convening and conducting of meetings and conference

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  • 8/8/2019 Convening and Conducting of Meetings and Conference


  • 8/8/2019 Convening and Conducting of Meetings and Conference


    An assembly of people for a particular


    E.g. Annual General Meeting

    Meaning of Conference`A formal meeting of people with a shared

    interest, typically one that takes place over

    several days.` E.g. A Press conference

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    Meeting Conference

    1. Often take place over a

    short or relatively shorter


    2. Actual participation of the

    participants is needed.

    3. Meetings can be formal or


    1. Often take place over

    many days.

    2. Conference may occur

    virtually, as mediated bycommunications

    technology, such as a

    telephone conference

    call, a skype conference

    call or avideoconference.

    3. Conferences are often


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    ` Based on nature.

    ` Based on purpose.

    ` Based on legality.

    ` Based on frequency of occurrence.

    ` Based on the participants.

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    Formal Meeting: Are held at definite times

    At a definite place like board room

    Usually for a definite duration to follow an agreed

    upon agenda.

    Informal Meeting:

    Not planned in advance

    Members are not notified through formal means

    Take place in neutral surroundings like

    restaurants, park etc

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    1. Informational Meeting:

    Informational meeting seeks to clarify or to give


    E.g.` Meetings held to inform the changes in reporting

    procedures in the purchasing department.

    ` Presenting report on the companys strategic plan

    for the next fiscal year.

    ` Announcement of the new mission statement.

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    2.Problem solving meeting:

    The steps involved

    1. Problem analysis

    2. Finding solution

    3. Benefit analysis4. Action plan.

    ` Most interactive meeting with most careful

    supervision by the leader and rational discussion

    by the participants.

    Based on purpose of meeting

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    3. Decision-making meeting:

    Generally board meetings are conducted for making

    a decision, where the participants will be the

    decision makers.4. Feed back meeting:

    ` It is conducted for evaluating a particular action.

    ` For e.g. sales meetings are conducted for

    evaluating the previous months performance.

    Based on purpose of meeting

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    As per Companies Act of1956 meetings are dividedinto:

    1. Statutory Meeting

    It is the first meeting of the shareholders of a

    public company. It has to be called within six months from the date

    on which the company is entitled to commence

    business, but it cannot be held within one month

    from the date. Purpose is to put the shareholder in possession of

    all the important facts relating to the new


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    2. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

    Every company is required to call at least one

    meeting of its shareholders each year and this

    meeting is known as AGM.

    The gap between two AGM should not be of morethan fifteen months.

    3. Extraordinary Meeting

    ` This meeting is generally held for the purpose of

    dealing with any matter which cannot bepostponed till the next annual general meeting.

    Based on the legality

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    A one-time meeting is the most common meeting

    type and covers events that are self-contained.

    A recurring meeting is a meeting that recurs

    periodically, such as an every Monday staffmeeting from 9:00AM to 9:30 AM.

    A series meeting is like a recurring meeting, but

    the details differ from meeting to meeting.

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    ` Board meeting: where the participants will be the

    board of directors.

    ` Staff meeting: typically a meeting between a

    manager and those who report to the manager.` One-on-one meeting: between two individuals.

    ` Team meeting: a meeting among colleagues

    working on various aspects of a team project.

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    ` Proper authority A meeting to be valid must be called by a proper authority. It is

    the Board who can normally convene a company meeting

    ` Notice

    All those who are concerned with business of the meeting andare entitled to attend it, are communicated of the date, timeand business meeting.

    ` Quorum A quorum may be defined as the minimum number of

    members who must be present at a meeting in order that thebusiness of the meeting may be validly transacted.

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    ` Chairperson of meeting The chairperson of the Board shall preside at every

    general meeting of the company.


    Minutes of the meeting The term minutes mean the official record of the

    meetings of a company. These are the summary of the

    business transacted, decisions and the resolutions

    arrived at the meeting.

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    For the proper conduct of a meeting, a chairperson is

    necessary. His appointment is usually regulated by

    the articles of association. These regulations are:

    Regulation 50: the chairperson of the board shall preside at

    every general meeting of the company.

    Regulation 51: if there is no such chairperson or he is not

    present within fifteen minutes after the time appointed for

    holding the meeting, the members present shall choose one of

    their number to be the chair man of meeting.

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    Before a Meeting

    ` supervise and to prepare the agenda together with the


    ` check that notice & agenda sent out to members in

    sufficient time before the meeting

    ` check the minutes of the previous meeting and sign

    for accuracy

    ` be acquainted with any reports, correspondence etc,

    which is to be presented` work with the Secretary to ensure that tasks which

    were to be completed between meetings are


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    During the meeting

    ` Open the meeting

    ` Check for quorum

    ` Conduct the meeting according to the order of the


    ` Topic is dealt with and settled before passing onto the next

    ` Ensure sufficient opportunity is given to those

    who wish to speak

    ` Say who is to speak

    ` Close the meeting when all matters are attended to.

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    Formal records of proceedings of a meeting. In otherwords these are the brief of discussions held and

    decisions taken at the meeting.

    Advantages of minutes.

    ` They constitute an official record of the decisions arrived at

    the meeting

    ` A member who was absent can easily understand what had

    happened at it.

    ` Help members to recall the exact conclusions reached at inprevious meetings.

    ` They serve as a background for future discussions.

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    Contents of the minutes.

    ` Date and number of meeting.

    ` A list of the names of those who attended the meeting.

    ` A list of those members who did not attend and from whom

    apologies were received.` The record of confirmation of the previous minutes and any

    amendments agreed to by the committee.

    ` The essential background to the topic under discussion.

    ` Asummary of the discussion.

    ` A clear record of the decision reached.

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    The minutes must not contain any matter which,

    is irrelevant to the proceedings

    is or could reasonably be regarded as defamatory of

    any person is detrimental to the interests of the company

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    ` Before the Meeting Plan the meeting carefully

    x Select an affordable locationx Notify members in enough time to allow their planning

    Prepare and send out an agenda early Check room set up early to make sure that the meeting

    room is set up properly

    `At the Beginning of the Meeting Start on time Get participants to introduce themselves and state

    their expectations for the meeting Set clear time limits Review action items from the previous meeting

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    ` Ask questions

    ` Listen

    ` Clarify issues

    ` Use the agenda to keep the meeting moving` Summarize agreements

    ` Identify additional data needed to make decisions

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    ` At the End of the Meeting Establish action items: who, what, when

    Set the date and place of the next meeting and develop a

    preliminary agenda

    Close the meeting crisply and positively

    ` After the Meeting Follow-up on action items and start to plan the next


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    ` An annual general meeting is an importantmeeting of protecting the interests of the

    shareholders. It is only at the annual general

    meeting of a company that the shareholders can

    exercise control over the affairs of the company.` Objectives

    Review the working of the company

    Presentation of Annual Accounts

    Declaration of Dividend

    Appointment of Auditors

    Appointment of Directors in place of retiring by rotation.

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    When to convene` First AGM of a company must be held within 18 months

    of from the date of incorporation

    ` Subsequent AGM should be hold in each calendar year.

    Who to convene` The proper authority to convene an annual general

    meeting is the Board of directors.

    ` If the managing director, manager, secretary or other

    officer calls a meeting without such authority, it will notbe effectual unless the Board ratifies the act before the

    meeting is held

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    Before the meeting` Publishing of date and place

    ` Office bearers and committee

    ` Preparation of meeting papers

    During the meeting` Motions

    ` Nominations

    ` Special procedural provisions

    ` Guest speaker (if any)After the meeting

    ` Documentation

    ` Hand over

    ` Banking

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    ` Only meet if you must

    ` Limit attendance

    ` Be prepared

    ` Send out an agenda

    ` Arrive on time` Start on time

    ` Keep to topic

    ` Take minutes of meeting

    ` No grandstanding

    ` Be present

    ` Keep it short

    ` Special considerations for Video conferencing

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  • 8/8/2019 Convening and Conducting of Meetings and Conference
