cord prolapse 07

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  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07



    Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

    King Khalid University

     Abha, Saudi Arabia



  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


    o provide information and practical guidance to

    enable early diagnosis and efficient initiation ofemergency procedures to ensure the best

    possible neonatal outcome

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     Umbilical cord presentation! Presence of

    cord in front of presenting part before therupture of membranes"

     Umbilical cord prolapse! Descent of

    umbilical cord follo#ing rupture of the

    membranes, through the cervi$ so that it lieseither along side the fetal part or in front of

    presenting part into the cervi$% and into or

    out of vagina"

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  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Occult prolapse  'ord lies ad(acent to the

    presenting part, but not beyond thepresenting part in the presence of intact or

    #ithout intact membranes"

     Overt prolapse  cord #hich is visible or

    palpable #ith na)ed eyes follo#ing ruptureof membranes"

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  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     *dentify predisposing ris) factors

     +nable prompt diagnosis and instituteimmediate action

     *nitiate correct emergency procedures

     aise a#areness of the neonatal implications

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Over all incidence -"./ -"0/

     Primi gravida -"1 /  

    2ulti gravida -"0 /

     'ephalic presentation -"3 /

     4reech 5ran) -"6 /

    'omplete 7 /

    5ootling .- /

     Shoulder presentation .7 /

     'ontracted pelvis 10 times more"

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Non engagement of fetal head:

    ."Unengaged or poorly applied presenting part

    8" 9igh parity #ea) muscles 3"

    Unstable lie #ea) muscles

    1" 2alpresentations

    7" 4reech presentations

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Related to Uterine and Pelvic factors!

    ." Polyhydramnios

    8" :ong umbilical cord 3"

    :o# lying placenta

    1" 'ontracted Pelvis

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     Related to Fetal factors!

    ." Prematurity

    8" :o# 4irth ;eight

    3" Second t#in

    1" 'ongenital malformations

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Related to clinical procedures!

    ." A2 in high presenting part

    8" +$ternal cephalic version

    3" Stabili

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     Other causes

    ." PO2

    8" 2ale fetuses

    3" Anomalies of uterus

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     Neonatal morbidity and Mortality  as high

    as 7- / due to." 9ypo$ia is due to cord compression by

    the presenting part and also due to

    vasospasm of umbilical vessels

    8" Operative trauma 3"

    Delay in transport

    1" 'ongenital malformations

    7" Prematurity

     Maternal morbidity !

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Overt cord can be seen in the vagina or

    outside the vagina feel pulsations =ariable deceleration and bradycardia on

    'G follo#ing rupture of membranes"

     5etal bradycardia follo#ing fundal pressure

     2econium stained li>uor

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Ultrasound e$amination for malpresentation

    and cord presentation" Avoid A2 in unengaged head

     outinely doing P=+ follo#ing spontaneous

    rupture of membranes"

     'ontrolled A2 in poly hydramnios


  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Depends upon viability of the fetus and

    absence of fetal malformations" ?uic) action should be ta)en to e$pedite the


     Survival of fetus depends on s#ift action

    Prepare for +mergency interventions li)e

    'esarean section and or *nstrumentaldelivery"

     2ultidisciplinary approach or eam #or) is


  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Discontinue *= o$ytocin infusion

     O$ygen by mas) .7 lits% mt

     'OD ' call for help

    O organi

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Avoid presenting part pressure over cord by

    digital or manual pressure" *nstruct the patient to not to e$ert pressure

    or pushing"

     4ladder filling #ith 7-- @-- ml of saline"

     ocolysis *n("erbutaline 87- microgams S'ly

     Positioning of the patient!." Knee chest position

    8" rendelenburg position

    3" +$aggerated Sims or lateral position

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  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07



     eplace the cord into the vagina to preventfrom vasospasm #ith saline soa)ed pad

     'ontinuous monitoring of 59

     *nform the patient

     2inimal handling of cord


    eplace inside the uterus

    +$cessive handling of the cord"

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Knee chest face do#n position

     4ladder filling #ith saline

     *n Ambulance left lateral position

     2anual elevation if a nurse or family

    physician there

     Urgent transfer to center #ith cesarean

    facilities and neonatal care"

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     !tage " of #abor

     Prepare for +mergency 'esarean section *nform the senior pediatrician

     Delivery should be done #ithin 3- minutes

     *f fetal death occurs, try for vaginal delivery"

    !tage "" #abor !

     +$pedite delivery #ith liberal episiotomy andinstrumental delivery"

     *f there is fetal heart disturbance and not infavor of vaginal delivery plan for +mergency'esarean section"

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     $%treme prematurity &ith cord prolapse:

    ." elo& or around () &ee*s  counsel thepatient"

    *f she #ishes to continue pregnancy if 59 is

    normal and patient #illing for up to 3 #ee)s

    *f patient does not agree allo# for vaginal

    delivery #ith or #ithout o$ytocin infusion

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Overall 7- /

     5irst stage of labor @7 /

     Second stage 7- /

     Beonatal death 1 /

     Perinatal mortality 8- /

     Asphy$ia 9ypo$ic ischaemic encaephlopathy

    'erebral palsy

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Good #ith verte$ presentation than 4reech"

     Good in Primigravida than in multi"

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


    2+D:*B+ and B9S databases

    'OG Green op Guidelines

    ;omenCs 9ospitals Australasia

    :in 2G 8--0E" Umbilical cord prolapse" Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey


    2app 8--7E" 5eelings and fears post obstetric emergencies8" British Journal of

    Midwifery  .3.E!301-"

    2app , 9udson K 8--7E" 5eelings and fears during obstetric emergencies." British

    Journal of Midwifery  .3.E!3-7"

    2urphy DF, 2acKen

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07



  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


     Afolabi 44, :esi 5+, 2era BA 8--0E" egional versus general anaesthesia for caesarean

    section" Cochrane atabase of Systematic !eviews, issue 1"

    4oyle FF, Kat< =: 8--7E" Umbilical cord prolapse in current obstetric practice" Journal

    of !eproductive Medicine 7-7E!3-30"

    'linical Begligence and Other is)s Scheme 'BO*S 8--6E" http!%%###"cnoris"com

    IAccessed 80 2arch 8-.-J"

    'rofts F5, +llis D, Draycott F et al  8--@E" 'hange in )no#ledge of mid#ives and

    obstetricians follo#ing obstetric emergency training! a randomised controlled trial of

    local hospital, simulation centre and team#or) training" BJOG: "n International Journal

    of Obstetrics and Gynaecology  ..1 .8E!.7311."

    Draycott , ;inter ', 'rofts F, et al# eds 8--HE" 2odule H" 'ord prolapse in! $!OM$%:

    $ractical Obstetric Multi$rofessional %raining Course Manual " :ondon! 'OG Press!..@81"

    Gos#ami K 8--@E" Umbilical cord prolapse" *n! Grady K, 9o#ell ', 'o$ '  eds"

    Managing Obstetric &mergencies and %rauma' %he MO&% course manual  8nd ed"

    :ondon! 'OG Press! 833@"

    9oughton G 8--0E" 4ladder filling! an effective techni>ue for managing cord prolapse"

    British Journal of Midwifery  .18E!HH6"

    Kat< , Shoham , :ancet 2 et al  .6HHE" 2anagement of labor #ith umbilical cord

    prolapse! a 7year study" Obstetrics and Gynecology  @88E!8@HH."

    Koonings PP, Paul 9, 'ampbell K .66-E" Umbilical cord prolapse" A contemporary

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


    loo)" Journal of !eproductive Medicine 37@E!06-8"

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    +han* ,ouCORD PROLAPSECord prolapse has been defned as thedescent o the umbilical cord through

    the cervix alongside (occult) or pastthe presenting part (overt) in thepresence o ruptured membranes.Cord presentation is the presence othe umbilical cord between the etalpresenting part and the cervix, with or

    without membrane rupture. Theoverall incidence o cord prolapseranges rom 0.1 to 0.!. "n the caseo breech presentation, the incidenceis slightl# higher than 1. "t has beenreported that male etuses appear to

    be predisposed to cord prolapse. Theincidence is in$uenced b# populationcharacteristics and is higher where

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    there is a large percentage o multiplegestations.

    Cases o cord prolapse appearconsistentl# in perinatal mortalit#en%uiries, and one large stud# ounda perinatal mortalit# rate o &1'1000.rematurit# and congenitalmalormations account or themaorit# o adverse outcomesassociated with cord prolapse inhospital settings1 but birth asph#xia isalso associated with cord prolapse.erinatal death has been describedwith normall# ormed term babies,particularl# with planned home birth.*ela# in transer to hospital appearsto be an important contributing actor.+sph#xia ma# also result in h#poxicischaemic encephalopath# andcerebral pals#.

     The principal causes o asph#xia inthis context are thought to be cordcompression and umbilical arterial

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    vasospasm preventing venous andarterial blood $ow to and rom theetus. There is a paucit# o long-termollow-up data o babies born aliveater cord prolapse in both hospitaland communit# settings.


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    "n general, these actors predispose tocord prolapse b# preventing closeapplication o the presenting part tothe lower part o the uterus and'orpelvic brim. upture o membranes insuch circumstances compounds theris/ o prolapse.

    ome authorities have also speculatedthat cord abnormalities (such as true/nots or low content o harton2s

     ell#) and etal h#poxiaacidosis ma#alter the turgidit# o the cord andpredispose to prolapse. "nterventionscan result in cord prolapse with about30 o cases being preceded b#obstetric manipulation.

     The manipulation o the etus with orwithout prior membrane rupture(external cephalic version, internalpodalic version o the second twin,manual rotation, placement ointrauterine pressure catheters) andplanned artifcial rupture o

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    membranes, particularl# with anunengaged presenting part, are theinterventions that most re%uentl#precede cord prolapse.

    Can cord presentation bedetected antenatally?

    outine ultrasound examination is notsu4cientl# sensitive or specifc oridentifcation o cord presentationantenatall# and should not beperormed to predict increasedprobabilit# o cord prolapse, unless inthe context o a research setting.

    Can cord prolapse or its efects beavoided?

    ith transverse, obli%ue or unstablelie, elective admission to hospital ater567! wee/s o gestation should bediscussed and women should beadvised to present %uic/l# i there are

  • 8/17/2019 Cord Prolapse 07


    signs o labour or suspicion omembrane rupture. omen withnoncephalic presentations andpreterm prelabour rupture o themembranes should be o8eredadmission.

      +rtifcial membrane rupture shouldbe avoided whenever possible i thepresenting part is mobile. " itbecomes necessar# to rupture themembranes, this should be perormedwith arrangements in place orimmediate caesarean deliver#.

    9aginal examination and obstetricintervention in the context o rupturedmembranes and a high presentingpart carr# the ris/ o upwarddisplacement and cord prolapse.:pward pressure on thepresenting part should be /ept to aminimum in such women.

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    upture o membranes should beavoided i, on vaginal examination, thecord is elt below the presenting part.hen cord presentation is diagnosedin established labour, caesareansection is usuall# indicated.

    When should cord prolapse besuspected? Cord presentation and prolapse ma#occur without outward ph#sical signsand with a normal etal heart ratepattern. The cord should be examinedor at ever# vaginal examination inlabour and ater spontaneous ruptureo membranes i ris/ actors arepresent or i cardiotocographicabnormalities commence soonthereater.

      ith spontaneous rupture omembranes in the presence o anormal etal heart rate patterns andthe absence o ris/ actors or cord

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    prolapse, routine vaginal examinationis not indicated i the li%uor is clear.

      Cord prolapse should be suspectedwhere there is an abnormal etal heartrate pattern (brad#cardia, variabledecelerations etc), particularl# i suchchanges commence soon atermembrane rupture, spontaneousl# orwith amniotom#. peculum and'ordigital vaginal examination should beperormed at preterm gestations whencord prolapse is suspected.

    What is the optimal initialmanagement o cord prolapse inhospital settings?

    hen cord prolapse is diagnosedbeore ull dilatation, assistanceshould be immediatel# called and

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    preparations made or immediatedeliver# in theatre. There areinsu4cient data to evaluate manualreplacement o the prolapsed cordabove the presenting part to allowcontinuation o labour. This practice isnot recommended.

     To prevent vasospasm, there shouldbe minimal handling o loops o cordl#ing outside the vagina. To preventcord compression, it is recommendedthat the presenting part be elevatedeither manuall# or b# flling theurinar# bladder. Cord compression canbe urther reduced b# the motheradopting the /neechest position orhead-down tilt (preerabl# in let-lateral position).

     Tocol#sis can be considered whilepreparing or caesarean section ithere are persistent etal heart rateabnormalities ater attempts to

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    prevent compression mechanicall#and when the deliver# is li/el# to bedela#ed.+lthough the measures describedabove are potentiall# useul duringpreparation or deliver#, the# must notresult in unnecessar# dela#.

    What is the optimal mode odelivery with cord prolapse?

    + caesarean section is therecommended mode o deliver# incases o cord prolapse when vaginaldeliver# is not imminent, to preventh#poxiaacidosis.

    + categor# 1 caesarean section shouldbe perormed with the aim odelivering within 50 minutes or less ithere is cord prolapse associated witha suspicious or pathological etal heartrate pattern but without undul# ris/ingmaternal saet#. 9erbal consent issatisactor#.

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    Categor# ; caesarean section isappropriate or women in whom theetal heart rate pattern is normal.egional anaesthesia ma# beconsidered in consultation with anexperienced anaesthetist.

    What is the optimal managementin community settings?

    omen should be advised, over thetelephone i necessar#, to assume the/neechest ace-down position whilewaiting or hospital transer. *uringemergenc# ambulance transer, the/neechest is potentiall# unsae andthe let-lateral position should beused.

    +ll women with cord prolapse shouldbe advised to be transerred to thenearest consultant-led unit ordeliver#, unless an immediate vaginal

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    examination b# a competentproessional reveals that aspontaneous vaginal deliver# isimminent. reparations or transershould still be made.

     The presenting part should beelevated during transer b# eithermanual or bladder flling methods. "t isrecommended that communit#midwives carr# a

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    What is the optimal managemento cord prolapse beore viability?

    >xpectant management should bediscussed or cord prolapsecomplicating pregnancies withgestational age at the limits oviabilit#.:terine cord replacement ma# beattempted. omen should becounselled on both continuation andtermination o pregnanc# ollowingcord prolapse at the threshold oviabilit#.

    Clinical governance

     Debriengostnatal debriefng should be o8ered toever# woman with cord prolapse. +ter

    severe obstetric emergencies, womenmight be ps#chologicall# a8ected withpostnatal depression, post-traumaticstress disorder or ear o urther childbirth.omen with cord prolapse

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    who undergo urgent transer to hospitalmight be particularl# vulnerable toemotional problems.

    *ebriefng is an important part omaternit# care and should be o8ered b# aproessional competent in counselling

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