content, process, and product conemaugh valley school district

Content, Process, and Product Conemaugh Valley School District

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Page 1: Content, Process, and Product Conemaugh Valley School District

Content, Process, and Product

Conemaugh Valley School District

Page 2: Content, Process, and Product Conemaugh Valley School District


Is a teacher’s response to learner’s needs

Guided by general principles of differentiation

Respectful tasksFlexible grouping

Formative assessment

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Teachers Can Differentiate Through:

Content Process Product Environment

According to Students’

Readiness Interest Learning Profile

Through a range of strategies such as:Multiple intelligences…Jigsaw…Graphic Organizers…RAFTs…Learning Contracts…Tiered Assignments…

Authentic Instruction… Learning Centers

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Learning Profile Factors

Group Orientation

independent/self orientationgroup/peer orientation

adult orientationcombination

Learning Environment



Cognitive Style



Inductive/deductivePeople-oriented/task or Object oriented


Easily distracted/long Attention spanGroup achievement/personal achievement


Intelligence Preference






Gender &Culture

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KNOW (facts, vocabulary, dates, rules, people, etc.)ecosystemelements of culture (housing/shelter, customs, values,


UNDERSTAND (complete sentence, statement of truth or insight – want students to understand that . . . ) All parts of an ecosystem affect all others parts. Culture

shapes people and people shape culture.

DO (Basic skills, thinking skills, social skills, skills of the discipline, planning skills --- verbs)

Write a unified paragraphCompare and contrastDraw conclusionsExamine varied perspectivesWork collaborativelyDevelop a timelineUse maps as data

KNOW (facts, vocabulary, dates, rules, people, etc.)ecosystemelements of culture (housing/shelter, customs, values,


UNDERSTAND (complete sentence, statement of truth or insight – want students to understand that . . . ) All parts of an ecosystem affect all others parts. Culture

shapes people and people shape culture.

DO (Basic skills, thinking skills, social skills, skills of the discipline, planning skills --- verbs)

Write a unified paragraphCompare and contrastDraw conclusionsExamine varied perspectivesWork collaborativelyDevelop a timelineUse maps as data

Tomlinson * 02

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Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are: Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"): Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning

smart") Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

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Complete Multiple Intelligences SurveyWeb-Based Surveys

Birmingham Grid for Learning


Love to Know Kids

MI Snowflake

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Creative Attracted to novelty Likes to produce knowledge or ideas instead of

consuming them Sees the world from a unique perspective Often prefers to work alone Doesn’t like to be rushed Often works in “bursts”

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Analytical Thinker Likes to break things into parts Likes to know how things work Enjoys facts or ideas Likes “thinking” not “doing” Attracted to logical thinking Usually good at school Enjoys solving problems Focus Does like creative assignments Needs a right answer

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Practical Thinkers Likes real-world applications Great at implementing plans Organized Interested in action not ideas Likes to move and do when learning Can work well in groups

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Complete a Learner Profile

First Name and Last Initial

written in marker—large enough to see across the room

Gender stripe

List 3 Interests



By yourselfWith partnerSmall groupWhole group

Favorite Content Area

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Determine the appropriate type of group Flexible—based on needs Ability/Aptitude—based on performance

or achievement Co-operative—random as to ability or

learning preference

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Be flexible with the amount of time you spend with groups.

Create manageable tasks.Provide checklists or rubrics.Establish behavior guidelines.

Talking Chips Colored Cups

Establish procedure for when work is completed.

Utilize whole group share.

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Anchors are purposeful, worthwhile activities Deepen student understanding of content and enrich

the skills students need to acquire. Meaningful, self-directed work (at the beginning of

class or when they finish work early).

Anchors meet varying student learning profiles and interests. A logical extension of learning. Anchors may include extended content, related

content, additional practice activities, or new applications of material.

usually designed for individuals to complete alone, but can be created for pairs or small groupings.

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Component Purpose Questions to clarify purpose for students

Role The role of the writer helps the writer to decide on the point of view. The decision to use first or third person is included.

Who is writing the piece? Child? Adult? Newscaster? Observer? Participant? Other?

Audience By determining the audience that will be reading the piece, the writer can choose content and style that will communicate ideas most effectively.

Who will be reading the piece? Voter? Employee? Boss? Parent? Friend? Stranger?

Format An awareness of the format that will be used, be it essay, interview, story, letter, etc., helps the writer to organize ideas and employ the conventions of that format.

What format will convey your ideas best? Letter? Essay? Journal? Speech? News article?

Topic The topic determines the main idea and supporting details in a piece. Being fully aware of these components in advance creates a bank of ideas from which the writer can choose before the actual writing process begins.

What topic has been chosen? What important ideas should I focus on? What strong verbs can I use or keep in mind to make my intent clear? Demand? Ask? Plead? Request? State? Exclaim? Analyze? Create? Defend?

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Role Audience Format Topic

Semi-colon Middle School Diary Entry I wish you understood where I belong

Rain drop Future droplets Advice Column The Beauty of Cycles

Thomas Jefferson

Current Residents of VA

Full page newspaper ad

If I could talk to you now

Magnet First Graders Letter Here’s what I am attracted to…

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Agreement between the teacher and the student.

The teacher specifies the necessary skills and the required components

The student identifies methods for completing the tasks.

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Allow students to work at an appropriate pace

Can target learning stylesHelps students work independently, learn

planning skills, and eliminate unnecessary skill practice.

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In writing, with a clear timeline and expectations

Include both skill- and content- based learning

Allow the student a choice in the way in which material is accessed and products are developed

EX. Research the topic of mitosis, create a visual model to share with the class, and write a report.

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What information can be tiered? Content, Process, Product

Tiered Assignment Planning Sheet

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By Challenge Level – Bloom’s Taxonomy placing information learned on a chart...comparing

and contrasting…using the information learned to create something new

By Complexity – Simple to Complex Reporting information on an issue/topic… reporting

different points of view on an issue/topic…determining a position on an issue and presenting a convincing argument to defend that position)

 By Resources Choose materials at various reading levels and

complexity of content


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By Outcome - basic tasks to advanced tasks presenting what was learned on a topic studied…

presentation comparing same topic to today’s similar issues and looking at impact, concerns, changes, etc. 

By Process - basic tasks to advanced tasks Research consumer information about a product

and report findings …establish criteria for purchasing a product based on information learned about the product…interview 3 people who have purchased the product and identify the criteria they used in making a decision when purchasing this product and drawing conclusions 

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By Product - Verbal/linguistic; visual/spatial; logical/mathematical; bodily kinesthetic; musical student products reflect their learning preferences

and interests

Examples of Tiered Assignments


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Cubing is an instructional strategy that asks students to consider a concept from a variety of perspectives.

The cubes are 6-sided figures that have a different activity on each side.

A student rolls the cube and does the activity that comes up.

Cubes can be differentiated according to readiness, learning profile, or interest.

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Describe It—Compare It—Associate It Analyze It—Apply It—Connect It—Illustrate It—Question It—Rearrange It—Satirize It—Evaluate It—Contrast It—Relate it to something else—Investigate It—What is the significance—Put in historical perspective—What is the cause/effect of It—Tell the Parts—Put it in chronological order—Argue for/against It

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Formative Assessment Strategies: Criteria and goal setting—students need to

understand and know the learning target/goal and the criteria for reaching it. Teachers move around the room to see if students are on task or need clarification. Observations assist teachers in gathering evidence of student learning to inform instructional planning.

Questioning strategies—questions allow an opportunity for deeper thinking and provides teachers with significant insight into the degree and depth of understanding. ("exit slip“, quick checks—”thumbs up/down“, colored cups).

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Self and peer assessment helps to create a learning community within a classroom. Students see each other as resources for understanding and checking for quality work against previously established criteria.

Student record keeping helps students better understand their own learning. This process of students keeping ongoing records engages students and allows them see where they started and the progress they are making toward the learning goal.

Observations assist teachers in gathering evidence of student learning to inform instructional planning.

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Heidi Goodrich, a rubrics expert, defines a rubric as "a scoring tool that lists the criteria for a piece of work or 'what counts.'" Rubrics help the student figure out how their project will be evaluated.

Rubrics can help students and teachers define "quality". Rubrics can also help students judge and revise their own work before handing in their assignments.

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Differentiation doesn’t suggest that a teacher can be all things to all individuals all the time. It does , however, mandate that a teacher create a reasonable range of approaches to learning much of the time, so that most students find Learning a fit much of the time.

Carol Tomlinson

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Different paths to the same worthwhile destination.

Pre-Assessment—”Information for planning the route.”

Instruction—The route—how we will get there?

Formative Assessment—”Are we there yet?”

Summative Assessment—What getting there looks like.

Curriculum—The destination.

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Are equally appealingEncourage students to learnAligned with same high-quality learning

goalsStrive for authenticityRequire all students to think at high levelsAllow for latitude in interpretation, with

compromising goalsInvite different modes of expression

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Different…but not Differentiated Lack of clarity about learning goals Low-level goals Overemphasis on a product Products that obscure understanding, or make

assessment a challenge Too many choices Misaligned choices Differentiation by “chance” Giving students option of growing Motivation using grades

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Special GroupsMath (Grades 4-8 and 9-12)Science (Grades 4-8 and 9-12)Language Arts (Grades 4-8 and 9-12)

Work only with the teachers of your content area.

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Choose a lesson someone in your group would like to makeover.

Complete Lesson Plan form for that lesson.Share Promising & Puzzling thoughts on the

backchannel or paper. (Title the lesson—fractions, etc.)

Answer the following questions With what does the lesson need guidance? What kinds of advice would help move the lesson


The person with the next birthday should keep the group on task.

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Consider your own ideas and the list of criteria for “Respectfully Differentiated Tasks”.

Use coaching questions.Makeover the lesson and submit on the

Google form posted on the wiki.

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Final Video