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Some Thoughts on NHCE Teaching

Teaching Objectives

Key Principles

Demo Teaching





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Teaching Objectives

《大学英语课程教学要求》 (2007)

● 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合能力,特别是听说能力。。。使他们。。。能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养。。。

● 新的教学模式应体现英语教学实用性、知识性和趣味性相结合的原则,有利于调动教师和学生两个方面的积极性,尤其要体现学生在教学过程中的主体地位和教师在教学过程中的主导作用。

● 教学模式改革的目的之一是促进学生个性化学习方法的形成和学生自主学习能力的发展。

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Teaching Objectives

分类指导 因材施教

《课程要求》基本出发点:教学重心要转向学习者,要能够 学生的需求

由于交大学生入校时就有较好的英语应用能力,所以我们希望通过一至两年的系统训练,在听说读写方面大部分学生能达到《大学英语课程要求》中较高要求的水平, 15% 到20% 左右的学生能达到最高要求。

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《大学英语课程教学要求》 (2007)

能基本读懂英语国家大众性报刊杂志上一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟 70~90 词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度适中的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟 120 词。能阅读所学专业的综述性文献,并能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节。


较高要求 更高要求


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《大学英语课程教学要求》 (2007)

能基本上就一般性的主题表达个人观点,能写所学专业论文的英文摘要,能写所学专业的英语小论文,能描述各种图表,能在半小时内写出不少于 160 词的短文,内容完整,观点明确,条理清楚,语句通


能用英语撰写所学专业的简短的报告和论文,能以书面形式比较自如地表达个人的观点,能在半小时内写出不少于 200 词的说明文或议论文,思想表达清楚,内容丰富,文章结构清晰,逻辑性强。

较高要求 更高要求


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如何利用网络平台多开展写作活动? 如何给学生的写作做有效的反馈,而非仅仅给个分数或等级? 利用网络平台的 peer editing 是否是增强写作能力的有效方式? 如何有效实现读写一体化的教学模式?

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知识并非是主体对客观现实被动的镜面式反应 , 而是一个主动的建构过程。学习不是简单的行为主义的 S-R( 刺激 - 反应 ) 的过程 , 而是新旧经验之间双方的相互作用过程。

What is the point of teaching?

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Key Principles






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Key Principles





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Key principles for an effective facilitator

创造情境 激发兴趣 鼓励合作 有效反馈

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Course description

Demo Teaching

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Course DescriptionUnit 2, NHCE Book 4

Unit Focus

Teaching Procedures

Time Allocation

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Unit Focus

To train students to read for the main information To let students learn how to develop general statement with

different aspects. To enable students to write a paragraph with this pattern.

To train students to grasp topic-related vocabulary & sentences.

To cultivate students’ vocabulary learning strategies. To encourage students to apply what they have learned to

their writing.

To offer students more cultural background ( comedy, silent film…)

To inspire students to express their ideas about related topics. (Spare the rod, spoil the child./Love between generations)

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Teaching Procedures

Pre-reading Online Activities (in Computer Room)

Class Activities (in Multi-media Classroom) Warming up Activities Intensive Reading Activities---Text Analysis Fast Reading Activities / Global Reading Activities Language Practice Activities Words & Expressions & Patterns Writing Activities Extensive Reading Activities

After-class Online Activities

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Time Allocation

每单元分配给读写教学的时间为 6 课时: 网络课堂 2 课时 传统课堂 4 课时 : Section A (2), Section B (1), Writing

&Checklist (1)

自主学习中心进行网络自学 1 小时以上 学生利用此时间进行课文的预习和复习,完成在线作业

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Time Allocation

Content (Muti-media Classroom)

Section A

1st period Section A: Warming up

2nd period Text Structure AnalysisLanguage Points

3rd period Language PointsWriting

Section B

4th period Section B: reading skills, group work, language points

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Pre-reading Online Activities (90m)Computer Room

(15’)What do you know about Charlie Chaplin? Browse the Internet and find out more about his movies and life.

Try to describe his physical features to your neighbor based on the following picture.

(5’)Read Background Information and Cultural Notes from NHCE webpage and be ready to answer questions in class.

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Describe the person you see

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Pre-reading Online Activities (90m)

(40’) Please read through section A, unit 2 online. Highlight new words and expressions in your textbook while reading. Remember, you should learn the sample sentences, instead of meaning and form, of each word carefully.

(5’ ) Work with one of your neighbors on your questions (make sure you speak in a low voice so as not to affect others). If necessary, use the “I Ask” button to post your questions to the instructor.

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(40’)Please preview the vocabulary of Section A, Unit 2 online. Write down at least 10 words and expressions which you think are very important in the text. Focus on the meaning and sample sentences of each word. Highlight any sentences which you can’t understand well. If necessary, use the “I Ask” button to post your questions to the instructor.

(5’) Compare your note with your neighbors and see whether you have found out the same words and expressions. Add more to your notebook if it is necessary. (make sure you speak in a low voice so as not to affect others).

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Pre-reading Online Activities (90m)

(10’)Please work in group. Access the following websites and read the assigned articles. You will be required to summarize what you have read about the famous person in the article. Your brief report should last 3-5 minutes and every student should have a minimum of 3 lines. ( for group 1) (for group 2) (for group 3)…

(10’) Discussion Forum: (within 50 words/to give a few adjectives)

Topic: What abilities/qualities do you think great people have in common?

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1.Vocabulary Test (handout)

2. Suppose you are going to write an article about a famous figure with the title of his/her name, what do you plan to cover in your writing? Think about your writing outline and get read to share with the whole class.

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What does the instructor do in the computer center?

Supervise and facilitateAnswer questions posted onlineKeep track of Ss’ learning recordRandomly check Ss’ notes or answer sheets…

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Multi-media Classroom


Warming up

Text Analysis

Language Practice







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News Report/ Presentation/ Role-playVocabulary Test

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Warming up Ⅰ

Title: Charlie Chaplin picture-talk ---

How to describe the person you see?

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Sample 1

He is a famous Hollywood star in the era of silent movie and brought laughter to millions. In most of his films, he is a man with the toothbrush moustache, bowler hat, bamboo cane,and a funny walk.

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Sample 2He was a famous Hollywood star in the era of silent movie and brought laughter to millions. He impressed the world with the image of a small tramp—outfitted in tattered, baggy pants, a cutaway coat and vest, impossibly large, worn-out shoes and a bowler hat.

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Warming up Ⅰ

Extended Exercises: How to describe physical features?

Exercises Appendix


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Warming up Ⅱ Famous Figures

Game: Find Out Who You Are!

Brief Report: Famous Figures (online assignment)

Appendix : more words to describe personalities

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Game: Find Out Who You Are!

Instructions ( )Ⅰ

The class is divided into two groups. Each group sends a representative to the front of the class. The teacher shows the name of a famous person to the representatives who then try to describe that person to their groups and make them guess the name. The same name is simultaneously shown to both representatives order to maintain fairness. The group, which first guesses correctly, gets a point. Then, the next name is shown and the game goes on.

Sample: Bill Gates

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A piece of paper with a famous figure’s name will be stuck on the back of everyone of you. Try to guess the name by asking other studentsfor information.

Instructions Ⅱ

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On Student A’s back, the paper says the name Bill Gates. Student A then goes around in the classroom for the related information in the following ways:

Warming Up


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A: Is this person a male or female?

B: Male.

A: What’s his nationality?

B: American.

A: Does he wear glasses?

B: Yes.

Warming Up

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A: Is he fat?B: Not that much.

Warming Up

A: What are the other special features about him?B: Well, he is one of the most influential figures in the computer industry and, eventually, one of the richest people in the world.

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A: Oh, is he Bill Gates?B: Yeah, you got it!

Warming Up

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• You may ask more than one student!

• But you are NOT allowed to get the name by

directly asking: “What’s the name on the paper?”

or “Who is the person on the paper on my back?”

Warming Up

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Warming up Ⅲ About Success

Watch & Discuss Clip Ⅰ The Tramp

Clip Ⅱ

Q: 1. What enlightenment can you gain from the clips? 2. How do you understand the proverb “All Roads lead to

Rome.” 3. Could you figure out some adjectives to describe the

abilities that great people have in common?

Review: Discussion Forum

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Warming up Ⅲ About Success

Extended Exercises Adversity makes a man ________, not rich.

  逆境出人才。 Every man is the architect of his own ________.  自己的命运自己掌握。

A man is ________as he makes himself valuable. 一个人价值的高低,全在他自己的作为。 Great ________ make great man.

 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。 The import thing in life is to have a great aim, and the

________ to attain it. 生命中很重要的一点是找到一个宏远的目标,并下定决心实现它。

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Text Analysis---Reading for the structure $ main idea

Structure Analysis

Fast Reading Activities

Global Reading Activities Q-A activities Watching & Discussion Writing by Imitating Summary

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Text Structure

Lead-in Question: Suppose you are going to write an article

about a famous person you admire with the title of his/her name, what kind of aspects of his/her life do you plan to mention in your writing? How will you organize them? Please work in your group and figure out a brief outline.

Sample: childhood, career achievements, love story…

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A General Statement Supported by Details

A Central Topic

Aspect 1

Aspect 2

Aspect 3

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Would you like to reorganize the following aspects of Chaplin’s life in the correct order based on the text?

His artistic achievement His emotional life

A brief introduction The end of his life story

Charlie ChaplinCharlie Chaplin

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A central topicA central topic

Aspect 1Aspect 1 Aspect 2Aspect 2 Aspect 3Aspect 3 Aspect 4Aspect 4

Charlie ChaplinCharlie Chaplin

Paras. 1-2Paras. 1-2 Paras. 3-6Paras. 3-6 Paras. 7-8Paras. 7-8 Para. 9Para. 9

Main Idea and StructureMain Idea and Structure

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Text Structure---Practice

Have a look at Paragraph 8 to find out the details that support the general statement. Then fill out the chart below.

(G)Life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stability and happiness it had earlier denied him

(D1)Charlie Chapin found in Oona __________________________________ a partner whose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference

between them.

(D2)Oona was well prepared for __________________________________ the battle that Chaplin’s life became as many unfounded rumors

surrounded them both.

(D3)Oona was_____________________________________in the quarrels in Chaplin’s large family of talented children.

the center of calm

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Fast Reading Practice

Please scan paragraph 1 to 2( 3 to 6/7 to 8/ 9) within 2 minutes. Try to locate some important information to fill in the following blanks. Please raise your hand and let me know as long as you work them out.

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Fast Reading Activities

Charlie Chapin1. Place of birth ________ A poor area of south London2. He quit ________ for good in 1913 when he journeyed to America. Britain

3. In the time of silent movie, the successful film________ The Tramp In the time of sound movie, the successful films_____________ Modern Times, The Pawnbroker, The Gold Rush 4. Secret of great success ________________ immensely talented man, determined…

5. Time of death________ Christmas Day 1977

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Global Reading Activities

Q-A Activities

Watching & Discussion

Writing by Imitating

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Global Reading Activities

Q-A (for Part 1) What is Chaplin’s childhood like? Could you figure

out some adjectives to describe it. (e.g. miserable, unfortunate, sad…/ Why?)

There is an old English proverb “ Spare the rod, spoil the child.” To what extent do you agree with it?

Many people hold the belief that poverty and hardships produce incentive to achieve something important. How do you view it? Give some examples.

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(for Part 2) Why did Chaplin win greater popularity in other countries than in his own country, Britain?

Possibly because he left Britain when he was young and never came back; most figures he created were not of a gentleman-like British style.

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Q-A (for Part 3)Give examples to show Chaplin’s deep need to be loved and

his fear of being betrayed. We can find that from the characters he created, such

as the flower girl and the French wife killer.

What influence did Oona have on Chaplin’s life?

We can find that from the characters he created, such as the flower girl and the French wife killer.

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Global Reading Activities

Extended Question for Part 3Chinese American Nobel laureate of physics Chen

Ning Yang, 82, married a 28-year-old Chinese woman, whom Yang called the "final blessing from God."

Love between generations: both marriage and family involve ongoing obligations and shared care, not just the pursuit of happiness.

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Watching & Discussion“ The Tramp”Supplementary Reading (“ Silent Film “)

More words about movies:好莱坞大片 Hollywood blockbuster文艺片 literary film音乐片 musicals无声电影 silent film

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Writing by Imitating

More Paragraphs for imitating

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Read and imitate paragraph 5,6 to describe a famous person you admire..

Original He was an immensely (talented) man, (determined )to a

degree unusual even in the ranks of ( Hollywood stars). His huge fame gave him the freedom---and more importantly, the money---to be his own master. He already had the urge to (explore and extend a talent he discovered in himself )as he went along.

But (the shock) roused his imagination….he was the kind of (comic) who (used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along) (Lifeless objects) especially helped ( Chaplin ) make contact with himself as an artist. ________________ , plus ________________, are surely the secrets of ________.

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Reading for the Main Idea

Would you like to give a summary to the text in your own words?

Would you like to fill in the blanks for the following summary with the words you have learned in the text?

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Chaplin is a great comic not only for his own mother country but more for the world. Chaplin’s Tramp was considered a little _____ and thought that he had too much of an eye for the ladies and that his clothes gave him an __________ more like an Italian waiter than anything else. He resisted making a ______ movie until 1936 when he made up a _________ language which sounded like no known nationality. Chaplin achieved great success because he was an immensely _______ man and the kind of comic who used his _______ senses to invent his art as he went along.




(To be continued)

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However, the _______ between the need to be loved and the fear of being _______ resulted in disaster in his ________ life which was shown in his movies. Eventually, life gave Chaplin the stable _________, that is, his marriage with Oona O’Neil. Chaplin died on _________ Day 1977.




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Language Practice---Words & Expressions


Words GameGuess that word

Completing wordsStory telling

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Vocabulary Exercises

Filling in the blanks with the Filling in the blanks with the appropriate word, please.appropriate word, please.

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Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.


1. She was very polite and, like the rest of her people, never laughed if an outsider said something ______.

2. The political weakness of these countries ____________ to their economic weakness.



spark coarse correspond collision doubtful

revolt behave memorial immense incident

relief rouse applause execute postpone

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spark coarse correspond collision doubtful

revolt behave memorial immense incident

relief rouse applause execute postpone


3. It is ________ whether these filmmaking pioneers had any sense at all of the new invention’s potential significance.

4. Chaplin’s films ______________ my interest in comedy and I went to work for the theatrical company.

5. Now that we have approval we may _______ the scheme as previously agreed.




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spark coarse correspond collision doubtful

revolt behave memorial immense incident

relief rouse applause execute postpone


6. Her husband breathed a sigh of _____ when he learnt Mrs. Baroda wanted to have Gouvernail visit them again.

7. As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience, each act was greeted with loud and equal ________.



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8. With about five years before the opening of Olympic Games 2008 there is a(n) ________ amount of work to be done.

spark coarse correspond collision doubtful

revolt behave memorial immense incident

relief rouse applause execute postpone


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Words Game

( )Ⅰ Guess that wordInstructions: The class is divided into two groups. Each group

sends a representative to the front of the class. The teacher shows a word to the representatives who try to explain it in English to their groups and make them guess the word. The same word is simultaneously shown to both representatives in order to maintain fairness. The group, which first guesses correctly, gets a point.

Then, the next word is shown and the game goes on.

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Sampleapplause: clap handsComedy: Scout NonsenseBetrayClumsy

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( )Ⅱ Completing WordsInstructions: Before this game begins, the teacher draws a vertical line in

the middle of the blackboard to divide it into two equal halves. The, he/she writes lists of words, with blanks in them ,on each half of the board.

Next, the class is divided into two groups. Each group sends a representative to the front of the class. The two representatives stand next to their half of the board, ready to fill in the blanks. The teacher gives clues to help them.

Each group can shout help to its representative. The party, which first fills in the blanks correctly, gets a point.

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Sample_ppl_use_om_dy: _cout_no_se_se_etr_y_lu_sy

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Story Telling

The class is divided into groups of about four or five students. The teacher gives each group a a piece of paper with a list of words and expressions from the text. The, one group mate randomly picks one from them, and makes one or more sentences using that word. The next group mate does the same thing, making sure his/her sentence logically following the sentences before. One by one, the following group mates do the same thing. Each group need to use at least five words or expressions from the list.

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Samplecut down applause comedy crude find one’s

way rouse come down in the world extraordinary in advance

e.g. 1. The decision to save the company has been warmly applauded.

2. The CEO of the company said our current task requires extraordinary courage, determination, patience and endurance.

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Words Learning Strategies

How to understand words in reading

Based on its core meaning (learn words in English)

With the help of its context

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Word Formation

Words are made up of parts prefix + root + suffix Comedy comedian Doubt doubtful Execute executiveCollision collide

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Word Usage

Words are difficult to learn because their meanings are alwaysCHANGING

CRUDEMany of his jokes were crude. (rude and offensive)There are some crude tools made of stone. ( simple and not

skillfully done or made)Tons of crude oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into

the sea. ( in the natural state; not refined)

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Language Practice---Expressions & Language Practice---Expressions & PatternsPatterns

A. Expressions1. to give sb. permanent

fame 2. to provide applause a

nd (profit) where sb. is concerned

3. to quit a place for good

4. sad to say

5. to clap for sb./sth.


1. Typical patterns for emphasis

2. Typical patterns for recovery of sth. denied earlier

3. Typical patterns for addition of sth.


B. Patterns for you to use as models

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III. III. Expressions & Patterns

6. to revolt against/at/ from sb./sth.

7. to trip sb. up8. to aim… at…9. all the same10. one’s quick eye for…11. to come down in the w

orld12. to achieve world fame13. to do sth. on purpose

14. to have the urge/a deep need to do sth.

15. to have… written into a script

16. painfully-bought self- knowledge

17. to find one’s way into…

18. to lose one’s faith in sb./sth.

19. to walk into the sunset with sb.

20. to find in sb. a man/ woman of…

15. to have… written into a script

16. painfully-bought self- knowledge

17. to find one’s way into…

18. to lose one’s faith in sb./sth.

19. to walk into the sunset with sb.

20. to find in sb. a man/ woman of…


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Expressions & Patterns

1. 使某人声名永驻 to give sb. permanent fame (L. 4)

他的清正廉洁使他在人民心中声名永驻。。Honesty and uprightness gave him permanent fame in the minds of the people.


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2. 给予某人掌声和收益

to provide applause and profit where sb. is concerned (L. 6)

我们的社会应给予伸张正义者更多的掌声和奖励。 Our society should provide more applause and reward where the upholders of justice are concerned.


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3. 永久地离开了某地 to quit a place for good (L. 7)


Your hometown is a place that your feet may quit for good but your heart never.


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原句 :Dickens might have created Charlie Chaplin’s childhood. But only Charlie Chaplin could have created the great comic character of “the Tramp”, the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame. (L. 4)

1. Typical patterns for emphasis:


狄更斯狄更斯或许会或许会创作出查理创作出查理 ·· 卓别林的童年故事,卓别林的童年故事,但只有但只有查理查理 ·· 卓别林卓别林才才能塑造出了不起的喜剧能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色“流浪者”,这个使其创作者声名永驻的角色“流浪者”,这个使其创作者声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物。 衣衫褴褛的小人物。

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1. Sb. else might do/have done sth. But

only sb. can do/could have done sth. else.




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• If I’d have known the film was about the World War II, I might have gone to see it.

• 这个计划可能很容易失败,但事实上却大 大成功了。

• 如果我早知道那部电影是有关二战的,就可能 会去看了。• The plan might easily have gone wrong, but in fact it was a great success.


Key Key

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原句 : He was an immensely talented man, determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars. (L. 34)

2. Sb. is a… person/is in…, adj./p.p. to a degree unusual even in the ranks/world/family of… 某人是个 ······ 人 / 处于 ······ 境界,其 ······ 的程度之大甚至在 ······ 中也是十分少见的。



他是一个有巨大才能的人,他的决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星中也是十分少见的。 。

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Writing by ImitatingSummary WritingStructured WritingTopic-related Writing Journal

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I. Structured Writing

A General Statement Supported by Details

A general statement (G.S.)

Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3

Structured Writing


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Structured Writing

1. A SampleLifeless objects especially helped Chaplin make “contact” with himself as an artist. He turned them into other kinds of objects. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a “sick” patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being 45 removed like fish bones).




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2. Your task

Write a short composition with a general statement and its corresponding supportingdetails.


The Hazards of Movie-going

Structured Writing


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Although I love movies, I’ve found that there are drawbacks to movie-going. One problem is just the inconvenience of it all. It can take me long time to drive to the theater and find a parking spot. Another problem is my lack of self-control at the theater. I often stuff myself with unhealthy calorie-laden snacks for the limited choices. The worst problem is some of the other movie-goers. Kids run up and down the aisle. It’s noisy and messy in the theater. All in all, I would ratherstay home and watch TV comfortably.


Structured Writing

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Topic-related Writing

Topic 1: My View on Success1.成功的因素很多(如勤奋,能力,外界环境,机遇等等)2 我认为最重要的因素是。。。3 我的理由 Topic 2: The Most Unforgettable Person in My life1. 描述最难忘的一个人2. 为什么难忘3. 对我人生的影响

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Step 1 Group Work:Brainstorming: 1. Discuss in your group and try to figure out as many factors

to success as possible:e.g. diligence, capabilities, opportunities, determination…2. Can you find useful words, expressions and patterns in the

text? Please list them on your paper. e.g. …give sb. Permanent fame. come down in the world

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Step 2 Writing Online1. Draft: Word Processor 2. Online Assignment

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Step 3 Peer Editing

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Step 4 Feedback1.How to mark the writing online?2.Discussion Forum---sample writing

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After-class Writing Activities


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After-class Online Activities

• Please finish all the exercises of Section A online.

• Please skim section B and find out at least ten important words or phrases from the text. Study them hard online and post your question if it is necessary.

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Section B

Checklist : important words and expressions

Reading SkillsWarming up Exercises

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As we learned in Book 1, Book2, and Book 3, it is very important to tell the difference between facts and the writer’s opinions during the course of reading. But more often, writers mix facts andopinions even within the same sentence.

Opinion?Opinion? fact? fact?

Reading Skills

I. Mixture of Fact and Opinion

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Have a review at the corresponding knowledge mentioned in Unit 2 (Book 1), Unit 3 and Unit 8 (Book2), and Unit 2 (Book 3).

Reading Skills

More Tips

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Reading Skills

Tips for Distinguishing Facts from Opinions1. Test the writer’s opinion by asking whether a different opinion is possible.

2. Look for adjectives that interpret one’s opinions such as pretty, ugly, handsome, dangerous, evil, attractive, well-dressed, good, etc.

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1. Certainly middle-class audiences did; the working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a character who revolted against authority, using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear.

“ ” (opinion) “ ” (fact)

Reading Skills


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2. It’s a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stable happiness it had earlier denied him.

But this one is basically factual because Chaplin did get married in his 50’s as hislast marriage.

Reading Skills

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II. Exercises

F for Facts; O for Opinions

1. Yet, six months ago, she did a most revolutionary thing: She ran for mayor

of Embu, Kenya, and won.

( )

( )

2. Yet, political activity among Kenyan women is not a new phenomenon.


Reading Skills


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3. For the thousands of women in this farming area two hours northeast of Nairobi, Ms. Mbogo suddenly became a symbol of the increasingly powerful political force women have become in Kenya and across Africa.

( )

( )

4. One veteran female political activist said that many women had not been taught the basics of political participation.

Reading Skills



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Fast Reading Activities

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the text.

Page 51

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Warming up

Title: The Political Career of a Female PoliticianQuestions:1. Can you guess what you are going to read? (Reading

Prediction)2. Can you list some names of famous female politician?3 What are the basic qualities for those highly successful


Supplementary Reading1. To what degree do you agree with the points mentioned in

the passage?2. Could you find anything useful for your writing ?

Watching & Discussion : Could you write down some key factors in the interview contributing to Elaine L. Chao

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Language Points

Checklist: Compare the words and expressions you’ve noted down while previewing the text with your group mates. Then come to the blackboard and write them down.

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Finish the online exercises for section B

Reading for reference: The Pillars of Our Family---by Elaine L. Chao

Film for reference: The Pursuit of Happiness

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Get every student involved in your class!Keep on encouraging them!Arouse their cultural awarenessEncourage them to think independently

(news report)

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News to ShareNews to Share

traffic jam traffic jam

traffic offense traffic cop/ policemantraffic offense traffic cop/ policeman

traffic sign traffic ticket traffic sign traffic ticket

(1)The traffic is extremely slow, and we kept (1)The traffic is extremely slow, and we kept crawling all the time.crawling all the time.

(2)I thought I would get caught in a bad traffic jam, (2)I thought I would get caught in a bad traffic jam, but against all my expectation, the traffic was but against all my expectation, the traffic was light and smooth, so there was no trouble at all light and smooth, so there was no trouble at all getting back to Seoulgetting back to Seoul

(3) I got stuck in the traffic.(3) I got stuck in the traffic.

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Common Mistakes in Students’ Writing

Suggestions:1. 词汇教学中加强词性辨析,近义词比较,连接词归纳的练习。2. 增强学生的课外阅读量,让他们多体会简练的优美的英文。3. 让学生在互改中努力克服典型错误4. 专门的写作反馈课很重要,选择编辑好具有代表性的问题,做归纳分析。

5. 分析一篇文章,既要指出问题,也要指出闪光点。

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Group Work

You work on the creative team in the marketing department of your company. Your company has decided to launch a ….The target customers are young people aged 18-35.

Prepare a promotional campaign for the launch.

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英语写作手册 ( 英文版 )( 第三版 )Chicken Soup 

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“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish, and he feeds himself for a lifetime.”

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