
Magazine contents page analysis

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Post on 21-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Contents

Magazine contents page analysis

Page 2: Contents

The black, red and white house style continues on the contents page. The use of

subheadings for each part of the magazine so the readers can find exactly what they are looking for easily.

They use smaller subheadings within the main subheadings which makes it easier to look for a specific article.

The subscription advertisement is in a different colour to make it stand out to the reader; as they want the reader to subscribe.

NME use a band index on the first page so the reader can easily identify the band that they specifically want to read about or a specific article that the magazine have published on the band.

They put the date of the issue on the contents page so the reader knows when the next issue will be available.

An extract of the main article in the magazine is on the contents page to give a taster on what the article is about. This gets the reader more interested meaning they give them the intention of rewarding the rest of the magazine

A large part of the magazine which the magazine editors think is important and gain a lot of interest is highlighted in a large red arrow as well as including the page number where it is located.

Page 3: Contents

There are two main subheadings in Q. One points out the main features of the magazine inside and giving minimal information to make the reader want to read more.

The masthead Q is still visible at the top of the page, enforcing the name onto the reader. Contents is also clearly visible and in capitals to make it clear which page the reader is looking at.

The main image on this contents page is very large and dominates the page. This is because the editors want this to be the first thing the reader sees when they open the magazine.

This section of the magazine shows the reader what is in the every magazine they publish. There is a page on this subheading which gives you the option to research into subscribing to the magazine. The editors want people to subscribe which is why they make it visible on the contents page.

There are smaller subheadings within the larger subheadings so the reader can look for specific articles they would like to read

This pull quote is used to show a preview of what is included in the main article. This is a good way to show the reader a sample without revealing too much.

Page 4: Contents

The masthead doesn’t follow the same them as the cover. The colour scheme is different the cover is normally black and white. Despite being an element of black the colour scheme on this page is mainly white and yellow. These colours still stand out and are very clear. This fits the rock music genre as it gives the impression that they like to be different. This works really well for the magazine and attracts viewers.

The main image fits in with the rock genre doesn’t follow the rules theme. There is not one image standing out above the others. Instead there is an array of smaller images which gives the reader more to look at. This gives more of a visual view o what is inside the magazine.

Rule of thirds only seems to be used on the right hand side of the page for the contents list. The rest of the page is a mash up of images which is easier to understand. The first third is the images on the left which tells you parts of what is inside the magazine visually instead of using a load of text. However the contents list on the right is more of a descriptive way of telling the customer what will be in the issue.

The date and issue number is at the top so the customer knows what issue the magazine is and when it was released.

The contents list follows the colour scheme of black and yellow. Also, instead of there being page numbers for every article inside of the magazine they have decided to put the most significant events in. This makes it easier for the reader to find exactly what they are looking for and see what this weeks issue features and it’s main stories.

This part of the contents page shows the readers how to subscribe for extra information on the magazine and special offers and competitions. As well as includes contact details in case the customer has any queries.

Page 5: Contents

The magazine logo is continued on to the contents page so the audience can recognise the brand.

The image includes a page number so the artist can recognise what they are looking for visually and go on to find the page the image is featured on.

The masthead “contents” is included so the audience recognise which page they are on.

The recent music chart is featured in every issue of Billboard. This is very unique which attracts more readers as it is the only magazine to include the full chart. This keeps the customers interested as well as up to date with the latest music.

Promotional offers advertise exclusive offers to loyal and new customers.

The main image on this magazines contents page is usually the same as the front cover to prevent the audience being confused. This model will also feature in a double page spread further into the magazine.