corporate slideshare updated 2016


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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A social network for learners, teachers and employers. We

embed a culture of employability throughout education and connect

employers with future talent.


Advertise your opportunities. Engage with students

across the country. Discover the candidates most suited to your roles.

How it Works

1. We determine your requirementsWe are passionate about finding the best young people for your organisation. We discuss your requirements at length and help create a roadmap for using Kloodle successfully.

This includes the relevant staff training and account management provision. We help keep your profile buzzing

and a great place for students to find out about your fantastic opportunities.

Branded Profile

The Royal Bank of Scotland

How it Works

2. We help build your profile and opportunity posts

Your Kloodle profile is your shop window. We help build an effective profile so that students can find out

as much information as possible about your organisation and help you attract the best candidates

for your opportunities.

Create Opportunities

The Royal Bank of Scotland

Show up in student’s searches

How it Works

3. Your staff make the best mentors

We will also help your existing apprentices, graduates and entry level people create Kloodle profiles. We have found that current students relate well to peers who are

one or two years ahead in their employment journey. We help your staff build profiles and become

ambassadors for your company, answering questions and helping potential future stars.

How it Works

4. Interact with students on Kloodle

The best employers help students with their career journey. Kloodle allows you to create groups,

content such as blogs, photos and videos and job information pages. You can then interact with

students by posting comments, answering questions and getting involved in dialogue. We’ll

even help you run a webinar!

Feed information to members of your Groups

View the members of your Groups

Measure engagement

How many student have completed profiles - Bio, achievements, skills, work

experience, evidence.

How many students have engaged with your content

How many have clicked through to external links

How many have registered an interest in your opportunities

Track ACTUAL destinations

How it Works

5. Search for your future stars

Students are building their profiles on a daily basis. The best profiles are rich in blogs, photos,

videos and documents – all of which are designed to showcase a student’s talents and capabilities.

You can search through these profiles and find the best candidates for your opportunities.

Search for Students based on their skills and achievements

How it Works

6. Attract applications for your opportunities

By posting your vacancies to Kloodle, your opportunity becomes fully searchable by the students building profiles on Kloodle, as well as visitors to our Jobs Board. You can accept applications via a person’s profile, or redirect them to your own site. Vacancies are targeted, on Kloodle, to

the candidates with relevant backgrounds to your requirements. This increases the number of relevant

applications you receive.

Become a suggested follow for students to expand their network

Suggested followsClick here to find

suggested Employer. This is based on content

students produce, subjects they are studying,

achievements they have evidenced and

qualifications they have earned.

Content direct to their pockets

Feature in our Newsletter

Targeted Email

Have you thought about a degree at Holy Cross?

When Holy Cross expanded into higher education, it's vision was to become a centre of excellence providing locally based education for undergraduates.

In partnership with Liverpool Hope, Edge Hill, Salford and Newman universities, student numbers at Holy Cross University Centre have swelled from around 50 to over 600, becoming a phenomenal local success story.

We offer BA & BSc (Honours) degrees, Foundation degrees and MA level study. Our range of courses and our partnership with the universities continue to develop in a forward looking, dynamic way, so this is an exciting time to join us.

Why don't you become part of our growing community of university students within a friendly local

Hi Andy

Website: Telephone: 0161 447 9217 Email: [email protected] Twitter: KloodleUK