buildings. Every person can get involved in this initiative by creating a green roof in his building and thus participate in greening the city.

INFARM, GREENHOUSE Creator of participatory urban gardens, INFARM is currently developing a micro-greenhouse project, to ensure that anyone can grow vegetables shoots at home. It takes 10 to 14 days to obtain shoots of carrots, rucola or leek without much maintenance.

SOFT ACTIVISM The change in our consumption model goes through multiple collective actions today on a human scale to change things step by step.

CARROTMOB To shop or not : power is in your hands. Carrotmob, civic association, offers to have an agreement with the owner of small stores: the carrotmobers bring their customers to these stores and part of the money collected is used to invest in responsible consumerism projects.

BUYCOTT Scanning a product and knowing if it is consistent with your principles is the proposition of Buycott, a mobile application. From fair trade to compliance of labour law, including the rights of women, each product has a feature through which we can know everything about what the companies are doing whose products we consume

KULT&CO This association tries to inform and promote alternatives in textile trade and gourmet industry both at human as well as ecological level. By educating the public and offering workshops to train pros, establishing new connections and sharing new methods of distributing products, Kult & Co wants to promote a new vision of sustainable trade in fashion.

GUERILLA GARDENING The "guerilla gardening" is re-vegetation of abandoned urban spaces, without getting into the formalities of necessary permits and land ownership. We garden where we want, when we want: it becomes a militant act.

CRAZE FOR LOCAL PRODUCE The local produce has become a huge success in recent years. At a time when we want to be even more certain of what we put on our and our children's plates, buying directly from producers of our region reassures us and local consumption becomes crucial in "eating well".

AMAP The Associations pour le Maintien de l’Agriculture Paysanne (Community-supported agriculture) promote organic and fair consumption by maintaining direct contact between farmers and consumers. Anyone can register with us as a member and stay informed regularly about sales of vegetables, meat and other products obtained from peasant agriculture.

PURCHASE OF LOCAL FURNITURE A cooperative society of designers and manufacturers has been set up in Quebec, offering original and accessible interior furniture, produced using local resources. We can choose the product that we want and contact the manufacturer directly to buy the product from him in person. Personal and human experience!

LA RUCHE QUI DIT OUI This network, came into effect in 2011, connects consumers and local producers in order to promote local consumption. No intermediary: producers will not have to pay 16% service charge for the organization of the beehive and consumers get the products at the lowest possible cost. Fair and healthy system!

LOCAL LABELS The craze for local produce encourages up-scaling of labels. "Made in France", "South West France", "Product of Brittany", etc.: In addition to the national, almost every region has its own label today to reassure consumers but sometimes it also spreads confusion among consumers.

SHOPPING REBOOT The format and channel of our purchases are evolving rapidly. Through new concepts and new methods of consumption, the choices which value ethics and social responsibility become our favourite alternatives.

BULK SALE The bulk sale, along with returnable packaging to facilitate reuse and shopping, is attracting more and more consumers. Many chains apart from supermarkets are adopting this concept, making it possible to save on packaging but also to avoid the proliferation of waste due to packaging. In Italy, Negozio, in USA, Walk-in Cookbook, and in France, Recharge are three brands of bulk sales.

BUY AND GIVE TO OTHERS Have fun! Do good to others as well: double pleasure! Innovative brands now allow responsible consumption by promising for each purchase either an equivalent donation for the disadvantaged or allocation of a portion of profits to such Associations. This is the case with Toms or Gandys Flip Flops, two brands of latest footwear who are popular for their social commitment.

ETHICAL PRODUCTS These days, e-shops enable the promotion of social and ethical companies. The "Ethical Super Store" and "Shop for Social" are two examples of online stores, promoting only the products in accordance with our responsible commitments, organic and fair trade products of companies working for humanitarian causes.

COLLECTIVE USE Purchasing is not an end in itself. Rent, exchange and other options of collective use are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. Many online platforms offer the services of a new type in order to encourage different kind of consumption. See specifications "Le nouveau rapport à la propriété (The new report in relation to property)"

STOP THE WASTAGE OF FOOD At a time when malnutrition and hunger still affect large populations, the major Western nations are wasting. To fight against this, a number of initiatives attempt to put an end to the food waste.

ZÉRO-GÂCHIS (ZERO-MESS) The site lists all of the products available around here, which will expire or spoil soon, along with benefits up to 70% for consumers from promotions. "Zéros-gâcheurs", people supporting zero-mess, form a community and try to consume less while acting against waste.

CHECKFOOD This application warns consumers when the products they have in their refrigerator or in their closet reach their expiry date and offers two options: to consume the product as soon as possible or donate it to an association.

GASPIFINDER The site lists, for consumer goods, the time after which the product is still edible after passing the BBD (Best before date).

SALVAGE SUPPERCLUB An American invented the restaurant in dumpster. The concept: consists of food products which are unsold, donated or unexpired or sourced from partner farmers. It intends to raise awareness about waste. A part of the profits is also donated to an association working for sick children.

RECYCLE EVERYTHING Recycling and reuse are pillars of responsible consumption. Through simple gestures and also with the help of innovative initiatives, we have more and more opportunities to act for a better consumption model.

RECYCLE GIFTS Envirobank proposes to set up vending machines both in public places and in shops, which can recycle empty bottles to earn travel tickets, show tickets or discount codes. A similar device already exists in Beijing, in order to encourage recycling of bottles in exchange for free transport.

SO-SAV Since 2011, this start-up offers to teach us to fix ourselves using electronic products. On their sites, we can find spare parts, all necessary tools but mainly free user manuals online. Step by step, we can now deal with the damaged vibrator of our iPhone or broken screen of our Nintendo DS.

ADVENT OF "UPCYCLING" On March 5, 2014, first "Upcycling Day" was held at the Cergy-Pontoise University. The central idea: any object or material can have a second life and we can all contribute to a new production model by innovating and promoting reuse of goods for new varied uses. Going beyond recycling, upcycling imagine a circle of endless life of materials and objects.

LE COMPTOIR GÉNÉRAL This "den of ghetto culture," as it is called, set up the Centre des Objets Perdus (Centre of Lost Objects) in which one can find many items recycled by modern rag-pickers of Paris. Kings of the recycling craft and champions of recycling; they bring their findings to the Centre and are remunerated decently, while promoting the "upcycling" of found objects. An excellent social and responsible initiative!

REINVENTION OF FARMS New farming systems are developing in the rural areas as well as in the city. In order to produce locally or to capitalize on resources which are still little exploited, new concepts are deployed for the prevention of pollution and transportation costs.

LYON URBAN FARM A new concept of gardening was imagined: in an area of 1000m2, salads are placed on a conveyor belt and illuminated with LEDs, on three floors according to their maturity. Less pesticide is used, a little space is wasted: a concept of the future that can be adapted for all fruits and vegetables once the salad testing is confirmed.

FARMING IN CONTAINER In Berlin, an aquaponic farm was developed: two containers are stacked, there is fish farm in the bottom one and vegetable farm in the top container. Plants purify the water, and are fed fish excreta that turn into a kind of compost. Production takes place in a closed circuit, with zero waste.

URBAN MUSHROOM FARM Inspired by the principles of the blue economy, advocating the adaptation of models of the environment in our production systems, UpCycle launched the first urban mushroom farm of Paris in 2012. From bio-waste, mushrooms up to 10 tonnes can be grown on an area of 30m2. Enough to feed a large number of people, with local produce!

METHANISATION Breeders can now have a new source of income while contributing to the energy generation in a new manner. The emission of methane from animal excrement, greenhouse gas emissions, can be recovered to generate electricity and is then sold to EDF. An initial investment which is quite cost-effective for many farms.

FINANCE IS FOR THE PLANET The world of finance can also become more responsible. A more sustainable global economy is developing from new forms of investment and savings.

SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) Despite the lack of information on Socially Responsible Investment, the idea of investing responsibly interested more and more people in France. By financing companies or public organizations working for sustainable development, SRI is a new way of commitment towards a new economy.

FOREST FINANCE The group works for the reforestation of the Panama and seeks to create and restore forests for economic gains and to manage them sustainably. We can invest, through Livrets Arbre (€ 33/month) or a CacaoInvest (commitment over 25 years), while helping to create fixed jobs for the local population working in the forest industry.

COOPERATIVE CREDITS Crédit coopératif offers commitment of savings to its customers. When selecting the type of cause for which we want to act, we can find the proper placement, allowing us to combine performance and responsible action.

"GREEN BONDS" To accelerate the energy transition, more and more businesses and local communities are using the "green bonds" to seek funds. In the bond market, Green bonds and standard bonds are little different. An exception: the green bonds are intended to finance only ecological projects - and these days they are better rated than the standard ones. Hence the increased craze!

"Consumers  want to feel good about their  decisions;

to know that  their  buying  choices are supporting  responsible  companies"

Sarah Young, spokesperson for Levis Strauss & Co.

 in Stylus:


Even if the social consciousness is indeed present, consumers do not always know what to do. To invest in a new economy is not only a real necessity, but also a

real opportunity for brands.


Chapter 3


43% the French nationals say that they  would like to  consume more responsibly, and 41% say they would

contribute to reducing their energy consumption

Ethnicity 2014

#1 ECHOING THE ASPIRATIONS OF THE CONSUMERS The French people want to consume better, but this is not always motivated by purely altruistic aspirations. Whether it's for their personal well-being or that of their families, to enjoy things longer or to have fun with a clear conscience, their goals should be understood and appreciated without being judgemental.

UNILEVER With the campaign "Why  bring a child  into  this world?", Unilever promotes its Sunlight project and it commitment for a better world. The PGC group values this goal by echoing a powerful and truthful insight: the world is what you make it. Thus, it encourages best practices and stays committed.

Check the video:

PROJECT ARA A modular smart phone, with room for improvement, both in its hardware and in its software. Thanks to Google, we can always have access to the state-of-the-art technology without having to breaking the Bank, without having to discard and buy back constantly.

"RAW FOR THE OCEAN" G-Star RAW & Pharrell Williams associate themselves with

Bionic  Yarn to create the first collection of jeans from fabrics created with plastic waste recovered from the ocean. Stay in fashion by consuming responsibly: a beautiful awareness campaign taking into account the expectations patterns of consumers.

Check the video:

#2 OFFERING THE POSSIBILITY TO MAKE A TRUE CHOICE People want to change their habits but do not always know how to do. Be transparent, promote comparison, test, guide them to understand the issues, make them know the different solutions and engage them to facilitate their contributions: these are all ways to bring alcohol drinks and brands, with honesty and support at all times.

VEJA The shoe brand is committed to producing its products as ethically as possible. However, it also recognizes that everything is not perfect and has full transparency in the project, to avoid any possible consumer side disappointment.

Check the site:

E-LECLERC By affixing a label on products which are considered 'responsible', it helps its customers and leads to the best choice for them and for the


SUPER U With the "low prices that have nothing to hide" campaign, Super U demonstrates its promise of trade that benefits everyone. Detailing each component of the selling price, the brand highlights its fair remuneration for producers, demonstrating its social commitment in favour of a more ethical consumerism.

UNITED BY BLUE Every in-store purchase leads to a commitment by the brand to remove a half kilo of waste in the ocean. The brand is thus doing a good deed on behalf of the consumer, who has accomplished their B.A. via shopping, without too many complications.

Check the publication:

#3 SMALL GESTURES THAT HAVE MEANING Sometimes it is the small everyday gestures that make things change, and some brands have clearly understood this. Rather than working too hard for a great cause, brands can choose to develop small initiatives that raise awareness or make people act in a simple step by step manner.

FRANPRIX ROUNDING An association becomes easier with Franprix and its principle of rounding. Round up on your races and give a few cents every time you cash out.

YVES ROCHER FOUNDATION The Foundation promotes biodiversity and proposes actions to achieve the same through the brand. "Plant a Tree" is a simple and applicable option by the brand for a consumer delighted to have been able to share a simple and fast way.

VITTEL In June 2014, the brand offered its  Facebook fans the

opportunity to make all  new sneakers, made with the fabric of their sofa. It thus hopes to encourage less laziness, more

physical activity - and more recycling!

# 4 COMMITTING FOR THE LONG TERM The relationship must not stop at the purchase and re-purchase. Brands can build a lasting relationship through new services to diversify the business: rent, buy second hand, repair, recovery, recycling, reuse, reprint, etc. They can prolong the life of their product and the duration of the customer relationship while creating a much stronger emotional and multidimensional connection.

NUDIE REPAIR SHOP The jeans brand offers consumers the option to live in their favourite jeans longer by offering solutions for repair, in-store or via online guides. Nudie has also implemented recycling solutions along with repair and reuse of worn out jeans.

PUMA INCYCLE COLLECTION Changing the production cycle is challenging for any brand. Puma

did for its first collection in 2013 - InCycle, manufacturing biodegradable products and offering it to consumers with solutions for

recycling and reuse.

IKEA The furniture giant has several initiatives to promote recycling, selling second hand furniture, etc. The "second life" program in France, the "Second Hand" campaigns in Sweden and the United Kingdom, the possibility of recovery or repair: these are all measures that illustrate the commitment of the brand to a more responsible consumption.

THANK YOU WATER Finance brand with a share of its profits used to ensure access to safe drinking water projects in areas where access is difficult. With their "Track Your Impact " application, it is possible to follow the exact impact of our purchase and the specific project which we are helping to fund.

!! CAUTION "ETHICALWASHING" !! Many brands multiply the operations, targeting the buzz to improve their image without really engaging. Risk: away from its consumers breaking the established trust! Because today consumers have all the tools to distinguish the genuine commitment. Also numerous associations shall ensure help to consumers to move.

Document produced by Paola Craveiro & Mathieu Genelle  


CONTACT US Hélène Meinerad +33 (0)6 16 72 09 46 [email protected]

Mathieu Genelle +33 (0)6 19 76 11 95 [email protected]