corfu, paleokastritsa2


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Post on 30-May-2015




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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! Paleokastritsa is a place of dramatic beauty and romance where according to the legend Nausika rescued the castaway Odysseus. The steep cliffs divide the coastline into 6 sandy bays where the emerald color of the rich vegetation reaches the shoreline and meets the turquoise sea. The hills above Paleokastritsa offer spectacular views and a thirteenth-century monastery overlooks the town(At the northern most promontories (Agios Spyridon) lay the 12th century monastery of Theotokos. The Monastery stands on a sheer hillside full of wild trees and olive trees facing the deep blue sea). You'll hear "Kalimera" all over Greece, from your hotel staff to people you see on the street. "Kalimera" means "Good day!" or "Good morning!" It comes from kali, meaning beautiful or good, and mena, meaning "day". How the "mena" became a "mera" is a mystery.


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Aşezată pe şase lagune, este cea mai spectaculoasă staţiune a insulei. De la Lakonés (Bella Vista), putem admira stânca Kolovry „corabia de piatră” mănăstirea Moni Theotokou sau „Citadela îngerilor”, o fortăteaţă bizantină din sec XIII

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Marian Cocu


Sanda FoişoreanuFond muzical: ♦ Sirtaki