copy of the jungle group presentation

The Jungle The Jungle By Upton Sinclair Antonio Grumser, Álvaro Rausell, Bruno Araujo, José Eduardo Lins

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The JungleThe Jungle

By Upton Sinclair

Antonio Grumser, Álvaro Rausell, Bruno

Araujo, José Eduardo Lins

The JungleThe JungleThe Jungle

● Depicted the social and political situation of the time

● Written in 1906 by Upton Sinclair

● Meat Inspection and Puere Food and Drug ActsWritten

in 1906 by Upton Sinclair

● Depicted the social and political situation of the time

● Pure Food and Drug Act

Upton Sinclair

- Childhood

- Personal


- Socialism

Upton Sinclair

“Ah, God, the horror of it, the monstrous, hideous, demoniacal

wickedness of it! He and his family, helpless women and children,

struggling to live, ignorant and defenceless and forlorn as they were –

and the enemies that had been lurking for them, crouching upon their

trail and thirsting for their blood! That first lying circular, that smooth-

tongued, slippery agent! That trap of the extra payments, the interest,

and all the other charges that they had not the means to pay, and would

never have attempted to pay!

Historical and Geographical


- Meatpacking industry

- Workers’ oppression

- The American Dream

- Socialism

- Optimistic to pessimistic

Historical and Geographical


“there was no justice, there was no right,

anywhere in it--it was only force, it was tyranny,

the will and the power, reckless and


Jurgis Rudkus

- Jurgis?

- Major

- Everyman

- Dynamic

Jurgis Rudkus

“do not worry—it will not matter to us. We will pay

them all somehow. I will work harder” (Sinclair


“... strong man as he was, it left him almost too

weak to stand up” (Sinclair 58).

“These midnight hours were fateful ones to

Jurgis; in them was the beginning of his rebellion,

of his outlawry and his unbelief” (Sinclair 175).


“History repeats itself and that’s just how it goes…” -

Jermaine Cole




- Dangers

- Oppression

- Death


“A furnace blew out, spraying two men with a

shower of liquid fire… they lay screaming and

rolling upon the ground in agony” (Sinclair 206)

“He told me - he would have me turned off. He

told me he would- we would all of us loses our

places… He - he meant it - he would have

ruined us.”(Sinclair 206)


- The Jungle

- Slaughterhouses


“Here was a population, low-class and mostly foreign, hanging

always on the verge of starvation, and dependent for its

opportunities of life upon the whim of men every bit as brutal and

unscrupulous as the old-time slave-drivers; under such

circumstances immorality was exactly as inevitable, and as

prevalent, as it was under the system of chattel slavery.

” (Sinclair 113)


What is social Darwinism?

- Another name for a socialist party during

the industrial revolution

- A social and political based theory of

natural selection


What was not one of Upton Sinclair’s main

purpose in writing the novel?

- To criticize capitalism, and favor socialism

- To revolutionize the way the meatpacking

industry operates

- To show the consequences of The

American Dream


What is not a prominent theme in the


- Deaths

- Slavery

- Oppression


So what?

Can you think of a current event that carries

the same theme?

So what?