counter-terrorism as a tool of preventive diplomacy: the ... · counter-terrorism as a tool of...

Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism Preventive Diplomacy as it is displayed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Presentation by the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mr. Farhan Alfarhan, Political coordinator Mr. Waleed Albawardi, Political advisor UNITAR, New York 11 th of November 2011 Preventive diplomacy is any action taken to: Prevent disputes from arising between parties Prevent existing disputes from escalating into conflicts Limit the spread of the latter when they occur

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Page 1: Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The ... · Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism Preventive Diplomacy

Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The United Nations Centre for


Preventive Diplomacy as it is displayed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Presentation by the delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaMr. Farhan Alfarhan, Political coordinator Mr. Waleed Albawardi, Political advisor

UNITAR, New York

11th of November 2011

Preventive diplomacy is any action taken to:

� Prevent disputes from arising between parties

� Prevent existing disputes from escalating into conflicts

� Limit the spread of the latter when they occur

Page 2: Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The ... · Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism Preventive Diplomacy

They include (and are not exclusive to):

� Early Warning

� Fact-findings

� Early deployment

� Demilitarized zones

� Confidence and Capacity building measures.

� Combating Terror and attempts to disrupt peace.

I. Measures to address the conditions conductive to the spread of terrorism

II. Measures to prevent and combat terrorismIII. Measures to build States' capacity to

prevent and combat terrorism and to strengthen the role of the United nations system in this regard

IV. Measures to ensure respect for human rights for all and the rule of law as the fundamental basis of the fight against terrorism

Page 3: Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The ... · Counter-Terrorism as a tool of Preventive Diplomacy: The United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism Preventive Diplomacy

� In 2005, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia convened the International Counter-Terrorism Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

� At the Conference, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz proposed the creation of a centre to support, under the aegis of the UN, international efforts to enhance international counter-terrorism cooperation.

� Member States acknowledged that the question of creating an International Centre to fight terrorism could be considered, as part of the international efforts to enhance the fight against terrorism in The UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/60/288)

� The proposal was again considered by Member States on the sidelines of the Second Review of the Counter-Terrorism Strategy in September 2010

� This provided the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force Office (CTITF) with the basic mandate to proceed with exploring the terms of reference of a centre.

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� To support implementation of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/60/288)

� To foster international counter-terrorism cooperation

� To help address Member State capacity building needs

� To develop a comprehensive database of counter-terrorism best practices to support international counter-terrorism cooperation

� To organize international, regional and national workshops and conferences to promote awareness, build capacities, and strengthen political support for the United Nations counter-terrorism efforts.

� The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will contribute an amount of US$9 million to the United Nations Department of Political Affairs Trust Fund for Counter-Terrorism, under the sub-heading “The United Nations Centre for Counter Terrorism (UNCCT)”.

� The amount of US$9 million will be disbursed over a span of three years, and will be administered in accordance with the Terms of Reference of the UN Trust Fund for Counter-Terrorism:

◦ US$3 million annually for the first three years

◦ US$1 million as a contingency budget, subject to a request from the Executive Director to the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia.

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� The UNCCT will be established within the CTITF Office

� The Chairman of the CTITF will be Executive Director of the Centre

� The work of the Centre will be managed in accordance with UN rules and regulations

� An Advisory Board of no more than 20 Member States, representing all regions of the world, will provide guidance to the Executive Director of the Centre.

� A small team of Professional and General staff members, with a Manager-cum-Coordinator will run day-to-day affairs of the Centre.

� Advisory Board Up to 20 Member States

� Executive Director Chairman CTITF

� Manager-cum-Coordinator Professional (one new)

� Professionals / Budget Experts Professional level (four new)

� General Support/Assistant General Staff (three new)

� Total 8 (eight new)

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� An Advisory Board of no more than 20 Member States, representing all regions of the world, will provide guidance to the Executive Director of the Centre

� H.E. Abdallah Y. al-Mouallimi, Permanent Representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations, will be the Chairman of the Advisory Board for the first three years after the establishment of the Centre

� Next Chairman of the Advisory Board will be nominated by the Advisory Board

� Advisory Board will provide guidance to the Executive Director on:◦ Annual Plan & Program of Work◦ Annual Budget◦ Programs, Project and Proposals

� The Executive Director will take into account the guidance provided by the Advisory Board.

A/66/L.6/REV1 Agenda Item 118 DRAFT REV 1 Final

The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism

The General Assembly,

Recalling all its resolutions on measures to eliminate international terrorism

and Security Council resolutions on threats to international peace and security

Caused by terrorist acts,

Reaffirming its resolutions 60/288 of 8 September 2006, 62/272 of 5 September 2008, and 64/297 of September 2010 and 64/235 of 24 December 2009

concerning the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy,

Noting with appreciation the Contribution Agreement to Launch the United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism (UNCCT) signed between the United Nations

and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the 19th of September 2011,

1. Welcomes the establishment of the United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism (UNCCT) at United Nations Headquarter; and

2. Welcomes the decision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to fund for three years, the United Nations Centre for Counter-Terrorism established within the

United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF) to be funded through voluntary contributions;

3. Notes that the Centre will operate under the direction of the Secretary General of the United Nations and will contribute to promote the implementation of

the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy through the CTITF;

4. Encourages all Member States to collaborate with the United Nations

Centre for Counter-Terrorism in the contribution of the implementation of its activities in support of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

5. Decides to review the implementation of this resolution at the 68th session of the General Assembly in the framework of the 4th biannual review of the UN

Global Counter-terrorism Strategy.