coren report 3

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  • 7/31/2019 Coren Report 3



    Generally, speaking the engineering profession is one which experience is found to

    be a priceless asset. Not much difference exits between a Lay man and an

    inexperience engineer.

    This report is aimed at attempting to present a very brief but concise and practical

    record of some engineering activities I undertook since after my graduation as a

    Civil Engineer from the University of Port Harcourt in 1988 to date.

    It must be stressed here that for reasons of time and space constraints, this report is

    made as vivid as possible such that some engineering details are ignored. I wish to

    stress further that this document is not a chronicle of all the engineering activities I

    encountered, but a part of a whole, specifically presented for the purpose of

    meeting up with the requirements for registration as a member of the Council for

    the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

    For purpose of simplicity, this report is divided into three (4) chapters. Each of

    these chapters presents the experience gained in the various fields of Civil


    Chapter one discusses my experience in the field of Highway Engineering. Chapter

    two discusses on Foundation / Geotechnical Engineering, chapter three deals withn

    Structural Engineering, while Chapter four discusses on hydraulics Engineering.

    My experience, as presented in the various chapters, is drawn from my ten-year

    service with Risonpalm Limited and my present employer Nigeria Agip Oil

    Company Limited.

    At Risonpalm Limited (1991-2000), I rose from the position of Civil Engineer to

    Head of Engineering services department. My responsibilities included design,

    supervision and construction of various civil engineering structures / facilities and

    maintenance of buildings and roads. It was also my responsibility to supervise

    Community development projects in the Land owning Communities.

    From the year 2000 till date, I have been working as a Community projectEngineer for Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC) Limited. In this capacity, I

    design, estimate and oversee the construction of roads drainages, various buildings,

    water schemes and other civil engineering facilities in NAOCS land owning

    communities (Swamp and Land areas).

    Extracts of these experiences are put together in this document to represent a small

    portion of my 15 years practice as a Civil Engineer.


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    One of the most frequently demanded facilities by communities where Nigeria

    Agip Oil Company (NAOC) Ltd operates is road.

    As a community project Engineer, it is my responsibility to carryout detailed

    engineering of the roads and present cost estimates.

    Depending on the terrain, different types of roads are considered. For the dry land

    areas, flexible pavements were mostly adopted while for the swampy areas, either

    rigid pavements or stabilized flexible pavements were considered. Basically, for

    whatever type of pavement construction under consideration, an appropriate road

    profile design is carried. During this design, some guiding principles are foundinevitable. These are outline in section 1.1.1.


    Route surveying is carried out to be able to select the most suitable location for the

    roads. In carryout this task, I keep certain guiding principles in mind. However, the

    actual route selected in each situation is the one that represents the best

    compromise solution. The primary guiding principle adopt during route surveying

    includes the following:

    (a) The road should be located where it can best meet the major traffic desire

    lines and be as directed as possible.

    (b) Grades and curvatures are kept to the minimum necessary to satisfy the

    service requirements of the highway.

    (c) Avoiding sudden changes in site distances, especially near junctions.

    (d) Avoiding having a sharp horizontal curve on or adjacent to a pronounced

    vertical curve.

    (e) Sitting roads through undeveloped areas along the edges of large park lands

    and away from highly developed, expensive land areas.

    (f) Locating (as much as possible) a new road on existing ones, so as to

    minimize the use of farm lands and reduce the total initial and maintenance



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    (g) Never having two roads intersecting near a bend or at the top or bottom of a


    (h) For river crossings, roads are kept at right angles to the stream center line.

    (I) Bridges are not to be located on or adjacent a highway curve.

    (j) Care is taken to avoid possible landslides in hilly terrain.

    (k) To minimize drainage problems, routes are located on high ground in place

    of the one a valley.

    (l) As much as possible, marshes and other low lying lands subject to flooding

    are avoided.

    (m) Roads are located on soil which will require the least pavement thickness

    above it. That is, the soil with high valve of CBR.

    (n) Where possible, cuts and fills volumes are balanced to minimize total cost of

    earth works.


    In establishing the route of a proposed road in the rural communities, the first step

    I take requires fixing the two points that the road intends to join, in the area of

    interest, which will include all conceivably feasible routes between the points. This

    area is then searched and a number of broad zones are selected within which it is

    decided to concentrate further searches and selections. This process is continueduntil a particular zone is narrowed down to a route location. The process involves

    continuous searching and selection with such factors as: Topography,

    soil/geological details, land use, population distribution, political, social and

    environmental costs influencing the selection process at each decision making


    Good reconnaissance can be the greatest single money saving phase in the

    construction of a new road. Hence I always recommend for ample provision of

    logistic support by the company while I put in a lot of time for this stage of

    location investigation.

    During sites visits to the areas in question, I make enquires and obtain information

    from the chiefs and elders regarding the hills, water ways and land use. Some of

    the information like the site reports on existing routes, building foundations and

    pipelines (water and/or oil) were obtained from the engineers of these existing civil

    engineering projects in the area.


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    The next step I take after location survey is to carryout a preliminary survey of the

    area. This is made for the purpose of collection all the physical information which

    may affect the location of the road. These information include, the shape of the

    ground, right of way of limits, positions and invert levels of streams and ditches,

    the positions of trees, banks, ledges, bridges, culverts, existing roads, power andpipelines, houses and monuments.

    The next activity I carryout is to translate all the features mentioned above into

    profiles, cross-sections and sometimes into maps, which assists me to determine

    preliminary grades and alignments and prepare cost estimates.


    I have carried out a lot of pavement designs and construction as a community

    project engineer for Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC) Ltd and as an EstateEngineer for Risonpalm Ltd.


    Below are some of the flexible pavements I designed, cost and supervised their



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    COST (N)


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    1 Construction of Aakor street, Omoku 900m 13,500,000

    2 Construction of Iyasara street, Omoku 1.10Km 16,500,000

    3 Construction of police/Eze Ohali street,


    600m 9,000,000

    4 Construction of Cemetry road, Omoku 850m 12,750,000

    5 Construction of Court road, Omoku 2.10Km 31,500,000

    6 Construction of Erema street Omoku 1.10Km 16,500,000

    7 Construction of Oba/Tand road, Omoku 2.85Km 42,750,000

    8 Construction of Egbema street, Omoku 650m 9,750,000

    9 Construction of Abua street, Omoku 400m 6,000,000

    10 Construction of Umuohali street, Omoku 1.05Km 15,750,000

    11 Construction of Umuchikere street, Omoku 810m 12,150,000

    12 Construction of Palace road Omoku 1.10Km 16,500,000

    13 Construction of Various 10 road, Obrikon 8.21Km 123,150,000

    14 Construction of 6 internal roads, Aggah 5.66Km 84,900,000

    15 Construction of Ngbede Aggah roads 4km 60,000,000

    16 Construction of Mgbede internal roads 4.5km 67,500,000

    17 Construction of Elekwuru roads 5.5km 82,500,000

    18 Construction of Ameshi road, Oguta-Imo state 2.71Km 40,650,000

    19 Construction of Akaraolu intend roads 3.41Km 51,150,000

    20 Construction of Oburunwahor street Omoku 1.00Km 15,000,000

    21 Construction of Market road, Omoku 300m 4,500,000

    22 Construction of S.O. Masu road, Omoku 450m 6,750,000

    23 Construction of Umunkaru street, Omoku 1.17Km 17,550,000


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    24 Construction of Okwuzi road 4km 60,000,000

    25 Construction of Aggah road 4km 60,000,000


    The design of a flexible pavement is aimed at ensuring that the stresses transmitted

    on the road surface are sufficiently reduced in order not to exceed the supporting

    capacity of the subgrade.

    In the design of this type of pavement, thorough examination is given to the

    elements that constitute it. These are surface course, Road base and sub-base.

    The design method I used is the California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R). With this

    method, attempts are made to evaluate the stability of the subgrade, so that the

    thickness of the overlying material needed to safely distribute the applied wheel

    load to it can be estimated. Design curves relating pavement thickness with C.B.R

    of the underlying materials were used to determine the thicknesses of the various

    components of flexible pavement. From the results of designs on various roads

    above, the following asphalt pavement thickness appear appropriate

    Light Traffic : 50mm

    Medium Traffic : 75mm

    Heavy Traffic : 100mm

    Some roads whose sub-bases are of very weak soil required crush-stone bases or

    soil-cement stabilization. The thicknesses of these bases are obtained from


    As an example one of the roads I designed and constructed Okwuzi 4km road is

    found on a subgrade having CBR of 4%.

    It was anticipated that 300 vehicles exceeding 30kN was going to use this road.

    The road is to be of 2 lanes in each direction.

    Using table 1: Lane Distribution Factors on multilane roads; it is seen that

    100% of 30kN vehicle are used for 2 lane roadway.

    Using Fig. 1: Flexible pavement design curve; the appropriate curve for this

    design is that of D7

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    The required thickness of pavement for a subgrade of CBR = 4% is about 17

    inches (425mm). However, the total pavement thickness is to be made up of

    Portland cement stabilization, crushed stone and asphalt concrete pavement.

    Generally, cement stabilization is known to produce a minimum C.B.R of 9%which will give (from flexible pavement design curves) a total pavement thickness

    of about 11 inches (275 mm). Hence total thickness of cement stabilized sub-base

    is 425mm-275mm=150mm (6 inches). For crushed stone base, a C.B.R of 75% is

    assumed. With this C.B.R value the curve shows that a pavement depth of 3 inches

    (75mm) is remaining. Thus the total depth of the crushed stone base in 11 inches-3

    inches:(275mm-75mm) = 8inches (200mm)

    Therefore, thickness of asphalt concrete required to complete the pavement section

    = 275mm - 200mm =75mm (3 inches)

    This is a typical design for the roads listed in section 1.1.4.

    For roads with considerably higher values of C.B.R, the cement stabilization and

    stone base application are not necessary.



    1a Site Clearing/Stripping

    1b Grading of road

    1c Filling with Laterite

    1d compacted angcambered road segment

    1e MC 1 priming

    1f Asphalt paving

    1g Rolling of hot Asphalt


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    Below are some areas where I constructed rigid pavements:

    1. Mill (factory) floor Risonpalm Limited, Ubima Estate, Rivers State (figures

    2a 2h).

    2. Kemmer town toad, Twon Brass (Bayelsa State) (Fig. 3)

    3. Secondary school road, Twon Brass (Bayelsa State) (Fig. 4.)

    4. Concrete Road, Akakumama-Okoroma/Tereke L.G.A Bayelsa State (Fig. 5.)

    5. Egbebiri concrete road and drains (fig 6a- 6d)



    Rigid pavements are more suitable and more economical at areas where the C.B.R

    is extremely low and the construction of asphalt pavement may fail almost

    immediately after construction.

    In the design of rigid pavements, I consider four basic factors. These are:

    1. Amount, type and weight of present and anticipated traffic which is similar

    to that required for flexible pavement.

    2. Supporting power and character of the subgrade.

    3. Climatic region in which pavement is to be constructed.

    4. Strength and quality of the concrete to be used.

    These factors determine the quality and thickness of concrete required for the

    pavement. As a result of the expansion and contraction of concrete, I construct

    concrete pavements in segments, allowing for gaps between them. These openings

    serve as expansion joints. During construction of the slabs, allowance is made for

    at least 20% of loads to be transferred across the openings at corners formed by the

    intersection of transverse cracks or joints with the free edge of a pavement withthis provision, the corners of the slabs are said to be protected.

    I adopt three (2) methods of transferring loads from one slab to the other. These

    methods are:

    1. Slip Dowels: These are usually smooth round bars 20mm to 25mm

    diameters, 325mm to 500mm long and spaced 200mm to 450mm apart.


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    Square bars, steel pipes and small channels are sometimes used. (See figure


    2. Sills: A mental support, embedded in one slab end extending under the

    bottom edge of the adjacent slab, is sometimes used.


    Reinforcement steels of prefabricated sheets are the ones I used frequently. During

    usage, I ensured that the reinforcement was free from oil, dirt, loose rust and scale.

    The prefab sheets overlay by more than one complete mesh.


    The surface of the slabs, after final regulation, is usually brush-textured in a

    direction at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the carriage way.


    After casting of concrete slabs, curing is essential to provide adequate protection

    from evaporation and against heat loss or gain by radiation, and thereby allow the

    concrete to attain its designed strength. (See figure 6).


    All pavements I constructed are divided into individual panels by joints in both the

    longitudinal and traverse directions.

    In attempt to prevent differential vertical movement between adjacent slabs, dowel

    bars are provided, set at the mid-depth of the slab and parallel to the longitudinal

    axis if the road. One end of the dowel bar is de-bonded, so that it does not stick to

    the concrete of one slab; the other end is cast into the concrete of the adjacent slab.

    (See figure 7)


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    A building is generally divided into two parts. The superstructure is the sectionabove the ground level while the substructure is below the ground is known as

    foundation. It is therefore obvious that almost all civil engineering facilities are

    supported by foundation and hence foundation engineering plays significant roles

    in engineering projects.


    Since almost every engineering structure rests on foundation, every practicing

    engineer will regularly be in contact with the challenges of

    foundation/geotechnical engineering.

    In my practice, I have designed several types of foundation which can broadly be

    classified as either shallow or deep. However, which ever foundation is in

    question; I consistently look out for having substructures resting on stable soils

    with tolerable deformations. In course of my practice, it became clear that the earth

    under the foundations is the most variable of all the materials that are considered in

    the design and construction of an engineering structure. Within a small region, the

    soil may vary from very soft clay to a hard rock. Hence in major projects (those

    that exert great loads on the soils) I always consider detailed soil survey to

    determine their engineering properties.

    The survey may include sinking of drill holes or trial pits to obtain in-situ test

    results. In other cases soil samples are collected and sent for laboratory analysis.

    Results obtained helps in the determination of safe earth bearing pressures and the

    calculation of possible settlements of the structure, if required.

    For minor structure, there are basic standards adopted for the safe bearing

    pressures for the various soil types.

    I had designed the five different types of shallow foundations known, namely;

    isolated footings, continuous footings, combined footings, mats or raft and floating

    mats. These were found while designing and constructing various buildings,

    retaining walls and tank foundations.


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    Actually, my choice of foundation type depended on such factors as soil bearing

    capacity, types of columns loadings, distances between adjacent columns,

    closeness of columns to property line etc.

    In the design of foundations the serviceability limit states are adopted since

    settlement takes place during the working life of the structure.

    Values of safety factors used are:

    1. Dead plus imposed load = 1.0G + 1.0Qk

    2. Dead plus wind load = 1.0Gk +1.0Wk

    3. Dead plus imposed plus wind load = 1.0Gk +0.8Qk +0.8Wk

    With these partial factors, it is very unlikely that the maximum imposed loads and

    worst wind load will occur at the same time.

    In all my calculations, I make sure that:

    1. The foundation must be properly located considering any future influence

    performance, particularly for footing and mats.

    2. The soil supporting the foundation must be safe against shear fail.

    3. The foundation must not settle or deflect to a degree that can result in a

    damage to the structure or impair its functioning.

    4. The foundation should be safe against sliding and overturning.

    These requirements ordinarily should be considered in the above order.

    The first one involves many different factors, most of which cannot be evaluated

    analytically and have to be answered by engineering judgment.

    The second is specific. It is analogous to the requirement that a beam in the

    superstructure must be safe against breaking under its working load. An answer to

    this requirement can be obtained analytically.

    Answer to the third requirement can be obtained only partly. Settlement of a

    structure under the working loads depend basically on the type of foundation and

    soil, and the same can be estimated analytically. However, exact evaluation of the

    tolerances of different structures with respect to different structures with respect to

    different soils is difficult to estimate and hence one has to depend for this on the

    engineering judgment keeping in view the functioning of the structure.


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    The fourth requirement is specific and evaluated after obtaining relevant earth

    pressure against foundation.


    Reinforce earth is a construction material comprising soil that has been

    strengthened by tensile elements such as metal rods and/or strips nonbiodegradable fabrics (geotextiles), geogrids, and the like.

    One of Nigeria Agip Oil Companys flow station (Obama in Bayelsa) was

    threatened by severe erosion at the water front. The need to check this hazard


    As a project engineer covering this area of operation, I thought of means of

    protecting the eroding shore.

    A system that quickly came to mind was the use of non biodegradable fabrics

    made from petroleum polyester, polyethylene, and polypropylene.

    The form of geotextile used was the knitted type which is formed by the

    interlocking of a series of loops of one or more filaments or strands of yarn to form

    a planar structure.

    Figures 8a 8c show the various interlocking materials that were knitted to form

    the planar structure shown in figures 8d - 8f.

    Figure 8g shows the non biodegradable fabric used in the system.

    Basically, geotexiles serve as filters and reinforcements.


    When placed between two soil layers, one coarse grained and the other fine

    grained, the fabric allows free seepage of water from one layer to the other.

    However, it protects the fine-grained soil from being washed into the - grained



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    The tensile strength of geofabrics increases the load bearing capacity of the soil.

    This increase in bearing capacity interprets to mean reinforcing the soil.

    Exploiting these two all- important properties, geotextiles served as a very

    dependable system used to the check the erosion at the water front of the flowstation.


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    Civil engineering structures are numerous. Below are some structures I have

    designed and constructed as practicing engineer:

    Buildings (Low and high rising).

    Retaining walls/water retaining structures.

    Concrete jetties.

    Concrete culverts.


    For the purpose of this work, time and space may not permit the presentation of

    information and details relating to most of the designs I carried out in area

    mentioned in section 2.2. Hence, I shall only give high lights on where thestructures are located, design procedure & photographs.

    Of these structures, the retaining wall has been chosen as design project for this



    I have carried out quite a lot of building designs and construction in the Port

    Harcourt areas and its environs. The buildings range from bungalow to three (3)

    story buildings. In all designs, I undertook, & employed the philosophy of limit

    states design, the purpose of which was to achieve acceptable probabilities that a

    structure will not become unfit for its intended use. The two principal types of the

    limit states are those of ultimate and serviceability.

    Generally, the relative importance of each limit state varies according to the nature

    of the structure. For instance in buildings & designed, the ultimate limit state was

    taken as the crucial one on which the designs were based even though durability

    and fire resistances (serviceability limit states) influenced initial member sizing


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    and concrete grade selection. Checks are also made to ensure that serviceability

    limit states like: Deflection and cracking were not exceeded.

    During analysis and designs of a structure for a particular limit state, all possible

    variable parameters such as constructional tolerances, loads and material strengths

    were considered. The design code use was BS8110.


    The objectives of concrete mix design are:

    i. To obtain a workable fresh concrete.

    ii. Attain a characteristic compressing strength at 28 days.

    iii. Assure durability of the concrete.

    The chosen mix ratio for the design is 1:2:4 (being proportion of cement to fineaggregate to coarse aggregate either by weight or by volume).

    A specified characteristic strength of 20 N/mm2 is here adopted for design this to

    corresponds to U300c in the imperial system.


    It is usually necessary to design the mix to have strength greater than the specified

    characteristic strength by an amount called the margin. Thus:

    Fm = Fc + Ks

    Where Fm =Target means strength

    Fc = specified characteristic strength

    Ks = the margin

    For a 5% defective level, K is taken as 1.64.

    Hence Fm = Fc + 1.64S.The standard deviation used in calculating the margin is based on results obtained

    using the same plant, material and supervision. However in the absence of relevant

    information, I used values extracted from line A, of figure 2.

    From figure 2, we have S = 8.0 N/mm2 for Fc = 20 N/mm2

    Hence the target strength is computed as follows:


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    Fc =20 + 1.64 X 8 = 33.12 N/mm2 .


    1. Target strength =33.12 N/mm2.

    2. From table 2, for ordinary port land cement, crushed, the compressive strength

    at 28 day in 47N/mm2, for a free water cement ratio of 0.5.

    3. From figure 3, using the compressive strength of 47N/mm2 and the target of

    33.12N/mm2, the free water cement ratio is 0.55.

    4. Determination of free water content depending upon type and maximum size of

    aggregate to give a concrete of the specified slump of 10mm-30.

    Hence from table 2 aggregate size of 20mm, crushed and a slump of 10mm

    30mm, free water content is 190 Kg/m3

    5. Cement content = free - water content

    free water/cement ratio

    = 190/0.55 Kg/m3

    = 346 Kg/m3

    6Total aggregate content = D Wc Wfw

    Where D = Wet density of concrete (Kg/m3)

    = 2400kg/m3

    Wc = The cement contents (Kg/m3)

    Wfw = The free- water content (Kg/m3)

    Hence total aggregate content = 2400 346 190 = 1864 Kg/m3

    7. Fine aggregate content = Total aggregate x Proportion of fine

    =1864 X 0.29 = 541 Kg/m3

    8. Coarse aggregate = Total Aggregate content Fine content

    = 1864 541 = 1323 kg/m3


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    Quantities Water (Kg) Fine agg.(kg) Coarse gg.(kg)

    Weigth per m3 346 190 541 1323

    Wt. of trial mix

    Per 0.08m3

    24 15.2 44 106


    Concrete jetties are structures normally constructed at the water front as landing areas.They consist of slab deck/walkway carried by piles driver into rive r bed.

    I have been involved in the design and construction of some concrete jetties for

    riverine communities in Bayelsa State. These include the Dorgu Ewoama jetty in

    Okoroma / Tereke Local Government area and Amasoma jetty all of Bayelsa State.

    Most of the soils in the riverine areas do not have high bearing capacities, as such

    Pilings are a convenient method of foundation construction for works over water such

    as jetties or bridge piers.


    Selecting the type of pile to be used and estimating its necessary length are fairly

    difficult tasks that require good engineering judgment.

    Generally, piles can be divided into three categories: (a) point bearing piles, (b)

    friction piles, and (c) compaction piles.

    In all the jetties I designed and constructed, I ensured that piles extended down to

    refusal (firm soil) so that the load is carried by either end bearing or friction or a

    combination of both.

    Point bearing piles are those that are extended down to the rock surface in which case,

    the ultimate capacity of the piles depend entirely on the capacity of the underlying



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    There were cases where no layer of rock or rocklike material is present at a reasonable

    depth at the site. In this circumstance point bearing piles become uneconomical;

    rather the piles are driven through softer materials to specific depths.

    These piles are called friction piles because most of the resistance is derived from

    friction and their length depends on the shear strength of the soil, the applied load,

    and the pile size.

    Under certain circumstances, piles are driven in angular soils to achieve proper

    compaction of soil close to the ground surface. These piles are called compaction

    piles. The length of the piles depends on factors such as relative density of the soil

    before compaction, desired relative density of the soil after compaction and required

    depth of compaction. These piles are generally short; however, some field tests are

    necessary to determine a reasonable length.

    In determining the necessary length of piles, I ensure that I have a good understanding

    of soil - pile interaction and good engineering judgment. It must be stated however,that, experience is very vital in the choice of pile type and lengths.


    In positioning the piles, it was ensured that the minimum spacing of piles, centre to

    centre, was not less than the pile perimeters. During design, I considered the piles as

    short columns. The vertical loads on the group of the vertical piles (with symmetrical

    axis) were considered to be distributed according to the equation of an eccentric loadon a pad foundation:

    Pn = N/n + Nexx/Ixx Yn + Neyy/Iyy Xn

    Where Pn =axial load on an individual pile

    N = vertical load on the pile group

    n = number of piles

    exx and eyy =eccentricities of the load N about the centroidial axes xx and yy

    Xn and Yn = distances of the individual pile from axes Yy and Xx respectively.


    The problems I encountered during the design and construction stages are as follows:


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    i. Difficulty in obtaining soil data (index properties)

    ii. Difficulty in ascertaining the actual loading on the structure. Experience has shown

    that some of these jetties are used for services other than the one they were

    designed for.

    iii. A case of wrong reinforcement in the piles 5R12 bars used instead of 6Y12 bars

    iv. Communitys divided opinion on site of project.


    i. As stated earlier, the preliminary engineering of this type of project will

    necessarily involve soils survey to obtain the required geotechnical properties of

    the soil. The required information included, soil stratification, bearing pressure,

    shear strength and density. It was not possible to obtain this information. However,relevant texts on soils of the Niger Delta were handy from where the

    characteristics of the soils were extracted. Worse conditions were used for the


    ii. Jetties are constructed for normal human traffic. However, in some situations, the

    structure is made to carry non designed load for longer than necessary times.

    In the designs I carried out, provision were made for such additional (excess) loads

    on the structure. Punching shears were checked at positions where loads are likely

    to be dropped. An example of this is a case of barging in a heavy duty generatingset to a community having a jetty. It is certain that the most likely off- loading

    route for the set should be the jetty. Such eventual loading of jetties were

    considered in the designs.

    iii On one of my visits to site, I discovered that reinforcements had been provided in

    all the piles. I also discovered that rather than the designed reinforcement of 6Y12

    bars in each of the piles, the contractor provided for 5R12 bars .As it were, It was

    not possible to pull out the reinforcement and make appropriate replacement

    because it was not easy to do this without the pile driver which had left site. In

    solving this problem, two things were done:

    a. All the reinforcements in the piles were raised up by hand to a certain level and

    1R12 bar fixed. This made the reinforcement to be six in number in each of the

    piles to conform with the provision of design codes vis- a-vis minimum number of

    reinforcements rods in a circular column


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    b. A computation was made to determine the additional number of Y12 bars to be

    added in each of the piles so as to obtain the designed steel strength, (fy).

    The computation was carried out as follows:

    Characteristic strength for high yield steel = 460 N/mm2

    Ratio of strength of high yield steel to mild steel

    = 460 : 250

    = 1 : 0.54

    Total No of mild steel rods provide = 6

    Additional quantity of high yield rod required to obtain the characteristic strength

    of high yield bar = 6 X 0.54

    = 3.24 lengths

    Hence No of additional Y12 bars provided = 3 lengths

    iv. Most community projects are characterized by communal problems, ranging from

    project site location to engagement of labour force from the community. As the

    problems arose, consultations and discussions were employed in resolving the

    matters. Key figures in the communities were appointed liaisons officers through

    out the duration of the construction.


    I have undertaken the design and construction of several culverts at Risonpalm

    limited, Nigeria Agip Oil Company and various parts of Port Harcourt city.


    My selection of the most suitable culvert shape depended on such factors as

    topography of site, importance of hydraulic and structural efficiency, erosion and


    In my design of culverts, I do minimize the problems of channel erosion and

    deposition by choosing culvert shapes that fit the drainage channel in such a way as to

    cause as little change in flow as possible. For deep, narrow channels carrying periodic

    high flows, tall, comparatively narrow box or arch best fit the natural waterway.


    i. Box culverts


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    ii. Circular (Ring) culverts

    BOX CULVERT: I have designed single and multiple boxes pending on the

    amount of water to be discharged. The formworks are simple, inexpensive, and can

    be used repeatedly. Bending and placing the reinforcement is uncomplicated and

    similar to standard reinforce concrete building construction.

    Box culvert: DESIGN CONSIDERATION: In my designs, I considered

    box culverts best suited for moderate to low fills. As fill heights increase, they

    become less economical than other shapes. They are best used for square or

    rectangular openings with spans up to about 4m with height of vent rarely

    exceeding 3m.


    In the design of culverts I adopted the following design procedures:

    LOADING CASES: The loading condition I considered in the design of the

    barrel (per init length of barrel) are six in number namely:

    a. Concentrated vertical loads due to wheel loads


    The reaction at foundation is assumed uniform

    W (the wheel load) = PI/e

    Where P = wheel load

    I = impact factor

    e = effective width of dispersion=Kl + w

    The values of K & l depend on the dimension of the culvert



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    ts h L = L+tw

    tw tw H H = h + ts

    l K = H/L (ts/tw)3


    b. Uniform vertical loads



    The load and the weight of wearing coat and deck slab occur as uniform load. Thefoundation reaction is uniform.

    c. Weight of walls

    w w


    The weight of the side walls are assured to cause Uniform reaction at foundation

    d. pressure from contained water


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    The barrel is assumed to be full with water level at the top of the opening. A

    triangular distribution of pressure is assumed

    e. Triangular Lateral Loads

    P/m2 P/m2

    The earth pressure computed according to coulombs theory is applied to both sides.

    The earth pressure is applied alone when the live load surcharge is neglected, or in

    combination with case f (below), when considering live load surcharge also.


    p/m2 p/m2

    The effect of live load surcharge when acting alone will be a uniform lateral load.

    This loading is considered Uniform on both ides. When combined with case e, the

    effect of trapezoidal loading will be obtained.


    In designing of vent ways for culverts, I considered the discharge to be catered for.

    Except in the case of buried barrel, the maximum flood level was always below thebottom of top slap allowing for vertical clearance. In this case, the designs of vent

    way were carried out as for a culvert with reinforced concrete slab deck. The design

    of vent way for buried barrel was done in a similar to a pipe culvert. The ratio of span

    to height of vent I adopted in most of my designs lies between 1:1 and 1.5:1



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    The structural designs of culverts were done using standard tables. I obtained the

    governing moments, thrusts and shears at the critical sections of a box culvert from

    standard tables.

    In these tables, the walls and slabs are assumed to have the thickness. Moments,

    thrusts and shears were computed, preferably using a tabular form for the six cases

    and are algebraically added to get the net effects.

    Reinforcements were provided and detailed to provide adequate resistance to the

    effects of the applied forces, for the entire height. In cases were two layers of

    reinforcement were required in the side walls, I considered slight reduction in the

    cross section, since the compressive stress in the concrete will be reduced somewhat

    by the steel in the compression zone.

    Generally speaking, high localized stresses occur at corners of box culverts and other

    continuous structures. I always attempt to reduce such stresses by introducing fillets at

    the corners. Good practice calls for increasingly larger fillers as the spans increase, upto 150mm (measuring for the horizontal and vertical legs of the fillet) for large boxes.

    The effect on the hydraulic capacity of this slight reduction in area has been found to

    be insignificant.

    Below is a typical cross section of a box culvert I designed on a private capacity for

    use in the Port Harcourt area.


    Generally, to obtain a good quality concrete in all the structures discussed above the

    strength of concrete used in the design should be that below which 5% of results are

    unlikely to fall. The characteristic material strengths, as these values are called, are

    achieved by carrying out concrete mix designs.

    This design consists of selecting the correct proportions of cement, fine and coarse

    aggregates and water to produce concrete having the specified strength. Concrete

    strengths I used varied from structure to structure; depending on the intended use and

    exposure of the structure.

    A typical concrete mix design has been carried out in chapter 3.


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    A critical view of culverts I constructed shows that for deep, narrow channels carrying

    periodic high flows, tall and comparatively narrow box or arch best fit the natural

    water way.

    This practice makes installation less expensive. The use of circular sections mosttimes results in maximum economy in material since for a given perimeter a circle has

    a greater cross sectional area than any other shape.


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    The content of this section is focused on some of the problems I encountered in thefield of hydraulic engineering and ways I attended to them.


    I undertook some designs of uniform pipe lines at Risonpalm Limited, Ubima Estate.

    Only one of these cases will be discussed for the purpose of this report.


    There are two water reservoirs at the Nucleus Estate of Risonpalm Limited Ubima. A

    80m3 storage tank located at the industrial area delivers water to a 250m3 over headservice tank, 2.00km away. The service tank is located at the residential area from

    where water is distributed to various residential buildings.

    The water line had lasted for about twenty years. The consequences of age these on

    pipes were two fold:

    i. Profuse leakages were noticed frequently as a result of pipe rust and consequent


    ii. No adequate supply of water in some sections of the Estate as a result ofpopulation growth, since there has been an increase in the consumption rate above

    the designed value.


    I undertook the design of a new pipe length which involved choosing the diameter

    of standard commercially available PVC pressure pipes that provided the

    required flow. This flow was aimed at achieving the new consumption rate.

    Design Data

    Length of pipeline = 2.00 Km

    Minimum difference in water level between the 2 reservoirs = 20m

    Effective roughness size of pipe wall (K) = 0.05mm

    Population of inhabitants = 8500 persons.


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    Step 1: Computation of daily consumption rate

    Based on the world Health organization (WHO) standard, the consumprion rate of

    250 litres /head/day was used for the design.

    Total consumption per day = 250 x 8500 litres

    = 2.125x106 litres

    Rate of consumption = 2.125x106 litres


    = 24.6 litres/sec

    Hence, the task is to design a Uniform pipeline to convey water at a minimum rate of24.6 l/s

    Step 2: Determination (Design) of appropriate pipe size

    Applying the Bernoulli equation between the two reservoirs:

    H = LV2 / 2Gd + 10V2 / 2G - - - - - - -(1)

    Where the figure 10v2/2g represents minor loses.

    In solving this problem, the minor loses was initially ignored, hence

    hf = H = LV2 / 2gD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (ii)

    Where hf = H = difference in water level between the two reservoirs

    = a non-dimensional coefficient = 64/Re

    Re = Reynolds number = Vd

    V = Velocity of flow

    D = Diameter of pipe

    = Viscosity of flow material

    Considering the Colebrook white equation:


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    1/ = -2 log [ k/3.7D + 2.51/Re 2] - - - - - - - - - iii

    Combining equations ii & iii yields

    V = -2 2gD hf/L log [k/3.7D + 2.51 /D 2gd hf/L] - - - - - - iv

    Using hf = 20, the corresponding discharge capacities for a serious of standard pipe

    diameters were calculated and tabulated as shown below:

    D (m) 0.05 0.075 0.100 0.15 0.25

    V (m/s) 0.11 0.18 0.28 0.36 0.54

    Q (l/s) 0.22 0.75 2.2 6.4 26.5

    Thus a 250mm diameter pipeline is required since the flow rate (26.5 l/s) is close to

    the required one of 24.6l/s

    Checking for the effect of minor losses

    Q = 26.5 m3/s V = 0.54 m/s

    hm = 10v2/2g = 10 x 0.542/2x9.8 = 0.15m

    hf = H hm

    = 20 0.15

    = 19.85m

    Using this value of hf to calculate for V, yields

    V = -2 2x 9.8x 0.25 x 19.85 log [0.05 2.51x4.23x10-6 ]

    2000 3.7x0.25 0.25 2x9.8x0.25x19.85

    2000V =-2 0.049 log (0.054)

    = 0.56 m/s

    The revised discharge Q = VA = 0.56 x (0.25/2)2 = 0.02748 m/s

    = 27.5 l/s

    This flow appears satisfactory because the minimum value required is 24.6 l/s.


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    The construction of the designed pipeline was carried out in stage. The entire length

    of the line had not been completed as at the time of this report. However, it was

    observed that a letter distribution pattern was achieved with the extent of change




    In Risonpalm nucleus Estate, there exists a very large effluent pit where all waste

    water (including sludge) and surface run off empty into. This pit has been existing

    since the inception of the company. Twenty (20) years of operation left the pit filled

    with a mixture of sludge and water. During the rainy season, there is always a back

    flow from this pit into the factory drains, resulting to over flooding of the premises.

    The management of the company directed the engineering services department to

    develop a proposal to solve the problem. As the head of the department, I carried out

    the following procedures in an attempt to proffer solution to the problem.


    The first step I took was to gather relevant information necessary for an adequate

    design. These information are given below

    Distance between pit and discharge point = 5km

    Static lift = 20m

    Available pump in the store had the following characteristic

    Discharge (e/s) 0 10 20 30 40 50

    Total head (m) 41.3 38.4 36.7 35.0 34.1 30.5

    Efficiency % 40 55 62 60 58

    A UPVC pipe was chosen as the transfer medium because the sewage was acidic and

    may corrode steel pipes if used for the discharge.


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    The discharge rate I choosed for this system was 30 l/s.

    At 30 l/s, total head =35.0m

    :. Sum of the static lift and pipeline losses must not exceed 35.0m.

    Pipes of different diameters were tried to achieve this condition. The appropriate

    diameter is 250mm, obtained as follows

    Try =D 300mm: A = 0.0707m2

    V = O/A = 0.03m3/s = 0.42m/s



    Re = vD/ = 0.42 X 0.3/10-6 m2/s

    = 1.26 X 105

    K/d = 0.15/300 = 0.0005

    = 0.0345

    Frictional Head loss = 0.0345 X 5000 X 0.422

    0.3 X2 X 9.81

    = 5.17m

    Hs + Hf = 20 + 5.17 = 25.17m < 35m

    This pipe diameter is too large.

    Try 200mm A = 0.031m2

    V = 0.03/0.031 = 6.97 m/s

    Re = 0.97 X 0.2 / 10-6 = 1.94 X105

    K/D = 0.15/200 = 0.00075

    = 0.028

    Frictional Head loss (Hf) = 0.028 X 5000 X 0.972 / 0.2 X 2 X9.81


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    Hf = 33.57

    Hs + Hf =20 + 33.5

    = 53.57 > 35 (pipe diameter is too small)

    Try D = 250mm A = 0.049

    V = 0.61m3/s

    Re = 0.61 X0.25 / 10-6 = 1.53 X 105

    K/D = 0.15 / 250 = 0.0006

    = 0.029

    Hf = 0.029 X 5000 X 0.612

    0.2 X 2 X 9.81

    = 13.75m

    Hs + Hf = 20 + 13.75

    = 33.75m (