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Copyright ©2011, 2008, 2005 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Small Group Characteristics Small number—usually 5–12 related individuals Share a common purpose Connected by organizing rules

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Small Group Characteristics

Small number—usually 5–12 related individuals

Share a common purpose Connected by organizing rules

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Virtual Groups

Helps geographically separated group members to communicate via computer or phone connections

Social Networking sites– For connecting with friends socially– Business uses: finding jobs, conducting business,

solving organizational problems

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Small Group Apprehension

Small group apprehension varies depending on the nature of the group

How apprehensive are you in group discussions?

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Group norms– Rules or standards identifying which behaviors

are considered appropriate– Sometime explicitly stated and sometimes


High- and low-context cultures

Small Group Culture

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Two stages: brainstorming activity and evaluation

Brainstorming Groups

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Brainstorming Groups cont…

Rules No evaluations in early stages Quantity, not quality, is goal Combinations and extensions of ideas are

encouraged Freewheeling thought is desired After a set period of brainstorming time, ideas are

then evaluated according to relevance, workability

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Information-Sharing Groups

Educational/Learning Groups: Acquire new skills and knowledge

Focus Groups: In-depth interviewing with a small population of people

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Problem-Solving Groups

Meet to solve particular problems or make a decision about some issue

Members must possess knowledge about the problem

Members must adhere to a set of norms, expectations

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John Dewey’s Problem- Solving Sequence

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John Dewey’s Problem-Solving Sequence cont…

Define and analyze the problem Establish criteria for evaluating solutions Identify solutions Evaluate solutions Select best solution

– Authority– Majority– Consensus

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Problem Solving at Work

Nominal Group Technique—limited discussion, secret ballot

Quality Circles—utilizing workers to investigate and improve organizational functions of environment, procedures

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Group Task Roles

“Getting the job done” Information giver or seeker Opinion giver or seeker Initiator-contributor Elaborator Evaluator-critic Procedural technician or recorder

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Group Building and Maintenance Roles

“Serving the relationship needs of the group” Encourager or Harmonizer Compromiser Gatekeeper-Expediter Standard Setter Follower

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Individual Roles

Aggressor Recognition Seeker Self-Confessor Blocker Special Interest Pleader Dominator Troller—an Internet contributor

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Becoming a Better Team Member

Be group/team-oriented Always keep conflict “issue-focused” Be critically open-minded Ensure understanding Beware of groupthink

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Leaders in Small Group Communication

Leadership defined two ways: research and theory

1. Leadership is the process of influencing the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of group members and establishing the direction that others follow

2. Leadership is the process of empowering others

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The skills of leadership are rare. Leaders are born. Leaders are all charismatic.

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Laissez-faire leader Democratic leader Authoritarian leader

General Styles of Leadership

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Leadership Skills Prepare members and start interaction Build group cohesiveness Maintain effective interaction Guide through the agreed-on agenda Ensure member satisfaction Empower group members Encourage ongoing evaluation and improvement Manage conflict Mentor