corba outline

CORBA Outline Introduction to CORBA Basic concepts – IDL Simple Client/Server Example C++ Language Binding Other Issues – IIOP Exception Handling CORBA Object Services Advanced Example

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CORBA Outline. Introduction to CORBA Basic concepts IDL Simple Client/Server Example C++ Language Binding Other Issues IIOP Exception Handling CORBA Object Services Advanced Example. Introduction to CORBA. CORBA Goals and Philosophy Client/Server architecture - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: CORBA Outline

CORBA Outline• Introduction to CORBA

– Basic concepts


• Simple Client/Server Example• C++ Language Binding• Other Issues


– Exception Handling

– CORBA Object Services

– Advanced Example

Page 2: CORBA Outline

Introduction to CORBA

• CORBA Goals and Philosophy– Client/Server architecture

• Intro to CORBA components

• IDL– language constructs– examples

Page 3: CORBA Outline

Object Management Group

• Publish CORBA standard

• Over 700 members: CORBA vendors, software vendors, users, academics

• Meet every 6 to 8 weeks all over the world

• Well-defined standardization process– fast, efficient, successful

• Publishes interface standard– companies make compliant implementations

Page 4: CORBA Outline

CORBA Key Concepts

• Transparent Distribution

• Objects

• Client / Server model

• Portable– across platforms, languages, networks

• Standard

Page 5: CORBA Outline

Distributed Application Architectures

• Multiple computers on a network

• Services can reside on any node– file service– name service– print service

• CORBA transparently distributes applications

Page 6: CORBA Outline


• Objects - attributes and methods• Classes - clusters of objects with common

behavior• Encapsulation - hide internal structure• Inheritance - define new class using existing

class• Polymorphism - two or more classes respond

to a method invocation differently

Page 7: CORBA Outline

Client Server Model• Client makes method call of remote object

• Call is forwarded by ORB to server

• Object implementation receives the call and responds

Page 8: CORBA Outline

CORBA Architecture






Object ImplementationClient

Object Services: naming, events, life cycle, persistence, transactions, concurrency, relationships, externalization, object licensing, properties, object query.


OS KernelOS Kernel OS KernelOS KernelNetwork

Page 9: CORBA Outline

CORBA Components

• Object Request Broker (ORB) core

• Interoperability Spec. (GIOP and IIOP)

• Interface Definition Language (IDL)

• Programming Language Mappings

• Static Invocation Interface (SII)

• Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)

• Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI)

• Portable Object Adaptor (POA)

• Interface and implement repositories

• Common Object Services (CORBAServices)

Page 10: CORBA Outline

CORBA Services

• Lifecycle• Naming• Event• Persistence• Relationship• Externalization• Transaction• Concurrency

• Security• Time• Licensing• Query• Trader• Scheduling

Page 11: CORBA Outline

Interface Definition Language (IDL)

• IDL is object-oriented – specify interfaces containing operation and

attributes– supports interface inheritance (single and multiple)

• IDL designed to map to multiple programming languages

• IDL similar to Java interfaces and C++ abstract classes

Page 12: CORBA Outline

Application Interfaces

• Interfaces defined using IDL can be application specific– databases, spreadsheets, spell checker, etc.

• Objects may be defined at any level of granularity– fine-grained GUI objects– multi-megabyte multimedia “Blobs”

Page 13: CORBA Outline

OMG IDL Features

• modules• interfaces• operations• attributes• inheritance• basic types

• arrays• sequence• struct• enum• typedef• const• exceptions

Page 14: CORBA Outline

IDL vs. C++

• C++ has - not IDL– data members

– pointers

– constructors/destructors

– overloaded methods

– int data type

– templates

– control constructs

• Different in IDL– string type

– sequence type

– exception interface

– unions require a tag

• New in IDL– oneway call semantics

– readonly keyword

– pass “contexts”

– parameter passing modes

Page 15: CORBA Outline


• IDL module defines naming scope for a set of IDL definitions

• Group interface and other IDL type definitions into logical name space

• Avoid name clashes

// IDLmodule finance interface account {. . .};};

• Fully scoped name of interface account is finance::account

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• The basic unit is the interface– defining the interface to a type of object

interface account { // operation and attribute definitions};

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• Look like C++/Java member functions

• parameters must be named

• parameter passing mode must be specified

interface account { // operations void makeDeposit (in float amount); boolean makeWithdrawal (in float amount, out float balance);

Page 18: CORBA Outline

Parameter Passing Modes

• in passed from caller to called object• out passed from called object to caller• inout passed in both directions

• CORBA must know the direction

– to know how to pass the values

Page 19: CORBA Outline

Raising Exceptions in IDL Operations

• Operations can raise exceptions to indicate occurrence of an error

• Two types of exceptions:– System exceptions - standard set defined by CORBA

– User-defined exceptions// IDLmodule finance { interface account { exception WithdrawalFailure { string reason; }; void MakeWithdrawal(in float amount, out float newBalance) raises(WithdrawalFailure); . . . };};

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• Typically these map to two functions in the programming language– set the value– get the value

• a readonly attribute maps only to a function to get the value

interface account { // attributes readonly attribute string dateLastModified; readonly attribute float balance; attribute string owner;}

Page 21: CORBA Outline

Attributes (cont)

• Attributes do not necessarily represent state– e.g.– dateLastModified might be

• stored as a member variable– as a string

– as an integer value

• calculated from the history of transactions

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readonly Attributes

• A readonly attribute is not necessarily a constant

• an operation call can change it - e.g.

• bad practice to modify a readonly attribute in the code that sets another attribute

typedef string Date;interface file { readonly attribute Date dateLastModified;

void write (…); void read (…);};

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• All attributes and operations of account are valid on objects of interface checkingAccount

interface checkingAccount : account {

attribute float overdraftLimit;

boolean orderCheckBook();


• An IDL interface can inherit all elements of one or more other interfaces

Page 24: CORBA Outline

Basic Types

• short (16 bit)

• long (32-bit)

• unsigned short (16-bit)

• unsigned long (32-bit)

• long long (64-bit)

• unsigned long long (64-bit)

• float

• double

• char (8-bit)

• wchar (16-bit)

• boolean (TRUE or FALSE)

• octet (8-bit - no conversion)

• any (arbitrary IDL type)

• string (can be bounded)

Page 25: CORBA Outline

IDL Constructed Types

• Enumenum currency {pound, dollar, yen, franc};

• Structstruct customerDetails { string name; string age;};

• Unionunion Date switch (short) { case 1: string stringFormat; case 2: long digitalFormat; default: DateStructure structFormat;};

Page 26: CORBA Outline

Other IDL Types• String - max can be specified

attribute string sortCode<10>;

• Sequence - 1D array- can be bounded or unbounded

sequence<account, 50> accounts;

• Array- can be multidimensional - always fixed-size

account accounts[3];

• Constantconst long MaxAccounts = 10000;

Page 27: CORBA Outline

Mapping to a Programming Language

• for each programming language supported by CORBA, a mapping must be given from IDL to that language

• e.g. C++ client’s view

class account : public virtual CORBA:Object {public: void makeDeposit (…); CORBA::Boolean makeWithdrawal (…); char * dateLastModified (…); CORBA::Float balance (…); char * owner (…); void owner (const char * …);};

Page 28: CORBA Outline

Mapping to a Programming Language (cont.)

• e.g. Java client’s view

public interface account extends org.omg.CORBA.Object{ public float balance(); public void MakeDeposit(float f); public void Withdraw(float f);}

• call these methods to make a call to a CORBA object

Page 29: CORBA Outline

Static Invocation Interface (SII)

• Most common way of using IDL

• All methods are specified in advance– known to client and server via proxies– also known as surrogates

• Primary advantages of SII– simplicity– typesafety– efficiency

Page 30: CORBA Outline

Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)

• Less common programming API• Enables clients to invoke methods on objects that

aren’t known until run-time• Clients “push” arguments onto a request stack and

identify operations via ASCII name• Type-checking via meta-info in “Interface

Repository”• More flexible than SII• More complicated, less typesafe, inefficient

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OMG IDL Compiler

• IDL compiler generates client stubs and server skeletons in specific programming language

• Programmer “fills-in” implementation

• See example later

Page 32: CORBA Outline

CORBA Programming Steps• Define IDL interface• Compile IDL interface

– generate Java code

• Implement the interface– represents a CORBA object

• Write a server – that will contain the CORBA object defined in the interface– Initializes the ORB

• Write a client to use the CORBA objects• Compile the client and server applications• Execute the server (and naming service if necessary)• Execute the client application

Page 33: CORBA Outline

Example: Remote Quoter Object

A Quoter provides stock quotes to clients

IDL interface to quoter

Client code calls anoperation on remote

quoter objects

Client Process

Server Process

C++ object


Other CORBA Object

Server NodeClient Node


Page 34: CORBA Outline

IDL Interface for Quoter interface Stock { double price ();

readonly attribute string symbol; readonly attribute string full_name; };

interface Stock_Factory { Stock get_stock (in string stock_symbol) raises (Invalid_Stock_Symbol); };

Page 35: CORBA Outline

TAO IDL Compilation


Stock_i.cpp, Stock_Factory_i.cpp


Quoter serverexecutable

Quoter client execuable

IDL complier

C++ Compiler

Generated Classes and





%tao_idl Quoter.idl

Page 36: CORBA Outline

Write a Client

• Client initializes access to ORB

• Client gets a reference to the desired object

• Calls methods to access the object

Page 37: CORBA Outline

In client.cpp:

int main (int argc, char* argv[]){ try { // First initialize the ORB, that will remove some arguments... CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "" /* the ORB name, it can be anything! */);

// the real code goes here!

orb->destroy (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { std::cerr << "CORBA exception raised!" << std::endl; } return 0;}

Client - Manage ORB


Page 38: CORBA Outline

Client - Get Quoter Object Ref

In client.cpp:

#include "QuoterC.h”

CORBA::Object_var factory_object = orb->string_to_object(argv[1]);

Quoter::Stock_Factory_var factory = Quoter::Stock_Factory::_narrow ( ());

for (int i = 2; i != argc; ++i)


try {

// Get the stock object

Quoter::Stock_var stock = factory->get_stock (argv[i]);


Page 39: CORBA Outline

Implementing Stock InterfaceIn stock_i.cpp

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock {

public: Quoter_Stock_i (const char *symbol, const char*full_name,

CORBA::Double price);

private: std::string symbol_; std::string full_name_; CORBA::Double price_;

}; Stock_i.cpp

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Stock Operations and Attributes

In stock_i.cpp:

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock { public: // some details omitted char *symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException); char *full_name () throw (CORBA::SystemException);

CORBA::Double price () throw (CORBA::SystemException); };

// In the .cpp file: char * Quoter_Stock_i::symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException) { return CORBA::string_dup (this->symbol_.c_str

()); }


Page 41: CORBA Outline

Stock Operations and Attributes

In stock_i.cpp:

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock { public: // some details omitted char *symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException); char *full_name () throw (CORBA::SystemException);

CORBA::Double price () throw (CORBA::SystemException); };

// In the .cpp file: char * Quoter_Stock_i::symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException) { return CORBA::string_dup (this->symbol_.c_str

()); }


Memory management: must copy string into return since CORBA run-time will free space of return value

Page 42: CORBA Outline


• Servants - program language entities that implement CORBA objects.

• Object adapters - link servants to CORBA Objects• Portable Object Adapters (POA) is standard object adapter

(CORBA 2.2)• POAs:

– create CORBA objects and references– dispatching requests to servants– like “main” in our socket assignment

• Servers may have many POAs, must have at least Root POA

Page 43: CORBA Outline

Implement Stock Factory

In stock_factory_I.cpp:

class Quoter_Stock_Factory_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock_Factory



Quoter_Stock_Factory ();

Quoter::Stock_ptr get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol);


Quoter_Stock_i rhat_; Quoter_Stock_i msft_; };

Two stocks in factory: RHAT, MSFT


Page 44: CORBA Outline

Implement Get_Stock Method

In stock_factory_i.cpp

Quoter::Stock_ptr Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol) { if (strcmp (symbol, "RHAT") == 0)

{ return this->rhat_._this(); } else if (strcmp (symbol, "MSFT") == 0)

{ return this->msft_._this (); }

throw Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol (); }


Page 45: CORBA Outline

Implement Get_Stock Method

In stock_factory_i.cpp

Quoter::Stock_ptr Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol) { if (strcmp (symbol, "RHAT") == 0)

{ return this->rhat_._this(); } else if (strcmp (symbol, "MSFT") == 0)

{ return this->msft_._this (); }

throw Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol (); }


_this() is a method that comes to all CORBA classes from inheritance. It creates the object using the POA and returns the object reference.

Page 46: CORBA Outline

Implement Server

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // First initialize the ORB, that will remove some arguments…

CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "" /* the ORB name, it can be anything! */);

CORBA::Object_var poa_object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");

PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ());

PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();

poa_manager->activate (); // The application code goes here!

// Destroy the POA, waiting until the destruction terminates poa->destroy (1, 1); orb->destroy (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { std::cerr << "CORBA exception raised!" <<

std::endl; } return 0; }


Page 47: CORBA Outline

TAO IDL Compilation


Stock_i.cpp, Stock_Factory_i.cpp


Quoter serverexecutable

Quoter client execuable

IDL complier

C++ Compiler

Generated Classes and





%tao_idl Quoter.idl

Page 48: CORBA Outline

Example: Remote Quoter Object

A Quoter provides stock quotes to clients

IDL interface to quoter

Client code calls anoperation on remote

quoter objects

Client Process

Server Process

C++ object


Other CORBA Object

Server NodeClient Node


Page 49: CORBA Outline

IDL the C++ Mapping

• General CORBA mapping of IDL constructs to C++ implementation

• Basic types

• Modules

• Interfaces

• Other IDL types

Page 50: CORBA Outline

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server NodeClient Node


Client code gets obj ref from

factory then calls an

operation on remote

quoter objects

Example: Remote Quoter Object

Page 51: CORBA Outline

IDL Interface for Quoter module Quoter { interface Stock { double price ();

readonly attribute string symbol; readonly attribute string full_name; };

interface Stock_Factory { Stock get_stock (in string stock_symbol) raises (Invalid_Stock_Symbol); };}

Page 52: CORBA Outline

Factory Objects

• Factory design pattern - commonly used in CORBA systems

• Factory object provides access to objects

• Focal point for clients– published to well-known place to clients– clients get this ref to get access to other objects

Page 53: CORBA Outline

Factory Objects - Scenarios

• Security– client must provide security info before factory object gives


• Load-balancing– factory object manages pool of objects

– assigns them to clients based on some algorithm

• Polymorphism– factory object returns references to different implementations

depending on criteria specified by client

Page 54: CORBA Outline

TAO IDL Compilation


Stock_i.cpp, Stock_Factory_i.cpp


Quoter serverexecutable

Quoter client execuable

IDL complier

C++ Compiler

Generated Classes and





%tao_idl Quoter.idl

Page 55: CORBA Outline

Write a Client

• Client initializes access to ORB

• Client gets a reference to the desired object

• Calls methods to access the object

Page 56: CORBA Outline

In client.cpp:

int main (int argc, char* argv[]){ try { // First initialize the ORB, that will remove some arguments... CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "" /* the ORB name, it can be anything! */);

// the real code goes here!

orb->destroy (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { std::cerr << "CORBA exception raised!" << std::endl; } return 0;}

Client - Manage ORB


Page 57: CORBA Outline

Client - Get Quoter Object Ref

In client.cpp:

#include "QuoterC.h”

CORBA::Object_var factory_object = orb->string_to_object(argv[1]);

Quoter::Stock_Factory_var factory = Quoter::Stock_Factory::_narrow ( ());

for (int i = 2; i != argc; ++i)


try {

// Get the stock object

Quoter::Stock_var stock = factory->get_stock (argv[i]);


Page 58: CORBA Outline

Implementing Stock InterfaceIn stock_i.cpp

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock {

public: Quoter_Stock_i (const char *symbol, const char*full_name,

CORBA::Double price);

private: std::string symbol_; std::string full_name_; CORBA::Double price_;

}; Stock_i.cpp

Page 59: CORBA Outline

Stock Operations and Attributes

In stock_i.cpp:

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock { public: // some details omitted char *symbol_ () throw (CORBA::SystemException); char *full_name () throw (CORBA::SystemException);

CORBA::Double price () throw (CORBA::SystemException); };

// In the .cpp file: char * Quoter_Stock_i::symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException) { return CORBA::string_dup (this->symbol_.c_str

()); }


Page 60: CORBA Outline

Stock Operations and Attributes

In stock_i.cpp:

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock { public: // some details omitted char *symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException); char *full_name () throw (CORBA::SystemException);

CORBA::Double price () throw (CORBA::SystemException); };

// In the .cpp file: char * Quoter_Stock_i::symbol () throw (CORBA::SystemException) { return CORBA::string_dup (this->symbol_.c_str

()); }


Memory management: must copy string into return since CORBA run-time will free space of return value

Page 61: CORBA Outline


• Servants - program language entities that implement CORBA objects.

• Object adapters - link servants to CORBA Objects• Portable Object Adapters (POA) is standard object adapter

(CORBA 2.2)• POAs:

– create CORBA objects and references– dispatching requests to servants– like “main” in our socket assignment

• Servers may have many POAs, must have at least Root POA

Page 62: CORBA Outline

Implement Stock Factory

In stock_factory_I.cpp:

class Quoter_Stock_Factory_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock_Factory



Quoter_Stock_Factory ();

Quoter::Stock_ptr get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol);


Quoter_Stock_i rhat_; Quoter_Stock_i msft_; };

Two stocks in factory: RHAT, MSFT


Page 63: CORBA Outline

Implement Get_Stock Method

In stock_factory_i.cpp

Quoter::Stock_ptr Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol) { if (strcmp (symbol, "RHAT") == 0)

{ return this->rhat_._this(); } else if (strcmp (symbol, "MSFT") == 0)

{ return this->msft_._this (); }

throw Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol (); }


Page 64: CORBA Outline

Implement Get_Stock Method

In stock_factory_i.cpp

Quoter::Stock_ptr Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol) { if (strcmp (symbol, "RHAT") == 0)

{ return this->rhat_._this(); } else if (strcmp (symbol, "MSFT") == 0)

{ return this->msft_._this (); }

throw Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol (); }


_this() is a method that comes to all CORBA classes from inheritance. It creates the object using the POA and returns the object reference.

Page 65: CORBA Outline

Implement Server

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // First initialize the ORB, that will remove some arguments…

CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "" /* the ORB name, it can be anything! */);

CORBA::Object_var poa_object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");

PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ());

PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();

poa_manager->activate (); // The application code goes here!

// Destroy the POA, waiting until the destruction terminates poa->destroy (1, 1); orb->destroy (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { std::cerr << "CORBA exception raised!" <<

std::endl; } return 0; }


Page 66: CORBA Outline

TAO IDL Compilation


Stock_i.cpp, Stock_Factory_i.cpp


Quoter serverexecutable

Quoter client execuable

IDL complier

C++ Compiler

Generated Classes and





%tao_idl Quoter.idl

Page 67: CORBA Outline

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server NodeClient Node


Client code gets obj ref from

factory then calls an

operation on remote

quoter objects

Example: Remote Quoter Object

Page 68: CORBA Outline

IDL the C++ Mapping

• General CORBA mapping of IDL constructs to C++ implementation

• Basic types

• Modules

• Interfaces

• Other IDL types• Detail:

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Mapping for Basic Types

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Mapping for Interfaces

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock {

public: Quoter_Stock_i (const char *symbol, const char*full_name,

CORBA::Double price);

private: std::string symbol_; std::string full_name_; CORBA::Double price_;


interface Stock { double price ();

readonly attribute string symbol; readonly attribute string full_name; };

Page 71: CORBA Outline

Mapping for Interfaces

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock {

public: Quoter_Stock_i (const char *symbol, const char*full_name,

CORBA::Double price);

private: std::string symbol_; std::string full_name_; CORBA::Double price_;


interface Stock { double price ();

readonly attribute string symbol; readonly attribute string full_name; };

Class Name = Module Name (Quoter) underscore Interface Name (Stock) underscore i

Page 72: CORBA Outline

Mapping for Interfaces

class Quoter_Stock_i : public POA_Quoter::Stock {

public: Quoter_Stock_i (const char *symbol, const char*full_name,

CORBA::Double price);

private: std::string symbol_; std::string full_name_; CORBA::Double price_;


interface Stock { double price ();

readonly attribute string symbol; readonly attribute string full_name; };

Inherits From IDL Compiler-generated class POA underscore Module Name :: Interface Name

Page 73: CORBA Outline

Mapping Object ReferencesIDL interface type denotes an object reference.

Consider the following example for operation newaccount

// IDLinterface bank { account newAccount (in string name);};

Object reference returned by newAccount maps to a C++ _var type of the same name

Can be invoked as follows:

bank_var b;account_var a;. . .a = b->newAccount(“Vic”);a->makeDeposit(10.0);. . .

Page 74: CORBA Outline

Example Quoter Object Ref

In client.cpp:

#include "QuoterC.h”

CORBA::Object_var factory_object = orb->string_to_object(argv[1]);

Quoter::Stock_Factory_var factory = Quoter::Stock_Factory::_narrow ( ());

for (int i = 2; i != argc; ++i)


try {

// Get the stock object

Quoter::Stock_var stock = factory->get_stock (argv[i]);

Page 75: CORBA Outline

Mapping for Derived Interfaces• Inherited interfaces in IDL map to public virtual inheritance in C++

• Example checking account inherits from account interface

interface checkingAccount : account { void overdraftLimit(in float limit);}

• Corresponding C++ class:// C++ generated by IDL compiler

class checkingAccount: public virtual account{ virtual void setOverdraftLimit(CORBA::float limit);}

Page 76: CORBA Outline

Mapping for Derived Interfaces

• Use narrow method to cast from base class to derived class

CORBA::Object_var factory_object =


Quoter::Stock_Factory_var factory =

Quoter::Stock_Factory::_narrow ( ());

Page 77: CORBA Outline

Mapping struct//IDL struct Time { short hour; short minute; short second; }; void updateTime(in Time current); void currentTime(out Time current);};

// C++ generated by IDL compilerstruct Time { CORBA::short hour; CORBA::short minute; CORBA:: short second; public Time() {} public Time (short hour, short minute, short second) {…}}

Page 78: CORBA Outline

Mapping for Constants

Constants are straightforward


const short MaxLen = 4;

Maps to C++:// C++ generated by IDL compiler const CORBA::short MaxLen = 4;

Page 79: CORBA Outline

Mapping for Exceptions• System Exceptions

– mapped to C++ classes that extend CORBA::SystemException

• User-Defined Exceptions– mapped to C++ class that derives from CORBA::UserException

Page 80: CORBA Outline

User Exception Example: Quoter Client

try {

// Now get the price

CORBA::Double price = stock-price ();

catch (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol &) {

cerr << "Invalid stock symbol <" <<< "" << endl; }

Page 81: CORBA Outline

System Exception Example: Quoter Client

try {

CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "");

// the real code goes here!

orb->destroy ();


catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) {

std::cerr << "CORBA exception raised!" << std::endl;


Page 82: CORBA Outline

User Exception Throw Example: Quoter Object

Quoter::Stock_ptr Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::get_stock (const char *symbol) throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol)


if (strcmp (symbol, "RHAT") == 0) { return this-rhat_._this (); }

else if (strcmp (symbol, "MSFT") == 0) { return this-msft_._this (); }

throw Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol ();


Page 83: CORBA Outline

Locating Objects

• What is an object reference?

• Using IIOP:– hostname– port number– object key

• Lifetime of obj ref - as long as these don’t change

Page 84: CORBA Outline

Stringified Object References• Two operations on ORB interface for converting obj refs to and from


module CORBA { interface ORB { string object_to_string(in Object obj); Object string_to_object(in string ref); }}

• Create stringified obj ref• Make string available to clients• Client gets string - converts to obj ref

Page 85: CORBA Outline

Stringified Object References

• E.g. CORBA::Object_var factory_object = orb-> string_to_object(argv[1]);

• Using a file– write stringified obj ref to a well-known file

• Using a URL– more flexible - don’t need to share file space– publish obj ref in a file accessible as a URL– client uses HTTP or FTP to get it– well-suited for applets

Page 86: CORBA Outline

Connecting to Named Objects

• Use object naming as defined above• iiop notation


– can be used anywhere stringified obj ref can be used– Example from TAO– iiop: is passed as

parameter in to Quoter client and server.

Page 87: CORBA Outline

Example: Name ServerFactory registers Its Obj Ref with NameServer

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server Node

Client Node MSFT$

Client code gets obj ref then calls

anoperation on

remotequoter objects


Page 88: CORBA Outline

Example: Name ServerClient Get Factory Object Ref From Name Server

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server Node

Client Node MSFT$

Client code gets obj ref then calls

anoperation on

remotequoter objects


Page 89: CORBA Outline

Example: Name Server

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server Node

Client Node MSFT$

Client code gets obj ref then calls

anoperation on

remotequoter objects


Client calls Factory to get Obj Ref of a Quoter Object

Page 90: CORBA Outline

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server Node

Client Node MSFT$

Client code gets obj ref then calls

anoperation on

remotequoter objects


Client finally calls Quoter object

Example: Name Server

Page 91: CORBA Outline

Initial Services

• Can use initial services to get an obj ref

• Obj refs of initial services can be obtained using ORB operation:Object resolve_initial_references(in ObjectId identifier)


• Initial services have well-known names:– Naming Service: “NameService”– Trading Service: “TradingService”

Page 92: CORBA Outline

Resolving an Initial Service

• Connect with the naming service:

#include "orbsvcs/CosNamingC.h"

CORBA::Object_var naming_context_object =

orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService");

CosNaming::NamingContext_var naming_context =

CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow ( ());

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Naming Service

• Associate a name with an object reference

• Server “binds” an object to a name

• Client “resolves” name to retrieve object reference

• Provides transparency

• More natural

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Name Space Hierarchy

• Naming service provides hierarchy of names

• name-to-object association = name binding

• name binding always defined relative to a naming context

• naming context is an object that contains a set of name bindings– each name unique within context

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• name = ordered sequence of components

• component consists of two attributes– identifier - represents string name– kind - represents description of type of object

• not used by CORBA - only by application program

• Ex:

NameComponent[] name = new NameComponent[1];name[0] = new NameComponent(“bank”,”financial”);

Page 96: CORBA Outline

Naming Contexts

• Creates a naming scope for a set of objects

• Analogous to directory in a file system

• Context can contain other contexts– creates hierarchy– sets up a path to a name

Page 97: CORBA Outline

Name Context Example

Root Context

FleetBank BankBoston CitiBank

Boston Providence Providence ProvidenceBoston Boston

• Hierarchy always begins with root naming context• Default context if none is created• FleetBank, BankBoston and CitiBank all define contexts• Names within the contexts are unique• No problem with duplicate names among contexts

•context hierarchy defines path to object name

Page 98: CORBA Outline

Binding Objects

• Naming Service supports four operations to create bindings:

void bind(in Name n, in Object obj) raises(NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, AlreadyBound);

void rebind(in Name n, in Object obj) raises(NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName);

void bind_context(in Name n, in NamingContext nc) raises(NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, AlreadyBound);

void rebind_context(in Name n, in NamingContext nc) raises(NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName);

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Binding Objects

• bind - creates a binding of a name and an object in the current naming context

• rebind - creates a binding of a name and an object in the naming context even if the name is already bound in the context

• bind_context - names an object that is a naming context

• rebind_context - creates a binding of a name and a naming context in the specified naming context even if the name is already bound in the context

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• NotFound - name does not identify a binding• CannotProceed - implementation has given up

for some reason• InvalidName - name is not valid - correct

format for name• AlreadyBound - object already bound to the

specified name

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Resolving Names

• resolve - process of retrieving an object bound to a name in a given context

• Name must match exactly• Naming Service does not return the type of the object• Client is responsible for narrowing to the desired type

Object resolve(in Name n) raises(NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName);

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Unbinding Names

• unbind - removes a name binding from a context

void unbind (in Name n) raises (NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName);

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Creating Naming Contexts

• new_context - returns a naming context implemented by the same naming server as the context on which the operation was invoked– not bound to any name

• bind_new_context - creates a new context and binds it to the specified name– implemented in the same server as the context in which it was bound

NamingContext new_context();

NamingContext bind_context(in Name n) raises(NotFound, AlreadyBound, CannotProceed, InvalidName);

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Deleting Contexts

• destroy - deletes a naming context

void destroy() raises(NotEmpty);

Page 105: CORBA Outline

IDL interface to quoter

Client Process Server Process

C++ object



Server Node

Client Node MSFT$

Client code gets obj ref then calls

anoperation on

remotequoter objects


Client finally calls Quoter object

Example: Name Server

Page 106: CORBA Outline

Example: Quoter Server With NameServer

#include "orbsvcs/CosNamingC.h"

CORBA::Object_var naming_context_object =

orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService");

CosNaming::NamingContext_var naming_context =

CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow ( ());

CosNaming::Name name (1);

name.length (1);

name[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("Stock_Factory");

naming_context->bind (name, ());

In server.cpp

Page 107: CORBA Outline

Example: Quoter Client With NameServer

#include "orbsvcs/CosNamingC.h"

CORBA::Object_var naming_context_object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("NameService"); CosNaming::NamingContext_var naming_context = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow ( ());

CosNaming::Name name (1);name.length (1);name[0].id = CORBA::string_dup ("Stock_Factory");

CORBA::Object_var factory_object = naming_context->resolve (name);Quoter::Stock_Factory_var factory = Quoter::Stock_Factory::_narrow ( ());

In server.cpp

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Portable Object Adapter (POA)

• Adapts programming lang servants to CORBA objects

• Fits between ORB core and static and dynamic skeletons

• Provides policies for creation and maintenance of objects in a CORBA application

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Object Adapters

• General construct on which POA is based

• Original CORBA spec had BOA (Basic Object Adapter)

• Too vague– vendors had to add a lot of proprietary features

• OMG developed POA to replace BOA

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• CORBA object - “virtual” entity capable of being located by an ORB and having client requests delivered to it

• Servant - programming lang entity that exists in the context of a server and implements a CORBA object

• Skeleton - programming lang entity that connects a servant to an OA - allowing OA to dispatch requests to a servant

• Object Id - user or system-defined identifier used to “name” an object in scope of OA– unique to OA

Page 111: CORBA Outline

Terminology• Activation - starting an existing CORBA object to allow it to

service requests

• Deactivation - shutting down an active CORBA object– requires destruction of association between CORBA object and servant– can be reactivated to receive more requests

• Incarnation - associating a servant with a CORBA object

• Etherealization - destroying association between CORBA object and servant

• Active Object Map - table maintained by OA

– maps active CORBA objets to associated servants

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Object Adapter Functionality

• Request demultiplexing– demultiplex CORBA calls to appropriate servant

– when ORB core receives request - cooperates with OA to ensure request reaches proper servant

• Operation dispatching– locates target servant

– dispatches requested operation

– skeleton used to transform params in request to args of operation

Page 113: CORBA Outline

Object Adapter Functionality

• Activation and deactivation– activate CORBA objects

– incarnate servants to handle requests for the objects

– deactivate objects and etherealize corresponding servants

• Generating object references– OA generates obj refs for CORBA objects registered with


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POA Features

• Object Identifier– ObjectID - used to identify CORBA object within


– invisible to clients - they use obj ref

– can be assigned by application or POA

– object key used by ORB to locate CORBA object

– may specify POA and ObjectID

Page 115: CORBA Outline

POA Features

• Persistent vs. Transient Objects– Persistent - lifetime of object independent of

lifetime of server process in which it is activated

• can be activated when necessary

– Transient - lifetime of object bound by lifetime of server in which it is created

• less overhead - no activation information necessary

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POA Features• Activation - POA support following styles:

– Explict - application programmer registers servants for CORBA objects using direct calls on POA

– On-demand - application programmer registers servant manager that POA upcalls when it receives a request for a CORBA object not yet activated

– Implicit - an action on a servant results in activation without any explicit calls on POA

• C++ - use servant’s _this method– Default servant - application registers a default servant to

handle any calls on CORBA objects not yet activated

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POA Policies

• Root POA - obj ref available from the ORB

• Create new POA by calling create_POA on root POA

• Server can have multiple POAs– support different kinds of objects– characteristics of POA controlled by setting up

policies at creation time

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POA Policies• Threading Policy

– single-threaded• all requests POA dispatches are serialized• using single thread• multiple threads synchronized to execute serially

– ORB-controlled threading• ORB determines thread or threads on which POA dispatches


– Limitations - not flexible enough• can’t specify thread pool• can’t specify thread-per-CORBA object

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POA Policies

• Servant Retention Policy– RETAIN

• retains associations between servants and CORBA objects

• most widely used

– NON-RETAIN• establishes new CORBA object -> servant assocation for

each incoming request• allows application to supply its own servant manager

that intervenes in every request dispatch

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POA Policies

• Request Processing Policy– Consult active object map (only)

• throws exception if requested object not in map

– Use default servant• invoked whenever POA has no servant associated with

ObjectID of requested object in active object map

– Invoke servant manager• application-supplied CORBA object that can incarnate or

activate a servant and return it to the POA

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POA Policies• Implicit Activation Policy

– Servant can be activated implicitly if policy supported

• ObjectID Uniqueness Policy– Determines if servant can be associated with only one or with

multiple CORBA objects

• Lifespan Policy– Determines if objects in POA are persistent or transient– Must be determined at POA creation

• ObjectID Assignment Policy– Determines whether ObjectIDs are POA assigned or supplied by


Page 122: CORBA Outline

POA Example: Quoter Server

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { try { // First initialize the ORB, that will remove some arguments…

CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv, "" /* the ORB name, it can be anything! */);

CORBA::Object_var poa_object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");

PortableServer::POA_var poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow ( ());

PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();

poa_manager->activate (); // The application code goes here!

// Destroy the POA, waiting until the destruction terminates poa->destroy (1, 1); orb->destroy (); } catch (CORBA::Exception &ex) { std::cerr << "CORBA exception raised!" <<

std::endl; } return 0; }

In server.cpp

Page 123: CORBA Outline

Example: Quoter POA Implicit Servant Activation

In stock_factory_i.cpp

Quoter::Stock_ptr Quoter_Stock_Factory_i::get_stock (const char *symbol)

throw (Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol) { if (strcmp (symbol, "RHAT") == 0)

{ return this->rhat_._this(); } else if (strcmp (symbol, "MSFT") == 0)

{ return this->msft_._this (); }

throw Quoter::Invalid_Stock_Symbol (); }

_this() is a method that comes to all CORBA classes from inheritance. It creates the object using the POA and returns the object reference.

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Event Service

• Provides decoupled communication model between objects

• Broadcast nofitication of named events for synchronization

• Supports typed events using IDL

• Supports non-typed events via any

Page 125: CORBA Outline

Example Scenarios

• System admin tool interested in knowing if disk runs out of space– software reports that disk is full

– system admin tool notifies user

• CASE tool interested in being notified when a source program has been modified– source program reports when modified

– unaware of existence of CASE tool

– CASE tool invokes compiler when event occurs

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Event Communication

• Two roles for objects:– supplier - produces event data– consumer - processes event data

• Two approaches to initiating event communication– push model - supplier initiates transfer of event data to

consumers– pull model - consumer requests event data from


Page 127: CORBA Outline

Pull Consumer

• Obtain object reference to an event channel

• Invoke on event channel to get Consumer Admin object

• Invoke on Consumer Admin object to get ProxyPullSupplier

• Request data from event channel

interface PullConsumer { void disconnect_pull_consumer();};

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Pull Supplier

• Obtain object reference to an event channel

• Invoke an event channel to get Supplier Admin object

• Invoke on Supplier Admin object to get ProxyPullConsumer

• Wait for incoming – pull() - blocks until event data is visible or exception is raised– try_pull - does not block - returns event data if available

interface PullSupplier { any pull() raises(Disconnected); any try_pull(out boolean has_event) raises(Disconnected); void disconnect_pull_supplier();};

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Push Consumer

• Obtain object reference to an event channel

• Invoke on event channel to get Consumer Admin object

• Invoke on Consumer Admin object to get ProxyPushSupplier

• Wait for push() from event channel

interface PushConsumer { void push(in any data) raises(Disconnected); void disconnect_push_consumer();};

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Push Supplier

• Obtain object reference to an event channel

• Invoke on event channel to get Supplier Admin object

• Invoke on Supplier Admin object to get ProxyPushConsumer

• Push data into event channel via ProxyPushConsumer

interface PushSupplier { void disconnect_push_supplier();};

Page 131: CORBA Outline

Event Channel









SupplierAdmin ConsumerAdmin

• Object that allows multiple suppliers to communicate with multiple consumers

• Both a consumer and a supplier of events

Page 132: CORBA Outline

Event Channel IDLmodule CosEventChannelAdmin {

exception AlreadyConnected {}; exception TypeError {};

interface ProxyPushConsumer: CosEventComm::PushConsumer { void connect_push_supplier(in CosEventComm:: PushSupplier push_supplier) raises(AlreadyConnected); };

interface ProxyPullSupplier: CosEventComm::PullSupplier { void connect_pull_consumer(in CosEventComm:: PullConsumer pull_consumer) raises(AlreadyConnected); };

Page 133: CORBA Outline

Event Channel IDL interface ProxyPullConsumer: CosEventComm::PullConsumer { void connect_pull_supplier(in CosEventComm:: PullSupplier pull_supplier) raises(AlreadyConnected,TypeError); };

interface ProxyPushSupplier: CosEventComm::PushSupplier { void connect_push_consumer(in CosEventComm:: PushConsumer push_consumer) raises(AlreadyConnected, TypeError); };

interface ConsumerAdmin { ProxyPushSupplier obtain_push_supplier(); ProxyPullSupplier obtain_pull_supplier(); };

Page 134: CORBA Outline

Event Channel IDL

interface SupplierAdmin { ProxyPushConsumer obtain_push_consumer(); ProxyPullConsumer obtain_pull_consumer(); };

interface EventChannel { ConsumerAdmin for_consumers(); SupplierAdmin for_suppliers(); void destroy(); };};

Page 135: CORBA Outline

Example - Push Supplierpackage event;import org.omg.CORBA.*;import org.omg.CosEventComm.*;class PushSupplier_impl extends _PushSupplierImplBase implements Runnable{

private ORB orb_; private BOA boa_; private PushConsumer consumer_; // represents event channel PushSupplier_impl(ORB orb, BOA boa, PushConsumer consumer) { orb_ = orb; boa_ = boa; consumer_ = consumer; } public void disconnect_push_supplier() { consumer_.disconnect_push_consumer(); consumer_ = null; }

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Example - Push Supplier

// Supply date and time public void run() { // Main loop while(consumer_ != null) { java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); String s = "PushSupplier says: " + date.toString(); Any any = orb_.create_any(); any.insert_string(s); try { // Push event data into event channel consumer_.push(any); } catch(Disconnected ex) { boa_.deactivate_impl(null); return; }

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Example - Push Supplier

catch(COMM_FAILURE ex) { boa_.deactivate_impl(null); throw new COMM_FAILURE(); } Thread.yield(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ex) { } } boa_.deactivate_impl(null); }}

Page 138: CORBA Outline

Example - Push Consumerpackage event;

import org.omg.CORBA.*;import org.omg.CosEventComm.*;

class PushConsumer_impl extends _PushConsumerImplBase{ private BOA boa_; private PushSupplier supplier_; PushConsumer_impl(BOA boa, PushSupplier supplier) {

boa_ = boa; supplier_ = supplier; } public void disconnect_push_consumer() {



Page 139: CORBA Outline

Example - Push Consumer

public void push(Any any) { // Display event data if Any is a string

try { String s = any.extract_string(); System.out.println(s);}catch(MARSHAL ex){}


Page 140: CORBA Outline

ORB Interoperability

• CORBA 1.0 - up to vendors to implement a protocol for ORBs to communicate over a network

• ORBs could not communicate with each other• CORBA 2.0 (and further) provides

methodology for ORBs to communicate• GIOP - collection of message requests ORBs

can make over a network

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ORB Interoperability• OMG describes interoperability in terms of

domains and bridges

• Domains

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Domains• Set of objects which are separated from other

objects– for administrative or implementational reasons

• Examples:– Administrative

• naming domains, trust groups, resource management, similar “run-time” characteristics

– Implementational• common protocols, common syntaxes, similar “build-time”


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• Implementations that convert requests between different domain models

• Mapping between domains

• IIOP is the most common ORB bridge

• Translate requests from one ORB to another

• Support management of key tables for object references

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Bridges• Two types of bridges:

– Mediated bridging:• interacting elements of different domains are transformed to a mutually agreed

upon form• common form could be standard (like IIOP) or a private agreement between the

two parties

– Immediate bridging:• interacting elements are transformed directly between the internal forms of one

domain to another• faster but less general• often used when crossing domain boundaries that are purely administrative -

security boundaries between similar ORBs

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GIOP• GIOP - General Interoperability Protocol

• Maps ORB requests to different network transports

• Analogous to IDL mappings– IDL provides framework for language– need mappings to implementation languages

• GIOP provides framework for communication– need mappings to actual transport protocols

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GIOP• OMG defines three parts of GIOP:

– Common Data Representation (CDR)• transfer syntax for mapping IDL to low-level types

between network agents

– GIOP message formats (seven in all)Message Type Originator Value (enum)------- --------------- ------------Request Client 0Reply Server 1CancelRequest Client 2LocateRequest Client 3LocateReply Server 4CloseConnection Server 5MessageError Both 6

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– GIOP message-transport assumptions• connection-oriented

• reliable

• can be viewed as a byte stream

• provides reasonable notification of connection loss

• model for initiating connections can be mapped onto the general connection model of TCP/IP

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Transport Protocols for GIOP• IIOP - Internet Interoperability Protocol

– standardized version that all ORBs must be able to use

– maps GIOP messages to TCP/IP

– ORB uses the internet as a communication bus

• ESIOP - Environment-Specific Interoperability Protocol– maps GIOP messages to a proprietary network protocol

– e.g. DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)

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• Interoperable Object Reference (IOR)– provides a reference that objects in one ORB

can use to access objects in other ORBs

• IOR is created and used when bridging between different reference domains

• Managed internally by the interoperating ORBs

Page 150: CORBA Outline

IORmodule IOP { typedef unsigned long ProfileId; const PrifileId TAG_INTERNET_IOP = 0; const ProfileId TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS = 1;

struct TaggedProfile { PrifileId tag; sequence profile_data; }; struct IOR{ string type_id; sequence profiles; // object specific protocol profiles }; typedefunsigned long ComponentId; struct TaggedComponent { ComponentId tag; sequence component_data; }; typedef sequence MultipleComponentProfile;};

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• Objects publish object references in IORs called IIOP profiles

module IIOP{ struct Version { char major; char minor; };

struct ProfileBody { Version iiop_version; // version of IIOP at target address string host; // IP host to which messages are sent unsigned short port; // TCP/IP port number of target object sequence object_key; // reference of target object };};

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IIOP Example - IDL

interface grid { readonly attribute short height; readonly attribute short width;

void set(in short row, in short col, in long value); void get(in short row, in short col);};

Page 153: CORBA Outline

IIOP Example - Serverimport CosNaming.*;import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;import org.omg.CORBA.UserException;import org.omg.CORBA.Object;

class gridserver { public static void main(String args[]) { // Assume TIE approach. grid gridImpl; ORB orb; // Declare Naming service types. Object initRef; NamingContext initContext; NamingContext objectsContext; NamingContext mathContext; NameComponent[] name;

Page 154: CORBA Outline

IIOP Example - Server try { // Create implementation object. gridImpl = new _tie_grid (new gridImplementation(100,100)); // TIE object automatically identified using an IOR } catch (SystemException se) { // Details omitted. } try { // Find initial naming context. orb = ORB.init(args,null); initRef = orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService"); initContext = NamingContextHelper.narrow(initRef); name = new NameComponent[1]; name[0] = new NameComponent("objects",""); objectsContext = initContext.bind_new_context (name); name[0].id = new String ("math"); name[0].kind = new String ("");

Page 155: CORBA Outline

IIOP Example - Server mathContext = objectsContext.bind_new_context (name); name[0].id = new String ("grid"); name[0].kind = new String (""); mathContext.bind (name, gridImpl); // associates compound name objects.math.grid with IOR } catch (SystemException se) { // Details omitted. } catch (UserException ue) { // Use the exceptions defined in the // COSNaming IDL } orb.connect(gridImpl); try { Thread.sleep(1000*60*3); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // Details omitted. }}

Page 156: CORBA Outline

IIOP Example - Clientimport CosNaming.*;import IE.Iona.OrbixWeb._CORBA;import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;import org.omg.CORBA.UserException;import org.omg.CORBA.Object;public class Client { public static void main (String args[]) { NamingContext initContext; NameComponent[] name; ORB orb; Object initRef, objRef; grid gRef; try { orb = ORB.init(args,null); String NSstring = // stringified ref of server’s NS initRef = string_to_object(NSstring); initContext = NamingContext.narrow(initRef); name = new NameComponent[3]; name[0] = new NameComponent ("objects","");

Page 157: CORBA Outline

IIOP Example - Client name[1] = new NameComponent ("math",""); name[2] = new NameComponent ("grid",""); objRef = initContext.resolve (name); gRef = grid.narrow (objRef); } catch (SystemException se) { // Details omitted. } catch (UserException ue) { // Use exceptions defined in the COSNaming IDL } try { w = gRef.width(); h = gRef.height(); } catch (SystemException se) { // Details omitted. }

Page 158: CORBA Outline

IIOP Example - Client

System.out.println("height is " + h); System.out.println("width is " + w); try { gRef.set((short)2,(short)4,123); v = gRef.get((short)2,(short)4); } catch (SystemException se) { // Details omitted. } System.out.println( "value at grid position (2,4) is " + v); }}