corrupting bella

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  • 8/14/2019 Corrupting Bella


    Ems POV

    Chapter 1: Newtons and Jail:

    Emmett, please dont do anything stupid. Rosalie begged me.

    I pouted. I hated when she did this to me. Cant promise you that

    Rose, but Ill try my best.

    Every time we leave you alone, you end up wrecking something.

    she complained.

    I chuckled. Like last time, with the talking cows. Yeah, that was

    the reason we had to leave Idaho so early. Stupid Volturi and their


    Edward rolled his eyes. Yes, Emmett. Dont do anything like that

    againplease. People thought those cows were possessed.

    Stupid, mind-reading, vampire.

    Im not stupid!

    Go say goodbye to your wife Eddie. By the time youre back, Japer

    and I will have corrupted her innocent brain.Emmett, please. Edward sighed. Dont call me Eddie.

    Edward? Bella called, When are you leaving?

    Now. he called back to her.

    Bella came dancing into the room. She lightly kissed him on the



    Edward smiled.

    STAY OUT OF MY MIND! I screamed at him.

    Bella looked at me like I was mental.

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    Thats because you are mental, Em.

    Shut upEddie. I snapped. Stay out of my mind.

    Come on Rose, he snickered, Carlisle and Esme are waiting.


    Coming! Bye Jazz.

    Bye. he said back, leaning down to kiss her.

    I did the same to Rose.

    Goodbye. Emmett, Jasper? Nothing too weird, please? Rose


    BYE! I yelled, slamming the door in her face.

    I went and sat on the couch. Jazz, wadda ya wanna do this time?

    Emmett, no. We arent going to do anything that will make us

    have to move. I like Forks. Bella scolded.

    Aww, come on, Bella. I whined. Itll be fun!

    Jasper? she said, looking to him for help.

    He smiled and sat next to me. You have to try an Emmett

    Adventure Bella.

    How bout we egg Newtons house? I said randomly. OOH!

    And put sticky-notes all over his car!

    YEAH! Jasper yelled, giving me a high-five.

    Oh, no. Emmett Cullen, no way. Bella said.

    Come on, Bell. Itll be great.

    Yeah! Jazz agreed.

    Em, we all dont have a mind like a two-year-old. I prefer to be


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    Ooh, ouch. That stung, Bell. I think Im gonna die now. OOH,

    THE AGONY! I said dramatically, falling off the couch and

    clutching where my heartshouldbe.

    She threw a knife, barely missing my head. EMMETT! STOP!Whoa, Bella. Chill. Apparently those newborn emotions werent

    gone yet. Jazz, a lil help?

    A sudden sense of calm went through me.

    Sorry, Em. You really made me mad. she apologized.

    I chuckled, Its fine Bella. Come do this prank with us. Pah-

    llleeeeaaaassssseeeeee? I begged.She stared at me for a moment. Fine.

    YES! I was so excited.

    Jazz, calm him down before he hurts himself. Bella mumbled.

    HEY! Im not thatmental.

    Are you sure you werent dropped when you were a child? she


    Yes, Bella. Im sure. Its just because Ive had to look at Edward

    for the past, how many years. You better be glad he cant get into

    your head. Hed be driving you insane.

    It gets pretty annoying. Jazz muttered at my side.

    Suddenly, Alice came through the door. Crap, I forgot about her.

    Stupid future-seeing vampire.

    Emmett. You idiot. Are you seriously mental?! Did you forget that

    I could see what you were planning?

    Alice, chill. You know Im gonna find a way to do it anyways.

    Theres no way to stop me.

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    Fine. she said, heading for the door. Try not to get arrested.

    Bella came and sat on the floor in front of Jazz.

    Whos up for some video games?! I yelled.

    Honestly Emmett, I think you have some form of vampire

    A.D.D. Jasper muttered.

    Shut up, I snapped.

    Once I got everything hooked up, I turned to them.

    So, who wants to try to beat, me, the king, Emmett Cullen, at


    Bella rolled her eyes and Jasper laughed. Bring it on, Bro. Bring it


    Im game. Bella shrugged.

    I handed them both a controller.

    3 Hours later:

    I quit, I said, tossing the controller to the ground. Istillhadnt

    one a single game. Cheaters.

    Emmett, youre such a baby. Bella teased.

    I looked outside. It was dark out. Time to put Operation: Corrupt

    My Baby Sister into action.

    Its time, I muttered.

    Yeah, we still gotta get sticky-notes and eggs. Jazz agreed.

    I cant believe Im gonna do this with you two. Bella mumbled

    to herself.

    Aww, come on. Itll be fun.

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    No Emmett. It wont be fun. Cause well get arrested. My dad

    will be angry at me.

    Charlie could help us stay outof jail. Jazz pointed out.

    Excellent plan, my brother! I shouted, giving him a high-five.With that, we got up and headed to Wal-mart.

    At The Police Station:

    Bella was right. We did get arrested.

    Bells, you jinxed us. I muttered angrily.

    No Emmett, youre stupidity got us here. she hissed.

    Charlie came bursting in. Bella?

    Over here Dad.

    Bella, what did you do?

    It was Emmetts idea.

    Charlie glanced angrily at me.

    Just wanted to have fun Chief. I said, raising my arms in


    What about Jasper?

    Oh, him? Hes my wing man Sir. Does whatever I do.

    Charlie ignored me. Bells, whyd you do something so stupid?

    Bella giggled. Dad. Im 19. Cant I just have some fun with my


    He sighed. Bella, since you seemed to have so much fun, Im

    gonna let you spend the night in jail with your brother-in-laws. Im

    so disappointed in you Isabella Marie Swan.

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    Charlie turned and walked out.

    Great. Now were stuck here. Emmett, youre an idiot.

    Jasper laughed.

    Shut up Bella. You agreed to do it. I defended myself.

    Edwards gonna kill us all. Jasper mumbled.

    Leave it to emo-boy to wreck everything.

    Yeah, butIcan get out of it. You two are in trouble. Bella said

    matter-of-factly.I laughed. Bella. Im way bigger than Edward.

    Emmett, you could do as much harm as a kitten. Jasper


    Funny, Jazzy, Funny.

    The Next Day:

    Edward came to get us. I cant believe you could be so

    irresponsible! I mean Emmett, Jasper, Bella, what were you


    Im sorry Edward. Bella whispered.

    Finally we got home. Hes lucky I dont wreck his stupid Volvo.

    Emmett, you touch my car, youre dead.

    For-your-information, I all ready am dead. Stay out of my mind.

    Jasper tried desperately not to laugh.

    Jasper, I cant believe evenyou were in on this! he yelled.

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    Things got calm.


    Alice came skipping into the garage. Jasper Whitlock Hale.

    Youre in trouble. What were you and Emmett thinking?! DraggingBella into it, and getting arrested.

    Oh flying monkeys. Rose. I forgot about her. Im a dead man.

    Edward laughed. Rose! Ems here! he yelled

    Thanks a lot, Bro.

    No prob. he laughed.

    EMMETT JONATHON CULLEN!! (Eh, I made up a middle

    name ok?! Dont judge meeeee!) Rose screamed.

    Rose, chill. Im right here.

    What was going through your thick skull?! Are you completely

    insane?! You got arrested! She was fuming.

    Im sorry babe. Its not like I havent gotten arrested before.

    She sighed. Emmett, Im grounding you.

    What was I? Two?

    Rose you arent my mom, youre my wife.

    Fine then. Esme?!

    Yes? she asked, coming into the garage.

    It was the Cullen family reunion. Hallelujah.

    Ground Emmett.

    Emmett, Jasper. Im sorry, but youre grounded. Bella, Im letting

    you off with a warning, because they dragged you into it.

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    But mom! Jazz and I whined.

    Emmett, Jasper. Drop it.

    Well, that was final. But at least I still had my video games.

    Ooh! Jazz, Bells! Lets go play Halo!

    What about Edward?

    No, he cheats. Youre the only one who could possibly beat him

    cause he cant get into your mind.

    Emmett, youre such a baby. Edward muttered.

    Emmett, youre such a baby, I repeated in a whiney voice.Whatever, come on. Lets play.

    Ems POV

    Chapter 2 Eating Contest:

    Emmett, Bella, Jasper. Please nothing stupid? Edward begged.

    Honestly, right now, I had nothing. Wow, thats a first.

    Good. Edward mumbled.

    I scowled at him. Stay. Out. Of. My. Mind.

    He snickered.

    Rose! Alice! Come on! Esme yelled.


    Bye guys. See you later. Esme said, taking Carlisles hand.

    Bye Em. Rose said, kissing me.

    Bye Rosie.

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    Bye Jazzy. Love ya.

    Love you too Ali.

    Bye Lamb.

    That was Eddies nickname for Bells.

    He glared at me.

    Bye Edward.

    Once everyone was gone, I sat on the couch.

    So, Emacula, that was Bellas name for me..she got it from

    Dracula, just took out the D and put an Em, what do you haveplanned for us to do this time?

    Bella, call me something else, like Emmett the Great. I dont like

    Emacula. Hmm. How about an eating contest! That sounded fun.

    Fine, Ill just call you M n M. Ha, ha. I like that!. M n M,

    were vampires. We dont eat human food.

    Jasper bursted out laughing. Oops, I forgot about that. Well still. I

    wonder in vamps can get sick from eating too much human food.We could test it and tell Carlisle the results.

    I was a genius.

    Bella rolled her eyes at me. Ill watch, but Im not touching any

    of the food.

    Come on then! To Wal-Mart!"

    At Wal-Mart:

    Pop-tarts, pizza, pop. I said, grabbing random things off the

    shelves. I was humming Hot n Cold by Katie Perry. Ooh! I love

    that song!

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    Emmett, please. Youre embarrassing us. Jasper chuckled.

    I didnt realize I had started to dance, and people were looking at

    me funny.

    What are you looking at? I growled. Yeah, I was intimidating.OOH! Big word! Esme and Rose would be so proud.

    M n M, I think we have enough food. Bella said pointing at the

    now full cart.

    Bella, dont call me that. Wait! Were forgetting something!

    Bella sighed.

    What now, Emmett?


    Bellas mouth fell open.

    Emmett, you musthave A.D.D or something. Man, you need

    therapy. Maybe Carlisle should put you on drugs and make you

    normal. Jasper muttered.

    Shut up Jazzy.

    Bella giggled. Lets check out, please?

    Fine. Party-poopers.

    Back At Home:

    Okay. Jazz, you gotta eat all that, and I gotta eat all this. I said

    pointing at the separate piles. We have three minutes.

    Kay. Jazz, Em. Get in your places. Ready? On your set GO!

    I started to shove food into my mouth.

    I only had two Pop-tarts left when Bella told us to stop.

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    Okay. Jazz, you have a whole bag of marshmallows and a Pop-

    tart left. Em, you have two Pop-tarts. Emmett wins!

    Yes! In your face Jazzy-boy! Oh, ow. My stomach hurts. Ill be

    right back. I said running to the bathroom. I guess vampires couldget sick for eating too much human food.

    Em, you okay? Jazz is in Alices bathroom throwing up his guts.

    Bella said.

    Thanks Bells. Really needed a description of that.

    Yeah. I got it all out. I think.

    Jazzy? Baby? Emmett? You okay? I heard Alice ask fromdownstairs.

    Oh my golly gumdrops. Who called her? I asked.

    Emmett, Bella said rolling her eyes. She say what we were


    Oh, right. Wonder if mind-reader boy is back too.

    Yes, Em. We all came home. he said from the door way.

    OH! I gotta tell Carlisle the news!

    I took off running down the stairs. Carlisle!

    What Emmett?

    Vampires can get sick from eating too much human food!

    Emmett, I could have told you that. Our bodies reject the food

    because we cant digest it.

    Well, of course he knew that. Stupid, smart doctor vampire. Wait,

    that didnt make any sense.

    Did you just figure that out genius? Edward asked from his


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    Get outta my head Eddie.

    Em, I cant help it. Youre thoughts are so loud. Its hard not to

    answer to them.

    Shut up, or Ill eat your precious piano.

    He rolled his eyes at me.

    Em, Jazz, and Bella Cullen. Youre all grounded. Esme scolded.

    Uh! Why do we leave you three alone!?

    Emmett. I told you wed get grounded. Bella whispered from

    next to me.

    Chapter 3 Parties:

    Everyone was out hunting again. Honestly, youd think that theyd

    learn not to leave me, Bella, and Jazz home alone..But, you

    know what they say, cant teach an old dog new tricks.

    Em, what are we gonna do? Itll probably get us grounded again.

    Bella muttered.

    Were gonnaummThrow a party! I yelled.

    Yes! Good plan! Jazz yelled.

    Esme and Edward will murder us. Bella warned.

    So what. Were immortal Bella. I pointed out, Jazz, youre in

    charge of inviting people. Bella, you help me decorate.

    Kay. Wadda bout a DJ? Bella asked.

    Jazz laughed. It was so obvious.

    I will Bella. I said matter-of-factly.

    Oh. Right. Lets get to it then!"

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    4 Hours and 273 Phone Calls Later:

    Kay, were done. Bella sighed. Even at vampire speed, that took


    But look! It. Is. Awesome!

    We waited for people to show up. Once everyone was there, I

    started the music. First was my favorite, I Kissed a Girl by Katie


    Emmett Cullen. Are you serious? Jazz asked.

    Yeah Jazz. Now shutcher trap and listen. I snapped.

    Bella was singing along. Man, Id like to see Rose kiss a girl.

    Of course, I noticed the family had come home when I thought

    that. Mind-reader boy is going to tell Rose. I get to die, again.

    Emmett, Jasper, Bella Cullen. Must you three always do

    something while were gone? Why cant you be good kids and

    watch T. V. or something? Give us a rest. Esme said when she got

    near us.

    But mommy dearest! Youre Emmie Bear likes his adventures!

    Jasper yelled out.

    Oh, no he didnt just call me Emmie Bear.

    Im not even gonna bother to ground you three. she sighed.

    Yes! Score!

    Eddie smiled. I wonder if hes told Rose yet.

    He shook his head and mothed Not yet, I havent.

    Please, Bro. Have mercy on my beautiful self! She will kill me!

    He smiled. Not gonna happen Emmie Bear.

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    Grr!!!!! Jerk.

    Decode by Paramore came on.

    OOH! I love this song! Alice yelled.

    Me too Ali! Rose yelled.

    Well, finally she tells me her favorite song!

    Edward rolled his eyes.

    GO LISTEN TO SOMEONE ELSES MIND! I yelled mentally.

    After The Party:

    Whoa, Em, that was fun! Bella yelled.

    Edward came up to her. Bella. Emmett and Jasper have officially

    corrupted you. Just think about what he will do to Nessie when

    shes around!

    Oh, come on Edward! Loosen up! she giggled.

    Emmett, Bella, Jasper. Esme said. Pick up this mess. You threemade it. She looked annoyed.

    Thats because she is you idiot. Edward pointed out.

    Kid, Im gonna beat you. Stay. Out. Of. My. Mind.

    Chapter 4 Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart;

    Yes, they were hunting again. Sometimes I think that they are on

    some of Carlisles drugs and they wont share. They say I get too

    weird on them. Anyways..Time to put plan Wal-Mart into action.

    Kay, Bells. Jazz. Listen up, were gonna go to Wal-Mart and do a

    bunch of crazy stuff to see if theyll kick us out. I explained as

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    quickly as I could.

    Yeah! Bella yelled. Good idea, Em!

    Thankies my sista. I said. I have no clue what thankies means,

    but Alice taught it to me, and it sounds cool. Now. Are we gonnatake my Jeep?

    Sure. Jazz said. SHOTGUN! Bella, you get back seat.

    Fine. she grumbled. She hated the back seat.

    TO WAL-MART! I screamed as loud as I could for dramatic


    At Wal-Mart:

    Okay guys. Time to put my brilliant plan into action. I said as the

    loudspeaker came on. Yes, perfect timing. I fell to the ground

    clutching my head and, screaming NO! GET OUT OF MY

    HEAD EDWARD!!! (Originally I was going to say Charles, but

    Edward fit better).

    Bella and Jasper were practically rolling on the ground with

    laughter, and people were looking at me like I was a lunatic. It was


    When the person was done talking I got up and brushed myself off.

    To the dressing rooms!

    I walked up to one of the open ones and told Jazz and Bella to wait


    Once I heard that the lady was at the desk I screamed, I THINK


    Then at vampire speed, I unlocked the door, and jumped out the

    top, landing by Jasper and Bella, who were crying they were

    laughing so hard. Well, not crying, but..whatever. You know

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    what I mean.

    To the old lady clothes!

    I walked up to a rack with long coats and hid inside it. Trust me,

    for a man my size, it was not easy. Bella and Jazz pretended to belooking at clothes. Finally, an old lady came to look at the coats,

    and I whispered, Pick me, pick me.

    When she went to look behind the coats, I ran at vampire speed to

    Bella and Jaspers sides, too fast for the lady to see. The lady

    looked up in shock, and then fainted. Jazz, Bella, and I were in

    hysterics.! I yelled out between laughs.

    I grabbed a hand full of bouncy balls and threw them down the

    isle. It was amusing to watch them bounce. When a Wal-Mart

    employee came to check it out, not noticing us, we walked out of

    the isle looking like any normal shopper.

    We gotta get a cart. I told them now, heading towards the front of

    the store.

    I grabbed a cart and told Bella to get in. Jasper wanted no part in

    this. Hes such an emo boy. Ugh! I ran at human speed and jumped

    on the cart. We were flying down the isles. It was a blast! Thats

    when I saw the employee. I stopped the cart right in front of him.

    Im sorry, he said politely, but Im going to have to ask you

    three to leave.

    Okay. Bells, Jazz, lets go home. Rose, Alice, Edward, Esme, and

    Carlisle should be back soon

    The worker was checking Bella out, and I didnt like that. So,

    Bells, what do you think yourhusbandis gonna do when he finds

    out about this?

    She looked at me with an eyebrow raised in question. I dont

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    know. Probably murder us. He over reacts all the time. she


    In The Jeep:

    Em, what was all that about? Back at the store? Bella asked.

    That weird worker dude was checking you out. I thought itd be

    fair to warn him you were a married woman. Im your older

    brother, thats my job.

    Suddenly, Lady GaGas song, Poker Face, came on. So I turned it

    up all the way, and sung at the top of my lungs.Great, I heard Jasper mutter, Hes gonna sing the entire way

    home. Why must he find ways to torture me so?

    Back At The House:

    You what?! Edward asked in fury.

    Uhm, gotkicked out of Wal-Mart? Bella said sheepishly.

    Bella! Edward yelled in exasperation, Why would you be so


    Im sorry, Edward. she whispered. She honestly looked like she

    wanted to cry.

    He looked at her and sighed. Im sorry for getting upset, love. You

    were just having fun.


    Do what?! Edward snapped.

    Get out of trouble!

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    Shes beautiful and irresistible. he stated simply.

    What? And Im not? Low blow, Eddie boy. I have just the thing


    Omghpqxyz. Emmett, please no. he pleaded. (About the

    omghpqxyz, I made it up one day by saying random letters

    after omg. It stands for, Oh My Gosh Hot People Quit

    Xylophones Yellow Zebras.)

    Im too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt. So sexy, it hurts!

    I started singing, taking off my shirt, and throwing it at Jasper, who

    was on the couch next to Alice.

    Emmett, do us all a favor, and put your shirt back on, please.

    Jasper muttered.

    Oh, shut it Jazzy. You know you like to look at these sexy


    Chapter 5 Rockband+ Esmes Furniture= Disaster

    Bella! Jazz! Guess what?! I screamed.

    You found your brain? Bella asked from the couch.

    I picked up a pillow and threw it at her. No. I got Rockband!

    NO WAY! Jasper yelled.

    Yes way! Wanna play?

    Yeah! Come on Bella! Ill play guitar, Emmett gets drums, andyou can sing. Jasper was so excited. Well, maybe my emotions

    were so strong they were causing him to be like this.. Its a


    Why does Emmett get drums? Bella was whining like a child.

    Psh, I was wayyyy to mature to act like that.

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    Cause he likes to hit things. Jasper stated simply. And he is a


    Grrrrrrrrr. Stupid emotion feeling vampire. Come on guys! I have

    it set up upstairs!We all ran really fast to the family room up there.

    What song do you want to play first? OH! We should video tape it

    and show it to Rose and the rest of the family! Another brilliant

    idea from muah!

    Yeah! Jazz agreed.

    Im So Sick, by Flyleaf, Em. Bella suggested.Kay. I went to the song and clicked the green drum.

    I will break into your thoughts

    With what's written on my heart

    I will break, break

    I'm so sick,

    Infected with where I live

    Let me live without this

    Empty bliss,


    I'm so sick

    I'm so sick

    If you want more of this

    We can push out, sell out, die out

    So you'll shut upAnd stay sleeping

    With my screaming in your itching ears

    I'm so sick,

    Infected with where I live

    Let me live without this

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    Empty bliss,


    I'm so sick

    I'm so sick

    Hear it, I'm screaming it

    You're heeding to it now

    Hear it! I'm screaming it!

    You tremble at this sound

    You sink into my clothes

    And this invasion

    Makes me feel

    Worthless, hopeless, sick

    I'm so sick,

    Infected with where I live

    Let me live without this

    Empty bliss,


    I'm so sick

    I'm so sickI'm so sick

    Infected with where I live

    Let me live without this

    Empty bliss, selfishness

    I'm so

    I'm so sick

    I'm so

    I'm so sick

    When the song was over I stared at Bella and Jasper. We. Were.

    AWESOME! That was great guys!

    Em, Im a girl.

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    You sure about that Bella? I teased.

    She got a murderous look on her face and lunged at me, smashing

    the drums, andEsmes couch. I got up and she smashed into me

    again, breaking the coffee table. Apparently Jasper was having toomuch fun watching me get beat up by a girl; that he didnt bother

    to help me. She lowered her mouth to my jugular and was about to

    bite, when Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Edward, and Rose came through

    the door.

    What. Happened. To. My. House?! Esme screamed.

    Crap, Jasper muttered.

    You are dead. She screamed.

    Esme! We arent technically living! I yelled out.

    Oops. Didnt mean to say that out loud. I. Am. A. Dead. Man.

    Yeah you are bro. Edward chuckled from beside me.

    Shut up. I muttered. Then I heard Esme hiss, so I looked at her.

    She looked scary. She looked like a vampire. I decided then, it was

    the time to run.


    screamed from the door.

    Whoa. Did Esme just say that? Hey! She called me fat.

    Chapter 6 Edwards Volvo:

    Hey Bells! Eddie left the Volvo here! Wanna go for a joyride? Iscreamed. I really didnt need to, but hey, it was fun.

    Em, ya dont gotta yell. she mumbled, bounding down the stairs,

    right into me.

    Bella, watch it.

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    Sorry Em.

    JAZZ! Oops. Jazz? Wanna come with me and Bella in the



    Kay! Im driving.

    Aaw! Emmett! Bella whined, I wanna drive!

    No. You get shotgun.

    Fine. Jazz, you get back seat!

    AAW! Fine.Lets go! TO THE VOLVO! I yelled, humming the James Bond

    theme song.

    20 Minutes Outside Of Forks:

    EMMETT! SLOW DOWN! Bella screamed in my ear.

    I looked at the speedometer. I was only going 180. Bella, we arevampires. We like to go fast.

    Not that fast!

    Fine. I said, slowing to 110, There. Happy?

    Well, its better. she mumbled.

    I turned to smirk at her, but ended up crashing into a pole. How

    that was possible, I have no clue my friend.

    EMMETT! Bella screamed.

    Im pretty sure if we werent vampires, wed be dead. D-E-D,

    dead. Its also a good thing we were in the middle of no where.

    Now, Id have to hide the trashed Volvo. So, I picked it up and

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    tossed it into the woods. There. All better.

    Come on guys, lets get home. Edward was gonna kill me.

    At Home:

    Okay. So we got home and watched T.V, when Edward, Alice,

    Rose, Carlisle, and Esme came through the door. Jasper and I

    agreed to think of something random, so Edward wouldnt know

    about the Volvo. So, I thought of hamsters, rainbows, and Lady


    What did you guys do this time? Edward asked suspiciously.Nothing.


    We all went to do our favorite things. Edward went to the piano,

    Jake and Nessie came to visit, Esme went to the garden, Carlisle to

    his study, Bella laid out in the sun, Jasper yelled at the X-Box

    'cause it cheated, Rose looked at herself, Alice was shopping

    online, and I was desperately trying not to think of EdwardsVolvo. Then I slipped. Edward took off for the garage.


    Holy sock puppet in a sausage factory. I was dead. Jasper was

    dead. Of course, Bella was loved.

    JASPER! RUN! I screamed.

    OH, NO EMMETT! YOU SLIPPED!? he screamed back at me.The last thing I saw was Edward chasing after me and Jazz with a

    chainsaw and matches.

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    Chapter 7 School, Substitutes, and GroundedAgain:

    We all had to go to school Monday. We also had to move to

    Minnesota. Carlisle and Esme were going hunting while we were

    at school.

    Me, Bella, and Jasper were still grounded for the Volvo incident,

    and had to buy Edward a new one.

    Mike was mad at us for the egging incident, we still werent

    allowed in Wal-Mart, and Esme was mad that her favorite couch

    was smashed. Whoa. Thats a long list.

    Emmett! the teacher yelled.


    What are the first six letters in pi? What? Were we in 2nd grade?


    That is correct. he said, carrying on with the lesson.

    Bella handed me a note.

    Em, It read.

    Didnt your momma ever teach you not to fall asleep in class?

    I sighed and wrote back.

    Bells, we both know I wasnt sleeping. I was thinking about all the

    trouble weve gotten in. 1. Newton. 2. Wal-Mart. 3. Esmes couch.

    4. Edwards Volvo. I mean, seriously! How much more trouble can

    one get into?!

    I folded it and handed it back to her. She read it with a smile on her

    face, wrote, and tossed it back.

    True. Maybe we should move some where cooler after this How

    about New York?

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    I smiled.

    New York would be nice Still, I wonder how long its gonna take

    till Edward kills me and Jasper.

    I was going to hand it back to her, but the teacherhe was a sub,and I always forgot his name, so I just called him Mr. Chapstick

    because Edward told me he hated Chapstick, and I made sure to

    use Chapstick in classtook the note, and read it. (In 7th grade,

    there was this sub we had, and he yelled at me for using

    Chapstick, so we called him Mr. Chapstick.)

    Should I read this to the class?

    Go ahead.

    He reread it and looked disappointed, cause it wasnt some sappy

    love letter.

    No. Its not a love letter. What is wrong with you man!? Shes my


    He looked up, shocked. Emmett, Bella, for disrupting my class,

    you can both go to the office.

    Fine, he wanted to play dirty? I could play dirty. Yes sir. I said,

    saluting him. Everyone laughed.

    His face turned red. Yo! Hey dude! I said, waving my hand in

    front of his face. You dont look to good. My dad is a doctor. I

    could call him for you. Oh! Your lips look chapped. Want some


    Get. Out. Of. My. Classroom.Come on Bells. Hes a scary man. I dont want my little sister

    getting nightmares. I said, grabbing her hand and jogging out of

    the class room.

    Esme was going to kill me.

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    Emmett. Were gonna be in so much trouble when we get home.

    She sighed, then, in Carlisles voice, No games, Jasper, Emmett,

    Bella. Hes gonna kill us Em!

    Aww, come on Bella. We cant get in thatmuch trouble. We areteenagers ya know. I said, walking into the office.

    Can I help you two? the lady at the desk asked.

    Yeah, umm, we got in trouble in Mr. Umm, the subs class. I


    She sighed. Well, since youre new here and the bell is about to

    ring for lunch, I am going to let you off with a warning.

    Yes! Hey, thanks! I yelled. Come on Bella!

    Emmett, youre so stupid. Bella said rolling her eyes.

    The bell rang. Bella! I yelled, stopping suddenly, Do you want a

    piggyback ride?!


    Aaw, come on! I said, flinging her on my back.


    I bursted out laughing, and headed for the cafeteria. When I walked

    in, everyone stopped talking and stared at us.

    Em, everyones staring. Bella whispered.

    What are you all looking at? I snapped at the people, and they all

    went back to what they were doing. Thats better.

    I heard Jasper from across the room. Emmett! Bella! Over here!

    Gosh, he didnt need to yell.

    When I got over there, I noticed that Alice and Eddie boy were

    missing. Wheres Pixie and her oh-so-lovely sidekick, the

    awesome Mess-With-Your-Mind boy? I asked.

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    I dont know, they arent here yet Oh, wait, theyre right there.

    Jasper said, looking towards the door.

    Eddie! Ali! Over here! I screamed. Jasper, Rose, and Bella all

    bursted out laughing.When Edward came over, I thought about that whole If looks

    could kill thing.

    Emmett. Why is my wife on your back? he hissed.

    She wanted a piggyback ride.

    Uh, Em? Maybe you should put me down now. Bella whispered

    in my ear. Unless you want another chainsaw episode.My eyes got wide; I shuddered, and dropped her to the ground.

    Emmett. Whyd you call me Eddie? he growled.

    Um. I was at a loss for words and scared for my life. Wait, Im

    not living, but well, you get my point.

    Edward snapped, and tackled me. Then he started to punch me. It

    didnt hurt, but it was kinda embarrassing.

    Edward! Edward get off of Emmett! Bella screamed.

    Alice was laughing, because she saw this coming, Jasper was

    shaking his head, and Rose was staring at us in horror.

    Jasper! Alice! Help me get Edward off of him! Bella yelled,

    grabbing Edward around the waist.

    Once they got him off of me, Bella turned to him. Edward, you

    need to cool off. Go outside with Jasper.

    He looked at me with hate, then turned and left with Jasper. Then

    some kid came in with the principal. Great.

    Whats going on in here?

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    Nothing sir.

    He turned and asked the kid something. The kid pointed to me,

    Bella, and then Edward who could be seen through the window.

    The principal beckoned us over. What happened?Edward came in the room.

    Nothing. We were just goofing around. I said innocently.

    He sighed. All three of you get detention.

    Well, that was a mistake to put all three of us in a room together.

    Edward nodded his head in agreement. Stupid vampire.

    Come with me. We have to call your parents.

    Em. Come on! Bella said. Esme was going to kill us. Then

    Carlisle would.

    Sit. Mr. Principal ordered when we got into his office. Who

    wants to be the one that calls?

    They all looked at me. Thanks guys.

    I will. He handed me the phone, and I dialed Esmes number.


    Hi mom.

    Emmett? Why are you calling me? Oh, no. What did you do?

    Mom, you, um, kinda have to come to the school.


    Hey! Dont blame me! Edward started it!

    She sighed. Carlisle and I will be there in a couple minutes.

    Kay. Bye mom.

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    Emmett, we are dead. Even more dead than when we crashed the

    Volvo. Bella muttered.

    Well thats not my fault is it? I said looking at Edward.

    I still havent forgiven you for that. Edward hissed.

    Will all three of you be quiet and stop bickering? Mr. Principal


    Well then.

    A couple minutes later, Carlisle and Esme showed up.

    What did you three do? Edward? I though it would be Jasper.

    Carlisle was completely silent.



    andand It all came out of Bellas mouth so fast that I could

    hardly understand any of it.

    Edward! You punched Emmett?! Carlisle yelled.

    Yeah. He deserved it.

    We need therapy. Esme mumbled. Bella, Emmett, you two are

    grounded for an extra month. Edw.

    Wait, The principal stopped her. They were already grounded?

    Yeah. They crashed Edwards Volvo. She said. Edward, no

    piano. Two weeks.

    What?! No!

    Yea. Emmett, no T.V. or video games.


    Bella, you have to go shopping with Alice.

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    Bella, who was standing up, fell, and Edward had to catch her.

    Well, I was going to give them detention, but Ill just give them a


    NO VIDEO GAMES!?! THAT WAS TORTURE! Rose will makeme hold the mirror for her! NO! Well, Bellas was worse. Hmm,

    maybe Ill go with them.

    But, you cant go back to class. You must go home for the rest of

    the day. Mr. Principal finished. You may go.

    Chapter 8: Protecting Bella and Shopping With Alice:

    Emmett! Bella! Were going shopping! I heard Alice yell.

    Oh man.

    NOOOO! Stay away from me evil! I screeched, making a cross

    with my fingers.

    Oh great gumdrops. I heard Bella say from beside me.

    Come on you two. Or Ill call Esme and tell her you arentlistening! The little pixie was threatening us! Jazzy you are

    coming too. Esme left me in charge.

    Alice please! Im begging you! Jasper pleaded, dropping to his

    knees. Sweetheart, plea

    Jasper. She snapped. You are coming with.

    At the mall5 hours later:

    Alice, can we please take a break? Bella asked after we walked

    out of Hot Topic... For the third time.

    Whatever. Lets go sit in the food court. She sighed.

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    We all walked over there, people staring the whole way.

    OOH! Jazzy, we have to run to American Eagle quick! She

    yelled at him.

    Oh, man. He complained, but got up anyways. That left me andBella alone.

    Well, Bella said, breaking the silence, at least that isnt us.

    Yeah, reall but some rude man cut e off, trying to flirt with


    Hey sexy. Whats your name?

    Um, Bella. She told him. Ugh Bella! You arent supposed to tellhim your real name!

    Pretty name. Im John. John James the fourth. And hopefully the

    last Would you like to take a walk with me? he had a very

    nasally annoying voice. I wanted to slap him.

    Go away. I warned, Bella looked uncomfortable.

    Or what? he challenged.

    I chuckled. Or Ill get herhusbandto come and hurt you. Or I

    could just do it. Im overprotective when it comes to my baby

    sister. Now leaveJohnnie boy or Ill hurt you.

    Youre married? he asked Bella.

    Yep! See, lookit my ring. Isnt it pretty? she asked, holding out

    her hand.

    He stared at it open mouthed, and then turned, tripping over arandom corndog laying on the ground, smashing his face into a

    plate of pizza, and knocking himself out. I looked at Bella, then

    burst out laughing.

    Oh, my gosh! What a moron! she yelled, falling backwards out

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    of her chair. Of course, that made me laugh harder.

    Will you quiet down? Alice yelled when she came back,

    Aliceyoushouldhaveseen that! I yelled out between

    laughs. Jasper calmed me down. He tripped over a corndog,smashed his face into some pizza, then got knocked out! It was

    worse than when Bella was a human!

    Alice chuckled a bit. We still have stores to go to guys. Come

    on! she yelled.

    6 hours and 426 shopping bags later:Home! Home at last! I screamed out once we got home.

    Drama queen. Jasper muttered from behind me.

    Emmett? What are you telling about? Esme asked, appearing at

    the door way.

    Oh Esme! Alice, she-she forced us to go shopping for nine hours!

    It was terrible! I wasnt even allowed to go to Game Stop! I

    screamed, grabbing her into a hug.

    Well, thats your fault for getting grounded. Esme muttered.

    You shouldnt have grounded me!

    EMMETT! STOP YELLING! everyone yelled at the same time.

    Well then.

    Fine. I muttered. Oooohh! Guess what! We went to Build-A-Bear! Rosie! I got you a teddy bear!

    Aw, Em. She said in a loving tone.

    His name is Sir Pickle Pants the Four-hundred-thousand, six-

    hundred-twenty-fourth. You have to call him by his full name all

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    the time.

    Uh, okay? her tone questioned my sanity.

    Em! Edward yelled from the living room. You have no sanity to


    Grr bro. Oh, hey! The chainsaw! You better run Eddie. Im gonna

    getcha. Emmie Bears gonna come after ya! Whoa. Wait. Did I just

    call myself Emmie Bear? What is wrong with me?

    I started the chainsaw and ran after Edward. SWEET REVENGE!

    Chapter 9: Fair anyone??

    Fair Anyone?


    Emmett, what on Earth are you screaming about? my wonderful

    mother asked me.

    Look! I thrusted the paper in her face.

    Hmm, a fair? Let me guess, you want to go?Yep!

    What is it Em? Bella asked, walking through the living room to

    come to the kitchen.

    A fair!


    Uh, Edward? Honey are you okay? Bella was trying not tolaugh.



    Jasper laughed from upstairs. Hmm, that was a good song. Shoes,

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    shoes, shoes, ohmigawd, shoes. Lets get some shoes, lets get

    some shoes, lets get some shoes, lets get some shoes. These shoes

    rule, these shoes suck. These shoes rule, these shoes SUCK!

    Emmett! Stop! he screamed.I chuckled. Then let me go to the fair. And I will stop.

    I think you have too many shoes, SHUT UP! I think you have too

    many shoes, SHUT UP! I think you have too many shoes, SHUT

    UP! I think you have too many shoes, SHUT UP!!! Stupid boy-

    Okay! We can go to the fair.

    Yay!!!!! I screamed.Whoa! Jasper yelled, jumping up and down.

    Uh, Jasper, why are you jumping? Esme asked.

    The excitement coming off of Emmett is very strong. Emmett!

    Calm down!

    At the fair;

    Yessssss! Lets go on the tea cup rides first! I laughed. They

    spun around and around and around and around. Whoa, I was

    making myself dizzy.

    Emmett, I dont think its possible for vamps to get dizzy. Have

    you gotten into Carlisles drugs again? Edward laughed,

    remembering the last time when I smashed Esmes window and

    she swore at me.Emmett, if you got into my drugs again, so help me, I will

    strangle you. Carlisle warned.

    I didnt! I swear! Im just really hyper!!! Actually, I did get into

    his drugs again, he didnt need to know that. Oh crap, Edward can

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    hear everything Im thinking.

    Carlisle, Emmett got into your drugs. Edward said, smirking.


    Wow, Ive never seen him this mad.

    So I ran. Accidentally hitting the Ferris wheel, which, in turn,

    rolled and hit the roller coaster. The roller coaster, which

    thankfully didnt have people on it, flew to the spinny ride thingy,

    and it broke it. Well, there went my idea of getting dizzy. Darn it.

    Edward ruined all my fun. Jerk. I looked around, there was no one


    Where is everyone? I asked.

    Um, Emmett, you didnt look at the time for the fair. It doesnt

    actually open until tomorrow. Bella laughed.

    Oops. Well, I dont think it will be opening tomorrow.

    Emmett. I am going to kill you. Again. Carlisle spit through his


    We really need a family therapy session. I heard Esme mutterbefore I ran for my un-dead life.

    Chapter 10:Family Therapy and Hearing Voices

    Esme, do we really all have to go to therapy? Edward was

    complaining non-stop.

    Yes. You can blame your drug addicted brother for that.

    I am not addicted to drugs. I defended. Carlisle growled from his

    study. Sorry Carizzle. I snickered. (Me and my best friend Amy

    call him that.)

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    Come on everybody. We have to go see Dr. Sullivian. Esme

    ushered the whole family out the door.

    I dont see why I have to pay for my moronic husband. Rose

    mumbled unhappily.

    At the therapists

    Hey Jasper, did you know that therapist separated into two words

    is, The Rapist? I asked.

    He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

    The Cullen family? Can you come with me? Dr. Sullivian will seeyou now. The secretary said, ushering us into his office.

    Hey there Dr. Sully. Whats crackalackin? I said, flopping onto

    the couch.

    Hello. I would like to have you all introduce yourselves. You


    Im Rosalie, and I have no reason to be here.

    Im Esme and I believe that my children need serious help.

    Im Carlisle and my children are maniacs.

    Im Bella and Emmett and Jasper make me do stupid things.

    Im Jasper and I really do not want to be here.

    Im Alice and I love to shop.

    Im Emmett and Edward hears voices in his head.

    Im Edward and Emmett is a drug addict.

    Um, okay. Rosalie, why do you think you dont need to be here?

    Because I am perfectly normal.

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    Oh, so staring at yourself in the mirror for three hours straight is

    considered normal? Edward asked, raising an eyebrow.

    And hearing voices in your head is normal? She snapped back.

    Okay. Esme, why do you believe your children need help?

    Because Jasper and Bella are always getting into trouble because

    Emmett talks them into doing things. Emmett always takes

    Carlisles drugs. Rosalie likes to look at herself, Alice shops too

    much, and Edward is, well, almost killed Emmett for ruining his

    Volvo. She sighed.

    Interesting. Emmett, why do you take your fathers drugs?

    Because they are yummy. I answered, smirking.

    Get that smirk off your face Emmett. Edward snapped.

    Make me Eddie. I said. I was testing him.

    Dont call me that.

    Oh, Im sorry. Do you prefer Dweeb? How about Nerd? Oh,

    maybe, stalker? Seeming as you practically stalked Bel

    He jumped on me and tackled me to the ground. He then wrapped

    his girly hands around my neck and pounded my head into the


    Edward, stop! Bella yelled, pulling him off of me. This just

    happened at school. Emmett, must you irk him so?

    The therapist looked at us in horror. That happens often?

    Yeah, only when it was Eddies Volvo, he chased me with achainsaw. I said, smiling the entire time.

    What?! he seemed like this wasnt normal. Well, I guess it

    wasnt for human families. It happened to us all the time.

    And when we were at the fair, Emmett knocked over all the rides.

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    Thank goodness nobody was there. It was all over Carlisles drugs

    and how Emmett had taken some that day. Bella explained.

    And that one time we got thrown in jail for bugging Mike

    Newton. That was great. I added.And the time Emmett got us kicked out of Wal-Matt. Jasper


    And the eating contest where both me and Jazz ended up puking,

    And when we broke Esmes furniture playing Rockband.

    And that guy at the mall who tried to flirt with me and ended up

    tripping over a corndog and getting knocked out by pizza. Bella


    The therapist looked at us, then fainted. I think that was our queue

    to leave.

    Uh, guys, I think we should leave. I dont think he can help us. I


    So we left. We werent called back for another session ever either. I

    dont think he likes us. Poor Dr. Sully. Oh look! A chair!

    Chapter 11:Restaurant Eating

    Bella, Jazz. Lets go eat at a restaurant! I shouted. I just saw a

    commercial for Applebees.

    Em, we dont eat. Jasper sighed.

    So! We can still drink! I think.

    No Emmett. You dont think.

    Shut up Edward.

    Yeah! Lets go! Bella was with me!

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    So in the end, me, Jazz, Bella, and Edward went.

    At Applebees

    What can I get you? the waiter was eyeing Edward. That was a

    little weird. Was he gay? Edward nodded in my peripheral vision.

    Haha. Gay guy goes straight for Eddie.

    Just some drinks. Jasper said.

    Okay. What kind?

    Surprise us! I blurted.


    The waiter left to get our drinks. Gah! Edward gasped.

    What? Bella asked, really concerned.

    The man is drugging my drink!

    I busted out laughing. He wants a piece of sexy Edward. Im sure

    Bella doesnt mind sharing. I chuckled.

    You just want a piece Em. Jazz mumbled.

    Well, duh. Everyone does.

    They all stared at me, wide eyed.

    Em, I dont roll that way. Eddie finally said.

    Does that mean you dont love me?

    Well of course I love you, just as-

    I cut him off. See! You do roll that way!

    Emmett. I love you as a brother. Thats it.

    So you dont want me?

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    I pouted. Fine. Ill go live with the Volturi. Theyll want me

    there. I sniffled.

    Emmett. We want you, just not that way. Edward said.

    So you do want me?

    Not that way.

    What way?

    The way youre implying.

    Im not implying anything.Yes. Yes you are. I. Am. Not. Gay.

    I never said you were.

    You said that you wanted a piece of me and that Bella could


    I was talking about your piano playing skills.

    What does that have to do with anything?


    Bella and Jasper were on the ground laughing.

    Youre doing this on purpose. Edward accused.

    Doing what?

    Trying to confuse me.

    Im not confusing you.

    Yes you are.


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    Youre making me think that you were implying something in

    your meaning but then saying that you werent.

    No Im not.

    Yes you are!


    He glared at me. What is he talking about? I wasnt doing


    Yes you were!



    Stop it! Both of you! Jasper yelled.

    We both glared at each other. I say we go home. Eddie doesnt

    want me. Ill walk. I said.

    See! Youre doing it again! he yelled.

    Doing what?!


    Lets go! Bella yelled.

    Im walking.

    No you arent. Edward said.

    You dont love or want me. Ill walk.

    Emmett, get in the car.


    Stubborn. he muttered.


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    Nothing. Get in the car.

    You said something.

    No I didnt.

    Yes you did.

    Nope. Now get in the Volvo.

    No, not until you tell me what you muttered.

    I didnt mutter-

    Bella cut him off. Edward! Just tell him!

    I called you stubborn.

    Why didnt you just tell me that?

    Get in the car Emmett.

    You dont want me.

    Are you PMSing?

    Am I what?Bella broke into hysterics. Are you getting a visit from Mother

    Nature Em? she laughed.

    Huh? what was she talking about?

    Seriously Em? You dont know what a period is? Jasper asked in


    No? What were they talking about??!!!

    Ask Rose when we get home. Bella giggled.

    Well then.

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    At Home:

    Rose told me what it was. That only happens to girls.

    Edward! That only happens to girls! Im not a girl! I yelled.

    You were acting like one! he yelled back.

    Boys! Esme screamed. Stop it!

    I punched Edward really quick, but Esme still saw.

    Emmett, go to your room.

    What!? Why?

    Because you punched Edward. Youre grounded.

    Fine. I clomped up the stairs to my room.

    Why did everyone hate me??????!!!!!!!!!