corporate brochure of kioxia holdings corporation€¦ · 2016 established toshiba memory...

C orporate Profile 1-21, Shibaura 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo TEL +81-3-6478-2500 KIOXIA Group

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1-21, Shibaura 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo TEL KIOXIA Group

As the inventor of the NAND Flash memorywe had a profound impact on the world.We will continue changing the worldas we keep evolving our memory technologies.We will store and retrieve not only the information in human brains, devices, and media but also feelings and ways of thinking, ultimately connecting the experiences and emotions of every moment.


From Toshiba Memory to KIOXIABy evolving “memory” we create uplifting experiences and change the world

“KIOXIA” is a combination of the Japanese word kioku meaning “memory” and the Greek word axia meaning “value.” Merging “memory” with “value”, our company name KIOXIA represents our mission to uplift the world with memory.Kioku, which underpins our mission and vision, goes beyond the notion of memory as mere data to broadly encompass experiences, emotions and ideas.




Mission ・ Vision 03

History 03

Business Overview 05


15Message fromPresident and CEO

13GlobalResearch andTechnology Development 07


09Smart Factory

As the inventor of the NAND Flash memorywe had a profound impact on the world.We will continue changing the worldas we keep evolving our memory technologies.We will store and retrieve not only the information in human brains, devices, and media but also feelings and ways of thinking, ultimately connecting the experiences and emotions of every moment.


From Toshiba Memory to KIOXIABy evolving “memory” we create uplifting experiences and change the world

Uplifting the worldwith “memory”

With progressive memorytechnology at our core, we o�er products,services, and systems that create choiceand de�ne the future.

By evolving “memory” we create uplifting experiences and change the world.



We were the �rst in the world to invent �ash memory. Here is the path we have followed to uplift the world with “memory”.


Invented the world's�rst NAND�ash memory

1987Commercializedthe world’s �rst 4MbitNAND �ash memory

1991EstablishedYokkaichi Plant

1992Announced the world’s�rst 3D �ash memorytechnologyCommercialized 128 GBSSD with MLC NAND�ash memory

2007Commercialized SDmemory cards

2000Commercialized the world’s�rst 15nm NAND�ash memory

2014Commercialized the world’s�rst 48-layer BiCS FLASH™

3D �ash memory

2015Prototyped the world’s �rst64-layer BiCS FLASH™

3D �ash memory

2016Established ToshibaMemory CorporationPrototyped 96-layerBiCS FLASH™ 3D �ash memory

2017Transitioned to aholding company structureDeveloped XL-FLASH™

storage class memoryChanged companyname to KIOXIACompleted constructionof K1 at new Kitakami Plant



Spun o� fromToshiba Group


“KIOXIA” is a combination of the Japanese word kioku meaning “memory” and the Greek word axia meaning “value.” Merging “memory” with “value”, our company name KIOXIA represents our mission to uplift the world with memory.Kioku, which underpins our mission and vision, goes beyond the notion of memory as mere data to broadly encompass experiences, emotions and ideas.




Mission ・ Vision 03

History 03

Business Overview 05


15Message fromPresident and CEO

13GlobalResearch andTechnology Development 07


09Smart Factory

The evolution of IoT, AI and 5G has caused an explosion in the amount of data being produced by society. Large-capacity, high-performance storage and high-speed data processing systems are essential to utilizing this data.As the leading company in �ash memory, KIOXIA provides products and services that give birth to new value.

BusinessOverviewThe role played by memory isbecoming ever more importantin a variety of situations.


We provide new products and servicesthat are essential to the full-scaleutilization of big data.

Flash Memory

Cloud AIIoT Big Data5G Network

Automotive Entertainment



Three approaches to “memory” technology.Leading the charge into new a “new age of memory”.


The globe is our stage.Rapid access to the newest technologies across the world.

SSD/Memory Cards SystemsResearch and development of higher-capacity and higher-performance 3D �ash memory,and next generation memory.

Development of high-performance SSD and memory card products, and research and development of security technology.

Research and development of state-of-the-art storage systems, and AI technologies applicable in factory production systems.

KIOXIA conducts research at Yokohama Technology Campus (Kanagawa Prefecture) and Memory Development Center at Yokkaichi Plant (Mie Prefecture).KIOXIA also has overseas locations in countries and regions where cutting-edge IT companies are active, to gain swift access to the newest technology.

KIOXIA actively involves in open innovation with various companies, and conducts joint development with universities and equipment/materials manufacturers for rapid product development.KIOXIA has passionate and inquisitive engineers from diverse expertise to pursue research and development for the next “memory” technology.

Collaboration across boundaries.Joint development towardsthe next “memory” technology.


Searching for the next “memory”technology to uplift the world.




大 学


Research and TechnologyDevelopment

Yokohama TechnologyCampus

Yokkaichi Memory R&D Center Storage Research and Design Center (SRDC)


Our Yokkaichi Plant (Mie Prefecture) produces more than one third of the �ash memory used throughout the world. (According to our own research, and including joint capital investment with Western Digital Corporation (WDC)). There are �ve fabrication plants within the site’s 660,000 m2 grounds. And we collaborate closely with R&D and manufacturing departments toproduce advanced �ash memory.

This graph was created by KIOXIA using Gartner data and is based on salesSource: Norwood, Andrew et al., Market Share: Semiconductors by End Market, Worldwide, 2018, (Gartner: 8 April 2019)KIOXIA = Toshiba Memory & Toshiba

We collect and analyze more than 2.5 billion data points from our production lines every day and employ them toward automated transport and advanced control of our production facilities.We are also starting to utilize AI technology. Using big data,we operate the new Kitakami Plant(Iwate Prefecture) in close cooperation with Yokkaichi Plantto secure high productivity.

The world’s largest�ash memory factory.

Smart factoriesthat utilize big data.





Western Digital






SK hynix





FlashMemory Fab


Big Data



SmartFactoryEvolving factories that employAI technology are deliveringhigh-quality products to the world.

2018 Global NAND Flash Memory Market Share

Observe universal principles on human rights and promote fair and sound business activities

Respect for diverse individualities and life-work balance and create a work environment in which individuals can maximize their capabilities

Promote human rights, labor, safety, environmental and other initiatives in cooperation with suppliers

Promote environmental management for people leading ful�lling lifestyles in harmonywith the earth

KIOXIA Group promotes CSR management with the aim of changing the world for the better by contributing to solutions for societal challenges. We achieve this through creating new value by ful�lling our mission to pursue the possibilities of “memory”.

On the basis of self-assessment in regard to the 345 items stated in ISO 26000, assessment review by a third-party institution, and communication with stakeholders, KIOXIA Group mapped core subjects (37 items), with the vertical axis representing the “degree of interest of stakeholders” and their horizontal axis representing the “importance to our business”, in the order of high, medium and low priority. Then we, based on the results of this analysis, eventually identi�ed four high-priority items in both axes as our CSR issues.

E�orts toward sustainability.

Our CSR material issues

Example activity

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was unanimously adopted at the United Nations headquarters in New York in September 2015. The agenda calls for no one to be left behind and stipulates 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as important guidelines to help the international community realize sustainable development and the elimination of poverty by 2030. In KIOXIA Group, we are working towards identifying how our companies’ businesses are related to each of the 169 targets set for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and are considering ways of contributing to the achievement of these. In �scal 2018, we held CSR lectures and internal planning conferences focusing on the SDGs. Going forward, we will continue to work on measures to help achieve these.

Our e�orts to help achieve the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs).

Respect forHuman Rights


CSR Management in the Supply Chain


Introduction of environmental-related facilities Systematizing 24-hour monitoring, detection andveri�cation of e�ects on the environmentIn order to prevent contamination by chemical substances and

reduce contamination risk, KIOXIA has established its Structural Design Guidelines to reduce the risk of a leak of chemicals at environment-related facilities.

In order to protect our atmosphere, rivers and seas, we conduct 24-hour monitoring in accordance with internal standards that are stricter than government regulations.

Structures andspeci�cationsfor stable processing

Waste gas scrubber


SustainabilityEnriching society through “memory”

Reducing soilcontamination risks

Overhead piping

Preventing wastewaterfrom discharging into underor public water areas

Drainage dike

Stable processing systemand preventing out�ow ofwastewater

Wastewater treatment plant

Monitoring andpreventing liquid leakages

Double joints in piping

Six-sided inspection �ndsabnormality easilyin an early stage

Automatic measurementof water quality

Automatic measurementof soot and dust

Analysis Center

Six-sided inspection

We carry out 24-hour monitoring of NOx, SOx, total nitrogen (T-N), total phosphorus (T-P), COD, suspended solids (SS), �uorine (F) and pH.

We conduct independent management through sampling in order to strengthen our management.

We have established an analysis center in our plant that analyses approximately 35,000 items every year.





GlobalThe world’s tech companiesare our customers.

Sales by region

Sales contacts

R&D locations

America   KIOXIA America, Inc.

Europe    KIOXIA Europe GmbH

Hong Kong  KIOXIA Asia, Limited

Singapore  KIOXIA Singapore Pte. Ltd.

Japan    Yokohama Technology Campus 

Japan    Yokkaichi Memory R&D Center

America   Storage Research and Design Center (SRDC)



Plant locations

Japan    KIOXIA Yokkaichi Plant

Japan    KIOXIA Iwate Corporation

Taiwan    KIOXIA Taiwan Corporation

Korea    KIOXIA Korea Corporation

China    KIOXIA (China) Co., Ltd.

Approximately 90% of KIOXIA’s salescome from global markets.


4%38% 8%50%

Plant locations R&D locations Sales contacts

Nobuo Hayasaka

President and CEO

KIOXIA Corporation

KIOXIA Holdings Corporation


Toshiba Memory Corporation o�cially changed its name to KIOXIA Corporation, e�ective on October 1, 2019. The name KIOXIA re�ects the company’s mission to “uplift the world with ‘memory’”. When we say “memory”, we mean much more than simply recorded data. To us, it represents the comprehensive collection of emotions, experiences and ideas beyond digital information gathering. As KIOXIA, we will create new value in the memory space, changing the world through innovative solutions. From the invention of NAND �ash memory in 1987, to pioneering the development of 3D �ash memory, we have always been leading the charge into new eras of memory. Today, we deliver �ash memory and solid state drives (SSD) which power crucial information infrastructure, including data centers, smartphones, PCs and electronic devices essential to people’s lives across the globe. As our digital society and technological innovation continues to move forward, the amount of data being generated, stored and utilized is increasing exponentially, leading to a new era of memory. As KIOXIA, we will lead this new era by leveraging our creative technology to further enrich people’s lives and expand possibilities within society through innovative memory solutions.

From Toshiba Memory to KIOXIA— Toshiba Memory O�cially Becomes KIOXIA —Unleashing the Potential of “Memory”


President and CEO



Business Outline



1-21, Shibaura 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Nobuo Hayasaka

10 billion yen

BCPE Pangea Cayman, L.P. (49.9%)Toshiba Corporation (40.2%)Hoya Corporation (9.9%)Note: Based on ownership of voting rights

Group strategy formulation and management oversight

Approx. 80 Consolidated approx. 12,000



President and CEO



Business Outline

Major Subsidiaries

1-21, Shibaura 3-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo

April 1, 2017

Nobuo Hayasaka

Approx. 223 billion yen

KIOXIA Holdings Corporation (100%)

Development, manufacturing and sales of memory and related products, and related business

Japan KIOXIA Systems Co., Ltd.      KIOXIA Advanced Package Corporation      KIOXIA Etoile Corporation      KIOXIA Iwate CorporationOverseas KIOXIA America Inc.      KIOXIA Europe GmbH      KIOXIA Asia, Limited      KIOXIA Singapore Pte. Ltd.      KIOXIA Taiwan Corporation      KIOXIA Semiconductor Taiwan Corporation      KIOXIA Korea Corporation      KIOXIA (China) Co., Ltd.      KIOXIA Israel Ltd.      KIOXIA Technology UK Ltd.


Company Outline

KIOXIA Holdings Corporation

KIOXIA CorporationTogether, we have an exciting journey ahead.