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Corporate Identity Manual Safety is our business Document Last Updated: 08/2012

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Page 1: Corporate Identity Manual - Dynasafe of contents DYNASAFE | CORPORATE IDENTITY 3 WELCOME Welcome to Dynasafe´s Corporate Identity Manual We have created this manual in …

Corporate Identity Manual

Safety is our business

Document Last Updated: 08/2012

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Page 3: Corporate Identity Manual - Dynasafe of contents DYNASAFE | CORPORATE IDENTITY 3 WELCOME Welcome to Dynasafe´s Corporate Identity Manual We have created this manual in …

Table of contents



Welcome to Dynasafe´s Corporate Identity ManualWe have created this manual in order to maintain a strong brand and consequent communication through out the company.

In this manual you will find information about how to use our logotype, fonts, colors and other graphical related material.

If you have any questions about the content or usage of this manual, please contact: Dynasafe Marketing Manager Anna Andergrahn, +46 586 771 244.

BRAND COMPONENTS 4Logo..........................................................................................................................................4 Application and size ...........................................................................................................................4 Color options and varieties .................................................................................................................4 Corporate tagline ................................................................................................................................4

Graphics, color and fonts..........................................................................................................5 Logo carrier ........................................................................................................................................5 Colors .................................................................................................................................................5 Fonts ..................................................................................................................................................5

COMMUNICATIONS 6Business cards and envelopes .................................................................................................6 How to order .......................................................................................................................................6

Letter ........................................................................................................................................7

Product Specification and Sales material .................................................................................8

E-mail signature........................................................................................................................9

PowerPoint® presentations ....................................................................................................10

Images .................................................................................................................................... 11

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Application and sizeThe minimum application size for the Dynasafe logo is 10 millimetres in height.

The Dynasafe logo should occupy its own space. Always maintain a generous “safe” area equal to the height of the “Dynasafe” in the logo on all sides of the logo. Note the clearly defined spacing limits in the example below.

Color options and varieties You have three basic options to choose from:

• Primary colors red (PMS RED 32) and blue (PMS 293)

• All-black version

• A reversed version, in which the entire logo is shown in white against a dark background.

Logos in each of these variations is available for download as printable EPS-files and office compatible PNG-files.

Corporate tagline We commonly use a tagline along with our logo. The tagline is the name of each of our business sections. For example Protections Systems or Demil Systems.

Logos for each of these sections is available for download.

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Graphics, colors and fontsBRAND COMPONENTS

CMYK: 0-91-87-0

CMYK: 5-96-80-22

CMYK: 100-56-0-0

CMYK: 100-48-6-30

CMYK: 11-13-15-27 CMYK: 0-0-0-85



PMS: 293

PMS: 7462

PMS: Warm Gray 4 PMS: 85 % Black

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890!”#$&%()+/?@

Arial Times New Roman

CMYK: 3-4-5-8PMS: 50 % Warm Gray 4

Logo carrierTo create a natural and consistent placement for our logo we have created a logo carrier. The carrier is always placed in the left top corner of our identity material, on top of a colored background. Each business section has it’s own logo.

Please contact the Marketing Manager for instructions on how and when to use the logo carrier. More information about logo applications is found further on in this document.

ColorsDynasafe uses three primary colors, red (PMS RED 32), blue (PMS 293) and green (PMS 367) to separate our business sections.

Secondary colors are tints of the primary colors and are used in some applications.

As complementary colors we also use gray in a light warm tone and tinted black.

FontsA consistent use of fonts helps our customers and partners to recognize the way we communicate. It’s important to use fonts that are both simple to read and easy to use.

Dynasafe uses two types of fonts, Arial and Times New Roman. Most commonly Arial is used for headings and statistics and Times New Roman for plain text.

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COMMUNICATIONS Logo applications

The use of our logoAs mentioned earlier the Dynasafe logo is presented with our without its carrier.

The carrier is used only when printed on commercial publications or representative documents and in digital media such as video, on our own website and in PowerPoint® presentations.

The logo by itself is the mark of our company and is used on Dynasafe property (flags, signs, vehicles), products and corporate uniforms and apparel.

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Safety is our business

SE-691 80 Karlskoga Sweden

Dynasafe Demil Systems AB

Visitors address: Gammelbackavägen 8Phone: +46 586 77 12 70 Fax: +46 586 599 66E-mail: [email protected]

How to orderDynasafe uses pre-designed business cards and envelopes in order to keep a consistent profile.

To order your supply, please contact: Dynasafe Marketing Manager Anna Andergrahn, +46 586 771 244.

COMMUNICATIONS Business cards and envelopes

Dynasafe Protection Systems AB

SE-691 80 KarlskogaSwedenVisitors address: Gammelbackavägen 8

Tel: +46 (0)586 77 12 44Fax: +46 (0)586 599 66

Mobile: +46 (0)70 226 15 [email protected]

Anna AndergrahnMarketing Manager

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Your partner for solving your problemsMe verchil modis aut ab imoluptatet vellis doluptaquodi aut ex eate verumqui adigendanda doles utem dendel mincimi litatior si blabor rehent ut liquae non con rem id modist dolupta por asperferatem aruntem am, verunda nimaion sectota ipsaped quae eium debis volentibus aut am, quam, nes alia dollit is culpa cuptatur? Coreiur?

Eritis acepeliqui audam, oditatis volor mollene debitates atibusam ex est ut poristiist aut accusdam que sitat quaspid ebitibus volorib usapitatus esto imus qui conest la eos nihictibus enitionetur, corrum fugiatum quam am et que verum nimus restibeatur arum alition eseca-borro vollate od maximus post as ditium excero blam, ullaboriosa delis asi dolut et dolupic tatur, to cupta verrum invelecae. Iberunti consequis is minti re, tempori onseque laborest optatium et eosam inis ea solor solorestis voles volenimet et es es voles con reniatia volupta sperci conseque aut odignis quasper orerciat.

Tur? Qui comnihil mollaut dolupta intis et qui nim ipid et quidips andiorit, solessum eum haribearcia sitiorio que soloribusdae omnis mi, nos maximi, quatist, quis quia commodis-que poresci nonessi re nobisit experes sincitium quos maioratia conse nimus vero tem. Ut rerae voluptati am se vollis accuscit aut harumetur sinctatur, quam ne quid utatiunt quas pe netur reped eatem conseque entinulpa cum alique latur aut reptur?

Bis voluptatusa veraest venditi undundi storia dolest intiassequi auta volutem quam quos ea cus doluptas adit voluptam exces num quis pore nesciet velibus quide pellesequodi dunt quiaeceperi odicaeperit fugit vid ullicate commolu ptatqui anisimi nulpari orernat haria vit ut ma dolut id quate esci dolorep tatessi nisquostrum, ipicienimus perchil moluptatus dolut re rectur, ium ipsandigenis abor autem aut quatecum asimil minctur sim rem quatatu repremque nos iusdam fugite nihil milluptat quiam quiatus suntium qui si sunt labore reces repellabor millum verspelibus ut amuscil ius aut que et estin nonessusa volupis et eaquam vit facepud itassim que volorepudis ilis re aliciam sum doloresse dellaciis alicae. Nam arunt reictiae expliquis arum rem nam autas eniti sunt eumet facil eumquis quo conesto quae pero quatest iureriati dunt fuga. Ur aut et exerfer ectiatem seque veles quos maximus que labo-rum volorrum et escienihici aut recae estrum ut utet ommodi bla consed magnatur sequist, sit es ea dit voluptam, siminctur, quam, nonsecu ptatur?

Page 1 (2)

Dokument titleAuthor

Postal address: Se-691 80 karlskoga Sweden

Phone: +46 586 77 12 70Fax: +46 586 599 66E-mail: [email protected]

Bank Giro no. 5775-4541VAT no. Se656429522701Org. no 556429-5227

Safety is our business

Dynasafe Demil Systems AB

Your partner for solving your problemsMe verchil modis aut ab imoluptatet vellis doluptaquodi aut ex eate verumqui adigendanda doles utem dendel mincimi litatior si blabor rehent ut liquae non con rem id modist dolupta por asperferatem aruntem am, verunda nimaion sectota ipsaped quae eium debis volentibus aut am, quam, nes alia dollit is culpa cuptatur? Coreiur?

Eritis acepeliqui audam, oditatis volor mollene debitates atibusam ex est ut poristiist aut accusdam que sitat quaspid ebitibus volorib usapitatus esto imus qui conest la eos nihictibus enitionetur, corrum fugiatum quam am et que verum nimus restibeatur arum alition eseca-borro vollate od maximus post as ditium excero blam, ullaboriosa delis asi dolut et dolupic tatur, to cupta verrum invelecae. Iberunti consequis is minti re, tempori onseque laborest optatium et eosam inis ea solor solorestis voles volenimet et es es voles con reniatia volupta sperci conseque aut odignis quasper orerciat.

Tur? Qui comnihil mollaut dolupta intis et qui nim ipid et quidips andiorit, solessum eum haribearcia sitiorio que soloribusdae omnis mi, nos maximi, quatist, quis quia commodis-que poresci nonessi re nobisit experes sincitium quos maioratia conse nimus vero tem. Ut rerae voluptati am se vollis accuscit aut harumetur sinctatur, quam ne quid utatiunt quas pe netur reped eatem conseque entinulpa cum alique latur aut reptur?

Bis voluptatusa veraest venditi undundi storia dolest intiassequi auta volutem quam quos ea cus doluptas adit voluptam exces num quis pore nesciet velibus quide pellesequodi dunt quiaeceperi odicaeperit fugit vid ullicate commolu ptatqui anisimi nulpari orernat haria vit ut ma dolut id quate esci dolorep tatessi nisquostrum, ipicienimus perchil moluptatus dolut re rectur, ium ipsandigenis abor autem aut quatecum asimil minctur sim rem quatatu repremque nos iusdam fugite nihil milluptat quiam quiatus suntium qui si sunt labore reces repellabor millum verspelibus ut amuscil ius aut que et estin nonessusa volupis et eaquam vit facepud itassim que volorepudis ilis re aliciam sum doloresse dellaciis alicae. Nam arunt reictiae expliquis arum rem nam autas eniti sunt eumet facil eumquis quo conesto quae pero quatest iureriati dunt fuga. Ur aut et exerfer ectiatem seque veles quos maximus que labo-rum volorrum et escienihici aut recae estrum ut utet ommodi bla consed magnatur sequist, sit es ea dit voluptam, siminctur, quam, nonsecu ptatur?

Page 1 (2)

Dokument titleAuthor

Postal address: Se-691 80 karlskoga Sweden

Phone: +46 586 77 12 70Fax: +46 586 599 66E-mail: [email protected]

Bank Giro no. 5775-4541VAT no. Se656429522701Org. no 556429-5227

Safety is our business

Dynasafe Demil Systems AB


Letter templateFor letters, use our pre-designed letter template. The template is editable in Word and uses predefined forms for users to fill in.

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Product informationOur product datasheets are available as PowerPoint® templates. There is one template for each of our business sections.

Sales materialDynasafe has a design manor developed for creating printed sales materials. If you need to create new sales material please contact: Dynasafe Marketing Manager Anna Andergrahn, +46 586 771 244.

Dynasafe Protection Systems AB

Phone: +46 586 77 12 70 Fax: +46 586 599 66 E-mail: [email protected] Safety is our business


DATA SHEET REV. 2012-06-05

Performance features

Gas-tight protection With the VaultSEALR mounted on trailer, you get a mobile system with high explosion containment capacity. The vessel will totally contain and protect against chemical and biological agents as well as the effects from explosions, such as shock wave and light fragments.

Once a suspected toxic or explosive device is detected it is loaded into the VaultSEALR, thus securing the surrounding area. Now you can safely remove the object to a place where it can be investigated and evidence can be secured by EOD specialists in a manner that does not constitute a threat to public security.

Load large objects easily thanks to the wide opening and the possibility to rotate the cover with

the loading tray up to 270°. Opening and closing of the vessel is remotely operated via a 50 m long cable.

Contained gases can be kept inside until they are released through a valve system. Dynasafe can offer equipment to take air samples out of the closed and gas-tight vessel, with the purpose to determine if toxic gases are enclosed inside, as well as equipment to clean contained gases and decontaminate the chamber.

The trailer is a double axle purpose-built trailer that can be towed by a SUV, station wagon or similar vehicle. An aluminum cover is used for weather protection.

VaultSEALR on trailer, with rotating opening. Remotely operated opening and closing, pressurizing and decompressing of seals. Explosive capacity of 5 kg TNT-equivalent, repetitive detonations.

Gas-tight with total containment of chemical and biological agents as well as the effects from explosions and toxic materials, such as shock wave and light fragments. Optional extra equipment: robot buttons, radio remote control and heating. Gas sampling equipment, decontamination equipment.

Avalible options not included in the standard version •  Robot buttons for alternative opening/closing

by robot.

•  Wireless (radio remote) control of opening and closing of the vessel as well as pressurizing and decompressing of the seals.

•  Gas sampling and/or decontamination equipment.

•  Heating system, capable to heat the interior of the chamber to approximately 350°C. This will cause explosives to burn, deflagrate or detonate.

Product Specification

Dynasafe Protection Systems AB

Phone: +46 586 77 12 70 Fax: +46 586 599 66 E-mail: [email protected] Safety is our business

Technical characteristics

Characteristic Value Condition/Comment

Explosion capacity Maximum explosion capacity 5 kg TNTeq Gas-tight, repetitive use Non gas-tight capacity 7.5 kg TNTeq Single use Weight and dimensions Total weight 3330 kg Incl a load of 50 kg Width 1930 mm Equals 76 inch Height 2310 mm Equals 90.9 inch Length, Closed 3890 mm Equals 153.1 inch Length, Open 5130 mm Equals 202 inch

Loaded object Maximum size of loaded object (LxWxH) 900 x 500 x 450 mm Equals 35.4 x 19.7 x 17.7 inch

Maximum weight of loaded object 50 kg

Note: All technical data is indicative only. The final numbers will be shown on the drawing.

The content of this document is subject to change without prior notice or obligation. © 2012 Dynasafe AB

Product information and Sales material COMMUNICATIONS

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E-mail signatureA consistent e-mail signature is important as it often works like a digital business card and makes you easier to remember.

To use the signature correctly, make sure to import it into your e-mail client.

COMMUNICATIONS E-mail signature


Phone: +46 586 77 12 44Mobile: +46 70 226 15 [email protected]

Dynasafe Protection Systems ABDynasafe Demil Systems AB SE-691 80 KarlskogaSweden Visitors address:Gammelbackavägen 8

Safety is our business

The content of this message and any attachment is intended only for the confidential use of the person(s) to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this communication by mistake and that reading it,copying it, or in any way disseminating its content to any other person, is strictly prohibited.If you received this message by mistake, please contact the sender immediately and destroy this message.

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TemplatesA PowerPoint® presentation template is created for corporate use. The template uses a predefined theme including the profile font and colors custom made for Dynasafe.

Safety is our business © DYNASAFE 2012


This is a test title And a subtitle for this chapter

Safety is our business © DYNASAFE 2012

This is a test heading


This is an example of content

PowerPoint® presentationsCOMMUNICATIONS

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Use of imagesIt’s very important that images of our products and images of surroundings containing our products is presented in high quality. Always try to capture the use of our products. It’s important to show the viewer a mix of the specific use of our products and a detailed view of the product itself.

We also need to capture the environments in witch we operate, for example airports. This will give our potential customers a better understanding of the use of our products.

We also use images that convey a sense of our core values and creates a good feel for the customer.

Some good examples are shown here.


Page 13: Corporate Identity Manual - Dynasafe of contents DYNASAFE | CORPORATE IDENTITY 3 WELCOME Welcome to Dynasafe´s Corporate Identity Manual We have created this manual in …
Page 14: Corporate Identity Manual - Dynasafe of contents DYNASAFE | CORPORATE IDENTITY 3 WELCOME Welcome to Dynasafe´s Corporate Identity Manual We have created this manual in …