contemporary islamic philosophy of science


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PHILOSOPHY. of SCIENCE. Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science. The Philosophers. Seyyed Hossein Nasr Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. Syed Muhammad Naquib al- Attas DEWESTERNIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE. What do we know? (al- Attas ). Dynamic Sensible realities: Material or physical entities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science
Page 2: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science

The Philosophers

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

Page 3: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science


Page 4: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science

What do we know? (al-Attas) Dynamic Sensible realities: Material or

physical entities Existence ( Mawjud) = Khalq al-jadid

Static Intelligible realities (Ma’qulat): Conceptual entities

Essence (Mahiyyah) Particular reality (Mawjud)

Matter (Maddiyah) Form (Suriyah)

Universal concept (Wujud)

Absolute Being: Wajib al-Wujud

Page 5: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science

What do we know? (al-Attas) Non Manifested Existence

The Absolute Being The Divine Oneness

Manifested Conceptual Existence Divine Unity The Name & Atributes Permanent Archetypes

Mnifested Physical Existence Exterior Achetypes World of Empirical things

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How do we know? (al-Attas) Senses

External senses: Internal senses:

Common sense Representation Estimation Imagination

Intellect Active intellect: practical reason Cognitive intellect: theoretical reason

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Why do we know? (al-Attas) To attain happiness Happiness (sa’adah)

In this world (dunyawiyyah) Self (nafsiyah) Body (badaniyyah) External things (karijiyyah)

In Hereafter (ukhrawiyah)

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Seyyed Hossein NasrISLAMIC SCIENCE

Page 9: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science

What do we know? (Nasr)

God: the Ultimate Self Reality The Eternal Order The Human Self-awareness The Ordered Nature

Sanatana Dharma Philosophia Priscorium Al-Hikmat al-Khalidah

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How do we know?

work love knowledge karma marga bhakti marga

jnana marga al-makhafah al-mahabbah al-


hylikoi psychoi pneumatikoi muslim mu’min muhsin

Page 11: Contemporary Islamic Philosophy of Science

Why do we know?

To attain Material happiness:

Being in peace and harmony with nature as the manifestation of Divine Majesty and Beauty

Spiritual happiness: return to the Divine Origin

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Naquib al-Attas wants to islamize science by changing the materialistic paradigm with the traditional integrated metaphysics of Islam

Hossein Nasr wants to integrate modern science into the traditional sacred science

Both philosophers return the traditional hierarchy into the modern concept of reality