corporate governance

CLASS PRESENTATION Nov 14, 2012 Saad Khan Faisal Tahir Faizan Ali Khan A couple of hours in the laboratory can save a couple of months in the library

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Saad Khan Faisal Tahir Faizan Ali Khan

“ A couple of hours in the laboratory can save a couple of months in the library “

Today’s Topic

Importance of Corporate Governance

in Organizations

Corporate Governance – The Hue & Cry!

What is CG??

A system by which a corporation is directed and controlled ~ Cadbury Committee 1992

The framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes within and by which authority is exercised and controlled in corporations ~ CG Principles & Recommendations, Australia


Governance Roles

Board Structure Role of the board Role of individual directors Role of the Chairman Role of the CEO

Key - Board Functions

Strategy CEO Evaluation Monitoring Risk Management Compliance Policy Framework Networking Stakeholder Communication Decision Making

Board Procedures

Board meetings Board meeting agenda Board papers Board minutes The board calendar Committees

Effective Governance

Director protection Board evaluation Director remuneration Director development Director selection & induction

Why is it important??

It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and five minutes to ruin it ~ Warren Buffet

Boards generally met the characteristics of good governance but failed to perform effectively ~ Walker Review, U.K. 2010

Benefits of Sound Corporate Governance

Access to capital / reduce cost of capital Improved reputation Ensuring business sustainability Positive impact on organizational efficiency Ethical behavior Better operating results

Corporate Governance as Risk Mitigation

Paramount importance to a company  as important as its primary business plan prevent corporate scandals, fraud and the civil and criminal

liability of the company enhances a company’s image in the public eye as a self-policing

company dictates the shared philosophy, practices and culture of an

organization and its employees.


Corporation without a system of corporate governance is often regarded as a body without a soul or conscience

Corporate governance keeps a company honest and out of trouble

If this shared philosophy breaks down, then corners will be cut, products will be defective and management will grow complacent and corrupt.

The end result is a fall that will occur when gravity – in the form of audited financial reports, criminal investigations and federal probes – finally catches up, bankrupting the company overnight. 

Dishonest and unethical dealings can cause shareholders to flee out of fear, distrust and disgust.