convenience night & day

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  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Convenience Night & DayConvenience Night & Day

    A Solution To All Your basic Home Needs!!

    Tarandeep Singh

    Jagjeet Singh

    Sunny Saini

    Md Hasan

    Sahil Jain

    Nishant Saurabh

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day



    y Problem we are dealing with

    y Who our customer is

    y How will we make money

    y Why would the customer pay us

    y Solution

    y Why Now

    y The Market Size(SAM, TAM, SOM)

    y Competition

    y Product

    y Development Roadmapy Business Model(Pricing, Average Account Size)

    y Team

    y Financials

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Company PurposeCompany Purpose

    Night & Day will offer a range of fresh, organic produce, staples,

    packaged foods, drinks (alcoholic and nonalcoholic), prepackaged

    fresh meals and pastries, newspapers, pet foods, medicines,health and beauty items, etc. In addition, Night & Day will also

    rent a small section of the store to a cafe. The cafe will have

    seating for approximately 20 people and will provide breakfast,

    lunch, coffee, tea, cold drinks and pastries.

    Night & Day competitive edge is its location, its focus on customer

    service and the convenience of24 hours service.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Sharing the Customers PainSharing the Customers Pain

    Convenience stores offer speed of service to time-starvedconsumers who want to get in and out of the store quickly.These shoppers recognize this channel of trade for itsconvenient locations, extended hours of operation, one-stopshopping, grab-and-go foodservice, variety of merchandise

    and fast transactions.The fact that the store is situated very near to the customershousing vicinity is an answer to the pain that the customersgenerally have to face when they need to rush to the placesfar away for buying such basic household commodities thatwe have to offer.

    When this issue is solved the customers will tend to buy moreand more of the products at the rates offered at.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day



    The mission of Night & Day Convenience Store is to

    provide packaged foods, fresh foods, fast food, soft

    drinks, beer, cigarettes, groceries, and selected

    nonfood items to residents of the Dream City(Noida)and surrounding neighborhoods. The store will provide

    fair priced items to its customers.

    The number of convenience stores registered under the

    association is 144,541 as of December 31, 2009. This is thesecond straight year the count has declined and only the

    fourth time in the last 15 years that the industrys store

    count has declined. The count also declined in 1994, 2003

    and 2008.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Industry ProfileIndustry Profile

    y Industry size

    y Scope


    Operationsy Recent trends

    y Risks


    Opportunitiesy Industry forecast

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Industry IssuesIndustry Issues

    y While convenience stores have offered

    fresh, prepared foods for years, it is only

    over the last decade that the trend has

    accelerated. The result is that conveniencestores have continued to evolve from

    convenience stores that happen to sell

    food to restaurants that happen to selldaily need items.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    y Facts and trends about the top in-store merchandise categories andservices of the convenience retailing industry.

    y Alcoholic Beverage Sales:Nearly 80 percent of convenience stores sellbeer, accounting for nearly one-third of all beer purchased in the India,about 93 percent of which is sold cold.

    y Candy Sales:Candy is a high-impulse item in convenience stores, now-a-

    days. In fact, many shoppers (49 percent) report that their candy purchaseswere unplanned.

    y Coffee Sales:More than three out of four adult Indians say that theydrink coffee either daily or regularly, according to the National CoffeeAssociation, and convenience stores are one of the preferred destinationsfor coffee drinkers. Consumers stop to buy coffee more than they fill uptheir cars, providing convenience stores with a great opportunity to build

    loyalty and repeat sales.y Technology:The integration of technology into convenience stores

    continues at a fast pace. Over the past decade, the convenience storeindustry has gone from being a technology laggard to a technology leaderin using new technologies to deliver convenience.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day



    1. To make Night & Day the preferred conveniencestore for the residents of the newly built Dream City and

    surrounding neighborhoods.

    2. To break-even(no profit no loss) by the end of

    the first year.

    3. To achieve a net profit of 5% by year three.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Keys To SuccessKeys To Success

    1. To convince Aspen Estates residents that Night &

    Day is "their" convenience store.

    2. To turn over inventory an average of15 - 20 times

    per year.

    3. To provide a broad supply of groceries, food andnecessary household items.

    4. To provide easy parking facility.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Company SummaryCompany Summary

    Night & Day Convenience Store is a start-up venture. The

    store will occupy a leased property which is located on theMain Highway in NOIDA approximately 30 yards from the

    main entrance of Dream City. The new building contains

    five other store fronts that were built at the same time as

    the apartments. On the same strip there will be a coffee

    shop, a gourmet chocolate shop, a gift shop and abookstore.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day



    Alchoholic Beverages

    Cigarettes & othertobbaco products

    Food serviceproducts

    Groceries and otherproducts


  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Risk Rate of this IndustryRisk Rate of this Industry

    This report looks at the operational risk associated with thisindustry. Three types of risk are recognized in our analysis.These are: risk arising from within the industry itself(structural risk), risks arising from the expected futureperformance of the industry (growth risk) and risk arisingfrom forces external to the industry (external sensitivityrisk).

    The Convenience Store industry is made up of retailbusinesses with a primary emphasis on selling basic food,beverage and tobacco products at accessible locations andtimes. The industry does not include grocery stores or small


    The primary activities of firms in this industry are:Retailing a limited line of goods with an emphasis on basicfood, beverages and tobacco products.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Dairy WholesalingaDairy Wholesalinga

    scope(part of the conveniencescope(part of the convenience

    store)store)y Dairy manufacturers have increasingly been

    incorporating wholesale functions as part of theiroverall operation which will likely constituteintensified competition for independent wholesalers

    in the future. Per capita consumption of dairyproducts is expected to rise due largely to populationgrowth and this trend will boost demand for thismature industry's products. The extent of growthhowever, will be limited by the increasing change inhealth mentality toward dairy products.

    y In-depth industry market research presented in alogical and consistent format. Including 39 pages ofinsights covering industry conditions, key statistics,competitor analysis and market share, product andcustomer segmentation and a 5 year forecast.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Model Design (NOIDA DREAM CITY)Model Design (NOIDA DREAM CITY)

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Feel the Heat of Competition fromFeel the Heat of Competition from

    prepre--existing Giants & householdexisting Giants & household

    stable service providers.stable service providers.y Traditional family run convenience stores are too well established in India than to be

    wiped out and besides there is uniqueness in the traditional items that represent the Indian sub-

    continent. The retail stores in India are essentially dominated by the unorganized sector or

    traditional stores. In fact the traditional stores have taken up 98 percent of the Indian retail

    market. Now stores run by families are primarily food based and the set up is as Kirana or the

    'corner grocer' stores. Basically they provide high service with low prices. If the stores are not

    food based then the type of retail items available are local in nature.

    The traditional family run convenience stores can take pride in the fact that the Kirana is the

    most common outlet forms for the consumers. The tough competition for convenience stores

    are coming from organized retail stores dealing in food items, like:

    Apna Bazaar


    Canteen storesy Food World

    y Subhiksha

    y Food Bazaar

    y 6 Ten

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    y Convenience Stores are open for long hours and is one of the formatsof the Indian retail stores that cater to basic needs of the consumer. Thesestores are found in both residential as well as commercial markets. Thefood products of traditional family run convenience stores are comprisedof branded as well as non-branded items. The benefits of family runconvenience stores is that they give importance to:

    Personal touch Facilities of credit Quick home delivery

    Non-food based stock comprises of multiple and varieties of local brands.The future of such stores as they face competition from organizedsector, would depend on the following particulars:Place and capacity

    y Diligent area coverage

    y Disciplined work schedule

    y Managing turnover

    y Revenue from assets

    y Customer service and satisfaction

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Start Up SummaryStart Up Summary

    Requirements INR

    Start-up Expenses

    Legal 50,000

    Stationery etc. 50,000

    Consultants 23,000Insurance 5,00,000

    Rent 5,00,000

    Expensed Equipment 1,00,000

    Other 12,000

    Total Start-up Expenses 12,35,000

    Start-up Assets

    Cash Required 10,00,000

    Start-up Inventory 35,00,000

    Other Current Assets 23,500

    Long-term Assets 15,00,000

    Total Assets 60,23,500

    Total Requirements 72,58,500


    Liabilities and Capital


    Current Borrowing 23,50,000

    Long-term Liabilities 0

    Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills) 0

    Other Current Liabilities (interest-free) 0

    Total Liabilities



    Planned Investment

    Investor 1 20,00,000

    Other 0

    Additional Investment Requirement 0

    Total Planned Investment 20,00,000

    Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses) (3,00,000)

    TotalCapital 17,00,000

    Total Capital and Liabilities 40,50,000

    Partners investment 32,08,500

    Total Funding 72,58,500

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day



    The store will provide typical items found in any convenience store,

    however, items will be "higher end" than many conveniencestores. Night & Day will offer a range of fresh, organic produce,

    staples, packaged foods, drinks (alcoholic and nonalcoholic),

    prepackaged fresh meals and pastries, newspapers, pet foods,medicines, health and beauty items, etc. In addition, Night & Day will

    rent a small section of the store to a cafe. The cafe will provide

    breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea, cold drinks and pastries. There will beseating for approximately 20 people.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Market Analysis SummaryMarket Analysis Summary

    The Aspen Estates is a newly built apartment complex in the western

    suburbs of Sonipat. Construction is scheduled to continue for the next

    eight months, however 350 condominiums and townhouses are

    already complete and approximately another175 are scheduled for

    completion in the next eight months.

    All of the residences are for sale, not rent, so it is expected that the

    household income of the residents of Aspen Estates will be higher than

    the national average.

    Night & day is so far the only convenience store in the area therefore

    there is a very little competition in the segment.

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day


    Industry AnalysisIndustry Analysis

    The convenience store industry is highly fragmented,

    though larger players, such as Big Bazar, Spencers, etc.dominate since they are based in very high traffic areas

    and have the money during the early eighties to grow


    Gross profits are typically 20 - 22%, with net profits

  • 8/6/2019 Convenience Night & Day



    y According to the surveys done by the

    NACS (National Association of

    Convenience Stores) the market for the

    convenience stores is going to rise in thenext few years drastically as urbanization

    of the cities and the purchasing power of

    the Indian citizens is soaring.So, we see a great future in the business of

    running our convenience store