costea liviu europass-cv 25.06.2015

Page 1 / 2 Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Costea Liviu Ilie Timisoara (Romania) 0770 643 988 0740 909 709 [email protected] w w w . r o . linke d in . co m / in / c os t ea li v i u JOB APPLIED FOR WORK EXPERIENCE 07/2014–09/2015 Intership Process Enginering (student) Hella, Timisoara (Romania) 2014–2015 Project Coordinator at Technical Student Days (ZTS) The Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania) w w w . z t s . ls f m t. r o Valuing the creative potential of teenagers in the technical- scientific domain and their familiarization with top-edged technic. Technical Student Days (ZTS) offers an organized framework where attendants are going to highlight their creative capacity, to express their own ideas and where they have the possibility of promoting these ideas within specialized companies, including putting them into practice. For most students, finding a work place might be a difficult problem, which generates a rough situation. The main request of social integration, of economical participation of the youth and the existence of a workplace is not satisfied corresponding in the present society. 07/2014–09/2014 Intership Process Enginering (student) Hella, Timisoara (Romania) EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2012–2016 Facultatea de Mecanică Specializarea Mecatronică şi Roboţi industriali Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania) w w w . mec.upt. r o 2014–2015 PR & IT Director The Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania) w w w . l s f m t . r o 2013–2014 Finance Director The Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania) w w w . l s f m t . r o

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Europass-CV 25.06.2015


Page 1: Costea Liviu Europass-CV 25.06.2015

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Curriculum vitae


Timisoara (Romania)

0770 643 988

0740 909 709

[email protected]

w w w . r o . linke d in . co m / in / c os t ea li v i u



07/2014–09/2015 Intership Process Enginering (student)Hella, Timisoara (Romania)

2014–2015 Project Coordinator at Technical Student Days (ZTS)The Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania)w w w . z t s . ls f m t. r o

Valuing the creative potential of teenagers in the technical-scientific domain and their familiarization with top-edged technic. Technical Student Days (ZTS) offers an organized framework where attendants are going to highlight their creative capacity, to express their own ideas and where they have the possibility of promoting these ideas within specialized companies, including putting them into practice. For most students, finding a work place might be a difficult problem, which generates a rough situation. The main request of social integration, of economical participation of the youth and the existence of a workplace is not satisfied corresponding in the present society.

07/2014–09/2014 Intership Process Enginering (student)Hella, Timisoara (Romania)


2012–2016 Facultatea de MecanicăSpecializarea Mecatronică şi Roboţi industriali Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania)

2014–2015 PR & IT DirectorThe Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania)

2013–2014 Finance DirectorThe Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania)

2012–2013 Voluntary LSFMTDepartments Educaţional, PR&IT, Relaţii interneThe Student League of Mechanical Faculty Timisoara, Timisoara (Romania)


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Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production



Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s)

English B2 B2 B2 B2 B1

French A1 A2 A1 A1 A1

Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient userC o mm o n Eur o pea n F r a m e w o r k o f R e f e ren c e f o r L ang u age s

Communication skills - The ability to negotiate , and to form work teams

- I graduated from “Comunicare şi relaţii publice intra-organizationale” in 09.03.3013

- I participated in traing on communication 22.05.2013 by Flextronics

Organisational / managerial skills

- I mention that in college I graduated optional training program lasting 56

hours called „Desvoltare personală şi orientare pentru carieră”

- I participated in traing for representing the rights of students organized by Institutul Regional deTraing

- 21.05.2013 traing Leadership organized by Procter&Gamble

- 23.05.2013 traing Project Management organized by DURA Automotive System- Ability to analyze tasks and responsibilities burst in,- Capacity of professional skills of staff assessment and allocation of tasks- Teamwork- Monitoring team work (quality control)

Job-related skills - Ability to work with various programs and operating systems to work with in the field of mechatronics and robotics equipment. Also skills as the Designing, testing, installation and maintenance of industrial equipment. These skills have been acquired since high school where we had practice at various companies in the field of mechatronic continuing during the various laboratories optional Stage practice and work to various companies.

- In 2013 I represented Romania in a competition Chemnitz, Germania appointed solaris-CupSachsen 2013 traditional category with a solar powered machines.

Computer skills Office, Autocad, Catia, Pro-E, FluidSIM,Visual basic, Adobe Photoshop.

Driving licence B