convex hull (35.3)

Convex Hull(35.3) Convex Hull, CH(X), is the smallest convex polygon containing all points from X, |X|=n Different methods: incremental: moving from left to right updates CH(x1..xi). the runtime O(nlogn) divide-and-conquer divides into two subsets left and right in O(n), then combine into one convex hull in O(n) prune-and-search O(n logh), where h is the # points in CH uses pruning as for finding median to find upper chain

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Convex Hull (35.3). Convex Hull, CH(X), is the smallest convex polygon containing all points from X, |X|=n Different methods: incremental: moving from left to right updates CH(x1..xi). the runtime O(nlogn) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Convex Hull (35.3)

Convex Hull(35.3)• Convex Hull, CH(X), is the smallest convex polygon

containing all points from X, |X|=n• Different methods:

– incremental: moving from left to right updates CH(x1..xi). the runtime O(nlogn)

– divide-and-conquer divides into two subsets left and right in O(n), then combine into one convex hull in O(n)

– prune-and-search O(n logh), where h is the # points in CH uses pruning as for finding median to find upper chain

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Graham’s Scan (35.3)


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Finding the Closest Pair(35.4)• Brute-force: O(n2)• Divide-and-conquer algorithm with recurrence

T(n)=2T(n/2)+O(n)• Divide: divide into almost equal parts by a vertical

line which divides given x-sorted array X into 2 sorted subarrays

• Conquer: Recursively find the closest pair in each half of X. Let = min{left, right}

• Combine: The closest pair is either in distance or a pair of points from different halves.

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Combine in D-a-C (35.4)• Subarray Y’ (y-sorted) of Y with points in 2 strip pY’ find all in Y’ which are closer than in

– no more than 8 in 2 rectangle– no more than 7 points can be closer than in

• If the closest in the strip closer then it is the answer


left right


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Voronoi Graph• Voronoi region Vor(p) (p in set S)

– the set of points on the plane that are closer to p than to any othe rpoint in S

• Voronoi Graph VOR(S)– dual to voronoi region graph– two points are adjacent if their voronoi regions have common

contiguous boundary (segment)

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Voronoi Graph• Voronoi Graph in the rectilinear plane• Rectilinear distance: p = (x, y); p’=(x’,y’)






ab Voronoi region of b

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NP-Completeness (36.4-5)




• P: yes and no in pt

• NP: yes in pt



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Independent Set• Independent set in a graph G:

pairwise nonadjacent vertices• Max Independent Set is NPC• Is there independent set of size k?

– Construct a graph G:

• literal -> vertex

• two vertices are adjacent iff

– they are in the same clause

– they are negations of each other

– 3-CNF with k clauses is satisfiable iff G has independent k-set

• assign 1’s to literals-vertices of independent set

• Example: f = (x+z+y’) & (x’+z’+a) & (a’+x+y)










x, z’, y independent

F is satisfiable:f = 1 if x = z’ = y = 1

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MAX Clique• Max Clique (MC):

– Find the maximum number of pairwise adjacent vertices

• MC is in NP– for the answer yes there is certificate of polynomial length = clique which

can be checked in polynomial time

• MC is in NPC– Polynomial time reduction from MIS:

• For any graph G any independent set in G 1-1 corresponds to clique in the complement graph G’

red independent set red clique

G Complement G’noedge edge edge noedge

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Minimum Vertex Cover• Vertex Cover:

– the set of vertices which has at least one endpoint in each edge

• Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC):– the set of vertices which has at least one endpoint in each edge

• MIN Vertex Cover is NPC – If C is vertex cover, then V - C is an independent set

red independent set

blue vertex cover

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Set Cover• Given: a set X and a family F of subsets of X, F 2X, s.t. X covered by F

• Find : subfamily G of F such that G covers X and |G| is minimize

• Set Cover is NPC – reduction from Vertex Covert

• Graph representation:

red elements of ground set X

blue subsets in family F

edge between set A F and element x X means x A


a b c d

A = {a,b,c}, B = {c,d}


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Intermediate Classes




Dense Set Coveris NP but not in P neither in NPC

Dense Set Cover: Each element of X belongs to at least half of all sets in F

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Runtime Complexity Classes• Runtime order:

– constant

– almost constant

– logarithmic

– sublinear

– linear

– pseudolinear

– quadratic

– polynomial

– subexponential

– exponential

– superexponential

• Example– adding an element in a queue/stack

– inverse Ackerman function = O(loglog…log n)

n times

– extracting minimum from binary heap

– n1/2

– traversing binary search tree, list

– O(n log n) sorting n numbers, closest pair, MST, Dijkstra shortest paths

– adding two nn matrices

– e n ^ (1/2)

– e n, , n!

– Ackerman function

2 . . . 2

2 n tim


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Hamiltonian Cycle and TSP

• Hamiltonian Cycle:– given an undirected graph G

– find a tour which visits each point exactly once

• Traveling Salesperson Problem– given a positive weighted undirected graph G

(with triangle inequality = can make shortcuts)

– find a shortest tour which visits all the vertices

• HC and TSP are NPC

• NPC problems: SP, ISP, MCP, VCP, SCP, HC, TSP

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Approximation Algorithms (37.0)

• When problem is in NPC try to find approximate solution in polynomial-time

• Performance Bound = Approximation Ratio (APR) (worst-case performance)

– Let I be an instance of a minimization problem

– Let OPT(I) be cost of the minimum solution for instance I

– Let ALG(I) be cost of solution for instance I given by approximate algorithm ALG

APR(ALG) = max I {ALG(I) / OPT(I)}

• APR for maximization problem =

max I {ALG(I) / OPT(I)}

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Vertex Cover Problem (37.1)

• Find the least number of vertices covering all edges

• Greedy Algorithm:– while there are edges

• add the vertex of maximum degree• delete all covered edges

• 2-VC Algorithm:– while there are edges

• add the both ends of an edge• delete all covered edges

• APR of 2-VC is at most 2– e1, e2, ..., ek - edges chosen by 2-VC– the optimal vertex cover has 1 endpoint of ei– 2-VC outputs 2k vertices while optimum k

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2-approximation TSP (37.2)

• Given a graph G with positive weights

Find a shortest tour which visits all vertices

• Triangle inequality w(a,b) + w(b,c) w(a,c)

• 2-MST algorithm:– Find the minimum spanning tree MST(G)– Take MST(G) twice: T = 2 MST(G) – The graph T is Eulerian - we can traverse it visiting each

edge exactly once– Make shortcuts

• APR of 2-MST is at most 2– MST weight weight of optimum tour

• any tour is a spanning tree, MST is the minimum

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3/2-approximation TSP (Manber)

• Matching Problem (in P)– given weighted complete (all edges) graph with even # vertecies

– find a matching (pairwise disjoint edges) of minimum weight

• Christofides’s Algorithm (ChA)– find MST(G)

– for odd degree vertices find minimum matching M

– output shortcutted T = MST(G) + M

• APR of ChA is at most 3/2– |MST| OPT

– |M| OPT/2

– |T| (3/2) OPT odd

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3/2-approximation TSP• Christofides’s Algorithm (ChA)

– find MST(G)

– for odd degree vertices find minimum matching M

– output shortcutted T = MST(G) + M

• The worst case for Christofides heuristic in Euclidean plane:




1 2 3 4 … k

k+1 k+2 … 2k-1k+3

- Minimum Spanning Tree length = 2k - 2- Minimum Matching of 2 odd degree nodes = k - 1- Christofides heuristic length = 3k - 3- Optimal tour length = 2k - 1- Approximation Ratio of Christofides = 3/2-1/(k-1/2)

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Non-approximable TSP (37.2)

• Approximating TSP w/o triangle inequality is NPC– any c-approximation algorithm can solve Hamiltonian

Cycle Problem in polynomial time

• Take an instance of HCP = graph G

• Assign weight 0 to any edge of G

• Complete G up to complete graph G’

• Assign weight 1 to each new edge

• c-approximate tour can use only 0-edges -

so it gives Hamiltonian cycle of G

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Steiner Tree Problem

Given: A set S of points in the plane = terminals

Find: Minimum-cost tree spanning S = minimum Steiner tree


1Cost = 2 Steiner PointCost = 31Terminals



Euclidean metric








Cost = 6 Cost = 4

Rectilinear metric

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Steiner Tree Problem in Graphs

• Given a graph G=(V,E,cost) and terminals S in V Find minimum-cost tree spanning all terminals

• MST algorithm (does not use Steiner points):

– find G(S) = complete graph on terminals

• edge cost = shortest path cost

– find T(S) = MST of G(S)

– replace each edge of T(S) with the path in G

– output T(S)

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MST -Heuristic

Theorem: MST-heuristic is a 2-approximation in graphs

Proof: MST < Shortcut Tour Tour = 2 • OPTIMUM

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Approximation Ratios

• Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem– approximation ratio = 2/3

• Rectilinear Steiner Tree Problem– approximation ratio = 3/2

• Steiner Tree Problem in graphs– approximation ratio = 2

Steiner Point Opt Cost = k






MST Cost = 2k-2

Approximation ratio = 2-2/k 2

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The Set Cover Problem

• Sets Ai cover a set X if X is a union of Ai

• Weighted Set Cover Problem

Given: – A finite set X (the ground set X)

– A family of F of subsets of X, with weights w: F +

Find:– sets S F, such that

• S covers X, X = {s | s S} and

• S has the minimum total weight {w(s) | s S}

• If w(s) =1 (unweighted), then minimum # of sets

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Greedy Algorithm for SCP

• Greedy Algorithm:– While X is not empty

• find s F minimizing w(s) / |s X| • X = X - s• C = C + s

– Return C


3 4 5



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Analysis of Greedy Algorithm

• Th: APR of the Greedy Algorithm is at most 1+ln k

• Proof:

iii nXS ||

11 iii nkk








kwn iii




wkk i


ii 1111

|| 1 ii Sk


wkk i

last 10






k ii


1lnln 0xx )1ln(







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Approximation Complexity

• Approximation algorithm

= polynomial time approximation algorithm • PTAS = a series of approximation algorithms

s.t. for any > 0 there is pt (1+)-approximation– There is PTAS fro subset sum

• Remarkable progress in 90’s (assuming P NP).– No PTAS for Vertex Cover

– No clog k-approximation for Set Cover for k < 1

• k is the size of the ground set X

– No n1- approximation for Independent Set

• n is the number of vertices