core-c5s2t2pg23-27 blue dress uniforms. purpose this lesson describes the four types of blue dress...

Blue Dress Uniforms Core-C5S2T2pg23-27 Blue Dress Uniforms

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Blue Dress Uniforms

Core-C5S2T2pg23-27 Blue Dress Uniforms


This lesson describes the four types of Blue Dress uniforms and the occasions for wearing of these uniforms.

Lesson Objectives

1. Describe the four types of Blue Dress uniforms.

2. Demonstrate the proper wear of Blue Dress uniforms.

3. Identify occasions for wear of the Blue Dress uniforms.

Warm Up Questions

CPS Lesson Questions (1-2)

Opening Question

List 2-3 things that are different between Blue Dress “A” and “D” uniforms.

(Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)

Blue Dress “A”

The Blue Dress “A” uniform is prescribed for official social occasions of formality, importance or high honor.

___________ are worn and are the primary difference between the Blue Dress “A” and the Blue Dress “B” uniforms.

Large medals

Blue Dress “B”

The Blue Dress “B” uniform is prescribed for _______ social functions and uniform of the day.

Ribbons are worn on the Blue dress “B” uniform instead of the large medals worn on Blue Dress “A.”


Blue Dress “C”

The Blue Dress “C” uniform is prescribed for parades, ceremonies, and uniform of the day.

It may be worn for leave or liberty.

The Blue Dress “C” uniform may also be worn with a blue sweater.

Blue Dress “D”

The Blue Dress “D” uniform is prescribed for parades, ceremonies, and uniform of the day.

It consists of the short-sleeve shirt with blue trousers for males and short-sleeve shirt with blue skirt or slacks for female.

Lesson Question

CPS Lesson Question (3-4)

Closing Question

List 2-3 things that you learned in this lesson about Blue Dress uniforms that you did not already know.

(Use CPS “Pick a Student” for this question.)

Officer Blue Dress Uniforms

“C” “A” “A” “B” “C”

Enlisted Blue Dress Uniforms

“B” “B” “A” “D” “C”


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Images in this lesson were taken from:

Microsoft© Clip Art GalleryMarine Corps Combat CameraMCJROTC Student Text