contact sheet analysis deisgn


Upload: naomipalfreman36

Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Contact sheet analysis deisgn


Page 2: Contact sheet analysis deisgn

This medium close up shot is one of the selected shortlisted shots taken during our photoshoot.

I like this shot, as I feel as though it captures the collaborative nature of our band, and is a medium loose

frame shot, enabling us to get some white background in the shot useful when it comes to the editing stage of the

project. However, I feel as though the stance modelled by Jasmine

(centre) is too laid back and mundane, which is not conformative to typical album cover designs, of which

present models demonstrating more structured, formal posses, and therefore questioning the validity of this

image as the one to be used for our album cover.

This second medium close up shot is one of my favourite ones. I like the fact that Jasmine (centre) is standing

slightly in front of the male models (savas and luka) as I feel this is conformative of the Indie pop genre, of which

takes a more postmodernist stance on society, and therefore reflects a subverting from typical gender norms,

which will strengthen my conforming to the indie pop genre. I like the focus and quality of this image, especially

with the fact that it’s a medium close up shot, enabling specific features of our models to be highlighted.

One issue with this image, is that the models demonstrate more laid back posses and facial codes. This is a nice

feature for an insert in an album cover, however for the front of an album cover I find it a little too informal because

it challenges the typical structured stereotype of current album covers on the market today.

Page 3: Contact sheet analysis deisgn

This image is a medium close up shot. I really like this head on shot/image as I feel it is conformative of the indie pop genre, as well as representing stances often posed on album covers. I like the fact

that Jasmine (centre) and Savas(right) are facing the camera and looking into the lens as I feel this breaks the forth wall and could allow our target audience to feel closer to the models, attracting

them to my product more. However, Luka (left) is not looking at the camera, and is demonstrating a more candid stance. This is a

shame, as when compared with the other two models facing the camera it looks out of place and unprofessional, which weakens the

use of this image for my final product/album cover.

This final/forth image is probably my favourite. I like this shot not only because it is not as close up as the others, enabling some of the costume code, such as Jasmine’s stockings to be

seen, conformative of the indie pop costume code and therefore our genre, but also because all the models look slightly posed. This is a typical feature of the album cover front cover, as it is quite a formal representation and therefore looks structured and poised. This therefore means that this image would allow

my product to be conforamtive of the indie pop genre and other album covers on todays market. I laos like the fact that Jasmine (centre) plays with her hair as I feel as though this strgethens

her feminiity, at the same time as challenging typical stereotypes by her standing slightly in front of the male models. This strengthens the postmodernist women representation, of

women having a choice of how their presented, and therefore is cofnoramtive further of the indie pop genre which combines

elements of the postmodernist transformation of current society.

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