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Java Programming Fundamentals

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Lesson 1:Java Runtime Environment

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• Identify the differences between stand-alone applications and applets

• Describe the role of the Java Virtual Machine• Create a simple Java program• Use Java comments• Compile and execute a Java program• Describe the differences between *.java and *.class files

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The Java Virtual Machine

• Stand-alone applications• Applets• Classes• Methods• Bytecode

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Java Comments

• Single-line comment• Multiline comment• Javadoc comment

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Identify the differences between stand-alone applications and applets

Describe the role of the Java Virtual Machine Create a simple Java program Use Java comments Compile and execute a Java program Describe the differences between *.java and *.class files

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Copyright © 2002 ProsoftTraining. All rights reserved.

Lesson 2:Data Types,

Variables and Operators

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• Use primitive data types• Declare a variable• Distinguish between local and class variables• Distinguish between implicit and explicit

casting• Use the operators for primitive types

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Data Types

• Primitives– Integers– Floating-point numbers– Character– Boolean

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Declaring Variablesand Variable Scope

• Types– Local– Instance– Class

• Default variable values• Variable declaration and initialization• Casting

– Implicit– Explicit

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Casting Rules Chart

byte short int long float double


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• Arithmetic operators• Relational operators• Logical operators

– Short-circuit• Bitwise operators

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• Java automatically casts– bytes or shorts ints– floats doubles

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Use primitive data types Declare a variable Distinguish between local and class variables Distinguish between implicit and explicit

casting Use the operators for primitive types

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Lesson 3:Control


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• Explain the block structure of Java• Use Java conditional statements• Use Java iterative statements

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Code Blocks

• Used to group the contents of a class or a method

• Used to designate all conditional and iterative statements

• Used for exception handling

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Conditional Statements

• if statement

• switch/case statement– break statement

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Iterative Statements (Loops)

• while loop (entry condition loop)• do while loop (exit condition loop)• for loop• Nested loops (break and continue)

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Explain the block structure of Java Use Java conditional statements Use Java iterative statements

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Lesson 4:Methods

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• Create and use static methods• Return a value from a method• Explain pass by value• Describe overloading methods• Identify the method signature

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• The executable part of a class– Member

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Return Statement

• Data types• Void

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Calling a Method

• Parameters• Literals

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Pass by Value

• A copy of the value of the variable is available to the method; changes to the copy do not affect the original value

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• Method signature– Name– Parameter list

• Does not include return type

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Create and use static methods Return a value from a method Explain pass by value Describe overloading methods Identify the method signature

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Lesson 5:Arrays

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• Declare and initialize an array• Allocate space for a new array• Describe array indexing• Use the length property• Discuss why arrays are passed by reference• Discuss Java’s garbage collection mechanism• Retrieve command line parameters

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What Is an Array?

• Collection of same type• Non-primitive data type

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Initializing an Array

• Allocation• Reference• Index

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• Properties• Methods

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Using an Array

• length property

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Passing an Array to a Method

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Garbage Collection

• Variable name reuse• Memory leak

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Command Line Parameters

• Always String type data

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Declare and initialize an array Allocate space for a new array Describe array indexing Use the length property Discuss why arrays are passed by reference Discuss Java’s garbage collection mechanism Retrieve command line parameters

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Copyright © 2002 ProsoftTraining. All rights reserved.

Lesson 6:Classes

and Objects

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• Identify the parts of an object• Create and use instance members• Distinguish between instance and class

members• Define abstraction• Create object references

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Object-Oriented Programming

• Refers to the creation of a number of objects that communicate with one another

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What Isan Object?

• Instantiation• The new keyword

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Instance andClass Members

• Class members– The exception in Java

• Instance members– The rule in Java

• Accessing instance members– Dot notation

• Accessing class members

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• What does the object do versus how does it do it?

• Functionality versus implementation

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Object References



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Identify the parts of an object Create and use instance members Distinguish between instance and class

members Define abstraction Create object references

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Lesson 7:Inheritance

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• Create a new class using inheritance• Create an overridden method

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What Is Inheritance?

• Code reuse• Using inheritance

– extends keyword– subclass– superclass– Multiple inheritance

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Overriding Methods

• Same signature as the superclass• super.method()

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Create a new class using inheritance Create an overridden method

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Lesson 8:Constructors

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• Use the default constructor• Create a constructor to initialize instance

variables• Call other constructors from the same class

and the parent class• Create a no-arguments constructor• Discuss String characteristics and define the

common methods of String

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What Is a Constructor?

• new keyword• Similarities to methods

– Initialization of object– Pass parameters

• Differences from methods– Same name as class– No return type

• Callback

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Using Constructors

• Default constructor– No arguments– Must be explicitly created if there are any

other constructors• Overloading constructors

– Unique parameter types

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The Keyword this

• this() as a constructor• Avoiding namespace conflicts• The super keyword

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Constructors and Callbacks

• Constructors are a major facilitator in establishing interobject communication

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Strings and StringBuffer

• String constructors• String characteristics• Methods of String• StringBuffer

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Use the default constructor Create a constructor to initialize instance

variables Call other constructors from both the same

class and the parent class Create a no-arguments constructor Discuss String characteristics and define the

common methods of String

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Copyright © 2002 ProsoftTraining. All rights reserved.

Lesson 9:Interfaces and Abstract Classes

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• Define and use interfaces• Define polymorphism• Use abstract classes• Create an abstract method

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What Is an Interface?

• Contents of an interface– Abstract methods– Final variables

• Interface functions– Decoupling objects– Providing data type

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• Using one method name to invoke many different methods

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What Is an Abstract Class?

• Cannot be instantiated• Can be used for a type

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Define and use interfaces Define polymorphism Use abstract classes Create an abstract method

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Lesson 10:Packages and Access Modifiers

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• Compile and run a class with packages• Identify the packages in the Java 2 API• Identify the various access levels in Java• Describe how access modifiers can be used to

set the access level of a variable, method or class

• Describe the object-oriented programming principle of encapsulation

• Identify accessor and mutator methods

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Packages and Access Modifiers

• Packages– import statement

• Access modifiers– public– protected– package– private

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Java 2 Application Programming Interface

• Organized into packages such as– java.lang– java.awt–– java.util–

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• Accessor– Method that reads a variable

• Mutator– Wrapping variables and methods together

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Data 1Data 2Data 3Data 4

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Compile and run a class with packages Identify the packages in the Java 2 API Identify the various access levels in Java Describe how access modifiers can be used to

set the access level of a variable, method or class

Describe the object-oriented programming principle of encapsulation

Identify accessor and mutator methods

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Lesson 11:Swing Components

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• Distinguish between the AWT and Swing• Identify the general organization of the Swing

class structure• Define and use Swing widgets and containers

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What Is the AWT?

• Heavyweight components– Peer components

• AWT 1.0– Container propagation– Single-method event-handling

• AWT 1.1– New event model

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What Is Swing?

• Lightweight components– No peer components– All Java

• Customizable• Model View Controller (MVC) programming

paradigm• Included in Java 2 (JDK 1.2)

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Basic Swing Components

• JComponent• JLabel• JButton• JTextField• JTextArea• JScrollBar

• ImageIcon• JScrollPane• JPanel• JFrame• JFileChooser• JApplet

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Graphical Widgets

• The graphical components with which users interact– JButton– JLabel– JScrollBar

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• Two types– Top level (includes JFrame, Window)– Lower level (includes JPanel, JScrollPane)

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Distinguish between the AWT and Swing Identify the general organization of the Swing

class structure Define and use Swing widgets and containers

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Lesson 12:Layout Managers

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• Define a layout manager• Set a layout manager for a Container• Effectively use FlowLayout, GridLayout, BorderLayout and BoxLayout

• Nest containers and layout managers to form more complex GUI layouts

• Separate a complex design into its component containers and layout managers

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What Is a Layout Manager?

• FlowLayout• GridLayout• BorderLayout• BoxLayout• CardLayout

• GridBagLayout• GridLayout• OverlayLayout• ScrollPaneLayout• ViewportLayout

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• Centers components on each line in a flowing manner

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• Adds components in a gridlike format

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• Allows either a horizontal or a vertical layout of components

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Button 1

Button 2

Button 3

Button 4

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Define a layout manager Set a layout manager for a Container Effectively use FlowLayout, GridLayout, BorderLayout and BoxLayout

Nest containers and layout managers to form more complex GUI layouts

Separate a complex design into its component containers and layout managers

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Lesson 13:Graphics in Java

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• Identify the AWT class structure for graphics• Gain access to a container’s graphic context

by overriding the paint(Graphics g) method

• Use methods of the Graphics class via the graphics context

• Effectively use the Color and Font classes

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Graphics Class

• The graphics context is used to access the functionality of the Graphics class (an abstract class)

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Graphics Class Methods

• draw3DRect()• drawArc()• drawLine()• drawOval()• drawPolygon()• drawPolyline()• drawRect()

• drawRoundRect()• fill3DRect()• fillArc()• fillOval()• fillPolygon()• fillRect()• fillRoundRect()

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Other Classes

• Color setColor()• Font setFont()

– FontMetrics

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Identify the AWT class structure for graphics

Gain access to a container’s graphic context by overriding the paint(Graphics g) method

Use methods of the Graphics class via the graphics context

Effectively use the Color and Font classes

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Lesson 14:The Event

Delegation Model

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• Describe the event delegation model• Create listener classes that can respond to

events• Register listener classes with their Component sources

• Capture events and deal with them in meaningful ways

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What Is an Event?

• What caused the event?• What was the exact nature of the event?• Is additional information available about

the event?

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JDK 1.0 Event Handling

• Tightly coupled with the AWT• Inefficient• General• Unruly• Code and event handling could not be


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SDK 1.2 Event Handling

• Generating the event object• Sending the event object to the listener• Preparing the listener to receive the event• Example: Creating a closeable JFrame• JFrame convenience methods for event

handling• Example: Event handling and callbacks

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Describe the event delegation model Create listener classes that can respond to

events Register listener classes with their Component sources

Capture events and deal with them in meaningful ways

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Lesson 15:Inner Classes

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• Define an inner class• Recognize the advantages of inner classes

over package-level classes in relation to event handling

• Design and implement inner classes for event handling

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What Is an Inner Class?

• A class defined within other classes• Introduced with the SDK 1.2

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Inner Classes for Event Handling

• Member inner classes• Anonymous inner classes

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Define an inner class Recognize the advantages of inner classes

over package-level classes in relation to event handling

Design and implement inner classes for event handling

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Lesson 16:Java Applets

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• Compare and contrast Java applets and applications

• Implement the life cycle of an applet through its inherited methods

• Embed an applet into an HTML document• Pass parameters from an HTML document to

its contained applet• Identify applet security restrictions• Convert an applet into an application

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JApplet Class Hierarchy







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Applets and Web Browsers

• Applets do not have a main() method• Applets have a life cycle• Applets are started from HTML pages, and

receive information from HTML pages• Because they are program code, applets

should not be trusted

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Converting an Application into an Applet

• Use init() method to perform instantiation

• Instantiating the applet is unnecessary• Applets must be derived from JApplet• Applet size should be set within the HTML

document (the Web browser makes it visible)

• Applets must be declared public

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Converting an Applet into an Application

• By adding an instance of the JApplet to the JFrame and calling its init() and start() methods, the conversion from JApplet to stand-alone JFrame readily takes place

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Compare and contrast Java applets and applications

Implement the life cycle of an applet through its inherited methods

Embed an applet into an HTML document Pass parameters from an HTML document to

its contained applet Identify applet security restrictions Convert an applet into an application

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Lesson 17:Exceptions

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Objectives• Differentiate between errors and

exceptions• Differentiate between runtime exceptions

and explicit exceptions• Propagate an exception using the throws

statement• Handle an exception using the try/catch

statement• Create and use a user-defined exception

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What Is an Exception?

• Exceptions– Runtime exceptions (unchecked)– Other exceptions (checked)

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Exception Class Hierarchy

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• Ignore the Exception• Handle the Exception with a try/catch

statement• Throw the Exception to the calling method• Handle the Exception and rethrow it to the

calling method

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Creating User-Defined Exceptions

• Creating the exception• Throwing the exception• Exception handling tips

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Exception Handling Tips

• Use simple tests instead of try/catch• Choose user-defined exceptions wisely• Use one try/catch block for multiple

exceptions• Do something meaningful with caught


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Differentiate between errors and exceptions Differentiate between runtime exceptions and

explicit exceptions Propagate an exception using the throws

statement Handle an exception using the try/catch

statement Create and use a user-defined exception

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Lesson 18:Creating Threads

and Thread Methods

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• Define threads• Create and instantiate threads using two

different techniques• Control single-thread flow• Define the four thread states and their

relationships to thread methods

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What Are Threads?

• Multitasking• Multiprocessing• Multithreading

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How Operating Systems Handle Multitasking

• Pre-emptive multitasking• Cooperative multitasking

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Types of Threads in Java

• Daemon thread• User thread

– Main thread– Other user threads

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The Main Thread

main thread

user thread user thread

user thread user thread

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Creating Threads

• Subclassing the Thread class• Implementing the Runnable interface• Which technique?

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Define threads Create and instantiate threads using two

different techniques Control single-thread flow Define the four thread states and their

relationships to thread methods

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Lesson 19:Thread


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• Define synchronization in relation to object monitors

• Control thread racing using thread synchronization

• Convert non-atomic to atomic processes to avoid thread racing

• Use sophisticated methods for controlling threads

• Stop, suspend and resume threads• Explain thread deadlock

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What Is Thread Synchronization?

• Controlling threads in a predictable manner

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Thread Racing

• Two threads trying to access the same data

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Synchronized and the Object Monitor

• synchronized keyword• Threads waiting in a queue to obtain an

objects monitor• All synchronized methods of an object use a

single monitor

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Thread Race Condition

• Competing for resources• Synchronizing the methods• Atomic processes

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Sophisticated Thread Synchronization

• Consumer/producer scenario

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Stopping, Suspending and Resuming Threads

• Stopping a thread• Suspending a thread• Resuming a thread

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Define synchronization in relation to object monitors

Control thread racing using thread synchronization

Convert non-atomic to atomic processes to avoid thread racing

Use sophisticated methods for controlling threads

Stop, suspend and resume threads Explain thread deadlock

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Copyright © 2002 ProsoftTraining. All rights reserved.

Lesson 20:Streams and Serialization

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• Define a stream• Differentiate between byte streams and

character streams• Recognize the abstraction of byte streams

through the InputStream and OutputStream classes

• Recognize the abstraction of character streams through the Reader and Writer classes

• Create and use file objects

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Objectives (cont’d)

• Use and System.out to perform stream operations

• Nest streams using wrapper classes to enhance basic stream behavior

• Perform file I/O• Define object serialization• Use serialization to save an object to a file• Explain the transient keyword

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What Is a Stream?

• A path of information from a source to a destination

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InputStream, OutputStream, Reader and Writer

• JDK 1.0 (bytes)– InputStream– OutputStream

• JDK 1.1 (characters)– Reader– Writer

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• Instantiating a file object• Working with a file object

– Methods of File– Directories– FileDialog/FileChooser

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Stream Classes of*

• and System.out• Reading bytes from• Converting a byte stream into a character

stream• Wrapper streams• File I/O

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• The process of object serialization– Marking an object for serialization– Writing the object to file– Reading the serialized object from a file

• Transient variables and security

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Define a stream Differentiate between byte streams and

character streams Recognize the abstraction of byte streams

through the InputStream and OutputStream classes

Recognize the abstraction of character streams through the Reader and Writer classes

Create and use file objects

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Summary (cont’d)

Use and System.out to perform stream operations

Nest streams using wrapper classes to enhance basic stream behavior

Perform file I/O Define object serialization Use serialization to save an object to a file Explain the transient keyword

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Lesson 21:Networking in Java

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• Define networking, IP addresses, the Domain Name System, and ports

• Discuss the socket model and socket-to-socket communication

• Explain the client/server model• Write a single-threaded client/server echo

system• Write a multithreaded client/server echo


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What Is Networking?

• Computers communicating across distances• Java networking


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Connecting Computers Across the Internet

• IP addresses– Dotted quad– 32 bits– IPv6

• DNS• Sockets• Well-known ports

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Well-Known Ports and Their Protocols

Port Protocol

21 FTP

23 Telnet

25 E-mail

79 Finger


119 NNTP/Usenet

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Networking Classes of*

• Common networking classes– InetAddress– Socket– ServerSocket

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The Java Client/Server Model

• Server– Delivers information– ServerSocket object– accept method returns a socket

• Client– Requests information from the server– Connects to server with socket

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Building the EchoServer

• The client– Step 1: getConnection– Step 2: sendMessage– Step 3: receiveMessage

• The server– Step 1: getConnection– Step 2: receiveMessage– Step 3: sendMessage

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MultithreadingYour Client/Server Model

• Modifications to the server• The Connection class• The Client class• Running the threaded client/server example

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Define networking, IP addresses, the Domain Name System, and ports

Discuss the socket model and socket-to-socket communication

Explain the client/server model Write a single-threaded client/server echo

system Write a multithreaded client/server echo


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Java Programming Fundamentals

Java Runtime Environment Data Types, Variables and Operators Control Statements Methods Arrays Classes and Objects Inheritance Constructors

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Java Programming Fundamentals

Interfaces and Abstract Classes Packages and Access Modifiers Swing Components Layout Managers Graphics in Java The Event Delegation Model Inner Classes

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Java Applets Exceptions Creating Threads and Thread Methods Thread Synchronization Streams and Serialization Networking in Java

Java Programming Fundamentals