content manual · pdf file2/11/2016 content manual american board of nuclear medicine i. basic...

2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry 2. Cellular and Molecular Biology a. Optical b. Radionuclide 3. Drug testing and clinical pharmacology 4. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics B. Computer Science 1. Hardware a. CPU b. Data Storage c. Network d. Other 2. Image processing (filters, etc) 3. Other 4. PACs (Picture archiving, and communication systems) 5. Programming C. Instrumentation 1. Electronics a. Analog to digital converters b. Count rate meters c. Other d. Pulse amplifiers e. Pulse-height analyzers 2. Imaging a. Artifacts b. Collimators c. Computed tomography d. Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) e. Film f. Gamma scintillation camera g. Monitors h. MRI i. Optical j. Other

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Page 1: Content Manual · PDF file2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry


Content ManualAmerican Board of Nuclear Medicine

I. Basic ScienceA. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology

1. Biochemistry2. Cellular and Molecular Biology

a. Opticalb. Radionuclide

3. Drug testing and clinical pharmacology4. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

B. Computer Science1. Hardware

a. CPUb. Data Storagec. Networkd. Other

2. Image processing (filters, etc)3. Other4. PACs (Picture archiving, and communication systems)5. Programming

C. Instrumentation1. Electronics

a. Analog to digital convertersb. Count rate metersc. Otherd. Pulse amplifierse. Pulse-height analyzers

2. Imaginga. Artifactsb. Collimatorsc. Computed tomographyd. Dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)e. Filmf. Gamma scintillation camerag. Monitorsh. MRIi. Opticalj. Other

Page 2: Content Manual · PDF file2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry

k. Positron emission tomography (PET)l. Quality Control

m. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)3. Non_imaging_radiation_detectors

a. Dose calibratorb. Gamma well counterc. Gamma/Beta surgical probesd. Liquid scintillation countere. Otherf. Radiation monitoring devicesg. Scintillation probeh. Whole-body counter

D. Physics and Mathematics1. Mathematics

a. Bayes' theoremb. Cost-Effectiveness Analysisc. Counting statisticsd. Math Basicse. Otherf. ROC Curvesg. Statisticsh. Tracer Kinetics

2. Physicsa. Interaction of radiation with matterb. Otherc. Principles of Radiation Detectiond. Radiation unitse. Radioactive decayf. Structure of matter

E. Radiation biology and protection1. Biological effects of radiation exposure

a. Carcinogenic effectsb. Deterministic Effectsc. Mutagenic effectsd. Relative Biological Effectivenesse. Teratogenic effects

2. Dosimetrya. CTb. Nuclear Medicinec. Other

3. Other4. Radiation accident management5. Radiation protection6. Regulations

Page 3: Content Manual · PDF file2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry

a. FDAb. NRCc. Other

F. Radiopharmaceuticals1. Adverse Events2. Formulation3. Kinetics4. Other5. Production of radionuclides6. Quality Control7. Radiopharmacy

Page 4: Content Manual · PDF file2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry

II. Cardiovascular

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. AneurysmC. AtherosclerosisD. AV FistulaE. Heart

1. Artifacts2. Congenital3. Coronary artery disease

a. CT Coronary Arteriographyb. Diagnosisc. Infarct/myocardial viabilityd. Ischemia/Stunning/Hibernating myocardiume. Normalf. Otherg. PETh. Preoperative evaluationi. Response to therapy/Interventionsj. Risk stratification and prognosisk. Stress Testing

4. ECG interpretation5. Exercise physiology6. Extracardiac findings7. Extracardiac findings8. Gated Blood Pool

a. Ejection Fraction Cardiacb. Ejection Fraction Oncologyc. Otherd. Pericardial Effusione. Wall Motion

9. Inflammatory and Infectious10. Metabolic

a. Amyloidosisb. Chemotherapy toxicityc. Normald. Othere. Sarcoidosis

11. Neoplasms

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a. Benignb. Malignant

12. Other13. Transplantation14. Valvular heart disease

F. OtherG. Peripheral vascular diseaseH. PhysiologyI. QuantitationJ. Radiation Dose

K. RadiopharmaceuticalsL. Thombosis (SVC obstruction)

M. VesselsN. Vessels

1. Aneurysm2. Atherosclerosis3. Other4. Thrombosis (SVC obstruction)

Page 6: Content Manual · PDF file2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry

III. Endocrine

A. Adrenal1. Adenoma2. Carcinoma3. Hyperplasia4. Other5. Pheochromocytoma

B. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

C. Neuroendocrine neoplasms1. Adenoma2. Carcinoid3. Carcinoma4. Neuroblastoma5. Other

D. OtherE. Pancreas

1. OtherF. Parathyroid

1. Adenoma2. Carcinoma3. Hyperplasia4. Other

G. PhysiologyH. Pituitary

1. Adenoma2. Carcinoma3. Diabetes Mellitus4. Hyperplasia

I. QuantitationJ. Radiopharmaceuticals

K. Thyroid1. Carcinoma

a. Otherb. Treatment

2. Congenitala. Inherited metabolic disorder

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b. Lingual thyroidc. Other

3. Hyperthyroidisma. Factitiousb. Graves' diseasec. Nodular goiterd. Othere. Therapyf. Thyroiditis

4. Hypothyroidism5. Neoplasms

a. Benign: Diffuse Goiter, Nodulesb. Malignantc. Other

6. Other

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IV. Gastrointestinal

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. Biliary1. Bile leaks/fistulas2. Biliary dyskinesia3. Biliary Obstruction4. Biliary reflux (enterogastric reflux)5. Cholecystitis

a. Acalculousb. Acutec. Chronicd. Gallstonese. Other

6. Cholestasis7. Congenital

a. Biliary atresiab. Choledochal cystc. Other

8. Motility Disordersa. Biliary dyskinesiab. Otherc. Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

9. Neoplasma. Benignb. Malignant

10. Normal11. Other

C. Colon1. Bleeding2. Infection/Inflammatory3. Motility disorder4. Neoplasm

a. Benignb. Malignant

5. Other6. Ulcerative Colitis

D. Congenital

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E. Esophagus1. Bleeding2. Gastroesophageal reflux3. Infection/Inflammatory4. Motility disorder5. Neoplasm

a. Benignb. Malignant

6. OtherF. Liver

1. Benign Neoplasma. Focal nodular hyperplasiab. Hemangiomac. Otherd. Hemangioma

2. Chemotherapy infusion pumps3. Cirrhosis4. Fatty Liver5. Hepatocellular disease6. Hepatomegaly7. Infection/Inflammatory8. Malignant

a. Biliaryb. Hepatocellularc. Metastaticd. Other

9. Other10. Transplantation

G. OtherH. OtherI. Peritoneum

1. Ascites2. Infection/Inflammatory3. Leveen shunt patency/obstruction4. Lymphadenopathy5. Neoplasm

a. Benignb. Malignant

6. OtherJ. Physiology

K. QuantitationL. Radiopharmaceuticals

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M. Salivary GlandsN. Small bowel

1. Benign2. Bleeding3. Crohn's disease4. Malignant5. Meckel's diverticulum6. Motility disorder7. Neoplasm8. Other

O. Spleen1. Accessory spleen2. Infection/Inflammatory3. Neoplasm

a. Benignb. Malignant

4. Other5. Other6. Splenic infarct7. Splenomegaly8. Splenosis

P. Stomach1. Bleeding2. Motility disorder3. Neoplasm

a. Benignb. Malignant

4. Other

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V. General

A. Patient Safety1. Communication

B. PET/CT clinical

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VI. Genitourinary

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. Bladder1. Infection2. Neoplasms

a. Benignb. Malignant

3. Other4. Vesicoureteral reflux

C. Gynecological1. Cervical

a. Benign Neoplasmsb. Infectionc. Malignant Neoplasmsd. Other

2. Other3. Ovarian

a. Benign Neoplasmsb. Infectionc. Malignant Neoplasmsd. Other

4. Uterinea. Benign Neoplasmsb. Infectionc. Malignant Neoplasmsd. Other

5. Vaginala. Benign Neoplasmsb. Infectionc. Malignant Neoplasmsd. Other

D. OtherE. OvariesF. PhysiologyG. Physiology

1. CTH. Prostate

1. Benign Neoplasms

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2. Carcinomaa. Otherb. Prostascintc. Therapy

3. Infection4. Other

I. QuantitationJ. Radiopharmaceuticals

a. MalignantK. Renal

1. Congenitala. Crossed renal ectopiab. Duplicated Collecting Systemc. Horseshoe kidneyd. Othere. Pelvic kidneyf. Polycystic

2. Cysts3. Infections

a. Abscessb. Cystsc. Otherd. Pyelonephritis

4. Neoplasmsa. Benignb. Malignant

5. Obstruction6. Other7. Parenchymal Renal Disease

a. ATNb. Other

8. Quantification9. Quantitation

10. Safety11. Transplantation

a. ATNb. Drug toxicityc. Leak - urinomad. Lymphcoelee. Obstructionf. Otherg. Rejection

12. Vasculara. Infarcts

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b. Otherc. Renal vein thrombosisd. Renovascular hypertension

L. Scrotal/Testicular1. Benign2. Inflammatory_and_Infection

a. Epididymitisb. Orchitis

3. Malignant4. Neoplasms5. Other6. Varicocele7. Vascular/Torsion

M. Ureter

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VII. Musculoskeletal

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. ArtifactC. Bone

1. Arthroplasty2. Benign Neoplasms

a. Fibrous dysplasiab. Hemangiomac. Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathyd. Osteoid osteomae. Otherf. Paget's disease

3. Congenitala. Osteochondrosesb. Otherc. Syndromes

4. Degenerative disease5. Flouride6. Hematological

a. Myelofibrosisb. Otherc. Sickle Cell disease

7. Inflammatory and Infectiona. FUOb. Osteomyelitisc. Otherd. Prostheses

8. Inflammatory and Infectiousa. Enthesopathyb. Osteomyelitisc. Other

9. Malignant Neoplasmsa. Effects of radiation and chemotherapyb. Metastaticc. Otherd. Primary

10. Metabolica. Endocrine

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b. Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathyc. Osteoporosisd. Other

11. Other12. Trauma

a. Abuseb. Avulsion injuryc. Contusiond. Fracturee. Otherf. Shin splintg. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis

13. Vasculara. Bone infarctb. Disusec. Osteonecrosisd. Othere. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

D. Joints1. Arthritis

a. Infectiousb. Inflammatoryc. Osteoarthritis/Degeneratived. Other

2. Bursitis3. Other

E. PhysiologyF. QuantitationG. RadiopharmaceuticalsH. Soft tissue

1. Enthesopathy2. Fasciitis3. Heterotopic Bone/Myositis ossificans4. Malignant effusions5. Muscle6. Other7. Renal

a. Other8. Tumor uptake

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VIII. Neurology

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. Brain clinical1. Brain Death2. Congenital/Neurodevelopment3. Dementia

a. Alzheimer diseaseb. Diffuse Lewy body diseasec. Frontotemporal and lobar degenerationsd. Mild cognitive impairmente. Other

4. Dementia Neurodegenerative5. Epilepsy

a. Ictal localizationb. Interictal localization

6. Inflammatory and infectious diseasesa. Abscessb. Encephalitisc. Otherd. Prion (Jacob-Creutzfeldt)e. Toxoplasmosisf. Vasculitis

7. Movement Disordersa. Corticobasal degenerationb. Essential Tremorc. Huntington diseased. Multiple system atrophy/pontocerebellar degeneratione. Otherf. Parkinson diseaseg. Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)

8. Neoplasmsa. Benignb. Malignantc. Treatment effects

9. Other10. Psychiatric diseases

a. Affective disorderb. Other

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c. Schizophrenia11. Trauma Brain death12. Vascular

a. Otherb. Strokec. TIA

C. CSF Cisternography1. CSF leaks2. Normal pressure hydrocephalus3. Other4. Shunts

D. Neurochemistry Neurophysiology1. Blood-brain barrier2. Energy metabolism

a. Glucoseb. Oxygen

3. Flow/metabolism/neuronal functional coupling4. Molecular neuroimaging markers

a. Clinicali. Amyloid deposition

ii. Blood flow / perfusioniii. Dopamine terminalsiv. Energy metabolism

b. Preclinicali. Neurotransmitter receptors

ii. Otheriii. Transmitter synthesis / storage / reuptake

5. Vascular regulation

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IX. Oncology(includes hematology, infections, lymphoscintigraphy CT)

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. Breast1. Changes due to treatment2. Diagnosis3. Lymphoscintigraphy4. Metastasis5. Other6. Response to Therapy7. Restaging

C. CT1. Artifacts2. Contrast3. Normal Variants4. Other5. Safety

D. Head and Neck (Non thyroidal)E. Hematologic

1. Other2. Polycythemia Vera (Blood volumes and therapy)

F. Infections1. FDG2. Other3. WBCs

G. LeukemiaH. Lymphatics

1. Chylous effusion2. Lymphedema3. Other

I. Lymphoma1. Diagnosis2. Other3. Response to Therapy4. Restaging5. Therapy

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J. Multiple MyelomaK. Other

1. Artifactsa. Contrastb. Other

2. Benign Neoplasms3. Malignant Neoplasms4. Normal Variants

a. Brown Fatb. GU Uptakec. Muscle uptaked. Other

5. Quantitation6. Safety

L. PhysiologyM. QuantitationN. Radiation TherapyO. RadiopharmaceuticalsP. Skin Melanoma

1. Lymphoscintigraphy2. Other

Q. Therapy of Bone Metastasis

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X. Pulmonary

A. Anatomy1. CT2. Other

B. ArtifactC. CTD. Inflammatory and Infection

1. Drug toxicity2. Granulomatous3. Granulomatous Disease4. IPF5. Other6. Sarcoidosis

E. Neoplasms1. Benign2. Malignant

F. Obstructive airways disease1. Acute2. Chronic

G. OtherH. Physiology

1. Other2. Right to Left Shunt

I. Pleural effusions/Peritoneal-pleural shuntsJ. Pulmonary hypertension

K. Quantitation1. Lung cancer2. Other3. Transplantation4. Volume reduction

L. RadiopharmaceuticalsM. TransplantationN. Vascular

1. Other2. SVC Obstruction3. Thromboembolism (Pulmonary embolism)

© American Board of Nuclear Medicine

Page 22: Content Manual · PDF file2/11/2016 Content Manual American Board of Nuclear Medicine I. Basic Science A. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Pharmacology 1. Biochemistry