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IACON 2010 Presentation on Continuous Audit and Continuous Controls Monitoring


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved. 1 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Dan French - Consider Solutions

    Consider Solutions are the European distribution operation for Approva

    IACON 2010Taking the Internal Audit Profession Forward

    Continuous Auditing:Technology Enabled Continuous Assurance

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.2

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    The value in developing a continuous auditing framework

    Why is continuous auditing important for auditors?

    How does technology aid continuous auditing?

    Monitoring for management use or internal audit?

    Interpreting and reacting on your results

    Learning Points


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Continuous Auditing & Continuous Controls Monitoring

    The Controls Challenge for Management and Audit

    Continuous Auditing in Practice

    Challenges and Best Practices

    Questions and feedback



  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Continuous auditing is the application of automated tools to provide assurance on financial and non-financial data within a company

    Continuous auditing uses a set of tools to check whether internal controls are functioning to prevent errors and fraud

    A generally accepted definition of "continuous auditing remains elusive, and expert practitioners remain rare

    32% of 305 organizations have told the Institute of Internal Auditors in the past year that they perform continuous auditing

    In a 2006 PWC survey, 81% of 392 companies said they at least aspired to continuous auditing

    Continuous Controls Monitoring seeks to assure the effectiveness of internal controls, reduce fraud and meet regulatory requirements.

    Continuous Auditing (CA) & Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM)


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    There is much debate on the semantics !

    No, not all risks can be effectively monitored using automation

    Monitoring data and transactions does not necessarily prove that the control is working But it helps!

    Emerging Continuous Monitoring definitions Application configuration (CCM-AC) Do our systems allow anyone to . . .?

    User access (CCM-SOD) Can anyone . . . . ?

    Master data (CCM-MD) Is the critical static data correct and controlled?

    Transactions (CCM-T) Did anyone . . . ? What was the impact?

    Consistent, Continuous, Complete

    Continuous Auditing (CA) & Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) What is the difference?


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Audit & Internal Controlscourtesy BMW AG

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.


    An Audit Committee Perspective

    The pace of business change continues to increase

    The demands for more rapid and robust reporting will increase

    Technology risk will continue to increase

    The patience of the public, investors and regulators to accept fraud risks will continue to grow thin

    The demand for independent, rapid assurance will continue to grow

    We are entering a new Age We need constant, not periodic, visibility

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.


    Drivers for Change Maintenance of continuous state of audit requires:

    Provide immediate insight into control violations

    Increase audit scope and frequency while reducing costs

    From manual to fully automated control testing with integrated view on risks

    Reduce recurrent testing/review cost significantly, while focusing on more added value areas

    Enterprise risk and controls coverage across all processes and applications

    Increasing complexity and integration of systems requires new control methods and tools

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.


    VisionCurrent approach New approach

    Periodic, mainly manual reviews and audits of systems and processes

    Continuous testing via predefined rules and toolsBroader and deeper scope of testing

    Sample based manual and computer aided testing

    Exception based automated monitoring

    Multiple controls and tools to cover one control objective or risk

    Optimisation of controls and testing in integrated tool set

    Inconsistent, decentralized tools and testing

    Local controls and testing derived from common consistent global rules

    Mainly focused on regulatory control objectives

    Extension to other risk areas (operational risks, extend fraud detection, other compliance risks)Further business improvement opportunities

    Global centralized, standardized and integrated controls management and testing that helps:

    Realize efficiency gains through automated and continuous control monitoring Increase coverage and scope of controls to areas not sufficiently covered today Embed controls in business processes

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.11

    Over the Last 5 Years Risk Management Has Jumped to the Top of the CFOs Agenda

    Which of These Company-Wide Initiatives Are Very Important or Critically Important to CFOs?


    Measuring/ monitoring business


    Providing inputs into enterprise


    Driving enterprise cost reduction

    Supporting/ managing/ mitigating

    enterprise risk

    Driving integration of information

    across the enterprise

    93% increase

    Source: IBM CFO Survey, 2010

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.12

    But CFOs Say a Significant Gap Remains Between the Effectiveness & Importance of Internal Controls

    How Would You Rate the Importance vs. the Effectiveness of These Cross-Enterprise Activities?

    Executing continuous finance process improvements

    Strengthening compliance programs

    & internal controls

    Driving Finance cost reduction

    Supporting/ managing / mitigating enterprise


    Importance Effectiveness

    28% Gap 16% Gap23% Gap

    Source: IBM CFO Survey, 2010

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    The Vast Majority of Organizations Rely on Manual Methods to Validate The Effectiveness of Their Controls


    Mostly periodic manual checks/ standard reports

    Mix of regular manual & automated checks

    Mix of real-time, manual & automated checks

    Mostly real-time automated checks & dashboards

    Others/not sure

    What Methods Do You Useto Provide Management Assurance of Your Controls?

    Source: KPMG Continuous Monitoring & Continuous Auditing Survey, 2010

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.14

    The Controls Challenge for Management & Audit










    Multiple Risks, Multiple Data Sources

    What is What is supposedsupposed to happen?to happen?

    What actually What actually doesdoes happen?happen?

    Processes are ignoredor circumvented

    Processes are ignoredor circumvented

    Policies cannot be cost-effectively enforced

    Policies cannot be cost-effectively enforced

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    CFOs have invested tens of millions in ERP / Finance Systems to drive:

    Process and control standardisation Business efficiency Economies of scale

    However, only some of the value has been released . . . Many businesses have implemented ERP and achieved;

    A standard data input process and control


    A standard business process or control

    The myth of standardisation & control in systems

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Example standard business process

    4. GR is created against PO

    3. Purchasing creates PO for Shipment

    1. Truck drops off shipment, but no PO exists

    2. Warehouse worker calls up purchasing to create a PO

    ERP is configured to only allow GR if PO exists, however

    The myth of automated business controls in ERP

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved. 17

    Neither management nor audit can rely on system configured controls (automated business controls) alone;

    For key controls of high risk or high impact, we need; Monitoring and Prevention of high risk Segregation of Duties issues

    Monitoring of configured control, where it exists

    Monitoring of related master data for specific changes

    Monitoring of specific business activities/transactions outside accepted or expected boundaries

    This gives 360 degree business control visibility for management and audit Consistent, Continuous, Complete

    Fixing the myth of standardisation & control in systems

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Continuous monitoring catches things that just dont typically get found in entirety including; Changes to Bank Account details

    Change in payment terms or prices on specific orders

    Approvals to key changes (such as terms and prices)

    SoD checks at the individual level e.g., POs created and released by same person, GR created by same person as approved the PO.

    Deliveries with no reference to a Sales Order

    Over deliveries

    Sales Orders for Customers over Credit Limit

    Duplicate payments

    Unusual GL postings

    Multiple POs to avoid signoff limits

    Nominal value PRs to make the process work

    Consistent, Continuous, Complete Testing


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved. 19

    CA/CCM Landscape is Confusing

    GRC Components & Related ServicesGRC Components & Related Services

    Governance Layer

    Risk/Compliance Layer

    IT Infrastructure Layer

    Align Performance With Corporate Objectives

    Establish The Rules For Business Operations

    Assure That Information Is Properly Controlled

    Continuous Control Monitoring (CCM), Testing & Enforcement

    Business/Performance Layer

    Continuous Monitoring LayerProvide Insight & Perform

    Specialized Functions

    Assure That Operations Follow Set Policies and Expectations

    ERP Finance HR Sales Supply ChainManuf. Ops. LOB

    Pharma Retail Health-careTransp-ortation


    Financial Services Energy


    Application Configuration

    (CCM-AC)User Access (CCM-SOD)

    Master Data (CCM-MD)

    Transactions (CCM-T)

    Policy, procedure & control definition

    Automated testing

    IT Control Monitoring, Testing & EnforcementIT Control Monitoring, Testing & EnforcementNetworks Web E-mail Servers Storage

    Corporate ReportingCorporate Reporting

    Documentation / Alignment / RationalizationDocumentation / Alignment / Rationalization

    Enterprise Risk E-Discovery

    Issue & Resolution



  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Continuous Auditing in Practice

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    User Access Exceptions

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Business Process Exceptions

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Process Exceptions drilldown into specific issues

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Process Exceptions drilldown duplicate vendor

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Continuous Monitoring helps Risk Assessment

    Value of Returned Goods by LocationValue of Returned Goods by Location

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    . . . and helps drive Business Improvement

    Open Sales Orders Not ShippedOpen Sales Orders Not Shipped

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved.


    Case Study:Continuous Auditing Approach

    25% Automated WithOut-of-the-Box Rules25% Automated WithOut-of-the-Box Rules

    25% Automated byConfiguring New CCM/CA Rules

    25% Automated byConfiguring New CCM/CA Rules

    25% Automated byRe-Engineering Audit Plan


    25% Automated byRe-Engineering Audit Plan


    25% Not Possible to Automate25% Not Possible to Automate

    Systematically examine each Audit Action Sheet, the audit approach, and the audit objectives

    Design an automation and continuous monitoring method, achieving the same audit objectives while leveraging CCM/CA

    Identify and validate automation opportunities in 4 key areas:

    1. CCM/CA out-of-the-box rules2. Configure new rules3. Re-engineer manual AAS tests4. Not possible to automate


    75% Automation of Audit Tests

  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Continuous Auditing / Continuous Controls Monitoring Can target up to 60-70% of key controls

    But, it can be complex

    Many Moving Parts, including . . . Technology

    Potentially broad controls and data scope

    Multiple systems and processes

    Geography, Lines of Business, Organisations & Plants

    Managing Stakeholders & Expectations

    Reporting and actioning exceptions and issues

    Human impact of continuous monitoring

    Invariably involves change!

    2008 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Some Specific Recommendations (1)

    Be clear and get agreement on ownership and sponsorship

    Start simple, narrow risk focussed scope with quantifiable value

    Prioritise based on business risk and suitability for automation ... HIGH / HIGHs are the sweet spot

    Develop a plan for iterative refinement of entire process. Deploy ... use ... learn ... review ... refine ... extend. Increase breadth in controlled stages.

    Review current beliefs and practices in light of each iteration. Is there a better way to test this control or manage this risk?

    Deeply engage the business / control owners as part of the assessment / development / testing processes

    Be aware that continuous monitoring WILL find more exceptions than periodic sampling. Communicate well and often.

    2006 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Some Specific Recommendations (2)

    Implement a robust rule configuration methodology involving required skills. Structured but iterative approach works well.

    Define a robust rule testing strategy which closely involves thebusiness / control owners.

    Define and agree business deployment strategy before rolling out. e.g. practical information dissemination and alerting strategy that makes it easy for the stakeholders. Work out how the stakeholders will use the output, confirm priority of exceptions, and agree types of actions needed.

    Reporting: Ensure the content is filtered appropriately for the target community so they only see relevant information. Ensure report output is appropriate for the target community.

    2006 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

    Work Streams to consider when Planning

    CCM/CA Project

    Vision & objectives setting and stakeholder buy-in

    Narrow Path Pilot to develop and test full cycle controls testing from control confirmation to business action and remediation

    Extend to next LOB, geography, control set


    Dont invest in technology until you have proven the value in a Narrow Path Pilot . . .

    2008 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved


  • 2010 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.


    Planning & Management

    Roll-Out & Follow-On Planning

    Controls Definition & Optimization

    IT Planning & Operability

    Information Dissemination & Exception Action Planning

    Pilot Business As Usualon Narrow Path Scope

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved.

    The Business Case The vision and rationale

    Enable a comprehensive controls testing environment for optimised risk coverage, visibility of control effectiveness, elimination of fraud and waste and process (& system) simplification and standardisation

    Tangible benefits of Continuous Audit Cost savings OR Cost avoidance

    Internal Audit Effort

    External Audit Effort

    Finance Effort

    IT Effort

    Other External effort

    Both centrally and locally (often disguised in other activities)

    Improved risk profile 100% control testing

    Efficiencies and cost savings in core business processes

    Operational intelligence for business exceptions

    Driving process standardisation and economies of scale 2009 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved. 36

    Companies Expect to See Significant Benefits From Their Deployment of CCM Applications

    In What Areas Do You Expect to See the Most Significant Benefits With CCM Applications?

    Source: AMR Research, 2009

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Stakeholder views on CCM/CA

    CFO / Finance

    Internal Audit


    Compliance/ Risk

    Increased business efficiency

    Reduced risk of adverse audit findings & fraud

    Reduced testing time for routine controls

    Improved internal auditor utilization

    Reduced time to support audits

    Reduced IT cost of ownership

    Improved visibility into key risks

    Reduced time and cost for monitoring controls

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved. 38

    Continuous Auditing & Continuous MonitoringComplementary Business Goals of

    Continuous Auditing & Continuous Monitoring










































    Audit Benefits(continuous auditing)

    Reduced Audit Costs

    Automated Audit Testing

    Reduced Audit Preparation Costs

    Improved Audit Quality &


    Business Process Optimization

    FinancialReporting Accuracy

    Fraud Prevention

    Performance Management

    Transaction Processing Costs

    Performance Improvement

    Performance& Strategy


    Risk Management &Operational Improvement

    Cash Leaks


  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved. 39

    More than 50% of Organizations Are Considering or Piloting Continuous Auditing & Monitoring Tools

    Not at all or dont know

    How Widespread Is the Use of Technology to Support Continuous Auditing & Continuous Monitoring?

    Use standard reporting (e.g. from ERP system)

    Considering the use of dedicated auditing & monitoring tools

    Limited/pilot use of dedicated auditing & monitoring tools

    Widespread use of dedicated auditing & monitoring tools

    Source: KPMG Continuous Monitoring & Continuous Auditing Survey, 2010

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved.

    The Value of Effective, Assured Controls

    Better risk identification, mitigation and management

    Knowledge that the business runs as advertised

    Revenue is solid, cash is collected, expenses are valid, tax position is correct, accrual values are fair, waste & fraud is eliminated

    Stakeholders (internal and external) have greater confidence in results, operations, controls and management

    So the question remains;

    is continuous, automated testing more cost effective? 2009 Approva Corporation and Consider Solutions Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Everyone else gets (continuously) audited!

    In God we trust . . . .


  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved. 42

    Contact Details

    [email protected]


  • 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved. 2009 Approva Corporation. All rights reserved. 43

    Dan French - Consider Solutions

    Consider Solutions are the European distribution operation for Approva

    IACON 2010Taking the Internal Audit Profession Forward

    Continuous Auditing:Technology Enabled Continuous Assurance