content marketing: what’s all the fuss and why should i be bothered?

Leanne Wyvill 30 May 2014 Business Enterprise Centre Ipswich Region

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Leanne Wyvill30 May 2014

Business Enterprise Centre Ipswich Region

“creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent

content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience –

with the objective of driving profitable customer action…

… the belief that if we deliver consistent, ongoing valuable

information to buyers, they ultimately reward us

with their business and loyalty.”

“…building familiarity, affinity and trust with prospective

and current customers by providing information that

resonates – in the right format, through the right

channel, at the right time.”

You see a gorgeous girl at a party…

You go up to her and say, "I'm a great lover." That's Direct Marketing.

One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, "He's a great lover." That's Advertising.

You get up, straighten your tie, walk over to her and pour her a drink. You open the door for her, pickup her bag after she drops it, offer her a ride, and then say, "By the way, I'm a great lover." That'sPublic Relations.

You go up to her and get her contact details. The next day you call and say "I'm a great lover." Andfollow it up with an email. That's Telemarketing and E-marketing.

You take a selfie with her then post it on face book and tweet about it. That’s Social Media marketing.

The next day you write about meeting/encountering/talking to her/that girl/bride-to-be/ and whatthat means to you/yourself/hunk/Channing Tatum, draw a diagram with funky fonts and illustratedimages, and turn the experience into a video clip. That’s Content Marketing.

She walks up to you and says, "I hear you're a great lover." That's Brand Recognition.

An understanding of how rich content can boost tobrand awareness and loyalty

Tips on including blogs, video, images, etc. in yourmarketing strategy

Ideas for finding the time and inspiration to generatequality content.

1. Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing andgenerates about 3x as many leads. (Demand Metric)

2. 61% of consumers say they are more likely to buy from a company thatdelivers custom content. (Custom Content Council)

3. 90% of consumers find custom content useful (TMG Custom Media)

4. 78% believe that organizations providing custom content are interestedin building good relationships with them. (TMG Custom Media)

5. 27,000,000 pieces of content are shared each day. (AOL / Nielsen)

6. 50% of consumer time online is spent engaging with custom content.(HubSpot)

7. Customers who receive email newsletters spend 82% more when theybuy from the company. (iContact)

8. 70% of consumers prefer to get to know a company through originalarticles. (ContentPlus)

Tell a story

Solve a problem




Call to action (feedback,

read more, sign up, buy)






Twitter: I am eating a #donut

Facebook: I like donuts

Foursquare: This is where I eat donuts

Instagram: Here is a vintage photo of my donut

Snapchat: That was me eating a donut with my BFF

Youtube: Here’s how I eat a donut

LinkedIn: My skills include donut eating Pinterest: Here is a donut recipe

Google+: I eat donuts in circles Lead magnet: Click here for your free donut report

Website: Buy our donuts online Email: Here’s the latest update on donuts

Podcast: Hear me eat a donut

SlideShare: My presentation about donuts

Webinar: Let’s learn how to eat donuts at our desks

Blog: 47 ways to eat a donut Infographic:

Who is your customer?

Where do they snackand what do they like totaste?

What kind of questionsdo they ask?

Key words and long tails

Where do we put our content socustomers will find us?

Where do theyeat?

What would youplace there?

How often?

To get value you haveto give value.



Resource it – staff, software, outsource



Source it

Create it – the power of HOWto/many/come/about/is it that…

Style it – brand personality

Connect it

Monitor and measure

Social media communities

Content marketing is anongoing conversationwith customers served upthey way they like it.

It has a role in an overallmarketing strategy andbusiness growth plan.

It’s cost effective.

It’s what customersexpect.

It has choices andchannels.

It should be able to besnacked on, searched andshared.

It’s about telling storiesand solving problems.

To be effective it has tobe consistent, regular,resourced and deliberate.

There are manynumerous sources forinspiration.