converacion entre antonini y rangel silva

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  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva



    16320 N W 2"d Avenu eNorth M iami Beach , Florida 33 169

    File Number: MM - 109803Task Number: 2902Tape Number/CD #: R24aAudio File Number: D-14.1 .RS. I 1-06-07.04 16PM .wavDate Recorded: I 1/6/07Time Recorded:Language: SpanishTranslator/Transcriber: LA Cindy Bowyer


    Abbreviations:ItalicsIAuPH[ ISCov[RCI


    Alejandro AntoniniGeneral Rangel Silva aka Arvelo

    Spoken in Foreign LanguagesInaudibleUnintelligiblePhoneticBackground Conversation 1NoiseSimulraneous conversationOverlapping voicesRecorded Message GOVERNMENTEXHIBIT

    CASENO. 07-20999-~r-~enard

    EXHIBIT ,,,,NO.

  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva


  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva


    File Num ber:Da tel ' im e Recorded:Tape/CD/DVD Number:MM - 10980311 6/07R24a

    AR: [OV] jTu vas a trabajar con CI? [OV] Are you going to work with him?AA : Si, si, claro que si. Todo el mundo m eha traicionado y ha s ido la unica

    persona--Yes, yes, of course I am. Everybody hasbetrayed me and he has been the onlyperson--

    AR: [OV] Okey. Entonces que sea el pues. [OV] Okay. So he'll be alright--AA: Usted sabe, todo el mundo, todo elmu ndo q ue yo sC que ha partido esto,jefe, y-y 61 ha sido --

    You know , everybody, everybody I knowhas broken this, chie f, and-and he hasbeen--AR: [OV] Por eso es que yo-- [OV] That's why I--UFV: Marisol [F] Marisol [ph] .AA: --y 61 ha sido la unica persona.. .Ah,perdona que lo intermmpa ta nt o- q uese ha portado--

    --and he has been the only person.. . Oh, I'msony to interrupt you so much-who hasbehaved--AR : [OV] No hay problema. [OV] No problem.AA: --este, no sC, pues, qu e me parece que e sbuena-Coiio, jefe, si-si-si m e jode

    o--o i pasa algo, bueno, una ma s en lasque tantos me han pasado ultimamente.

    --uh, 1 don't know, well, w ho se ems to begood-Shit, chie f, if-if-if he sc rews meor--o r if som ethin g happens, well, it'll beone more o f the many things that havehappened to m e lately.AR: Claro, te jodi6 a ti y te jod ib -m e jodioa mi tambiCn, porq ue yo-yo conozco a

    ese muchacho, y bueno.. .Particularm ente yo te lo enviC para all6con la esperanza de que se solucionaraeso pronto, jno?

    Of course, he screwed you and hescrewed-he screwed m e too, becau se 1-1know that guy, and we ll.. . specifically senthim to you with the hop e that this wouldresolve itself qu ickly, right?AA:AR:AA:

    Okey. T e q u i e r e y e l o que yo-- Okay. I want-1-what I- -[OV] Eh. [OV] Uh ...--quisiera, jefe--estoy desesp erado. D everdad . Sab es, yo-yo-- --would wan t, chief-I'm despera te.Really. You now, I-I--

    AR: [OV] Entonces yo hablo porque es queyo necesito una persona aca en dond e yopueda hablar [sic]. La primera parle de[OV ] So then that's why I called because Ineed some one here I can speak to. There isno problem with the first part regard ing the

  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva


    File Number:DateITime Recorded:TapeICDlDVD Number:lo del recibo de aqui, no hay problema.

    AA: Bueno, P I ] .AR: Lo de la segunda parte, q ue e s la parte

    financiers, tarnpoco hay problem a.AA: Okey.AR: Y la tercera parte, alla, ya m e dijo elhombre aqui, el hombre largo--AA: Ajh.AR: --que ese ya--ese ya estaba trabajando,y qu e e sos tarnbiCn ne--que CI secomprometia con eso allayen el sur,jno?AA: Pero, eso e st h -- Eh, jefe, yo he--sabeque-bueno, le dijo MoisCs que yoten go un abogado que-un-ue meesta ayudando con el tema de laextradic ion , y-y-y ellos es tanpresionando, jefe. Sabe, no se e s t h

    portando com o amigos, LOYO?Presionan y presionan y todos 10sdiasva-va-van a1 Dep ar tamen to deEs tad o-L o que pasa es que-y elmiedo a mi que m e da es que, coiio,u-usted m e entiende, jno ?AR : Date cuenta que 10sabogados tambienhacen la vain a pa-pa-pa despuk s--AA: [OV] Pa poder cobrarAR: --WI] m as y pedir mas, jno?AA: Claro. Yo estoy claro.AR: Olvidate. Olvidate, pues. Eso cuand ose habla alla-alla: com o me dijo elhombre--el hombre del cabelloblanco--

    receipt here.Alright, [UI].With regards to the second part, which i s thefinancial part, there's also no problem there.Okay.And the third part, over there, the man herealready told me, the tall man--

    --that it was already-that it was alreadybeing worked on , and they also-that hecommitted himself to that over there, in thesouth, right?But, those are-- Uh, chief, 1have-youkno w that-well: Moise s told you that I hadan attorney that-a-that is help ing me withthe extraditio n issue , and-and-and they'reapplying pressure, chief. You know, they'renot behaving like friends, you hear? Theypressure and the pressu re and every day theygo-go-go to the Sta teDepartment-What hap pen s is that-andmy fear i s that, shit, y-you understand me ,right?

    Realize that attorneys also do stuff t o - t o -to then--[OV] To be able to charge.--[UI] more and charge more, right?Of course. I am clear on that.Forget about that. Forget about that. Whenthat's discussed over th er e- ov er there, likethe man-the man with the wh ite hair toldme--

  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva


    File Number:DateITime Recorded:TapeICDDV D Number:MM- 10980311/6/07R24a

    AA: Mm-hmm.AR : --este, me dijo que no: que contara c on

    eso, y que eso va bien adelantado. Yohablo con 61 en la noche, maiiana----uh, he told m e that no, for you to count onthat, and that it had been sped up. I ' l l speakto him tomorrow night--

    [Timbra un telefono] [A telephone rings]AA: Okey. Okay.AR: --le digo qu e hab le contigo y que-yque, bueno--y q u e - q u e me dC lapa-la-la parte que le voy a habla rc o n -c o n MoisCs--

    --1'11 tell him that I spoke to you andthat-and that, well-and to - to give methe pa-the-the pa rt that I'm go ing tospeak to--to Mo ises about--Okay.A: Okey.

    AR: --y yo le entrego eso a M oises y queMo ises te lo haga llegar a ti en todocaso.--and I've give that to Moises and M oisescan get it to you, in any case .

    AA: Bueno, y-y-y-y-y-y yo-yconfiare en qu e con M oises la partelegal la haga correctamente. 0 sea,yo -y o estoy en las man os de ustedes,jefe. Si-si-y+oiio, ya-ya quie rosalir de--de don de estoy, jefe, deb ajo dela piedra, pues.

    Well, and-and -and -and -and -andI-and I'll trust that M oise s do es the legalpart correctly. I mean, 1-1 am in yourhands, chief. If-if-and-shit, 1-1 wantto get out the mess I'm in, chief, get outfiom under the rock, I mean.

    AR: No, take it easy. I-1-111 meet withMoises no w an d 1'11 tell him to--to go meetwith you over there.No, tranquilo. Yo le-yo me-yo m ereuno co n Moises ahora y ya yo le digoq u e - q u e se vaya a hablar contigo all i .

    AA : Gracias, jefe. Thanks, chief.AR: Tranquilo, y... No, no, ya, ya el otrohombre tambien me dio la palabra d e lasotras tres cosas. Es mas, el fue el queme dijo que--que estaba bien,que--que-ue hab lara contigo, queverificara y que--que bueno. quecontaras con eso .

    Take it easy, and.. . No, no, the other guyalso gave me his word o n the other threethings. What's m ore, he was the one whotold me that-that it wa s fine, to - to - totalk to you, to veritjl and that-that well, foryou to count on that.. AA: Thanks, chief. It's just that--racias, jefe. Es que--

  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva


    MM- 10980311/6/07R24a

    File Number:DatetTime Recorded:TapeICDlDVD Number:

    AR: [OV] Okey. [OV] OkayAA: --ojala que un dia nos conozcamos en

    persona, jefe, y usted vea- Si-siusted ve quien soy yo de persona, jefe,0-0 usted seguro que me haaveriguado, yo no soy ningh malandro,ningim-Yo estaba en el sitioequivocado, jefe, y-y, o sea, yo soymuy tonto pero tarnpoco-Y-y memolesta, cofio, que--que esta bien, puesme comi ese clavo- [timbra untelCfono] -porque piensan que la gentees amiga, y yo sC que la gente sonunos-un-Sabes, la gente piensa namas en ellos, jefe. 0 yo no se, 0-0--

    --I hope we meet in person one day, chief,and you can see-If-if you see the type ofperson I am, chief, or--or I'm sure you'vealready researched me, I'm not a low-life,not a-1 was in the wrong place, chief,and-and I mean, I'm really dumb but notthat much-And-and it bothers me, shit,that-that alright, well, I got the raw end ofthe deal-[a telephone rings] -because tothink that people are friends, and I knowthat people are a bunch of-a-You know,people just think about themselves, chief.Or I don't know, or -or --

    [OV] Of course.R: [OV] Claro.AA: --he un momento politico de-Yo no

    sC, jefe. Mm, no se, pero...Lo que-loque si le agradezco mucho lo que est6haciendo. De verdad, se lo superagradezco.

    --it was political issue-I don't know, chief.MM, I don't know, but.. . 1-1 really doappreciate what you are doing. Really, I amsuper appreciative.

    AR: No, vale, tranquilo. Tranquilo. Este,yo.. . Yo hablo con El Gordo ahori ta-- No, man, no problem. No problem. Uh, I..I'll speak to El Gordo in a bit--


    Okey. Okay.--tu lo llamas y yo-y yo lo llamodespuds--

    --you call him and I-and I'll call himlater--

    AA: Okay.key.AR:AA:AR:

    --y yo me reuno con 61. --and I ' l l meet with him.Bueno. Alright.Entonces, yo busco las cuestiones parade una vez articular todo.

    So then, 111 get the things together toarticulate everything.

    - AA:AR:Gracias, jefe.;Okey?

    Thanks, chief.Okay?

  • 8/14/2019 Converacion entre antonini y rangel silva
