cooperating for a better education

1/10/2010 Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki Kokkola Education Department Edited by the Regio team GREECE FINLAN CO-OPERATING FOR BETTER EDUCATION

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Page 1: Cooperating for a better education


Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki

Kokkola Education Department

Edited by the Regio team



Page 2: Cooperating for a better education

Greek Comenius Regio Project Editing Team of Western Thessaloniki

Mr Konstantinos Kontogiannidis Director of Primary Education

Mr Vasilios Chatzis Manager of Educational Issues of the Directorate of Western Thessaloniki

Mr. Kostas Vasileiou, Manager of European Projects and International Cooperation of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki.

Mrs Natasha Mallou,

Mrs Olga Sehidou Principal of Primary School of Assiros.

Mr Vasilios Mezikis Principal of 7th Primary school of Ampelokipoi

Mrs Panagiota Karakasi Teacher of the English Language of Primary School of Assiros.

Mrs Emilia Katsiveli, Teacher of the English Language of Primary School of Assiros.

Finnish Comenius Regio Project Editing Team.

Mr. Peter Johnson, Director of Education

Mr. Jussi Kainulainen, Development Manager

Mr. Mika Sarkkinen, dept. Development Manager

Mrs. Heli Lehto-Koski, Development Manager, Villa Elba

Mr. Ronnie Djupsund, Youth Director

Mr. Aatto Pennan, Headmaster, Ykspihlaja School

Mr. Juha Suhonen, Headmaster, Koivuhaka School

Mr. Reijo Timonen, Headmaster, Kiviniitty School

Mrs. Pauliina Ehnqvist-Brännbacka, Special Education Teacher, Kiviniitty School

Ms. Pia Fraktman, Coordinator, Youth Services

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Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki, Greece

Department of Education in City of Kokkola, Finland

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1. Comparing school systems

Administrative control

Extent of public-sector funded education

Compulsory education

-- Curriculum control and content in Greece

-- Curriculum control and content in Finland

-- Length of school day/week/year

-- Class size/student grouping

-- Teachers

-- Teachers’ and School leaders’ Education & Qualification in Greece and Finland


2.Local community participation

Local decision making in Finland - example from City of Kokkola

Local decision making in Greece - example from City of Ampelokipi

Greek context

-- Local government in Greece

-- Local community participation

-- Practical example from the municipality of Ampelokipi

Finnish context

-- Youth work in Finland

-- Financing of Youth Work and Policy

-- National Youth Centres

-- The nature and role of communal youth work in Kokkola and Finland in general


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.3. Social marginalization

Support for student in Greece

-- Special needs in Greece

-- Cross-Cultural Education in Greece

-- Cross-cultural schools

Support for student in Finland

-- Student counselling

-- Basic support measures

-- Special education

-- Development of integration (mainstreaming) and inclusion

-- Legislative change in special education from 1.8.2011

-- Flexible basic education


4. Current reforms and priorities in Greece and Finland

Conclusions – Discussion


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Partnership for a better educationPartnership for a better education

Education was the basic element of the Greek civilization since the ancient times.

Socrates, expressing the fundamental principle of Man’s ignorance, concentrated in the

saying “I know one thing, that I know nothing”, taught his students that knowledge is not

just to be knowledgeable about definitions, but to experience the content of virtue as a

whole. Consequently, knowledge is not only an intellectual, but also a sentimental and will-

controlled process displayed as social behaviour. The same path followed Plato, Socrates’

student, and Aristotle, Plato’s student.

As a result, 24 philosophical schools in ancient Greece with Ionic, Pythagoric, Attic,

Academic and Lyseum School of Aristotle, being the most important ones.

Education is of great importance in today’s world, too. The finish educational system was,

until recently, unknown to Greeks, perhaps due to the distance between the two countries,

or maybe because there is not a dense Greek community in Finland or even more

because educators followed the German, British and American education model. The last

ones are older than the Finnish one.

The Greek and Finnish educational systems are poles apart. This is due to the different

culture of the people, the amount of financing, the long-term goals each country

anticipates and aims at.

Besides, we must take into account the educational and financial level of the people,

considering the unemployment percentage of the graduates in two countries.

What’s for sure is that the Finnish educational system gains the better of the Greek

system, which at this point is in deep crisis with unknown expiration date.

There is also a difference in school management model. In Greece, the municipalities are

responsible for the school buildings and their maintenance, but the appointment of

educators and the curriculum is in Ministry’s of education responsibility.

The executives of education are placed by the Ministry, too. But these differences could be

the stimulus for partnerships with schools, like this one, teacher’s associations, or


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This partnership could be specialized in education of social marginalized groups (Rom,

foreigners, people with special needs).

Greece has experience in this field and special programs are applied successfully for

years, in Multicultural Primary Schools.

Specifically in Western Thessaloniki there are four Multicultural Primary Schools.

In the 6th Multicultural Primary School of Evosmos and the 6th Multicultural Primary School

of Kordelio study mostly foreigners, less natives and even less Rom students who are

transferred by buses from their settlement. In these schools a great number of

experienced teachers work and supporting classes operate. Maximizing the European

programmes they co-operate with schools abroad.

Also, in the area of Dendropotamos, where Rom live, there are the other two Multicultural

Schools, the 3rd and 5th Primary Schools of Menemeni, with students from the Rom

settlement with satisfactory results in terms of attendance.

Simultaneously, there are 6 Primary and 3 Nursery Schools exclusively for students with

special needs. One Nursery and two Primary Schools operate in two of the biggest

Hospitals of Western Thessaloniki for patient students.

Altogether, in the responsibility of the Directorate of Primary Education of Western

Thessaloniki there are 204 Primary and 277 Nursery Schools, 3.653 educators and 44.503


We hope and aim for a continuous partnership with the Finnish Bureau of Education,

keeping in mind the ancient poet’s Menandros words: “Your biggest profit in life will be if

you learn to learn”.

KKonstantinos onstantinos KKontogiannidisontogiannidis

PhD, Director of Primary Education

of Western Thessaloniki,

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“To compare or not to compare – that is the question!”“To compare or not to compare – that is the question!”

We are living the time of globalisation and the world is full of international comparisons of

education. Last OECD’s PISA assessments were released in December 2010 and the

media was full of news about that. The reporters tried their best to understand the wide

and complicated report. The only they could do in Finland was that they reported that this

time Finland was not the first one in the ranking list. During that week in Kokkola we had a

Regio project delegation visiting from Thessaloniki. It was so nice to talk with our Greek

colleagues and share the thoughts about education much more deeper and with

dedication to details. We talked about the culture, history and policy of education in

Greece and Finland.

This report was made during EU Regio project “Co-operating for Better education”.

We started our project meetings by comparing the educational systems of our nations. In

the beginning we found out a lot of differences. It was the easy part, but after some time

we started to see the similarities. After that we proceeded in reflections and started

to understand the cultural and historical context of education.

The legacy of Ancient Greece is fascinating and the history of Western culture

starts in many meanings from Greece. Although schooling wasn’t a legal requirement in

Ancient Greece, there are historical proofs as early as 500 BC. This tells us that schooling

was quite widespread in those days in Athens and probably in Northern Greece as well.

The city of Thessaloniki is over 2 300 years old and Thessaloniki’s Aristotelian University

is named after the great philosopher Aristotele. In the harbour of the metropol stands the

statue of Alexander the Great which is located next to the White Tower. So, the history of

Thessaloniki is great.

If we compare the city of Kokkola to Thessaloniki, the scale is much smaller, history

is much younger and more modest. Kokkola is only 390 years old and we have 46 000

inhabitants. The oldest school building dates back to 1696 and schooling started in

Kokkola in 1634 provided by the church. 2300 years ago Kokkola was in the bottom of the

sea, because in the area the land rises from the sea at one meter per century. Not even

one stone from Kokkola was visible above the sea level when Thessaloniki was founded.

One could argue that there are too many historical and cultural differences between

Finland and Greece and it does not make sense to set up any cooperation. After two years

Regio project and from the experience of that tells us, however, quite different. The project

has achieved its goals and it has built up cooperative relations with all levels of our

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organizations. Good cooperation relations have been born with schools, teachers,

principals, youth organizations and educational administrators.

When comparing the school systems, you need to understand your own system and

all the culturally and historically related aspects and context behind it. Sometimes you also

need to go further to see close. Visiting Greece and explaining Finnish school system

made you really go through a learning curve where you try to combine the past and

present to enable future development.

Both partnership countries will face challenges in the near future which needs to be

solved in a sustainable way. Finland cannot stop evolving its school system even the PISA

results have been good. We need to stay on top and try to be open-minded and long-

sighted when making the decisions for the schools in the future. Greece, on the other

hand, faces its own challenges. Especially we discussed a lot about Greece’s location in

the corner of three continents and its efforts on dealing with the huge amount of

immigrants and fast increasing multiculturalism.

As a conclusion, the project has made impact on many different levels. Schools -

students, teachers, principals and administrative staff - have had a wonderful opportunity

to experience and get familiar with a very different country with amazing cultural and

historical background. School administration has been, for the first time, involved with

close international cooperation through CIMO which in past has been limited to the school

level and teacher movement. For us administrators, the project has given lot of food for

thought when trying to promote sustainable development of schooling and education in our

local context. Last, but not the least, in personal level we have established friendships that

last for a lifetime.

PPeter eter JJohnsonohnson JJussi KKainulainen

Director of Education, PhD Development Manager City of Kokkola Programme Manager

EduCluster FinlandAbu Dhabi, UAE(2010 -)City of Kokkola, Finland(2008-2010)

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Reflections and insights into the interior of the Finnish educational Reflections and insights into the interior of the Finnish educational


Praising the Finnish educational system isn’t rare at all. For more than a decade now

Finland posts excellent PISA results. Years 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 showed elegantly

to the whole world what can mankind achieve with patience and perseverance. The

internet, the media and international educational researchers and reformers, even

ministers and policy makers use praising almost dithyrambic comments and statements

mostly based on PISA results. The world is thirsty for success and since we now face the

happy ending let’s be happy and celebrate. Let’s study some good tips, let’s copy some

others and let’s reform. The PISA tests combined with the Finnish success build up an

appetite for educational reforms all over the world.

Probably a lot of people got familiar with the exceptionally good Finnish school system by

hearing about their outstanding PISA results and this was enough for them to form an

opinion and condemn all other school systems. However, the situation is much more

complex than this is and certainly not at all result oriented, in fact the process of teaching

and learning is very well organized and the result comes naturally. For an inexplicable

reason the Finns still have better results than other countries where the aim is strictly on

good results.

While observing recess outside the Holihaka School on the edge of Kokkola a chilly day on

December 2004, on my first trip to Finland, I asked Principal Jarmo Hamalainen if students

go out when it’s very cold. Jarmo said they do. Then I asked again if they go out when it’s

very, very cold. Jarmo smiled and said, “If minus 15 [Celsius] and windy, maybe not, but

otherwise, yes. The children can’t learn if they don’t play. The children must play.” Four

years later on my trip number 5 I had the same dialogue with Juha Suhonen, Head

Teacher of Koivuhaka School. ‘’The more they play the more they learn. In fact the so

called ‘’ learning by doing projects’’ are learning by playing projects with more formal

name, he said’’.

I think that behind this small phrase lies the secret of success, a secret so openly spoken

that still remains a secret as no one can believe that this is the treasure they have been

looking for. In Finland education is a big game, not so different than their favorite hockey

or Salibandy or any other and they have trained hard enough to become the best they can

by enjoying the game and getting the most out of their students. They build on what they

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are and articulate the best of what they can become as a nation that is already a head of

the rest of the world on the game of education.

It was a great pleasure for me to be a member of this regio team, As a teacher who turned

out to be a researcher, I would like to thank personally each one of the participants for all

the joy and the positive feelings that I experienced. The best is yet to come…

KKostas ostas VVasileiouasileiou

Teacher, Manager of European Projects and International Cooperation of Primary

Education of Western Thessaloniki, Project Coordinator

(More forewords mika ??)

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This study is the main outcome of the Comenius Regio programme which took place

during 2009-2011 including two partners: (a) the Directorate of Primary Education of

Western Thessaloniki, Greece and (b) the Department of Education in the City of Kokkola,

Finland, in association with institutions – in both countries – related to education, directly

or indirectly (municipalities, schools, youth centres).

The programme was named “Cooperating for better education” and it was built on three

main themes:

1.1. Comparing the school systemsComparing the school systems

2.2. Social marginalizationSocial marginalization

3.3. Local community participationLocal community participation

The cross-cutting issue of this study is the comparison of educational systems between

the two partners in order to build a better future through cooperation. The study aims to

highlight the main similarities and differences between the two partners under the three

main themes. This study has been made during the two-year programme and it is based

on the current legislation in both countries, eight visits and observations during them and

relevant reference literature and research.

Fast facts

Greece Finland

Official name Hellenic Republic Republic of Finland

Government Parliamentary republic Semi-presidential republic

Population 11,306,183 (2010 est.) 5,352,000 (2009)

Area 131,990 338,424

Capital Athens Helsinki

Official language(s) Greek Finnish and Swedish

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Education population and language of instruction in Greece

More generally, in 2008 the population aged 0 to 29 years numbered 3 675 596 individuals

who comprised 33% of the total population. At the beginning of the 2007/2008 school year,

1.074.031 students were enrolled in compulsory education (primary and lower-secondary

school levels). The language of instruction is Greek.

Education population and language of instruction in Finland

The population aged 0 to 29 years was in Finland 1 892 065 in 2009 and 35.3 % of the

total population. The percentage of young people (aged 0-29) was 35.6 % in 2007.

Finland has nine-year compulsory schooling starting at the age of seven. In 2008, there

were 2,988 comprehensive schools in Finland, with a total of 561,000 pupils, which is the

lowest number of the decade. The language of instruction is Finnish or Swedish (6.1%,

total 34 500 pupils in Swedish compulsory schools). Local authorities are also required to

organise education in Saami language (spoken by 0.03 % of the population as their

mother tongue) in the Saami-speaking areas of Lappland, in the Northern part of Finland.

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1. Comparing school systems1. Comparing school systems

Administrative control in GreeceAdministrative control in Greece

Administration at State levelAdministration at State level

In Greece, administrative control remains focused on the central level while measures

have been taken in recent years to devolve responsibilities to the regional level.

The Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religions:

–– formulates and implements legislation

–– administers the budget

–– coordinates and supervises its decentralized Services

–– approves primary and secondary school curricula

–– appoints teaching staff

There are thirteen Regional Education Directorates under the Minister of Education that:

–– implement educational policy

–– link local agents to central services and organizations

At the next level of the administrative structure, Education Directorates (in each prefecture)

and district Offices:

–– provide administrative support

–– supervise operation of area schools

–– facilitate co-ordination and cooperation between schools.

Administration at Local levelAdministration at Local level

At local level (municipality or community), there are Scholikes Epitropes (School Boards),

Municipal or Community Legal Entities, that manage the funds allocated to cover operating

expenses for one or more Primary and Secondary schools, depending on local needs as

evaluated by the competent local authorities. The School Boards are assigned to manage

the budget for the operational costs of Primary and Secondary Schools.

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Administrative control in FinlandAdministrative control in Finland

In Finland the state is responsible for In Finland the state is responsible for

–– Legislation and state budget

–– Collecting the national taxes

–– Distribution of the tasks between the national and local authorities

–– Taking part of the responsibilities in social welfare

–– Subsidies to the local administration

–– Control over the local administration

The local administration is responsible forThe local administration is responsible for

–– The basic services on the local level, including general education, nursing, geriatric

care, parts of the social welfare and healthcare, town planning, parts of the trades-

supporting, culture, arts, sports, youth-work and recreation

–– Collecting the local taxes

Extent of public-sector funded education Extent of public-sector funded education

Greece:Greece: In 2007/08, 94% of the students enrolled in primary and secondary education

attended public schools, which provide free education. Private schools are not grant aided;

they are fully self-financed. Private primary and secondary schools are under the

supervision and inspection of the Ministry of Education, Longlife Learning and Religions.

Tertiary Education is comprised exclusively of state institutions.

Finland:Finland: In Finland, the basic right to education and culture is recorded in the Constitution

of Finland. Basic education and upper secondary education is generally provided in

Finland by local authorities (municipalities), which is regarded as public service and is free

of charge. Only 59 comprehensive schools were private in 2007, while another 29 were

maintained by the State. According to the Basic School Law even these schools are free of


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The Greek education system

The Finnish education system

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Compulsory educationCompulsory education

In GreeceGreece education is compulsory for the age of 5-15 years and it is divided into the

following levels:

Nipiagogeio (pre-primary education) 5-6 years of age

Dimotiko Scholeio (primary education) 6-12 years of age

Gymnasio (lower secondary general education) 12-15 years of age

In FinlandFinland primary education is compulsory for the age of 7-16 years, but pre-primary

education is not yet compulsory. The Educational system is divided into the following


Esikoulu (pre-primary education) 6 years of age

Peruskoulu (primary education) 7-16 years of age

Curriculum control and content in GreeceCurriculum control and content in Greece

Curricula – including subject hours – of primary education are drafted by the Pedagogical

Institute which makes a proposal for final approval to the Ministry of Education Lifelong

Learning and Religious Affairs. Abiding by the curriculum is compulsory for teachers. The

Pedagogical Institute evaluates the school books and makes a recommendation to the

Ministry which is responsible for the final selection. It is not possible to choose from among

different textbooks. Organisation of Curricula and preparation of school-books are based

on the Cross-Thematic Curriculum Framework (Pedagogical Institute), which has been

valid from the school year 2003-2004 in primary and secondary education and has as its

main target the cross thematic approach to knowledge.

In all grades of primary school students are taught Modern Greek Language, Mathematics,

Arts Education, Physical Education and Information and Communication Technology (this

last subject has been incorporated and taught through other subjects). The subject

'Environmental Studies' is taught in the first 4 grades of the primary school. Apart from

these subjects t Religious Education, History and First Foreign Language/English ,are

taught from grade C to grade F while in grades E and F Geography, Natural Sciences,

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Civics and Social Studies and a Second Foreign Language (French or German).are also

taught. All subjects are of equal value and compulsory. Slight deviations only from this

schedule are in effect for one-teacher or two-teacher schools. In all-day schools the

subject of Information and Communication Technology constitutes an independent subject

and pupils may choose in all grades among the following subjects: Visual Arts, Theatre

Education, Music, Dance and Sports, the latter only in the 3rd to 6th grade). In all-day

primary schools, time is allowed for study and preparation of pupils. The total number of

hours per week for A and B grades is 25, for C and D grades 30 hours and for E and F

grades 32 hours. The total of hours per week for all-day primary schools in all grades is


In the context of application of the Cross Thematic Curriculum Framework in all grades

there is the Flexible Zone of Interdisciplinary and Creative Activities, which takes up to 3

hours per week in the first up to the fourth grade and two hours in the fifth and the sixth

grade. In the framework of Flexible Zone, but also of the optional School Activities, the

teachers develop activities in the area of Environmental Education, in Health Education

and in Cultural and Artistic issues. These activities put emphasis on the empirical,

interdisciplinary and collective approach so that the students can develop social aptitudes

and critical thinking, and at the same time they promote the opening up of school to

society. The design of the optional programs of School Activities is carried out by teachers

in cooperation with pupils as well as Coordination Officers of the relevant projects in the

Directorates of Education. Their implementation is supported by competent bodies and

specialists on a local level. In the school year 2007/08, 1.500 programs on environmental

education, 3.285 on health education and 2.882 on cultural education were organized in

primary education.

Essential to the application of effective methods of teaching is the contribution of the

school advisors / counsellors of primary education who belong to the Regional

Directorates of primary and secondary education. The school advisors collaborate with the

teachers for the implementation of supplementary educational support in the subjects of

Modern Greek and Mathematics for pupils facing learning difficulties.

The curricula and timetable of Gymnasia are drawn up by the Pedagogical Institute and

submitted to the Ministry of Education Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs for approval.

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The observance of curriculum is compulsory for teachers. The Pedagogical Institute

evaluates the school books based on the approved curricula of Gymnasia and again

makes a proposal to the Ministry for approval. Teachers do not have the option of

choosing among different school books. Curricula and the writing of school books are

based on the Cross-Thematic Curriculum Framework (see also 3.3). In the beginning of

each teaching year the Pedagogical Institute sends directions to the teachers indicating

the method and teaching aids for all subjects.

The subjects taught in all grades of day Gymnasia are: Religious Education, Ancient

Greek Language and Literature, Modern Greek Language and Literature, History, English,

French or German or Italian, Mathematics, Physical Education, Music, Arts, Computer

Science. During the first two grades students are also taught Geography, Home

Economics and Technology. Physics and Chemistry are also taught in the final two

grades. In the third grade we have School Vocational Guidance and Civics and Social

Studies. The subject of Biology is taught in the first and the third grade. In the curriculum of

Esperina (Evening) Gymnasia, French, German, Italian, Physical Education, Music, Arts,

Home Economics, Technology and School Vocational Guidance are not included.

Furthermore, there is a slight differentiation concerning the hours in the timetable of the

common subjects in day and evening Gymnasia.

Apart from the subject of the English Language taught in two different levels (beginners –

advanced) per grade (the levels are determined by the degree of linguistic ability of pupils),

pupils attend a common program for all subjects without differentiations. In order to

support the educational level of pupils and confront school drop out, social exclusion and

social inequality at Gymnasia there are programs of Remedial and Support Teaching

especially for pupils facing learning difficulties. Participation of pupils is optional.

Parallel to the national cross-thematic curriculum, innovative actions and themes have also

been introduced such as Health Education, Youth Entrepreneurship, Environmental

Education, Flexible Zone of Innovative Actions, School Vocational Guidance, Olympic

Education and the program 'Kallipatira' (a program which focuses on the contribution of

Physical Education to the issue of equity within the Greek society).

Teaching takes place via traditional and contemporary teaching aids, as appropriate.

School Libraries are a main area for implementing the above at Gymnasia. School

Libraries implement innovative educational actions that aim on the one hand to increase

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pupils’ critical thinking skills and on the other to provide teachers with the means for

getting familiar with and incorporating new methodologies in the instructional process.

School Libraries accommodate drama activities, music concerts, poetry and painting

competitions, Educational Television film projections as well as lectures by intellectuals.

They also publish magazines and CD ROMs with the work of pupils produced in the

context of their coursework and school activities. They periodically organize special events

dedicated to themes from literature, art and science. The activities of the heads of the

School Libraries also include implementing innovative ideas such as the use of portable

museum exhibits or educational games, as well as developing cooperation with various

agents such as the Pedagogical Institute, educational television, the National Book Centre

of Greece and the Organisation for Child and Adolescent Books.

Curriculum control and content in FinlandCurriculum control and content in Finland

In Finland, school curricula are based on the National Core Curriculum created by the

National Board of EducationNational Board of Education. The National Core Curriculum forms the basis for municipal

and school curricula. Together with the Basic Education Act and various decrees, the

National Core Curriculum creates a unifying framework for school work in Finland. The

subjects and their respective number of lesson hours are defined in the distribution of

lesson hours, approved by the Finnish Government.

All education providers, such as Finnish municipalities, must have a curriculum in place. It

is standard practice for municipalities to prepare their curricula on the basis of the National

Core Curriculum, with each school then drawing up their own curriculum based on the

municipal one.

The school curriculum defines the key points in terms of education and teaching, such as

the school’s values and objectives; the objectives, contents and work methods of the

various subjects and cross-curricular themes; and pupil and student assessment. Other

important points include cooperation between parents and the school, student welfare, the

learning environment, and the operational policies of the school. Each education provider

(usually a municipality) is responsible for drawing up a school curriculum. The curriculum

is the basis on which schools provide basic education.

If a student can demonstrate that he or she possesses the necessary knowledge and

skills, the curriculum need not be adhered to in all respects. For example, studies

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completed earlier on may be considered to form part of a student's required courses. If it is

necessary to deviate from the curriculum in the case of an individual student, an individual

study plan is drawn up for the student. In basic education it is possible to deviate from the

curriculum also in cases where completing the syllabus would, considering the

circumstances and the student’s earlier studies, be unreasonable in some respects, or for

health reasons.

A curriculum consists of a municipality-specific section to be adhered to by all the schools

in the municipality and school-specific sections to be drawn up by schools individually.

Parents may also participate in drawing up a school curriculum. Each student is entitled to

receive education that is in accordance with the curriculum. The education is provided with

due consideration to the student’s age and abilities and in cooperation with the parents

and carers.

In Finland, curricula are revised from time to time to allow schools to better meet the needs

of the students and the changing society. The National Core Curriculum is designed for

continuous, nine-year basic education. In Finland, the distinction between lower-level and

upper-level comprehensive school is basically a thing of the past. Thus, in practice it is

possible to organise the education in a single school with grades 1 through 9, or in two

schools with grades 1-2, 1-4 or 1-6 in one school and grades 7-9 in the other. Children’s

participation in pre-primary education is also taken into account in comprehensive schools.

Pre-primary education enhances children’s skills for starting school.

In basic education the following subjects are taught: Biology, Information ethics, Physics,

History, Social studies, Chemistry, Domestic science, Art, Textile and wood work, Sports,

Geography, Mathematics, Music, Health education, Computer science, foreign languages,

Religion and Finnish language. In addition there is possibility to choose vocational


Length of school day/week/year Length of school day/week/year

The GreekGreek school year is comprised of 175 days from the 11th of September to the 15th

of June for primary schools and the 31th of May for lower secondary schools. Schools are

open five days a week for 35 weeks per year. Instructional hours per week are from 23 to

35 depending on the grade or level. Each instructional hour lasts from 40 to 50 minutes.

The number of instructional hours for the first two grades of primary education is 25 per

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week, reaching 30 hours in the next four grades and 35 hours for all three grades of lower

secondary education.

In FinlandFinland school year is comprised of190 days between mid-August and the beginning

of June (ends the Saturday of week number 22). In addition there is local autonomy

concerning the date of opening the school year and concerning holidays during the year.

School week is five days a week, and the minimum number of lessons varies from 19 (first

grade) to 30 (grades 7-9) depending on the level and number of optional subjects taken.

Each instructional hour lasts (60 minutes) has 45 minutes of instruction and the remaining

time is used for a break. (Locally, other variations of the schedule can also be used).

Greece Finland

School days / yearSchool days / year 175 190

Hours / weekHours / week 23-35 depending on the level 19-32 depending on the level

Length of a lessonLength of a lesson 40-50 minutes (possibility to

combine lessons into longer


45 minutes (possibility to

combine lessons into longer


Starting dateStarting date Around 10 September Mid-August, 190 days prior to

the ending date which is set

by the law

Ending dateEnding date Around 15 June Saturday on week 22

Class size/student groupingClass size/student grouping

Greece:Greece: According to Ministerial Decisions, primary classes may have up to a maximum

of 25 students; at the secondary education level, classes may have up to 30 students.

Students are grouped by age, thus creating six grade levels in primary education and three

in secondary. All schools are mixed gender.

Finland:Finland: There are no regulations governing class size, except for special needs

education, where the maximum number of students is 6-10 depending on their special

needs. Teaching groups normally consist of pupils of the same age. However, when

Page 23: Cooperating for a better education

appropriate, pupils of different ages may be taught together, particularly in small schools.

All schools are mixed gender.


In GreeceGreece , Primary classes have one teacher for all subjects, with the exception of

physical education, foreign languages and music which are taught by subject specific

teachers. It is common practice for the same teacher to remain in a class for two years.

Secondary education students have different teachers for each subject.

Pre-primary and primary school teachers are degree (Ptychio) holders from a four-year

university level course, primarily from Pedagogic Schools. Lower and upper secondary

education teachers hold university degrees, Ptychia, in their specialist subject after

completing a four-year course and take a three-month introductory teacher training course

upon appointment. Access to teaching posts in the state sector (pre-primary to secondary

level) is determined by competitive examinations administered by Supreme Council for

Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP).

The further training of teachers is organized by the Organization of Teacher Training

(OEPEK) which is a legal entity under public law supervised by the Ministry of Education.

In-service teacher training is made-up of a compulsory phase for the newly appointed

teachers and a continuous component (featuring both compulsory and optional stages).

Teachers at all levels of the state sector are civil servants.

In Finland:Finland: Pupils in the first six forms of basic school have the same teacher for most of

the subjects but subject teachers are also used, particularly in subjects such as visual arts,

music and physical education. Pupils in forms 7-9 have separate teachers for almost each


In Finland, the profession of a teacher is regarded as a well-qualified profession. All

teachers receive their education and training in institutions of higher education. Every

Finnish teacher possesses an extensive knowledge of their chosen subject, good

pedagogic skills, the necessary expertise to guide and support the students, and an

understanding of the social and cultural dimension of education. The profession of a

teacher is a profession for life-long learning. In Finland, teachers are encouraged to

Page 24: Cooperating for a better education

continue their professional development throughout their careers. (Teacher training 2020,

Reports of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2007:44) (7)

Comparison of the Teacher and Principal Education in Greece and in FinlandComparison of the Teacher and Principal Education in Greece and in Finland Qualification Degree in Greece ECTS credits

(years) in Greeceyears) in Greece

Degree in Finland ECTS credits

(years) in Finland(years) in Finland

Pre-school Pre-school


Degree from

Pedagogic University

44 years Bachelor of Arts 180180

(3 years)

Classroom Classroom


Degree from

Pedagogic University

44 years Master of Education 300300

(5 years)

Subject Subject


University degree 44 years + 33 months

introductory teacher

training course

Master of Arts,

Master of Science

(Master of

Education) and


pedagogical studies


(5 years)

Special Special

education education


University degree 44 years Master's degree in

education or special



(5 years)

School leadersSchool leaders

(Principals and(Principals and


Teacher’s qualification 88 years working

experinece as a

teacher. -

Administrative studies

& Master or Phd

degrees in education

or administration are

highly appreciated.



+ 25+ 25



Overview Overview

In GreeceGreece , education is compulsory for all the children between 5-15 years of age. The

ten year compulsory education includes a Pre- Primary class, Primary and Lower

Secondary schools. Upper Secondary education comprises two kinds of schools; the

General Unified and the Technical Vocational schools. Furthermore, Musical, Athletic and

Page 25: Cooperating for a better education

Art Lower and Upper secondary schools operate along with them. University studies are

highly appreciated and entrance to the university institutes is only through exams.

Education is also free of charge. The state administers the necessary funds to

municipalities or communities which in turn allocate the money to the School Board of

every school in their area in order to cover their operating expenses.

The Ministry of Education approves the curricula which are drafted by the Pedagogical

Institute and serve as a mandatory teaching framework. Both the curricula and the school

books are based on the Cross-Thematic Curriculum Framework. Teachers are free to

choose the teaching methods as well as the appropriate teaching aids they consider


As regards teacher education, all teachers are university degree holders while some of

them hold a Master’s or a Phd degree. In addition, their success in very competitive

examinations is a prerequisite in order to gain access to teaching posts in the public

sector. Moreover, apart from the three month introductory course most teachers have to

attend at the beginning of their teaching career, they are also given plenty of opportunities

for in service training during the years of their service.

Judging from the above mentioned information, one could observe that in both countries

education is offered free in all levels. Furthermore, both countries have a nine year

compulsory educational system while the teachers have a high educational level. Their

main difference is in the case of curricula. In Greece, the curricula are designed by the

Pedagogical institute and approved by the Ministry of Education whereas in Finland, which

has a more decentralized system, municipalities, schools and even parents can have an

active role in the design of curricula, perhaps rendering them more suitable for the needs

and interests of the students of a particular area.

In FinlandFinland , the municipalities are mainly responsible for the provision of basic education.

Finnish children usually start school at the age of seven. The Finnish school system is

divided into comprehensive school (compulsory for all citizens), upper secondary

education (upper secondary schools and vocational schools) and higher education

(universities and polytechnics). These are complemented by units providing adult and

continuing education, some of them private. A comprehensive school or upper secondary

educational institution may also be private. It is also possible for a student to complete his

or her compulsory education in an alternative school that is equivalent to comprehensive

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school, but this is rare. On the other hand, schools can be classified according to their

purpose as providing basic skills, general education, vocational education, specialist

education, or scientific education. An institution providing pre-primary education is also

referred to as a school.

What is essential here is that the defining characteristics of the Finnish school system are

a modular curriculum, freedom of choice in terms of teaching methods and content,

continuous assessment of the students, assessment of the teachers, and the importance

of research. The Finnish model also meets the need for extensive general knowledge and

education, while also catering for the needs of the labour market through the provision of

sufficient vocational education and training. Further points characteristic of the Finnish

system of education are the decentralisation of decisions concerning education, the

simultaneous funding of schools by the state and municipalities, and the active role of

universities in entrance exams.

In Finland, special attention is also paid to the following: the role of municipalities in the

education sector; the university entrance exam system and their autonomy; the

characteristics of polytechnics; extracurricular activities; free school lunches; equal

opportunities in learning; the education level of the teachers; fluent cooperation between

the various operators; continuous assessment of students; the role of the National Board

of Education; and the efficacy of the education system.

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2. Local community participation2. Local community participation

The following diagrams present an overview of the administrative models for local-level

decision-making in Kokkola and Ampelokipi.

Local decision making in Finland - Example from the City of KokkolaLocal decision making in Finland - Example from the City of Kokkola

Page 28: Cooperating for a better education

Local decision making in Greece- Example from the Municipality ofLocal decision making in Greece- Example from the Municipality of


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Local government in GreeceLocal government in Greece

This chapter explains the work of municipal and prefectural councils, cultural centres and

municipal enterprises.

The tendency for delegation of authorities from the state to the local government started to

emerge about two decades ago. Nowadays, many of them like school construction,

municipal police, school traffic wardens, distribution of functional expenditures, nursery

schools and many others have been transferred to the local government but without the

transference of the necessary funds when it is known that the finances of the majority of

the municipalities show negative numbers.

This period (2010-2011), an administrative reform named “Kallikratis” is being performed in

Greece. According to this reform, big municipalities and prefectures with increased

authorities are created, which might topple working and social rights, create functional and

financial problems. It is necessary for these new administrative forms to demand from the

state the necessary funds in order to respond to the new data which will be created.

Local community participationLocal community participation

School Boards, school councils, municipal and prefectural committees of education,

national council of education. School Boards consist of five to fifteen members and their

duty is the handling of money for the functional expenditures, the commissioning of the

school canteen after a competition with award to the highest bidder and the tackling of

functional problems.

The duty of school councils focuses on the safeguarding of the normal functioning of

school and the mutual communication between teachers and parents.

Municipal committees of education deal with issues which have to do with the better

organization and functioning of schools and the distribution of money for functional

expenditures. Furthermore, they keep a careful watch on works of construction, repairing

and maintenance of school buildings, the work of school commissioners and they propose

the borders of school regions.

The national council of education proposes to the government issues of educational policy

for all the grades of education, and the continuing adult education.

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Practical example from the municipality of Ampelokipi

The municipality of Ampelokipi, having as its target to offer upgraded services and creative

activities to students, operates a cultural centre (youth centre), and offers events, in

cooperation with the schools and parents, such as lectures, meetings, discussions on

educational, social, health, drug prevention and road safety issues.

Moreover, it organizes awarding of prizes to the best students and those who have

succeeded in the university entrance exams, as well as those who excelled in arts, sports

and civilisation. It provides all school events with material and technical help.

The cultural centre offers many lessons such as painting, pottery, engraving, traditional,

latin and modern dances, gymnastics, ballet and drama. These lessons are attended by

564 students.

Finally, during winter and summer, films are shown free of charge and art, poetry and

photography competitions are organized. In the municipal music school, students are

taught musical theory and musical instruments. There is also a choir and a philharmonic

orchestra. The sports department of our municipality includes: football, basketball, tennis,

volleyball, track academy for boys and girls, tae-kwon-do, apparatus gymnastics, aerobic

for women, Swedish gym, musicokinetic education for pre-school children and a fully

equipped indoor gymnasium. 752 people participate in the sports department.

On June 7th 2010 Law 3852, which is called “New architecture of local government and

decentralized government- Kallikratis programme”, was passed.

According to this law, the 1033 municipalities of Greece were reduced to 325, while 13

peripheries and 7 state administrations were created.

The old municipality of Ampelokipi was united with the municipality of Menemeni and so

the new municipality of Ampelokipi-Menemeni with a population of about 100000 people

was created.

On November 7th and 15th elections took place and from January 1st 2011 all the

services started to operate according to this new united form.

In the new organization chart which is presented above (page....), the departments which

develop activities for children, apart from those for adults, are referred.

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A) The Deputy Mayor’s Office for Education, the independent office of Education andA) The Deputy Mayor’s Office for Education, the independent office of Education and

School Boards, the Library Offices.School Boards, the Library Offices. These departments cooperate with all Primary and

Secondary Education schools. 3609 students attend Primary Education. In Secondary

education 1702 students attend the 8 junior high schools, 193 the Evening junior high and

150 the Art school. In the 5 Senior High schools there are 1150 students, 107 in the

Evening Senior high school, 272 in the Technical Senior High school and 64 in the Athletic

Senior High school.

There are two libraries for adults and three for children with a total of 40000 books.

The municipal Education Boards deal with the organization and operation of schools,

distribute the money for the functional expenditures, propose foundations, closures and

merging of schools, care for the repairing and maintenance of school buildings and

supervise the work of school boards.

B) The Deputy Mayor’s office for SportsB) The Deputy Mayor’s office for Sports comprises the Office of Coordination, Planning

and Secretarial Support, the Department of Sports as well as the Office of Maintenance

and Sprucing up of Athletic Facilities.

It deals with all the issues that concern mass and individual athletics for children of pre-

school, school and adolescent age. It organizes skiing and swimming lessons, cycling

races, musicokinetic education, apparatus gymnastics, eurhythmics and sports meetings.

It cares for the repairing, maintenance and the cleaning of the athletic facilities.

The Athletic Council is responsible for the coordination of all athletic actions.

There are 787 student-athletes.

C) The Independent office of CultureC) The Independent office of Culture

Culture in Education plays a very important role. We believe that local communities should

be hives of cultural creation and the local government should promote and show the

cultural level of the city and lead to its strategic revival. With the support of the

municipality, students have many opportunities to show their cultural activities through

drama, music and dance, exhibitions of painting, pottery and photo, traditional and modern

dances, book exhibitions, choir meetings, concerts, shows etc. Furthermore, a lot of

students’ cultural events are held in the school premises throughout the school year.

In the Municipality, there is an Educational Centre, a Cultural Centre, a Music school and

two cinemas. The activities of the Educational centre are attended by 403 students.

D) The Independent Office of Social Policy D) The Independent Office of Social Policy

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This office is responsible for the social services that concern not only adults, but school

children as well. Those are the Youth Information Centre, the programme of creative

employment for people with special needs, camps, nursery schools, programmes of Traffic

Education, Environmental Education, Health Education, dental check and student


We are in the beginning of a new era for local government in Greece. The challenge is

great. The effort is continuous. We move forward with optimism, planning and confidence.

for a powerful, modern, efficient and friendly municipality with social sensibility (Vasileios

Mezikis, Municipal Counsoulor, Principal of the 7th primary school of Ampelokipi).

Local Youth Service and Lifelong Learning InstitutionsLocal Youth Service and Lifelong Learning Institutions

(A) Drug Abuse Prevention and Health Promotion Centres

(Services of psycho-social support, which develop and implement activities for the

prevention of drug abuse and for the promotion of health in the local community). There

are 71 Drug Abuse Prevention and Health Promotion Centres all over the country. They

implement school and community prevention programmes which aim to enhance

protective factors concerning drug abuse and reverse or reduce risk factors. Most of the

activities are focused on primary prevention.

The main activities are:

Organizing informative & education campaigns in order to raise the awareness of the

community, concerning drug prevention.

Training of teachers, parents, mental health professionals, "key persons" in the

community and politicians, in order to transfer to them the methodology and the skills to

enhance the protective factors in the environment of children and adolescents.

Leisure time activities and festivals for children and adolescents.

Counselling for adults, children, and adolescents who are in trouble, in order to help

them clarify their needs and assist them to the appropriate therapy centre.

Supporting the creation of volunteer groups for the health promotion. (Educating and

providing continuous support to volunteer activities for the prevention of addiction and

for the health promotion in the neighbourhood and in the wider community).

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Prevention programs for school communitiesPrevention programs for school communities

In detail, the prevention programs in schools include (among others):

Primary Schools:Primary Schools:

-- Continuous education and training of teachers in the implementation of health education

programs and in special child development issues

-- Support for the running of health education programs for students (aiming at training in

life skills)

-- Activities for students and publications aiming at informing students

-- Informing parents regarding child psychology issues

-- Parental groups counselling aiming at strengthening the parental role

-- Encouraging the cooperation between parents and teachers

High SchoolsHigh Schools

-- -Training the teachers in the implementation of prevention programs with students

-- - Educational programs for secondary school teachers specializing in teenage issues

(e.g. aggression, sexuality, drug use and others)

-- - Training teachers in active learning methods

-- - Holding informative discussions with parents in relation to issues of adolescence and

prevention of addiction

-- - Informative discussions with students aiming at strengthening their views against drug


-- - Special programs aiming at supporting students with behavioural problems in the

classroom (programs that are taking place in school groups)

-- - Publications for students

(B) Environmental Education Centres

There are 6464 E.E.C. all over Greece. Their main goal is the creation of a cognitive

background and a shift of values for students and young people so that they develop

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responsible and cooperating attitudes which will contribute to the protection of the

ecological balance and the quality of life and the promotion of sustainable development.

The Environmental Education Centers design and materialize environmental education

programs, participate in national networks, organize and produce educational seminars for

teachers, support and promote environmental education programs in the schools of their


Local government in FinlandLocal government in Finland

Finnish municipalities are under obligation to provide basic education for children within

their area. Municipal school authorities may also provide education at other levels. The

provision of education services in Finnish municipalities is the responsibility of the Board of

Education or another board appointed by the municipality.

The municipal School or Education Department is responsible for the planning, preparation

and implementation of educational matters in accordance with the decisions of the Board

of Education. Every school or educational institution is led by a head teacher, who has

overall responsibility for the institution’s activities. The activities of the education providers

are steered through the National Core Curriculum and the objectives laid down in

educational legislation. A curriculum may be approved as municipality- or school-specific,

for example. The boards are charged with setting the objectives for their field of education

and the development of resources and the organisation. Among other things, the boards

allocate the funds approved annually by the city council to the appropriate business units

and operational units. They also make decisions on plans, purchases, agreements and the

distribution of subsidies in their fields. The Educational Services of the City of Kokkola is

responsible for basic education and upper secondary school education. The

comprehensive school network is divided into six cooperation areas. There are 22 Finnish-

speaking and eight Swedish-speaking comprehensive schools. Kokkola has three Finnish-

speaking and one Swedish-speaking upper secondary schools as well as a vocational

secondary school. In terms of administration, the Educational Services in Kokkola is

divided into a Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking department, both subject to the

Board of Education.

The next section provides an overview of the roles of school boards, student associations

and parents’ associations in local-level activities in Finland.

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In Finnish schools there is usually a school board which is appointed for a fixed term.

Schools may also share a joint board, which is also the situation in Kokkola. School boards

have several duties. The board approves school regulations or issues other regulations to

be observed in the school or educational institution. It also submits proposals concerning

the curriculum and other school- or educational institution-specific plans relating to the

provision of education. Based on the curriculum, the school year plan is also approved by

the school board annually. The board approves the plan on the use of the budget for the

school or educational institution, and, where necessary, appoints the teacher who acts as

a liaison between the school and the student association. If necessary, the board also

confirms the rules of the student association and school clubs. The board is authorised to

expel comprehensive school pupils and students in upper secondary school or vocational

institutions. It also decides on the right of an individual student in upper secondary school

or vocational institutions to participate in the education provided by the school.

Additionally, the board performs all other duties imposed on it by the Board of Education or

one of its sections.

The student association is a body consisting of the pupils or students of an educational

institution. All pupils or students studying in a certain educational institution are members

of the student association by default. Student associations usually have a board to

manage their daily activities. Usually all grades are represented in the board. A student

association can also elect a council from among themselves, which traditionally exercises

the highest power of decision. The activities significantly promote the inclusion of the

students. The resources necessary for the steering of the activities of student associations

are provided by each municipality. The students’ participation and student association

activities are included in municipal activities for children and youth.

According to current legislation, student associations are no longer statutory in

comprehensive schools. However, in most comprehensive schools there is one to act as

the students’ representative and to organise various activities. These activities are usually

supervised by a teacher appointed for this duty. To carry out its duties, a student

association can own property.

A parents’ association is open for everyone and its purpose is to act as a liaison between

parents on one hand and the parents and the school on the other. It also aims to impact

local decision-making. The activities are voluntary, and the ideological background is the

welfare and harmonious development of the students. Parents’ associations can organise

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fund-raising events to support classes or individual students. For example, fund-raising

can take the form of camp school subsidies, hobby competitions with prizes, student

grants, and the acquisition of various kinds of equipment for student use.

The nature and role of communal youth work in Kokkola and Finland inThe nature and role of communal youth work in Kokkola and Finland in


The nature of youth work and its overall tasks in Finland rise in the public debate at both

local and national level from time to time. One reason for the recurrence of the discussions

may be the unstructured concepts and the lack of long-term basic research in youth work.

The reason for recurring discussions about the nature and tasks of the communal youth

work can also be derived from the open Youth Act in Finland. Youth Act defines 0-28 year

old as youth work target group. It can be considered self-evident that the interests, needs

and desires of 0-29 year old are not identical. Whereas a ten year old needs boundaries

and stability, a 19 year old might need support in breaking the boundaries of childhood and

in starting independent living. Due to the heterogeneity of actions in youth work, it can be

difficult to perceive the basic task of youth work, which can lead to unrealistic expectations

in municipal residents or e.g. partners.

During the last decade youth work in Finland has strongly been professionalised. There

are many reasons for the professionalization of youth work but the development of’ youth

workers’ professional education in a polytechnic level and the increase of youth research

due to the pressure of the Ministry for Education and Culture can be considered as two of

the main reasons. Nieminen (2007) states that due to the rapid pace of practice in youth

work the theoretical and conceptual structuring of tasks can be left in the background. In

order to justify the social and individual significance of youth work it is important for the line

and the profession that relying on theory the actors form a parallel understanding

concerning the purpose of the work. Nieminen has specified four general tasks of youth

work. Below follows a description of tasks of the professionalized municipal youth work.

Socialisation functionSocialisation function means connecting young people to culture and as members to

society and community. Traditionally socialisation is referred transferring the surrounding

culture and society, found in favour of the values, roles, behaviours and approaches to the

new generation. Socialisation should not be seen only as adjusting and one direction

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process but as such that includes also transferring such information, skills, values and

attitudes that enable youth participation in developing and renewing communities and


The purpose of Personalisation functionThe purpose of Personalisation function is to guide a young person's personal

development. Accomplishing this function requires that youth work is able to recognize and

support the individuality, uniqueness and originality of the youth engaged. Youth work

offers opportunities for positive growth and enthusiasm for learning experiences to

strengthen the personality. Personalisation characteristic of youth is a young person’s

voluntary involvement, which results in youth work, in principleand includes listening to

young people's needs which in turn means that learning environments are built on

interaction with young people and youth workers.

The purpose of Compensation functionThe purpose of Compensation function is to moderate and resolve the difficulties

that occur in the socialisation and personalisation of young people. The idea is that with

youth work young people who have problems in joining the society or in fulfilling their own

personal possibilities are helped and guided. Youth work is used to correct problems

concerning equality, parity and personal life management problems as well as providing

activities targeted at disadvantaged and special groups of young people.

The fourth function of youth work is resourcing and allocations functionresourcing and allocations function. The

purpose of this function is to affect the resources and their redirection provided by the

society. The successful implementation of resource and allocation function requires also

activity in matters concerning young people, also in other lines and social power centres of

society in addition to youth work.

It should be noted that in the implementation of the above-mentioned functions youth work

is not the only guiding institution. It is therefore important to be aware of what is the

speciality area of youth work in these functions. The specific areas of functions must be

determined taking into consideration local circumstances and seasonal phenomena and

therefore specialities cannot be determined permanently. What comes to the four functions

it is also to be noted that the functions are not mutually exclusive, and more than one

function can be implemented simultaneously. Youth work is more characterized by multi-

function and functional differentia than most other lines working with young people.

The four functions mentioned above, describe well the aim of youth work done in Kokkola.

The mission of youth services is to support the growth of young people and to promote

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living conditions of youth, wellbeing and active citizenship by creating premises and

providing a safe caring presence. The ways of fulfilling this mission in youth work in

Kokkola and in national level are as complex as the life situations and interests of young

people. Mainly the mission is being fulfilled through seven youth houses, the school of

performing arts, and various multi-professional projects and events. In practice the youth

leaders plan and carry out their work according to the needs of an individual or groups. In

current status and in the nearby future fulfilling the resourcing and allocations function will

prove to be a challenge in Kokkola. Youth service is, compared to the other divisions (e.g.

social work, education) a very small division in size and resources and its effectiveness

can be, precisely due to the small size, remain inadequate for resourcing and allocation

function. Youth service’s division in Kokkola seeks to reply to the challenge by

emphasizing their expertise and it’s development of youth life situations, youth culture and

youth. The assumption is that expertise and the appreciation of the expertise, would lead

other divisions and lines to turn towards youth services when planning and deciding on

matters concerning the youth. Hence the effectiveness of the youth services would expand

from the immediate interaction between the leader and the young person also towards

collaborating institutions and other actors in the city via the indirect influence.

Overview Overview

In this chapter, attention was directed to municipalities and organizations operating in local

level. It became evident that the municipalities under discussion provide a considerable

number of services in both countries. More specifically, the municipality of Ampelokipi

allocates the money to school Boards and caters for the construction, repairing and

maintenance of schools. Furthermore, it operates a cultural and an educational centre

which offer diverse services to its citizens. It should also be stressed the valuable

contribution of organizations such as the Drug abuse Prevention and Health Promotion

Centres which offer a supportive environment to people in need and the Environmental

centres which contribute greatly to the protection of environment and the sensitisation of

students to matters of sustainable development.

The municipality of the city of Kokkola plays an important role on the sector of education.

Among its other duties, the municipality is responsible for education provision, curriculum

approvement and allocation of money to schools. Moreover, the Youth Centres of Kokkola

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support young people and promote their wellbeing by providing a safe and caring


When comparing the Greek and Finnish systems on the basis of what was said above, we

should bear in mind that the Finnish system is more decentralised than the Greek system.

The Greek system is probably best described as open and flexible.

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3. Social marginalization3. Social marginalization

The following section focuses on the prevention of social marginalisation in Greece and in

Finland. First of all we shall take a look at the support measures available for students in

these school systems.

Support for student in GreeceSupport for student in Greece

Specific Support MeasuresSpecific Support Measures

(A) Special needs in Greece - Special Education

Law 3699, passed in the fall of 2008, establishes the compulsory nature of education for

students with disabilities and special educational needs, affirming that it is an integral part

of public free education and promoting the principle of integrated education. Greece

(October 2009).

Education for students with disabilities and special educational needs is provided in either

mainstream or special schools and extends from the preschool years to the age of 23.

Diagnosis and assessment of special educational needs is provided by the interdisciplinary

staff of the local Centres for Differential Assessment, Diagnosis and Support of Special

Educational Needs (KEDDY) that are also responsible for recommending the most

appropriate schooling type for students and drawing up an individualized educational

program. The staff of these Centres cooperates closely with teachers of special needs

students and provides a range of support services for the students and the schools.

According to the above assessment on the type and the degree of disability that a student

has, they may be enrolled in: a) mainstream schools attending either the regular

classroom with parallel support or special sections/classes of the school, or b) Special

Education Schools. The Special Education Schools cover pre-school, primary and

secondary education levels including vocational education.

Within the framework of inclusive education, Special Education objectives are achieved by

implementing special curricula and rehabilitation programmes, adapting educational and

teaching material, utilising special equipment including hardware and software and

providing those amenities or ergonomic arrangements recommended by KEDDY. In

Page 41: Cooperating for a better education

inclusive education at mainstream schools, systematic intervention services are also

provided, such as occupational therapy, speech therapy and any other service contributing

to the equal treatment of pupils.

Local KEDDY play a central role in the process. Besides assessing the type and degree of

special educational needs of individual pupils and recommending the most suitable

educational setting for them, they also undertake the following:

- Planning for Personalised Education Programmes (EPE). In other words pupils’

personalized programmes of psycho-educational and instructional support and creative

activities developed in cooperation with class teachers and Special Education Staff,

drawing on professional, social and other provisions

- Planning the corresponding programmes for groups, which include psycho-educational

and instructional support and creative activities

- Preparation of individualized reports and proposals with respect to new educational

approaches, innovative aids and cutting-edge advanced technology. These could

potentially support the functionality and participation of each individual pupil with

disabilities or/and special needs in the context of inclusive education

- Counselling and guidance to teaching staff, as well as parents

- Issuing decisions on which pupils with disabilities or special educational needs undergo

oral or other type of tests instead of the written examinations required for progression

from one grade to another, receiving a school leaving certificate and entering tertiary

education. In general, KEDDY recommend the most appropriate alternative manners of

examination and assessment. Specifically for pupils with learning difficulties (dyslexia,

dyscalculia, etc.), KEDDY recommend teaching and assessment methods appropriate

for the monitoring and certification of pupils' knowledge in the tested subjects.

It should be noted that the pupils’ guardians or parents can provide input in shaping the

Personalised Education Programmes (EPE).

Pupils are supported by the class teacher and, as the case may be, with the concurrent

support of Special Educational Staff or a Special Education Teacher. Special Assistance

Staff is employed to facilitate students' autonomous action and functional accommodation

in the school environment. In all matters of educational support, cooperation between the

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class teacher, School Advisors of general and special education and Special Education

Staff is of key importance.

With regard to mainstream classes attended by pupils with disabilities and special

educational needs, the total class size is decreased proportionately, whereas the

aforementioned pupils must be equally distributed among all classes of the same grade.

Integration classes in the general school operate with 3 and up to 12 pupils in cases where

integration classes are formed by schools located at the same facility or by neighbouring


In order to accommodate pupils with disabilities and special educational needs, the

principles of "Design for All" are applied both in terms of planning educational programmes

and materials as well as in choosing equipment and infrastructure. As mentioned above,

the KEDDY define the type of educational aids and technical equipment used to facilitate

access to the school premises and the learning process. They also make

recommendations to the School Buildings Organisation for appropriate building, material or

technical modifications in the schools that fall under their area of authority.

In the cases of pupils with vision, hearing and physical disabilities, chronic diseases,

mental disorders, autism spectrum disorders, as well as other disorders requiring

medication, KEDDY must work together with the competent medical services in order to

propose requisite ergonomic modifications.

The Department for Special Education of the Pedagogic Institute also plays a vital role

regarding educational support and the teaching setting, mainly at the level of research and

planning. In addition, the said Department of the PI develops curricula for special

education and promotes the use of modern technology in special education.

In the 2007/08 school year, there were 23,470 students enrolled in programs of special

education, of whom 16,118 (72 %) attended mainstream schools (special sections and

regular classrooms) while 6,659 (28 %) attended Special Education Schools (of all levels

and types).

(B) Remedial Teaching and Additional Teaching Support

Remedial Teaching (ED) is an autonomous teaching programme for pupils of primary and

lower secondary school who are experiencing learning difficulties in certain subjects or

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who wish to improve their performance in specific subjects in lower secondary school


The ED curriculum in Primary School covers Language and Mathematics. Small groups of

up to 5 pupils are formed upon recommendation of the Teachers’ Association and the

programme provides from 1 to 2 teaching hours daily and up to 6 hours weekly, during or

after regular school hours.

In lower secondary school (Gymnasio) the subjects covered by ED are Language,

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Foreign Languages. The daily schedule provides 1

to 3 additional teaching hours. Each pupil may receive small group tuition in one up to all

ED subjects with a limit of 15 hours weekly. ED programmes may be implemented during

or after regular school hours, as well as in combined sessions organized by neighbouring

Gymnasia. Groups are limited to between 5 and 10 pupils. In exceptional cases the above

limits can be changed, which requires the Head of the Directorate or Office to issue a

justification for such change.

The services of the Ministry of Education have designed the inclusion of “Remedial

Teaching” in lower secondary schools (Gymnasia) under the OPERATIONAL


2013). The programme is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) in the context of

actions aiming at increasing participation in lifelong learning and reducing the number of

pupils that leave school at a young age. The purpose of Remedial Teaching is the re-

inclusion of pupils in the learning process, improving their performance and enhancing

access and participation in the educational system.

(C) Cross-Cultural Education in Greece

It was back in 1996 that the Ministry for National Education and Religious Matters laid the

foundations of a system designed to meet the educational needs of social groups with a

particular social, cultural or religious identity. The Ministry adopted cross-cultural education

- a new form of education in Greece - as part of this policy. The thematic frame of

intercultural education is given in Law 2413/96.

The aim of cross-curriculum education is to set up and run primary and secondary classes

that provide education to young people with a specific educational, social or cultural


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In cross-cultural schools, the standard curriculum is adapted to meet the specific

educational, social or cultural needs of the students attending them.

Cross-cultural schoolsCross-cultural schools

A total of 26 cross-cultural schools26 cross-cultural schools have been set up throughout Greece since 1996.

These schools, which will continue to increase in number, guarantee equality of

opportunity to every student in the country, while the cutting-edge approaches to teaching

and learning utilised in these schools have a positive knock-on effect on the Greek

educational system as a whole.

Of the 26 schools, 13 are primary schools, while there are 9 junior high schools and 4

senior high schools.

A school can only be described as cross-cultural when repatriated Greek and/or foreign

students account for at least 45% of the total student body.

The educators in these schools receive special training, and are selected on the basis

of their knowledge on the subject of cross-cultural education and teaching Greek as a

second or foreign language.

On the subject of teaching methodology and pedagogic practices, the law does not set any

specific context. Only general principles emerge which concern the teaching of Greek in

every form of intercultural education.

Regarding the teaching material, the Pedagogic Institute and I.P.O.D.E. (Institute of

Education Abroad and Intercultural Education, supervised by the Ministry of Education),

through programs that were financed by the European Union, designed the “Curriculum for

the teaching of Greek to Repatriated and Foreign students”.

Helping the ChildHelping the Child

The majority of children of foreigners, refugees and repatriates, need some form of specific

reinforcement in the school of the reception country. However, if we set aside their

common language problem, these students do not constitute a homogeneous group, and

the school cannot treat them all in the same way, but it should decide to treat them in a

differentiated way.

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The main starting point for the development of a school environment that would facilitate

the education of all children should be the common needs and wishes of both indigenous

and foreign students.

Bilingual Students’ Instructive Support Bil ingual Students’ Instructive Support

According to the international experience, the students need at least 3-6 months of

intensive linguistic teaching and this is the reason that they are “pulled out” from their

regular class usually in linguistic and philological courses for about 12 to 15 hours weekly

(Cummins, 1999).

The reinforcement of linguistic teaching is structured on at least two levels: beginners and

advanced. The transition from the first level to the second is combined with the application

of a Diagnostic Test.

Reception Measures in the Class Reception Measures in the Class

The bilingual student after half to one year of intensive linguistic teaching, does not still

possess the Greek language to the extent that would allow him/her to attend his/her

regular class. He/She continues learning the language in relation with the course’s needs.

In order to cope with the double challenge - language plus learning, the student needs to

be supported in the regular class too, for at least 2 to 3 years (Akritidis & Keskilidou).

(D) Minority Schools

198198 Minority Schools operate in the geographic region of Thrace, in regions where

residents belong to the Muslim minority (Pomak, Roma and Turkish origin). 194 of the

Minority Schools are primary education schools. The languages of instruction are both

Greek and Turkish. Those schools operate on the basis of the Treaty of Lausanne (1923)

and pursuant to legislative measures and regulatory decisions issued within the framework

of international cultural agreements. In addition, since 1997 a special programme for “The

education of Muslim children” operates in the Minority Schools of Greece that aims at

improving educational outcomes for the Muslim minority.

Support for student in FinlandSupport for student in Finland

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Student counselling

A task for every teacher is to counsel a student to study different school subjects, help him

to develop the skills that are needed to study and learn, and to prevent the problems with

studies. Counselling means also to strengthen students self-confidence and support

student’s personal growth. Every student has a right by law to receive counselling with his

studies. It is extremely important to counsel students at transition points when he moves

from lower grades to upper grades and when choosing graduate studies.

Topics to handle at counselling are study skills and school attendance, self-knowledge,

possibilities for (post)graduate studies, professions and work life. All students receive

student counselling not only in classes but also personal counselling or small group

sessions. Also, students are guided to find out what kind of advice and counsellor services

society has to offer.

Students at grade 7-9 are able to familiarize with the work life at working periods in

different workplaces. These periods usually last one to two weeks.

Students with special educational needs receive more personal counselling. To every

student a work place and also proper study places are sought personally.

Teachers, student counsellors and other professional groups work together very closely.

Flexible basic education

Development of “flexible basic education” was started in 2006 by Ministry of Education as

a respond to worries about those students who were at risk to be marginalized because

they were quitting the school without a basic education certificate and/or place for further

studies. A teacher and a social counsellor or youth worker –as a professional partner-

work in flexible education group. There are also other adults to support as school


IEP or personal learning plan is made for every student. Studies are partly arranged at

school and partly at work places. Other learning environments could be for example other

schools and institutions, nature, culture centres. School counselling is personal and every

student is guided to further studies.

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Special educationSpecial education

The number of students with special educational needs in Finland in primary school is

8,5% (47 300 pupils in 2008). The number of students with special educational needs has

grown in 21st century. The growth is 48% in primary and 27% in vocational education.

43% of students with special educational needs in primary school and 65% in vocational

schools are integrated partly or wholly to mainstream classes.

Development of integration (mainstreaming) and inclusion Development of integration (mainstreaming) and inclusion

The reforms of school administration in the 1990s with the decentralization of decision-

making to the municipalities have decreased the number of special schools, while special

classes have been founded in mainstream schools. The state maintains eight special

schools providing comprehensive school education. These schools are primarily intended

for pupils with hearing or visual impairments or with a physical or other impairment.

The state-owned special schools are national development and service centres, which

provide expert services for municipal and other schools and temporary education and

rehabilitation for pupils of compulsory school age studying at other schools, in order to

support their studies. The schools may also provide rehabilitation for disabled people

under compulsory school age and those who have completed comprehensive school. The

tasks of state-owned special schools are to develop basic education and the related

rehabilitation, curricula, teaching and rehabilitation methods, teaching aids and learning

materials; to provide guidance and information services for pupils at other schools, their

parents or other guardians, teachers and other staff; to steer the preparation of education

and rehabilitation plans; and to promote the transition of pupils into further study, working

life and society.

It is the duty of the municipality and the individual school to include pupils with special

educational needs in the mainstream educational system. The first alternative for providing

special needs education is to include pupils with special educational needs in mainstream

classes and, when necessary, provide special needs education in small teaching groups.

Only when this is not feasible, is the second alternative considered: the provision of

special needs education in a special group, class or school.

Legislative change in special education from 1.1.2011Legislative change in special education from 1.1.2011

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In June 2010 the parliament adjusted and changed the law for basic education. The

purpose for this change is to enhance every student’s right for organized and structured

support in the learning process, focusing on the special education in early stages. The new

law emphasizes strongly mainstreaming and inclusion and requires new kind of attitude

and practices at schools. Schools must put the new law into effect from 1.8.2011. Support

for students is three-tier: Basic support, Enhanced support and Special support.

Basic supportBasic support

Remedial teaching is meant for students who need support for their studies for different

reasons. Remedial teaching should be given immediately when a student starts to have

problems with his studies. Remedial teaching can also be used as a preventative method.

Students, who need more support than remedial teaching is able to give, are allowed to

receive remedial special education. Learning takes place in big class, smaller group or

individually. The responsible teacher is a special needs teacher. He works closely with the


Enhanced supportEnhanced support

Students who need more support than remedial teaching and remedial special teaching

are able to give, are allowed to receive enhanced support. After pedagogical evaluation an

individual educational plan is made. The Individual learning plan is a plan of the progress

of the student’s school work and studies. The Intention of the plan is to guarantee that the

student receives all the help he needs with his studies. The Plan is made with the student

himself, his parents and a multi professional group, so that everyone is committed to the

plan. Enhanced support may mean more support from the special teacher, more remedial

teaching etc.

Special supportSpecial support

If a student has wider problems with his studies a ”decision of special education” must be

made. The reasons for these problems can be social, psychological, pedagogical etc. This

decision provides for the student those services he needs so as to be able to pass his


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This Decision is made with the cooperation of the school staff, the parents and a multi

professional group.

Every student, for whom this kind of decision has been made, his own individual

educational plan, “IEP” is drawn. There, it is stated what kind of help this person needs

with his studies and if he is studying in a mainstream class, a special class or special

school. Usually learning happens in a mainstream class. The parents, the student, the

teacher and other professionals write out the plan together. The plan is regularly


The plan also includes what other support this person needs with his studies. These

support measures may be for example:

Special need assistance and special toolsSpecial need assistance and special tools

A person with special educational needs has a right to receive that kind of free help he

needs to pass his studies. This help can be for example assistant or interpretation


Adjusted syllabusAdjusted syllabus

The main goal is that the student would be able to follow the basic curriculum in all

subjects. If that is not possible he is able to follow an adjusted syllabus. All adjusted

subjects and their contents are written down to student’s IEP.

Advanced syllabusAdvanced syllabus

If a student is not able to pass his studies in nine compulsory years, he can start his

studies a year earlier .Then, his studies last eleven years. The reason for this is to support

the student to pass his studies and help him to continue studying.

A successful way to prevent social marginalisation among youngsters/ goodA successful way to prevent social marginalisation among youngsters/ good


Preventing youth from social marginalisation has been one of the main targets in youth

work in Finland for the last decade. The ministry of education and culture started to finance

a new work form in the year 2008 called outreach youth work. One of the reasons to start

financing this new work form was a report of decreasing polarisation among youngsters.

According to the report (Polarisaatiomuistio, Häggman 2007) the number of young people

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who cannot be seen in official statistics who do not have the support of any service

network or who use the available services poorly has decreased a lot. Outreach work

reached a significant number of youngsters during its two first years. As complimentary to

Outreach work the ministry started to finance another work form, Social youth work, that

offers alternative tools and resources for young people who run the risk of marginalization

in their life situations. Social youth work and its different services are mainly directed to

youngsters from Outreach youth work. Outreach youth work is administrated by Kokkola

Youth services and carried out in co-operation with Kokkotyö-foundation and the Social

youth work is administrated and carried out by Youthcentre Villa Elba.

In the two chapters below the actors of Outreach work and Social youth workthe actors of Outreach work and Social youth work

describe their work forms.

(A) Outreach youth work(A) Outreach youth work

Anu Suoninen, outreach youth worker & Arja Savela, youth trainerAnu Suoninen, outreach youth worker & Arja Savela, youth trainer

The aim of outreach youth work is to find and support those 15-28 year olds, who cannot

be seen in official statistics, who do not have the support of any service network or who

use the available services very scarcely and guide these young people to different forms of

public service. One of the main goals is to improve young people’s access to the public

services they need. Typical clients are young people, who do not have any vocational

training either because they do not have a study place or because they have dropped out

from school. Outreach youth work is conducted by a youth trainer from Kokkotyö-

foundation and a youth leader from Kokkola city. Participating in the outreach programme

is voluntary for young people and committing oneself to the programme is fairly easy since

the outreach workers do not represent official authorities.

The work area is the city of Kokkola (since the beginning of 2009 also the municipalities of

Kälviä, Lohtaja and Ullava). The main duty is to create and deepen contacts to authorities

in various sectors and other organisations doing youth work.

The target group consists of 15-28 year olds, who do not have the support of any guidance

or service network. This group consists of graduates from elementary school (class 9),

drop-outs from secondary level schools or those who are under the threat of dropping out

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from secondary level schools, young people who have not been able to get a study place

in a secondary level school and young people with immigrant background.

Outreach youth work is multi-professional work done in pairs. This pair plans, reports and

takes responsibility for the decisions made in the field. The outreach youth worker forms a

link between the young person and the service systems. Outreach work consists of

methods such as mapping, observation, searching, making contact, the building and

deepening of trust, motivating both inner and outer change and guidance towards existing

support measures and service systems.

The outreach work is preventive, i.e. “fishing” for young people before they disappear

outside the service system’s safety net. The work is based on identification data on young

people received from the Employment and Economic Development Office and the student

welfare groups of secondary level schools (vocational education or upper secondary


The emphasis of outreach youth work is on getting to know young people and creating

relationships based on trust and confidence. The workers’ professional skills are at young

people’s disposal, but the young people themselves decide what kind of changes they

make in their own lives. The workers help young people and encourage them to find their

own solutions. The main stress is on guiding young people towards schools and studying.

Some of the young people are, however, transferred from outreach youth work to

Kokkotyö-foundation’s youth workshop and its individual coaching. When possible, the

outreach youth workers guide young people e.g. to practical work training outside the


Young people participate voluntarily in the outreach programme. The young person can

make the decision him/herself when and how he/she wants the contact to proceed into a

confidential relationship. He/she can also determine the issues to be discussed with the

outreach worker. The workers are bound by the obligation of secrecy. Therefore, the

young person can trust that the matters discussed will not be taken further without his/her


The work focuses mainly on actively making new contacts, discussing and spending time

with young people. The workers do not have foreknowledge of the young people, which

enables them to be open-minded and without prejudices when meeting young people. The

workers help and encourage in different life situations and in potential difficulties. The goal

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is to support young people, make them believe in their own abilities, competence and

resources to handle their own everyday lives. One intention is to make young people think

about their own lives, their future and the impact of their own choices to present and future

situations. Soul-searching is an efficient method for a young person to find solutions for

his/her present situation.

In the outreach youth work it is of great importance to carry out continuous follow-ups and

to report in order to get an adequately accurate insight of the field. Effective and fruitful

multidisciplinary collaboration is done continuously between authorities in various sectors.

Opportunities to influence improve when data on the conditions in which young people live

is gathered, when the outreach youth workers document their own work and the gathered

information is passed on to other actors in the network. The employment situation,

inhabitation, educational situation and problems of young people will be observed.

Outreach youth work started in Kokkola in May 2008. Since that date until July 2010 there

were approximately 250 contacts between outreach youth workers and young people in

Kokkola. However, all contacts did not lead to successful collaboration.

Young people in need of support measures and reached through outreach youth work in

Kokkola (May 2008 – 31 July, 2010)

17 year olds17 year olds 17-20 year17-20 year


21-24 year21-24 year


25-28 year25-28 year


femalefemale malemale

9 44 13 2 29 39

84% of these 68 young people had dropped out from their studies. 21% had been able to

restart their studies. Young people were supervised to career planning services and

through employment services to practical training or to the workshop. These measures

have been introduced in order to acquaint young people with different lines of work.

Several clients have been in need of and helped to intoxicant- and mental health services.

Assistance with housing issues and matters concerning income support has also been


In 2009, outreach youth workers nationwide were in contact with 8200 young people

altogether, 5129 of them boys and 3071 girls. Successful collaboration was reached with

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3300 youngsters. During 2009 outreach youth work had more than 32 500 contacts with

official authorities in matters concerning young people needing special support and

guidance. All in all, 137 persons worked as outreach youth workers in Finland. 40% of the

municipalities took part in the programme.

The majority of the young people reached were 16-20 year olds (66%). 7% were pupils in

elementary school, 4% elementary school drop-outs, 25% without study place after

elementary school, 1% in upper secondary school, 2% upper secondary school drop-outs,

1% graduated from upper secondary school, 2% graduated from upper secondary school

and completed the matriculation examination, 13% in secondary level vocational

education, 25% vocational basic degree drop-outs, 7% completed a vocational basic

degree, 1% university drop-outs not having completed an academic degree and 3% having

completed some other degree. Specific data on 10% of the young people was unavailable

when information was gathered.

The proportion of the young people reached with immigrant background was 10%. 28% of

these were registered as unemployed job seekers. 18% were unemployed, but not

registered as job seekers. 42% of the young people with immigrant background lived

together with their parents and 30% in their own rented apartments.

The majority of the requests to reach a young person and offer him/her support and helt

came to outreach youth workers through young people’s different social networks (27%),

health care and social services departments (17%), secondary level educational institutes

(15%), and through youth work and workshops (14%).

(B) Social youth work(B) Social youth work

Päivi Hakola,. coordinatorPäivi Hakola,. coordinator

The youth work unit at the ministry of education and culture made a decision this year to

launch new forms of social youth work activities in our country. This work is accomplished

via the national youth centres. Our goal is to create continuous activities comparable to

what camp schools are for the youth centres’ of today. Although now the activity is, instead

of schools, linked as a part of the social youth work field. Our goal is to offer those who are

employed by the communities to work with the Outreach youth work programme and other

co-operations, directions alternative tools and resources for young people who run the risk

of marginalization in their life situations.

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The social youth work’s trafficator is social teaching, which is a society scholarly subject

integrated with the social and pedagogic field. Social-pedagogically oriented work is the

goal of a healthy person that is independent and has control over there lives, as well as

alone and with other people.

The youth centres form, at least regionally, a network of Outreach youth workers, social

workers, school organizations and other social youth work. The activity is in the beginning

emphasized to Mid Ostrobothnia and possibly also to other communities’ cooperative

directions in Finland that are established via camp school activities and also to Swedish-

speaking regions.

The activity is new and just in the beginning of it’s existence. All ten national youth centres

have had the summer to recruit a social youth work coordinator to their services, who will

launch the activity by at first networking with the communities in the neighbour area and

then build up a cooperation network as support for the youth. In youth centre Villa Elba this

work is done by society pedagogue Päivi Hakola, who was employed in the beginning of


The activity includes short termed youth everyday skills sections, weekend camps and

adventure and experience teaching methods, which are carried out by youth centre Villa

Elba. The young people are offered service and career guidance and training for the initial

phase. Our goal is to estimate and strengthen the resources that supports the ability for

youth work and activities and also create individual paths to education or work. It’s also

possible that, via the project, go on an international Rückenwind training and voluntary

work with the Short EVS programme.


The prevention of social marginalization in GreeceGreece has received tremendous attention by

the Ministry of Education which has taken specific support measures to eliminate such

phenomena in school life.

Education for students with disabilities and special educational needs has become

compulsory by law enforcement and is an integral part of public free education.

Education for disabled students can occur either in mainstream schools or in special

education schools.

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The local diagnostical centres known as KEDDY play a vital role in the assessment of the

type or degree of disability, in the recommendation of the proper educational setting, in the

planning of the personalised education programmes, in providing counselling and

guidance. The cooperation between the centre and the student’s parents and their close

observation throughout the process are unquestionable. There is a chain of collaboration

between the local centres, KEDDY, with medical services and the School Building

Organisation whenever their contribution is needed, setting as a priority the alleviation of

the student.

Remedial Teaching is the second measure taken against marginalization, providing for

students with learning difficulties in certain subjects the proper help in order to improve

their performance. It applies to primary and secondary level of education.

Cross-cultural education was also applied with law enforcement aiming at providing

education for young people with a specific educational, social, cultural, and religious

identity. Cross-cultural schools have the option to adjust the standard curriculum according

to the needs of their students. This flexibility can lead to better results.

The primary aim of the Ministry of Education and each and every one involved in

education in general, is to help every young student find his path towards becoming an

equal and active member of the school society, overcome his difficulties and enhance his

abilities and confidence. Emphasis is put on the belief that everyone should feel accepted

and needed in our society. “Inclusion” and “Active membership” are the main objectives.

The Finnish Finnish support system for students is versatile, quite comprehensive and focuses

on many potential problems points. The aim is to develop new ways of supporting

especially those young people in danger of becoming marginalised in comprehensive

school. The measures are primarily aimed at young people who face severe difficulties in

their daily lives.

On the basis of what was presented above, it is apparent that in Finland the aim is to

increase young people’s ability to control their lives and to motivate them to educate

themselves and find employment. Another aim is to increase cooperation between youth

work, school, employment administration and social and health care services in the

prevention of marginalisation. Finnish authorities also endeavour to clarify the division of

responsibilities between the various authorities in support activities and to assess the

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accessibility and sufficiency of support services. The aim is to reduce the number of young

people in danger of becoming marginalised through workshop activities and the extension

and establishment of preventive youth work, for example, as well as to create an

environment that supports the welfare of children and youth at local level.

The aim is to have at least half of all comprehensive school pupils involved in extra-

curricular activities. A necessary condition for the development of morning and afternoon

activities for schoolchildren is making this service available for all families with children.

We should also ensure that children are not prevented from participating in morning and

afternoon activities by high fees as these activities prevent the marginalisation of children

and youth and provide them with a form of early support. It is also important to encourage

children and youth to find themselves interesting hobbies and to become actively involved

in sports, art and culture.

High-quality basic education and support for learning and development are important

factors in the prevention of the need for special support. More than before, the emphasis in

Finland is shifting towards early support and preventive action, while the systematic nature

of the support aimed at students is also being enhanced.

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4. Current reforms and priorities4. Current reforms and priorities

in Greece and Finlandin Greece and Finland

A. Current reforms and priorities in GreeceA. Current reforms and priorities in Greece

Ongoing reforms and policy initiativesOngoing reforms and policy initiatives (related to 'ET 2020' strategic framework)(related to 'ET 2020' strategic framework)

I. Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality

II. Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training

III. Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship

IV. Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of

education and training

Making lifelong learning and mobility a realityMaking lifelong learning and mobility a reality

Lifelong learning strategies

As part of an effort focusing on citizen’s needs aiming at decreasing social inequalities by

overcoming educational deadlocks, a new law 3879/2010 on lifelong learning has been in

force since September 2010. It is titled "Development of Lifelong Learning and other

provisions" and its goal is the development of lifelong learning via alternative educational

paths as well as the association of lifelong learning bodies with those of quality assurance

so as to successfully connect lifelong learning with occupation and to provide this type of

education beyond the formal educational system. This specific framework has clear

principles setting up qualitative and quantitative realistic targets as well as establishing

specific political proposals for carrying out these targets. It also responds to the current

needs of changing the educational model and of focusing the state's interest on student's


Improving the quality and efficiency of education and trainingImproving the quality and efficiency of education and training

Professional development of teachers and trainers

Aiming at completing the program within three years time, the ministry of Education starts

the in-service training of all teachers in September 2010. This process will try to take

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advantage of the progress of Information and Communication Technologies. The in-

service training focuses on: a) discipline, b) teaching methods, c) new technologies and d)

the guidance and administrative staff of education. The training programs comprise: a) a

basic seminar, b) distance learning and c) a feedback seminar. The duration of in-service

training will be 200 hours, of which 50 hours are vivavoce and 150 are distance learning.

The process will be specialized and bound to the forthcoming changes of the curricula

which teachers are called to implement but also to contribute to form their final content.

Respectively, there will be training in relation to the educational practices accompanying

those programs. This training will commence at least six months before the pilot

implementation of the new curricula and according to the rate the latter are effectuated.

The ongoing process of improving the staff involved to education comprises a change in

the selection of the administrative staff of education. The equal access of teachers in the

selection process for such posts as well as the widening of the basis of candidates is

attempted through law 3848/2010. Selection process takes into account knowledge and

competences acquired via professional experience. Training with the contribution of the

National Centre for Public

Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.) in issues connected to administration

of education is also obligatory. The formation of a framework of the administrative staff

professional progress is served by the same law. Prerequisite of selection will be the

participation in self-evaluation programmes and, at a second stage, in evaluation

programmes. Except from the aforementioned law, a public consultation took place in June

2010 as part of a national teacher's in-service training strategy.

Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenshipPromoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship

Learners with special needs

In the field of special needs education, the basic principles of the ministry of Education

policy aim at social integration of the disabled pupils and are as follows:

• No child with disability or special educational needs will face problems in enjoying the

benefits of education. For this reason, all disabled pupils or pupils with special educational

needs are monitored. They acquire 'pupil identification number' and are integral part of

pupil population in a school.

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• Constitution of a special committee for the harmonization of the Greek educational

legislation with the UN convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (December

2006) as well as the Greek Constitution in order to move towards the elimination of

discrimination and social exclusion.

• Use of all staff specialists in this field in order to respond to the growing demand for

special needs education teachers.

• Forwarding physical accessibility and e-accessibility by developing specialized

educational material.

• Establishment of proficiency certification procedure for blind and deaf children in Greek

sign language and the creation of a certification mechanism of the Braille system.

• Mapping, monitoring and evaluation of special needs education. The qualitative and

quantitative mapping is the base for the systematic monitoring and evaluation of all

educational actions and structures.

• Establishment of the annual 'preparation and publication report of conclusions' following

the appropriate methodology. The report will refer to the situation in special needs

education with measurable evaluation of policies and measures implemented.

Other important ongoing reforms and policy initiatives at national levelOther important ongoing reforms and policy initiatives at national level

- School Education- School Education

All-day primary schools plan

Gradually, all primary education schools are becoming all-day schools with a unified

educational program. Pupils in those schools will attend foreign language classes leading

to certification, they will do sports and they will become familiar with the arts or other

creative activities. Study (single or collective) in the first grades, takes place within the

working hours of the school. For the 2010 – 2011 school year a plan for direct

interventions is forwarded. The details of the plan refer to:

• The reduction of the educational contents,

• The expansion of the compulsory working hours,

• The focus on Greek language and on mathematics,

• The aiming at foreign languages,

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• The priority to ICT and

• The augmentation of hours for teaching culture and literature.

The 'new school' plan

The ministry of Education Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs seeking to confront

problems related to the operation of schools and to the education offered to pupils

suggests measures according to the 'pupil first' principle. Yet, it does not ignore other

parties involved in the education system. The Ministry having incorporated the European

Commission priorities on the Improvement of Competences for the 21st century (July

2008), and having taken into account the Primary and Secondary Education Council

conclusions (November 2009) as well as the evaluation studies conducted by the

Pedagogical Institute aims at creating 'the new school', so that new generations to be able


• Firmly step upon values and principles,

• Continue their effort to learn throughout their lives,

• Participate successfully in economic life and to have opportunities to upward social


• Act as responsible citizens and

• Be active citizens.

Within the 'new school' the common in the European Union strategic educational

objectives will be served: a) development of lifelong learning, b) education quality

improvement, c) social cohesion and active citizenship and d) innovation, creativity and


The priorities previously described regarding lifelong learning, all-day primary education

schools, use of ICT in in-service training of teachers, the enhancement of educational

administrative staff role, the improvement of pupils' competence in the Greek language,

the foreign languages pupils are taught and special needs education are parts of the

reform taking place for the constitution of 'the new school'

On the basis of the aforementioned, teachers, pupils, parents and citizens were informed

of the principles, the framework and the initial propositions on this issue. After public

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consultation in May 2010 the law 3848/2010 was ratified by the Greek Parliament

regulating issues of 'the new school', and other wider educational issues concerning:

a) The process of teacher appointment (proceeding of the competition, appointment in the

new posts) whether the case of permanent staff or part-time staff, in both state and private


b) The selection of other primary and secondary education staff such as School Advisors,

heads of the Directorates of Education (Prefecture) and of the Education Offices

(Province), the School Principals (prerequisites and selection criteria) and the councils

choosing the specific staff.

c) Issues of official alterations (transfers, detachments, transferences) and of teacher


d) The modernization of the university sector institutes of higher education including the

selection of the instructional personnel, the distribution of books, access to higher

education, research and so on. It also regulates issues of 'Quality Assurance Agency in

Higher Education' (ADIP).

e) Religious education (ecclesiastic schools of lower and upper secondary education) and

its staff.

f) Finally, the Post-secondary Education Centres (former Colleges) and the General

Secretariat for Research and Technology (the latter since the end of 2009 has been

affiliated by the ministry of Education).

- Higher Education- Higher Education

Wide reforms take place regarding higher education and the Bologna Process. Law

3794/2009 harmonized the operation of the university and technological sectors of higher

education and put at the same level Universities and Technological Education Institutions

(TEIs) (

- Youth- Youth

In 2010 the General Secretariat for Youth via the programme “Support of Initiatives for

Youth 2010” attempts to support actions, programs and initiatives for youngsters, based on

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three thematic priorities: a) labour relations, employment, combat of unemployment, b)

social integration – combat of social exclusion and c) environmental awareness, green

growth, climate change, environment.

- Research and technology- Research and technology

A major reform in the research area is ongoing in Greece. It is commonly accepted that the

increase of the outlay on scientific research is the necessary prerequisite for the

improvement of Greece's international competitiveness. For this reason and by taking into

account the EUROPE 2020 strategy, the action plan for research in Greece sets the

objective of 2 % until 2020 for the expenses for research and technological development,

that is the tripling of the expenditure for research as a percentage of GNP approved until


An action plan for the enhancement of research, technological development and

innovation has been submitted in public consultation by the Greek Ministry of Education,

Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs in the official site of the Greek government

( The objective of the action plan is towards a new architecture of the

Greek system of research and towards the unification of the research area, which is now

cut up, as mentioned above, in various scientific areas.

The newly elaborated National Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation (2010-

2015) constitutes a turning point of the reform of the legislative framework of research in

Greece and will have the form of a Programme-Framework for Research, comprising 5

different axes, research funding included. The so-called axes are the following:

i) axe of targeted scientific/research works

ii) axe of direct support of the innovation

iii) axe of unified research area

iv) axe of research infrastructure

v) axe of research work staff.


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The need for a change is apparent more than ever before. The world and societies change

at unprecedented rates. If we want to keep up with the times it is vital that there are

changes in the education system.

The Ministry of Education and Lifelong Learning has set new priorities and has

implemented, by law, ongoing reforms aiming at decreasing social inequalities. Some of

the frameworks introduced are the development of Lifelong Learning, since it is closely

connected with occupation, the in-service training of all teachers which will lead to the

improvement of both the quality and the effieciency of education. In order to promote

social equity, the social integration of disabled pupils and people is the top priority. The

specific measures that have been taken on this field have been mentioned explicitly in the

previous chapter.

It is the intention of the Ministry of Education to change all primary education schools into

all-day schools sharing the same educational programme. Special emphasis is placed on

Greek language and Mathematics, on foreign languages and on information and

communication technologies. These reforms have already been put into practice. All

reforms are based on the principle “Pupil comes first” without, of course, ignoring the other

parties involved in the education system. The Ministry aims at creating “The new school”

for the generations to come. It is within that new form of school that the European Union

Strategic Educational objectives will be served.

All the priorities already mentioned, are reforms that will lead to the constitution of the new

school. These reforms along with wider educational issues like the appointment of

teachers and administrative staff and issues concerning higher education are regulated by

the law 3848/2010 put in force since May 2010.

The dawn of change is already here. (Emilia)

B. Current reforms and priorities in Finland. B. Current reforms and priorities in Finland.

In Finland, now it is the crucial moment to focus more on the sustainable development

paradigm on the fields of educational governance, development and finance. Instead of

the wild jungle of projects and mixed messages of the steering system, the local school

administration and schools, like to have a sustainable steering system based on the

curriculum development system and self evaluation.

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In Finland, the Ministry of Education and Culture has published a list of objectives for 2020

for the various sectors. Next, we shall examine the objectives for basic education as an

example of how targets are set in the Finnish education system.

The aim of the proposal is to develop basic education and its objectives in a consistent

way by taking into consideration the present strengths of basic education and the

development needs for the future. It examines major changes in the national and

international operational environments.

The expert group has set the future objectives for the renewal of basic education: to clarify

and enhance the mission and integrity of basic education, to ensure the high level of

knowledge and skills, the provision of individual support and guidance as well as to clarify

the principles of basic education. The general national objectives have been defined on

the basis of the goals in the Basic Education Act and on the basis of the objectives for

renewing basic education for the future. They reflect the view of the task and quintessence

of basic education in the future Finnish society. In order to guide teaching, explicit

objectives for skills in basic education should be set. It has been proposed that the

knowledge-based contents of subjects as well as teaching hours should be checked.

The objectives for the skills and individual needs in the society have been classified into

five groups: Thinking skills, Ways of working and interaction, Crafts and expressive skills,

Participation and initiative, and Self-awareness and personal responsibility. Citizen skills

will be defined as part of the general national objectives by the new basic education

decree and they will be included in the objectives of multi-disciplinary subject groups and

of separate subjects. The basic education curriculum consists of compulsory and optional

subjects, which will be defined as multi-disciplinary subject groups, and different subjects

as their components. Each multi-disciplinary subject group will be defined by its own

specific objectives that will combine the general objectives and core contents as well as

methods appropriate for each field of knowledge. According to the proposal, there will be

six different multi-disciplinary subject groups: Language and interaction, Mathematics,

Environment, science and technology, Individual, enterprise and society, Arts and crafts

and Health and personal functionality.

Pupils’ opportunities to choose optional lesson hours in these subjects will be

strengthened. The proposal aims to enhance pupils’ freedom to choose optional lesson

hours in an equal and equitable manner. The number of elective lesson hours will be

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increased significantly in grades 3-9. This aims to give pupils and education providers

more opportunities to different options and flexible solutions as well as to increase the

motivation to study. (Basic education 2020 - the national general objectives andBasic education 2020 - the national general objectives and

distribution of lesson hoursdistribution of lesson hours, Series of publications, Reports of the Ministry of Education

and Culture, Finland 2010:01, Published, 01-06-2010 )

The skil ls an individual needs in the society in the future are:The skil ls an individual needs in the society in the future are:

Citizen skillsCitizen skills

Thinking skillsThinking skills

• problem-solving, deduction, argumentation and drawing conclusions

• critical, analytical and systematic thinking

• creative and innovative thinking

Work and interaction skillsWork and interaction skills

• skills for the retrieval, processing and use of information

• communication, cooperation and negotiation skills

• skills for independent and sustained work

• time management and flexibility

• entrepreneurship and change management skills

• skills for the use of information and communication technology and other technology

• study skills

Crafts and expressive skillsCrafts and expressive skills

• body coordination

• skills and courage for versatile expression and performance

• planning and production skills

• resourcefulness, experimentalism and use of imagination

Participation and initiativeParticipation and initiative

• perception of community and society

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• initiative and leadership skills

• ability to act in a constructive way and solve conflicts

• acceptance of multiplicity and differing viewpoints

• media skills

• ability to visualise and shape the future

Self-awareness and personal responsibilitySelf-awareness and personal responsibility

• self-awareness and reflection

• looking after one’s health and safety

• ethical thinking, responsibility and acting as a member of a community

• good behaviour and empathy

Citizen skills will be systematically included in the general objectives for basic education as

well as the cross-curricular themes and objectives for individual subjects. They will be

defined as part of the general objectives for basic education in the new basic education

decree, and their implementation and assessment will be defined more accurately in the

National Core Curriculum for basic education. The Citizen skills should be realised at

national level in the principles governing the planning of education and its implementation.

They should also be realised in curriculum work at local level and, most of all, in the

development and implementation of education.

C. Currently emerging themes of change C. Currently emerging themes of change

1. Personal roadmap for learning.1. Personal roadmap for learning.

It is important that each young person learns certain basic things, such as reading, writing

and using mathematics, in school also in the future. In the future, however, it is becoming

important that students will have alternative ways to learn these basic things. Children will

learn more and more of what we used to learn in school out of school: through media, the

Internet and from social networks to which they belong. This is leading to a situation where

increasing number of students find teaching in school irrelevant because they have

already learned what is meaningful for them from elsewhere.

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Good solution to address this is to rethink schools so that learning in them relies more on

individual personalized learning plans and less on teaching drawn from same curriculum

for all. The art of future education is to find a balance between these two. Due to

expanding educational possibilities in digital world young children enter schools with huge

differences in what they already know and are able to do. This also means that young

people are interested in great variety of issues that may be completely foreign to teachers

in their schools. Personalized learning must not mean that students will study alone with

tools and information from the Internet. It should mean that they have a well-prepared, rich

and educationally justified individual plan for learning that is jointly designed and agreed

with teachers, parents and the student. (1)

2. Less classroom-based teaching.2. Less classroom-based teaching.

Developing digital forms of learning eventually leads to a situation where people can learn

all the knowledge that is now taught in schools in the Internet wherever and whenever.

Hand-held portable gadgets will provide online access to knowledge and other learners.

Shared knowing and competences that are becoming integral part of modern expertise

and professional work will enter also schools and traditional classrooms. Finland and some

other countries have shown that it is not the time, i.e. length of school year or school days,

that matter most. Less teaching can lead to more students‘ learning if the circumstances

are right. These include trust in schools, adequate support and guidance to all students

and curriculum that can be locally adjusted to meet the interests and requirements of local


Rather than to continue thinking of future schooling through subjects and time allocations

to them time is right now to make a bold move and rethink the organization of time in

schools in Finland. This would mean having less time allocated to conventional subjects,

such as mother tongue, mathematics and science, and more time for integrated themes,

projects and activities. Naturally, share of organized lessons should be more available at

lower grades of primary school and then gradually increase as pupils‘ skills of managing

their own behavior and learning develops. This would also mean a shift from curriculum-

based teaching to individual learning plan based learning in schools. This would also lead

to extended time all students spend in their schools when they engage themselves in

workshops, projects and problem-solving that is real and meaningful to them. (1)

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D. Developing social competencies and problem-solving. D. Developing social competencies and problem-solving.

People will spend tomorrow more of their time and their personal attention on media and

communication technologies than they do today. This , means an from educational point

of view two things. First, people in general will spend less time together with other people

in a concrete social setting. Social interaction will be based on using social networking and

other future tools that rely on digital technological solutions. Second, people will learn

more about the worlds and other people through media and communication technologies.

Especially, expanding engagement in social media and networks will create a whole new

source of learning from other people who have similar interests. By default, these new

social tools will increase opportunities for creative actions as people can be part of open

source projects designing games or digital solutions in collaboration with others in these


Schools need to rethink carefully what will be their core business in educating people. It

cannot remain as it is today: to provide basic knowledge and skills that young people need

in future. The future is here and many young people are already using those skills in their

lives now. Schools need to make sure that all students learn to be fluent in reading,

mathematical and scientific literacy and posses the core of the cultural capital that is seen

as essential. Equally important is, however, that all students will develop attitudes and

skills for critical use of available information and opportunities. They also need develop

better competences for social interaction both virtually and in real with other people, learn

to cooperate with people who are very different to themselves and to cope in complex

social networks. What most people in the future need that they are not likely to learn

anywhere else is real problem solving in cooperation with other people. This is what will

become one of the basic functions of future schools: to teach cooperation and problem-

solving in small groups of different people. (1)

E. Engagement and creativity as pointers of success. E. Engagement and creativity as pointers of success.

Current education systems judge individual talent primarily by standardized knowledge

tests. At worst these tests include solely multiple choice tasks, at best they expand beyond

routine knowledge and require analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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However, they rarely are able to enter the intellectual domain of competences that would

include creativity, complex handling of information or communicating new ideas to others.

It is important to assess how students learn the basic knowledge and skills in school. So is

to know how they can develop their communication, problem-solving and creativity as a

result of school education.

Conventional knowledge tests as we know them now will gradually give space to new

forms of assessment in schools. As schools move to emphasize teaching skills that

everybody needs in a complex and unpredictable world, also the criteria of being a

successful school will change. People will learn more than before of what they need

through digital tools and media and therefore it will become increasingly difficult to know

what role schools have played in students‘ learning (or not learning if you wish) of intended

things. (1)

F. Two themes will be important as we move towards the end of this F. Two themes will be important as we move towards the end of this


First, engaging all students in whatever they have decided to learn in school will be more

important than ever. Lack of engagement is the main reason for many, if not most of the

challenges that teachers face in schools today. It is well known from research and practice

that as children get older their interest in what school has to offer decline. By the end of

peruskoulu a growing number of young people find school learning irrelevant and they are

therefore, seeking for alternative pathways to fulfill their intentions. Therefore, engagement

in productive learning in school should become an important criterion of judging the

success or failure of schools.

Second, students‘ ability to create something valuable and new in school will be more

important than ever. Not just some students, but most of them. If creativity is defined as

coming up with original ideas that have value, then in future school creativity is as

important as literacy. Finnish schools have traditionally been open to risk-taking, creativity

and innovation, these traditions need to be strengthened. When performance of students

or success of schools is measured, creative aspect of both individual learning and

collective behavior should be given high status. In other words, successful school is able

to take each individual – both students and teachers – further in their development than

they could have done by themselves. (1)

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Education policies are necessarily interdependent on other social policies and on the

overall political culture of a nation. The key success factor in development of a well-

performing knowledge economy with good governance and a respected education system

is its ability to reach broad consensus on most major issues concerning future directions of

the respective country. The conclusion is that successful education is built on

implementing and maintaining seven key policies that constitute sustainable leadership

and change, as defined by Andy HargreavesAndy Hargreaves and Dean FinkDean Fink:

(1) Depth: The purpose of schooling remains focused on holistic development of

personality including knowledge, skills, values, creativity, and interpersonal characteristics.

Schools are places for learning and caring, where learning comes before testing;

achievement is defined in relation to one‘s own development and growth, rather than in

relation to universal standards.

(2) Length: Education policy development has been built upon longer-term vision and

strategic principles, such as equal opportunities for all and putting learning before

teaching. Rather than seeking short-term gains, education development has focused on

consolidating these basic values within the education system.

(3) Breadth: Education leadership has gradually diffused from the centre to local levels.

Leadership is not only limited to daily managerial duties and administration but especially

addresses the responsibility and right to lead continuous development of the education


(4) Justice: Attaining the goal of offering equal opportunities to a quality education for all

has required creating and maintaining a socially just school network consisting of uniformly

excellent schools.

(5) Diversity: The school network is based on the idea of inclusive education that

promotes diversity in schools and classrooms. Steering of teaching and learning has never

been based on written standards, but rather upon guidelines encouraging creative

solutions within increasingly diverse social and human environments.

(6) Resourcefulness: Young talented, creative individuals have to be appointed to lead

schools, local education offices, and central departments, guided by the belief that

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competencies often override routine experience. Systematic and research-based ways to

prepare and continuously develop leaders and to maintain their knowledge and skills

should be introduced.

(7) Conservation: Education development should represent a balance between bringing

in new innovations and employing existing good practices. The public recognizes that

many needed educational innovations already exist somewhere in the system. This was a

key acknowledgement of teachers‘ wisdom and realization that learning from past

experiences is at least as important as introducing totally new and often alien ideas in

schools. (4)

There have been numerous attempts to define future competences in extensive

international projects as well as in conjunction with the development of the education

system and review of curricula inmany countries. The underlying question is: what kinds of

skills are needed in terms of education for a person to cope as well as possible as an

individual, worker and citizen in a world that is constantly changing?

Among the best-known international projects is OECD’s global PISA Programme

(Programme for International Student Assessment) launched in 1997. PISA assesses how

far students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge

and skills that are essential for full participation in society as an individual, worker and

citizen. The assessment focuses on reading literacy, mathematical literacy, science

literacy and problem solving. According to 2009 PISA results, Finland fared extremely well

in the survey. Despite this, we should be concerned about the quality of education, equal

opportunities and educational resources in the future. There have also been demands for

courage in educational reform. (8)

The European Union has also set its objectives for the future. Published in 2006, the EU’s

key competences for lifelong learning include eight competence areas connected by seven

wide-ranging skills. The eight key competences areThe eight key competences are:

1.1. communication in? the mother tongue

2.2. communication in? foreign languages

3.3. mathematical? competence and basic competences in science and technology

4.4. digital competence?

5.5. learning to learn?

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6.6. social and civic? competences

7.7. sense of initiative? and entrepreneurship

8.8. cultural awareness? and expression

These eight key competences are connected by seven wide-ranging skills: critical thinking,

creativity, initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision-taking and constructive

management of feelings.

In Finland the thinking seems to be that as the demands of society increase and change,

so the expectations on the quality of education providers and schools become higher year

by year. The objectives and essential content of education are steered through laws,

decrees and the National Core Curriculum. These measures aim to support the education

providers’ existing development work. Thus, in Finland the responsibility for the practical

organisation of school education and the development of its quality lies with the education

providers and schools. Steering through knowledge has become increasingly important as

the laws governing the provision of education have been mitigated and the education

providers’ resources for finding practicable solutions have been increased. In addition to

legislative means, curricula, the assessment of education, and various types of

knowledge-based steering processes, education in Finland is steered through various

educational funding systems. The costs of education are borne by the Government and

Finnish municipalities. The operating costs of basic education are partially covered by

statutory Government transfers. The aim in the creation of criteria for basic education is to

support education providers’ - such as municipalities - decision-making processes

concerning basic education. The decisions concerning the provision of education have

both a direct and indirect impact on schools.

In Finland, making objectives concreteconcrete and opening them up through the definition of

Citizen skills that will be necessary in the future (Basic education 2020 - the national

general objectives and distribution of lesson hours) is considered extremely important.

Currently, the key objectives for basic education in Finland are related to thinking skills;

work and interaction skills; crafts and expressive skills; participation and initiative; and self-

awareness and personal responsibility.

Ensuring the availability of a competent workforce as the workforce declines and meeting

increasing international competition are the major challenges that the Finnish education

system has to tackle in the next years. At the same time, education should prepare

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students to become responsible citizens in a multicultural society where the goals of

sustainable development are emphasized. From an international perspective, the Finnish

education system is able to yield relatively good results with reasonable resources. Yet the

upgrade of education systems is one of the key socio-political objectives in all OECD

countries. Faith in the development of human capital appears to remain strong. (Finnish

Education Systemin an International Comparison, Ministry of Education Policy Analyses

2009:2) (3)

The challenges ahead can only be overcome with a much more concerted and dedicated

effort by individuals, private and public sector employers, trade unions, education and

training providers, public services and governments at all levels, working closely together

towards a common agenda. (5)

The European Commission aims: The majority of Europeans spend at least nine or ten

years at school. It is where they gain the basic knowledge, skills and competences that

they need throughout their lives, and the place where fundamental attitudes and values


Schools should set their pupils on the path to a lifetime of learning, if they are to prepare

them for the modern world. A sound school education system also helps ensure open and

democratic societies by training people in citizenship, solidarity and participative

democracy. The present inequalities in education and training have significant hidden

costs for individuals, societies and economies. Education should be efficient in producing a

high standard of excellence and equitable in raising the general level of skills. Social

inclusion is another key concern.

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Conclusions – Discussion Conclusions – Discussion



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Experiences from the project…Experiences from the project…

It would be risky for anyone if he/she tried to assess in a few words what has been

achieved during the two years of the Comenius Regio programme. Besides, it is fully

described and analyzed in the previous pages of the present work. What can definitely be

said with clarity is the impression that one gets from this educational practice. It is known

that neither the educational sizes of the two cities-Directorates nor the ranking of the two

countries in the worldwide Programme for International Student Assessment lead to safe

conclusions. For everyone who comes in contact with the two educational systems, is easy

to understand the fields that one is superior to the other:

In infrastructure (the same for all students and all schools)

In organization of every forms of administration (to all levels of educational hierarchy)

In strategies and targets in the long run (planning in every level and specialized

measurable targets for all the involved agents individually and collectively)

In flexibility of the curricula (a central planning with flexible variations)

And of course in duration (a follow-up of any educational policy that will be determined

with re-identification of each and every target without subverting the implemented


In conclusion, I believe that all the above are the missing parts from an educational system

which are necessary to give an impulse in everything new that is to be applied. Because,

only if there is stable orientation to target and meritocracy in all selections, then confidence

can be regained on the one hand and everyone who should support their endeavor can be

inspired to progress.

Vasilis K. ChatzisVasilis K. Chatzis

Manager of Educational Issues of the Directorate of Western Thessaloniki

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When our school was invited to participate in the Comenius Regio programme we

considered it a challenge to work with colleagues from Finland with an educational system

regarded as one of the best in today’s world according to the results of the evaluation

system of Pisa.

During this programme we were given the opportunity to experience personally the

superiority of the Finnish system. We worked with excellent colleagues who introduced us

to some of the factors that have led to the “Finnish miracle in education”. We exchanged

views, ideas, shared teaching experiences and we had the chance to get to know each

other’s everyday school reality.

Despite the numerous differences on the working conditions, on the funding of the schools,

on the long-term planning of education policies of the two countries involved, our

educational objectives are quite similar. Getting to know how school operates on

administrative level, the cooperation between the school staff, the communication between

the school and the local society, and the vital role of the local administration in the Finnish

education, was a constructive experience.

It is our belief that this programme was a very significant step for the improvement of

education and it was beneficial to every participant. Emphasis should be also put on the

excellent collaboration between the Greek participants. Strangers ourselves but working

as a team, we carried out the task efficiently.

We are thankful to everyone who helped to the materialization of this project which has left

us with the best of impressions.

With kind regards,

Mrs Sehidou OlgaMrs Sehidou Olga, Principal of Primary School of Assiros.

Mrs Katsiveli EmiliaMrs Katsiveli Emilia, Teacher of the English Language of Primary School of Assiros.

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We eagerly agreed to participate in the Comenius Regio programme because we believe

that such programmes contribute positively not only to the enhancement of educational

systems but also to our personal improvement as teachers.

Two geographically different countries with different cultures, different educational systems

and views met having a common aim “Better Education”.

It was an interesting cooperation which was carried out in a fraternal and healthy climate.

The teacher exchanges, the meetings and the discussions were held in a really warm and

friendly environment. All the participants had the opportunity not only to approach the

educational system of each country but the way of thinking and working of the other

teachers as well.

We were given the chance to visit in both countries schools, youth centers, educational

and cultural centers which contribute in their own way to what we call “Lifelong Learning”.

We consider important the fact that through this cooperation we managed to take part in a

sincere conversation on all educational issues without an attempt to glorify the real

situations. On no occasion was there a demonstration of power or superiority.

Furthermore, apart from the differences and the way the two educational systems function,

our common attempt and wish for better education as well as the important role of the

teacher became evident.

Concluding, we would like to add that through this cooperation we gained a double profit:

a) human communication and meeting of different cultures b) development of interaction

on educational matters.

With kind regards,

The teachers of the7th primary school of Ampelokipi The teachers of the7th primary school of Ampelokipi

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The project under Comenius Regio Program, where I have participated, aimed to present

a comparison between Greek and Finnish educational system. Therefore, the aim of the

project was to provide an up-to-date contribution on various aspects of class/school life in

region of Kokkola (Finland) and respectively in Western Thessaloniki (Greece).

Presentations were designed both sides, portrayed particular aspects of educational

system that could be used as initiators for group work and further discussion. Through

presentations and visits in various schools I was introduced in new and important aspects

of every day life in class/school, such as time tables, school playground, school building,

alongside other aspects such as textbooks, learning media, school staff and interesting

learning activities. Furthermore, we introduced in the communication and collaboration

between various organizations and departments focused on students’ problems and

school’s drop out.

Consequently, it was possible to me and to my colleagues to identify the similarities and

the differences. Thus, the aim of this program, as concerning me, I consider that was


Yours Sincerely,

Nikolaos AkritidisNikolaos Akritidis, School Consultand

The effects of the project have been a good way of getting to know the learning

environment of another culture. It’s been an experience, widening the views of the

teachers participating and increasing the number of valuable contacts. It has been easy to

co-operate with all the participants and the forms of co-operation have clarified towards the

end of the project.

In addition to international co-operation this project has given Kiviniitty School the chance

of being a part of the developing process of internal co-operation within the town of

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Kokkola. It can be mentioned that during the project the ability to work together with other

colleagues has improved and at the same time the other staff of the city has become

closer to our own school. At this point it’s easy and constructive to continue developing the


In the course of the project we have been able to see and learn about the educational and

cultural systems and backgrounds of the other country wider. Hopefully we will be offered

to achieve more similar experiences and also others will be lucky to share same kind of

experiences in years to come.

Yours Sincerely,

Reijo TimonenReijo Timonen, The Principal of Kiviniitty School

The project has provided us with an opportunity to update our cooperation network. We

have met many interesting and friendly persons from Thessaloniki. We have also learned

that although we live and work almost at the opposite ends of Europe, at least in the north-

south direction, the objectives of our work are not that different.

To be sure, we have observed some differences in the educational policies of Greece and

Finland as well as in the structures of their education systems. In my opinion, many things

have reinforced my view of Finland and “the major lines” in Finland being in many respects

on the right track, even if there is still a lot to do and many changes to be made.

Even though we do have a cooperation network in place, built over a long period of time,

we still need to improve in how efficiently we utilise this network and how the various

members of our network could utilise the school more efficiently in their activities.

I think we Finns and inhabitants of Kokkola have a lot to learn from our friends in

Thessaloniki, not least in how to cherish our cultural heritage proudly and with special

emphasis and how to make local sources of pride part of our curriculum. This will help

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future generations to grow up as proud builders and keepers of our own cultural heritage -

change as it may in the course of time - and to pass that heritage on to new generations in

their turn.

Kind regards and all the best,

Juha Suhonen,Juha Suhonen, Head Teacher, Koivuhaka School

During this cooperation project we have had the pleasure of receiving visitors from

Thessaloniki, Greece on three occasions. The persons who participated in these visits

were not always the same, but they were offered the opportunity to see, for a few hours at

a time, what an ordinary school day in Finnish primary school is like. I have been able to

form a personal relationship with many of our partners. As far as I know, in general their

experiences of schools in Kokkola providing basic education have, on the basis of their

feedback, been positive and eye-opening. It has to be admitted, however, that their visits

to Ykspihlaja School were not very extensive, so their interaction with the teachers and

pupils was limited to some extent.

On the other hand, I had the opportunity to visit schools in Thessaloniki, which certainly

broadened my view of Greek schools in many useful ways; as a result, my views of my

own work have also been broadened. I felt the same way about our previous EU project. I

believe that the interesting and one-on-one conversations I had with representatives of

Thessaloniki schools gave us all a lot food for thought for our work in both countries. It was

a wonderful experience to meet representatives of a totally different culture and to hear

their opinions of education in Greece.

School is in constant need of development. The key changes in this development work are

outlined in the excellent Chapter 6 of this report. The text is based on the ideas of Pasi

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Sahlberg, a well-known Finnish researcher. According to him, the key ideas in education,

teaching and learning are individuality, social skills and problem-solving skills. I am sure

that we, the parties to the Regio Project, both agree on these ideas.

On behalf of Ykspihlaja School, I would like to thank you for the great opportunity to be

involved in this cooperation project.

Yours Sincerely,

Aatto PennanenAatto Pennanen, The Principal of Ykspihlaja School

For 20 years already, Youth Centre Villa Elba has been working to support the harmonious

development of young people. International education is part of our curriculum, so

becoming involved in the project was natural and interesting for us. The project focused

mainly on a comparison of national education systems, but we managed to include visits to

operators concentrating on the social reinforcement of children and youth.

During the project we learned that youth work is actively performed both in Greece and in

Finland, but there are differences in which authority is responsible for this, for example.

Copying best practices from one country and introducing them in another hardly seems

possible, but we were left with several interesting ideas to ponder upon.

One of the most important yields of the project was the numerous contacts we established

with other participants.

Kind regards,

Heli Lehto-KoskiHeli Lehto-Koski, Development Manager, Villa Elba

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(1) Sahlberg P. (2010) Finnish lessons

(2) Basic education 2020– the national general objectives and distribution of lesson hoursReports of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2010:1

(3) Finnish Education System in an International Comparison, Ministry of Education Policy Analyses 2009:2

(4) Hargreaves A. & Dean F. (

(5) New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now A report by the Expert Group on New Skills for New Jobs prepared for the European Commission February 2010


(7) Teacher training 2020, Reports of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2007:44

(8) PISA 2009. First results. Ministry of Education and Culture

Eurydice – Greece (2010) National system overviews on education systems in Europe and

ongoing reforms, in


Eurydice (2009/2010) Organisation of the education system in Greece, in


N. Akritides & M. Keskilidou (…..)Teaching Greek At The Intercultural Schools Of Western Thessaloniki …

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