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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

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Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

2 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


From the Artistic Director

Welcome [0 Voices for the Homeless: A Concert for Hope and Help. lhe inspiralion for this concert is compo~r H enry Molliconc's new work

~&al;tudl! Mills (Holnl!/us Mass)", a piece incorporating words from

the Latin Mass Ordinary, juxtaposed with Engl ish [eX I drawn from imervit'ws condm."ted with people living in homeless shelters. Today's performance marks the M ichig:tn premiere of the Beatitude Mass. and true to the composer's wishes, proceeds from the concert will oc-nefit local agencies that provlde assistance to

the homeless.

The w ileen is a culmination of a broad baS<.xI dfi.m to raise awarcn~ of the

plight of homelcssncss. and to recognize this is a widespread problem thai can affcct anyone:. In that cRort, I'm pleased to sharc fhal RSC is curremly presem­ing an cxtensi \'c outreach program on the subje'Ct ofhomelt:ssness for Denoit

Publ ic High School students. Certain ly for me, plann ing this concert has been an I.'yl· opening experience. first in the magni tude of the problem in

our surrounding communities, and then th rough the many ind ividual stories

that PUt a personal face on this crisis.

Perhaps it should be no surprise that. e"en when confronted with ovt"rwhelm ing

obstacles. the homeless look to music as a source of hope. Our program tonight

offers a cross·sect ion of musical cxpression. from the unsullied innocencc of the

Michigan Opera Theatre' Ch ildrcn"s C homs. whose songs pm fOrl h inspiration

to the more than 3000 homeless students in Detroit, to the soulful expressions

of the Visions of Rl.'covery Community C hoi r. Through this \'a riety of styles the

com mOil thread is music. and ils uniting force offi.ring hope and help.

I would like to thank Producer Regina Steiger for all her .... 'Ork on the concert.

Also, Nikki Grandberry, Pauie Cha rleston and the Visions ofRcco,·ery Choir.

Gerald BUller and the Recovery Band. Di:lnna Hochella and the Michigan

Opera Thearre Children's Chorus and ['rcm Mukherjee for sha ring their talents

with us. Finally, a spccialthanks to Ht'nry Molliconc fOr crearing lhis powerful

:md important work.

Yours in music.

~(A(p t1I.oJiw.~ SUlall1l(' Mallarc AClQn

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 I 3

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Under the direction of Suzanne Mallare Acton presents

H A Concert for Hope and Help

Featunng The Beatitude Mass (for the Homeless) I:7yo Henry MoIhcone

Rackham Symphony Choir Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus,

Dianna HacheI/o, Conductor Visions of Recovery Gospel Choir,

Pattie Charleston, Director Gerald Butler, Flute

Barry Broden,. Guitar Joseph Jackson,. Piano

Featuring Nikki Grandberry, Narrator Kimwana Doner, Soprano Jonathan Lasch, Baritone

Special Guest Henry Mollicone

Regina Benjamin Steiger, Producer Nan Luchini, Stage Manager

Art exhibit on the second level featuring works by Denise Dotson, Freddie Harris and D.J. Kuznio.

4 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Program ' 7ht lJudimcr is rtqlU1UJ III hold ,Ixir appldu~ until f~nuI ofMrh halfofrht prrJK11Im.

An btslTument 0/711] P~ilU . .......................... Harden Morgan Rackham Symphony Choi r


Nikki Gr.lndbcrry, Nt/mllor

Ulany . . . ................. John Musto. from a poem by Lang.non Hughes Kimw;Ul3. Doner. Sopmllo Joseph Jackson, Pillllo

My Shepherd Will Supply My Nud ..

Rackham Symphony Choir

Student Readings

Musical I ntcrlude

. arr. by Virgillhomson

ltucriplioll of Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ...... Z. Randall Stroope Michigan Opera Theatre Children's ChQrus, Dianna Hochclla. COl/ductor

Joseph Jackson. PilII/O


Nikki GrJndbt-rry, M,mltor

It 's Over Now . ....... . Panic Charleston and Voices ofRccovcry Choir Gerald Buder. f111f~


Introduction to Befl/;Iude Mass (jor the Homeless)

Hen ry Mollicone. Compol~r

BMlitude Mtlls (jor ,be Homeless) . . . . ............... Henry Mollicone Rackham Symphony Choir and Chamber Orchesrm Suzan ne Mallare Acton. Gmt/II("lt)r

Kirnwan:1 DOller. Sopr(//It)

Jonathan Lasch. Btlrironf!

Voices fo r the Homeless I March 14, 2010 I 5

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

IJil' \ ,Ii/; .'0). -Rackham Svmphonv Choir

Since: 1949, Rackham Symphony Choir, (RSq has disTinguished iT~lf

with a rt'pertoire that includes groundbTt':Jking works with timely themes: multi-media experiences :Ind innoutillc educational progrnms. Rack ham

Symphony OlOit provides bOlh cbssical and comempom ry choml masterpieces of t he highest artistic qU:llity 10 :lppTL"Ci:uillc audiences dnoughout Southeast Michigan. Under the visionary RAe K HAM le:ldership ofSuunne Mallare Acton. the membership S Y MP H 0 N Y org:lnization has expanded the scopt" of progmmming C HOI R and the commu nities they serve.

NmC'wonhy concens include the choir's signature piece. Too HOI To Handel performed annually since 200\, Karl Jenkins' 7111' Arml'd MIIII: A

COl/UTI for Pl'flCI' performed widi:lll original, award-winning film commissioned hy the choir, The HolOClUst Cantata, a collection of songs and readings taken from cotlcentmtion camp prisoners :Ind Rich.lrd Einhorn's multi-media pi«e

Voim of light.

1 n 1996. Ms Acton \\~.lS ;lppoimed Artistic ;lnd Music Dirt"C!Or of Rackham Symphony Choir. In her mission 10 present works that not only h;lllc musi· cal merit. but also conlley ' -.llues that C;l rry COntemporary relevance. sl~ has expanded RSC's rq~rtoirt' to include bold and .. d\·enrurous programming. Undt'r her leaden;hip. the Rackham Symphony Choir was a fin;lliSI in 1 he 2007 Governor's A\\".iTlls for Arts & Culture the rttipienr for the 2008 aw~trds.

Final perfortllJnce of til(' 2009-2010 Se:LSOn is A Night Ilf tlJt lImurt:frolll Opml

10 IJrOlldll'llY. Featured;lre our season's J-I igh School Imerns. Join us 7PM, April 30. First Presbyterian Church of Roy .. 1 Oak.

Learn more at

Suzanne Mallare Acton Al'tisricnlld Mus;c O;rtctor

From operatic and symphonic works to COntempo­rary jazz. Conductor Suzanne Malbrc Acton is R'Cognized fot her ven>atiliTY and dYll3mic ~t)'IC'.

For Michigan Opera ' ["heane, Ms. Acton has con-

ducled lV'm Silk Story, II Bmbit" DI '''''g'''' ,,,.,"

6 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

H~d~m"lIIs, '-'I "hwiatfl and 71~ DllIlghttT ofnx Rrgtmml. t-,·IOT lOur credits

include 1-11 Bo/~III~. Di~ Fkd~rml/IIS. £1 Gipilllli. TnuitT Laml, and L1 Trm:illfll.

Additional conducting cred its include My Fair !.nt/yan<! l.Jl Trlll/tlllll for Dayton

Opcr.l. '/IK Mtrry W'idow :Jnd Mlltlanuz Bllturfly ror Artpark, TOKII for August:1

Opera, '-'I Tf"llIIilllll , '-rlisir I)'a",o", and Gimllli Scbirchi for Verdi Opel":! llle"J.tll.'. and Ctn'(li/~ril/ Rllstiama for Friends of the Opera. Ms. Acton has served

a~ guest conductor for "I he [)ctroit Chamber Winds and Strings, Birmingham­

Bloomfit'ld Symphony Orchestra , L1ke SI. Clai r Symphony Orchesua. the

Lexington Bach Fest iVilI and Ihe Sagi naw I!ay Symphony Orchcstra.

Henrv Mollicone "Olle of the mosl distitl ctille Allle,.;,I/" opera composers."

.1~ 1I(I.,),;l1g10n 1'00<. J~"'j"ry 19')S

Mr. l\ololliconc's one-act EIII~ror Norton ,

SlIlrVird. 'lIlt Fm'/' 011 11K /JllmJOIII Hoor and 7"r MllikofEI·i/ h3\·e been performed extensi\·dy. His

full-length opera Coyotr 'Iilirs commissioned by lhe Lyric

Opera ofKanS:ls City, was premiered there in March, 1998. His full -length

opera Houl &1m was premiered 31 Opera Sa n Jose in 1989, and has since been

produced in Nt·w York and Baltimore.

M r. Ivlollicone is a \'('ood row Wilson VISiting Fellow. He has scrved On \"JriotiS

pand~ for 111e Nalionll Endowment for t he: Ans, and W'dS associ,lIe director of

the Erncst Bloch Music Fesl ivll in O["(:gon. His opera G"nbrirli Daugburwas pr~mi~reJ in July 2003 at Ihe Central City Opera in Colorado.

In addilion 10 opcr"J, l\lr. Mollicone has wrillen worb for orchestra. voice,

chorus, ballet and music for fi11l1 , lelevision and Ihealer. H is B((/li/lld~ JJ'/rISS (~mass for the hOrl1cbs~), wrilu~n with added texts by William Luce. has had

SC\'cnl l>crformallces (i n tilt" US a lld Engbnd). 3nd W3S rcccllI ly done in July at

the Shrinc of the )lIlrnacIII:I((' Conct:prion's Crypt C hurch in Washington, DC

under the composer's di rection.

Molliconc's /Jl'lIlillld" MIISS evoked from a discussion with a friend , Fr. Jon

PL·I.Hgo. The work incorpo r"atl'S words from Ihc Latin Mass Ordinary. jux­

taposed with English leXLS by William Luce. The /lew ICXIS are drawn from

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 I 7

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

lmervicws that MollleooC' and he conducted with people Ih'iog in homdes~

shellers. A portion of all proceeds garnered from performanccs of thC' work will ~ used to mise fu nds for organiutions that support th~ needy. All performances

acrus.-. Ihe country ha\'e been Ixnefils with O\l~r S6S,OOO raised (0 date for cliff ... r­

em charirable organiutiollS. 'nlis has b«n a group effort: of mall)' si ngers. solo­

i5ts, musician:., ,111<1 adminiSlrators who h:l\'e come rogether and donated thei r

time when possible (or performe<1 for low fees) to make rheS(' events happen. The

C D of the mass is a\'ailable al loacharity.

Kimwana Doner, Soprano

American soprano Kimwana Doner has been.seen

on the opera stagcs across the cou mry including

Opera lhcatre ofSaim Louis, Opera Nort h, Seattle,

:tnd Imston Lyric Opera. A rJalivc Detroi ter, she is an

alumn.1 ofCass Tcch niGl! High School and the Uni\'ersiIY

of Michigan. Do ner is a student of the legendary opera

SI.U Shirlq Verret, and a former Adler Fellow with the

S.1I1 Francisco Opera. Ms. Doner has also been seen in

COlleen wilh severn I Or&, nl";lI ioIl5 includ ing Modcsm Symphony, $aint Louis

Symphony, Yakim:t Symphony, and Napa Valley Opera House. In 2008 Ms.

Doncr made her r-,'Iichigan Opel":l The:ltre debU! in w ROlldi/J~as Yvcne and

returns rhis April TO play the role of Donna Elvil":l in Do" Gionllmi.

Nikki Grandberrv, Narrator

Nikki Grandberry is an HI VIA IDS and subsrance abuse

prc\'enriort outreach workef for Adull Wcll· Being

Services (AWBS). Sht' works for Ihe SHAPE program

(Stop H IV/A IDS alld Addictionthrollgh Prevem ion and

Education) unda;1 five-ye:lr fi.::dcral grant AWBS receivcd to

provide prcvcmion servin':, 10 mi nority women in the African

American, Ar.1b/Chald(,:ln, L1lino/H ispan ic, Homeless/Transitional and

Vctt'rall communit ies.

8 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

She condua.s workshops, coordinates information tables, performs commu­

niryoutl't'Jch, speaking engagements and teaches a two-day class on Healthy

C hoices. Her work I'"Jkes her to senior citiT.('ns· apartmcms, senior community

and Il."CI\."at ion celllers, schools. businesses, churches, civic organizations - an),­

where African American .... ,omen O\1:'r the age of 50 gather.

Prior to coming [Q AW IlS she was President ofSl ... IZ PR Partners, a public

relations firm in Troy, Michigan. She left SMZ [Q become the co-host of

\VXYZ-TV's live morni ng talk show, "Company." Her

med ia background also includes radio and television news


Jonathan Lasch, Baritone

A2008 Metropolitan Opera National Council

Audition National Semifinalist, Jonathan Lasch is

enjoying.1 diverse performing schedule. Mr Lasch

makes his delnu with the Michigan Opera Theatre in Apri l

in Doll GiO/'i/lllli. Junathan then retu rns to Glimmerglass OfX:ra as a Young

America n Artist where he will perform in 70S£fl and Tmdrr"md. Jon:l.rhan

recently comple t~:111 Artist Diploma in opera at CeM. Jonathan W:l.S a mem­

ber ofGli n1lllf:rgl:t~ Opera'~ You ng American Artists Program in the summer

of2008, where he performed Achilla in Handel 's Giulio Usi,"and covered the

role of Friedrich in Wagner's Om Lirbm,,"bot.

Lasch sperl! the 2006·2007 .season with the Seaule Opera Young Anist

Program. I n the 2005·2006 season, Jonathan $;I ng wilh the Portland Opc.·em in

their inaugural Studio program.

Regina Benjamin Steiger, Producer

Ms. Srcigcrenjoyed an Emmy award-winning career

as a tcil'vision reporter and producer in Det roit.

Dallas, TX and T oledl), O H. A5 a proud chorister

with Rackham Symphony Choir. she is delighted by the

opportunity she's lx.'Cn given to hdp presellt "Voi(t:1 for lilt

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 I 9

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

" MOT Children's Chorus

The Michigan Op<'r.l lheatre Children's Chorus (MOTCC), led by M ichig.m Opera ThCal re CllOms MasTer Suzanne MalIan.- Aeron, is a pcrm;l1lent children's ensemble for Merro Detroit YOUlh imere5(("<i in vocal

musical ,hc;urical art. Accepting childrcn ages 10-16 wirh unchanged voices by audition, ,he choir wi ll perform as a separate ensemble as well as with interna­

tional opera smrs in Michigan O pera Theatre productions.

Chil(lrcn accepted into the MOT Children's Chorus learn the various aspectS of opera and \'nice training. including voice studies. movement and audi tion

tcchniques ill II professional environment with inrcrnalioll3liy-rcnownoo opera

singers and voice specialists as coaches and mentors. A generous grant from I he

Mandell L and Madelei ne H . Berman Foundation provided the starfllp fu nd­

ing necessary to form the ensemble.

[)i:lnna Hochd!:l is the Assistant Di r('(;tor ;tnd Conductor of tv! i ch ig~n Opera

Theatre's Children C horus. Learn more at www,


The RI.:covery Ha nd is a group of musicians recoveri ng from menta ! illness

andlor substa nce abuse. Gerald Butler formed the b.100 to show that when

lOlks Ifying to recover arc gh'en the proper support. they arc capable of

doing things as well as anyone else.

Visions of Recovery Gospd Choir. under the direction of Pattie C harleston

work.~ twice a week pract icing their music and expanding their repertoire. lllt:y have begun to perform at various communit), (,\'ents.

Mlllis conCt'rt is meant to provide hope to John who lives undt'r the 3rd Street

bridge. Lin(b who sells her body fOr $2. James who.'iC days consists of one home·

less program for breakfust and then to tht· Capuchin's for lunch, Darryl who

ga\'e up hope a long ti me ago because people whose job is to help him, t reat him

as less than human. Recovery is:l personal choice IhM fC<luircs a person's p;mici­

p:lt ion and all the money and treatment programs arc useless if a person does not

ha\'e a vcry basic scnst' of self-esteem." - Gml'" BII""r

10 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Rackham Symphony Choir Sunil"" Mallare "CIOn, Ani/fir t:f Ml<Jk DirM'" J~ Jacbon, Mnm""ul MdisA Mensd..,n Bunker. AAmlllutra,it>r Dim:,.., Mike Bigelo....·.l'rod"di"" I1SIII"IIII

lu i;" /o,k l'.rland. Admh.i;rrtll;,.O(' AJS;Jumt ufOlyn Geck. E,~"t M",lilt"

SIPllIII I'micia Minnick Will Y~I$ Krulin.. OYffm.n

Dd>or:>h Ncru ·s....HI~ I.wIn M~nc:Rmdon Emnunudk Bah, Sar:th PijX=' · ·RropintI4R.t,~", RUlh Richards Viclori. Bigelow' Regina S'dg~r H~St""'" 1~I""Au\l'" babel Rocha K~lh)' &>cuche. ''''-.ric;. Stc .. -m MO'} •• 'O/O Amttr.h 5h.k"". J .... " Cl'2Yo'fon:I Lind. Van BII~n

CI .. W Sam Slocum

N ..... Curid &ro..r:t \XIjlsoo Taylor St.rk lri. Diop RlIIh 7...iJrump aRCllm. J""ica Tiff, Edith !'aires

TIO'R Chris tina W"II~g

Vancs~ Fcrri<.!t: Donna Orbm-ich, Ch,is';n. W.I",d

F.milrGay Fillfr Philip Abdc s':mdrJ Mar.Jull.

;\bbra Wauon Ad, .. ] Gn"'" M ich;od &cuck. CI.".,"(I

L..:l.l1rrn WICke ..

Crd~ Hiy,gim PaHick Ciampi" SUs;ln MUlier, Hom Alai.Cacbc Jody !-l iggins Mich. e! Co,,,,, Nadine Deku.),. CrfftJ Willi3'11'1 K~lh.rine Kujala. Josq>h Dlu~nicw.<ki J:.sminc Zh:Kl D~l'i5 Eddk Ounn

Cl'lIig Rife!, &us K~,lIcrint' Zh;oo

Dcn iliC' KUl'OWloki JdrFritz Lynn Koch, Pnn<JJIDlt

Mij"ng 1..« Don~ldG.y J'*J'IIJ:Kbon, PUtlt" V'S'INS If

J e"" ir~rl'.sha ChrisJoncs MOT CI'IDRIO'S RICOVIRY ClaIR Ch,i~li"" Noell'dO{ Ct.'e,,"" J<Jnc~ CII8US P"uil Curlaton, E,,,, Riee Jell' K'ueger'

J.mkn, Ibkaluco D;.w-'. ~« Simon JimM""", Shrila IUKk"'dl Bnh Smirhlkud Clifton Sh .... Brook~ Bli:r.nik loriCooini

Judy 5,,<:1; ~brk Spr<'itzer AltJ UI"'""ka C~rI. Terrell

Nin. Walkr I\ill Steiner N.,.li ... Chaiken

K.le Willi.m5 S"1.ncn S'CYo .... n D.rbi Domb"",')ki John JWdgcn; F ..... nk Ch.rlnl~

Jul;" Withrow n~" lhomf'l'O" .... lyS>;! Dsoun Grq;ory Lindsey

Kim Wi"en 11"1)' Willi.m$, Jr, Miles Ekhcnhorn S.ndra Miller

Ani B,ss KlarJ Eickhoff Unula Fuller Tr.cer Kitch.n,." Abele Tim ChoIr--"'y En"", l l i",,,,,n Cyn,hi.M.".,.".",

uroI irlt HofJnan P.nk Ch.rlo,on

Be,h DougI.sCox K.,lIcririt Ca,r Tim I:lol)' " Rr.n Hnrk)' Cro'Se l'o!oey

""'Iiehael AdanlS Ku sh ihi" DlI' idson G.ry H",lcy Cheyenne Johnsol1 K .. hb:n Dully Jo",ph lCPfJ<'k" Brill.ny JohnSOfl Rlc.nIIY Buo Emily Eichenho,n G.ry Lindell Ny;"'JonQ

aorry BruJen,pjl4~ I.<>o.,i", Fi.hcr" Iby lin A" .... Kozial'll GCl'lIkI Bu,lcr.jf"'iY Sn.s;on A, F"" SeOIl N."lic Kr:mss

Le.h LincnfelK' Alfons" l ...... r~ncc,

Yvonne Frid~r Hom .... /lb"h" ... ~ ... Vietori. l.s;obell J~_ Murillo" Oybn M~n:cm

Robm ::'milh. anmlJ M~ry Johoson SI~'n1 P. rqu.:ln M."hc:w.

Mike Veoeg;Il, S"""" Joslin L.", ........ Scllcnk Kylic:McGuiri< Amy KlIC<'f' .... hn ScN~ti~n Oliv;~ MO<Zel' """',~ An"" M3"·" w.w rcn.ce Stepncy Gr...;c MlI~"'....d Denise Holiday, '''''''/S

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 111


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

• Charities

1:ar'5 concert was designed to raise awareness and provide fin ancial assis­

tance for those challenged by homelessncss. Proceeds from this program will benefit Capuchin Soup Kitchen; S.A.Y.-a non-profit organil.3lion

responsiblt: for the nadon's first free health clinic for homeless children; and

MeREST-a n emergency shdu:r tca m that rOtatcs among Macomb Coumy



' I he C.1puchin Soup Kitchen is;) human service organi1.3tion of caring and lov­

ing people inspin.'d by the spi rit or51. Francis and sponsored by the Capuchi ns of the Province orSI. Joseph and concerned bcncf.1clOrs.

1he C apuchin Soup Kitchen sc:rves the poor who SUfit-T from the lack orbasic htl man needs: m:ncrial needs. such as food, d othing. and household Illoccssi{ ie..~;

psychological n«<l5, such:as ntOliV;l.Iion. self-esteem. and r~h:!bi1italion: :lnd

socia l nceds, sllch as Sllppurt systems and meaningful relationships.

S.A.Y. S.AY. (Super All Yc .. r Project) Detroit is a nOli profit organi"!a tion to help the

homeless popula tion in Derroit .. nd as..~ist the agencies who take care of them.

Monies raised should go to this purpose. wi th the goal of protcct ing. feeding,

and slicJtcri ng our homeless, and ulti matd y return ing them ro everyday society

as independent and productl\~ individuals. Founded with help from media per­

sonality Mitch Alborn. S.AX is responsible fo r launchi ng the nat ion's fi rst free

he .. llh cli nic for homeless chi ldren

MCREST MeREST w .. s founded to prO\'icle temporary shel ter for Ihe homeless in

Macomb County who agree to remain alcohol and dmg free during thei r l ime

in the progralll. Participal ing Churches ag1\.",(, ro open their facilit ies and their

heam to the homeless for a period of one week per year and provide a safe. clean

environment from 6:00 p.m. each evening to 8:00 a.m. each morni ng. They

further agft:c to provide: three mea ls per day, showers, and. when possible.

laundry assisrance and tra nsponalion, especially for those who arc working.

MeR EST works with other service organ i7A1 tions in attempting to enable guests

to plan fOr and implemt:m perm:mt'm solll1 ions to their situa tion.

12 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Artists Please visit our an exhibit located on th~ s«ond Roor at intermission a nd

after the show.

FreIIIIie Harris once one of the city's 20.000 homeless, no longer has to live in shelters or on the streets. ' Ihrough art, Fred(lie Harris has found a \\lU)' ro grow

from having ~a homeless stat~ of mind~. Freddie always thought he would die

in the sircets. That he sun' i,-ed more than 30 years ofhomelessncss isa miracle.

Still, the self mught anisl has managed to create hundreds of drawings-many of

slUnlling qu:tl ity -using pt'ncils, pens and spiral notebooks he bought with mon­

ies C':Jmed by picking up and rClurning cans and bOldes.

' lhe skillfu l proportioning of Fredd ie's human figu r~. along with Ihe bold & colorful abstract free-hand sketched pieces. has impn:SS<:d renowned Detroit anisl and d<.'Signcr Domi nic Pangborn. Per Panghom, ~Fn:ddie docsn'r copy,

He draws origi nal irnag~s that come from his h~;ld and Ihey are excellent, You

will fi nd Ihal his anwork ha\"C an unexp<!Cled swagger and confidencc~, 11 's very

important Ihal I bring OUt my own originalityH staled Freddie, " I don'l wam to

copy nobody".

Wilhin tht, past two years, Freddie has gone from li\'ing under a bridge to

exhibiting his arrwork, His compell ing original abstraci designs could very well

be marketed to the texti le industry. Fredd ie has had a one man an show at rhe

Lady Bug An Galkry sponsored by (he Comemporary An Insti tute of Denoit

and the SoUlhw('s[ Solutions organizations. Viewi ng of Freddie's work can be arranged through SIt'Vt' Palackdharry ofSom hwesl Solutions. spalackdha rry@

DtIIise .. I .... is a singer/art ist . and a Pershing H igh School /Miami-Dade

Com mun ity College (Florida) graduale. who once owned a small boutique,

"Praist' Avenue, in DerroilH. Low sales and the raising of Ihe [milding rent

Tt'"Su l[oo in the loss of her business and her home. She has f1o,11~d between the homes of friends "nd relal i\'cs, Ihen shelters, for about five years. Cu rrently, she is

ge(t ing back on her fcci while being the "Art ist in Resitknce" at Ihe Coalition of

Temporary Shel ter (CO.T,S.). Typically silem about her problems, DOlSOn finds

Ihe optimislic poim of vit'W whenever possible.

Self taught Denise began paimingabout 10 years ago. Her currell[ mediunl

include colorfu l acrylics on canvas (tote bags. ha nging wall art, murals. elc.).

She also uses pen and markers [0 ere3{~ strong messages ofF.ailh and empowcr-

Voices for the Homeless I March 14. 2010 113


Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

m~nt for wom~n :1Od children, on $m~ll plaster riles ~nd construction paptT (that

usually take form in bookmarks and greeringcards).

D.J. luznta was born in Detroit, Michigan and studied fine art at Henry Ford

Com munity Colkge and at the Collq,'<' for Creali\"(' Stud ies in the c:3rly 1980's.

He has on ly recemly begun to exhibit his work in galleries around the metro

DClroit area. Shortly afteT completing -His Name Was Johnnie~ Km:nia emered

it in th~ 2009 Urban Edge show· at the Grosse Pointe An Center wh~re the ,,"'ark

was selected first place by the emi nent art ist Charles McGee.

Johnnie Redding \\,:IS a homd~ss man, whose dead body was foond frozr;n in icr;

at dIe bon om of an dCv:Jtor sh3f, inside an abandoned buildi ng in Detroit in

Jal1ll3ry, 2009. lllr; nr;ws SlOry took on a life of it's own in the mOOi3.

Artist's Statement: Johnnie Redding became a symbol for everything Ihal is

wmng with Detroit, from drugs 0 11 our streets to the Ilumber of abandoned

huild ings to the lack of jobs in our area. [ created this piece of art "H is Na me

Was Johnllic H

to remind people that there was a mall under that icc. He h:ld :1

life JUSt 3S importam :as ours and that he had the capacity to love alld be loved,

and to suffer ~nd fed p:ain as well ~s happiness and joy, which is what [ pr3y he

is feel ing now. I W·,IS also hoping that rh is work .... 'QUld in some small way work

toward ellding ,he uajectory of negativity that this story seemed to be in Aict­

ing upon the collect ive consciousness of Detroit and in some small way to bring

about the begin ning of healing and closure.

Prem Mukherjee

Prem 3nd Chc:ridy Mukherjee are a husband and ..... ife couple who run a suc­

cessful Michigan based wcddingand ponrai[ photography studio called

Arising Images (wv.' Th rough a call ing from the

Lord, they were Ic:d to get involvc:d with the homeless in Detroi t. Their pro­

vocat ive images arc paft of today's presentation. Mr Mukherjee also shared his

images and stOrics as part of Rackham's Voices of Michigan's Homeless outreach


14 I Rackham Symphony Choir

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Educational Outreach Program VIICfS If MICIIIII'S "~SS

ThC concert today is part of a multi-faceted program Rackham Symphony

Choir has designed 10 raise awareness abom homelessness among high school slUdcllts. Voices of Michigan's Homeless is. a multi-media ouuc;lch

program created for Detroit high school srudents. The project is made possible in

part by a gram from Michigan Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National

Endowment for the Humanit ies.

D~siglleJ 10 bring aW3rencss about homclessness to a younger generation, this

program includes a series or in-class act ivities including visits by artists and

scholars. Slud~nts examine the IOpic ofhomclcs.sness as it rd alcs to themsclves,

their f.!mi1ic:.~ and I heir C0I11111u nirics.

The project is being prcsentl-d over two momhs (or nearly 100 eleventh grade

srudcnrs at Henry Ford H igh School in Detroit. The original cu rriculum for

the project was created by Rackham Symphony C hoir in conjunction wit h the

School o f Education at the University of Michigan. Other collabor .. nive partners

for Voiccs or Michigan's Homeless include Wayne State U niversiry Department

orrsychology's professor Paul ' loro, composer Henry MoHicone, the Coalit ion

Against Homefessness. Ihe Corporation for Supporth'c How:ing, Covenant

House, com lllun ity :IClivislS working against homclcssncss, a professional pho­

togr-Jpht:r :md formerly homeless artist.s and musicians.

MlchiganHumanitiesCouncil MlclJigtuo hop/e. MkItlJfUt Pl_

Ow S 'orl .... Oor u ...

Special thanks go to Dr. Layne Hum. Principal. Henry Ford H igh School, all

h is staff as well as presenters 1':lul Toro. Prem Mukherjee, Mike Schmit! , Slcve

Palackd harty, SOll thwl"S1 SolUlions, -n i t Recovery Band, Michig:l.Il CO:lli lioll

Against Homclessncss. '1111: Coq>or;t tinn for Supportive Housing, Coven:ml

House .. Phyl lis White and Henry Mollicon('. Additional thanks to Vicki

Uigclow, our Education Coordinator.

Voices for the Homeless I March 14. 2010 115

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


RSC Board & Donors Bml If Tmms Suu nne ACI"n

V..:!oui. Bigdow "Thomu CUCUzz:l WilliAm I)~}'

Tom lkud Emil)' Eichenhum Jdrl't'), Fritl.

Su';!" A. FUll M~rjork GI .. l.:I Gary I luk}' lynn jO'o'ick Ray lin koo, ~bgg:1r1 ['."ida Minnick

R,,!;~r NeI.""

1.~'''''1<' Schenk Paul ~i"'cr

Gail Mob«ki Blid Uhl

I_SARlO $1,000 IND a .. VI

""O"Y"''''''' Rich3rd Ill: S"""" Bingham Tom Ill: s ..... " CtKUZU Ci.yofD.:,roi. Emily &. Joshua Eichmhorn 1hc "n .. 1 n. 6: B",b.rJ ,,-I. Em Family F."uoJ.,ioo, j<,1( & G~"n. i "" FrirL S,.,cofMichig:m \,('illi.aml'ipn

T ..... M~rr Thompwn Found.,ion Bud Uhl JohnV. Wic:~

Cmucm $500-$999 Phillip Ill: Ma"l«n Abel<­Suu,nnc Mallu< Acwn &. D.,·jJ CMoo.fIC Willi.",.OO I'~md.:t Day

r.ul Ill: Muy S .... Ewing Su ... " FOlI RoCxn & T,· .... K "'.uso." /<"1 .. 10 Ill: Dtnisc: K"'uw. ki C.rl & Lori p~(. I:di. Ill: c.. rulinc l(og~1) "[",, '" Ill: Trolf

BINlfaCTll: $250 - $499 Fr.m Ibchnunn Ill: Bruer m.b.>lk Coklw,-~l lb"kr Weir "bllud Roo.,rt Ill: lir>da Finkel Ronald Mlch.l.k /5.: Barona ':I';lnkd ScOff & Nin~ S~r.h &. Jim PipeT Rich • .,J &. Gail $obc.;;ki

PAlIIN $100-$249 Vic .. " AI...!. Amdocs. Inc. James &. Con~.~nc ... Andrn Rob.:r. & nlk' Brod.-, 6{ S;u.:hs.- R.-al E.:<m.­Scr"ic~! Inc. W~h ... r Dud. & And",. K<Jl~h Dud. Dugpn's R,Ibc" &. '\brg..R:1 Eidsoo K.,hryn Finkbei ner Willi.m & JO.:In Harrwig ,\bryMaky Merck l'ull ....... hip lOr Gi"ing Andre.MiIIs P:>trici. &. [';J,rick Minnick Ali MoHn &. Wfilli,n1 Kup~k)' J{~'Cr &. N ... .;y Nd .. m ""·,,d. Heddi"s 1..lI,'o·rnl· & I ... ,i, 5<:h~nk

16 I Rackham Symphony Choir

FaMILY $25-$99 lk,hi\dams

Mdi!5:lllu"ke' Pat C1.mpin ,Yb rdl CIolM>n DoIorn &. Non Curic-I Sharla Danner Kalhkom DiW K.lhk.... Duffy Ai........., E'V~ &. 1 ... Sh"'''Ju,r lkr= Fi"rln; RoI,.,u &. S.rl G~bn DlliGH,.')I:

Jud ith Ilocl ... ·r Carol H,)wdl Willi.m &.J. Moighe" J.ckwn Susa.IlJoslill A"h,,, &. N.ncy Krnl ik",,· Robc-rl &. Ju(l1.h I..ord J.""",lqcrk Ray &. CornlUu Douglll M'",l'h.:..-. MildrrJ ,\13.11 Julie: McFuboo &,mr:l Mirchdl Clifton &. Kimb..,.l,. Monlag"'" Muci . N" I ~I1.1

Onho (' .... r.- I'hf'ic.I ·lh~r.p,.

Inc. A"d""", R,,,hm.n Rail., RoIhm.n

Ellm 5<:hndt.-. Marc K~nlK,h Sh.,." Cbri< R.Smnh Archi< &. I'l,rici. S,~"n S,ophen S,,,,,-m Taylor Sylvi. V"kmin",kh A",,~ Wecklc,. Hyl. Williams Fr."k & J"dith

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre


Lvrics 1M IMSTlINHJfT 0, TMY .... CI

Haydn Morga n

Lord. m~k.: me ~n instrument oflh)· pt-'XC;

When.' Ihere is h~[red,

lei me sow lo'~. Where (~Tt' is injury, ~rdon.

Where dlt,1\' b dQ1Jb" f~jlh.

WllI:CfC d~R.' iii despair, hope. Where [hen' is darkness, lighT.

And where there is saUIK"SS, joy.

o Divine M aster,

Gram Ihal I m:ly nOi so much seek 10 Ix,>

consoled :15 10 consol~:

To be: undcr~lood 35 to unuclll :II1U;

To hc lovt'tl. as 10 low. For ;, is in gi\'ing ,hal we rt'Cejv~.

II is in pardon ing d ial we :m: l);IrdoneJ.

And il is in dying Ih~ I "~ arc born 10

clcrn",ll ifc!

lrrm John Mus[Q from a poem by Langsrol1 Hughes

Cal~up. In the arms ofyolJr pilr 111(' sick. the: dcpn,·ed. The dcsJnrau:. Ihe


Al1 ,hc scum of oor .... 'C'ary city

Gather up. [n the amu of YOllr pily. Gather "I' In the arms of your love ­'Iho~ who expect No 10l'c from alxl\'c.

My SMIPilIRD Will SUPPlY My NIID arr. Virgil lllOlIlson

My shepherd wi ll sUl'pl)' my 11<'t'<i,

Jehovah is hi~ 113me.

In p,mures fresh he makCi me fl~ beside

the living Sl re"m.

He brings my w:md'ring 5piril b .. ck when

I fors;tke his ways.

He It;lds me for h is mc:rcy's s;l. kc: in p;!.lhs

of truth and gr2ce.

When I walk Ihrough th..: shade~ of <le"llI ,

thy p,,-'Sence is my St::!y.

One word of thy supportinl) hreath <lril'l's

all m)' re"~ """~y. 'Ihy hand, in Sight of all m)' foes. dot h stilt

my table Sf/read.

My (liP wi th blessings overfluws: 111ine ui!

anoi"l$ my head.

lhe provisions of my God attend lIle all

my days.

o may thy house he my abode, and all my

"urk he pr2ise.

1 here would I find a sett led TCI whik m il"

ers go .. nd come.

No more" Str2nger or a gUCl'I, but like 3

child .. t home.

Libretto BeatituJe Mass

Henry Mollicane (Engl ish (cxt.s b)'

Will iam Lucc)

I. Blessed Blessed are the poor,

bles=! is (he crowd of souls who by ha rd

[1.i th endure.

blessed is rhe air rhey breathe, the road·

"'-J.ys they "emure upon,

the dreams rhey dream , the rears they shed by streams of Babylon.

Voices for the Homeless 1 M arch 14, 2010 111

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

High in th~ willows their harps they hang,

oh. pr:ay that their \'ision he glorious­

hmh~d is the music that once they sang,

Oh. let them sing new 1JS;llms victorious.

libSl..-d :Ir(' thl' "yes that .'\CC not a oand of

ho~less, but a nuble company.

BlcssW is thc h;lI1d of God that shak~s out

the stars like ~n aurumn !":lin.

And g::athrn up the ~rt5 of men like

shta\'Cs of golden grdin.

Let them fl'membcr [h .. face of God with

ps:!.lms o\'erHowing in g!":l[itudc­

Sir-dilge :lI1d apan w.u the p:uh they trod,

bll t now is the day ofBe3timde,

II. Kyrie. K)'fie ddson. Christl' ekil'Orl

lAIrd, 1)11'''''''''"1' a/Tilr. J)I1IV fflf'rry.

111. Evelyn's Song My nanM: is E"dyn- JUSt ca ll Tn(" E,'C.

I'm a homeless .... 'OIT1an wilh no more

options fur tomorrow

thall endless W:Jndering and Klrro\\'­

tonight I h3\'e a pbce 10 sleep in from the

euld and from th" r.lin,

but what aoout the nighls 10 come, the

crmhing tedium, the pain?

I dare IlIX "'"OIKlcr where I'll Ix a )'Nr from


tha t's much 100 far 10 Ihink or dr(,Jm or


if there'l l be security for me.

perhaps a .Ihelter in Klme namelcss town.

a building bleak and gray and tumble


a sta le and dingy room for me, a narrow


a hiding place where I can Ix away from

18 I Rackham Symphony Choir

A .soiltd and broken bed. a pi llow for my


• But ", .. it. 1 may be dead oy then.

IV. Gloria

Glori .. in excdsis Dco. Ct in tcrtl pax

hominibus oon;t" voluntatis.

Laudamus fe, btntdicimu5 teo ador:lmus

fl'. glorificamus Ie.

Gra!ias .. gimus tihi pmp!1'f magn .. m glo­

rjam ruam.

Doll1ine Drus. Rc~ cttks!is. Deus. I'J!er


Domine fiB unigl'n;!t', Jesu Christc.

DOll1ine lkus. Agnus Dei. filiu s l'a!rh.

Qui tollis p,:cca!a mlludi.

Qui sedes ad dextc:ram pauis. nlisercrc


Suscipc dcprcc3fionem flOSU:lnl.

Quoniam tu solus sanctus. Quoni:&m fU

:101115 Dominus.

Tu solus alrissimus. Jesu Chris!e.

Cum sancm ~ritu in gloria Dei Patris.


Glory IQ GfId i'l fbr bigb/·Sl. 11'11101/ r11r1b. pralY to flU t"O~ of good lI'ill. WI' prai~ rb«. II'/' blm rJ~. Ill/' worship th«. WI' g/4rify ,hri.

Iflrgivr ,hallirs ro rkl' uf't"lmliflg 10 r"y t"ut

glory. I..l}rd God. /'rall/"'" Kill!.. God, rbr Flit,," a/mig/'ry. Lord jrlUJ OJrisr. rhr ml" btgoum roll.

Lord God, Lamb of Cod. 1011 ofthr filfl~r.

7holl who takm away fhr sim ofrl~ world,

ball<" mnq llpon /IS.

Rr«it'/' Ollr pr./yrr. For t/'Oll ulollr {,rt fhr Lord, rhou 1110"1' arl ,hI' ffI(}fl JRIIy.

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

\'(fj,J, ,IN Holy Spiri' in rI~ g/oryofGotI ,h .. FIIIINT. Am..".

V. Adam Am~n, [ singllmm 10 ('\" r)' pr.l)~r IhlllS

Ix-ing pr.lynl,

amm,l sing:ln1en-l\'C Ix-cn 10 hdl :md

b:u:k again,

amen. 1 sing :U1ll"n, bUI n~n1" hJ\'e l lx-cn

afra id.

My name i~ Adllm and [am [OSIIx-IWC'C1l

1I h~rd [)[:lce a nd .. ~Ion~.

but I gm plans lind I gOl d~3m5 10 ge l 10

heaven on my own.

l ong liml' :1);0 [ ItSI'd 10 be a gard'ner for 1I

wt'"Jhhy man.

long lime ago [ife wasn', bad. life had J


bill J meul..-O up somehow. and now I'm b~ck where ir alllxgan Ions

lilllC J.b'U.

I [h"e around. Ihal 's how il is- lind do I "-J.rr~

life is J. )how- OOl when my niShu a~

\'Oid of Si lirs

li nd wkl SCIS in wilh SU~fi S of snow

lind scavenging gels hardt'l' TO do. I doSC'

my burning t:)'CS,

lind Ihen I'm in Iha l gJrtlen once lIgain_

life't bad long I;m<, ago-:llld ~ 1 sing amen!

[.ingamen (0 <,v'ry pf;l~r Tha('s Ix-; 'lg

prd)'cJ! ,\men! I've been 10 hell and back again!

,\men! I sing Amen!

VI. Sam:tus S:lnCfIlS, sanCHI S. s;tnClUS. Dominus [xu~


I'kni surn co::!i ~\ \crrJ gloria lUll,

Hoi) Holy. Holy, LOTJGoJofHoJlJ. H",w .. " 4l1d"urffl 4" Jr./J oftlJ] glory. H0fI11111J1 ill tIN highm.

VII. Meditation and Benedictus Bcnedictus q u i ,=il in nomin~ Domini.

Htls:um .. in ~xcdsi5.

B~d if Ix r,'/'o {omn in rlx flamr ofdx

Lord, HO$Omlil in tlx /,ig/Xil,

VIII. The Messenger Adam: 1 heard Ihe huly Mcuenger who

sang in heal'en '5 name,

rhe embers of my hope grew bright ~ nd SC t the nighl .. Rame.

£II~: He sang ro me .. nd suddenly, from

out sume nowhere plal:e,

tI.e rain of God (dl sofll)' down and cooled my (e,'cred face:. Adllm: By subway Tracks I 'v~ COUllled

sheqJ ~nd scoffed .. t m)' miSC'ry.

£ vr; 1\ ... cried mysel f 10 sl«p wilh lean

of :l.6'On)'.

Adam : Curled up in dOOrvr.l)'li' I hav~

Sl'('n how Iosr .. IlY man (;In lx, £ vr. Bill now The morning sings inside

my hCdd.

;, doesn', really maHer what is PUI­

Adam: We're stand ing in rh~ houS(' of

God al I;ISI, E,", Oh render shepherd, savior, angel.

frlen<! ,

Adam : Oh garden at the soaring rain·

bow's end .

Bot/,: He all aoolll us. swcct and wild. in

Stre<;t ur leaming mart.

A ~i nging ~oice within Iheslorm. a hymn

within the ht'an.

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 119

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

IX. Agnus Dei

Agnu! Dci qui Lollis pcccat~ mund i, mis- •

CR:n: nobis.

DOfl; nobis p~ccm.

Lamb of God, /,.IN} IIIknt away,1N lim of

tiN 1/)0rM, haw /IItrry 011 us.

Gram us ~a("f"

X. Finale S;Ivc: m;ter misc:riooro i;r,

M~teT Dei et nll tcr \·cn i:.t:, Malcr spd n

m~tcr grati.e.

Matcr pkna, ~nctr l.efit;x, 0 Mari~ .

S~lve dccus humani gcncris, Salvc vi rgo

dignior cc t ~ri ~,

Qu .... I'irgines omncs t ransgn:-d~ris,

Et altius safC!i in ~upcris, 0 Maria!

5:.111"(: mat~r miS(:ricordir ..

Salve fel ix virg" pUeT pu~rpcra:

Nam qui SC"(lct in l'al ris d~xtcra . Czlu nl

rcgens ICrram CI x thera ,

Infra III,;! lie cb usi t viscera, 0 Maria.

Te creavi! pater inb'Cni(u!. Obt.imbr.lI'il Ie


FlXUlndal'if Ie ~nCIUJ spirilUs, Tu es facI a

rou d il'inilus.

Te crcavit Dl'U' mirabikm, Te respcxit

;\n(ihm humilcm,

Tequaesivil spon'alll amabilem. Tibi nu n·

quam fecil (onsimilem.

EsIO maier nostrum soIacium; NO~l fllm

esro III "i r},'<> gaudium;

EI nos landem pOSt hoc exsillum. uelOS

iu nge choris (~cI("sli um.

Sake maIer misericordiac . .

Hail mOI/xro! IIIrrry.

Mothu.if God mid motlxr of piry, Mor/,,~ ~hopr und motl,"o/ V'i("f",


20 I Rackham Symphony Choi r

Hail virgin worl!,itr than ' Ill. Who dOJ{ rxrtf'llI ~'irgiIIS,

And si,u,h highrr ,IIIIIII1U ot/}(rJ inl"awlt. O},·lary.

Hili! mOlm of IIInTJ .•.

H,lif "appy virgill and mo,/"l':

For II' wIN} si,s a' Ii" FtIIlJrri rr;f,ht halld.

RIlIi"K hrtll"'lI, tarth 'Illd sq, Wal bomr itt thy womb, 0 Mary. "flu n,.mal Fu,I,"(Traud liN>'. 71" Ollly

INgollffl 1011 owrsh.tulouwiliJ".

OfIIN Holy Ghost Ihou tlid ronrti~-r. Thou

arl all mati,. by god. God /II'uk 1I1r" 1/J0tu{,.,!l<f, Ht looAvd UPOIl

his lowly Ihmdmaid. H,. 1OUglr, 11,,( 10 br lIN moll"r of hi I 1011, H,.,muU tlO orl," liftr III«.

Mo,;"'r iN ourromfol7; l1'X"n, iNollr joy; Alld may lur afur ,his t1"i{",join thH amollg tflr elwin ojl}(aut1t.

H,til motilrr oftll frry ...

Blcsw:d an-the poor. blessed those ..... ho

h~l"e no roof no room. butSlill t nduR:'

81~ aR: thtirdays to come. for lheirs is

the kingdom ofligh!·

And ncwrmorc can il be utwr night. for

Iheirs is tht kingdom oflighl~

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

" " Homeless Resources ClallTllM ON T!IIrllllY SlUm [COTS] 26 Pt"u~ rborough/Detroi!, M I 48201

(313) 831·3777 Food & counseling for men, women & families

COVIIIUT HliSf MICMIGlM EXCCUlivc Dimwr: Sam Joseph 2959 Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd. Detroit, MI 48108

(313) 463-2000 Fax: (313) 463-2001 co"houscm i@ao!.com

DmolT CITY Riseul MISSIIN 3535 ThirdlDcIroil , MI 48201

(313) 993-6703 Food & counseling for men age 18 or more.

Off TI1! Smns (OTS) Mall 10612 E. JcffcrsonlDetroit, Ml 48214 (313) 824-0499:

MOIl .-Fr.9-5 Admin (313) 824-4520 H otl ine (313) 873-0678.

Food, rrJnsportalion & counseling for runawa.ys (co-ai) 16-19. Parental permis­sion is requirt.'tI. T ransitional 1iving males ONLY.

On Til Smns (OTS) fWII

680 Virginia Pk.lDcrroit. MI 48202

(.ll}) 343-0084 (24hrs) (313) 873-0676 (Hotline 24 hrs.). Food. transporrarion & counseling for runaway co-cds ages 12-17. Parental per­mission is required. (18 UEDS).

SalVITION AIMy-HaRBIR llGMT CmlR 2643 ParklDclroil, MI4R201

(313) 984-0577 Food, tr.U1sporrat iol1 & counseling ror mcn age 18 & over.

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 121

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Winter/Spring Concert Series - 1010

Metropolitan United Methodist Church 8000 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mt 48202 • 313-875-7407 • .

Lenten Poetry and Organ Recital Series Thursdays, February 25 and March 4, 11, IB, 25, 2010 Soup and bread lunch at 11 :45 am, Recital 12:30-1 pm Free

The Rackham Symphony Choir Sunday March 14,2010 at 3 pm Voices for the Homeless: A Concert for Hope and Help featuring The Beatitude Mass by Henry Mollicone AdmissionfTickets $25, Student pricing available

The Crucifixion by John Stainer Good Friday April 2, 201 0 at 7 pm Jerrold Lee, Bass, soloist, Kyle Stegall, Tenor soloist, Metropolitan UMC Chancel Choir, Metropolitan's Ministry Team, Andrevv Galuska, Director and Organist Free

Spring Jan Showcase Tuesday April 20, 2010 from 5- 7 pm

Admission/Tickets $3

The Metropolitan Baroque Ensemble: Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell Friday May 21, 2010 at 7:30 pm Sunday May 23, 2010 at 4 pm Admission/Tickets $15 to $20 & $10 for Seniors/ Students

22 I Rackham Symphony Choir


Voices for the HomelesS' /! Concert for

Hope ancf Help

260 E. Br~ st ~ ZOO IlCTrw1g1arn MI ~800'1

]~ab'J.4 I 00

2~8647 4 180 td>

wwwbroder~~O'n ~J~II!

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre



Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel is proud to add our voice to the Concert for Hope and Help

Tom Deuel, Reallor 586-739-7300 For an ornce ncar you visit cbwei or call 800-662- 1950

Voices for the Homeless I March 14, 2010 I 23

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

ackham Symphony Choir Under the Direction of Suzanne Mal/are Acton



OPERA TO BROADWAY Showcasing the 2009-2010 Rackham High School Interns

Jesse Murillo, baritone and Joseph Leppek, baritone

Proceeds benefit the High Schoo/Internship Program

S10 (e:I,I~ ~\\«I' > J


529 Hendrie Blvd, Royal Oak, MI48067

Tickets available at the door or in advance by calling (313) 404-0222

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Readings se lected by Willie Burks and l aOonna Johnson, Henry Ford High School

I will never be homeless, II won't happen to me. I will never be homeless,

"I Will Never Be Homelessn

I'm doing so well, don't you see?

I have a good job, a nice house and a car, I have everything I need to go far. I am not like those Welfare bums, To whom prosperity never comes.

You know, the ones who don 't want to work, Any kind of physical labor, they shirk. All they want to do is drink, Some are not clean, and they stink.

Then, I see a man, lying in the street, A taltered coal around him and no shoes on his feel. But, I sense that something is wrong, That somehow, this man does not belong.

So, I decide to stop to say hello, And ask him why he fell so low. He once worked on a street called Bay, Making good money every day.

Then, one day his job was gone. He was told , "just go on home." He soon just didn 't care, His purpose in life no longer there.

He lost his family, his home, and his car. In just a few months, he fell so far. So here he was, on the street, With a tattered coat around him and no shoes on his feet.

Then I saw the lines on his face and the pain in his eyes, I will never be homeless, will I?

• Bonnie Briggs

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

Read ings selected by Willie Burks and laDoona Johnson, Henry Ford High School


No more the tasks and daily grind and bills that steal my piece of mind. No longer the dread of the daily post I am not here, I'm just a ghost, I'm homeless you see.

No longer, the castle that was my home no boundaries set, I'm all alone. No worries where my next meal's from Let's face it, I'm just a bum, I'm homeless you see.

No more feelings of despair my kid is gone, taken into care. No more jobs, so I've been told Can't have welfare, no fixed abode, I'm homeless you see.

No insurance, that was the trick my employer's used when my kid got sick. well you should have known, was the stock reply, when I ran out of money, they left my kid 10 die. I'm homeless you see.

No point complaining, I hear you say Hope is there tomorrow, but gone loday. I sold everything so that she could live apart from love, I have no more to give . I'm homeless you see.

No worries now, the cupboard's bare but ponder this when you stop and stare. r used to be where you came from, I'm nol a ghost, I'm not a bum. I'm just homeless you see.

Or do you?

• Elaine Patrick

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre

" I SAW A HOMELESS MAN TODAY" Read by Noelle Steiger

I saw a homeless man today. His head was down His skin looked gray.

I could barely look his way At the homeless man I saw today.

He had a sign. "Will work for food-

But I just wasn't in the mood To look, to talk. to give him change.

Too much for me to rearrange To help a homeless man today.

I passed him by, this homeless man, His need, his thoughts, not in my plan,

Until I stole a second look. There by his feet, a tattered book lay by the homeless man today.

What could it be I wondered now. Novel? Bible? Photos?

How had they informed his life? Where were his parents, children, wife?

What left him on the street this way, This homeless man I saw today?

And though just now I left behind The sight of him, yet in my mind

Something changed my thoughts somehow.

Could I slow down and ask his name, Offer lunch instead of blame

The next time that I come this way? Could he be just a man that day,

That I could help in some small way?

This Child of God I saw today.

- Regina Benjamin Steiger

Copyright 2010, Michigan Opera Theatre