consumer buying behaviour with computer industry

CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR - INTRODUCTION The job of marketer is to meet and satisfy target customers needs and wants but “knowing customer" is not a simple task. Understanding the buying behavior of the target market for its company products is the essential task for the marketing dep’t. The job of the marketers is to “think customer” and to guide the company into developing offers, which are meaningful and attractive to target customers and creating solutions that deliver satisfaction to the customers, profits to customer and benefits to the stakeholders. Marketers must study the customer taste, preferences, wants, shopping and buying behavior because such study provides the clues for developing the new products, price, product changes, messages and other marketing mix elements. In understand the concept of buying we have the some of the key questions. They are: -

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Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry


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The job of marketer is to meet and satisfy target customers needs and wants but

“knowing customer" is not a simple task. Understanding the buying behavior of the

target market for its company products is the essential task for the marketing dep’t.

The job of the marketers is to “think customer” and to guide the company into

developing offers, which are meaningful and attractive to target customers and

creating solutions that deliver satisfaction to the customers, profits to customer and

benefits to the stakeholders.


Marketers must study the customer taste, preferences, wants, shopping and buying

behavior because such study provides the clues for developing the new products,

price, product changes, messages and other marketing mix elements. In understand

the concept of buying we have the some of the key questions. They are: -

     Why does the market buying?                       Objective

     Who does the market buying?                       Organization

     What does the market buying?                      Objects

     When does the market buying?                     Occasions

     Where does the market buying?                    Outlets

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     How does the market buying?                       Operations

Along with that there are two more questions that are also related with above. They

are: -

     How do the buyer’s characteristics influence the buying behavior?

     How does the buyer make purchasing decisions?

These are some of questions that solutions help to predict the buying behavior.




According to the concept of marketing the buying behavior can be divided in two

ways :-


1. Consumer Behavior: - It includes that user who buys the product for the direct

consumption, not to use for further sale purpose. Like as home users.


2. Business Behavior: - It includes those users who buy the product for the further

sale purpose. Like as shopkeepers, dealers, and retailers.


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In the buying behavior there are different roles played in each of consumer and

business. Those are involved in the buying decisions.



In the consumer buying there are different buying roles; i.e.

     Initiator: -- A Person who first suggest the idea of buying.

     Influencer: - A Person who influence the buying decision.

     Decider: - A Person who takes decisions regarding buying

     Buyer: - A Person who actually buys the products.

     User: - A Person who is the user of the product.



In the business buying there are different buying roles; i.e.

     Approver: -- A Person who approves the idea of buying.

     influencer: -- A Person who influence the buying decision.

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     Decider: -- A Person who takes decisions regarding buying

     Buyer: -- A Person who actually buys the products.

     User: -- A Person who is the user of the product.



There is a great difference between the purchasing of a computer and a car. Buying

decisions making varies with the type of buying decision. The types of buying

behavior divided are separately divided as per of consumer and business buying.




This is to be extensively divided in four types: -


1. Complex Buying Behavior: -- when the consumer are highly involved in the

purchase and aware of significant differences among brands.

2. Dissonance Reducing Buying Behavior: -- when the consumer are highly

involved in the purchase but sees little differences among brands.

3. Habitual Buying Behavior: -- when the consumer are low involved in the

purchase but sees absence of aware of differences among brands.

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4. Variety Seeking Buying Behavior: -- when the consumer are low involved in

the purchase but sees significant of differences among brands.



This is to be extensively divided in four types: -

1. Straight Rebuy: -- In this buyer approves the purchasing on the basis of the

past buying records and satisfaction with suppliers.

2. Modified Rebuy: -- where the buyer wants to modify product specifications.

Prices, delivery requirements.

3. New Task: -- when the buyer approves the purchasing of product for the first

time by consisting of the good and efficient salesperson.

So, that it’s the types of the buying behavior of consumer as well as business




There are various factors that affect the buying behavior on both consumer as well

as business buying.



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Cultural Factors        



Sub Culture


Social Class

Personal factors      



Life Styles


Social Factors    

References Group




Roles and Statues















Cost of Money








Inter – Personal    












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So, these are the factors that affect the consumer as well as business buying




Consumers make the decision on the different brands available in the market. They

will give the choice over the different brands. So there is a model that describes

how the consumers make the choice and preferences over the different brands.

The Following is the model of buying decision-making: -

1. Total Set: - In this they used to maintain the list of the all-leading brand to those

particular products, that are available in the market.

2. Awareness Set: - After that they used to make the list of those selected brands

with that they are something knows and aware about their products.

3. Consideration Set: - After that they used to make the list from the list of known

brands, about those they know something better than other brands.

4. Choice Set: - After the consideration of some brands, a list of choice brands

those having the greater chances of acceptance over others.

5. Decision Set: - After the all of the process in last most preferred, most

acceptable during the buying decision process.

So that it’s a process, which defines that, how a buying decisions are made

among the number of brands available In the market.

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So that it’s all about the general buying behavior of cons, and business buying

according to marketing concept, because to understand and making study

over buying behavior first its necessary to aware with concept of buying






Understanding the buying behavior of the target market for its company products is

the essential task for the marketing dep’t. The job of the marketers is to “think

customer and to guide the company into developing offers, which are meaningful

and attractive to target customers and creating solutions that deliver satisfaction to

the customers, profits to customer and benefits to the stakeholders.

The computer processor company divides its buying behavior in both way i.e.

Consumer and Business. The both of term have same meaning as to define in the

chapter of buying behavior. The both consumer and business are divided further as

SMB —Small Medium Big - to identify the type of client according to their sales

and SMB have their own group of clients.



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It includes all those person who are the direct user of the computers and their

processors or for their employees and family member use. They are not indulging

in the sale activity of the computer and other Products. i.e. home users, companies

for their employees.



It includes all those person who are not the direct user of the computers and their

processors or for their employees and family member use. They are indulging in

the sale activity of the computer and other Products. They can also be authorized

from companies i.e. Intel. i.e. hp, HCL, Assemblers.


There is model of the both of behavior as suggested by companies with the

dividing in the SMB, the both of the buying behavior. The models are below

for both behaviors: -



S – M – B


Home PC users


Departmental Stores

Small Industries

Banks, Insurance

Laptop Users

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Shop Keepers

And Self-Employed

Small Software Companies Big Industries

Software Comp.






S – M – B



Small Traders

Small Assemblers

Whole — Sellers

Big Assemblers

Intel Agents

Auth. Assemblers

e.g. HP, HCL, ACER

Super Store Retailers



So that’s all about the category of computer processors buying behavior as to each

divided in SMB as to their use and sales point. Now we will be discuss with the

concept of the from the point our study and discuss how these companies make it


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In this report we are making a study report for the buying behavior of Processors in

order to know the position of different sets Processors brands of different

companies in the market. So that we divide the problem in sub parts to make the

good and result oriented study report. Problem defined as: -


     What is the Position of the computer processors all companies in the Indian


     Different players in the processor market.

     Perception of dealers and consumer about these companies.

     Physical distribution of these companies competing with others.

     Taste and preferences of dealer and consumer towards computer.

     Price effect over consumer and dealer between competitions. Marketing and

sales promotion activity of these companies.

     Competition in terms of price, technology and after sale service.

     Find out the consumer and business target groups.


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So as to study the buying behavior we divide the problem overstated parts, so that

it can be easily formulate and solved.



Every one knows the time of manual working and now we have different set of

machines for the different work, it makes our work very easy and fast. In these

machines computer is one and buying of a computes is not a simple task. In that

buying behavior for the computer processors has Its own significance. For that we

divide the problem as stated in above sect and each problem has its own

significance to answer the following questions: -

     Why, When, How, What, where and who is buying the Computer?

     Why, When, How, What, where and who is buying processors and which


     Why, When, How, What, where and who is buying only INTEL processors?

     Why, When, How, What, where and who is buying other than INTEL


In the, context of the solving these questions, problem has significance in the form

of the over stated questions?

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Every one knows the time of manual working and now we have different set of

machines for the different work, it makes our work very easy and fast. In these

machines computer is Wonderful invention of the men among the different

machines and result is that today this machine is ready to beat the man mind, but

before this computer was not as it looks and works today. In the age of 1940

computer was invented by Americans for the purpose made easy the chemical

equation, which were used later on in Second World War as atom bomb, for which

equations were firstly made on computers. That time size was very big and

requires a one room space for this machine, but time to time technology

advancement and its necessity in different fields increase it utility and on the other

hand decrease in its size. Today computer is portable that we can wear it on wrist

as wristwatch. That is possible due to of the changes in the IC technology and

result is that today computer is emerged as big industry of the world. Computer

ranked as industry in the age of 1970 in USA and after that in other countries of

world, because it creates the lots of business, employment, business resource,

foreign exchange etc.

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Computer industry is broadly in two types.

1. Computer Software Industry :- Computer software means all those application

programs, which we cannot touch but see and computer software industry means

that providing the business opportunities and employment in the field of computer

software development.


2. Computer Hardware Industry :- Computer hardware means all those parts,

which we can touch and see and computer hardware industry means that providing

the business opportunities and employments in the field of computer software




Computer industry has the number of player in each software and hardware

industry in the world. Now we have a look over the major players of this industry

in India. They are: -





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        In USA Computer industry shares the 48% of the total income where as in

INDIA it shares only 12% of the income and major portion goes to software


        In USA Computer industry provides the employment about 5.5 Iakhs and in

INDIA 78 thousands approx. yearly and also the major portion goes to

software industry.

        In USA 62% of population is dependent on the computer industry and where

as in INDIA this ratio only is 8% of population.

        In INDIA computer industry shares the 10.9% of Export in form of software

industry and 20 % of Import in form of hardware industry.

        In India only the 6-computer hardware companies and 13 computer software

industry companies are listed in Indian stock exchanges.

        Today the computer industry shares the 28.9% of the total of world income.

        Today INDIA have 5computer behind 100 peoples and whereas in USA

ration is 98 computer behind 100 people.


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Everyone related with the IT or Infotech knows that a processor is the one a chip

“heart of the computer”. There no. of companies that’s provides the sales support

services and product services worldwide. In India there are only no. of companies

that’s provides the computer processors for the home PC and as well as for the

office use. The each of the companies having the set of different processors that’s

are segmented on the basis of price and technology. Because in the computer

processor market the price and technology plays the interchangeable role, but the

technology advancement creates a mark able and vital role as competitive weapon.

The different companies that are present in India, They are follows :-








In India there is only four companies is exist, but present scenario tells about only

the three companies except Celeron because it’s near about to end from the Indian

processor market.


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Intel is the world first, largest processor manufacturing company. Intel was

established in the age of 1960 with its first product a computer processor named

with 8080 and after that in every decades Intel launched the many versions of the

processor named in number terminology i.e. 8084, 8085 etc till the age, of 1980’s

After 1980’s Intel uses name terminology of processor named Pentium—I,

Pentium— 2 etc. With the advancement of technology in IC’s technology for the

personal computers. After 1995 along with the processor and chipset Intel

launched the motherboards and other networking peripheral i.e. Hub, Web-

Camera, VGA cards and Network cards. After that Intel launches the processor for

the PC as welt as for the servers named XEON and for notebook computers named

Pentium—4 M. Intel keeps the range of products of different segments to meet out

the competition and change. Intel R & D division is continuously engaged to come

out with the latest state of the art product in the IT hardware sector. Today Intel is

world’s only company that produces more than the 8 hardware devices for the

computer with world best rated technology.




        Intel is the 4th known brand In the world and 2nd in the world Infotech


        Intel comes under the list of top 10 companies of the world.

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        Intel is first, largest and ranked as number one processor and chipset

manufacturing company in the world.

        Intel has presence in 45 countries worldwide but has representatives in 22

offices around the world.

        Intel is only Company that has the first largest investment in IT Hardware


        Intel is an ISO—9001 and ISO—9002 company.

        Intel employs approximately 80,000 people in 45 nations worldwide.

        Intel satisfies the approx.92.5% of the IT people worldwide.

        Intel is only World Company that produces more than 8 devices of


        Intel is only world company that produces the all type of processors i.e.

server processors, PC processors, notebook processors etc.

        Intel have their alliance and premium provider in each of operating country.

        In India Intel enjoying the approx. 93% market share of IT hardware since




In India Intel enjoying the approx. 93% market share of IT hardware since 1998.

Intel products in India in age of 1980’s but with their representatives in 1997. Now

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in India Intel have one head office and two marketing office whose address are



Intel Head Office in India : -


136, Airport Road, Banglore 560017

Intel Marketing Office in India :-


45, Tech Park, Mumbai


Gresco Corporate Center, Nehru Place, New Delhi



INTEL has number of products that are used worldwide computers. They are



        Mother boards


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        Communication devices

        Storage products

Intel processors are bringing desktop and notebook computing to new levels of

speed and convenience, and extending Intel® Architecture to new levels of

technical computing performance, offering you all the compatibility and reliability

you’d expect from Intel.


Highlighted Processors products of Intel are: --





INTEL has eight strategic alliances worldwide and premium providers are

exclusive of operating country those provide the sales support services and product

services worldwide. They are: -


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BEA Alliance

IBM And Intel

Microsoft And Intel

Broad vision Alliance

Oracle Alliance

SAP And Intel

SAS And Intel

Intel i2 Alliance



Premium Provider in India Provides

TCS Customized Business Software’s

IDBI Financial Assistance

N ICON SYSTEMS Hardware Assistance

KARISHMA SOFT Doctors Software

HCL Assembler

HP Assembler





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“The era of technology for technology’s sake is behind us. Innovation driven by

real customer needs — ‘customer-Hector Ruiz

Founded in 1969 and based in Sunnyvale, California, AMD provides

microprocessors, Flash memory devices, and silicon-based solutions for our

customers in the communications and computer industries worldwide.

However, our focus goes beyond integrated circuits and transistors. AMD is

committed to helping our customers — and their customers — take advantage of

the phenomenal capacity of silicon to add value and help differentiate their

offerings. To that end, AMD products are developed with customer needs always

in mind and not for the sake of innovation alone. Stated more plainly, it means that

AMD exists to provide real solutions for real customer problems that exist in the

real world today. AMD refer to this philosophy as “customer-centric innovation”

and it represents the guiding principle behind everything.

AMD provide the different solutions in: -

        Recommended motherboards.

        Cooling solutions.

        Power supplies.

        Storage devices.


        Communication devices.


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AMD has number of products at their different percentage as their product mix.

Products %age

Processors 65%

Mother Boards 18%

Chipsets 10%

Communication Devices 5%

Storage Devices 2%




AMD has manufacturing facilities in the United States, Europe, Japan and Asia,

and sales offices in major cities around the globe. Founded in 1969 and based in

Sunnyvale, California, AMD had revenues of approximately $2.7 billion in 2002.

A truly global company, AMD derives more than half of its revenues from

international markets. Shares of the company trade on the New York Stock

Exchange under the symbol AMD.

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One AMD Place

P.O. Box 3453

Sunnyvale, California 94088-3453

(408) 749-4000





AMD provides the support services to their consumers, to get the maximum

consumer satisfaction. The services are: --

        After sales services.

        Warranty and credit facility.

        Services by premium provider in each country.

        The download area offers software, drivers, plug-ins and other utilities for

your products,

        Quickly locate a variety of product support information throughout the

Technical Support site.

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                 May 1, 1969 - AMD incorporates with $100,000.

                 September 1969 - The company moves to new headquarters at 901

Thompson Place, Sunnyvale.

                 November 1969 - First good die emerges from Fab 1, the Am-9300, a 4-bit

MSI shift register.

                 1970 - First proprietary product introduced, the Am-2501.

          January 1973 - First overseas manufacturing base in Penang, Malaysia, in

volume production.

                 1975 - AMD enters the RAM market with the AM-9102.

                 April 1987 - AMD and Monolithic Memories Inc. agree to merge.

                 March 1991 - AMD introduces the AM386 microprocessor family, breaking

the Intel monopoly.

                 February 1992 - Five-year arbitration with Intel ends, with AMD awarded

full rights to make and sell the entire Am-386 family of microprocessors.

                 April 1993 - First members of the Am-486 microprocessor family are


                 January 1994 - Compaq Computer Corp. and AMD form long-term alliance

und which Am486 microprocessors will power Compaq computers.

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                 March 10, 1994--Federal court jury confirms AMD’s right to Intel

microcode in 287 math coprocessor trial.

                 1997 - AMD introduces AMD-K6 processor.

                 1998 - AMD and Celeron announce long-term alliance to develop copper

                 2001—AMD introduces AMD AthlonTM XP processor.

                 2001—AMD introduces AMD Athlon MP dual processor for servers and


                 2002—AMD introduces first Flash memory device based on Mirror BitTM


                 2003—AMD introduces AMD OpteronTM processor for servers and


                 2003—AMD introduces AMD Athlon 64 processor for desktop and

notebook PCs.

                 2003—AMD introduces the AMD Athlon 64 FX processor, enabling

cinematic computing on the desktop



These companies having the presence over 45 countries but has representatives in

offices around the world. They are: -

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Asia Pacific Region Europe Middle East & Africa Region

Australia Belgium

China France

Hong Kong Germany

India Ireland

Korea Israel

Singapore Poland

Taiwan Russia

Sweden United Kingdom


Latin America Region North America Region

Chile United States


Costa Rica Japan

Mexico Tokyo

Project Report on Intel Processors Vs. AMD Processors



After the formulation of the problem for the study and the having the significance

of problem we have the some of the research objectives for that we are doing the

study’ because with out any objective nothing is to be a study report. The research

objectives of this study are as below stated: -

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           First and utmost findings the consumer and business buying

behavior for Processors.

           Perception and awareness level of all companies in the market.

           Determination of customer satisfaction level in regard to various

brands with Intel.

           Factor affecting the buying behavior of processors.

           Physical distribution of these companies competing with others.

           Difference between these companies in terms of product attributes.

           Find out the consumer and business target groups.

           To know the consumer and dealer profile of these companies

customer and dealers.

           Identify the problem of consumer and dealer with these companies.

           Taking the suggestions and complaints of the consumer and dealer.


So that we are taking these some of the research objectives on which our study is



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After getting through of the research objectives now we go through step of the

preliminary investigation to find out the necessary information to fill out the

objectives of the study. The information expected to be collect on the basis of the

preliminary investigation are: -

           The various brands and available companies in the market.

           The various feature of various brands competing with the Intel

           List of all dealer and auth. assembler in New Delhi.

           Various promotional, marketing, advertisements, sales activity and

physical distribution of these companies.

           Competition in terms of price and technology between different


           Future marketing plan from point of competition.

           List of strategic alliances and premium providers and their services.

           Mapping of buying behavior.

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So that to fill out the objectives of study I have done the preliminary

Investigation on overstated defined points and after that a list of needed

information prepared in next chapter.



To study the buying behavior it necessary to aware with the market change

in few years, because day by day the awareness of the computers is

growing bind along with that the entry of new players in the market grow

rapidly. That has drastically hits the traditional processors market and

makes the many changes in the few years. As to in the processor market

the change is not only due to of competition but along with the change of

technology. To see the market changes in few years we have to go through

with the existing literature of processor market. In the computer studies as

to not of such of studies are done only of few studies were done regarding

computers and their perspectives by foreign as well as by the foreign

writers. So some of the content can be used for this study, the few studies

are used they are: -


     DR. S.P Joseph, “Computer and Human — Relation of IC and

Blood”, A.M.K. University, South Africa, 1998.

     Louis. E. Frenzel, “Computers — Futures Man By Man”, Parsons

Electronics, USA, 2001.

Page 31: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

     Dr. A.K. Shiva “Computer Impact over Human lives”, Banglore

University, India, 1998.

     Mr. Arun Jain, “Customer Satisfaction Level of Intel Products”,

Trainee at INTEL, G.G.S. University, 2002.


The some of useful and meaningful point of existing literature for this

study are: --

                 Customers of the processors are not only interested to the price but

they pay more stress towards the advancement of technology for

easy and speedy work.

                 Computer has made greater impact over human lives rather than the

other technology invention and advancement.

                 Computer is another name of change, with that in each one or two

years in computers technology changes is not a big and new thing.

                 Initially computers only provide the limited range of services but

today we can not think any service without computers.

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                 Till 1960 computers have the presence only in 5 countries around

the globe but today approx. each and every country of world have


So these are the extract of the computer literature that is useful towards the

solution of buying behavior.



Satisfaction is a person felling of pleasure or disappointment resulting

from comparing a products perceived performance in relation to his or her

expectations. So this study mainly focuses on: -

                 The satisfaction level of customers the study based on the feedback

collected from the filled questionnaire.

                 Whether the customer is satisfied with the supplied product and not.

                 If customer is satisfied up to what extent and if is not satisfied why.

What is the reason behind this?

                 Factors that affect the buying behavior as well as the customer


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                 How customer taste and preferences affects the company marketing


                 How company is able to cater the demand and need of different

target groups.



This study report has scope of understanding the different aspects of

buying and this can be used in future for further study for: --

                 To understand the future demand of consumer and dealer

                 To understand the future processor market characteristics.

                 For making of better competition strategy in changing environment.

                 Future marketing war and promotional plans decisions.

                 For the study of future buying behavior affecting factor prediction.

                 To check the customer satisfaction and brand awareness.

                 Suggestions and complaints can be considered for future products.

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So, those are the points of the future scope this study, in which this study

can be used.




The research is a systematic, collection, recording and analyzing of data

about the problem relating to the marketing of goods and services, It

involves the diagnosis of information needs and the selection of relevant

inter-related variables about which valid and reliable information is

gathered, recorded and analyzed.

This chapter of research methodology of report consisting of the series of

steps of research process for the study “BUYING BEHAVIOR OF

COMPUTER PROCESSORS”. This chapter consisting of the research

process in both the aspect i.e. consumer buying behavior and business

buying behavior for different computer processors. Along with this it

explains the all of the research tools from collection of data till analyzing

of collected data.

Sample Size :

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Sales Persons        :         7

Dealers                  :         20

Consumers            :         55

Sampling Method                   :         Convenience Sampling.

Data Collection                       :         Primary & Secondary Data.



After making of the list of the needed information, source of data and the

sampling plan the next step is taken out for the collection of data. In this

study of the data is collected from primary as well as secondary data. The

details of the source of the data are :

     Primary & Secondary Data.

Primary Data : Primary data are collected with the help of :

     Questionnaire, Survey and feedback form.

     Through interviewing of consumer and dealer.

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     Product supplement and Manual.

     Product warranty cards.

Secondary Data :  Secondary data are collected with the help of :

     From the books and journals of Intel.

     From the site,

     Information from different officials.

     From the magazines and newspapers article of Intel and others.



After identify the variables and other factor on that basis the data is to be

analyzed it is necessary to identify the tools and instrument through which

the analysis of data is to be done and presented. So that it lead to the

meaningful and good results from the analysis. In this study, we use the

following instrument of analysis of data :-


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                       Graphs and Charts






                 Most of the owners belongs to the income group of 300,000 and

student category but on the other hand dealer have turnover

around Rs. 15,00,000.

                 85 % respondents have the PC and on other hand only 5% have the

laptop computer own and in that 92 have Intel Based processors.

                 97% are aware and performance about the Intel Brand and only 2%

are aware about the AMD Processors.

                 90% are overall satisfied with the Intel Processors but on the other

hand AMD have the 5% of the overall customer satisfaction level.

Page 38: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

                 74% of the population says that the effective product education and

supplement is to be supplied with the product and 90% of the

Population know about the Intel service providers and overall

satisfied with that.

                 92% of the population are strongly agreed that Intel uses the world

best Technology in their processors.

                 84% of the population considered the technology first while

purchasing the processors and the consumer perception about speed,

company, technology, after sale service, warranty policy and price is


                 Friends and family members have the more influence in buying


                 95% of the Intel Dealers says that the Intel have the maximum sale,

most population, customer satisfaction than others.

                 88% of the dealers are the authorized dealer of Intel and they deal in

genuine Intel Products.

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                 Dealers say our 92% customers are satisfied and Intel influences the

choice of consumers rather than the other brand in the market.

                 Dealers says the frequency of visit of Intel supervisor is mostly 2- 4

days in a week and 80% of the dealer are unsatisfied with the

promotional activities of Intel and provides the marketing support to

big dealers only.

                 91% of the dealer grades the Intel as the first position among other




The most preferred and strong points are observed and find during the study are:

                 Intel products have the more customers irrespective of other

competitors i.e. AMD.

                 Intel premium providers are very happy with the Intel business


                 As the advertisement expenses of Intel are very low but in

comparison to others the brand awareness of Intel is very high.

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                 In India Intel is only company that providing the Laptop products

and other accessories up to latest technology and also the number of

range of products in laptop computers rather than other companies

i.e. AMD and Cyrix.

                 Intel divides its buying behavior consumer and business buyers in

SMB unlike other competitors for facilitating the quality products

and services.

                 Friends and family members influence respondents more

advertisements have comparatively less influence on buying

decision. Relatives have negligible influence on purchase decision.

                 Irrespective of price the technology and speed are most preferred


                 Perception of consumer about the attributes like product, company,

technology is favorable to Intel.

                 The main problem of consumer is find to be the price of product

irrespective to others competitor i.e. AMD and Cyrix.

                 The main problem of dealer is find to be that no advertisement

assistance any other sales promotional and discount schemes for


                 The customer satisfaction of Intel consumer and dealer is

remarkable in comparison of other competitors.


Page 41: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

The complaints that are encountered during the study period from

dealer as well as customers in suggestions columns of questionnaire

are: -

                 The first ever complaint of Intel product is that price of all product

in comparison to other is very high.

                 Consumer says Intel gives 5-year warranty on their product but

dealers gives only for 1 year.

                 Number of Advertisement on television is very less.

                 Intel after sale service towards laptop products is not satisfactory.

                 No range available for laptop products in any of brands.

                 Intel after sales service is not satisfactory.

                 Procedure for replacement of product is very lengthy and it takes

lots of time.

                 Service cost of premium provider is very costly and not satisfactory

up to cost.

Page 42: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

                 Dealer says any company does not give the advertisement


                 Intel attitude towards sub — dealer is not up to remark.

                 Dealer says that sales and promotional activities are not satisfactory.



As the recommendations that are given by the dealer and consumer in

suggestions columns of questionnaire for Intel are: -

                 As price is most preferred attribute, so prices of product should be

reduced as to make price competitive.

                 After sales service should be improved, by the arrangement of

authorized service centers and dealers.

                 More advertisement should be given on television, newspapers etc.

and based on children’s and family members.

                 The Company should provide promotional schemes & discount

scheme to satisfy the consumers.

Page 43: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

                 Advertisement for business buyers should be given and

advertisement assistance should be given to dealers.

                 Service of premium providers should be in reach of each user by

reducing the prices and more service centers should be opened.

                 Intel should sponsors the T.V. programs, films and public services

to promote the brand.

                 The company should promote its brands so that the target

consumers hear its name about the technology.

                 The number of Authorized whole seller and dealer should be


                 The more support should be given to authorized assemblers.



Though every effort was put in to make this report authentic in every

sense, yet there were few factors, which might have their influence on the

final report. Hence limitations of the study are: -

Page 44: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

                 This study is based on the primary data and observations; hence the

probability of personal bias cannot be over rule.

                 Limited time is also a limitation due to much of the dealer and target

consumers are not to be surveyed.

                 This study is conducted only in some part of Delhi due to of limited

time constraints, so that results are confined to that area only.

                 Data could not be collected correctly as sometimes respondents did

not respond seriously to the questions an d their response may not

reflect the real picture.

                 Some times the dealers does not respond correctly due to of

business time and due to of ill mood for conversation but tries to

make possible and unbiased. Respondents, no matter, how honest

they, normally do not exhibit their attribute and this kind of study

retains such limitations.

                 In-co-operation of few dealers and consumers is another limitations

of the study.

Page 45: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

                 Major limitations number of respondent was very small which may

not be true representative of population.


                 In Delhi near about all dealers and retailer of computer hardware

deals in Intel Processor.

                 Latest Technology and speed are the first attribute of choice of

consumer and dealers.

                 All companies divides its buying behavior consumer and business

buyers in SMB unlike other competitors for facilitating the quality

products and services.

                 Dealer says if promotional activities and advertisements are to be

increased then sale can be increased.

                 Discount schemes and gifts should be introduced for big Dealers.

                 Credit period should be allowed.

                 Consumer buyer decision mainly influenced by the friends and

already user views.

Page 46: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

                 Mostly consumers are interested in buying the computers during

budget time.

                 Most of Intel based PC and laptop are happy with their


                 Most of consumers are waiting for the other range of processors.

                 Most of the consumer preferred the technology and speed first

rather than the price and advertisement.


Please Tick () on Choice: -


1)    Do You Own A Computer?A)      Yes                                 B)      No     2)    If No — Which Processor Based Computer Would You Like To Purchase

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix                D) AMD     

And Specify Why


3)    If Yes Please Specify Type of Computer?

Page 47: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

A)      PC                        B)      Notebook              C)      Server         

4)    For Whom Did You Buy PC?

A)      Personal                B)      Spouse                  C)      Children      

5)    Which PC Do You Own?A)      Assembled            B)      HCL            C)      HP          D) Acer6)    Which Processor Your Computer Own?A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix                D) AMD     

7)    Specify Why This


8)    Which processors uses The World Best Technology In Their Products

A) Intel                  B) Celeron             C) Cyrix                D) AMID    

9)    Performance Of Your Computer With above specified Processors IsA)      Excellent      B) Very Good       C) Good      D) Poor       E) Fair 10) Have You Ever Avail Service Of any processors PremiumA)      Yes                       B)      No

If Yes Specify Name _______________________________________

11) Product Education And Supplement With The Product.A)      Manual                                     B) Warranty Card            C)      Credit Facility                           D) All Mentioned  

12) Would You Recommend Any Person To Purchase which Processor?

Specify Name


Page 48: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

13) Which Factor You Consider Most While Purchasing A Processor

A)      Price            B) Speed       C) Company image       D)


14) What is Your Perception About The Following Factor of computer


Factor Excellent Good Poor Can’t Say



Company Name        


After Sale Service        

15) How Did You Came To Know About different brands of processors.A)      Friends        B) Family        C) Advertisements        D) Dealer

16) What is The First Word That Comes In Your Mind When You Hear

About any processors brand.



17) Do You Remember Any processors Advertisement

A)   Yes                       B) NoIf Yes:—

Page 49: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

A)   Intel                B) Celeron             C) Cyrix           D) AMD

Also Specify Media _____________________ Place


18) Do You remember The Punch Line of any processors brandA)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix         D) AMD  



19)    Any Suggestions And Complaints

Respondent Profile —

First Name _________________ Last Name  ________________ Age _______

Address ______________________________________________________ City

_________________ Pin _______________________________________

Phone No ______________ Mobile No _____________ E-Mail ID __________


A)      Student                           B)      Business man

C)      Service man                    D)      Self Employed Annually Family Income ( More than)A) 100,000            B) 150,000            C) 200,000            D) 300,000

Page 50: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry



1)       Are YouA)      Dealer          B) Sub Dealer        C) Retailer             D) Sub Retailer 2)       Which Brand Of Processor Based Computer or Processor Do You     Deal

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

3)       Which Brand Of Processor Based Computer or Processor is Popular, Most Demanded

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

4)       Why It Is Popular Or Demanded Most?

Please Specify _____________________________________________.

5)       Which Type of PC Do You Own?

A)      Assembled            B) HCL       C) HP                   D) Acer      

6)       Are You Authorized Assembler Of any processor brand

A)      Yes                       B)      No

If “YES “please specify

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

7)       Are You Authorized Assembler Of any Assembled PC

Page 51: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

(if Yes Then Specify )

A)      HCL            B) HP                             C) Acer

8)       Which Processor Have the Maximum Sale At To Your Shop?

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

9)       Your Opinion About The Performance Of Computer With computer Processors is

A)      Excellent               B)      Very Good            C)      Good

D)      Poor                     E)      Fair And Which

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix        D) AMD

10)     Rank The Following Brand Of Processor As To Your Perception

(From A to D)

11)     Please Specify To Which fou Influence The Choice Of Customer

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix        D) AMD

12)     The Choice Of Customer Towards Branded System

A)      Always        B) Some Times       C) Mostly              D) Never

13)     Which Factor You and Customer Consider Most While Purchasing A


Page 52: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry

A) Price       B) Speed     C) Company Image         D) Technology14)     Frequency Of Visit Of any brand Supervisor (In a Week)

A)      1—2            B)  2—4                C)  4—5              D)  5—6

And Whom

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix        D) AMD

15)     Which Provides You Necessary Marketing MaterialA)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

16)     If Yes Please Specify

A)      Board          B) Hoarding          C) News Paper ad Support

D)      Glow Sign Board            E) Pamphlets         F) Other

17)     Which Provides You Ever Any Promotional Schemes

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

18)     Please Specify Type _______________________________________.

19)     Would You Recommend Any Person To Purchase Which Processor?

A)      Intel             B) Celeron             C) Cyrix      D) AMD

20)     Any Suggestions And Complaints



Page 53: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry




Profession of Respondents

Response Student Business Man Service Man Self Employed

%age 36 22 17 25

Inference : Most of the consumers of the computers are students.



Income of Respondents

Response 100000 150000 200000 300000

%age 18 15 22 45

Inference : Most of the consumers belongs to Income Group of more than 300000.

Page 54: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry


Which type of Computer Respondents Own :

Response PC Server Laptop

%age 85 10 5

Inference : Most of the consumers own the PC Computer.



Which processor based PC Respondents Own :

Response Intel Celeron Cyrix AMD

%age 92 1 2 5

Inference : Most of the consumers own the Intel Processor Based PC.

Which Processor based Laptop Respondents Own :

Response Intel Celeron Cyrix AMD

%age 98 0 0 2

Inference : Most of the consumers own the Intel Processor Based Notebook Computer.


Page 55: Consumer Buying Behaviour With Computer Industry


Respondent’s awareness and performance about Different Brands :

Response Intel Celeron Cyrix AMD

%age 97 0 1 2

Inference : Awareness and preferences about Intel is more than others.

Overall Performance and satisfaction of your computer with Intel PC is :

Response Excellent V.Good Good Poor

%age 90 6 4 0

Inference : Most of the consumers are satisfied with their Intel Based Computer.



Overall performance and satisfaction of your computer with AMD Based PC.

Response Excellent V.Good Good Poor

%age 10 40 20 30

Inference : Most of the consumers are satisfied with their AMD Based Computers.