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‘A vibrant, modern and regional commercial hub with a high standard of living for her residents through the use of ICTies’ OCTOBER 2015 BARINGO COUNTY GOVERNMENT COUNTY ICT ROADMAP 2015 - 2020

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  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    ‘A vibrant, modern and regional commercial hub with a high standard of living for her residents

    through the use of ICTies’

    OCTOBER 2015


    COUNTY ICT ROADMAP2015 - 2020

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    While submitting the ICT Roadmap, IPA Consultants take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders for the cooperation extended, timely inputs provided and hospitality extended, during the various stages of our assignment. We would like to acknowledge that the successful completion of our assignment is largely as a result of the stakeholder’s level of commitment and involvement in understanding the purpose and importance of the assignment.

    We are confident that the future of Policy formulation in Baringo County is in the hands of stakeholders who possess a sound understanding of the way forward. Most important is the clarity and unanimity that exists between the stakeholders, in recognizing the common objectives from a central viewpoint, that constitutes the prerequisite for success in achieving ICT Roadmap objectives. We look forward to the opportunity of future interaction and guidance, if any is required from us by the stakeholders, as they move forward to undertake initiatives or realign projects already in progress, with the objectives of an integrated environment as per the National ICT master plan.

    We are confident that the Baringo County is moving ahead with a clear vision and towards attaining objectives that will not only strengthen the functioning and efficiency of each stakeholder but will further enable the stakeholders to interplay effectively to position in attaining a unique and contributing position in the competitive regional environment, wider perspectives in facilitation and important long term programmes


    Mr. John Liboyi

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    H.E. Hon Benjamin Cheboi

    Governor, Baringo County

    The world economy is experiencing the impact of rapid globalization, the emerging new information age and the dynamic Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which is bringing about a new global economic order to be dominated by information and knowledge-based economies.

    The emerging information age is characterized by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and it is having an impact on socio-economic development efforts in a number of countries as well as counties in Kenya especially those that are focused on ICT utilization and the development of ICTs. In the information age it is not possible for a County to remain competitive, even in its traditional areas of comparative advantage, without using and developing ICTs to support its developmental process.

    Counties out of the capital city in Kenya are confronting new additional challenges as a result of the globalization process and the emerging new information age. Without an appropriate ICT Roadmap, the counties risk worse socio-economic status that can be promoted by the digital divide.

    Having recognized and accepted the importance and role of ICTs in Baringo’s socio-economic development, and committed to minimize the digital divide, the County Government of Baringo has developed this ICT Roadmap to guide her utilization and development of ICTs for socioeconomic development. To support implementation of this policy, there shall be a County Governance Planning Committee.

    As part of this ICT Roadmap commitment, special policy initiatives will be devoted to promoting foreign direct investment in the area of ICTs including, financial and capital investments in the local communication sector; joint venture arrangements in developing the local ICT sector; technology transfer capital investment initiatives and investments with research and development component as well as human resource development components in the area of ICT skills and other information economy related skills to aid the socio-economic development process of Baringo County.

    I call upon all residents of Baringo County and our cooperating partners, to support my County Government’s effort to promote the development and utilization of ICT.

    H.E. Hon Benjamin CheboiThe Governor, Baringo County


  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020










    1.1.1. COUNTY VISION 8

    1.1.2 CORE VALUES 9







    2.3. FINANCING PLAN 14






















  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    ICT Information and Communication TechnologySWOT Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and ThreatsNGO’s Non-Governmental OrganisationsIFMIS Integrated Financial Management information SystemPC’s Personal ComputersCCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCOBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related TechnologyMCA’s Members of County AssemblyCRM Customer Relationship managementSMS Short Message Service


  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    Information Technology (IT) is a dynamic aspect in the society. One important part of it is the application of IT in delivering services in Government. This technological revolution enabled the introduction of new services, better and faster delivery of existing ones and cheaper and more effective communications between different agencies. Nearly all developed nations regard developing an ICT Roadmap as a key strategy for ensuring their success in the 21st century.

    The purpose of the consulting assignment was to create the high level plan for an ICT integrated environment in the County of Baringo to be able to create connectivity across systems and improve service delivery. This is therefore the Roadmap that all stakeholders of the sector can adopt and keep in view while embarking on computerization initiatives in their respective spheres of activities and legal domains.

    The ICT Roadmap presents opportunities and challenges to transform both the operational process of government, and the nature of governance itself. It impacts on most functions in government agencies, the private sector and civil society. In the long term, it has the potential to positively change the County operations and the interaction of citizens and businesses with government. Strong leadership can support ICT programs and drive IT improvements by encouraging and promoting new projects among public servants and citizens. The degree of centralization is a key component of management because it determines the level of interaction between administrative agencies involved in IT projects.

    To implement the plan successfully, it is important to have appropriate strategies. This Roadmap seeks to identify some of the best practices in strategies and management development. In this report, we identify several critical factors that influence ICT development programs. It further identifies and analyses numerous types of strategies.

    Surveys and site visits provided valuable information regarding management and strategies. Creating the survey involved researching similar surveys and working with County’s staff and the Public of the County. A set of core questions were used for study interview. Survey results gave a general understanding of the status in the County. Through the survey results and site visits, it was learned that multiple entities are involved in the ICT strategic implementation process, ranging from educational institutions to government agencies. In addition, the trend is toward creating a centralized method for citizens to obtain information through state web portals and other forms of enterprise architecture. The findings show the importance of strong leadership in furthering ICT initiatives which emphasizes the importance of devising strategies.

    For successful implementation of this strategy, an implementation matrix outlining financial requirements, proposed activities and programs have been defined. It is highly recommended that the County undertakes to carry out monitoring and evaluation exercises to make sure that these activities are undertaken within the timeframe that is clearly defined.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a key enabler in allowing Governments improve service delivery, reduce the cost of service delivery and increase the reach of Government services.

    The ICT Roadmap for Baringo has been developed by the County Government of Baringo with help from ICT Authority, World Bank and IPA Consultants, as a guide to how the County designs its ICT services and structures to deliver positive outcomes for its customers – Citizens, County Staff, Business Community and other stakeholders.

    The principles within this Roadmap provide a framework for how ICT services will be designed, sourced, delivered and how digital services can support ways of working where the customer experiences real benefits – convenience of access to government services such as online and mobile access to government portals, improved experiences in customer care such as elimination of queues in government offices and extension of government services to underserved communities in urban and rural areas.

    The objectives of the County ICT Roadmaps are:

    1. To develop a coordinated and coherent approach for ICT Roadmap development and guidelines which will enable each County to provide high-quality and cost-effective ICT-enabled services that meet the needs of County residents.

    2. Foster innovation, best practice, and value for money in the use of ICT in management of County resources, learning and Citizen Outreach.

    3. To define the conditions under which it will be possible to provide a shared and optimized ICT infrastructure with appropriate user support and standards for the National and County governments in Kenya.

    4. Develop an ICT Strategy Roadmap for the next five years:

    Baringo County ICT Roadmap covers initiatives and strategies developed for the whole county in reference to previous sector plans and policies that have been produced for the County that require ICT as an enabler. The ICT Roadmap was developed with consultations of various stakeholders including all County Government Departments.

    1.1.1. County vision

    Vision: To be the most attractive, competitive and most resilient County that affords the highest standard of living and security for its residents.

    Mission: To transform the livelihoods of Baringo residents by creating a conducive


  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    framework that offers quality services to all citizens in a fair, equitable and transparent manner by embracing community managed development initiatives for environmental sustainability, adaptable technologies, innovation and entrepreneurship in all spheres of life.

    1.1.2 Core Values

    • Honesty, integrity and prudent use of public resources

    • Environmental sustainability

    • Good governance, Transparency and Accountability

    • Harmonious and peaceful coexistence

    • Equitable, Inclusive and People-driven leadership

    • Commitment to team work and appreciation for diversity

    • Commitment to results

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    1.1.3 County Socio-economic Data

    Location and Size

    Baringo County is located in the former Rift valley Province of Kenya. It covers an Area of 11,015 km2 and the temperatures range from a minimum of 100c to a maximum of 35.00 c in different parts of the County. The rainfall varies from 1000 to 1500mm in the highlands to 600mm per annum in the lowlands.

    Lake Bogoria’s Geysers &Hot Springs and the Equator Line crossing at Mogotio are the key national monuments in the County.


    As per the 2009 Population and Housing Census, the total population of Baringo County stood at 555,561 at an inter-censual population growth rate of 3.21%.

    Economic Drivers


    Tourism and wildlife in the region are the main economic drivers/boosters. They form a basis for economic growth due to its picturesque landscapes which include; Rondinin (Simut) and Kipng’ochoch cliffs, Tugen Hills and Chebloch Gorges. The County also has other attraction sites such as Lake Baringo which is a home for over 400 species of birds, occasionally including migrating flamingoes. Lake Bogoria is a popular tourist attraction site due to its active geyser which is believed to be medicinal.

    Besides the above mentioned attraction sites there are other attractions like Kabarnet Museum which attracts over 2000 visitors annually and Ruko Conservancy consisting of bush-land and about 10km of shoreline.


    The major farming activities include dairy farming and growing of crops such as maize, groundnuts, cotton and coffee. Other regions of the County are mainly rangelands with the rearing of goats, sheep, cattle, camels. Bee keeping also forms the major livestock activities.

    Natural Resources

    Baringo County boast of its endowment of mineral materials such as Ruby, Fluorite deposits, carbon dioxide, sand, ballast and quarrying.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    There is also the need for internet connectivity as well as office phone installation (intercom) to facilitate communication.

    State of ICT in Sub counties and Wards

    At the Sub-County and the ward levels, there are challenges such as lack of sufficient computers, Network and Internet connectivity, competence levels of staff in regard to ICT skills and also procurement procedures. Some of the priority areas at the sub-county levels are the need for Internet Connection and Computer Hardware procurement and also periodic training of staff on ICT skills. Sub-County website is also important in communicating with the stakeholders.

    2.2. Current State-COBIT Analysis

    ICTs can be used as a tool to facilitate efficient delivery of services, improve accountability and transparency while increasing public participation in the political processes. However, successful implementation of ICTs in County governments faces many challenges and requires legislative, budgetary, and technical coordination as well as political support without which the ICT opportunities will remain unrealized.

    As a way of guiding the County through the above ICT challenges, Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) has been proposed as a benchmark for maturity modelling of County ICT maturity. The COBIT Framework consists of linkages between organizational and ICT objectives and provides mechanisms for continuous measurement and maturity of ICT processes. These processes were clustered into seven elements as listed below:

    • Strategy & Governance (7Processes)

    • Financial Management (3 Processes)

    • Personnel & Resource Management (3Processes)

    • Service Planning & Architecture (6 Processes)

    • Infrastructure & Operations (6 Processes)

    • Security (6 Processes)

    • Applications (3 Processes)

    The COBIT framework proposes a systematic and coherent maturity of all the above seven elements as the basis for sustainable ICT development within the County. There are six levels (stages) of ICT maturity ranging from Level ‘0’ through ‘5’, with Level ‘1’ being set as the BENCHMARK target.

    The County should aim to achieve Level ‘1’ status by performing various activities

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    under each listed process as defined in the COBIT‘s Process-Activity. Once Level ‘1’ status is achieved, the County embarks on refining and continuously improving on the execution of these processes as it matures through Level ‘2’ and beyond. The proposed ICT Governance & Management Framework maturity Levels (0-5) map well onto the generic maturity model proposed by ICT Authority as shown in Figure 2 below.

    Enablers: Policy, Literacy Equipment, Infrustructure, Data

    Exploiters: Applications: Planning, finance, administration, M&E, social management

    Enterprisers: Revenue collection systems, cloud Public Services

    Empowerers: Innovative products & services, county


    Figure 2: Generic ICT Maturity Level

    The Enabler stage maps onto Level 1 where basic ICT enablers are in place. The Exploiter stage maps onto Level 2 where systems are implemented to deliver internal efficiency. The Enterpriser stage maps onto Level 3 where ICT infrastructure and applications deliver a good return on investment while supporting ICT businesses. Finally, the Empowerer stage maps onto Level 4 where innovative ICT systems emerge and thrive - given the prevailing and highly mature ICT environment. The Current State shows the County’s performance along the seven elements of the ICT Governance & Management Framework.

    Figure 3: Current State

    Baringo ICT Governance & Management Framework Summary

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    The Chart in Figure 3 above summarises the County performance along the seven domains of the ICT Governance & Management Framework. This ideally shows the maturity levels of the County along the seven domains of the ICT Governance and Management Framework.

    It is advisable that the County ensures they reach the benchmark state as soon as possible to pave way to the strategic development into the eventual desired future state. Ideally, the benchmark state is in this case treated as one level above the current state and is also the best practice for all the counties and should be emulated and reciprocated in the development goals of the County. After the County satisfies the requirements for the benchmark state, they should proceed to satisfy the requirements of the desired ICT future state for the County.

    According to the above ICT Governance & Management Framework Summary chart, all the seven domains are scoring below the BENCHMARK state:

    1. Strategy & Governance

    2. Financial Management

    3. Personnel & Resource Management

    4. Service Planning & Architecture

    5. Infrastructure & Operations

    6. Security

    7. Applications

    This is due to the County underperforming in the following specific processes which ideally scored below level 1 as indicated in Table 1.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    Strategy & Governance

    PO1: Define a strategic IT plan.

    PO6: Communicate management aims and direction.

    PO9: Assess and manage IT risks

    PO10: Manage Projects

    ME1: Monitor & Evaluate IT Performance

    ME4: Provide IT governance

    Financial ManagementP05: Manage IT Investments

    DS6: Identify and Allocate Costs

    Personnel & Resource Management DS7: Educate Train Users

    AI4: Enable Operation & User

    Service Planning & Architecture

    P02: Define Information Architecture

    P03: Determine Technology direction

    P08: Manage Quality

    AI3: Acquire & Maintain Technology Infrastructure

    Infrastructure & Operations

    AI6: Manage Changes

    DS3: Manage Performance & Capacity

    DS8: Manage Service Desk & Incidents

    DS9: Manage Configurations

    DS10: Manage Problems & Incidents

    DS13: Manage Operations


    ME2: Monitor& Evaluate Internal Control Adequacy

    ME3: Ensure Compliance with external requirements

    DS4: Ensure Continuous Service

    DS5: Ensure System Security

    DS11: Manage Data


    AI1: Identify Automate Solutions

    AI2: Acquire & Maintain Applications

    AI7: Install & Accredit Solutions and Changes

    The interpretation of the above is that within the County, none of the above processes are existent. Baringo County needs to satisfy the above needs and stablish the stated processes to be able to atleast measure up to te best practices for ICT governance and management. Once this is achieved, the processes can be scored at atleast level 1.

    2.3. Financing Plan

    According to CRA- Commission on Revenue Allocation County Budget Report 2013-14, Baringo County the ICT Budget was Kshs 32.7 million representing 0.7% of the total budget., Of this, Kshs 10.6 million (32.4%) on hardware and infrastructure, Kshs 9.7 million (29.7%) on software, Kshs 12.3 million (37.9%) was spent on administration, consultancy and training.

    From the findings, it is noted that the ICT budget is still low and there is need for the next level of the COBIT Framework. There are currently no ICT services provided by the County that attract user fees. The County does not have any SLA’s or lease arrangements with any ICT provider or supplier of services.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    3.1. Desired State Description

    The ideal general state of ICT in each County can be realized in four main approaches i.e. Connected County Government, Citizen Satisfaction Connected Citizens and Connected Legislators. These approaches constitute the four themes for the County Roadmap for the attainment of the desired ICT maturity levels.

    The first theme, Connected County Government seeks to ensure an ideal ICT environment for government-government interactions for the purpose of both national and County level development. The second theme, Citizen Satisfaction, is geared towards the ideal state of ICT in the County, focuses on enabling connectivity between the government and its citizens. Thirdly, the Connected Citizens theme builds on the Citizen Satisfaction pillar focusing on enhanced citizen-citizen connectivity from government efforts in ICT; and finally, the Connected Legislators theme looks at the ideal state of ICT at which the County facilitates the interactions of the County leaders with citizens.

    The summaries for the desired end-state descriptions along the four themes are shown in Figure 4 below:

    Figure 4: Desired End-State Description

    • Integrated ICT infrastructure

    • Enhanced Information security

    • Automated service delivery systems

    • Effective and Efficient Service delivery

    • Well-Defined ICT Strategic plan &policies

    • Paperless Offices

    • Adequate and well trained staff

    • Better staff collaboration

    • Data visualization dashboard

    • Better security and surveillance systems

    • Well Informed Citizenry

    • Broad-band connectivity

    • Radio and TV coverage

    • Toll free USSD’s

    • E-Citizen Portal for Information sharing

    • ICT incubation and Innovation Hubs

    • ICT literacy and empowerment Programs

    • Modern Information Centres/ ICT ‘kiosks’

    • Established Help Desks and call centres

    • Digital Economy-Online payments of permits

    • Online Job Applications

    • Integrated Public Interaction systems such as Bulk SMS’s, USSD’s and E-portals

    • E-learning systems

    • Public Participation systems

    • Live Broadcast of county Assembly Proceedings

    • Web and Mobile technologies

    • Social Media

    • Capacity Building of MCA’s and other County Assembly staff

    • Digital Record Management systems

    • Electronic Voting systems

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    3.2. Desired State-COBIT Analysis

    In addition to the four themes described above, IPA used the COBIT framework for modelling the County ICT maturity. The model puts the County in a level on the basis of its maturity ranging from level ‘0’ through ‘5’ with level ‘1’ being set as BENCHMARK target. The framework aims at tasking the County to always aim a level higher by performing activities under each process and in that way aiding at the desired state of ICT.

    The desired state of the County within the next five years is automatically placed one level above its current state across all the 34 processes reduced to the seven elements. Figure 5 is a summary of the desired state of ICT Governance and Management Framework with respect to Current and Benchmark States in Baringo County.

    Baringo ICT Governance & Management Framework Summary

    Figure 5: Desired State

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    3.3. Financial Policy and Strategy for ICT

    Primarily, the County Government can fund the foundational pillars through a re-focused expenditure planning model, as adopted from the Kenya National ICT Master Plan of 2014. This can be facilitated through the County budget and allocations on ICT increasing to 5% of County Government budgets; as per the international benchmark.

    Secondly, counties can also leverage on funding their priorities by approaching development partners who have ICT at the top of their support lists to meet the costs of ICT related expenditure. Creation of strategic mutually-beneficial partnerships with e-ready states in sectors such as education, tourism and entrepreneurship, counties can effectively leverage these partnerships for ICT funding.

    Thirdly, the County ICT Roadmap can be financed through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). ICT projects have a high risk associated with their implementation. These can be overcome by working with a partner that has demonstrated ability to deliver. One trend is to use a shared services approach to the provision of public services. The County should explore partnerships with universities and youth polytechnics to offer training and ICT literacy programmes to staff and citizens.

    The introduction of user fees and special taxes to populations engaging in County-owned ICT equipment is also a type of funding for the ICT Roadmap. Special taxes will include licenses and rates for the various entities interacting with the ICT segment. The user fees will include membership and access to public computers, internet connectivity, County ICT databases and libraries among others. This category of funding will fundamentally aid in maintenance of the equipment, and ensure accountability in the uses of the various hardware and software.

    There is need to enact policies that are suitable for promoting sharing of costs and liabilities while promoting for sustainable work methods such as service level agreements ensuring that the County gets value in ICT investments. Open Data and Open Source Legislation will enable the County utilize existing Data) while open Source will lower the cost of implementing systems.

    There is need to fundraise regionally and also to pool resources for purposes of implementation of shared services, thus two or more counties can get together to implement systems that are cross cutting and of value to all the regions concerned. A case in point is Revenue Collection Systems and Health Information Systems.

    Finally, the Roadmaps can also be funded through direct investment ventures. The creation of investor friendly environment at the National and County levels is a potent channel through which counties can realize growth in their ICT environment. The clear vision articulated in the Roadmap would provide a viable profile through which investors can develop solid development-based inputs into the counties.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    4.1 Connected County Government

    Connected County Government theme looks at ICT as driver of County productivity and internal business, shared services (email, VoIP communication, videoconferencing, collaboration, and social media), project management, etc. Table 2 below shows flagship projects, their desired outcomes and the strategies needed to be implemented towards development of the ICT roadmap.

    Flagship Projects Desired Outcomes Objectives

    • Development of an Integrated ICT Network Infrastructure

    • Equipment of sub-County offices with ICT equipment

    • Integration of Health management systems

    • Acquisition of Project management systems

    • Revenue collection systems

    • Implementation of the available GIS system

    • Establish Integrated Data Centers

    • Enhanced interconnectivity across departments, across County Government and across Sub Counties.

    • Efficient and timely service delivery through services such as paperless Office

    • Improve ICT Governance

    • Improve access to and quality of services through Digital 24/7 services

    • Improve Health Information Sharing using Health Information Systems

    • Development of an integrated ICT network infrastructure by 2017

    • Equipment of sub-counties offices with ICT equipment by 2018

    • Acquisition of an Integrated Health Management system by 2019

    • Automation of all revenue areas by September 2016

    • Acquisition of a project management system by August 2017

    • Lobby for increase of funds/ICT budgets from the current 0.7% to a minimum of 5% by 2019

    • Establishment of a unified communication framework by December 2015

    Flagship Projects Desired Outcomes Objectives

    • Lobby for the Last-mile connectivity of NOFBI to the Sub-County and Ward offices

    • Establish Incubation Hubs/ Entrepreneurship centres in the County

    • E-learning systems

    • Establishment of Citizen satisfaction Index Systems- for online survey

    • Bulk SMS systems and USSDs and social media platforms to link the County Government to the Citizens of Baringo

    • Increased productivity amongst the citizens due to connectivity

    • Enhanced business processes and innovations for the youth to promote self-employment and increase revenue per capita

    • Established distance learning

    • Transparency in service delivery by the County government

    • Development of an incubation hub by 2018

    • Lobby the national government for the last-mile connectivity by 2017

    • Establishment of E-learning systems by July 2016

    • Putting in place a bulk SMS system by December 2015

    Table 2: Summary of Flagship Projects under the Connected County Government theme

    Table 3: Summary of Flagship Projects under the Citizen Satisfaction theme

    4.2. Citizen Satisfaction

    This theme considers delivery of E-government services and use of ICT as a driver of County ministries and departments, public service board up to sub-County and ward level. Table 3 below shows the summary of the flagship projects, desired outcomes and the objectives under the Citizen Satisfaction theme.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    4.3. Connected Citizens

    Under this theme, we look at ICT as a driver of business and industry. This entails the empowering of business people, youth, women and special groups, availing of data and information for trade and investment for citizens, providing information on business opportunities in the County, information on social economic status of the County, linkages of citizens to business or employment opportunities, etc. Table 4 below shows a summary of Flagship Projects, desired outcomes and the strategies under the Connected Citizen theme.

    Flagship Projects Desired Outcomes Objectives

    • Digital Literacy Programmes to empower citizens and create self-sufficiency in ICT skills

    • E-Citizen Portal for information sharing

    • Surveillance systems

    • Empowering Communities with ICT tools and knowledge for self-organization and project management

    • Provision of ICT literacy skills to the citizens of Baringo County to create self- sufficiency in ICT skills.

    • Improved ICT literacy amongst citizens of Baringo by 15% in two years

    • Online interaction through e-portals for information sharing

    • Improved security alerts and warning

    • Enhanced skills of project management amongst the citizens

    • Development of digital literacy programmes by 2017

    • Installation of security surveillance systems by 2018

    • Establishment of E-portal system by July 2017

    Connected Legislator Desired Outcomes Objectives

    • Public Participation System- Live Broadcasts of County Assembly proceedings

    • Web, Mobile and Social Media enabled system for citizens access and feedback

    • Electronic Document Management System

    • Integrated live Broadcast Technology System

    • Incorporating Radio, TV, Internet and Mobile technologies

    • ICT Proficiency Capacity Building Program for staff and all assembly members (MCAs)

    • Transparent and accountable legislative arm of government

    • Public participation on legislative issues of the County government

    • More ICT compliant Members of County Assembly

    • Strategies

    • Frequency licensing for local radio/TV broadcast by 2016

    • Employ electronic management and digitization of bills and legislative proposals by 2018

    • Procurement of a biometric check-in system by 2020

    Table 4: Summary of Flagship Projects under the Connected Citizen theme

    Table 5: Summary of Flagship Projects under the Connected Legislator theme

    4.4. Connected Legislator

    The theme looks at strategies towards ICT being as a driver of legislative assembly productivity, collaboration, communication and services. Table 5 below shows a summary of Flagship Projects, desired outcomes and the strategies under the Connected Legislator theme.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    4.5. COBIT Implementation

    The need for ICT Governance & Management (ICT G&M) is widely recognized by top leadership and management as an essential part of enterprise or corporate governance. Information and the pervasiveness of information technology are increasingly part of every aspect of business and public life. This has added pressure to drive more value from IT investments and manage an increasing array of IT-related risk.

    Increasing regulation and legislation over business and public use of information is also driving heightened awareness of the importance of a well-governed and managed ICT environment.

    ISACA developed the COBIT framework to help organizations implement sound governance practices for the ICT domain. Indeed, implementing good governance is almost impossible without engaging an effective ICT governance framework. COBIT provides a framework, best practices and standards to support ICT governance.

    However, frameworks, best practices and standards are useful only if they are adopted and adapted effectively. There will be challenges that need to be overcome and issues that will need to be addressed if ICT Governance & Management is to be implemented successfully.

    COBIT: Implementation provides guidance on how to do this and covers the following subjects:

    1. Positioning ICT G& M within an enterprise

    2. Taking the first steps towards improving ICT G& M

    3. Implementation challenges and success factors

    4. Enabling ICT G& M-related organisational and behavioural change

    5. Implementing continual improvement that includes change management and programme management

    6. Using COBIT and its components

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    Figure 6: COBIT implementation Phases (source ISACA

    Counties are advised to engage a qualified (certified) COBIT implementer from ISACA-KENYA Chapter (, to guide them through the implementation process.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    Soh Bong Yu , a leading Korean e-Government specialist identifies the following five major areas for ensuring successful implementation of e-Government initiatives as articulated below in Figure 6.

    Figure 7: Critical Success Factors

    Source: Soh Bong Yu, “e-Government of Korea: How we have been working with it”

    Vision, Objectives and Strategy

    A long-term plan with a clearly articulated vision and strategy is vital to the implementation of e-government. A quick fix or piecemeal approach will not work. The more effective approach is to think big and have a big picture (top-down design), but to start small and prioritize tasks (bottom-up) during the implementation process. The County Vision must therefore be available, with the ICT County Vision clearly aligned accordingly. In sum, successful e-government initiatives require:

    • A clear vision by the leaders

    • Strong support from citizens

    • Sustainable ICT Agenda setting

    Laws and Regulations

    Soh Bong Yu says that it is important to plan for sufficient time and effort for legislative changes that may be required to support the implementation of new processes. The following laws need to be in place for e-government initiatives to succeed:

    • Laws on privacy and related issues such as the Data Protection Act.

    • Laws related to changes in business processes and information systems such as the e-Transaction Act.

    • Laws & Regulations regarding the government information technology Architecture and Data Centres



    Laws &Regulations



  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    Organizational structures

    The effort required in change management should not be underestimated. Soh Bong Yu emphasizes that the organizational restructuring required to correspond to e-Government initiatives will typically take up between 30 and 50 per cent of total change management effort. Change in organization structures must therefore be well planned and implemented in a systematic manner. The following are important in successfully effecting organizational change:

    • Strong leadership with commitment

    • Planning – IT management and change management

    • Budget preparation and budget execution

    • Coordination and collaboration

    • Monitoring and performance measurements

    • Government-private sector-citizen partnership

    Business Process

    The existing way of doing county business may not necessarily be the most appropriate or effective. One of the tools to do business process innovation is Business Process Reengineering (BPR). BPR involves redesigning the work flow within or between department levels to increase process efficiency (i.e. to eliminate inefficiency in the work process). Counties should have a major review of existing processes with a view to re-defining them in order to leverage on ICTs.

    Information Technology

    Information technology changes rapidly. Soh Bong Yu identifies the following factors to consider when choosing technology and vendors are:

    • Level of application technologies required

    • Network infrastructure

    • Interoperability

    • Standardization

    • Technical and human resource capabilities

    The following milestones will indicate critical areas of achievements throughout the implementation of projects:

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    • Milestones under the Vision, Objectives and Strategy are the existence of an overall Governance Planning Committee, or an established Project Management Office / Team. This office or team will be responsible for all aspects of the ICT, the existence of an ICT Strategic Plan and Policy for the Guiding the County.

    • Allocation of adequate budgets and financing plan to prioritized projects in the ICT Roadmap.

    • Advertisement of projects in the daily newspapers, and processing of the same up to award of the contract

    • Documents that are critical are the award of the contract, agreements, payment of mobilization fees, and inception reports

    • Periodic performance monitoring, evaluation, reporting and reviews and taking appropriate corrective actions through meetings indicates progress

    • Risks Assessment and Mitigation needs to be in place in the project planning

    • A change management and capacity building plan must be developed and focus on staff skills and capacity and managing culture and group dynamics. An external and internal communication strategy must be developed and change agents and champions identified and incorporated in the plan.

    • User trainings and continuous testing to ensure users are capable of using the technologies. These trainings must focus on both internal users as well as external users of the new ICT technologies and services.

    • The existence of appropriate project implementation plans to ensure projects are prioritized on the basis of sequencing first followed by impact and costs.

    • Commissioning of projects indicates a milestone in terms end of the project.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020



    Projects for quick wins were derived from the process of selection and prioritization a workshop held by the County stakeholders and IPA Consultants. These quick win projects can be implemented within 6 months to one year. The projects are seen as the quick wins that the County can easily implement simply because they are not capital intensive. Integrated ICT infrastructure is capital intensive which is a five year plan but it is a crucial element in the attainment of any ICT service. The County should focus on the development of basic ICT infrastructure such as putting in place structured cabling within the County and also at the sub-County levels. This lays the ground for the development of an Integrated ICT infrastructure. Table 6 below shows the flagship projects that can be implemented within six months to one year.

    Quick win Project Budgets Start Date Duration

    Development of basic ICT Network Infrastructure 46m Sept-15-2015 1 year

    Bulk SMS and USSDs 15m Nov- 20-2015 4 months

    Digital Literacy Program centres 20m Sep-20-2016 1 year

    Public Participation System- Live Broadcasts of County Assembly proceedings

    7m July -2016 I year

    E-procurement systems 25m Aug-2017 6 months

    HR management systems 15m Sept -2019 10 months

    6.1 Roadmap Financing

    Baringo County requires a robust financing mix of the internal equity and limited debt to realise the ambitions roadmap. The financing model should include successive and incremental allocations to ICT in line with the requirements of the ICT National Masterplan. In addition, the County should take advantage of the huge partnerships that exist to foster resource mobilisation. The private sector participation is critical in financing this roadmap.

    1. Private Sector:

    The private sector presence offers opportunity to develop the infrastructure, collaborations in joint ventures, feedback, learning and monitoring of the existing systems. The presence of telecommunications such as Safaricom and Jamii Telcom provide possible areas of financing infrastructure.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    2. Development Partners

    The County should leverage on multilateral development partners to finance this roadmap. The existing laws allow County Governments to engage the development partners with the national Government serving as guarantors. The County Government should take advantage of such opportunities to both material and in-kind ICT development.

    3. County Budget Allocation and Resource Sharing within Departments

    The County will work to consolidate all Departments ICT Budgets and their implementation plans were possible to ensure sharing of ICT resources. The County will also ensure an allocation of at least 3% - 5% of the total County budget to ICT over the roadmap implementation period.

    4. National Government ICT Flagship Projects

    The County will also work closely with the National Government in rolling out the ICT Flagship projects in the County. In addition, the County Government shall take advantage of its positioning on the northern corridor to tap into the benefits that connect Kenya’s largest cities- Nairobi and Baringo that pass through Baringo County.

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

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    P.O Box 30025-00100,Nairobi Kenya

    Tel: (+254) 4920000 / 1

    Email: [email protected]


    ICT Authority

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    P.O. Box 27150 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

    t: + 254-020-2211960/62

    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


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    The County Government of Baringo

    BOX 53-30400 KABARNET,

    +254 (05322115)

    email: [email protected], [email protected]

  • Baringo County Government ICT Roadmap 2015-2020


    Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology

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