counting in spanish by: jayda huitt dr. nesmith october 25, 2007 4 th grade

Counting In Counting In Spanish Spanish By: Jayda Huitt By: Jayda Huitt Dr. NeSmith Dr. NeSmith October 25, 2007 October 25, 2007 4 4 th th Grade Grade

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Counting In Counting In SpanishSpanish

Counting In Counting In SpanishSpanish

By: Jayda HuittBy: Jayda Huitt

Dr. NeSmithDr. NeSmith

October 25, 2007October 25, 2007

44thth Grade Grade

Learning Another Learning Another LanguageLanguage

Learning another language is hard, although while you read Learning another language is hard, although while you read through this power point you will be amazed at how easy learning through this power point you will be amazed at how easy learning numbers in another language is!! Please take your time and read numbers in another language is!! Please take your time and read each slide carefully, at the end of the power point there will be an each slide carefully, at the end of the power point there will be an activity and a quiz, both of them will show how much you have activity and a quiz, both of them will show how much you have learned!learned!

Numbers 1-5 in Spanish

• Uno

• Dos

• Tres

• Cuatro

• Cinco

• means 1 in English

• means 2 in English

• means 3 in English

• means 4 in English

• means 5 in English

Numbers 6-10 In Spanish

• Seis

• Siente

• Ocho

• Nueve

• Diez

• Means 6 in English

• Means 7 in English

• Means 8 in English

• Means 9 in English

• Means 10 in English

Your Doing Great!Now lets learn the next 5

numbers!• Once-Means 11 in

English• Doce-Means 12 in

English• Trece-Means 13 in

English• Cuatorce-Means 14

in English• Quince-Means 15 in


The next few are tough, But I know you

can do it!!• After the number 15-quince, the number 16 in Spanish

is Diec-i-seis.• You add 10(Diez) and the I (and) with seis which is 6 in

Spanish.• Change the Z on the Diez to C!• So in English you are adding 10 plus 6, which is 16!• So now you do it, what is 17 in Spanish? -It is Diecisiete!(To hear the Pronunciation go to this website!)

Wow! What a great Job!These are the last

numbers you will learn! • Dieciseis-Means 16

in English• Diecisiete-Means 17

in English• Dieciocho-Means 18

in English• Diecinueve-Means

19 in English• Viente-Means 20 in


Lets Say them together!!

• Uno• Dos• Tres• Cuatro• Cinco• Seis• Siete• Ocho• Nueve• Diez

• Once• Doce• Trece• Cuatorce• Quince• Dieciseis• Diecisiete• Dieciocho• Diecinueve• Viente

Lets Make it Challenging!Lets say them Backwards!!

• Viente• Diecinueve• Dieciocho• Diecisiete• Dieciseis• Quince• Cuatorce• Trece• Doce• Once

• Diez• Nueve• Ocho• Seite• Seis• Cinco• Cuatro• Tres• Dos• Uno

Adding Numbersby Matching

(Remember in Spanish Y means plus in English)

• Tres y Uno = ?

• Cuatro y Tres =?

• Dos y Uno =?

• Cuatro y Uno=?

• Uno y Uno=?

• Seite (7)

• Cinco (5

• Dos(2)

• Cuatro (4)

• Tres (3)

Now Subtract by Matching!

(In Subtracting, Menos means minus)

• Cuatro menos uno=?

• Tres menos dos=?

• Uno menos Nueve=?

• Diez menos Ocho=?

• Dos (2)

• Ocho (8)

• Tres (3)

• Uno (1)

Congratulations!!• You did it! You have now learned a very large part of

counting in Spanish!! I knew you could do it!! Just remember to memorize those numbers and say them over and over again in your head!! By the end of this year you will be a Spanish pro!!