correcting people mistake

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  • 8/10/2019 Correcting People Mistake


    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    Al-Asaaleeb al-Nabawiyyah

    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid



    Points to be noted when dealing with mistakes

    The Prophets methods of dealing with peoples mistakes



    Bismillaah il-Rahmaan il-Raheem

    In the Name of Allaah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Praise be to Allaah, ord of the !orlds, Master of the "ay of #ud$ement, God of

    the first and the last, Sustainer of hea%en and earth, and &eace and blessin$s be u&on 'istrust(orthy Pro&het, the )eacher of mankind, sent as a Mercy to the (orlds*

    )eachin$ &eo&le is one of the $reatest $ood deeds (hose benefits s&read to others*It is the daiy+ahs+ and educators+ share of the herita$e of the Pro&hets and Messen$ers*

    Allaah and the an$els, and e%en the ant in its nest and the (hale in the sea (ill &ray forthe one (ho teaches &eo&le the (ays of $ood* .Re&orted by al-)irmidhi/ Sunan al-Tirmidhi,

    Ahmad Shaakir edn*, no* 0123* Abu 45esa said, this is a saheeh $hareeb hasan hadeeth6* )here aredifferent ty&es and (ays of teachin$, (ith different means and methods, one of (hich is

    correctin$ mistakes* 7orrectin$ mistakes is a &art of education/ they are like inse&arablet(ins*

    "ealin$ (ith and correctin$ mistakes is also a &art of sincerity in reli$ion.naseehah6 (hich is a duty on all Muslims* )he connection bet(een this and the conce&t

    of enjoinin$ (hat is $ood and forbiddin$ (hat is e%il, (hich is also a duty, is 8uiteob%ious .but (e should note that the area of mistakes is broader than the area of e%il

    .munkar6, so a mistake may or may not be e%il as such6*

    7orrectin$ mistakes also formed a &art of the and the

    methodolo$y of the 9ur+aan* )he 9ur+aan brou$ht commands and &rohibitions, :

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    a&&ro%als and denunciations and correction of mistakes ; e%en those on the &art of thePro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6* So it included rebukes and

    &ointin$ out of mistakes, for e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    and polytheists, etc, as your friends) Aou show friendship to them in secret, while 6 am!ll-!ware of what you conceal and what you reeal !nd whosoeer of you (#uslims)

    does that, then indeed he has $one (far) astray, (away) from the Strai$ht Path. [al-#umtahinah 012&

    @oncernin$ the mistake made by the archers at the battle of "hud, who left theposition where the Prophet (peace and blessin$s of !llaah be upon him) had

    commanded them to stay, !llaah reealed the words (interpretation of the meanin$)1

    9 until (the moment) you lost your coura$e and fell to disputin$ about the order,

    and disobeyed after e showed you (of the booty) which you loe !mon$ you are somethat desire this world and some that desire the ereafter9. [!al- 6mraan ;12C=&

    !hen the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 stayed a(ay fromhis (i%es in order to disci&line them, and some &eo&le s&read rumours that he had

    di%orced them, Allaah re%ealed the (ords .inter&retation of the meanin$6=

    +hen there comes to them some matter touchin$ (public) safety or fear, theymake it known (amon$ the people), if only they had referred it to the #essen$er or to

    those char$ed with authority amon$ them, the proper inesti$ators would haeunderstood it from them (directly)9. [al-

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    !llaah forbids you from it and warns you not to repeat the like of it foreer, if youare belieers.

    [al- Io not put (yourseles) forward before !llaah and is#essen$er, and fear !llaah Eerily> !llaah is !ll-earin$, !ll-7nowin$

    you who beliee> Jaise not your oices aboe the oice of the Prophet, nor

    speak aloud to him in talk as you speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds may berendered fruitless while you perceie not.

    [al-uKuraat DF12-=&

    !hen the cara%an came at the time of the ?riday khutbah, and some of the &eo&le

    left the khutbah and dis&ersed to en$a$e in trade, Allaah re%ealed the (ords=

    !nd when they see some merchandise or some amusement, they disperse

    headlon$ to it, and leae you (#uhammad) standin$ [while delierin$ the Lridaykhutbah& Say1 That which !llaah has is better than any amusement or merchandise>

    !nd !llaah is the Best of Proiders8.

    [al-Mumu8ah =122&

    Many other e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    no(in$ the methods of the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    no one else &resent e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    @nderstandin$ this fact (ill also &re%ent an educator from bein$ $reatly shockedby the kind of sudden mistake that could lead him to react in an ina&&ro&riate fashion*

    )his (ill remind the da+iyah and educator (ho is stri%in$ to enjoin (hat is $ood andforbid (hat is e%il that he too is a human bein$ (ho could also make the same mistake,

    so he should deal (ith him on a footin$ of com&assion rather than harshness, because

    the basic aim is to reform, not to &unish*

    But this does not mean that (e should lea%e &eo&le (ho are makin$ mistakesalone, or find e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    Abu Shurayh 'aani+ ibn HaJeed said= A dele$ation of &eo&le came to the Pro&het.&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 and he heard them callin$ one of them Abd

    al-'ajar .sla%e of the stone6* 'e asked him, 4!hat is your nameD+ 'e said, 4 4Abd al-'ajar*+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4No,

    you are 4Abd-Allaah .sla%e of Allaah6*+ .Re&orted by al-Bukhaari in al-!dab al-#ufrad, no*2:>* Al-Albaani said in Saheeh al-!dab al-#ufradthat it is saheeh, no* 10>6*

    - )akin$ into account the &osition of the &erson (ho is stri%in$ to correct themistake

    Some &eo&le+s ad%ice may be more readily acce&ted than others+ because theyha%e a status that others do not, or because, unlike others, they ha%e authority o%er the

    &erson (ho has made the mistake, for e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    )his method of rebukin$ (as a&&ro&riate for the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6 because of his &osition and status, but it is not a&&ro&riate for

    ordinary &eo&le* It is not alri$ht for any &erson (ho (ants to rebuke another for slee&in$on his stomach to kick him (hilst he is aslee& and (ake him u&, and then e16

    Al-Bukhaari narrated that Seereen asked Anas to (rite him a contract of

    manumission, as he had &lenty of money, but Anas refused* Seereen (ent to 4@mar .mayAllaah be &leased (ith him6, (ho told Anas to (rite the document, and Anas still

    refused, so 4@mar hit him (ith a (hi& (hilst recitin$ the (ords .inter&retation of themeanin$6= 9 $ie them [slaes seekin$ emancipation& such writin$ [of a document of

    manumission&, if you know that they are $ood and trustworthy9. [al-

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    him* )he boy (ent out cryin$, and (ent to Mar(aan and told him (hat had ha&&ened*Mar(aan asked Abu Sa+eed, !hy did you hit the son of your brotherD 'e said, I did

    not hit him, I hit the Shaytaan* I heard the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6 say= 4If any one of you is &rayin$ and someone (ants to &ass in

    front of him, let him sto& him as much as he can, and if he refuses then fi$ht him, for he

    is a de%il*+ .al-#uKtaba min Sunan al-

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    ne of the stories that illustrate this clearly is (hat ha&&ened to Mu+aa(iyah ibnal-'akam al-Salami (hen he came to Madeenah from the desert, and he did not kno(

    that it is forbidden to s&eak durin$ the salaah* 'e said= !hilst I (as &rayin$ behind theMessen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, a man sneeJed, so I

    said 4Aarhamuk !llaah.may Allaah ha%e mercy on you6*+ )he &eo&le $lared at me, so I

    said, 4May my mother lose meO !hat is (ron$ (ith you that you are lookin$ at meD+)hey be$an to sla& their thi$hs (ith their hands, and (hen I sa( that they (ereindicatin$ that I should be 8uiet, I sto&&ed talkin$ .i*e*, I nearly (anted to ans(er them back,

    but I controlled myself and ke&t 8uiet6* !hen the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$sof Allaah be u&on him6 had finished &rayin$ ; may my father and mother be sacrificed

    for him, I ha%e ne%er seen a better teacher than him before or since ; he did not rebukeme or hit me or &ut me to shame* 'e just said, 4)his &rayer should contain nothin$ of the

    s&eech of men/ it is only tasbeeh and takbeer and recitation of the 9ur+aan*+ .Saheeh#uslim, 4Abd al-Baa8i edn*, no* 3>L6*

    )he i$norant &erson needs to be tau$ht/ the one (ho has doubts needs to ha%ethin$s e6

    !e should note here that (hen the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on

    him6 &ointed out the mistakes of these $reat Sahaabah, it did not ha%e a ne$ati%e im&acton them or &ut them off/ rather, it had a &ositi%e effect on them, and ha%in$ been

    corrected in this manner by the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6,they (ould remain an

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    (hich the Sunnah is follo(ed or bid+ah is (ides&read, or ho( &re%alent e%il is, or(hether there are i$norant or o%erly lenient &eo&le, (hose o&inions are (idely follo(ed,

    issuin$ fat(as to say that it is &ermissible*

    - A $ood intention on the &art of the one (ho makes the mistake does not mean

    that he should not be rebuked

    4Amr ibn Hahya said= I heard my father narratin$ from his father (ho said= 4!e

    (ere at the door of 4Abd-Allaah ibn Mas+ood before the early mornin$ &rayer* !hen hecame out (e (alked (ith him to the mos8ue* Abu Moosa al-Ash+ari came u& to us and

    said, "id Abu 4Abd al-Rahmaan come out to you yetD !e said, No* 'e sat do(n(ith us until EAbu 4Abd al-RahmaanF came out* !hen he came out, (e all stood u& to

    $reet him, and Abu Moosa said to him= Abu 4Abd al-Rahmaan, earlier I sa( in themos8ue somethin$ that I ha%e ne%er seen before, but it seems $ood, al-hamdu illaah*

    'e said, And (hat (as itD 'e said, if you li%e, you (ill see it* I sa( &eo&le in the

    mos8ue sittin$ in circles (aitin$ for the &rayer* In e%ery circle there (as a man, and theyhad &ebbles in their hands* 'e (ould say, 4Say!llaahu akbarone hundred times,+ andthey (ould say!llaahu akbarone hundred times/ then he (ould say, 4Say?aa ilaaha

    ill-!llaahone hundred times,+ and they (ould say?aa ilaaha ill-!llaahone hundredtimes/ then he (ould say, 4Say Subhaan !llaahone hundred times,+ and they (ould say

    Subhaan!llaahone hundred times*+ 'e asked, 4!hat did you say to themD+ 'e said, 4Idid not say anythin$ to them/ I (as (aitin$ to see (hat your o&inion (ould be and (hat

    you (ould tell me to do*+ 'e said, 4!hy did you not tell them to count their bad deedsand $uarantee them that nothin$ of their $ood deeds (ould be (astedD+ )hen he left, and

    (e (ent (ith him, until he reached one of those circles* 'e stood o%er them and said,

    4!hat is this I see you doin$D+ )hey said, 4 Abu 4Abd al-Rahmaan, these are &ebbles(e are usin$ to count our takbeer, tahleeland tasbeeh*+ 'e said, 47ount your bad deeds,and I $uarantee that nothin$ of your $ood deeds (ill be (asted* !oe to you, ummah

    of Muhammad, ho( 8uickly you are $ettin$ destroyedO )he 7om&anions of yourPro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 are still ali%e, his $arment is not yet

    (orn out and his %essels are not yet broken* By the ne in !hose hand is my soul, eitheryou are follo(in$ a (ay that is more $uided than that of Muhammad or you ha%e o&ened

    the door of mis$uidanceO+ )hey said, 4By Allaah, Abu 4Abd al-Rahmaan, (e only(anted to do $ood*+ 'e said, 4'o( many of those (ho (anted to do $ood failed to

    achie%e itO )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 told usthat &eo&le recite 9ur+aan and it does not $o any further than their throats* By Allaah, Ido not kno(, maybe most of them are &eo&le like you*+ )hen he turned a(ay from them*

    4Amr ibn Salamah said, 4I sa( most of the members of those circles fi$htin$ alon$sidethe ha(aarij on the day of Nahra(aan*+ .Re&orted by al-"aarimi, al-Sunan, no* 0:, ed* by4Abd-Allaah 'aashim al-Hamaani* Al-Albaani classed its isnaad as saheeh in al-Silsilat al-

    Saheehahunder hadeeth no* 03* See#aKma8 al-3awaa8idby al-'aythami, :K:2:6*

    - Bein$ fair and not bein$ biased (hen correctin$ those (ho make mistakes

    Allaah says .inter&retation of the meanin$s6= :

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    !nd wheneer you $ie your word (ie, Kud$e between men or $ie eidence),say the truth9. [al-!n8aam 12C=&

    9 and when you Kud$e between men, you [should& Kud$e with Kustice9. [al-

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    )he Pro&het+s attitude to(ards @saamah .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6indicates that he (as fair and just, and that Islam came before lo%e of &eo&le in his %ie(*

    A &erson may &ut u& (ith the &ersonal faults of (hoe%er he (ishes, but he has no ri$htto be tolerant or biased to(ards those (hose mistakes trans$ress the limits set by Islam*

    Sometimes, (hen a relati%e or friend makes a mistake, a &erson does not rebukehim as he (ould a &erson (hom he does not kno(, so one may see unIslamic bias or

    discrimination in his dealin$s because of this, and a &erson may turn a blind eye to hisfriend+s mistake (hile harshly criticiJin$ another &erson*

    EAn Arab &oet once said=F

    If you are ha&&y (ith a &erson, you do not see his mistakes, but if you are an$ry

    (ith him, you see them all*

    )his may also be reflected in the (ay in (hich actions are inter&reted* An actionon the &art of a &erson one lo%es (ill be taken one (ay, and the same deed on the &art ofanother &erson (ill be taken 8uite differently*

    All of the abo%e a&&lies only (hen circumstances are the same, other(ise there

    could be different considerations as (e (ill see belo(*

    - Bein$ careful lest correctin$ one mistake leads to a bi$$er mistake

    It is a (ell-established fact that Islam allo(s the lesser of t(o e%ils in order to

    re&el a $reater e%il* So a da+iyah may kee& 8uiet about one mistake lest sayin$somethin$ lead to a more serious mistake*

    )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 ke&t 8uiet about the

    munaafi8een and did not e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    does not fear anyone e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    Bedouin, in order to soften their hearts* Al-Bukhaari .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6re&orted in his Saheehthat Anas ibn Maalik said= I (as (alkin$ (ith the Messen$er of

    Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, and he (as (earin$ a Najraanicloak (ith a stiff collar* A Bedouin accosted him, $rabbin$ his cloak in such a manner

    that the collar left a mark on the Pro&het+s neck, and said, 4 MuhammadO Gi%e me

    some of the (ealth of Allaah that you ha%eO+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace andblessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 turned to him and smiled, then ordered that he shouldbe $i%en somethin$* .al-Lath, 326*

    But if the mistake had to do (ith some issue of reli$ion, then the Pro&het .&eaceand blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (ould become an$ry for the sake of Allaah*


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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    - Makin$ a distinction bet(een the one (ho makes mistakes o&enly and blatantly,and one (ho tries to co%er u& his mistakes

    - Payin$ attention to cases (here a &erson+s adherence to Islam may not be stron$and his heart needs to be o&ened to the reli$ion, so (e should not be too harsh (ith him

    - )akin$ into account a &erson+s situation as re$ards status and authority

    )he considerations that (e ha%e mentioned abo%e do not contradict the fairness

    and justice referred to earlier*

    - Rebukin$ a youn$ster (ho makes a mistake should be done in a mannera&&ro&riate to the child+s a$e*

    Al-Bukhaari .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted that al-'asan ibn 4Ali took

    one of the dates that had been $i%en in charity, and &ut it in his mouth* )he Pro&het.&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said in Persian, 7ikh, kikh, do you notkno( that (e do not eat the sada8ah .thin$s $i%en in charity6D .Lath, >L06*

    Al-)abaraani .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted from Qaynab bint AbiSalamah that she entered u&on the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah

    be u&on him6 (hilst he (as &erformin$ $husl* She said, he took a handful of (ater andthre( it in my face, sayin$, 4Go a(ay, foolish $irlO+ .al-#u8Kam al-7abeer, 0K02:* Al-'aythami said, its isnaad is hasan, al-#aKma8, :K016

    ?rom this it is clear that a child+s tender years do not mean that his mistakesshould not be corrected/ indeed, correctin$ his mistakes is $i%in$ him the bestu&brin$in$, as it (ill be im&rinted in his memory and (ill benefit him in the future* )he

    first hadeeth sho(s ho( a child is tau$ht to fear Allaah and restrain himself, and thesecond hadeeth sho(s ho( he is tau$ht $ood manners, ho( to seek &ermission to enter,

    and to refrain from lookin$ at the awrah.that (hich should be co%ered6 of others*

    Another brilliant eL16

    !e may note that (hen the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6ad%ised that youn$ boy (ho made the mistake of lettin$ his hand $o e%ery(here in the

    food, his (ords (ere short, brief and clear, (hich made it easy for the child to rememberand understand/ the effect on the boy+s heart lasted for a lifetime, as he said, )his

    remained my (ay of eatin$ from that time on*

    - 5

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    use the e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    told about ho( the Muhaajir had sho%ed the Ansaari in jest* )he Pro&het .&eace andblessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4et it be, for it .tribalism6 is e%il*+ .al-Lath,

    >3:26* Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by Muslim, he said= et a man hel& his brother(hether he is an (ron$doer or the %ictim of (ron$doin$* If he is a (ron$doer, he should

    sto& him, and if he is the %ictim of (ron$doin$, he should come to his aid* .Saheeh#uslim, no* 0326*

    + - Correcting misconceptions that are due to something not being clear in

    peoples minds

    In Saheeh al-Bukhaari, 'umayd ibn Abi 'umayd al-)a(eel re&orts that he heardAnas ibn Maalik .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 sayin$= )hree &eo&le came to the

    houses of the (i%es of the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, askin$about ho( the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (orshi&&ed* !hen

    they (ere told about it, they thou$ht that it (as little* )hey said, !ho are (e, com&ared

    to the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6D All his sins, &ast and future,ha%e been for$i%en* .)hey thou$ht that the one (ho does not kno( that his sins ha%e beenfor$i%en needed to $o to e

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    )his re&ort indicates that (hen it comes to useful matters of reli$ion,

    if it is not &ossible to learn them from men, it is &ermissible to learn them from(omen*

    )here is nothin$ (ron$ (ith a &erson talkin$ about his deeds so lon$as there is no element of sho(in$ off and it is for the benefit of others*

    !e also learn that $oin$ to e3* Also in al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, no* 010>6*

    Some misconce&tions may be based on ho( one jud$es &eo&le and re$ards

    them* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (as %ery keen tocorrect this and &ut &eo&le strai$ht in this re$ard* In Saheeh al-Bukhaari, there is are&ort from Sahl ibn Sa+d al-Saa+idi (ho said= A man &assed by the Messen$erof Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, (ho asked a man sittin$

    by him, 4!hat do you think of this manD+ 'e said, 4'e is one of the noblest of the&eo&le* By Allaah, if he &ro&oses marria$e he deser%es to be acce&ted and if he

    intercedes he deser%es to ha%e his intercession acce&ted*+ )he Messen$er ofAllaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said nothin$* )hen another

    man &assed by and the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah beu&on him6 asked the man (ith him, 4!hat do you think of himD+ )he man said, 4

    Messen$er of Allaah, he is one of the &oor Muslims* If he &ro&oses marria$e hedoes not deser%e to be acce&ted, if he intercedes he does not deser%e to ha%e his

    intercession acce&ted, and if he s&eaks he does not deser%e to be heard* )he 0>

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    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4)his manis better than an earth full of men like the other man*+ . al-Lath, 1L6*

    Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by Ibn Maajah= a man &assed by theMessen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, and the

    Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said .to his 7om&anions6,!hat do you think of this manD )hey said, !e think that he is one of the

    noblest of &eo&le* If he &ro&oses marria$e he deser%es to be acce&ted, if heintercedes he deser%es to ha%e his intercession acce&ted, and if he s&eaks he

    deser%es to be heard* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6said nothin$* Another man &assed by and the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of

    Allaah be u&on him6 asked, !hat do you think of this manD )hey said, ByAllaah, Messen$er of Allaah, he is one of the &oor Muslims* If he &ro&oses

    marria$e he does not deser%e to be acce&ted, if he intercedes, he does not deser%eto ha%e his intercession acce&ted, and if he s&eaks he does not deser%e to be

    heard* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, )his manis better than an earth full of men like the other one* . Sunan 6bn #aaKah, 4Abd

    al-Baa8i edn*, no* :06

    , - $ealing with mistakes by repeatedly reminding people to fear Allaah

    #undub ibn 4Abd-Allaah al-Bajali re&orted that the Messen$er of Allaah .&eaceand blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 sent a $rou& of Muslims to fi$ht some mushrikeen,

    and they met in battle* ne of the mushrikeen (as ambushin$ indi%idual Muslims andkillin$ them* ne of the Muslims (anted to catch him out and kill him* E#undub said=F

    !e used to think that that man (as @saamah ibn Qayd* !hen he raised his s(ord, themushriksaid 4?a ilaaha ill-!llaah,+ but he E@saamahF killed him* A messen$er came to

    the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 and re&orted to him about (hathad ha&&ened in the battle* !hen he told him about (hat had ha&&ened to the mushrik

    (ho said?aa ilaaha ill-!llaah, the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6sent for @saamah and asked him, 4!hy did you kill himD+ 'e said, 4 Messen$er of

    Allaah, he had caused much $rief to the Muslims, he killed So-and-so and So-and-so,+ ;and he named a number of &eo&le ; 4I attacked him and (hen he sa( the s(ord he said

    ?aa ilaaha ill-!llaah*+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on

    him6 said, 4And then you killed himD+ @saamah said, 4Hes*+ 'e said, 4!hat (ill you do(hen?aa illaha ill-!llaahcomes on the "ay of ResurrectionD+ 'e said, 4 Messen$erof Allaah, &ray for for$i%eness for me*+ )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be

    u&on him6 sim&ly said, !hat (ill you do (hen?aa ilaaha ill-!llaahcomes on the "ayof ResurrectionD/ he did not say any more than that* .Re&orted by Muslim, 4Abd al-

    Baa8i edn*, no* L6*

    Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by @saamah ibn Qayd, he said= )he Messen$er of

    Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 sent us out on a military cam&ai$nand (e reached al-'ara8aat near #uhaynah in the mornin$* E"urin$ the battleF I cau$ht a

    man and he said, 4?aailaaha ill-!llaah,+ but I stabbed him* )hen I felt bad about that,and I mentioned it to the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6* )he

    Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4'e said ?aa 0

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    ilaaha ill-!llaahand you killed himD+ I said, 4 Messen$er of Allaah, he only said itbecause he (as afraid of my (ea&on*+ 'e said, 4'o( can you kno( (hat is in his heartD

    'o( can you be sure (hether he (as sincere or notD+ 'e ke&t re&eatin$ this until I(ished that I had not become Muslim until that day Ebecause embracin$ Islam (i&es out

    all sins that came before - )ranslatorF* .Re&orted by Muslim, no* 16

    ne issue that may be included under the headin$ of reminders is remindin$

    &eo&le about the &o(er of Allaah* An e

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    intercourse (ith her before I offered kafaarah.e

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    (as recitin$ it differently to the (ay that the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$sof Allaah be u&on him6 used to recite it* I nearly interru&ted his &rayer, but I (aited until

    he had said the salaam, then I $rabbed him by his cloak and said, 4!ho tau$ht you torecite this soorah I heard you recitin$D+ 'e said, 4)he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and

    blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 tau$ht me to recite it*+ I said, 4Hou are lyin$O )he

    Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 tau$ht me to recite itdifferently*+ I took him to the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah beu&on him6 and said, 4I heard him recitin$ Soorat al-LurHaandifferently than the (ay

    you tau$ht me to recite it*+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah beu&on him6 said, 4et him $o* Recite, 'ishaam*+ 'e recited it as I had heard him recite

    it* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4)his isho( it (as re%ealed*+ )hen he said, 4Recite, 4@mar*+ So I recited it as he had tau$ht

    me* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4)his isho( it (as re%ealed* )his 9ur+an (as re%ealed (ith se%en (ays of recitation, so recite it

    in the (ay that is easiest for you*+ .Re&orted by al-Bukhaari, al-Lath, 06*

    Amon$ the educational methods (e learn from this story are the follo(in$=

    )ellin$ each one to recite in front of the other and a&&ro%in$ their

    recitation (as more effecti%e in confirmin$ that both (ere correct and neither (as(ron$*

    !hen the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 told4@mar to let $o of 'ishaam, this (as &re&arin$ both &arties to listen in a calm

    manner* )his (as an indication that 4@mar .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 hadbeen too hasty*

    A &erson (ho is seekin$ kno(led$e should not be too hasty tocondemn any o&inion that differs from that (ith (hich he is familiar/ he should

    first be sure of (hat he is sayin$, because that o&inion may turn out to be a %alidscholarly o&inion*

    Another rele%ant &oint is that one should not hasten to &unish someone (ho

    makes a mistake, as (e see in the follo(in$ story=

    Al-NisaaCi .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted from 4Abbaad ibn

    Sharhabeel .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 (ho said= I came (ith my .&aternal6uncles to Madeenah, and (e entered one of the $ardens of the city* I rubbed some of the

    (heat, and the o(ner of the $arden came and took my cloak and hit me* I came to theMessen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 askin$ for his hel&* 'e

    sent for that man and they brou$ht him to him* 'e said to him, 4!hat made you do thatD+'e said, 4 Messen$er of Allaah, he (ent into my $arden and took some of my (heat

    and rubbed it*+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6said, 4Hou did not teach him if it (as the matter of him not kno(in$, and you did not

    feed him if it (as the matter of him bein$ hun$ry* Gi%e him back his cloak*+ And theMessen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 ordered that I should 0L

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    that he ne%er sto&&ed any(here but they all stayed close to$ether, so much so that if acloak (as s&read o%er them, it (ould co%er them all* .Re&orted by Abu "a(ood .mayAllaah ha%e mercy on him6, in his Sunan, 0021/ classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan

    !bi Iawood, no* 00226*Accordin$ to another re&ort= until you (ould say that if you

    (ere to s&read a cloth o%er them, it (ould co%er them* .Ahmad, al-Lath al-Jabbaani,:K6*

    'ere (e may note the Pro&het+s concern for his 7om&anions, (hich (as theleader+s concern for his troo&s* )he army+s dis&ersin$ (hen they made cam& (as a trick

    of the Shaytaan to make the Muslims scared and to lead the enemy to attack them* .See!wn al-#a8bood, LK006*"is&ersin$ in this manner (ould make it hard for one &art of the

    army to come to the aid of another &art* .SeeIaleel al-Laaliheen, 1K:>6*

    !e may also note that the 7om&anions of the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6 obeyed him in (hate%er instructions they recei%ed from him*

    Another e16*

    Al-NisaaCi re&orted from Anas .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 that the Pro&het

    of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, Make your ro(s firm andclose to$ether, and make your necks in a strai$ht line, for by the ne in !hose hand is

    the soul of Muhammad, I see comin$ amon$ your ranks as ifthey are small black shee&* .al-#uKtabaa, 0K0* 7lassed as saheeh by al-Albaani in SaheehSunan al-

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    )he &erson (ho sees himself as fallin$ short (ill not be dama$ed by &raise, and ifhe is &raised he (ill not become arro$ant, because he kno(s his o(n true nature* Some

    of the salaf said= If a man is &raised to his face, let him say= 4 Allaah, for$i%e me for(hat they do not kno(, do not hold me res&onsible for (hat they say, and make me

    better than (hat they think* .Lath, :KL26*

    !! - Practical teaching of the one who is making a mistake

    In many cases &ractical teachin$ is more effecti%e than theoretical teachin$* )hisis (hat the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 did* #ubayr ibn Nufayr

    re&orted from his father that he came to the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6, (ho called for (ater, then said, "o (udoo+, Abu #ubayr* Abu

    #ubayr started (ith his mouth, and the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6 said, "o not start (ith your mouth, Abu #ubayr, for the kaafir

    starts (ith his mouth* )hen the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be

    u&on him6 called for (ater, and (ashed his hands until they (ere clean, then he rinsedhis mouth and nose three times, (ashed his face three times, (ashed his ri$ht arm u& tothe elbo( three times, and his left arm three times, (i&ed his head and (ashed his feet*.Re&orted by al-Bayha8i in al-Sunan, :K1/ al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, no* 0206*

    !e may note here that the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6

    deliberately &ut this Sahaabi off from doin$ an incorrect action by tellin$ him that thekaafir starts (ith his mouth/ the meanin$ may be that the kaafir does not (ash his hands

    before &uttin$ them in the %essel .I (as told this by Shaykh 4Abd al-4AJeeJ Ibn BaaJ (hen Iasked him about the inter&retation of this hadeeth6,and that this is not hy$ienic* And Allaah

    kno(s best*

    !# - 3ffering a sound alternati4e

    4Abd-Allaah ibn Mas+ood said, !hen (e &rayed (ith the Pro&het .&eace and

    blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, (e used to say, Peace be u&on Allaah from 'issla%es, &eace be u&on so-and-so* .Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by al-NisaaCi, he said,

    Pecae be u&on #ibreel, &eace be u&on Mikaa+eel*!l-#uKtabaa17itaab al-TatbeeH,Baab 7ayfa al-Tashahhud al-!wwal* See also Saheeh Sunan al-

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    any one of you stands u& to &ray, he is talkin$ to his ord* 'is ord is bet(een him andthe 8iblah, so no one of you should s&it in the direction of the 8iblah/ he should s&it to

    his left or under his feet* )hen he took the ed$e of his cloak, s&at on it and rubbed &artof it a$ainst another &art and said, r do like this* .Re&orted by al-Bukhaari, Lath,


    Another eK1L6*

    But in the case of some da+iyahs and &eo&le (ho seek to enjoin (hat is $ood andforbid (hat is e%il, (e notice that there is a shortcomin$ in their methods (hen they

    denounce some of the mistakes that &eo&le make* )hey only &oint out the mistakes and

    denounce them as haraam, (ithout offerin$ an alternati%e or e

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    (eaknesses that &re%ent them from creatin$ Islamic alternati%es and a&&lyin$ theme%ery(here* So those shortcomin$s and (eaknesses remain, e%en thou$h the di%ine

    methodolo$y contains alternati%es and (ays out that could alle%iate the Muslims+hardshi&s, and there are some (ho kno( this and some (ho do not*

    !( - 5uiding people to that which will pre4ent them from making mistakes

    Abu @maamah ibn Sahl ibn 'aneef re&orted that his father told him that the

    Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (ent out, and theytra%elled (ith him in the direction of Makkah, until they reached the ra%ine of al-

    haJJaar near al-#uhfah* Sahl ibn 'aneef did $husl, and he (as a (hite man (ith ahandsome body and beautiful skin* 4Aamir ibn Rabee+ah, the brother of Banu 4Adiyy ibn

    a+b looked at him (hilst he (as doin$ $husl and said, 4I ha%e ne%er seen anythin$ like(hat I ha%e seen today, not e%en the skin of the %ir$in (ho is hidden a(ayO+ Ereferrin$ to

    the (hiteness of his skinF* Sahl fell to the $round .he had an e&ile&tic fit6* )he Messen$er

    of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 came and it (as said to him, 4"oyou (ant to see SahlD By Allaah, he cannot raise his head or (ake u&*+ 'e asked,4!hose fault is thisD+ )hey said, 4 4Aamir ibn Rabee+ah looked at him*+ )he Messen$er

    of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 called 4Aamir and rebuked himan$rily, and said, 4!hy (ould any one of you kill his brotherD If any one of you sees

    that his brother has somethin$ he likes, let him &ray for blessin$ for him*+ )hen he saidto him, 4!ash yourself to hel& him+* So he (ashed his face, his hands u& to the elbo(s,

    his knees, the sides of his feet and inside his i:aar.lo(er $arment6 in a %essel* )hen thePro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4Pour that (ater o%er him*+ So

    he &oured the (ater o%er his head and back from behind, tiltin$ the %essel, and Sahl

    (ent (ith the &eo&le and there (as nothin$ (ron$ (ith him* .!l-#usnad, >K21* Al-'aythami said, the men of Ahmad are the men of saheeh*!l-#aKma8, 3K:L6

    Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by Maalik .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6,

    Muhammad ibn Abi @maamah ibn Sahl ibn 'aneef said that he heard his father sayin$=Abu Sahl ibn 'aneef did $husl in al-harraar and took off the $arment he (as (earin$*

    4Aamir ibn Rabee+ah (as lookin$ at him, and Sahl (as a (hite man (ith beautiful skin*4Aamir ibn Rabee+ah said to him, 4I ha%e ne%er seen anythin$ like (hat I ha%e seen

    today, not e%en the skin of the %ir$inO+* Sahl fell ill on the s&ot and became seriously ill*)he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 came and (as

    told, 4Sahl has fallen ill, and cannot $o (ith you, Messen$er of Allaah*+ Sahl told him(hat had ha&&ened (ith 4Aamir, and the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of

    Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4!hy (ould any one of you kill his brotherD Hou should ha%easked for blessin$ for him* )he .e%il6 eye is real* "o (udoo+ to hel& him* So 4Aamir did

    (udoo+, and Sahl (ent (ith the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah beu&on him6, and there (as nothin$ (ron$ (ith him* .!l-#uwatta8, hadeeth no* :L06*

    !hat (e learn from this story is=

    )he teacher .i*e*, the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&onhim66 $ot an$ry (ith the one (ho caused harm to his Muslim brother* >3

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    Abu 'urayrah said= A man came to the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah beu&on him6 and com&lained to him about his nei$hbour* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s

    of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4Go and &ut u& (ith him*+ )he man came back t(o or threetimes, then the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4Go and &ut

    your belon$in$s out in the street*+ So he (ent and &ut his belon$in$s out in the street*

    Peo&le started to ask him (hat (as $oin$ on, so he told them, and the &eo&le started tocurse .the nei$hbour6, sayin$, 4May Allaah do such-and-such to him*+ )hen thenei$hbour came to him and said, 4Put your stuff back, you (ill not see anythin$ else

    from me that you dislike*+ .Re&orted by Abu "a(ood,7itaab al-!dab, Baab fi aHH al-Miwaar, no* 3:3>/ Saheeh !bi Iawood, 006*

    )his method has an o&&osite counter&art (hich is used in other circumstances to&rotect &eo&le from the &ublic+s harm, as (ill be e

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    sentiments* .Abu "a(ood,7itaab al-udood, Baab al-add fi8l-7hamr, no* L2, K10*7lassed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh !bi Iawood, no* >L36*

    Accordin$ to another re&ort= !hen he (ent a(ay, some of the &eo&le said, 4MayAllaah &ut you to shameO+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be

    u&on him6 said, 4"o not s&eak like this, do not hel& the Shaytaan a$ainst him* Say MayAllaah ha%e mercy on you*+ .Re&orted by Ahmad, 0K>* Ahmad Shaakir said, its isnaad issaheeh*!l-#usnad, ed* by Ahmad Shaakir, no* LL>6*

    !hat (e learn from all of these re&orts is that if the Muslim falls into sin, he isstill basically a Muslim and still basically lo%es Allaah and 'is Messen$er, and this

    should not be denied* It is not &ermitted to &ray a$ainst him in a manner that hel&s theShaytaan a$ainst him/ rather (e should &ray for him and ask Allaah to $uide him,

    for$i%e him and ha%e mercy on him*

    !. - Asking the person to stop doing the wrong action

    It is %ery im&ortant to make the &erson sto& the (ron$ deed so that it does not $etany (orse and so that there is no delay in the denunciation of e%il*

    4@mar re&orted that he said, No, by my father* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eaceand blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, Sto&O !hoe%er s(ears by somethin$ other

    than Allaah, is $uilty of shirk* .Re&orted by Imaam Ahmad, :KL* Ahmad Shaakir said, itsisnaad is saheeh* No* >06

    Abu "a(ood re&orted in his Sunanthat 4Abd-Allaah ibn Busr .may Allaah be&leased (ith him6 said, A man came ste&&in$ o%er the necks on the &eo&le .in the

    mos8ue6 one ?riday, (hilst the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (asdeli%erin$ the khutbah* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said,

    4Sit do(nO Hou are causin$ a disturbance*+

    Al-)irmidhi re&orted that Ibn 4@mar said= A man bur&ed in the &resence of thePro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6* 'e said, 4ee& your bur&s a(ay

    from usO )he ones (ho fill their stomachs most in this (orld, (ill be the ones (horemain hun$ry lon$est on the "ay of Resurrection* .Abu 45esa said, this is a $hareeb hasan

    hadeeth (ith this isnaad* Sunan al-Tirmidhi, no* 0L2/ al-Silsilat al-Saheehah, no* >>*6

    )hese ahaadeeth sho( a direct re8uest to the &erson (ho is makin$ the mistake to

    sto& (hat he is doin$*

    !/ - 1%plaining to the person who is making a mistake how to put things right

    )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 did this in a number of(ays, includin$ the follo(in$=

    - "ra(in$ an indi%idual+s attention to his mistake so that he could &ut it ri$hthimself* >

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    Muslim re&orted that 4A(f ibn Maalik said= A man of 'umayr killed one of theenemy and (anted to take his &ossessions as booty, but haalid ibn al-!aleed, (ho (as

    in char$e of the cam&ai$n, &re%ented him from doin$ so* 4A(f ibn Maalik came to theMessen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 and told him about it*

    'e asked haalid, 4!hat sto&&ed you from $i%in$ him his bootyD+ haalid said, 4I

    thou$ht it (as too much, Messen$er of Allaah*+ )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6 said, 4Gi%e it to him*+ )hen haalid &assed by 4A(f, (ho &ulled hiscloak and said, 4"id I not do (hat I told you I (ould do (ith re$ard to the Messen$er of

    Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6D+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eaceand blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 heard him and $ot an$ry, and said, 4"o not $i%e it

    to him, haalidO "o not $i%e it to him, haalidO !hy do you not lea%e mycommanders aloneD )he likeness of you and them is that of a man (ho is asked to take

    care of camels or shee&, so he takes care of them, then (hen it is time for them to drink,he takes them to a trou$h and they start to drink, and they drink the clean (ater and

    lea%e the dre$s behind* Hou take the clean (ater and lea%e the dre$s for them Ethe

    commandersF*+ .#uslim bi Sharh al-

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    u&on him6D+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 heardhim and $ot an$ry, and said, 4"o not $i%e it to him, haalid* !hy do you not lea%e

    my commanders aloneD )he likeness of you and them is that of a man (ho is asked totake care of camels or shee&, so he takes care of them, then (hen it is time for them to

    drink, he takes them to a trou$h and they start to drink, and they drink the clean (ater

    and lea%e the dre$s behind* Hou take the clean (ater and lea%e the dre$s for them EthecommandersF*+

    !e may note here that (hen haalid made a mistake in his decision .ijtihaad6 to

    (ithhold the lar$e amount of booty from the killer, the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6 commanded that the matter should be &ut ri$ht by $i%in$ the booty

    to its ri$htful o(ner, but he .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 $ot an$ry (henhe heard 4A(f .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 makin$ insinuations about haalid and

    &okin$ fun at him by sayin$, "id I not do (hat I told you I (ould do (ith re$ard to theMessen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6D and &ullin$ on

    haalid+s cloak (hen he (alked &ast him, so he .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&onhim6 said, "o not $i%e it to him, haalid* )his (as for the &ur&ose of reinstatin$

    and reinforcin$ the &osition of the commander and leader, because u&holdin$ theleader+s &osition in front of the &eo&le ser%es an ob%ious &ur&ose*

    But the follo(in$ 8uestion may arise= If the killer had the ri$ht to the booty, ho(could he deny it to himD Al-Na(a(i .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 ans(ered this

    8uery (ith t(o &ossible outcomes=

    5ither he $a%e the booty to the man later on, and he delayed it as a &unishment to

    him and to 4A(f for sayin$ (hat they said to haalid .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6and sho(in$ disres&ect to the commander and the one (ho had a&&ointed him/ or the

    one (ho had the ri$ht to take it $a%e it u& (illin$ly and donated it for the Muslims, andthe &oint of this (as to make haalid .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 feel better for

    the &ur&ose of u&holdin$ the &osition of leaders* .!l-Lath al-Jabbaani, :K2 6

    ?urther e%idence concernin$ restoration of the &osition of the &erson (ho has been

    (ron$ed comes in the re&ort narrated in the#usnadof Imaam Ahmad from Abu )ufayl4Aamir ibn !aathilah, that a man &assed by a $rou& of &eo&le and $reeted them (ith

    salaam, and they returned the $reetin$, but (hen he had $one, one of them said, ByAllaah, I hate this man for the sake of Allaah* )he others &resent said, !hat a bad

    thin$ to sayO By Allaah, (e are $oin$ to tell him* Get u&, So-and-So ; one of the&eo&le &resent ; and tell him* So their messen$er cau$ht u& (ith him and told him (hat

    had been said* )he man (ent to the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaahbe u&on him6 and said, Messen$er of Allaah, I &assed by a $rou& of Muslims amon$

    (hom (as So-and-So* I $reeted them (ith salaam and they returned the $reetin$, and(hen I had left, one of them cau$ht u& (ith me and told me that So-and-So had said,

    4By Allaah, I hate this man for the sake of Allaah*+ 7all him and ask him (hy he hatesme* So the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 called him

    and asked him about (hat the man had said* 'e admitted it and said, I did say that, Messen$er of Allaah* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on

    him6 said, !hy do you hate himD 'e said, I am his nei$hbour and I kno( him %ery

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    #! - Addressing both parties in cases where the blame is shared

    In many cases, the blame is shared and the &erson (ho makes a mistake may

    himself ha%e been (ron$ed, but the blame is not to be shared e8ually* In this case both&arties must be addressed and ad%ised* )here follo(s an e

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    be u&on him6, and (e (ere sittin$ (ith him* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace andblessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said= 4)his com&anion of yours has $otten in%ol%ed in

    a dis&ute*+ )hen 4@mar re$retted (hat he had done, so he came, $a%e the $reetin$ ofsalaam, and sat do(n by the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6* 'e

    told the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (hat had

    ha&&ened* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 $otan$ry, and Abu Bakr started to say, 4By Allaah, Messen$er of Allaah, I am more(ron$*+ )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4Are

    you $oin$ to lea%e my com&anion aloneD Are you $oin$ to lea%e my com&anion aloneD Iha%e told the &eo&le= I am the Messen$er of Allaah to all of you, and you .all6 said, Hou

    are a liar, but Abu Bakr said, Hou are tellin$ the truth*+ .Lath16*

    Al-Bukhaari also narrated this story in7itaab al-#anaaHib.the Book of irtues6

    in his Saheeh, from Abu+l-"arda+, (ho said= I (as sittin$ (ith the Pro&het .&eace andblessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (hen Abu Bakr came alon$, holdin$ the hem of his

    $arment u& in such a (ay that his knees could be seen* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$sof Allaah be u&on him6 said= 4Hour com&anion has $otten in%ol%ed in a dis&ute*+ EAbu

    BakrF $a%e the $reetin$ of salaam, then said= 4)here is somethin$ bet(een me and theson of al-hattaab* I u&set him, then I re$retted it, and I asked him to for$i%e me, but he

    refused, so I ha%e come to you*+ 'e said, 4May Allaah for$i%e you, Abu Bakr,+ threetimes* )hen 4@mar re$retted .(hat he had done6, so he came to Abu Bakr+s house,

    askin$, 4Is Abu Bakr thereD+ )hey said, 4No*+ So he came to the Pro&het .&eace andblessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 and si$ns of an$er (ere so %isible on the Pro&het+s face

    that Abu Bakr felt sorry* 'e knelt do(n and said* 4 Messen$er of Allaah, by Allaah, I(as more (ron$,+ t(ice* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said,4Allaah sent me to all of you, and you .all6 said, 'e is a liar, but Abu Bakr said, 'e is

    tellin$ the truth, and hel&ed me (ith his self and (ith his (ealth* Are you $oin$ tolea%e my 7om&anion aloneD+ 'e said this t(ice, and Abu Bakr (as ne%er hurt after

    that* .Lath, no* >11:6*

    #+ - Inter4ening to calm people down and put a stop to the fitnah &discord'

    between those who are making mistakes

    )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 did this on a number of

    occasions (hen fi$htin$ (as about to break out amon$ the Muslims, so he inter%ened, as(as re&orted in the incident of the slander .al-ifk6 a$ainst 4Aa+ishah .may Allaah be&leased (ith her6* She said= )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be

    u&on him6 stood u& that day and asked for someone to deal (ith 4Abd-Allaah ibn @bayyfor him, (hilst he (as on the minbar* 'e said, 4 MuslimsO !ho (ill deal (ith a man

    (ho I ha%e heard is attackin$ me (ith re$ard to my familyD By Allaah, I kno( nothin$about my family but $ood, and they ha%e mentioned a man about (hom I kno( nothin$

    but $ood, and he has ne%er entered u&on my family e

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    an$erF* 'e said, 4Is this (hat you (ere created forD Is this (hat you (ere ordered to doD"o not use &arts of Allaah+s book a$ainst other &arts* ook at (hat you are commanded

    to do, and do it, and (hat you are forbidden to do, a%oid it*+ .!l-Sunnahby Ibn Abi4Aasim, edited by al-Albaani, no* 1* 'e said= its isnaad is hasan6*

    Another e

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    as our ord, (ith Islam as our reli$ion, (ith Muhammad as our Pro&het and (ith the9ur+aan as our $uide* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on

    him6 rela

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    and said, 4 Messen$er of Allaah, I am $oin$ to $o late to the &rayer tomorro( becauseof so-and-so, (ho makes the &rayer too lon$ for us*+ I ne%er sa( the Pro&het .&eace and

    blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 more an$ry in his rebukin$ than on that day, (hen hesaid, 4 &eo&leO Some of you are &uttin$ others off* !hen any of you leads the &eo&le in

    &rayer, let him kee& it short, for amon$ them are the elderly, the (eak and those (ith

    &ressin$ needs*+.Lath, L:36*

    Another e

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    .the messa$e6* Abu 'umayd added, )hen the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace andblessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 raised his arm so hi$h that (e could see his arm&it*.Lath, 11>16

    # - Turning away from the one who has made a mistake* and a4oiding

    argument with him* in the hope that he may come back to the right way

    Al-Bukhaari .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted that 4Ali ibn Abi )aalib

    .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 said that the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$sof Allaah be u&on him6 came to him and ?aatimah+s .&eace be u&on her, the dau$hter of

    the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 one ni$ht and saidto them, Are you not comin$ to &rayD 4Ali said, Messen$er of Allaah, our souls are

    in the hand of Allaah* If 'e (ants to brin$ us back to life .from slee&6, 'e (ill do soO)he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 (ent a(ay (hen

    4Ali said that to him, and he did not res&ond to it at all, but 4Ali heard him as he (as

    (alkin$ a(ay, sla&&in$ his thi$h and sayin$, 9 But, man is eer more Huarrelsomethan anythin$8 [al-7ahf 2/1CD 4 interpretation of the meanin$& * .)he (ords of 4Ali couldbe understood in different (ays* See al-Lath, L>L6*

    #. - )ebuking the one who has made a mistake

    )his is (hat the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 did (ith'aatib .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 (hen he heard that he had sent (ord to the

    kuffaar of 9uraysh, informin$ them of the Muslims+ intention to head for Makkah tocon8uer it* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 asked him, !hat

    made you do that, 'aatibD 'e said, I belie%e in Allaah and 'is Messen$er and Ine%er chan$ed, but I (anted to make some $esture to(ards them throu$h (hich Allaah

    mi$ht &rotect my family and my (ealth* All your other com&anions ha%e someone therethrou$h (hom Allaah (ill &rotect their families and their (ealth* E)he Pro&het .&eace

    and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6F said= 'e has s&oken the truth, so do not sayanythin$ but $ood to him* 4@mar ibn al-hattaab said, But he has betrayed Allaah and

    Messen$er and the belie%ersO et me strike his neck Ecut off his headFO E)he Pro&het.&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 F said= 'o( do you kno(D Maybe Allaah

    looked at the &eo&le of Badr and said, 4"o (hat you like, for Paradise is $uaranteed foryou*+ )ears (elled u& in 4@mar+s eyes and he said, Allaah and 'is Messen$er kno(

    best* .Lath, 1036

    )here are a number of im&ortant educational &oints (e learn from this story=

    : ; )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 rebuked the Sahaabi(ho had make a serious mistake by askin$ him, !hat made you do thatD

    0 ; 5n8uirin$ as to the reason that moti%ated him to make the mistakeundoubtedly has an effect on the (ay in (hich he is treated*

    > ; )hose (ho ha%e an e

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    ; )he educator must be o&en-minded in dealin$ (ith his com&anions+ mistakesso that they continue &ro$ressin$ on the strai$ht &ath* )he aim is to reform them, not

    alienate them*

    3 ; )he educator must a&&reciate the moments of human (eakness that may

    o%ercome some of those (ho are (ith him, and he should not be shocked by a seriousmistake on the &art of one (ho is ad%anced or senior*

    1 ; "efendin$ one (ho deser%es to be defended e%en thou$h he has made amistake*

    L ; If a &erson (ho makes a mistake has a $reat deal of $ood (orks to his credit,this should be taken into account (hen e%aluatin$ the le%el of his mistake and dealin$

    (ith it*

    #/ - 8laming the person who has made a mistake

    An ob%ious mistake cannot be i$nored/ blame must be directed at the &erson (ho

    has made the mistake, and he must be rebuked from the outset, so that he (ill realiJe thathe has made a mistake* Al-Bukhaari narrated in his Saheehthat 4Ali .may Allaah be

    &leased (ith him6 said= I had a she-camel from my share of the booty of Badr, and thePro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 had $i%en me another she-camel

    from the khums* !hen I (anted to marry ?aatimah, the dau$hter of the Messen$er ofAllaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, I made an a&&ointment (ith a

    $oldsmith from Banu 9aynu8aa+ to $o (ith me to Idhkhur* I (anted to sell him the t(o

    $old bracelets and use the money for my waleemah.(eddin$ celebration6* !hilst I (as$atherin$ to$ether the saddles, sacks, ro&es and other $ear, my camels (ere sittin$

    beside a room belon$in$ to one of the Ansaar* After collectin$ the thin$s I had to collect,I came back and found my camels (ith their backs cut o&en, their sides stabbed and their

    li%ers remo%ed* I could hardly bear to look at this scene* I said, 4!ho did thisD+ )heysaid, 4'amJah ibn 4Abd al-Muttalib* 'e is in that house drinkin$ (ith one of the

    Ansaar*+ I (ent to the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, and Qayd ibn'aarithah (as (ith him* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 kne(

    somethin$ (as (ron$ from my e

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    and (e (ent out (ith him* .Lath, no* >:6*)his ha&&ened before drinkin$ alcohol (asforbidden*

    #0 - hunning the one who has made a mistake

    Imaam Ahmad .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted that 'umayd said= Al-

    !aleed came to me and a friend of mine and said, 47ome (ith me, for you are youn$erthan me and you kno( more about hadeeth*+ 'e took us to Bishr ibn 4Aasim*

    Abu+l-4Aaliyah said to him= 4!ill you tell these t(o your hadeethD+ 'e said, 4 4@8bahibn Maalik told us, Abu+l-Nadr al-aythi said, BahJ, (ho (as one of his $rou&, said= the

    Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 sent an e

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    mornin$ of the fiftieth day, and I (as on the roof of our house, (hilst I (as sittin$ asAllaah has described, (ith my o(n self straitened to me and the earth, %ast as it is,

    straitened to me Ecf* Al-)a(bah =::2F, I heard the sound of someone shoutin$ from themountain of Sal+ at the to& of his %oice= 4 a+b ibn Maalik, rejoiceO+ .Lath, :26*

    !e learn many $reat lessons from this story, (hich should not be i$nored in any(ay* !e read about some of them in the scholars+ commentaries on this story, as in3aad

    al-#a8aadandLath al-Baari*

    Another indication that the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6

    used this method (as narrated by al-)irmidhi from 4Aa+ishah, (ho said= No beha%iour(as more hateful to the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on

    him6 than lyin$* If a man told lies in the &resence of the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6, he (ould remain u&set about it until he kne( that he had re&ented

    from that* .Abu 45esa said= this is a hasan hadeeth* Sunan al-Tirmidhi, no* :L>6*

    Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by Ahmad= he (ould remain u&set (ith

    him .al-#usnad, 1K:306

    Accordin$ to another re&ort= If it ha&&ened that one of the members of his

    household told a lie, he (ould kee& turnin$ a(ay from him until he re&ented* .Re&ortedby al-'aakim* Saheeh al-Maami8, 1L36*

    It is clear from the re&orts mentioned abo%e that turnin$ a(ay from the &erson

    (ho is makin$ a mistake until he $i%es it u& is an effecti%e educational method, but in

    order for it to be effecti%e, the &erson (ho is forsakin$ and turnin$ a(ay from the othermust ha%e some status in the eyes of the latter, other(ise it (ill not ha%e a &ositi%eeffect, and may e%en $i%e the &erson somethin$ to be ha&&y about*

    (! - Praying against someone who stubbornly persists in making a mistake

    Muslim .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted that a man ate (ith his left hand

    in the &resence of the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6* 'e said,5at (ith your ri$ht handO )he man said, I cannot 'e said, May you ne%er be able

    toO Nothin$ (as sto&&in$ him eK:06* 31

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    !e may also note here that the du+aa+ a$ainst him (as not for somethin$ that(ould hel& the Shaytaan a$ainst him, it (as for somethin$ that (as more like a rebuke

    or tellin$-off*

    (# - Turning a blind eye to some mistakes and being content to 9ust hint about

    them* out of respect to the person who is making the mistake

    !nd (remember) when the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his

    wies (afsah), so when she told it (to another, ie, !a8ishah), and !llaah made itknown to him, he informed part thereof and left a part Then when he told her (afsah)

    thereof, she said1 +ho told you this'8 e said, The !ll-7nower, the !ll-!ware (!llaah)has told me8. [al-Tahreem 1; 4 interpretation of the meanin$&

    Al-9aasimi .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 said in#ahaasin al-Ta8weel=

    !nd remember when the Prophet8refers to Muhammad .&eace and blessin$s ofAllaah be u&on him6* To one of his wies8refers to 'afsah* ! matter in confidence8means that she (as not allo(ed to disclose it, or (hat he forbade for himself althou$h

    Allaah had allo(ed it* +hen she told it8means that she told the secret to her com&anion.4Aa+ishah6* !llaah made it known to him8means that Allaah told him (hat 'afsah had

    told 4Aa+ishah* e informed part thereof8means that he told her &art of (hat she haddi%ul$ed as a rebuke/ and left a part8means that he did not say some of it, out of

    res&ect to her*

    It is noted in al-6kleel= )he aayah indicates that there is nothin$ (ron$ (ith

    s&eakin$ in a secreti%e (ay to one (hom you trust such as a s&ouse or friend, and that heor she is obli$ed to kee& the secret* )he aayah also indicates $ood treatment of (i%es,$entleness (hen rebukin$ and refrainin$ from seekin$ out e%ery fault* .#ahaasin al-Ta8weel, :1K0006

    Al-'asan said= No noble &erson (ill &ick on e%ery little fault* Sufyaan said=

    )urnin$ a blind eye is the action of noble &eo&le*

    (( - "elping a Muslim to correct his mistake

    Abu 'urayrah .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 said= !hilst (e (ere sittin$(ith the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, a man came to him and

    said, 4 Messen$er of Allaah, I am doomedO+ 'e said, 4!hat is the matter (ith youD+ 'esaid, 4I had intercourse (ith my (ife (hilst I (as fastin$*+ )he Messen$er of Allaah

    .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said, 4Are you able to set a sla%e freeD+ 'esaid, 4No*+ 'e asked, 47an you fast for t(o consecuti%e monthsD+ 'e said, 4No*+ he said,

    47an you feed si

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    MadeenahF than my familyD+ )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6smiled so broadly that his eyeteeth could be seen, then he said, 4?eed it to your family*+.Re&orted by al-Bukhaari, no* :>16*

    Accordin$ to a re&ort narrated by Ahmad from 4Aa+ishah .may Allaah be &leased

    (ith her6, (hilst the Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6(as sittin$ in the shade of a lar$e tree, a man came to him and said, I am burnt,

    Messen$er of AllaahO 'e said, !hat is the matter (ith youD 'e said, I hadintercourse (ith my (ife (hilst I (as fastin$* 4Aa+ishah said= this (as in Ramadaan*

    )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said to him, Sitdo(n* So he sat do(n at the ed$e of the $rou& of &eo&le* )hen a man brou$ht a donkey

    on (hich (as a %essel of dates, and said, )his is my sada8ah .charity6, Messen$er ofAllaah* )he Messen$er of Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 said,

    !here is the burnt one (ho (as here just no(D )he man said, 'ere I am, Messen$er of Allaah* 'e said, )ake this and $i%e it in charity* 'e said, )o (hom

    should I $i%e it e

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    his dau$hter in la( and asked her, 4'o( do you find your husbandD+ She said, 4'e is thebest of men, or he is like the best of husbands amon$ men* 'e has ne%er disturbed us

    and he has ne%er sle&t in our bed*+ So he came to me and told me off* .Ibn al-Atheer said= accordin$ to another hadeeth, 4Abd-Allaah ibn 4Amr ibn al-4Aas said= 4So my father came to me

    and told me off*+!l-K06* 'e said, 4I married you to a (oman from a $oodfamily of 9uraysh, and you are ne$lectin$ her .i*e*, not treatin$ her as a (ife6and you are

    doin$ such and such*+ )hen he (ent to the Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah beu&on him6 and com&lained about me* )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be

    u&on him6 sent for me and I came to him* 'e said to me, 4"o you fast durin$ the dayD+ Isaid, 4Hes*+ 'e said, 4"o you &ray .Hiyaam6 at ni$htD+ I said, 4Hes*+ 'e said, 4But I fast

    and I break my fast, I &ray and I slee&, and I touch (omen Emy (i%esF* !hoe%er turnsa(ay from my Sunnah has nothin$ to do (ith me*+ 'e said, 4Read the 9ur+aan once a

    month*+ I said, 4I can do more than that*+ 'e said, 4Read it once e%ery ten days*+ I said, 4Ican do more than that*+ ne of them ; either 'usayn or Mu$heerah ; said, 4Read it e%ery

    three days*+ 'e Ethe Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6F said= 4?ast

    three days of e%ery month*+ I said, 4I can do more than that*+ 'e ke&t increasin$ thenumber until he said, 4?ast one day and do not fast the ne

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    (, - peaking bluntly to a person about the mistake he is making

    Al-Bukhaari .may Allaah ha%e mercy on him6 re&orted that Abu "harr said=

    )here (as an ar$ument bet(een me and another man* 'is mother (as a non-Arab, andI said somethin$ insultin$ about her* 'e mentioned this to the Pro&het .&eace and

    blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6, (ho asked me, 4"id you trade insults (ith so-and-soD+I said, 4Hes*+ 'e said, 4"id you say somethin$ insultin$ about his motherD+ I said, 4Hes*+

    'e said, 4Hou are a man (ho still has somethin$ of jaahiliyyah in you*+ I said, 4I said(hat I said because I am $ettin$ old*+ 'e said, 4Hes, but they are your brothers* Allaah

    has $i%en you &o(er o%er them, but (hoe%er is $i%en &o(er o%er someone, let him feedhim as he feeds himself, clothe him as he clothes himself, and not $i%e him more (ork to

    do than he is able* If he does $i%e him too much (ork, let him hel& him*+ .Lath, 136

    In Saheeh #uslimit is re&orted that Abu "harr .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6

    said= I had an ar$ument (ith one of my brothers* 'is mother (as non-Arab, and I said

    somethin$ insultin$ to him about his mother* 'e com&lained about me to the Messen$erof Allaah .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6* !hen the Pro&het .&eace and

    blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 met me, he said, 4 Abu "harr, you are a man (ho still

    has somethin$ of jaahiliyyah in him*+ I said, 4 Messen$er of Allaah, (hoe%er insults a&erson, &eo&le (ill insult his father and mother*+ 'e said, 4 Abu "harr, you are a man

    (ho still has somethin$ of jaahiliyyah in him* )hey are your brothers, and Allaah has$i%en you &o(er o%er them, so feed them as you feed yourself and clothe them as you

    clothe yourself* "o not $i%e them more (ork than they can do, and if you $i%e them toomuch to do, then hel& them*+ .Saheeh #uslim, no* :11:6*

    EIt a&&ears that the manCs mother (as a sla%e* )ranslatorF

    )he Pro&het .&eace and blessin$s of Allaah be u&on him6 s&oke in this

    strai$htfor(ard and o&en manner to Abu "harr because he kne( he (ould acce&t it*Such a blunt a&&roach can be a useful method that sa%es times and ener$y, and $ets the

    &oint across in the easiest manner, but it should only be done (hen it is a&&ro&raite tothe situation and the &eo&le in%ol%ed*

    )his direct a&&roach may be better not used if it (ill lead to somethin$ (orse or ifit means that a $reater interest (ill not be achie%ed, for e

  • 8/10/2019 Correcting People Mistake


  • 8/10/2019 Correcting People Mistake


    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    started stammerin$ .tryin$ to come u& (ith an e, it becomes clear that the re&ortfrom Qayd ibn Aslam is talkin$ about hu((aat ibn #ubayr, (ho said, 4!e made cam&

    + In the bio$ra&hy of hu((aat .may Allaah be &leased (ith him6 in al-Tahdheebitsays= Qayd ibn Aslam re&orted mursalfrom him* In al-6saabahit says that hu((aat

    died in or 0 A', and in al-Siyarit says that Qayd ibn Aslam died in :>1 A'/ on thisbasis there is a break in the isnaad6*

    )his is a brilliant study in trainin$ and the use of (ise strate$ies to achie%ethe desired result* !e may also learn the follo(in$ &oints from this story=

    :* A &erson (ho has committed a sin (ill feel shy of a res&ected leader

    (hen he catches him out*0* )he (ay the educator looks at and 8uestions a &erson ; e%en thou$hit may be %ery brief ; (ill ha%e a $reat im&act on him*

    >* Not discussin$ a false e

  • 8/10/2019 Correcting People Mistake


    The Prophets Methods for Correcting Peoples Mistakes

    3* )he chan$e of attitude to(ards the (ron$doer is based ; in this case; on the (ron$doer+s admission that he (as (ron$ and his $i%in$ u& the thin$ he

    had done*

    If the educator or leader is held in hi$h esteem by his com&anions, then if he

    rebukes one of them or tells him that he has made a mistake, this (ill ha%e an effect onhim* )he leader should &ay attention to the interests of others (hen rebukin$ one of his

    com&anions, so that all may benefit from it* 'o(e%er, this should not mean that heshould i$nore any ne$ati%e effect on that &articular indi%idual* )hat can be dealt (ith

    and its effects limited in many (ays, e%en thou$h a third &arty, as al-Mu$heerah did(hen he asked 4@mar to be a mediator (hilst at the same time e

  • 8/10/2019 Correcting People Mistake
